

Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. A thermodynamic system which allows transfer of energy and not allows transfer of mass is
called :
(A) Isolated system
(B)Semi closed system
(C ) Closed system
(D)Open system

2.Unit of pressure in SI system :
(A) Pascal
(C ) Newton

3."If two thermodynamic systems A & B are in thermal equilibrium with a third system C, then A & B are in thermal equilibrium with each other’. This statement is called :
(A) Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
(B)First law of Thermodynamics
(C )Second law of Thermodynamics
(D)Clausius statement

4.Compression ignition engines are called diesel engines because :
(A)Diesel oil is used as fuel
(B)Used in marine applications
(C )Diesel oil is cheaper fuel
(D)It was invented by Rudolph diesel

5.What is compression ratio?
(A)Stroke volume-Clearance volume
(B)Clearance volume-Stroke volume Clearance volume
(C )Intake Pressure Exhaust Pressure
(D)Compression Pressure Suction Pressure

6.The Diesel cycle consists of:
(A)Adiabatic compression > Constant volume heat addition  Adiabatic expansion -♦Constant volume heat rejection
(B) Isothermal compression -> Constant volume heat addition -► Isothermal expansion -♦ Constant volume heat rejection
(C )Adiabatic compression Constant pressure heat addition -► Adiabatic expansion -► Constant volume heat rejection
(D) Isothermal compression —► Constant pressure heat addition -> Isothermal expansion -* Constant pressure heat rejection

7.Among the four components given below, identify the one, which is not a part of diesel engine :
(A)Air filter
(C )Fuel injector
(D)Intake valve

8.Among the four types of engines given below, which will have largest fly wheel:
(A)Two stroke petrol engine
(B) Two stroke diesel engine
(C ) Four stroke petrol engine
(D) Four stroke diesel engine

9.In I.C. engines the reciprocating motion is converted to rotary motion by the :
(A)Crank mechanism
(C )Cylinder head
(D)Cylinder wall

10.A turbo charger :
(Hint: Size refers to cylinder volume)
(A)Increase the power without increasing the size of the engine
(B)Increase the power and size
(C )Has no effect in power and size
(D)May increase powerandsize

11.An exhaust valve can be identified as :
(A)The valve diameter is less than or equal to intake value
(B)The face and seat are coated with wear and corrosion resistant alloy
(C )All of the above
(D)None of the above

12.An I.C. engine with 6 cylinders will have :
(A)6 main bearings
(B)7 main bearings
(C )5 main bearings
(D)12 main bearings

13.Large high power engines used for ships are :
(A)Four stroke petrol engine
(B)Four stroke diesel engine
(C )Two stroke petrol engine
(D)Two stroke diesel engine

14.In large high power marine engines a cross head is used to connect:
(A)Piston to piston rod
(B) Piston rod to connecting rod
(C ) Cylinder head to engine frame
(D) Connecting rod to crank shaft

15.The ratio of brake horse power to indicated horse power is called :
(A)Volumetric efficiency
(B) Thermal efficiency
(C )Power efficiency

16.The tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis is called :
(C ) Torque.
(D) Horsepower-

17.The actual power developed inside the cylinder is called :
(A)brake power
(B)indicated power
(C )shaft power
(D)rated power

18.Reversible engines are commonly used in :
(A)large marine vessels 
(B) air plane propulsion systems
(C ) automobiles 
(D) none of the above

19.In a transmission gear box, the number of teeth in the driving gear is 38. To rotate the output shaft at half of the rpm of driving shaft, the number of teeth required in the driven gear is:
(C )76

20.The bearing to support the propeller shaft is :
(A)Plummer block
(B) Main bearing
(C ) Big end bearing
(D) Thrust bearing

21.Select the fuel with highest L.C.V, (lower calorific value) from the options :
(C )L.N.G.

22.Autoignition temperature of a substance is the lowest temperature at which it will
spontaneously ignite in normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition. Among the commonly used fuels,---------has the lowest autoignition temperature.
(C )Coal
(D)Diesel oil

23.The expanded form of CRDI is :
(A)Common Rear engine Diesel Injection
(B)Common Kail Direct Injection
(C )Computerized Direct Injection
(D)Common Range Diesel Injection

24.Fuel sendee tank ♦ fuel feed pump -*>fuel injector.
(A) Fuel purifier
(B)Fuel filter
(C ) Fuel cooler
(D)Fuel injection pump

25.The fuel quantity to be injected to the cylinder is controlled by the movement of—
the fuel injection pump.
(B)Delivery valve
(C )Compression spring
(D)Helical groove

26.Example for solid lubricant:
(A) Paint
(B)Vegetable oil
(C ) Graphite
(D)None of these

27.Lubricating oil priming pump is used for :
(A)Lubricate the engine parts before starting 
(B)Lubricate the engine parts after starting 
(C )Lubricate the engine parts during running
(D) Lubricating the main lub. oil pump

28.Choose the option which is NOT the purpose of alubricating oil:
(A) Cleaning of parts
(B)Oxidizing the engine parts
(C ) Cooling of engine parts
(D)Prevention of corrosion

29.Lubrication system suitable for small engines :
(A) forced lubrication
(B)periodical lubrication
(C ) solid lubrication
(D)splash lubrication

30.SAE 15 W-40 is one of the grades used in lubricating oiL The “W" stands for :
(A) Water
(C ) Wet Sump

31.Fins are used in Air Cooled IC engines :
(A)To increase the cooling area
(B)To reduce weight
(C )To get attractive shape to engine
(D)To keep engine dry

32.The coolant used in Cl engine cooling system should be :
(B) Neutral
(C ) Alkaline
(D) Scale forming

33.The thermostatic valve in the cooling system is used to :
(A)Maintain the engine in the maximum efficient temperature
(B)To cool the engine
(C )To control the engine speed
(D)To by pass the cooling water

34.Most suitable cooling system for a marine engine is :
(A)Air cooling system
(B)Oil cooling system
(C )Direct sea water cooling system
(D)Indirect sea water cooling system

35.An intercooler is :
(A)To cool the engine body
(B)To reduce the temperature of suction air
(C )To cool the cooling water
(D)To cool the cabin

36.Muffler is used in the exhaust system for :
(A)connecting exhaust manifold and exhaust gas piping
(B)filtering out heavy particles
(C )the reduction of harmful emissions
(D)reducing the noise

37.The colour of the exhaust is black. Then the engine is :
(A)Having perfect combustion
(B)Having lubricating oil leaking to combustion chamber
(C )Having incomplete combustion
(D)Having cooling water leakage into the combustion chamber

38.The component that is designed to maintain a constant engine speed irrespective of load variation :
(A) Fuel injection pump
(B) Governor
(C ) Fuel injector
(D) Safety valve

39.Very large diesel engined are started using :
(A)Compressed air
(B) Electric starter motor
(C ) Hydraulic starter motor
(D) Hand cranking

40.The one way clutch (overrunning clutch) is used in starter motors to :
(A)Automatically engauge the starter pinion to flywheel
(B)To disconnect the engine from gearbox before starting
(C )Disengauge flywheel from starter pinion after starting
(D)Disengauge engine from propeller shaft

41.The Safeway to connect starter battery terminals on board ship is :
(A)connect positive terminal first, then negative terminal
(B)connect negative terminal first, then positive terminal
(C )connect positive and negative terminals simultaneously
(D)all are safe

42.The lead-acid battery rooms to be well ventilated to avoid fire hazards, because of:
(A)chancesof acidleakage
(B)emissionof oxygengas
(C )chancesof spark
(D)emissionof hydrogen gas

43.Open circuit voltage of a single cell of lead acid battery is :
(A)1.1 volts
(B)2.1 volts
(C )12 volts
(D)24 volts

44.Alternating voltage is generated by :
(A)Rotating u coil in the magnetic field
(B)Rotating a magnetic field within a stationery coil
(C )Both A and B arc correct
(D)Both A and B are wrong

45.The voltage generated in an alternator depends on :
(A)The number of term in the coil
(B)Strength of magnetic field
(C )The speed of rotation of the alternator
(D)All of the above

46.The purpose of capacitor of a single phase induction motor is :
(A)to increase efficiency
(B)for starting
(C )to cool the motor
(D)to reduce the weight of the motor

47.The C.I. engine pistons are generally made of:
(A)Aluminium alloy
(B)Stainless steel
(C )Copper

48.White metal is an alloy used in diesel engines to manufacture :
(A)Connecting rod bolts
(B)Exhaust valve
(C )Main bearing
(D)Engine body

49.Cylinder Liners are subjected to extreme heat of combustion and it has to permit the piston and piston rings with minimum friction. The material suitable for making liners is :
(A) Heat resistant steel
(B) Close grained cast iron
(C ) Copper Alloy
(D) Cast Aluminium

50.Valve clearance or tappet clearance is provided to :
(A)Allow thermal expansion of valve mechanism
(B)Reduce noise
(C )Increase thermal efficiency
(D)Reduce wear and tear of valve mechanism

51.Butt clearance or piston ring end gap is the distance between the ends of piston ring :
(A)kept on a plane surface
(B)at the time of manufacture
(C )inserted inside the cylinder
(D)stretched with a specific amount of force

52.Which is to be checked 'daily' to ensure trouble free running of a diesel engine?
(A)Tappet clearance
(B)Crank shaft deflection
(C )Lubricating oil properties
(D)Crank case lubricating oil level

53.Most suitable maintenance system suitable for efficient running of diesel engine plant is :
(A)advance maintenance system
(B)break down maintenance system
(C )continues maintenance system
(D)planned maintenance system

54.A four stroke six cylinder in line compression ignition engine is running at 400 rpm. Then the engine camshaft is running at:
(C )400

55.A tachometer is a device used for measuring :
(A) Wind speed 
(B) Deflection
(C ) Speed to rotation
(D) Fuel consumption

56. Bourden tube is related to the measurement of:
(A) pressure
(C ) temperature
(D)fuel consumption

The liquid used in glass tube thermometer :
(A) Mercury
(C ) Both (a) and (b)
(D)None of these

58.Internal combustion engines are provided with "emergency automatic stops (emergency trips)" in the condition of:
(A)very low lubricating oil pressure
(B)very high cooling water temperature
(C )over speed
(D)all of the above

59. Sea water is used for the lubrication of:
(A) intermediate bearing
(B) stern tube bearing
(C ) crosshead bearing
(D) none of these

60. A ship does not require a gear box or engine reversing mechanism if it is fitted with a :
(A)constant pitch propeller
(B)controllable pitch propeLler
(C )bow thruster
(D)stern thruster

61.Diameter of a shaft can be measured using the :
(A)pitch gauge
(B)ratchet spanner
(C )inside caliper
(D)outside caliper

62. An open ended spanner with number 24 denotes : 
(A) the distance in mm between the flats 
(B) the hole diameter of the nut
(C )weight in gram
(D)length in inches

68. A striking tool:
(A) scriber (C ) hammer
(B) punch (D) steel rule

64. Which of the following is used for the accurate measurement of small distances : 
(A) feeler gauge
(B) dial gauge
(C ) micrometer
(D) vernier calipers

65. A piston ring compressor is used to :
(A) insert piston into the cylinder 
(B) insert piston ring to the piston
(C )to measure piston ring end gap
(D)to reduce piston ring end gap

66. Engine driven lubricating oil pumps are :
(A)centrifugal pump
(B)reciprocating pump
(C )gear pump
(D)diaphragm pump

67. Which isnot a positive displacement pump?
(A)Vane pump
(B)Centrifugal pump
(C )Piston pump
(D)Gear pump

68.The purpose of priming in centrifugal pump is :
(A)to lubricate the pump
(B)to remove air from the suction pipe to the casing top
(C )to cool the pump
(D)to remove the impurities

69.Wartsila — Sulzer RTA 96 C is considered as the most powerful IC engines today. The power
produced per cylinder is approximately :
(A)1000 kW
(B)2000 kW
(C )4000 kW
(D)6000 kW not a part of a fuel injector:
(B)compression spring
(C )needle valve

71.Isothermal process is a process where :
(A)temperature is constant
(B)heat is constant
(C )volume is constant
(D)pressure is constant

72.Example for an extensive property :
(C )heat

73.Scavenging is a process in internal combustion engine :
(A)to clean the combustion space
(B)to push out exhaust gases and fill the cylinder with fresh air
(C )to preheat the charge air and ensure complete combustion
(D)to remove hazardous chemicals of exhaust gas

74. Mist lubrication is used in :
(A)two stroke petrol engine
(B)two stroke diesel engine
(C )four stroke petrol engine
(D)four stroke diesel engine

75.An internal snap ring is used : 
(A) to lock suction valve spring
(B)to lock main bearing
(C )to lock piston pin
(D)to lock push rod

76.The purpose of catalytic converter is : 
(A) to improve fuel quality
(B)to get complete combustion
(C )to increase fuel efficiency
(D)to reduce pollution

77.Otto cycle 
(A)is a set of processes used by : automotives
(B)petrol engine
(C )diesel engine
(D)steam engine

78.The approximate position at which the exhaust valve opens in a four stroke diesel engine is :
(A)at B.D.C of power stroke
(B)5° after B.D.C. of power stroke
(C )300 before B.D.C. of power stroke
(D)30° after B.D.C. of pow er stroke

79.Advantage of using large slow speed two stroke engines :
(A)ability to use residual fuel oil
(B)smaller fly wheel
(C )simplicity to reverse the direction of rotation of engine
(D)all of the above

80.Decompression lever in smaller diesel engines is used for the purpose of:
(A) easy hand cranking
(B) to stop engine
(C ) to increase compression pressure 
(D) to control engine smoke

81.Which river in India forms the largest river Island in the world?
(C )Brahmaputra

82.From which monsoon India receives the maximum rainfall?
(A)North East Monsoon
(C )North West Monsoon

83.“The revolt of 1857 is the last flickering of Indian feudalism" - Who made this statement? 
(A) V.D. Savarkar
(B) R.C. Majumdar
(C ) Jawaharlal Nehru
(D) Benchamin Disreli

84.Who started the Urdu Journal Tahzib - al - aklilaq? 
(A)Muhammed Iqbal
(B)Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 
(C )Abul Kalam Azad
(D)Muhammed Ali Jinnah

85.Who designed the gateway of India?
(A) Edwin Lutyens
(B) F.W. Steven
(C ) Herbert Baker
(D) George Wittet

86.Which incident in the freedom struggle of India was called as storm in a teacup?
(A)Salt Sathyagraha
(B)Quit India Movement
(C )Non Cooperation Movement
(D)Khilafat Movement

87."Generations to come it may scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flush and blood walked up on this earth" - Who said this about Gandhiji?
(A)Jawahar lal Nehru
(B)Winston Churchil
(C )Mount Batten
(D)Albert Einstein

88.Which is the most abundant type of soil found in Kerala?
(A) Red soil
(B)Alluvial soil
(C ) Black soil
(D)Latcrite soil

89.Which is the highest peak in India?
(A) Godwin Austen
(B)Mount Aravalli
(C ) Mount Everest
(D)Kanchan Janga

90.NREGA was first implemented in:
(A) Kerala
(C ) Andhra Pradesh
(D)Tamil Nadu

91. Who organized the 'Villuvandi Agitation’ in the year 1893?
(A) Ayyankali
(B) Sahodharan Ayyappan
(C ) Pandit Karuppan
(D) K. Kelappan

92. 'Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha - was founded by:
(A)Pampas John Joseph
(B)Poikayil Yohanan
(C )Kandathil Varghese Mappila
(D)Kuriakose Filins

93.Who organized 'Yachann Yathra’ in 1931?
(A)A.K Gopalan
(B)V.T. Bhattathirippad
(C )Mannath Padmanabhan
(D)C. Kesavan.

94.Who founded Atma Vidya Sangham?
(A)Chattambi Swamikal
(B)Brahmanada Sivayogi
(C )Vagbhatananda
(D)Sree Narayana Guru

95.'Kannadi Prathista’ consecrated by Sree Narayana Guru situated at:
(C )Aluva

96.Who is the Golden Ball winner in FIFA world cup 2014?
(A)Neymar da silva
(B)James Rodriguez
(C )Lionel Messi
(D)Thomas Muller

97.Which committee studied about the formation of Telangana. the 29th state of India?
(A)Justice Shah Committee
(B)Birmal Shah Committee
(C )Birnal Jalan Committee
(D)Sreekrishna Committee

98.Who wasthe anti-superstition activist, shot dead recently?
(A)Vijay Sheshadri
(B)Durga Shakti Nagpal
(C )Rakesh sood
(D)Narendra Dabolker

99.Who was the Chief Guest of 65th Republic Day celebration, 2014?
(A)King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khaleefa
(B)Shinzo Abe
(C )David Camaroon
(D)Namgyel Waangchuck

100.Which is the first zero land leas district in Kerala?
(C )Alappuzha

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LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-MAINTENANCE AND kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 24-04-2017, 04:51 PM

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