JUNIOR PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE GR II NCA - kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Under vitamin A prophylaxis programme, children between 1 to 6 years are given :
(A) 3 lakh 1U of Vit A
(B)2 lakh IU of Vit A
(C ) 2.5 lakh IU of Vit A
(D)1.5 lakh IU of Vit A

2.The safe and effective drug against filarial infection is
(A) Diethylcarbamazine
(C ) Ofloxacin

3.Severe bleeding during the third stage of labour :
(A) Placenta praevia
(B)Puerperal haemorrhage
(C ) Postpartum haemorrhage
(D)Placental abruption

4.Incubation period of Mumps is:
(A) 4 Weeks
(B)1 Week
(C ) 4-5 Weeks
(D)2-3 Weeks

5.Deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes :
(A) Pernicious anaemia
(C ) Xerophthalmia

6.Which among the following disease is not due to Aedesmosquitoes?
(A) Rift valley fever
(C ) Dengue fever
(D)Chikungunya fever

7.Calcium requirement during pregnancy and lactation is :
(A) 0.5 gm
(B)3.0 gm
(C ) 2.0 gm
(D)1.0 gm

8. World AIDS day is celebrated every year on :
(A) July 11th
(B)April 7th
(C ) December 1st
(D)June 5th

9.First course of oral contraceptives should be started inwhich day of menstruation?
(A) 5th day
(B)3rd day
(C ) 7 th day
(D)9th day

10.H1N1 Infection spreads through :
(A) Contaminated water
(B)Droplet nuclei
(C ) Contaminated fruits and vegetables
(D)Infected vector mosquitoes

11.Time limit for registration of births is :
(A) 7 days
(B)10 days
(C ) 14 days
(D)15 days

12.First step in the control of a communicable disease is :
(A) Health survey
(C ) Registration
(D)Early diagnosis

13.Number of deaths from puerperal causes per 1000 live births is called :
(A) Infant mortality rate
(B)Maternal mortality rate
(C ) Perinatal mortality rate
(D)Neonatal mortality rate

14.Richest source of vitamin C is :
(A) Amla
(C ) Meat

15.One of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia is:
(A) Frustration
(C ) Imaginative thinking

16.One Anganwadi worker covers a population of:
(A) 3000
(C ) 1000

17.Average head circumference at birth is :
(A) 34 cm
(B)30 cm
(C ) 10 cm
(D)45 cm

18.An epidemic which spreads over the whole world is called :
(A) Sporadic
(C ) Endemic

19.By which route BCG vaccination is given :
(A) Intramuscular
(C ) Intra dermal

20.Drug of choice for the treatment of Pneumonia is:
(A) Ofloxacin
(C ) Tetracyclin

21.Rabies in man is called :
(A) Acrophobia
(C ) Claustrophobia

22.Oligohydramnios is a condition when the volume of amniotic fluid is less
(A) 500 ml
(B)900 ml
(C ) 300 ml
(D)600 ml

23.The individual blames others for his mistakes is called:
(A) Projection
(C ) Regression

24.Refuse along with human excreta is disposed of by a method known as :
(A)Controlled tipping
(B) Composting
(C ) Dumping
(D) Incineration

25.Amount of water in the well is calculated by applying the formula:
(A)(3.14 x d2 h)/4x 1000
(B)(3.14 x d x h2)/4x 1000
(C )(3.14 x d2 x h)/4 x 100
(D)(3.14 x d x h)/4 x 100

26.Example of non-verbal communication is :
(A) Lecture 
(B) Facial expression
(C ) Symposium
(D) Diphtheria

27.Sabin vaccine is given for the prevention of:
(A) Measles 
(B) Typhoid fever 
(C ) Poliomyelitis
(D) Newspapers

28.Protrusion of abdominal viscera through an abnormal opening in the body wall is called :
(C )Distension

29.One of the elements of primary health care is :*
(B)Community participation
(C )Equitable distribution
(D)Bag technique

80.Pap smear is a screening test for :.
(A)Carcinoma stomach
(B)Carcinoma rectum
(C )Carcinoma cervix
(D)Carcinoma breast

31.Thyroxine is secreted by :
(B)Adrenal gland
(C )Parathyroid gland
(D)Thyroid gland

32. Baby doubles its birth weight at:
(A) 9 months of age
(B) 5 months of age
(C ) 7 months of age
(D) 1 year of age

33.The headquarters of World Health Organization
(A) Geneva
(B) New York
(C ) New Zealand
(D) Canada

31.Which among the following is a combined Audiovisual aid?
(A) Radio
(B) Tape-recorder
(C ) Posters
(D) Television

35.Child between 1-5 years is considered to be malnourished, if the Midarm circumference is
less than: .
(A) 16 cm
(B) 12.5 cm
(C ) 14.5 cm
(D) 18.5 cm

36.Formula used for the paediatric dosage of medication for children under the age of one
year is:
(A) Clark’s rule
(B) Young’s rule
(C ) Fried’s rule
(D) Evan’s formula

37.Which is the angle of insertion for Intramuscular injection?
(A) 45 degree
(B) 90 degree
(C ) 75 degree
(D) 95 degree

38.Cooking below the boiling point is called :
(A) Simmering
(B) Steaming
(C ) Stewing
(D) Baking

39.An example of protein energy malnutrition is :
(A) Anemia
(B) Scurvy
(C ) Marasmus
(D) Rickets
40. For effective sterilization in the autoclave, the temperature should be :
(A) 112 deg C
(B)105 deg C
(C ) 103 deg C
(D)122 deg C

41.Which among the following vaccine should be stored at minus 20 deg C?

42.In hyperpyrexia, the body temperature isdegree F:
(A) Between 99 and 101
(B)Between 101 and 103
(C ) More than 105
(D)Between 103 and 101

43.Characteristic hormone of the placenta is:
(A) Oestrogen
(B)Chorionic gonadotrophin
(C ) Corticotrophin

44.Addition of starch to make the milk thicker is anexample of :
(A) Fortification
(C ) Adulteration
(D)Food additive

45.in which condition, “Basic life Support” is used?
(A) Cardiac arrest
(B)Chest injuries
(C ) Cardiac failure
(D)Pleural effusion

46.Common type of fracture in which the distal portion of the radius is fractured : .
(A) Linear fracture
(B)Colics’ fracture
(C ) Spiral fracture
(D)Pott’s fracture

47.Which among the following parasite is responsible formalaria?
(A) Wuchereria bancrofti
(B).Brugia malayi
(C ) Plasmodium
(D)Brugia timori

48.One of the cardinal symptoms of heart disease is:
(A) Pallor
(B) Anorexia
(C ) Anemia
(D) Dyspnea

49.Offensive odour of breath is called : 
(A) Sordes (C ) Cheilosis
(B) Pyorrhoea (D) Halitosis

50.Formation and excretion of less than KM) ml of urine in 24 hours is called 
(C )Anuria

51.Which meal plan is best for the patient with Diabetes Mellitus?
(A)Avoidance of fats and proteins
(B)High fibre .adequate proteinintake
(C )Low fibre .high carbohydrate diet
(D)High fibre, low protein intake

52.Most sensitive measure of growth of an Infant is:
(A) Weight 
(B) Head circumference
(C ) Height
(D) Chest circumference

55. What is the normal respiratory rate of an adult? 
(A)30 - 34/minute
(C )25-29/minute
(D)12 - 15/minute

54. Separation of an infected person from the non-infected persons for the period of communicability:
(A) Quarantine 
(C ) Isolation 
(D) Prophylaxis

55. Physical activity accomplished by the clients Without assistance is called : 
(A) Active exercise
(B) Flexion exercise
(C )Passive exercise
(D) Extention exercise

56. Pulse polio immunization programme was launched in the year :
(A) 1991
(C ) 1996

57.Pulse rate below 60 per minute is called :
(A) Bradycardia
(C ) Cardiac Arrhythmia
(D)Pulses Alternans

58.Causative organism of hookworm infection is :.
(A) Ascaris lumbricoides
(B)Staphylococcus aureus
(C ) Ancylostoma duodenale
(D)Salmonella typhimurium

59.Temporary opening between two atria in the fetal heart is called :
(A) Ductus venosus
(B)Foramen ovale
(C ) Ductus arteriosus
(D)Hypogastric artery

60.Graphic method of recording the salient features of labour: -
(A) Cholangiography
(C ) Computerized axial tomography

61.One of the positive signs of pregnancy is :
(A) Changes in the uterus
(B)Hearing fetal heart
(C ) Abdominal enlargement
(D)Uterine contractions

62.The cardinal sign of pre-eclampsia is:
(A) Raised blood pressure
(B)Abdominal pain
(C ) Gastritis

63.Which organ secretes “Bile” ?
(A) Pancreas
(B)Small intestine
(C ) Liver

64.Which among the following drug helps to induce labour?
(A) Papaveretum
(B)Chlormethi azole
(C ) Betamethasone

65. Perfect apgar score should be :
(A) 9 or 10
(B)11 or 12
(C ) 6 or 7
(D)11 or 15

66.What abnormal constituent is present in theurine in acase of Hyperemesis gravidarum?
(A) Protein
(C ) RBC

67.Which of the following is an Anti-tuberculosis drug?
(A) Chloramphenicol
(C ) Gentamycin

68.Fertilization usually occurs in the :
(A) Fundus
(C ) Ampulla

69.Kala-azar is prevented by controlling :
(A) House flies
(B)Rat fleas
(C ) Tics
(D)Sand flies

70.What is the amount of bleaching powder needed for disinfecting 1000 litres of water?
(A) 2.0 gm
(B)3.0 gm
(C ) 2.5 gm
(D)3.5 gm

71.Number of “New cases” occuring in a defined population is called :
(A) Prevalence
(C ) Seasonal trend
(D)Secular trend

72.The suture in between two parietal bones is called 
(A) Sagittal
(C ) Lambdoidal

73.Active immunity may be acquired by :
(A) An attack of disease
(B)Injection of antiserum
(C ) Injection of gamma-globulin
(D)Maternal antibodies

74. Most important cause of diarrhoea in infanta and children is:
(A) Enterovirus
(C ) Rota virus

75.Janani Suraksha Yojana is related to :
(C ) WHO

76.One of the complications of Intra-uterine device insertion is :
(A) Weight gain
(B)Breast tenderness
(C ) Headache

77.Increase in the depth of respiration is called :
(A) Hyperpnoea
(C ) Orthopnoea

78.Drugs that cause expulsion of gas from the intestinal tract:
(A) Cathartics
(C ) Diuretics

79.One of the leading causes of maternal mortalityin India:
(A) Obstructed labour
(B)Ectopic pregnancy
(C ) Obstetric haemorrhage

80.Freedom from disease-causing microorganisms :
(A) Sepsis
(C ) Antisepsis

81.’Discovery of India is written by:
(A) R.K. Narayan
(B)M.K. Gandhi
(C ) Jawaharlal Nehru

82.Founder of Scheduled Caste Federation :
(A) Gandhi
(C ) Jayaprakash Narayan
(D)Annie Besant

83. The highest Mountain peak in the world :
(A) Mount Everest
(B)Kanchen Junga
(C ) Manaslu

84.Who publish ‘Annual Demographic year book’:
(A) W.H.O.
(C ) L.L.O.

85.Which is the biggest rainforest in Kerala?
(A) Thekkady
(C ) Lakkidy

86.Headquarters of National Film Archives :
(A) Poona
(C ) Bombay

87.Who wrote Vandemataram:
(A) Subrahmanyabharathi
(C ) Premchand
(D)Bankim Chandra Chatterji

88.Indian National Congress founded in :
(A) 1784
(C ) 1885

89.First Education Minister of Kerala :
(A) Pattam Thanupillai
(B)Joseph Mundassery
(C ) R. Sankar
(D)A.V. John

90.Indian Oil Corporation came into being in :
(A) 1965
(C ) 1964

91.Who raised the slogan ‘One Caste, One Religion and One God for Man?
(A) Sree Narayanaguru
(B)Vaikunda Swami
(C ) Sahodaran Ayyappan
(D)Thycaud Ayya

92. Nair Service Society was organized on the pattern of the :
(B)Sahodara Sangham
(C ) Yogakshema Sabha
(D)Servants of India Society

93.The newspaper Swadeshabhimani’ was owned by :
(A) K.P. Kesavamenon
(B)Vakkam Abdul Khadir Moulavi
(C ) C.V. Kunjiraman
(D)K. Ramakrishnapillai

94.Who was honoured by the Maharaja of Cochinwith the title ‘Kavithilakan’?
(A) Kumaranasan
(B)Pandit Karuppan
(C ) Ullor

95.Birthplace of Ayyankali :
(A) Panmana
(C ) Venganoor

96.The present Loksabha Speaker is :
(A) Sumithra Mahajan
(B)Smrithi Irani
(C ) Umabharathi
(D)Sushama Swaraj

97.Which nation was the winner in the World cup Football 2014?
(A) Italy
(C ) Argentina

98.Name the first Keralite who sail around the World :
(A) George Kulangara
(C ) Abhilash Tomy’ 

99.Who is know n as ‘Little Master?’
(A) Sunil Gavasker
(B)Sachin Tendulkar
(C ) Mathew Haiden

100.ESA means:
(A) Ecologically sensational area
(B)Ecologically sensitive authority
(C ) Eco Sensitive area
(D)Ecologically sensitive area

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JUNIOR PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE GR II NCA - kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 22-04-2017, 04:35 PM

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