
EOE-031 / EOE-041 Introduction to Soft Computing (Neural
Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm)
EOE-032 / EOE-042 Nano Sciences
EOE-033 / EOE-043 Laser Systems and Applications
EOE-034 / EOE-044 Space Sciences
EOE-035 / EOE-045 Polymer Science & Technology
EOE-036 /EOE-046 Nuclear Science
EOE-037 / EOE-047 Material Science
EOE-038 / EOE-048 Discrete Mathematics
EOE -071 Entrepreneurship Development
EOE-072 Quality Management
EOE-073 Operations Research
EOE-074 Introduction to Biotechnology
EOE-081 Non Conventional Energy Resources
EOE-082 Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
EOE-083 Product Development
EOE-084 Automation & Robotics
3 1 0
Thermodynamic equilibrium, cyclic process, enthalpy, Zero, first and second laws of thermodynamics,
carnot cycle, concept of entropy, properties of steam, processes involving steam in closed
and open systems, Enthalpy.
Vapour Pressure Cycles:
Rankine cycle, reheat cycle, Regenerative cycle
Steam Turbine:
Classification, impulse and reaction turbines their velocity diagrams and related calculations, workdone
and efficiencies, re-heat factor, staging, bleeding and governing of turbines.
Gas Turbine:
Classification, Brayton cycle, working principle of gas turbine, gas turbine cycle with intercooling,
reheat and regeneration, stage and polytrophic efficiencies.
Classification, single and multistage reciprocating compressors, isothermal and volumetric
efficiencies, centrifugal and axial flow compressors, surging, choking and stalling.
I.C. Engines:
Otto, Diesel . and Dual cycles, introduction to 2-stroke and 4-stroke SI and CI engines, indicator
diagram and power measurement.
Impact of Jet:
Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving surface ( flat and curve), effect of
inclination of jet with the surface.
Hydraulic Turbines:
Classification, heads and efficiencies, construction, working, work done and efficiency of impulse and
reaction turbines.
Centrifugal Pump::
Classification, construction, working, work-done, efficiencies, cavitation and priming; jet pump
Reciprocating Pump:
Classification,construction, working, work-done, slip and coefficient of discharge.
Text Books:
1. Onkar Singh “Applied Thermodynamics” New Age International, 2006
2. R.K.Rajput “ A Text Book of Hydraulic Machines” S. Chand & Co.,2008.
Reference Books:
3. P.L.Ballany “Thermal Engineering “ Khanna Publishers, 2003
4. R.K.Bansal “A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” Laxmi Publications,
3 1 0
Unit – I :
Function of Complex variable
Analytic function, C-R equations, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula for derivatives of
analytic function, Taylor’s and Laurent’s series, singularities, Residue theorem, Evaluation of real integrals of
the type and 10
Unit – II :
Statistical Techniques - I
Moments, Moment generating functions, Skewness, Kurtosis, Curve fitting, Method of least squares, Fitting of
straight lines, Polynomials, Exponential curves etc., Correlation, Linear, non –linear and multiple regression
analysis, Probability theory. 08
Unit – III :
Statistical Techniques - II
Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions, Sampling theory (small and large), Tests of significations: Chisquare
test, t-test, Analysis of variance (one way) , Application to engineering, medicine, agriculture etc.
Time series and forecasting (moving and semi-averages), Statistical quality control methods, Control charts, ,
R, p, np, and c charts. 08
Unit – IV : Numerical Techniques – I
Zeroes of transcendental and polynomial equation using Bisection method, Regula-falsi method and Newton-
Raphson method, Rate of convergence of above methods.
Interpolation: Finite differences, difference tables, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation , Lagrange’s
and Newton’s divided difference formula for unequal intervals. 08
Unit – V :
Numerical Techniques –II
Solution of system of linear equations, Gauss- Seidal method, Crout method. Numerical differentiation,
Numerical integration , Trapezoidal , Simpson’s one third and three-eight rules, Solution of ordinary
differential (first order, second order and simultaneous) equations by Euler’s, Picard’s and forth-order Runge-
Kutta mehthods. 08
Test Books :-
1. Peter V. O’Neil, Advance Engineering Mathematics Thomson (Cengage) Learning, 2007.
2. Jain, Iyenger & Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation, New Age
International, New Delhi , 2003.
3. J.N. Kapur, Mathematical Statistics, S. Chand & company Ltd.,2000
Reference Books :-
1. R.K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publication House, 2002.
2. Chandrika Prasad, Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Prasad Mudralaya, 1996.
3. E. Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
4. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
5. Devi Prasad, An introduction to Numerical Analysis, Narosa Publication house, New Delhi 2006.
6. T. Veerajan & T. Ramchandrandran, Theory & Problems in Numerical Methods, TMH, New Delhi,
7. S.P.Gupta, Statistical Methods, Sultan and Sons, New Delhi, 2004.
8. Devore, Probability and Statistics, Thomson(Cengage) Learning, 2007.
9. Walpole, Myers, Myers & Ye, Probability and Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, Pearson Education,
3 1 0
Introduction to continuous time signals and systems: Basic continuous time signals, unit step,
unit ramp, unit impulse and periodic signals with their mathematical representation and
characteristics. Introduction to various types of systems.
Analogous System: Linear mechanical elements, force-voltage and force-current analogy,
modeling of mechanical and electro-mechanical systems: Analysis of first and second order linear
systems by classical method. (9)
Fourier Transform Analysis : Exponential form and Trigonometric form of Fourier series,
Fourier symmetry, Fourier Integral and Fourier Transform. Transform of common functions and
periodic wave forms: Applications of Fourier Transform to network analysis. (8)
Laplace Transform Analysis : Review of Laplace Transform , Laplace Transform of periodic
functions, Initial and Final Value Theorems, Inverse Laplace Transform , Convolution Theorem,
Superposition Integral , Application of Laplace Transform to analysis of networks, waveform
synthesis and Laplace Transform of complex waveforms. (8)
State – Variable analysis : Introduction, State Space representation of linear systems, Transfer
Function and state Variables , State Transition Matrix, Solution of state equations for
homogeneous and non-homogeneous systems , Applications of State-Variable technique to the
analysis of linear systems (8)
Z-Transform Analysis : Concept of Z-Transform, Z-Transform of common functions, Inverse ZTransform,
Initial and Final Value theorems , Applications to solution of difference equations,
Pulse Transfer Function. (7)
Text Books:
1. David K.Cheng; “Analysis of Linear System”, Narosa Publishing Co.
2. ME Van-Valkenberg; “ Network Analysis”, Prentice Hall of India
3. C.L.Wadhwa, “Network Analysis and Synthesis”, New Age International
4. Samarajit Ghosh, “Network Theory: Analysis and Synthesis” Prentice Hall of India, 2008
Reference Books:
5. Choudhary D.Roy, “Network & Systems”, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
6. Donald E.Scott, “Introduction to circuit Analysis” Mc. Graw Hill
7. B.P. Lathi, “Linear Systems & Signals” Oxford University Press, 2008.
8. I.J. Nagrath, S.N. Saran, R. Ranjan and S.Kumar, “Singnals and Systems, “Tata Mc. Graw
Hill, 2001.
9. Taan S. Elali & Mohd. A. Karim, “Continuous Signals and Systems with MATLAB” 2nd Edition, CRC Press.
3 1 0
(1) Philosophy Of Measurement: Methods of Measurement, Measurement System, Classification of
instrument system, Characteristics of instruments & measurement system, Errors in measurement &
its analysis, Standards. (3)
(2) Analog Measurement of Electrical Quantities : Electrodynamic ,Thermocouple, Electrostatic
& Rectifier type Ammeters & Voltmeters , Electrodynamic Wattmeter, Three Phase Wattmeter,
Power in three phase system , errors & remedies in wattmeter and energy meter. (5)
Instrument Transformer and their applications in the extension of instrument range, Introduction to
measurement of speed , frequency and power factor. (6)
Measurement of Parameters: Different methods of measuring low, medium and high resistances,
measurement of inductance & capacitance with the help of AC Bridges, Q Meter. (7)
(1) AC Potentiometer: Polar type & Co-ordinate type AC potentiometers , application of AC
Potentiometers in electrical measurement (3)
(2) Magnetic Measurement: Ballistic Galvanometer , flux meter , determination of hysteresis loop,
measurement of iron losses. (4)
(1) Digital Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Concept of digital measurement, block diagram
Study of digital voltmeter, frequency meter Power Analyzer and Harmonics Analyzer; Electronic
(2)Cathode Ray Oscilloscope : Basic CRO circuit (Block Diagram),Cathode ray tube (CRT) & its
components , application of CRO in measurement ,Lissajous Pattern.; Dual Trace & Dual Beam
Oscilloscopes. (3)
Text Book:
1. E.W. Golding & F.C. Widdis, “Electrical Measurement &Measuring Instrument”, A.W.
Wheeler& Co. Pvt. Ltd. India.
2. A.K. Sawhney,“Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instrument”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons ,
India .
Reference Books:
3. Forest K. Harries,“Electrical Measurement”,Willey Eastern Pvt. Ltd. India .
4. M.B. Stout ,“Basic Electrical Measurement” Prentice hall of India,India.
5. W.D.Cooper,” Electronic Instrument & Measurement Technique “ Prentice Hall International.
6. Rajendra Prashad ,“Electrical Measurement &Measuring Instrument” Khanna Publisher.
7. J.B. Gupta, “Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments”, S.K. Kataria & Sons.
3 1 0
Special Diodes-
LED, Varactor diode, Photo diode, Schottky diode, Tunnel diode; their characteristics and
Transistors as a switch.
Frequency Response:
Amplifier transfer function, low and high frequency response of common emitter and common
source amplifiers.
General feedback structure; properties of negative feedback; series-series, series-shunt, shuntseries
and shunt-shunt feedback amplifiers.
Basic principle of sinusoidal oscillator, R-C Phase Shift and Wein Bridge oscillators, tuned
oscillators- Collpits and Hartley; Crystal oscillator
Combinational Logic Circuits: Multiplexers/Demultiplexures, Encoders/Decoders.
Sequential Logic Circuits: latches, flip-flops- S-R, T, D, J-K.
Shift Registers: Basic principle, serial and parallel data transfer, shift left/right registers,
universal shift register.
Counters: Mode N Counters, ripple counters, synchronous counters, ring/Johnson counters.
OP-AMP applications - Astable, Monostable and Bistable multivibrators, Schmitt trigger, IC-
555 Timer, A/D and D/A converters.
Voltage Regulators: Series, shunt and switching regulators, op-amp based configurations.
Memories: Introduction to ROM, RAM; Sequential Memory, Memory organization.
Text Books:
1. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith “Microelectronics Circuits” Oxford University Press ( India)
2. Malvino & Leach, “Digital Principles and applications” Tata Mc. Graw Hill
3. R.A. Gayakwad “Op amps and Linear Integrated Circuits” Prentice Hall of India.
4. Balbir Kumar and Shail B.Jain, “Electronic Devices and Circuits” Prentice Hall of
Reference Books:
1. Taub & Schilling “Digital Electronics”- Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Anil K. Maini, “Digital Electronics: Principles and Integrated circuits” Wiley India Ltd,
3. Millman, J. and Grabel A, “Microelectronics” Mc Graw Hill
4. Anand Kumar, “Switching Theory and Logic Design” Prentice Hall of India, 2008.
5. Aloke. K. Dutta, “Semiconductor Devices and circuits”, Oxford University Press, 2008.
0 0 2
Note: Minimum seven experiments out of the following list:
MATLAB Based Experiments
1. Solution of linear equations for under damped and over damped cases.
2. Determination of eigen values and eigenvectors of a square matrix.
3. Determination of roots of a polynomial.
4. Determination of polynomial using method of least square curve fitting.
5. Determination of polynomial fit, analyzing residuals, exponential fit and error bounds from the
given data.
6. Solution of differential equations using 4th order Runge-Kutta method.
7. Solution of differential equation using revised Euler method.
8. Solution of difference equations.
9. Determination of time response of an R-L-C circuit.
10. College may add any three experiments in the above list.
Text/Reference Books:
1. Almos Gilat, “MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications” Wiley India Ltd., 2004.
2. R.P. Singh, “Getting Started with MATLAB” Oxford University Press.
0 0 3
Note: Minimum of nine experiments from the following:
1. Calibration of ac voltmeter and ac ammeter
2. Measurement of form factor of a rectified sine wave and determine source of error if
r.m.s.value is measured by a multi-meter
3. Measurement of phase difference and frequency of a sinusoidal ac voltage using C.R.O.
4. Measurement of power and power factor of a single phase inductive load and to study effect of
capacitance connected across the load on the power factor
5. Measurement of low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge
6. Measurement of voltage, current and resistance using dc potentiometer
7. Measurement of inductance by Maxwell’s bridge
8. Measurement of inductance by Hay’s bridge
9. Measurement of inductance by Anderson’s bridge
10. Measurement of capacitance by Owen’s bridge
11. Measurement of capacitance by De Sauty bridge
12. Measurement of capacitance by Schering bridge
13. Study of Frequency and differential time counter
14. College may add any two experiments in the above list
0 0 2
Note: Select at least any five out of the following:
1. To Plot V-I characteristics of junction diode and zener diode.
2. To draw wave shape of the electrical signal at input and output points of the half wave, full
wave and bridge rectifiers.
3. To Plot input / output characteristics for common base transistor.
4. To Plot input /output characteristics of FET and determine FET parameters at a given
operating point.
5. To determine voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance of
common emitter amplifier.
6. To determine voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance and
frequency response of R-C coupled common emitter amplifier.
7. To design R-C Phase shift / Wein Bridge oscillator and verify experimentally the frequency
of oscillation.
8. To study transistor as a switch and determine load voltage and load current when the
transistor is ON.

Note: Select at least any five out of the following:
9. To study application of Operational Amplifier as summer integrator and voltage
10. To study operation of Op-Amp based astable and monostable multivibrators.
11. To study operation IC 555 based astable and monostable multibrators.
12. To study operation of (a) multiplexer using IC 74150 (b) demultiplexer using IC 74138.
13. To study operation of Adder / Subtractor using 4 bit / 8 bit IC 7483.
14. To study operation of (a) J K Master – slave flip – flop using IC 7476 (b) Modulo N
counter using programmable counter IC74190.
15. To verify experimentally output of A/D and D/A converters.
16. To study regulation of unregulated power supply using IC 7805/7812 voltage regulator and
measure the load and line regulations
3 1 0
Unit – I
Principles of Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion - Introduction, Flow of Energy in
Electromechanical Devices, Energy in magnetic systems(defining energy & Co-energy) , Singly
Excited Systems; determination of mechanical force, mechanical energy, torque equation , Doubly
excited Systems; Energy stored in magnetic field, electromagnetic torque , Generated emf in
machines; torque in machines with cylindrical air gap . (7)
Unit – 2
D.C. Machines:- Construction of DC Machines, Armature winding, Emf and torque equation ,
Armature Reaction ,Commutation , Interpoles and Compensating Windings, Performance
Characteristics of D.C. generators. (9)
Unit –3
D.C. Machines (Contd.):- Performance Characteristics of D.C. motors ,Starting of D.C. motors ; 3
point and 4 point starters , Speed control of D.C. motors: Field Control , armature control and Voltage
Control (Ward Lenonard method); Efficiency and Testing of D.C. machines (Hopkinson’s and
Swinburn’s Test). (8)
Unit –4.
Single Phase Transformer: Phasor diagram, efficiency and voltage regulation, all day efficiency.
Testing of Transformers: O.C. and S.C. tests, Sumpner;s test, polarity test.
Auto Transformer: Single phase and three phase auto transformers, volt-amp, relation, efficiency,
merits & demerits and applications.
Unit –5
Three Phase Transformers: Construction, three phase transformer phasor groups and their
connections, open delta connection, three phase to 2 phase, 6 phase or 12 phase connections, and their
applications, parallel operation and load sharing of single phase and three phase transformers,
excitation phenomenon and harmonics in transformers, three winding transformers.
Text Books:
1 I.J. Nagrath & D.P.Kothari,” Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill
2 Husain Ashfaq ,” Electrical Machines”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
3 A.E. Fitggerald, C.Kingsley Jr and Umans,”Electric Machinery” 6th Edition
McGraw Hill, International Student Edition.
4 B.R. Gupta & Vandana Singhal, “Fundamentals of Electrical Machines, New Age International.
Reference Books:
5 Irving L.Kosow, “Electric Machine and Tranformers”, Prentice Hall of India.
6 M.G. Say, “The Performance and Design of AC machines”, Pit man & Sons.
7 Bhag S. Guru and Huseyin R. Hizirogulu, “Electric Machinery and Transformers” Oxford
University Press, 2001.
3 1 0
Unit – I:
Graph Theory : Graph of a Network, definitions, tree, co tree , link, basic loop and basic cut set,
Incidence matrix, cut set matrix, Tie set matrix Duality, Loop and Nodal methods of analysis. (7)
Unit – II:
Network Theorems (Applications to ac networks): Super-position theorem, Thevenin’s theorem,
Norton’s theorem, maximum power transfer theorem, Reciprocity theorem. Millman’s theorem,
compensation theorem, Tellegen’s theorem. (8)
Unit – III :
Network Functions :
Concept of Complex frequency , Transform Impedances Network functions of one port and two port
networks, concept of poles and zeros, properties of driving point and transfer functions, time response
and stability from pole zero plot. (8)
Unit – IV :
Two Port Networks:
Characterization of LTI two port networks ZY, ABCD and h parameters, reciprocity and symmetry.
Inter-relationships between the parameters, inter-connections of two port networks, Ladder and
Lattice networks. T & Π Representation. (8)
Unit – V :
(a) Network Synthesis :
Positive real function; definition and properties; properties of LC, RC and RL driving point functions,
synthesis of LC, RC and RL driving point immittance functions using Foster and Cauer first and
second forms.
(b) Filters:
Image parameters and characteristics impedance, passive and active filter fundamentals, low pass,
highpass, (constant K type) filters, and introduction to active filters. (9)
Text Books:
1 M.E. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, Prentice Hall of India
2 A.Chakrabarti, “Circuit Theory” Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3 C.L Wadhwa, “Network Analysis and Synthesis” New Age International Publishers, 2007.
4 D.Roy Choudhary, “Networks and Systems” Wiley Eastern Ltd.
5 Donald E. Scott: “An Introduction to Circuit analysis: A System Approach” McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
6 M.E. Van Valkenburg, “An Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis”,Wiley Eastern Ltd.
7 N.C. Jagan and C. Lakshminarayana, “Newwork Analysis” B.S. Publications, 2008.
8 K.S. Suresh Kumar, “Electric Circuits and Networks” Pearson Education, 2009.
9 A Ramakalyan, “Linear Circuits: Analysis and Synthesis” Oxford University Press, 2005.

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B.TECH. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING - by project uploader - 03-03-2012, 10:06 AM

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