
1.The word ‘Bank’ is originated from the language of :
(C )Latin(D)Greek

2.The banking Ombudsman scheme was first introduced in Indian in :
(C )1995(D)1994

3.Which of the following is a negotiable instrument?
(A)Promissory note(B)Bill of exchange
(C )Cheque(D)All of these

4.The number of schedules in the Balance Sheet of a bank.
(A) 16(B) 12
(C ) 18(D) 11

5.In banking LBS refers to :
(A) Lal Bahadur Sastri (C ) Lead Bank Scheme
(B) Lending Bank scheme (D) None of these

6.Two basic contradictory conditions that a banker has to keep is :
(A) Liquidity and Security(B) Liquidity and Profitability
(C ) Security and convertability(D) All of these

7.Indian Domestic Card scheme ‘Rupay’ conceived and launched by :
(A)Reserve Bank of India
(B)Indian Government
(C )National Finance Corporation of India
(D)National Payment Corporation of India

8.Kerala Gramin Bank sponsored by:
(A)Syndicate Bank (C ) Indian Bank
(B) Canara Bank (D) NABARD

9.There is restrictions regarding the number and amount of withdrawals in a given period in case of:
(A) Savings bank a/c(B) Current a/c
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D) None of these

10.The bank set up with the aim of giving boost to the country’s export and import:
(A) AXIS bank(B)Foreign bank
(C ) EXIM bank(D)City bank

11.The headquarters of RBI is at:
(A) Mumbai(B)Delhi
(C ) Chennai(D)Pune

12.Principal Financial Institution for the promotion financing and development of Small Scale Industries:

13.Statutory liquidity ratio of RBI is (as on July 2014) is :
(C )24%(D)Noneofthese

14. The institution organised by the associated banks to simplify and facilitate daily exchange of items and settlement of balances :
(A)Associated houses(B)Exchange houses
(C )Clearing housesClearing houses(D)Bill houses

15. First exclusive gold banking outlet of SBI is :
(A)Swarnalankar, New Delhi(B)Ghahna Char, Mumbai
(C )Swarnamandir, New Delhi(D)Sona Ghar, Hyderabad

16.Negotiable Instrument Act was passed in :
(A) 1881(B)1880
(C ) 1981(D)1882

17.The headquarters of IMF is located at:
(A) Washington(B)London
(C ) Newyork(D)ParisParis

18.First Joint Stock Bank in India :
(A) Bank of Bengal(B)Bank of Hindusthan
(C ) Bank of Calcutta(D)Bank of ChennaiBank of Chennai

19.Governing body for the pension scheme:

20.Relationship of banker with payee of a draft.
(A) Drawer and Drawee(B)Licensor and Licensee
(C ) Principal and Agent(D)Trustee and Beneficiary

21.The practice where a borrower pledges collateral security to secure a debt is :
(A) Guarantee(B)HypothecationHypothecation
(C ) Bailing(D)All of theseAll of these

22. Scheduled banks are which :
(A)Carry on banking business in India
(B)Which have paid up capital and reserve of an aggregate value of not less than five lakhs rupees
(C )Which satisfy the RBI that their affairs are not being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of their depositors
(D)All of these

23. Subsidiary ledges of banking companies consists :
(A)Bill for collection register
(B)Locker’s register
(C )Demand draft registerDemand draft register
(D)All of theseAll of these

24. ‘Alphanumeric code that identifies a bank branch participating in the interbank electronic fund transfer:

25.IDBI established in:
(C )1964(D)19651965

26.Chairman of NABARD is appointed by :
(A)Government of India(B)President of India
(C )RBI(D)Rajyasabha

27.Lord Krishna Bank was merged with :
(A)Centurion Bank of Punjab(B)Punjab National Bank
(C )Indian Bank(D)South Indian Bank

28.Largest Public Sector Bank in India :
(A)Bank of Baroda(B)State Bank of India
(C )Central BankCentral Bank. (D)lndian BankIndian Bank

29. The Commercial Bank which has adopted a village in Thrissur District and several steps have been taken to transform the village as a ‘model village’ in India :
(A)Syndicate Bank(B)Federal Bank
(C )Canara Bank(D)South lndian BankSouth Indian Bank

30.Reserve Bank of India established in the year :
(C )19351935(D)19361936

31.Which among the following is a defunct bank?
(A)Lord Krishna Bank(B)Yes Bank
(C )Dena Bank(D)Vijaya Bank

32.The headquarters of SIDBI is at:
(C )Mumbai(D)HyderabadHyderabad

33. Which bank has got gold should for excellence in financial reporting in the Private Bank category 2011-12 from Institute of Chartered Accounts of India?
(A)Catholic Syrian Bank(B)HDFC bank
(C )AXIS bankAXIS bank(D)None of theseNone of these

34. SBI associate banks were nationalised on:
(C )19641964(D)19491949

35. Complaint redressal system launched by SEBI is:

36.Accounts are allowed to be operated by cheque in respect of:
(A)Both savings bank a/c and fixed deposit a/c
(B)Both savings bank a/c and current a/c
(C )Both savings bank a/c and loan a/c
(D)Both savings bank a/c and cash a/c

37.Capacity of the bank to produce cash on demand :
(C )Liquidity(D)Tradability

38.Earliest Commercial Banks were known as :
(A) Trading houses(B) Banking houses
(C )Service houses(D)Agency houses

39.14 major commercial banks were nationalised on :
(C )1959(D)1960

40.Firs organised stock exchange in India was :
(C )Calcutta(D)Ahamadabad

41.The document used by the customers for depositing cash in to bank :
(A)Pay - in - slip(B)Deposit slip
(C )Specimen slip(D)Withdrawalslip

42.Services provided by banks under E-Banking is :
(C )Automated Teller Machine(D)All of these

43.The rate at which Reserve Bank re-discount papers presented by Commercial Bank or make advance to them directly against approved securities :
(A) Repo Rate (C ) Bank Rate
(B)Reverse Repo Rate

44.Banking Regulation Act passed in : 
(C )1950

45.Which of the following is not a banking term?
(A) Equator(B) O.D.
(C ) A/c payee(D) N.P.A

46.Which of the following organisation was set up to boost the overall rural development in India?
(C ) Co-operative Banks(D) SIDBI

47.The ‘Rupay' card dedicated to India by Honourable President of India, Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapathi Bhavan on:
(A) April 4th 2014(B) June 2nd 2014
(C ) April 10th 2014(D) May 8th 2014

48.In E-Banking RTGS stands for :
(A) Rate Time Gross Settlement(B) Real Time Gross Settlement
(C ) Re-discount Time Gap Settlement(D) None of these

49.“The banker to every Indian” is the slogan of:
(A) Canara Bank(B) Indian Overseas Bank
(C ) Federal Bank(D) State Bank of India

50.The Prime Minister’s scheme ‘Bank account for All’ is known as :
(A) Jan Dhan Yojna (C ) Vikas Yojna
(B)Dhan Yojna 
(D)Jan Yojna

51.U.T.I. established in :
(A) 1960(B) 1962
(C ) 1970(D) 1964

52.Qualitative credit control method of RBI is : 
(A) Liquidity ratio (C ) Publicity
(B) Rationing of credit (D) Bank rate

53.Over draft facility is allowed in respect of:
(A) Current A/c(B) Saving A/c
(C ) Fixed deposit(D) Recurring A/c

54.Banks provide financial aid to industries, heavy turnkey projects and foreign trade is : 
(A) SIDBI(B) Specialised banks
(C ) Commercial banks(D) Central bank

55.The plastic money card which allow its holder to make purchase without holding cash in hand and cash at bank.
(A) Debit card(B) ATM card
(C ) Credit card(D) None of these

56.The rate at which RBI lends to the banks under liquidity adjustment facility is 
(A) Reverse Repo Rate(B) Repo Rate
(C ) Bank Rate(D) Cash Reserve Ratio

57.Holidays are declared to banks under : 
(A) Reserve Bank of India Act (C ) Indian Contract Act
(B) Banking Regulation Act (D) Negotiable Instrument Act

58.India’s largest public sector general Insurance Company :
(A) New India Assurance Company(B) National Insurance Company
(C ) Oriental Insurance Company(D) None of these

59.Chairman of State Bank of India. 
(A) Indra Nooyi (C ) Arundhati Battacharya
(B) Chanda Kochar (D) Kiran Mazumdar

60.There has been a concerted effort by the policy makers in re-orienting banking towards achieving social objectives. As a result of this, class banking is shifted to :
(A) Rural banking(B) Mass banking
(C ) Development banking(D) Innovative banking

61.The credit instrument used as most convenient and inexpensive medium of exchange.
(A)Letter of credit
(C ) Cheque
(B)Bill of exchange
(D)Credit card

62.Which of the following is the function of insurance?
(A) Risk bearing(B)Bill of exchange Credit card
(C ) Provide certainty(D)All of these

63.Banks show provision for Income Tax :
(A)Under the head borrowing
(B)Under the head other liabilities and provisions
(C )Under liabilities and tax authorities
(D)None of these

64.The pricing policy of fixing higher price at the initial stage and reducing later step by step is
(A) Penetrating(B) Marginal
(C ) Skimming(D) Cost covering

65.What is ASBA in E-invest?
(A)Applications Supported by Blocked Amount
(B)All Scheduled Bank Association
(C )All India State Bank Association
(D)All Savings Bank A/c Holders

66.Art of protecting information by transforming it in to an unreadable format is : 
(A) Cryptology•(B) Translation
(C ) Crypstography(D) Cryptography

67.SEBI is :
(A) Regulatory authority (C ) Both (A) and (B)
(B) Statutory authority (D) None of these

68.A non-banking asset is :
(A) Fixed asset purchased from the market 
(B) Any asset acquired from the debtors 
(C ) Money at call and short notice(D)All of these

69.Banking Ombudsman may reject the complaint.
(A) Immediately after receipt(B)
(C ) After hearing both parties(D)
At any stage None of the above

70.Which of the following is the restricted function of RBI?
(A) Bank Note issue(B) Credit control
(C ) Lending to banks(D) Clearing houses

71.Commercial paper is :
(A) A short-term promissory note(B) Has fixed maturity period
(C )Both (A) and (B)(D)None of these

72.The process by which physical share certificates are converted in to an electronic form :
(C )Electronisation(D)Dematerialisation

73.The assets of the bank which does not generate any income :
(A)Dead assets(B)NPA
(C )Frozen asset(D)Loss making asset

74.Organisation which set up with the objective of smoothening the short - term liquidity imbalances and integrating various segment of money market.
(A)Over the counter exchange of India(B)SEBI
(C )Discount and finance houseof India(D)RBI

75.The bank which has won the IBA Banking Technology Award 2012-13 for ‘Best use of Mobility Technology in Banking.
(A)Corporation Bank(B)ICICI

76.In India Treasury bills are issued by :
(A)RBI(B)Government of India
(C )Treasury(D)None of these

77._ The document issued by the shipping company or its agent after the cargo is loaded on the ship : 
(A) Inspection bill(B) Certificate of origin
(C ) Bill of lading(D) Packing list

78.Which among the following is not a Public Sector bank?
(A)Andhra Bank(B)Jammu and Kashmir Bank
(C )Syndicate Bank(D)Canara Bank

79.Which among the following is a negative process?
(C )Performance appraisal(D)None of these

80.Financial Instruments that derive its value from the underlying asset.
(A) Promissory note(B) Bill of Exchange
(C ) Derivatives(D) Certificate of Deposit

81.Where did Gandhiji first try Sathyagraha in India?
(A) Bardoli(B) Chambaran
(C ) Sabarmathi(D) Kheda

82.Gadhar Party was formed by : 
(A) Bhagath Singh (C ) Aurobindo Ghosh
(B) Subhash Chandra Bose (D) Lala Hardayal

83.Who formed the Indian Independence League? 
(A) Rash Bihari Bose (C ) W.C. Banerji
(B) C.R. Das -
(D) Subhash Chandra Bose

84. Who of the following is considered as the prophet of Indian Nationalism?
(A) Swami Vivekananda(B)Rajaram Mohan Roy
(C ) Swami Dayananda Saraswathy(D)Gopalakrishna Gokhale

85.On whose recommendation was the Constituent Assembly Formed?
(A) Cabinet Mission Plan(B)Mount Batten Plan
(C ) Government of India Act 1935(D)Gandhi-Irvin Pact

86.Who is known as Indian Bismark?
(A) Subhash Chandra Bose(B)VD Savarkar
(C ) Sardar Vallabhai Patel(D)Bala Gangadhara Tilak

87.The call of "Go back to the Vedas” was given by :
(A) Swami Vivekananda(B)Swami Dayananda Saraswathi
(C ) Sankaracharya(D)Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsar

88.The system of Dyarchy was introduced in Indianunder the India Government Act of:
(A) 1909(B)1919
(C ) 1935(D)1921

89.The Amaravathy Session of Indian National Congressin 1897 was presided by :
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru(B)Sarojini Naidu
(C ) Dadabai Navaroji(D)Sir. C.Sankaran Nair

90._______________ was the heroine of the Quit India Movement.
(A) Sarojini Naidu(B)Captain Lakshmi
(C ) Aruna Asafali(D)Indhira Gandhi

91.“Nirvrithi Panchakam” was written by
(A) Ulloor(B)Vallathol
(C ) Ezhuthachan(D)Sree Narayana Guru

92.Which organization encouraged "Misrabhojanam'’ against the caste system?
(A) Sahodara Sangham(B)SNDP
(C ) NSS(D)Yogakshema Sabha

93.Who called Kumaranasan as “Viplavathinte Sukranakshathram ?
(A)Vayalar Ramavarma(B)Chattambi Swamikal
(C )Joseph Mundasseri(D)K.P. Kesava Menon

94.Which social reformer of Malabar was the contemporary of Sri Narayana Guru?
(A)Brahmananda Sivayogi(B)Vagbhatanantha
(C )Guru Gopinath(D)C.Kesavan

95.Who was the owner of “Swadesabhimani” press?
(A)Ramakrishna Pillai(B)Amsi Narayana Pillai
(C ) C.V. Kunhiraman(D) Vakkom Adbul Khader Moulavi

96.Which social reformer is connected with “Atmavidhya Sangham”?
(A) K. Kelappan (C ) Vagbhadananda
(B) Ayya Vaikundar
(D)Pandit Karuppan

97. The place where Dr.Palpu was born : 
(A) Petta (C ) Aruvikkara
(B) Varkala
(D) Chempazhanthi

98. The place where Ayyankali started a school for dippressed classes in 1904 is :
(A) Kilimanoor (C ) Venganoor
(B) Attingal (D) Sivagiri

99. Vaikkom Sathyagraha was started on : 
(A)1924 April 30
(C )1924 May 30
(B)1924 June 30
(D)1924 March 30

100. The major difference between the moderates and the extremists in the congress session of 1907 was regarding:
(A) Sathyagraha (C ) Education
(B) Swaraj CD) Boycott

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LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-BANKING ASSISTANCE -kerala psc previous question paper - by anusree - 24-04-2017, 10:29 AM

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