LECTURER IN POLITICAL SCIENCE - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper


1.Thomas Hobbes' 'Leviathan' represents :
(A)Democratic Power
(C ) Limited Power
(D) Absolute Power

2."An Essay Concerning I Human Understanding" is written by :
(A)John 1 ocke
(B)Thomas Hobbes
(C )T.H. Green

3.The concept of "Felicific Calculus" is associated with :
(C )Utilitarianism

4.Whobelieved that human beings in the state of nature as "noble savage" ?
(C )Locke

5."Covenants without the sword are but words, and of no strength to secure a man at all" Where this quotation is taken from ?
(A)De Cive
(B)The Social Contract
(C )Leviathan
(D)On Liberty

6.The political thinker who regarded "natural rights as simple nonsense" is :
(A)Jeremy Bontham
(B)JS. Mill
(C )Robert Dahl
(D)Mac Iver

7.Which of the following is not a work of Lenin ?
(A)"Poverty of Philosophy"
(B)"Slate and Revolution"
(C )"What is to be done" ?
(D)"Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism"

8."The Prison Note Books" was published in the year :
(C )1967

9.Who said "Will, not force isthe basis of state" :
(A)T.H. Green
(B)Immanuel Kant
(C )Hegel
(D)Jean Bodin

10.Who influenced Karl Marx in framing the theory of Surplus Value :
(A)Adam Smith
(C )Ricardo

11.The Constituent Assembly of India was set up according to which proposal ?
(A) The Cripps Mission
(B) The Cabinet Mission Plan
(C ) The Mount Battan Plan
(D) The Rajaji Plan

12.Ambedkar called which article of Indian Constitution as "The heart and soul of the Constitution" ?
(A)Article 14
(B)Article 21
(C )Article 32
(D)Article 40

13.Iver Jennings called which provision of Indian Constitution as "Pious Aspirations".
(A)Directive Principles of State Policy
(B)The Preamble
(C )Fundamental Rights 
(D)The Supreme Court

14.On the recommendation of which committee Fundamental Duties are incorporated in our Constitution ?
(A) Verma Committee
(B) Joint Parliamentary Committee
(C ) Swaran Singh Committee
(D) Ashok Mehta Committee

15.Which Commission was constituted in 1983 to enquire into the Centre-Stale relations ?
(A)Simon Commission
(B)Sarkaria Commission
(C )Shah Commission
(D)Kothari Commission

16.Indian Parliament consist of____ ___.
(A)Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(B)Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Council of Ministers
(C )Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and The President
(D)Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and The Prime Minister

17.By which amendment act the age limit for Right to vote was reduced from 21 to 18 ?
(A)61st Amendment
(B)72nd Amendment
(C )74th Amendment
(D)52nd Amendment

18.In which article the Amendment procedure of Indian Constitution is described ?
(A)-Article 370
(B) Article 368
(C ) Article 332
(D) Article 315

19.Who decides a bill, money bill or not ?
(A)The President
(B)The Prime Minister
(C )The Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(D)The Speaker of Lok Sabha

20.Name the Chief Justice who heard and decided the famous Golak Nath case concerning Fundamental Rights ?
(A)JusticeP.N. Bhagavathi
(B)Justice H.R. Khanna
(C )JusticeR.S. Pathak
(D)Justice Subba Rao

21.In a typical federation the residuary powers belong to :
(C )Both Union and State
(D)To Local Governments

22.Which of the following is not a feature of the common law’ in England ?
(A)Arising from ancient culture
(B)Not ordained by any monarch
(C )Enacted by any legislative body
(D)Based on the principle of equity

23.In every political system interest aggregation is performed by :
(A)Political parties
(B)Interest groups
(C )Legislature

24.Who is the author of the famous book 'A System Analysis in Political Life1’ ?
(A)Harold Laski
(B)David Easton
(C )Lasswell
(D)Max Weber

25.Which of the following is a limitation of the power of American President to give pardon ?
(A)Grant pardons before as well as after conviction
(B)Grant pardons in civil anil criminal cases against United States
(C )Pardons against state Law’s
(D)None of the above

26.The book 'American Democracy' was written by :
(A)R.J. Harris
(B)R.K. Carr
(C )David Easton
(D)Harold ,J.Laski

27.Parliamentary government cannot operate without :
(A) Written Constitution
(B)Independent Judiciary
(C ) Political Parties
(D) None of the above

28.A fusion of Presidential and Parliamentary forms of government is provided by :
(C )India

29.Who said "Political party is an organised body with voluntary membership" ?
(B)Mac Iver
(C )Du verger

30.A practice of appointing government servants from the political party victorious in election is known as :
(A) Gerrymandering
(B)Log rolling
(C ) Spoils System
(D) Filibustering

31.Who is the executive head of the Union Administration in India ?
(B)Prime Minister
(C )Governor

32.Who edited the book "Public Administration in a Time of Turbulence" ?
(A)Frank Marini
(B)Dwight Waldo
(C )John C Honey 
(D)James Fesler

33."Development Administration embraces the array of now functions assumed by developing countries embarking on the path of modernization and functional specialization". This definition is associated with :
(C )Riggs
(D)Fa insod

34.Fred Riggs in his analysis of societies and their administrative systems developed his typology' of "Agraria-Transilia-Transitia" system in the year :
(C )1963

35.Who is regarded as the father of scientific management ?
(A)Max Weber
(C )F. W Taylor
(D)Karl Marx

36.The term bureaucracy was first used in the French form "bureaucratic" by a French minister in___________century.
(C )19"'

37.The term 'social equity' is associated with :
(A) Public Administration
(B)Private Administration
(C ) New Public Administration
(D) Personnel Administration

38.Wood row Wilson, the father of the discipline, Public Administration was elected as President of US.A in :
(C )1935

39.The Hawthorne experiments in the late 1920s carried out by a group of scholars at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company was the greatest influence of ____________________________ theory of organization.
(B) Bureaucratic
(C ) Scientific Management
(D) Human Relations

40.The ecological perspective in the study of Public Administration was introduced primarily through the writings of John Gaus, who first elaborated this approach in his work entitled
(A)"Administrative ‘Behaviour''
(B)"Reflections of Public Administration"
(C )"Principles of Public Administration"
(D)"Science of Administration"

41.The term Polis' stands for :
(A) State
(B) City-State 
(C ) The Police 
(D) Nation

42.The 'Spirit of Laws' was written by : 
(A) John Locke 
(B) Cramsci
(C ) Montesquieu 
(D) Hobbes

43.Who is 'The Young Marx' ?
(A) The political philosopher
(B)The sociologist 
(C ) The economist
(D)A revolutionary

44.The San Francisco conference led to the establishment of:
(A)The WTO
(B)The UNO
(C )The Leagueof Nation
(D)The Brettonmood Institution

45.The DVC is a :
(B)A Global Bank
(C )A Government Corporation
(D)An Independent Regulatory Commission

46.Balwant Rai Mehta Commission recommended :
(A)Panchayathi Raj
(B) Human Rights Commission
(C ) Womens Commission
(D) Mandat Commission

47.The New Economic Treaty was concluded between India and :
(A) China
(B) Russia
(C ) U.K.

48.The term POSDCORB is associated with :
(A)Luther Gullick
(B)Peter F. Drucker
(C )Henry Fayol
(D)Karl Marx

49.The global retail network is known as :
(A)Me Donaldisation
(C )Coeacolisation

50.The Indian exponent of Eco-Feminism is :
(A)Arundhathi Roy
(B)Medha Patekar
(C )Vandana Shiva
(D)C.K. Janu

51.Which of the following is not an appropriate source for academic research :
(A)An online encyclopedia
(B)A government based research organisation database
(C )A peer reviewed journal article
(D)A textbook

52.A statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables is known as :
(C )Objective
(D)Research question

53.Which among the following is an example of probability sampling ?
(A)Accidental sampling
(B)Quota sampling
(C )Snow-ball sampling
(D)Cluster sampling

54.In the process of conducting research "Formulation of Hypothesis' is followed by :
(A)Statement of Objectives
(B)Analysis of Data
(C )Selection of Research Tools
(D)Collection of Data

55.Which of the following is not a type of qualitative interview ?
(A) ’ Unstructured interview
(B) Oral history interview
(C ) Structured interview
(D)Focus group interview

56.The software package Sl’SS means :
(A)Statistical Product and Service Solutions
(B)Statistical Product and Scientific Services
(C )Statistical Package for the Scientific Solutions 
(D) None of the above

57.______ _ is the name usually applied to a set of questions which are asked and filled in by an interviewer in a face to face situation with another person.
(A) Questionnaire 
(B) Schedule
(C ) Interview guide
(D) Survey

58.In research, ____________are relational units of analysis that can assume designated set of values
(A) Variables 
(C ) Assumptions

59.Who among the following is associated with William J. Goode in writing the book “Methods in Social Research" ?
(A) Alan Bryman
(B)Kenneth D Bailey 
(C )Nicholas Walliman
(D) Paul K. Hatt

60.Which among the following is not a feature of Action Research ?
(A)Results are generalizable
(B)Collaborative in nature
(C )Pursues action and research outcomes
(D)None of the above

61.Which among the following is not an impact of globalisation on culture ?
(A) Cultural Polarization
(B)Cultural Hybridization
(C ) Cultural Homogenization
(D) Cultural Lag

62.The statement "Personal is Political" is associated with :
(A) Liberalism 
(B) Feminism
(C ) Individualism 
(D) Consumerism

63.Who wrote the book "Gender Trouble : Feminism and the Subversion of Identity" ?
(A)Gayatri ChakravortySpivak
(B)Judith Butler
(C )Kate Millett
(D)Marian Young

64.Who said post-modernism as 'incredulity towards meta-narratives' ?
(A) Lyotard.
(B) Eagleton
(C ) Derrida
(D) Foucault

65.While selecting topic for social research, the problem of not knowing what the research question is called :
(A)Concept Mapping
(B)Deep Thought
(C )Loonquawl's Dilemma
(D)Intellectual Craftsmanship

66.Which among the following 'brand' does not represent 'arguably' soulless consumer capitalism that rapidly transforms world's diverse populations into a uniform market society ?
(A)Me Donald
(C )Hollywood

67.Which institution in India is concentrating on Flection Studies ?
(A)Centre for Study of Developing Societies
(B)Centre for Development Studies
(C )Indian Institute for Advanced Studies
(D)Tata Institute of Social Sciences

68.Name the country where unpopular ruler has been ousted from power by SMSs and Cell Phones in 2001 :
(C )Argentina

69.The statement "stock of social trust, connectivity, norms and networks that people can draw upon to solve common problems, strengthen democracy, politics and wellbeing of the nation" refers to which among the following :
(A) Contentious Politics
(B)Public Sphere
(C ) Civil Society
(D) Social Capital

70.Which among the following is incorrect about queer politics ?
(A)Political and identity movement that focuses on the rights of a range of sexualities including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex
(B)Critiques of gender that deconstruct and transcend the hetero-normative gender binary
(C )A movement that demands State to ban same sex love
(D)An ideological movement that challenges the larger structures of hetero-normative sexuality

71.A good scientific research is characterized by :
(A)It requires clear articulation of a goal
(B)It follows specific plan and procedure
(C )It accepts certain critical assumptions
(D)All the above

72.To understand human behavior and reasons over a long period of time one has to do :
(A)Historical study
(B)Quasi experimental study
(C )Longitudinal study
(D)Cross sectional study

73.leaching and learning arrangements, usually in small groups, that are structured to produce active participation in learning is ;
(C )Conference

74.Directly useful application of scientific principles to production is called :
(C )Technology

75.Which of the following qualities a researcher must have ?
(A)Curious about the world
(B)Logical and systematic
(C )Intellectually honest
(D)All the above

76.The most effective teaching method that ensures maximum participation of students is :
(A)Lecture method
(B)Text book method
(C )Discussion method
(D)Demonstration method

77.Which of the following is the most important indicator of quality of education in a school ?
(A)Infrastructural facilities
(B)Qualification of teachers
(C )Discipline maintained in the school
(D)Students' achievements

78.Which of the following is not a quality of effective teacher ?
(A)Less interaction in the class
(B)Adopt interactive method of teaching 
(C ) Reduce the anxiety level of students
(D)Motivate the students to take initiative

79.Which of the following can be achieved through value education ?
(A)To inculcate of virtues
(B)Develop job skills
(C )Aware on physicalfitness
(D)Development of personality

80.leaching method where purposeful activity that will remove a recognized difficulty or perplexity in situation through the process of reasoning is :
(A)Inquiry method
(B)Problem solving method
(C )Reflective method
(D)None of the above

81._________of The Constitution of India directs the State to organize village panchayats and
endow them with powers and authority to function as units of self-governments.
(C )Article42
(D)Article 46

82.Article __________of The Constitution of India imposes a duty upon citizens to uphold and
protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
(C )51-A(C )

83.All-India services can be created by The Parliament as empowered under____________of The Constitution of India.
(C )Article313
(D)Article 310

84.Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion is guaranteed under Article___________of The Constitution of India.
(C )28

85.In Sodan Singh v New Delhi Municipality AIR 1989 SC 1988, The Supreme Court was called upon to decide whether______________.
(A)Municipal authorities can impose restrictions on slaughter houses under Article 19(6)
(B)Employees had a fundamental right to resort to strike without notice
(C )Local authorities can levy a tax retrospectively
(D)Hawkers had a fundamental right to carry on their trade on pavements meant for pedestrians

86.First appeal under Section 19(1) of The Right to Information Act 2005 has to be preferred within___________ days from the expiry of period for receipt of information or from date of decision.
(A) fifteen
(B) thirty
(C ) forty-five
(D) sixty

87.As per Section 4(1 )(C ) of The National Green Tribunal Act 2010, 'The Tribunal shall consist of a minimum of_____________ full-time export members.
(C )fifteen

88.As per Section 22(1)(b) of the Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994, no court shall take cognizance of an offence except on complaint filed by a person who has given notice of not less than__________days to the Appropriate Authority, of the alleged offence and his
intention to make the complaint.
(C )ninety

89.As per Section 10(1) of The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, a special court can pass an externment order against a person likely to commit offence, and direct him not to return to the concerned area for such period not exceeding __ ____ as may be specified in the order.
(A)six months
(B)one year
(C )two years
(D)five years

90.According to Rule 2(j) of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and control) Rules 2000, 'Night Time' has been defined as the period between____________
(A)10 pm and 6 am
(B)10 pm and 5 am
(C ) 10 pm and 7 am
(D) 9.30 pm and 6.30 am

91.Who was the founder of ’Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham' ?
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Chattampi Swamikal
(D) Sahodaran Ayyappan

92.Thesocial organisation inKerala, 'Samathwa Samajam' wasestablishedin the year :
(C )1855

93.Which among the following is not written by G. Sankara Kurup ?
(Cl)Viswa Darsanam

94.Author of the famous book 'Jaathikkummi' :
(A)K.P. Karuppan
(B)T.R. Krishnaswami Iyer
(C )P.K. Chattan Master
(D)K.P. Vellon

95.The Renaissance leader in Kerala, who got the name 'Kumara Guru' :
(A)Mampuram Thangal
(B)Pampadi John Joseph
(C )Poikayil Yohannan
(D)Moorkoth Kumaran

96.The name given to the Airforce's rescue operation provided to the flood victims of Uttarakhand :
(A)Operation Surya Hope
(B)Operation Kahat
(C )Operation Ganga Prahar
(D)Operation Blossom Spring

97.Which year has formally declared by UN General Assembly as 'International year of family farming' ?
(C )2006

98.The commission appointed for studying the contributory pension system in Kerala :
(A)Ranga Rajan Commission
(B)Hazari  Commission
(C )Sree Krishna Commission
(D)Bhattacharya Commission

99.Which Constitutional Amendment incorporated Panchayati Raj System in our constitution ?
(A)43rd Amendment
(B)74th Amendment
(C )73rd Amendment
(D)44lh Amendment

100.The nodal agency for estimation of poverty at the national and state level in India :
(A)Rural Ministry
(B)Planning Commission
(C )Finance Commission
(D)Home Ministry

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LECTURER IN POLITICAL SCIENCE - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 09-05-2017, 04:35 PM

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