LECTURER IN ISLAMIC HISTORY - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum:100 mark:
'Time : 1 hour  

1.The Inst verse of the Holy Quran is revealedat :
(A) Hira
(C ) Medina

2.Gazwat sawik was a battle fought in Medinat:
(A) before Badr
(B)after Chd
(C ) in between Badr and Ihd
(D)in between L’hd and Ahzab

3. Sir Lewis Felly’s ‘Miracle Play’ deals with:
(A) The battle of Badr
(B)Martyrdom of Hussain
(C ) The victory over Mecca
(D)The escape of prophet from Mecca

4.Who called prophet Mohammed as the “Saviour of Humanity" :
(A) G.B. Shaw
(B)Annie Besant
(C ) M.N. Boy
(D)Michel .H. Hurt.

5.The term ‘Moors’ means :
(A) Muslims of Spain
(B)Black complexioned
(C ) The Moroccans
(D)The Pagans

6.The treaty of Eliiya was signed by:
(A) Prophet Muhammed
(B)Caliph Abu Bakr
(C ) Caliph Umar
(D)Governor Mua'wiyah

7.The Iddah period of a widow is :
(A) 3 months
(B)4 months
(C ) 4 months and 10 days
(D)1 year

8.Who among the following was a poet of the Umayyad period :
(A) Abu Nuwas
(C ) Firdausi

9.The UNESCO proclaimed world heritage site in Saudi Arabia is:
(A)Ma’rib dam
(B) Petra
(C ) Palmyra
(D) Ka’ba

10.According to the Old Test ament traditions the original home land of the Semites was:
(B) Africa
(C ) Mesopotamia
(D) Altai Mountains

11.The work treated as confessions of al Ghazali is:
(A) Ihya Ulum al Din 
(B) Al Munqidh Min al Dalai 
(C ) Tahafatul Falasifa
(D) Kimiya Sadat

12.Jalaludin Mahalli was a :
(A) Philosopher 
(B) Grammarian 
(C ) Mufassir
(D) Muhhadis

13.The total number of Hadith in Ibn Hambal's Musnad is about :
(C )28000
(D)4 lakhs

14.In Egypt the Fatimids were followed by :
(C )Mamluks

15.According to Ibn Khaldun the character and nature of a culture is determined by :
(A)Economic factors
(B)Political factors
(C )Social factors
(D)Ethical factors

16.The name of Muhammed Ibn. Ibrahim al Fazari is associated with:
(A) Astronomy
(B) Philosophy 
(C ) Medicine
(D) Jurisprudence

17.The number of celebrated 'Qurrah' were:
(C )5

18. Tafsir bil Ma’ thur refers to the interpretation of Quran by:
(A) Hadith
(C ) Quran

19.‘Bila Kaifa' is the doctrine of:
(A) Mu'tazaliles
(B)Asha rites.
(C ) Sufis

20.The Medical work of lbn Sina is:
(A) AI Hawi
(B)Kitabtil Tibb
(C ) Qanun fil Tibh
(D)Kitnhul Shifu

21.Salatu Jamiah refers to :
(A) Friday prayer
(B)Congregational prayer
(C ) Announcement to Shura .
(D)Prayer for rain

22.The word Riba’ literally means :
(A) Usurv
(C ) Excess
(D)Excessiveness of Excess

23.The work of Mawardi on Public Law is entitled :
(A) Ahkamal Sultaniyya.
(B)Nasihatul Mulak
(C ) Madinatul Fadeela
(D)Siyasatul madaniya

21.The principle of Tjma’ was elabcrated by the school of:
(A) Shaft
(C ) Mahkki

25.Tnqlid became very common :
(A) During the Khilafat Rashida
(B)After the Umayyads
(C ) During the Abbasids
(D)After the fall of Abbasids

26. Choose the correct Fatwa on surrogate mother :
(A)allows on medical ground
(B)allows on humanitarian ground
(C )allows with the consent of the husband
(D) never allows

27. A1 - Farabi wan called as ‘the second teacher’ by:
(A) Nasurudin Tusi
(B)Imam Ghazzali
(C ) Al-Mawaridi
(D)Ibn Taymiah

28.The author of the work ‘Hujjat ul-Allah al Baligha’ is:
(A) Imam Ghazzali
(B)Shah Waliyullah
(C ) Ibn Taymiah
(D)Ibn Rushid

29.World’s largest Islamic Bank is :
(A) Bank Melli Irani
(B)Bank Islam Malesia
(C ) Islamic Development Bank Jeddah
(D)Al-Rajhi Bank Riyadh

30.Rai’sul Awwal is the concept of:
(A) Ibn Khaldun
(B)Al Mawaridi
(C ) Al-Farabi
(D)Imam Ghazzali

31.Balfour declaration is in the form a letter from Arthur Balfour addressed to :
(A) Chaim Weitzman
(B)Herbert Samuel
(C ) Lord Rothschild
(D)Menachin Begin

32.The Palastine wing of Muslim Brotherhood is :
(B)Islamic Jihad
(C ) Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(D) Harakatul Muqawamah al Islamiyah

33.The Near East came to be called as Middle East after :
(A) First World War
(B)Second World War
(C ) 1453 A.D

34.The U.S led UN war against Iraq is styled as :
(A) War against terror
(B)Operation desert storm
(C ) Global war on terror
(D)Operation enduring freedom

35.‘Bilalian News' is the official organ of:
(A) Muslim Brotherhood
(B)Science Moorish Temple
(C ) American Muslim Mission
(D)Nation of Islam

36.The organisation Ittihad we Terakki ‘was founded by :
(A)Mustafa Kamal
(B)Zia Gokalp
(C )Ibrahim Temo
(D) Taufik Fikrat

37. The Headquarters of OPEC is :
(A)Vienna   (C ) Cairo
(B) Riyadh (D) Genova 

38. Tuzuki Baburi written in the language of:
(B) Urdu
(C ) Turkish
(D) Arabic

39. ‘Supreme Guidance Council’ is a constitutional institution of:
(B) Egypt
(C ) Saudi Arabia
(D) Pakistan

40. The event known as Vekayi Hayriyeh' in Ottoman history is :
(A)Conquest of Constandincple
(B)Introduction 'Panzimat
(C ) Destruction of Janissary
(D) Establishment of the Constitution

41.Kollam Copper Plate contains signatures inscribed in :
(A)Kufie and Pahlevi script
(B)Kufic, Pahlevi and Hebrew script
(C )Malayalam script
(D)Arabic script

42.Sir Muhammad Iqbal was knighted for his work :
(A)The development of Metaphysics in Persia
(C )Tarmia-c-TTinrl
(D)Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

43.The “man to intertwine Politics with Religion” in Indian freedom struggle was :
(A)Mohammed Ali Jhinnah
(B)Sardar Vallnbai Patel
(C )Aga Khan
(D)Mahatma Gandhi

44.The last bid in freedom struggle for a united India was :
(A)Cripps Mission plan
(B)Cabinet Mission plan
(C )Mountbatten plan
(D)Govt, of India Act 1935

45. The first translation of Holy Qur’an in Arabi-Malayalam is that of:
(A)Zainudeen Maqdoom
(B)Makhti Thangal
(C )Mayan Kutty Elaya
(D)Qazi Muhammed

16.Abdul Rahman Ali Raja was the :
(A)Founder of the Arakkal family
(B)First President of Malabar Muslim League
(C )Editor of Malayalam daily *A1-Ameen’
(D)Freedom tighter

47.Hyder A1i demised amidst:
(A)First British-Mysore war
(B)Second British-Mysore war
(C )Polilur war
(D)First Karnatic war

I8.“Knte Kuttukaraif is the biography of:
(A)E. Moidu Maulavi
(B)Muhamed Abdurahiman
(C )Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi 
(D)Vakkom Khader

49.Uddad ul Umara was authored by :
(A)Hamdani Tangal
(B)Fazl pookoya Tan gal
(C )Sainudeen Maqdoom
(D)Qazi Mohammed

50.The Loyal Mohammadans of India was apamphlet by
(A)Badaruddin Tyabji
(B)Sayyid Ameer Ali
(C )Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan
(D)Sir Mohammed Iqbal

51.The English translation of ‘Muqaddimah'is rendered by :
(A)R.A. Nicolson
(B)A.J. Arberry
(C )F. Rosenthal
(D)Arnold Toynbee

52.‘Tanbih wal Ishraf is a work by :
(A)A1 Tabari
(B)A1 Masudi
(C )A1 Kindi
(D)A1 Mawaridi

53.The unity of Romano-Germanic people was established by :
(A)Oswald Spengler
(B)Leo Bold Van Ranke
(C )Hega I
(D)Ibn Khaldun

54.According to G.W.F. Hegal. the prime motive force of historical change is
(B) Creative minority
(C ) Favourable circumstances
(D)Human labour

55.Sigillogrnphy is the study of:
(A)Munuscript (C ) Signature
(B)Handwriting     (D) Seals

56.Hermeneutics refers to :
(A)Internal criticism of document 
(B) External criticism of document 
(C ) Deciphering of source material
(D) Classification of source material

57.'‘History is the unfolding story of human freedom" is the definition by : (A) A.L. Howse
(B) Napolean
(C ) Rousseau
(D) Lord Acton

58.The Indo • Muslim historian to treat history as the ‘Queen of Sciences’ was
(A) Abul Fazl 
(B) Ziauddin Barani
(C ) Minhaj Siraj
(D) Ahmed Sirhindi

59.History of the Saracens’ is the work by : 
(A) Simon Ockloy 
(B) Amir Ali
(C ) HAR Gibb
(D) Akbar. S. Ahmed
60.Al Fihirist is :
(A)A Catalogue of existing Arabic works
(B)The name of a 10th century philosopher
(C )The name of the author
(D)An Arab traveller

61.Trie first to lose his office in Arab Spring was :
(A) Hosni Mubarak
(B) Mum mar Gaddafi
(C ) Ali Abdullah Saleh
(D) Zinc al Abidine Ben Ali

62.The largest Women’s University in the world is :
(A)Jordan University for Women, Amman
(B)Al-Zahrn University. Tehran
(C )Princess Nora University, Riyadh
(D)China Women’s University Beijing

63. Islamic modernism is a movement to :
(A)Reinterpret Islam according to the West
(B)Reconcile Islamic faith with modern values
(C )Resist Western cultural aggrandisement
(D) Reiterate traditional Islam

61. The Tunisian Revolution was started in :
(C )2012

65.in the Syrian civil war which of the following is not on the part of the belligerents : 
(A)Free SyrianArmy
(B)Islamic Front
(C )Al-Nusrn Frontt

66.Abdul Aziz Bouteflika is the President of:
(C )Morocco

67.LARIBA is a Shariah complaint finance company in :
(C )Egypt

68.The Arab country to ban ‘Ikhwanual Muslimun' recently is :
(A) Syria
(B) Lebanon
(C ) Saudi Arabia
(D) Iran

69.The Turkish Deputy who was evicted from parliament for wearing headscarf was :
(A)Hati Cipran
(B)Fatma Memik
(C )Nesrin Nas
(D)Dr. Marve Kavakci

70.Operation Enduring Freedom was the American war against:
(C )Persian Gulf

71.Which of the following is most appropriate about discussion part of a research paper?
(A)It elaborates importance of the topic
(B)Explain how the findings concur with that of others
(C )Deals with method of sampling and recruitments
(D)Deals with findings of the relevant studies

72.The process of collecting and analyzing information to develop or enhance n theory is :
(A)Basic research
(B)Applied research
(C )Evaluation
(D)None of the above

73.If you want to determine whether and to what degree a relationship exists between two or more variables what kind of study you have to de?
(C )Causal-comparative

74.Creating a class room climate conducive to develop positive self concept in students is by :
(A)Challenge andfreedom
(B)Respect and warmth
(C )Control and success
(D)All the above

75.Which of the following teacher will be liked most?
(A)A teacher who maintain discipline in the classroom
(B)A teacher who make teaching learning process enjoyable
(C )A teacher who give more home work
(D) A teacher who take more number of classes

76.An instructional model that identifies the major variable in the teaching learning process includes :
(A)individual differences
(B)Principle of learning
(C )Teacher behaviour
(D).All the above

77.The extent of teachers' subject matter and pedagogical expertise indicates the teachers :
(C )Competency

78.What will be the impact of interactive leaching?
(A)Ir will make teaching learning process difficult
(B)It will create contusion among students
(C )Students will be expected to listen only
(D)It will make teachine learning process effective, democratic and friendly

79.Which of the following sampling method is preferred for studying 
heterogeneous population?
(A)Simple random sampling
(B)Stratified sampling
(C )Convenient sampling
(D)Systematic sampling

80.A test that examine subjects’ thoughts and thought processes is :
(A) Cognitive tesi
(B)Affective Lest
(C ) Standardized test
(D)Generalized test

81.Money Bill can be introduced in :
(A) Lok Sabha
(B)Rajya Sabha
(C ) Both (A) and 
(D)None of the above

82.Legislative council of a State :
(A)Can be dissolved by the Governor
(B)Can be abolished by the President with the advice of the Governor of the State
(C )Can be abolished by the Parliament based on the resolution passed by the majority of the legislative Assembly
(D)Can be abolished by the Governor based on the resolution passed by the majority of the Legislative Assembly

83.Which of the following statement, is true?
(1)The President can make a proclamation declaring emergency only when he receives in writing the decision of the Union Cabinet to this effect
(2)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of internal disturbance
(3)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of Armed Rebellion
( 4) The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of External Aggression
(C )2. 3, 4
(D)1, 2. 3, 1

84.According to Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 Child mean the person who has not completed his------------year of age.
(C )15

85.What is the penalty for the refusal of the RT1 application by the Public information Officer?
(A)Rs. 5,000 and 1 month imprisonment
(B) Rs. 1,000 and 1 month imprisonment
(C )Rs. 5,000

86.Which of the following statement is not true?
(A)No child shall berequired to work formore than 3 hours at a stretch
(B)No child shall berequired to work'formore than 6 hours including restperiod
(C )No child shall be permitted to work between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.
(D)None of the above

87.The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,
2013 :
(1) Protects women working in that place
(2)Protects any women who enters the work place like clients, customer, etc.
(3)Protects all the employees who are working there
(4)Protects only women working in government institutions
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3
(C ) 3 and 4
(D) 1,3,4

88.Whoever contravenes the provisions of S.21 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. prohibition on use of stream or well for disposal of polluting matter shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than :
(A)1year but which may extend to 6 years
(B)2year hut which may extend to 8 years
(C )11/2 year but which may extend to 8 years and with fine
(D) 1 - 1/2 year hut which may extend to 6 years and with fine

89.The term socialist has beer, inserted in the preamble by the-------------------Amendment Act of
the Constitution.
(A) 43
(B) 42
(C ) 41
(D) 40

90. Right for freedom to form Association if? provided in Article of the Constitution.
(C )19(l)(C )

91.Who organised 'Miarabhojanam'?
(A) Sri Narayana Guru 
(B)Sahodaran Ayyappan
(C ) Ayyamkali
(D)Chattambhi Swamikal

92.Pattini Jatha’ led by :
(A) K. Keluppan
(B) Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan
(C ) A.K. Gopalan
(D) P.K. Chathan Master

93.Who took Prime role in the publication of ‘Rajyasamacharam’?
(A) Clement piyanoos padre
(B) Dr. Herman Gundert
(C ) Arnos Padre
(D) James Augustus

94.The Chief guest on the occassion of 65th Republic day celebration :
(A)Shinzo Abe
(B)Hu Zhang Tao
(C )Yoshihiko Noda
(D)Wen Jiabo

95.Which amount the following diseases is eradicated through immunisation programme in
(C )Diptheria

96.Who inaugurated the new Kerala legislative assembly building in 1998?
(A)A. B. Vajpayee
(B)l.K. Gujral
(C )K.R. Narayanan
(D)Krishna Kant

97.The Minister who presented and passed the Land reformation act of Kerala in 1969 :
(A)T.V. Thomas
(B)K.T. Jacob
(C )C. Achutha Menon
(D)K.R. Gouri

98.The bowler to take Sachin’s wicket in his last test:
(A)Darren Sammy
(B)Narsingh Deo Narine
(C )Chris Gaylc
(D)Keron Pollard

99.In which novel of Kesava Dev Pappu’ appears as the main character?
(A)Odayil Ninnu
(C )Kannadi

100.The First editor of ‘Swadeshabhimani’ daily :
(A) Balakrishna Pilla (C ) Vakkam Abdulkhader Moulavi
(B) K. Ramakrishna Pilla (D) C.P. Govinda Pilla

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LECTURER IN ISLAMIC HISTORY - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 08-05-2017, 04:45 PM

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