INSTRUCTOR GR-I - ELECTRONICS - ENGINEERING - kerala psc previous question paper


1.In a zener diode :
(A)only the P region is heavily doped
(B)only the N region is heavily doped
(C )both P and \N regions are lightly doped
(D)both P and N regions are heavily doped

2.Which of the following transistor configuration offers highest input impedance ?
(B) CE
(C ) CC
(D) Cascade configuration

3.A half wave rectified sinusoidal waveform has a peak voltage of '10 V. Its average value of the fundamental component is :
(B) —V
(C ) 5 V
(D) ~V

4.Barkhaussen criteria for oscillation is applicable to :
(A)sinusoidal oscillators
(B)astablc multivibrators
(C )relaxation oscillators
(D)all oscillators

5. Which among the following is not anadvantage of FET over BJT ?
(A)its current controlled behaviour
(B)high input impedance
(C )low noise
(D)high gain bandwidth product

6. RC coupled amplifier is used as a :
(A)power amplifier
(B)current amplifier
(C ) buffer amplifier
(D)vollago amplifier

7.If a specific application of an amplifier demands betler immunity to noise also which of the following amplifier can be chosen ?
(A)RC coupled amplifier
(B) Differential amplifier
(C ) Transresistance amplifier
(D) Transconductance amplifier

8.The phase shift introduced by the wien bridge in a wien bridge oscillator at the frequency of oscillation is:
(C )0°
(D) 90°

9.Which among the following will not affect the dc performance of the op-amp?
(A)common mode rejectionratio
(C )slew rate
(D)input resistance

10.Communication systems that do not use modulation are called :
(A)carrier communications
(B)base band communications
(C )terrestrial communications
(D)powerline communications

11.Which among the following can be taken as a constant envelope modulation ?

12.Choose the correct statement, regarding the measurement of a sinusoidal voltage waveform :
(A)using CKO the R.M.S.' value can be measured.
(B)using CRO the R.M.S. value and using multimeter the average value can be measured.
(C )using CKO the average value and using multimeter the maximum value can be measured.
(D) using CRO the peak voltage and using multimeter the R.M.S. value can be measured.

13.A series RL circuit takes 160 watts of energy at 0.8 power factor lagging from 100 V, 50 Hz supply. The value of R is :
(A)62.5 11
(B)30 Ω
(C )40 Ω
(D)50 Ω

14.Magnitude of Electric Field Intensity in the depiction region of an open circuited PN junction is :
(A)uniformly distributed
(B)maximum at the junction
(C )maximum at the region near P side 
(D) maximum at the region near N side

15.Prift current in the .semiconductor depends upon :
(A)only the electric field
(B)only the carrier concentration
(C )both the electric field and carrier concentration 
(D) none of the above

16.A zener diode when used in voltage stabilization circuits is biased in :
(A)reverse bias region below the breakdown voltage
(B)reverse breakdown region
(C )forward bias region
(D)forward bias constant current mode

17.The PN junction in photodiode is :
(A)forward biased
(B)forward biased in the constant current region 
(C ) either forward or reverse biased
(D) reverse biased

18.Which MOSFEI amplifier is best suited for high frequency applications ?
(C )CG
(D)Source follower

19.A particular application requires dc level restoration of sinusoidal signals_______ circuit can be used for tic restoration.
(C )peak detector

20.The input resistance of a CE amplifier can be increased by :
(A)increasing the input biasresistor
(B)including a coupling capacitor at the i/p
(C )including an unbypassed resistance in the emitter lead
(D)increasing the input voltage

21.Some properties of negative feedback are listed Choose the property which is not applicable to negative feedback :
(A)Gain enhancement
(B)Gain desensitivity
(C )Bandwidth extension
(D)Noise reduction

22.Op-amp integrator can be used as_____________filter.

23.___________circuil can be used as a sine wave to square wave converter, (of same frequency)
(A)Schmitt trigger
(C )Differentiator

24.A non-inverting amplifier with a gain of 10 is to be designed. If R^ and Rf are the resistors used, the possible values of Rf and R,are___________,_____________respectively.
(A)10 kil1 kΩ 
(B)10 a 1n 
(C )10 kΩ, 10kn 
(D)9 kΩ1 Ω

25.One input of a 2 input FXOR gate is connected to logic 1 and to the other input'A' is given.
The output of EXOR is :
(A) 1 
(B) A
(C ) o
(D) A

26.A logical expression in 3 variables is to be implemented using a multiplexer i.e; y»(A, B, C). The multiplexer chosen is :
(A)8:1 Multiplexer
(B) 3:1 Multiplexer
(C ) 4 : 1 Multiplexer
(D) 16 : 1 Multiplexer

27.An energy signal is one which has :
(A)infinite energy and finite average power
(B)infinite power and finite energy
(C )finite power and zero energy
(D)finite energy and zero average power

28.A system is said to be stable if:
(A)every bounded input results in a bounded output
(B)superposition applies to that system
(C )the system is time invariant
(D)the output does not begin before the input function applied

29.The output of LTI system is equal to the :
(A)product of impulse response and input sequence
(B)sum of impulse response and input sequence
(C )convolution of input and transfer function
(D)convolution of impulse response and input sequence

30.What is the condition for existence of Fourier transform of a signal x(f) ?
(A)If signal x(t) is absolutely integrable
(B)If signal x(t) is periodic
(C )If signal x(t) is aperiodic
(D)No such condition exists

31.'The trigonometric Fourier series of an even function does not have the :
(A) dc term
(B) sine term
(C ) cosine term
(D) odd harmonic terms

32.A finite duration two sided sequence's ROC :
(A)Entire z plane except z = 0 and z«oo
(B)Is a ring (annular region) in the z plane
(C )Entire z plane except z=0
(D)Inside a circle centering origin

33.About the realization of LTI systems, which among the following statement is most appropriate :
(A)IIR systems can be implemented recursively only
(B)FIR systems can be implemented recursively or non-recursively
(C )both (A) and (B) are correct
(D)HR systems can be implemented recursively or non-recursively

34.For efficient computation of 16 point DFT :
(A)radix 2 FFT algorithm is used
(B)direct computation FFT is used
(C )radix 2 DIT FFT algorithm is used
(D)radix 4 FFT algorithm is used

35.When the phase characteristic of a filter is linear within its pass band, the group delay of the filter will be:
(C )linear

36.An analog signal is band limited to 4 kHz, sampled at Nyquist rate and the samples are quantised into 4 levels. The quantised levels are assumed to he independent and equiprobable.If we transmit two quantized samples per second, the information rate is _______________bits/second.
(C )4

37.A transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 11 is terminated by a 50 Ω load when excited by a sinusoidal voltage source at 10 GHz, the phase difference between two pointsspaced 2 mm apart on the line is found to be ~ radians. The phase velocity of the wave along the line is :
(A)0.8 x10s m/s
(B)1.2 x10s m/s
(C )3x10s m/s
(D)1.6X10s m/s

Theintrinsic impedance offree space is:
(A)75 Ω
(B)377 Ω
(C )73 Ω

During night which llayer does not exist:
(A)D layer
(B)F1 layer
(C )F2 layer
(D)E layer

Radiation resistance <of K/2dipole is:
(A)377 11
(B)75 Ω
(C )73 Ω
(D)120 Ω

41.The dominant wave of rectangular waveguide is :
(B) TEj0
(C ) TE
(D) TM11

42.When an EM wave is incident normally on the. surface of a perfect dielectric, it is :
(A)fully transmitted
(B)fully reflected
(C )absorbed
(D)partially transmitted and partially reflected

43.A uniform plane electromagnetic wave propagating in x-direction have :
(A)Ex component only
(B)Components of E and H in x-direction only
(C )Components of E and H only in direction perpendicular to x-direclion
(D)Hx component only

44.VSWR of a line terminated in an open circuit is :
(A) infinity
(C ) 1

45.For BIBO stability of a system which of the following statement is correct 
(A)all roots of the characteristic equation must lie in RHS plane
(B)all roots must be in the LHS plane
(C ) roots must lie either on jw axis or LHS plane
(D) roots must lie either on jw axis or RI IS plane

46.The number of poles in the left half plane, right half plane and on the jw axis can be found out from ;
(A) Root locus plot
(B)Nyquist criterion
(C ) Mason's gain formula
(D)Routh Hurwitz criterion

47. For frequency domain analysis of systems, the methods available are :
(A) Nyquist plot
(B)Bode plot
(C ) Both (A) and (B)
(D)Root locus plot

48. Signal How Graph applies :
(A) to all systems
(B)only to linear systems
(C ) only to discrete systems
(D)only to non linear systems

49. Preemphasis and deemphasis is associated with :
(A) AM broadcasting
(B) TV broadcasting
(C ) Amateur communication
(D) FM broadcasting

50.can be used for the demodulation of PM.
(A)FM demodulator followed by an integrator
(B)AM demodulator followed by a filter
(C )Envelope detector with a low pass filter
(D)Frequency converter

51.The error due to insufficient sampling rate is called :
(A) aliasing
(B) quantisation error
(C ) slope overload
(D) grannular error

52.A signal m(f) band limited to 3 kHz is sampled at a rate 33 ^ % higher than Nyquist rate. What is the actual sampling rate ?
(B)8000 Hz
(C )6600 Hz
(D)3300 Hz

53.The number of message points in the signal space diagram of BFSK is :
(C )4

54.The primary objective of spectrally efficient modulation is to :
(A)maximize power efficiency
(B)reduce bit error rate
(C )maximize the bandwidth efficiency
(D)improve SNR

55.Average information content per source symbol of a discrete memoryless source is termed as:
(A)information rate
(C )information capacity
(D)data compaction

56.The power spectral density of a stationary process is always :
(C )negative
(D)non negative

57.For the same bit energy to noise density ratio the bit error rate of:
(A)Coherent BFSK is less
(B)Coherent BPSK is less
(C )BPSK and BFSK are same
(D)BPSK and BFSK cannot be compared

58.A continuous time signal can be converted to discrete time signal by :
(A) sampling and quantising
(B) quantising and sampling
(C ) convolving with train of pulses
(D) low’ pass filtering and differentiation

59.The impulse response of a linear lime invariant filter matched to an input signal is_______.
(A)input signal itself
(B)delayed version of the input
(C )time reversed and delayed version of input
(D)delayed input multiplied with a constant

60.If the input to a stable linear time invariant filler is stationary process then the output of the
filter is__________.
(A) ergodic
(B) non stationary 
(C ) random
(D) stationary

61.A stack is :
(A)an 8 bit register in the microprocessor
(B)a 16 bit register in the microprocessor
(C )a set of memory locations in K/W memory reserved for storing information temporarly during the execution of a program
(D)a 16 bit memory address stored in the program counter

62.The OUT instruction :
(A)sends the data from register to output port
(B)sends the data from accumulator to output port
(C )sends data from memory' location to output port
(D)sends the flag register content to accumulator

63.Consider an inverting amplifier configuration using op-amp with slew' rate 1 V/jjls. The value of resistors used in the circuit is R= -10 Ω. What is the shortest interval of time that the input pulse could rise to 5 V without exceeding the amplifier's slew rate ?
(A) 1 gs
(B)10 |as
(C ) 0.1 s
(D) 5 s

64.A CMOS inverter can be formed from the proper connection of NMOS transistor Q( and PMOS transistor Q2. The connection will be (power supply connection, properly given) :
(A)Q1 and Q2 parallel, i/p to gate of both o/p drain of both, supply to drain
(B)Qj and Q2 parallel, i/pto gate of both o/p drain of Q2
(C )Q2 and Q1 in series,drainof Q2to drain of Qv i/p togateof both, o/p from drain.
Supply to source of Q2
(D)Q1 and Q2 in series, supply to source of QJi/p to gate of both, o/p from drain

65.Wire ANDing is possible with :
(A)Schottky TTL
(B) Standard TTL
(C )Totem pole output
(D) Open collector output

66.One among the following is not an application of flip flops. Which is that ?
(A) data storage
(B) frequency division
(C ) frequency conversion
(D) multivibrator

67.For an n type semiconductor Fermi level lies :
(A)just below the conduction band
(B)just above the valence band
(C )at the centre of the forbidden band
(D)inside the valence band

68.An optical fiber conducts light but can't guide a radio frequency signal because :
(A)Optical fiber cannot support F.M radiation
(B)Optical fiber supports EM radiation if and only if the radiation wavelength is much smaller than fiber's core diameter
(C )Optical fibers cannot support frequencies lower than cut-off frequency
(D)RF signals are 1'EM signals

69.Companding is used to :
(A)overcome degradation in S/N ratio
(B)overcome aliasing
(C )overcome quantisation error
(D)increase data rate

70.Double spotting in radio receivers is due to:
(A)low gain of IF amplifier
(B)high IF
(C )poor local oscillator tracking
(D)poor selectivity ofRFandIF sections

71.For a Hertzian dipole antenna the half power beamwidth in the E plane is :
(C )90r

72.The dynamic range of an 8 bit ADC is :
(A)256 dB
(B)48.2 dR
(C )72.2dB
(D)8 dB

73.Depth of anesthesia can be determined using :
(D)None of the (A), (B) or(C )

74.______ _ is an example of non weighted code.
(C )Binary

75.Asynchronous counters are preferred in some applications due to the fact that:
(A) they are faster
(B)they require less number of flip flops
(C ) they are easy to design
(D) they have lesser propagation delays

76.Which among the following can be used as a voltage variable resistor ?

77.The Norton equivalent circuit and the Thevenin equivalent circuit of a given circuit is drawn. If is the internal impedance of Thevenin circuit and ZN is the internal impedance of current source in Norton circuit:
(A) ZN: = 1/Zm
(C ) ZN - Zjj*|
(D) ZN andcannot be compared

78.A 3 input NAND gate is available as a circuit element. The method in which it can be converted to an inverter is (Assume A, B, C as the inputs of NAND):
(A)short A, B and C and use it as single input for inverter
(B)short A and B and apply logic 1 to that, use C as the input for inverter
(C )short A and B and use it as input for inverter and connect C to logic 0
(D)both (A) and (B) methods can be used

79.Choose the correct statement regarding Superposition Theorem :
(A)Superposition Theorem can be applied to all networks
(B)Superposition Theorem cannot be used with current sources
(C )Superposition Theorem can be applied to linear circuits only
(D)Superposition Theorem cannot be applied to circuits containing inductors

80.The filter which is preferred to use with rectifiers for load currents in excess of 50 mA is :
(A)LC filter 
(B)RC filter
(C )C filter
(D)1. filter

81.Gomati is the tributory of;
(C )Godavari

82.Nathula Pass is located inwhich state :
(B)Arunachal Pradesh
(C )Sikkim
(D)Himachal Pradesh

83.Lowest Scheduled Tribe population is found in which state :
(C )Kerala

84.Seasonal unemployment refers to :
(B)Private Sector
(C )Public Sector

85.__________is a part of Land Development Bank.
(A) Food Corporation of India
(B) Cooperative Credit Structure
(C ) Commercial Banks
(D) Industrial Development Bank

86.Abhinav Bharat Society was founded by whom ;
(B)V.D. Savarkar
(C )Chandrashekar Azad
(D)Suk Dev

87.Thebaga movement related with which place :
(C )Hyderabad

88.Commonweal was edited by :
(A)S.N. Banerjee 
(B)Annie Besant
(C )Sarojini Naidu

89.In our constitution which article is related to the Flection Commission :
(A) 314
(C )352
(D) 371

90.Who is the Chairman of Finance Commission at present in India ?
(A)Y. Venugopal Reddy
(B)N.K.P. Salve
(C )K. Santhanam
(D)K.C. Panth

91.Who is the Author of the work "Train to Pakistan" ?
(A)R.K. Naravan
(B)Kushwant Singh
(C )Mulk Raj Anand
(D)Maulana Azad

92.The art form in Kerala known as poor man's kathakali :
(B)Chakiar Koothu
(C )Koodiyattam
(D)Oltnm Thullal

93.How many districts are there in the newly formed Telangana Slate ?
(C )13

94. Which colour in the Olympic rings indicate Asian Continent ?
(A) Green 
(B) Red
(C ) Yellow

95.Highest town in Kerala is : 
(A) Munnar 
(B) Kattapana
(C ) Kalpetta

The largest underground water electricpower station in Kerala :
(A) Idukki 
(B) Pallivasal
(C ) Moolamattom

Who was the editor of 'Mitavadi' ? 
(A) K.P. Keshavamenon
(B)K. Ayyappan
(C ) Ayyankali
(D)C- Krishnan

The year of Guruvayoor Satyagraha : 
(A) 1931 
(B) 1930
(C ) 1934

99. According to Gandhiji
is a "miracle of modem times".
(A) Vaikkom Satyagraha 
(B) Abolishion of slavery
(C )Temple entry proclamation of 1936
(D)Freedom of our country

100. Chattampi Swamikal attained Samadhi at Panmann in the year :
(A) 1809
(C )1909
(D) 1924

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INSTRUCTOR GR-I - ELECTRONICS - ENGINEERING - kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 03-05-2017, 04:33 PM

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