

Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Heavy flywheel required in :
(A)Multi cylinder engine
(B) Two stroke engine
(C ) V-Engine
(D) Single cylinder engine

2. In two stroke three cylinder engine, the firing interval of crank shaft is 
(A) 360°
(C ) 60°

3.The diameter of inlet valve is :
(A) Same as exhaust valve
(B) Greater than exhaust valve
(C ) Smaller than exhaust valve
(D)1/4th of exhaust valve

4.Firing order of 4 cylinder T-head engine is :
(A) 1 -2 -3 -4
(B)1 -3-4-2
(C ) 1 -2 -4 -3
(D)1 -4 -2 -3

5.Material used for making cylinder head gasketis :
(A) Copper and asbestos
(B)Cork and copper
(C ) Sheet of aluminium
(D)Asbestos and fibre

6.Engine with equal bore and stroke is called :
(A) Uniform engine
(B)Equalised engine
(C ) Square engine
(D)None of these

7.Vibration damper is mounted :
(A) On flywheel
(B)Front end of gear box
(C ) Front end of crank shaft
(D)Top end of connecting rod

8. Excessive valve stem - guide clearance may cause :
(A) Valve breakage
(B)Noisy valve operation
(C ) Valve face wear
(D)Necking of valve stem

9.. Exhaust valve face angle is generally : 
(A) 30°
(C ) 45°

10,The inlet valve starts opening:•
(A) At TDC
(C ) Before TDC
(D)After TDC

11.Aluminium alloy is used to make piston for :
(A) Reduce piston expansion
(B)Make the piston stronger
(C ) Reduce corrosion
(D)Reduce piston weight

12.Compression rings are gencraly made of:
(A) Steel
(B)High carbon steel
(C ) Aluminium

13.Maximum permissible bearing clearance forthe cam shall is :
(A) 0.05 mm
(B)0.01 mm
(C ) 0.5 mm
(D)0.7 mm

14.Cylinder head is tightened by using: 
(A) Spanner
(B)Lifting screw
(C ) Torque spanner

15.In Radiator, coolant is pumped from : 
(A) Radiator cores
(B)Collector tank
(C ) Upper tank
(D)Reservoir tank

16.Thermostat in cooling system is used to :
(A)Reduce temperature of coolant 
(B). Protect radiator from bursting 
(C )Transfer coolant from radiator toengine
(D) Maintaining coolant temperature

17. Coolant pump used in automobile is :
(A) Reciprocating type
(B)Vane type
(C ) Centrifugal type
(D)None of the above

18.Radiator core is made of:
(A) Steel
(C ) Cast iron

19.The lubrication system commonly used in two stroke engine is :
(A) Splash
(C ) Pressure

20.Number of gears used in gear pump is :
(C )2

21.One of the reason of high oil consumption in engine is:
(A) Oil having high viscosity
(B)Oil lines clogged
(C ) The releaf valve may be struck
(D)Incorrect piston ring gap

22.Oil filter should be changed near about— kilometers of vehicle run.
(A) 10,000
(C ) 50,000

23.Oil passes from the oil pump to :
(A) Oil gallery
(B)Main bearings
(C ) Oil stainer
(D)Oil filter

24.End play of gears of an oil pump is checked by :
(A) Inside caliper
(C ) Outside caliper 
(D)Feeler gange

25.Calorific value of gasolines is approximately :
(A) 40 MJ/Kg
(B)20 MJ/Kg 
(C ) 90 MJ/Kg
(D),1200 MJ/Kg

26. Diesel knock happens when :
(A) Ignition delay period increases
(B)Ignition delay period decreases
(C ) C.R is high
(D)None of these

27.Common fuel supply system in two-wheeler is :
(A) Pressure
(C ) Gravity

28.Stoichiometric mixture of petrol engine at its ideal condition is :
(A) 14.6:1
(C ) 12:1

29.The drive for mechanical fuel pump is taken from :
(A) Cam shall
(B)Crank shaft
(C ) Distributor shaft
(D)None of these

30.The choke used in petrol engine for :
(A) Accelerating the vehicle '
(B)Idealing the engine
(C ) Stopping the engine
(D)Starting the engine

31. The venturi in carburettor is used to :
(A)Accelerate the engine
(B)Cold starting
(C )Increasing fuel pressure
(D)Increase air velocity for suction of fuel

32. In petrol injection system, the petrol is commonly injected into :
(A) The port
(B)The throttle
(C ) Cylinder

33. An example of constant vaccumtype carburettor is:
(A) Solex carburattor
(B)S.U carburettor
(C ) Zenith carburettor
(D)Carter carburettor

34. The compression ratio of C.I engine is near about:
(A) 22:1
(C ) 10:1

35.The test used for finding brake power of each cylinder in multy cylinder is called :
(A) Power test
(B)Efficiency test
(C ) Morse test
(D)Stroke test

36.Brake mean effective pressure in an engine depends upon its :
(A) Speed
(C ) Torque
(D)Compression ratio

37.Ignition coil is used to :
(A) Increase the voltage
(B)Increase the current
(C ) Controls the ignition
(D)None of these

38.Condenser in ignition system is mounted :
(A) In the carburettor
(B)On the spark plug
(C ) In the distributor housing. 
(D)On the ignition coil

39.The factor which will not effect ignition advance is :
(A) Speed
(C ) Engine temperature
(D)Battery voltage

40.Hot spark is used in :
(A) Medium duty engine
(B)Heavy duty engine
(C ) High speed engine
(D)All of the above

41.The primary winding of ignition coil consists of:
(A) Many turns of thin wire
(B)Few turns of thick wire.
(C ) Many turns of thick wire
(D)Few turns of thin wire

42.Spark occurs when:
(A) C.B. point opens
(B)C.B, point closes
(C ) Ignition switch is on
(D)Primary voltage increases

43. Spark plug having white insulator tip indicates :
(A) Leaded fuel
(B) Gas leak
(C ) Retarded ignition
(D) Over advanced ignition

.44. The number of ignition coils in a distributor less ignition system for a 6 cylinder engine is :
(A) 1
(B) 6
(C ) 2
(D) 3

45. Increasing plate size in lead acid battery increases :
(A) Voltage
(B) Current
(C ) Capacity
(D) None of these

46.The number of negative plates in lead acid battery is :
(A) One more than +Ve plate
(B)Three more than +Ve plate
(C ) One less than +Ve plate
(D)Two less than +Ve plate

47.Specific gravity of fully charged battery is :
(A) 2.30
(C )1.60. 
(D) 12

48.The negative plate of lead acid battery has :
(C )Pb2O2

49.Cadmium test in lead acid battery is to find :
(A) sp. gravity of electrolyte
(B) concentration of H2SO4
(C ) chemical condition of plates .
(D) self discharge

50.Internal short circuiting in plates is due to : 
(A) High voltage (C ) Plate damage
(B) Overcharging of battery (D) Damaged separators .

51.Cut out relay is used to :
(A)Increase the voltage in circuit
(B)Increase the current in circuit
(C )Charging of battery
(D)Prevent discharge of battery to generator

52. The output of alternator is controlled by :
(A) Voltage regulator
(B)Current regulator
(C ) Brushes
(D)None of the above

53.Growler is used for testing :
(A) Inertia of bendex
(B)Short circuit of armature
(C ) Clearance of armature
(D)Earthing of starter motor

54.Parking distance of a vehicle from fire engine is :
(A) 2 meter
(B)1 meter
(C ) 4 meter
(D)1 Kilometer

55.The document which shows the maximum weight thata vehicle can carry :
(A) Permit
(B)Insurance certificate
(C ) Goods carriage record
(D)None of these

56.Should not reverse the vehicle in :
(A) Ferry
(B)Upward gradient
(C ) One way
(D)Railway gate

57.The distance kept by the vehicle inthe hack of other vehicle running in same direction
(A)10 meter
(B)5 meter
(C )2 meter
(D)6 meter

58.Number of passengers can travel on the back seat of amotor cycle is :
(A) 2
(B)1 adult and 1 child
(C ) 1

59.The signal which is not able to show by electric equipment is :
(A)Overtaking permission
(B)Left turn
(C )Stopping

60.Maximum speed of a motorcycle is :
(A)50 km/hr
(B)60 km/hr
(C )70 km/hr
(D)No limit

61.While reaching a junction a vehicle should give preference :
(A)to left side vehicle
(B)rear vehicle
(C )right side vehicle
(D)none of the‘above

62.Yellow line at the center of the road shows :
(A) Should not overtake
(B) Not allowing heavy vehicle
(C ) Should not allow other vehicle to overtake
(D) Should not cross the line

63.Yellow light on automatic signal shows :
(A) Turn right
(B)Should not stop the vehicle
(C ) Make ready to move the vehicle
(D)Allow other vehicle to overtake

64.The place where the vehicle is not permitted to park :•
(A) Near bus stop
(B)Road with downward gradient
(C ) Public road side
(D)Near to public office

65.Number of person allows on a tractor :
(A) One
(C ) Ten

66.Loose gear on the main shaft in a gear box may cause:
(A) Easy gear shifting
(B)Clash of gears
(C ) Gear slipping
(D)None of these

67.Increasing of torque in gear box by :
(A) Decreasing power
(B)Increasing power
(C ) Decreasing speed
(D)Increasing speed

68.Epicyclic gear box is used in :
(A) Automatic transmission
(B)Petrol vehicles
(C ) Locomotive engines
(D)Heavy vehicle

69.Axle shaft is splinned to :
(A) Differential cage
(B)Sun gear
(C ) Crown wheel
(D)Propeller shaft

70.Torque transmission at an angle made by :
(A) Bearings
(B)Slide joint
(C ) Helical gears
(D)Universal joint

71.Fading of brakes occurs :
(A) During continuous application
(B)At high speed
(C ) At low speed
(D)None of these

72.Shock absorber is used to :
(A) Take the load of a vehicle
(B)Keep the vehicle for stability
(C ) Damping the vibration of spring
(D)Keep the wheels in same position

73.Inclination of king pin in the plane of tyre is called :
(A) Castor
(C ) Kingpin inclination

74.Excessive castor may cause :
(A) Excessive tyre wear
(B)Wheel wobbling
(C ) Wheel tramp
(D)Hard steering

75.Purpose of tyre rotation is for :
(A) Avoiding ply separation
(B)Reducing uneven wear
(C ) Equalising wear
(D)Avoiding wheel wobbling

76. Brake bleeding is used for :
(A) Removing excess fluid
(B)Removing air
(C ) Removing excess pressure
(D)Removing vaccum

77.The term “ply rating” with reference to a tyre indicates
(A) Number of plies
(B)Rated inflation
(C ) Rated strength
(D)Size of tyre

78.The type of reflector used for automobile head lamp is :
(A) Spherical
(C ) Hyperbolic

79.The diameter of the engine cylinder is called :
(A) Boss
(C ) Bore

80.When child lock is actuated the door can't be opened?
(A) Permanently
(B)From inside
(C ) For a few minutes
(D)From outside

81.Which of the following Rivers flows westward?
(A) Krishna
(C ) Mahanadi

82.Who was the leader of Vaikyam satyagraha?
(A) A.K. Gopalan
(C ) T.K. Madhavan
(D)Mannath Padpnabhan

83. Who was the first Defence Minister of India after India became independent:
(A) Sardar Vallabai Pattel
(B) V.K. Krishnan Me non
(C ) V.P. Menon
(D) Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad

84.Who was the President of Indian National Congress during the time of partition of Bengal? 
(A) Gopalakrishna Gokale
(B) Bala Cangadhara Tilak
(C ) Dada Bai Naoroji
(D) Subhash Chandra Bose

85.Central Coconut Research Station Situated at:
(C )Kasergodc

86.The word “Socialist, Secular” were added into the preamble of Indian Constitution by the :
(A)24th Amendment
(B)25th Amendment'
(C ) 42nd Amendment.
(D) 37th Amendment

87. The year of Aruvipuram Prathishta done by Sree Narayana Guru :
(A) 1888
(C ) 1903

88.The Association formed by Poikayil Yohannan :

89.The Araya Samajam was founded by :
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan
(B)Pandit Karuppan
(C ) Ayyankali
(D)Ayya Vaikundar

90.The drama ‘Adukalayil Ninnu Arangathekku’ writtenby:
(A) E.M.S. Namboodiripad
(C ) V.T. Bhatathiripad
(D)Chempaka Raman Pillai

91.The Kollam Era began in which year :
(A) A. D. 825
(B)A.D. 925
(C ) AD. 78
(D)A.D. 390

92.Black soil was founded in which district of Kerala :
(A) Idukki
(C ) Palakkad

93.In addition to Lakdives which among them was one of the coral Island in Arabian
(A) Sree Lanka
(B)Andaman Nicobar
(C ) Medagasker
(D)Mal dives

94. In the following statements which statement is common to the rivers Pamba, Meenachilaru and Muvattupuzha:
(A)Length below 100 metre
(B)Reached at Arabian sea
(C )Reached at Vembanattu Lake
(D)Flowing through kottayam and Alapuzha districts

95.The Hirakud Dam constructed in which River:
(A) Mahanadi
(C ) River Ganga
(D)River Bageeradi

96.Indian planning commision came in to exist:
(A) 1950-March
(B)1950 - June
(C ) 1951 - December
(D)1951 - March

97.‘National Food security bill' passed by Lok Sabha on :
(A) 2013-Aug-26
(B)2013 - Sept-26
(C ) 2013-July-26
(D)2013 - Octo - 26

98.India's first Mars discovery satelite :
(C ) Mangalyan

99.The languages in India which is attained lastly the classical status :
(A) Tamil
(C ) Telungu

100.in which Olympics India got more medals :
(A) 2012 - London Olympics
(B)'2004 - Athens Olympics
(C ) 2008 - Baijing Olympics
(D)2000 - Sydney Olympics

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JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR DRIVER CUM MECHANIC INDUSTRIAL kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 04-05-2017, 05:00 PM

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