
1. The L.C.M. of two numbers is 2079 and their H.C.F. is 27, If one of the number is 189, find the other :•
(A)299(B) 197
(C ) 295(D) 297

2.A can do piece of work in 6 days B can do in 4 days.How will they take if both work together?
A can do a piece of work in 6 days and B can do in 4 days. How long will they take if both work together?
(C )
(D) None of these

3.30% of a number is 120. Which is the number?
(C )500. (D)450

4. Simplify 0.25 + 0.036 + 0.0075
(C ) 0.00136
(D) 0.0136

0.2 x 0.2 + 0.01 x 0,01 0.401
(C ) 0.1
(D) 0.001

6.The sum of two numbers is 14 and they are in the ratio 5 : 6. Find the numbers :
(C )(18, 26)

7.Simplify 2— - 3— + !—• =
2 3 6
(C )1/4 4

8.The sum of ages of Sita and Reena is 32. Age of Reena is 3 times the age of Sita. Age of Reena is :
(C )4(D)24. *|

9.Find the odd one in the group :
27, 35, 47, 52, 63
(C )47‘(D) 63

10.The perimeter of a square is 40 cm. Find the area :
(A)10 cm2(B) 400 cm2
(C ) 100 cm2(D) ,160 cm2

11.In the following question there is a question mark in the blank space and it is only one of the five alternatives given under the question which satisfies the same relationship as is found between the two words to the left of the sign given in the question. Find the correct alternative in the question :

12.In the following groups one does not belong to that group. Find the odd man :
Chariot, Bus, Wagon, Car, Sleigh
(C )Sleigh(D)Car

13.Arrange the following words in the alphabetic order :
(1) approximation (2) appropriation (3) appurtenance (4) apportionment (A)1, 2, 3,4-(B)4, 3, 2,1
(C )4, 2, 1,3(D)4, 1,2,3.

14.Find out the best explanation for the following statement from the answer choices :
Grapes are cheaper than apples. I do not have money to buy two kilograms of grapes. Therefore:
(A)I cannot buy two kilograms of grapes
(B)I can buy one kilograms of grapes
(C )I cannot buy one kilogram of grapes and one kilogram of apples
(D)I can buy two kilograms of apples

15.In a secret way of writing COME AT ONCE FATHER VERY ILL is written as XLNV ZG LMXY UYGSVI EVIB R00. Bearing this in mind pick up the code from the answer choices for the word given below :

16.A person was going towards south, then turns left then left again, then right. Alter that he turned about.. In which direction is lie now?
(C )East(D)West

17.In the following question the mathematical number follow according to a pattern. Discover that pattern and then pick up the missing number from the answer choices :
2, 5, 9, 19, 37, ?
(A)75'*(B) .85
(C )87(D)47

18.If the 11th day of a month having 31 days is a Saturday, which of the following days will occur five times in that month?
(C )Sunday(D)Thursday

19.In the question below three words are given. They are followed by four words one of which stands for the class to which these three words belong. Identify that word :
Barbarous, Crude, Rude,
(C ) rude.(D) cultured

20.Read the statements carefully and answer the question which follow :
A cube has six sides each of a different colour. The red side is opposite black. The green side is between red and black. The blue side is adjacent to white. The brown side is adjacent to blue. The red side is face down. The side opposite brown is :
(A) Red'. (B) Black
(C ) White(D) Green

21.Which is the hardest material ever known in the universe?
(C )Diamond(D)MarbleMarble

22. Which instrument regulates the resistance or current in a circuit?
(A) Volta cell(B)Rheostat
(C ) Generator(D)Sonometre

23.The scientist who formulated the “Germ theory of disease” is :
(A) Louis Pasteur(B)Lamarck 
(C ) Hugo Devries(D)Griger Mendel

24.In which atmospheric level ozone gas is seen?
(A) Mesosphere(B)Lithosphere
(C ) Stratosphere(D)IonosphereIonosphere

25.Which is the relay centre in our brain?
(A) Pituitary gland(B)Thalamus
(C ) Spinal cord .(D)MeningesMeninges

26.Methane gas is invented by the scientist:
(A) Alexandro Volta(B)Alexander FlemingAlexander Fleming
(C ) John Dalton(D)Thomas Alwa Edison

27.Which of the following units is usually used todenote the intensity of pollution?
(A) Milligrams(B)Nanograms
(C ) Parts per million(D)KilogramKilogram

28.Nitrogen fixing bacteria lives in the root tumours of pea-plants is called :
(A) Rhizome(B)Rhizobium
(C )' E.coli(D)Streptococcus •

29.Which of the following chemicals is used in fire extinguishers?
(A) Sodium bicarbonate(B)Sodium nitrate
(C ) Potassium bicarbonate(D)Sodium chlorideSodium chloride

30.Which phenomenon of light is behind the rainbow?
(A) Diffraction(B)Scattering
(C ) Reflection(D)Radiation

31.What is the full form of.'NITI’ in NlTI,Aayog?
(A)National Integration and Transforming India
(B)National Institution for Transforming India
(C )National Institution for Transporting India
(D)National Institute for Technology of India

32.Who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2014?
(A)Alice Munro• (B)Herta Muller
(CDPatrick Modiano(D)Mo Yan

33.Who is thenew President of Sri Lanka?‘
(A)Mahindra Rajapaksa(B)Chandrika Kumaratunga
(C )Ranil Wickremasinghe(D)Maithripala Sirisena

34. In which year ‘Bharat Ratna’, the highest civilian award in India was instituted? 
(C )1956(D)1964

35.Who is the present Governor of Kerala?
(A)P. Sadasivam(B)R.L. Bhatia
(C )Nikhil Kumar(D)Sheela Dikshit

36.Which work of Subhash Chandra won Kendra Sahitya Academy Award 2014?
(A)‘Ghatikarangal Nilaykunna Samayam
(B)Bloody Mary'
(C )Parudeesa Nashtamf
(D)Manushyanu Oru Aamukham

37.On which day ‘Mangalyan’ was launched from Sriharikotta?
(A)5 November 2012(B)5 November 2013
,(C )24 January 2014(D)24 September 2014

38.Who is the Chief Election Commissioner of India?
(A)H.S. Brahma(B)V.S. Sambath
(C )S.Y. Quraishi(D)Navin Chawla

39.. Headquarters of KILA is at: (A) Kozhikode (C ) Thrissur
(B)  Kottayam (D) Ernakulam

40.The final match of FIFA World Cup 2014 was between :
(A) Germany and Argentina(B) Argentina and Brazil
(C ) Germany and Netherland(D) Germany and Brazil

41.Which is the oldest mountain range in India? 
(A) Aravalli (C ) Eastern Ghats
(B) Western Ghats (D) Himalayas

42.Which river was considered as sacred by the Vedic Aryans?
(C )Saraswathi(D)Brahmaputra

43.Who wrote the famous book ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule in India?
(A)R.P. Dutt(B)Dadabhai Naoroji
(C )M.G..Ranade(D)GopalakrishnaGokhale

44.What was the original name of Swami Dayananda Saraswathi?
(A)Kesab ChandraSen(B)Narendranath Dutta
(C )Mulshankar(D)Mohan Roy

45.Who among the following English men described the 1857 Revolt was a ‘National Rising?
(A)T.R. Holmes(B)James Mill
(C )Benjamin Disraeli(D)Sir James Outram

46.Who was the Chief Organiser of the ‘Ghadar Movement’?
(A)Lala Hardayal •(B)Mahatma Gandhi
(C )Lala Lajapat Rai(D)Lai Chand Falak

47.The famous Champaran Satyagraha was started by Gandhiji in the year :
(C )1919(D)1920

48.Which education reform was considered as the ‘Magna Carta’ of English Education in India?
(A) Charter Act of 1813(B) Hunter Commission
(C ) Wood’s Despatch •'(D) Indian University Act

49.Who was considered as the father of Indian Local Self Government?
(A) Lord Mayo .(B) Lord Curzon
(C )Lord Lytton(D)Lord Rippon

50.In which year Rash Bihari Bose organised the Indian Independence League at Bangkok?
(C )1942(D)1944

51.The famous Tirunelli temple lies in the valley of:
•(C ) Puralimala(D) Malayattor.•

52.Which of the following river was called as ‘Churni’ in Ancient times?
(A) • Bharatapuzha(B)Pampa
(C )Chaliyar(D)Periyar

53.Which of the work contains the earliest reference to the town of Quilon?
(A) Topographia lndika Christiana(B) Periplus of Erythrean Sea
(C )Tao-i-Chilio(D)Si-Yu-Ki

54.Who was the leader of the first agricultural labourers strike in Kerala demanding the social and economic issues?
(A)A.K. Gopalari(B)P. Krishna Pillai
(C )EMS Namboodiripad(D)Ayyankali

55.What was the original name of Vagbhatananda?
 (C )Kunhunni(D)Kumaran

56.Who started Prathyksha Raksha Daiva Sabha, a Dalit liberation movement in Kerala?
(A)Poykayil Yohannan(B)Pandit Karuppan
(C )Thycaud Ayya(D)Natraja Guru

57.The famous work 'Mokshapradeepam’ was written by :
(A) Dr. Palpu(B) Kumaranasan
(C ) V.T. Bhattatirippad(D) Brahmananda Sivayogi

58.Where was the famous news paper “Swadeshabhimani”started by Vakkom Abdul Khadar Maulavi?
(A) Kannur(B)Cochin
(C ) Anchutengu(D)Attingal •

59.Nair Service Society was formed in the year :'
(A) 1911(B)19141914
(C ) 1917(D)19181918

60.Who founded ‘Advita Ashram’ at Aluva in 1913?.
(A) Chattampi Swami(B)Ayya Vaikundar '
(C ) Thycaud Ayya(D)Sri Narayana Guru

61.Right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights by the :
(A) 43rd Amendment*(B)45th Amendment
(C ) 44th Amendment(D)42nd Amendment42nd Amendment

62.The chairman and members of the State Public Service Commission are appointed by :
(A) The President(B)The Chief Justice of the High Court
(C ) The Chief Minister of the State(D)The Governor

63.Who act as the friend, philosopher and guide of the Public Account Committee? -
(A) The Prime Minister(B)Comptroller and Auditor General
(C ) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha(D)Attorney GeneralAttorney General

64.An order of court to produce a person suffering detention is called :
(A) Mandamus(B)Certiorari
(C ) Habeas Corpus(D)Quo-warranto

65.The concept of Directive Principles was borrowed from:
(A) Irish Republic(B)Switzerland
(C ) Constitution of USA .CD)Constitution of UK

66.‘Sati’ - Self immolation of widows - was prohibited by law in Bengal in 1829 by the British • governor:
(A)Sir John Shore(B)Warren Hastings
(C )Wellesley(D)William Bentinck

67.What is the time limit within which an infonnation is to be provided regarding the life and liberty of a person under the R.T.I. Act 2005?
(A)30 days(B)24 hours
(C )60 days(D)48 hours

68.The SC/ST (Preventions of Atrocities) Act 1989 enforced with effect from :
(A)30th January1990(B)22nd February 1991
(C )30th November 1990(D)30th July 1990

69.Who wrote the book “A vindication of the rights of woman”?
(A)Frieden(B)Mary Wollstone Craft
(C ) Ginsburg•(D) Casgrain

70.The Lokayukta and Upalokayukta Act was first passed in :
(A)Maharashtra(B)West Bengal
(C )Karnataka(D)Tamil Nadu

71.Fill in the blanks with suitable articles: "Can I have------------omelette and-------apple with my tea?”
(A)a, an(B)a, a
(C )an, an(D)an, a

72.Correct the following sentence: "No newses are good newses.” •
(A)No news is good news(B)No newses are good newses..
(C )No newses is good newses.(D)No newsarcgoodnews.

73.The masculine gender of‘Duck’ is 
(A) Duckling (C ) Swan
(B) Goose (D) Drake

74.Pick out the adjective from the following sentence: “Neha comes here every day ?
(A) comes(B) here
(C ) every*(D) day

75.Fill in the suitable comparative form of the adjective: “Have you heard the------------------
(C )latest(D)lated

76.Fill in the suitable prepositions: “My mother told me---------------never cry----------------spilt milk.”
(A)of, on(B)to, over
(C )that, at(D)so, upon

77.Change the sentence into passive voice: “Manners reveal true character.”
(A)True character is revealed by manners.
(B)Good manners reveal good character.
(C )True manner reveal character.
(D)It is manners that reveal character.

78.Replace the underlined phrase with one word: ‘T did not expect such childish talk from a
grow-up man.”
(C )ridicule(D)stammer

79.Fill in the blanks with a suitable idiom: “The policemen came to my house and accused me of
stealing a necklace but I told them that they were----=--------.
(A) looking a gift horse in the mouth (B). blowing hot and cold (C )one for the road(D)barking up the wrong tree

80.Fill in the blank space with a suitable word: “The Global Positioning System (GPS) helps us to------------”,
(C )nostalgia(D)endeavour

81.Which of the following is a non-government organisation?
(C )NFFWP(D)Bharath Nirman

82. Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana was introduced with a view to improve the condition of the : 
(A)Urban slum dwellers(B)Rural dwellersRural dwellers
(C )Forest dwellers(D)None of the above

83. PMRY is primarily to assist the : 
(A) Rural Youths (C ) Urban Youth
(B)Employed Youth
(D)Educated Unemployed Youth

84. Micro credit, entrepreneurship and empowerment are three important components of:
(C ) ICDS(D)Kudumbasree

85.Sampoorna Gramin Rozar Yojana was dedicated to the nation by the prime minister :
(A) Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee(B)Shri. Rajeev Gandhi
(C ) Dr. Manmohan Singh(D)Shri. V.P. Singh

86.What is the full form of MSY?
(A) Mahila Samskrithi Yojana(B)Mahila Samskara Yojana
(C ) Mahila Samyojak Yojana(D)Mahila Samridhi Yojana

87.The target group under ICDS scheme is :
(A) Children of SC and ST(B)Children of below poverty line
(C ) • Children in the age group 0-6 years(D)Children of Ex-ServicemenChildren of Ex-Servicemen

88.Indira A was Yojana is related to the construction of:
(A) Rural Infrastructure(B)Urban Infrastructure
(C ) Rural Housing(D)Urban Housing '

89.Jawahar Rosgar Yojana was launched by :
(A) Smt. Indira Gandhi(B)Shri. Rajeev Gandhi
(C ) Shri. Narasimha Rao(D)Dr. Manmohan Singh

90.The Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched on :
(A) December 25th, 2000(B)October 2nd, 2000 •
(C ) August 15th , 2000 .(D)January 26th 2000

91.What type of a software is an operation system?
(A) Application software(B)System Software
(C ) Embedded SoftwareCD)Personal Computer Software

92.What is the full form of the first. Electronic Computer ENTAC?
(A)Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator
(B)Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator
(C )Electrical Numerical Integrated Computer
(D)Electro Numeric Integrity Computer

93.The unauthorized reproduction in the computer crime is considered as :
(A) Software Sabotage(B) Software piracy
(C )Masquerading(D) Eavesdropping and spying

94.In IT Act 2000, which section deals with the punishment of cyber terrorism? 
(A) 66(B)(B) 67(B)
(C ) 66(F)(D) 45(F)

95.What is the process of loading the operating system files into dynamic random access memory?
(A) Formatting(B) Automatic data exchange
(C ) Data sharing-(D) Booting

96.Which technology is used in the processor of a computer to simulates a single processor into two virtual processors to the operating system?
(A)Hyper threading technology(B)Multi coretechnology 
(C )Simulation technology(D)Multi threading technology

.97. Which virus is treated as the first computer virus?
(A)Trojan horse(B)SC A virus
(C )Creeper virus(D)Rabbit

98.Which was the first search engine in the Internet?
(A) Google(B) Archie
(C ) Alta vista(D) WAIS

99.When is World Computer Literacy Day celebrated?
(A) January 22nd(B) March 5th
(C ) May 20th(D) December 2nd

100.Which one is the first fully supported 64-bit operating system?
(A)Windows vista  
(C )Linux
(B)Windows 7

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