COPY HOLDER -PRINTING - GOVT PRESS - KTM kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Which is not a primary colour in printing?
(B) Yellow
(C ) Cyan
(D) Magenta

2.At what depth will he a photograph measuring 16cm* 20cm is to be reduced to 10 cm width?
(A)5.12 cm
(B) 50.2 cm
(C ) 12.5 cm
(D) 15.2 cm

3.Name the process that the size of an image will be reduced or enlarged to fit at a particular area of the layout:
(C )Leaching

4.The machine which is used to arrange the sections of a book in proper order 
(A)Gathering machine
(B)Folding machine
(C )Finishing machine
(D)Stitching machine

5.A single copy form prepared manually or by a machine and printed on grade of paper :
(A)Flat forms
(B)Unit — Set form
(C )Snap out form
(D)Fanfold form

6.A term that refers to the integration of computers and graphic oriented software for the purpose of automating the design and drafting process :
(A)Computer aided design
(B)Machine aided design
(C )Architectural assisted design
(D)System analysis and design

7.By word process we mean :
(A)Processing only words and not the numbers
(B)String manipulations
(C )A Method of providing facility of text processing
(D)A software game for playing with words

8.Graphics software CAD :
(A)Enhances the human capability beyond conventional drawing board
(B)Provides facility for hatching dimensioning, tilting etc
(C )Provides facility for drawing of shapes like circles, rectangles etc
(D)All of the above

9.Office automation systems are aiming at :
(A)Putting robot types of machines
(B)Automatizing everything in office
(C )Producing the systems which reduces burden from the managers minds
(D)All of the above

10.Arrangements of pages for printing in such a way that, when folded the pages full in a proper sequence:
(A) laminating
(B) Em posing
(C ) Tooling
(D) Imposition

11.The process by which letters or designs pressed on a paper, cloth or leather using ink, gold or aluminium foil:
(A) Blind embusing
(C ) Gold tooling
(D)Blind tooling

The symbol of stability, security and hope :
(A) Eagle
(C ) Garland

13.The bottom right corner of a front page used for publishing a single advertisement:
(A)Name plate
(C )liar piece
(D)Solus position

14.A pictorial image that epitomizes a concept, diety, tribe, nation and virtue or voice :
(C )Identity

15.Which of the following is not example of data processing?
(A)Numerical calculation
(B)Classification of data
(C )Transmission of data from one place to another
(D)Sorting the fields within a record

16.Which of the following is an input device?
(A) Magnetic drums 
(B) Plotters
(C ) Coders
(D) Monitor

17.Which is not a computer language?
(A) Fortran
(B) Cobol
(C ) Adobe Photoshop
(D) Pascal

18.At what temperature the Paper should be kept before it is unwrapped?
(A) At colder temperature
(B) In air condition room
(C ) At high temperature
(D) At room temperature

19.For coated paper pH should between : 
(A)8.5 — 9.5
(C ) 6.5— 7.5
(B)7.5 — 8.5
(D) 6-7

20.Which is not a printability requirement which will ensure better results in printing?
(A) RH
(B) High pick resistance
(C ) pH
(D) Low piling tendency

21.In paper manufacturing the only harmful chemical used is :
(B)Sulphar Dioxide
(C )Sulphar
(D)Copper Sulphate

22.The property of paper surfaces that makes the light reflect:
(C )Opacity

23. For uncoaled paper pH should between :
(A) 5 and 6
(B)4 and 5
(C ) 6 and 7
(D)6.5 and 7. 5.

24.Which of the following is an output device?
(A) Light pen
(B)Magnetic stick
(C ) Punched card
(D)Speech synthesizers

25.A device that convert analogue signal into digitalsignal:
(C )Hub

26.Which is the modern type setting device?
(A) Computer
(B)Type writer
(C ) Stensile
(D)None of these

27.What is W. T. 0.?
(A) World Travel Organisation
(B)World Trip Organisation
(C ) World Trade Organisation
(D)World Transonit Organisation

28.Which type of printing involves heating process?
(A) Lamination
(B)Gold tooling operation
(C ) Thermography operation
(D)Varnishing operation

29.The machine by which the swell of the back of the book is removed :
(A) Punching machine
(B)Bending machine
(C ) Cylinder machine
(D)Nipping press

30.Name the process of making hole9 in the tearing sheets of paper :
(A) Saddle stitching
(C ) Perforation

31.The DUX machine for folding the sheets was inventedin :
(A) 1890
(C ) 1896

32.Who invented the basic technique of cutting machine?
(A) Wilson
(B)Gutcn Berg
(C ) Sigmanel Adam
(D)John Hess

38. The books used for writing credits and debits of business :
(A)Account book
(C )Ledgers and account books
(D)Note books

34.Pen Beamis fitted in which part of the machine:
(A)First part
(B)Central part
(C )End part
(D)Finishing part

35.Small thickness of textbooks and exercise books are stitched in this manner
(A)Round stitching
(B)Wire stitching.
(C )Slide stitching
(D)Saddle stitching

36.The work of printing started in the year :
(C )1554

37.A bootstrap is:
(A)An error correction technique-
(B)A memory device
(C )A device to support the computer
(D)A small installation program to start up a computer

38. The digit used for responding ‘No'
(A) Zero
(C ) Eight

The ingraving needle is made of:
(A) Granite
(C ) Diamond

10. Which type metal is used to provide white space between lines? 
(A) Stone
(B) Lead
(C ) Graphite
(D) Diamond

41.The type setting machine available for casting and setting ‘hot type’:
(A)Mono type
(B)Lino type
(C )Ludlow
(D)None of these

42.Which is the “eyes” of your computing and D.T.P System?
(B)Fax machine
(C )Scanner

43.The postscript was first developed by Adobe systems in :#
(A) 1985
(B) 1995
(C ) 1989
(D) 1975

44.Who was the father of printing?
(A) Wilson
(B) Thomas Nelson
(C ) William Caxton
(D) Guten Berg

15.Which are part of a composing stick?
(A) Flange, slide, plate, thumb, screw 
(C ) Head, slide, Plate, metal
(B) Plate, flange, head, slide, screw 
(D) Slide, flange, head, liver, plate

46.Name the standing portion which starts from face of type to shoulder : (A) Face
(B) Bevel
(C ) Counter
(D) Beard

47. A powerful light source that emits a very narrow beam of light:
(A)Sodium light
(C )Mercury

48. The books used by Runners :
(A)Law books
(C )Library books
(D)Technical books

49. Other technical term for “work and back” :
(A)Half sheet work
(B)Tumbler work
(C )Full sheet
(D)Work and twist

50.The margin which is usually seen on the left side of the printed odd number page and right side of even number page :
(A)Back margin
(B)Gutters margin
(C )For edge margin
(D)Tail margin

51.The face of some digits seems to be more beautiful than others. They are called :
(A)Morttised type
(B)Sectional type
(C )Swash letters
(D)Bastered type

52.The letters which usually starts from base line and extends towards the capline is :
(A)Descending letters
(B)Ascending letters
(C )Short letters
(D)Long letters

53.The factors of a type metal:
(A)Lead, Sulphar, Tin
(B)Antimony, Lead, Tin
(C )Antimony. Tin, Copper
(D)Sulphar, Antimony, Tin

54.The 'em' which cannot be given in between words :
(A) 1 em
(C ) 1 en
(D)2 em

55.Which term is used to paste the ‘End paper’ into the board?
(A) Pasting down
(B)Pasting up
(C ) Siding
(D)Turned in

56.Which of the following is not a hardware?
(A) Magnetic tape
(B)VDU Terminal
(C ) Assembler

57.The printing errors and its corrections entered inbooks mentioned with page number
(A) Dedication
(C ) Introduction

58.The string used to make Bead - band :
(A) Tape
(B)Cat - gut
(C ) Threads

59. The properly of paper which controls the extent to which printed characters can be seen through the sheet:
(C )Capability

60.Per capitapaper consumption in India is only :
(A)5 kg
(C )3 kg
(D)10 kg

61.One of thedisadvantage of UV ink :
(A)Eco friendly
(B)Zero set off even for plastic and metals
(C )Indefinite ink opening time
(D)Causes tissue damage by careless handling

62.This century is often called as “The Paper Age":
(A)Nineteenth century
(B)Twentieth century
(C )Twenty first century
(B)Eighteenth century

63.1 GB =
(A)210 KB
(B)1000 MB
(C )210 MB
(D)1000 KB

64. How can we calculate the number of pieces of stock that can he cut from each full size sheet?
(A)Size of basic sheets x Size of press sheet = Number of pieces produced
(B)Size of press sheets = Number of pieces produced
  Size of basic sheets

(C ) Number of pieces produced= Size of basic sheets
   Size of press sheets

(D)Size of basic sheets = Number of pieces produced
   Size of press sheets

65. The device which helps the printed to communicate graphically and clarify the visual image : 
(A) Monitor
(B) Scanner
(C ) Camera
(D) Magnetic drums

66. Which films are sensitive to all colours of light? 
(A) Blue
(B) Ortho Chromatic
(C ) Monochromatic
(D) Panchromatic

67.The diagram of a typical flower to which you can refer in order to make your explanation :
(A)Bar code
(B)Number shaft
(C )Ink Train
(D)Kotary numbering

68.The resistance to the everyday wear and tear that occurs as a result of production operation :
(C )Manning

69. The absence of all colours gives : 
(A) Black       (C ) Grey
(B) White (D) Cyan

70. We get an image of a three dimensional object on a two dimensional surface by means of:
(A) Photographic tones
(B) Typography 
(C ) Line images
(D) None of these

71. Which is not a character impact printer? 
(A) Dot matrix printer (C ) Cylindrical printer
(B) Golf ball printer (D) Chain printer

72. How many characters can a VDU display on one line?
(A) 2 4
(B) 80
(C ) 64
(D) 40

78. Which is not a part of MS Office? 
(A) MS Word (C ) MS Paint
(B) MS Excel (D) MS Access

74. A design in which one element goes with other elements in terms of line, shape and design characteristics:
(A) Golden rectangle (C ) Rhythm
(B) Syntax (D) Harmony

75.In a graphic design, which refers to the equilibrium and visual weight of a page :
(C )Proportion

76.The big - size off - set machine has its size :
(B)5x8-2 1
(C )17 1/2 X 22 1/2
(D)8 1/4xl0 1/2

77.The type of printing in which the image areas are made into depth and the non-image areas remains in relief:
(A)Relief printing
(B)Lithography printing
(C )Off  set printing*
(D)Gravure printing

78.Who invented the platen machine?
(A)William Caxton
(B)G. P. Jorden
(C )Sho — to - lcu
(D)Fredric Coeing

79.How canwe break the words including prefix and suffix?
(A)Break before prefix
(B)After prefix or before suffix
(C )Before prefix or after suffix
(D)Break after suffix

80.What is SRC?
(A)State Reorganising Committee'
(B)State Reorganising Commission
(C )State Reorganisation Committee
(D)State Reorganisation Commission

81.The firstannual session of SNDP yogam having been held at:
(C )Pallana

82.Which war is the name of‘Florence Nightingale associated with?
(A)Cremiean war
(B)Russo — Japanese war
(C )Second World War
(D)Austrian - Succession War

83.Milkha Singh stood in 1960 Olympic, in Athletics
(A)Eighth in 50 k.m. walk
(B)Second in 400 m final
(C )Fourth in 400 m final
(D)Seventh in 800 m final

84. Which animal facing extinction as per the statistics of WWF (World Wild Fund)?
(A) Lion
(C ) Wolf

85.Captain of Volunteer Corps of Guruvayoor Sathyagraham was :
(A) K. Kelappan
(B)A.K. Gopalan
(C ) Subramaniyam Thiruvampur
(D)T.K. Madhavan

86.‘Dandia’ is a popular dance form of :
(A) Maharastra
(C ) Gujarat

87.Chief ore of Thorium was :
(A) Monosite
(C ) Titanium

88.Tuberculosis is a disease affecting organ :
(A) Intestine
(C ) Throat

89.Head quarters of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was situated at:
(A) Vienna
(C ) Rome

90.Who was the father of Indian ecology?
(A) Medha Padkar
(B)M.S. Swaminathan
(C ) Prakruthi Sree Vasthava
(D)Ram Deva Misra

91.Sri. Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varmn, the 'Temple Entry Proclamation’ on :Maharaja of travancore issued his famous
(A) September 21, 1932
(B)November 12, 1936
(C ) November 10, 1936
(D)January 12, 1936

92.The term 'Virgrantha' is associated with :•
(A) Ajivikas
(C ) Jains

93.Plants receive the nutrients mainly from :
(A) Chlorophyll
(C ) Soil

94.UNO declared international Human Right Declaration' on :
(A) 1948 December 10
(B)1918 October 10
(C ) 1950 January 16
(D)1950 October 16

95.Lala Lajpat Rai is the author of the book :
(A) India divided
(B) ‘Mother India
(C ) Hind Swaraj
(D)Unhappy India

96.The birth place of Ayyankali was at:
(A) Chempazhanthi
(C ) Panmana

97.Who wrote the famous book - 'We the people’?
(A) Nanabhoy Palkhivala
(B)Kush want Singh
(C ) T. N. Kaul
(D)J.R.D. Tata

98.Plant havewhile animals lack it:
(A) Starch
(C ) Fat

99.Oxygen in our blood is transported by a protein named:
(A) Keratin
(C ) Haemoglobin

100.The main venue of Salt Sathyagraha in Kerala was at:
(A) Cherai
(C ) Cochin

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COPY HOLDER -PRINTING - GOVT PRESS - KTM kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 01-05-2017, 04:45 PM

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