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1. Araya Samajam was founded by:
(A) Swami Dayananda Saraswathy(B)Dr. Palpu
(C ) Pandit Karuppan(D)Vagbhatananda

2.The book, not related to Brahmananda SwamiSivayogi:
(A) Moksha Pradeepam(B)Sidhabhuthi
(C ) Ananda Sutram(D)Anandamodam

3.Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara was born at:
(A) Kainikkara(B)Thrissur
(C ) Kaladi(D)Pala

4.Who was honoured with the title “Bharat Kesari” by the President of India?
(A) Vakkam Moulavi(B)Mannathu Padmanabha Pillai
(C ) Chattampi Swami(D)Kumara Guru

5.Southernmost lake in Kerala:
(A) Pookot(B)Uppala
(C ) Vembanadu(D)Veli

6.During sangam period lands were divided into thinais. Which one is not belong to this?
(A) Kurinji(B)Manram
(C ) Mullai(D)'Palai

7.District in Kerala, receive maximum rail fall:* •
(A) Kannur(B)Idukki
(C ) Kozhikode(D)Pathanamthitta

8.Kalady, situated at the bank of river:
(A) Periyar(B)Pampa
(C ) Chaliyar(D)Bharathapuzha

9.The port Allappey was developed by:
(A) Marthandavarma(B)Raja Kesavadas
(C ) Dharmaraja(D)Chithira Thirunal

10.Biggest earth dam in India:
(A) Idukki (C ) Malambuzha
(B) Kallada
(D) Banasura Sagar

11.Most densely populated State in India:
(A) Sikkim (C ) Bihar
(B) Uttar Pradesh (D) Maharashtra

12.The soil which is known as Black - Cotton soil:
(A) Regular soil (C ) Laterate soil
(B) Alluvial soil (D) Red soil

13.First regular censes in India was conducted in:
(C )1891

14. First women president of Indian National Congress:
(A)Indira Gandhi (C ) Sarojini Naidu
(B)Annie Basent (D) Nellison Gupta

15.Which of the following education commission is known as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Indian education?
(A) Wood’s despatch ,(B) Kothari commission
(C ) Hunder commission

16.Who was known as father of Indian renaissance?
(A) Swami Vivekananda (C ) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(B) Gandhiji
(D) Lala Lajpath Rai

17.“Do or die” was the message given by:
(A) Subhash Chandra Bose (C ) Balagangadara Tilak
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru (D) Mahatma Gandhi

18.The largest plateau in India:
(A) Malwa (C ) Wayanad
(B) Chota Nagpur (D) Deccan

19.Oldest national park in India:
(A) Jim Corbet (C ) Hemis

20.The river which is known as ‘Southern Ganga’:
(A) Narmada (C ) Kaveri
(D) New education programme

21.In which year the constitution of India was adopted?
(C )1950(D)1952

22.Who was the constitutional advisor to the drafting committee of the Indian Constitution?
„ (A)BN Rau(B)Madhav Rao
(C )KM Munshi(D)B.R. Ambedkar

23.Which among the following rights is not a part of article 21?
(A)Right to life(B) Right to education
(C )Right to health(D)Right to vote

24.The legal services authorities act was passed in the year:
(A)1952•(B)2004 '
(C )1977.(D)1987

25.How many members (including the chairperson are there in the national human rights commission?
(A) Four (C ) Five
(B) Six (D) Nine

26.Under Panchayathiraj system, The quorum for gramasabha is:
(A) 1/10 of electorate(B) 1/3 of electorate1
(C ) 1/2 of electorate(D) None of the above

27.The maximum penalty for not giving information under right to information act is:
(A)Rs. 15,000(B)Rs. 10,000
(C )Rs. 25,000(D)Rs. 50,000

28.In which year the 'Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act' was passed?
(C )2009 .(D)1995

29.By which amendment the right to property was eliminated from the list of fundamental rights?
(A) 42nd amendment-(B) 40th amendment
(C )44th amendment(D)73rd amendment

30.How many times national emergency was imposed in India?
(C )2(D)3

31.At last he yielded-----------the demands raised by the organisation.
(A)with.(B) for
(C ) to(D) by
Direction : Choose the correct form of the adjective to complete the sentence.

32.He is one of the-------------speakers in the assembly.
(A) good-(B) better
(C ) best(D) none of the above
Direction : Fill in the blanks to make the expression meaningful.

33.The pen is--------------than the sword.
(A) better (C ) mightier
Direction : use the correct article.

34.There is a proposal to start------------
(A) an (C ) the
(B) a
(D) none of the above
Direction : Convert the following c

35.Open the door:
(A) The door shall be opened(B) Let the door be opened
(C ) The door may be opened(D) None of the above
Direction : Choose the correct passive form of the sentence given below.

36.The boy has delivered the parcel:
(A)The parcel has been delivered by the boy
(B)The parcel was delivered by the boy
(C )The parcel had been delivered by the boy
(D)The parcel is delivered by the boy
(B) weaker (D) slower
Direction : Convert the following sentence into reported speech.

37.Pradeep says, “I am going abroad for higher studies”:
(A)Pradeep said that he was going abroad for higher studies
(B)Pradeep said that he is going abroad for higher studies
(C )Pradeep says that he would go abroad for higher studies
(D)Pradeep says that he is going abroad for higher studies
Direction : Choose the answer that gives the meaning of the word ‘rendezvous’ in the following sentence.

38.This is one of the favourite rendezvous for students in the city:
(A)a sport for play(B)a meeting place
(C ) a theatre‘(D) a workplace

39.Direction : Choose the antonym for the word ‘Philanthropist’:
(C )Egoist(D)None of the above
Direction : Fill in the blanks with a one word substitute.

40.It is very difficult to believe the story. The story is:
(A) incredible(B) incredulous
’(C ) ingenious(D) credible

41.Computer which work inside other machine are called:
(A)Super Computer(B)Embedded computerEmbedded computer
(C )Machine computer(D)None of these

42.The first portable computers were known as:
(A)laptops(B)portable PC
(C )luggable(D)lap PC

43.Write the binary equivalent of octal number 703.1:
(C )111001100.1(D)None of these

44.Find the odd one out:
(A)inkjet printer(B)thermal printer
(C )laser printer(D)dotmatrix printerdotmatrix printer

45. Which of the following is used for grouping of characters into tokens in a compiler?
(A) code generator(B)scanner
(C ) code optimizer(D)parser

46.FIFO scheduling is:
(A) Preemptive scheduling(B)Deadline scheduling
(C ) Non- preemptive scheduling(D)None of these

47.A computer consist of:
(A) CPU(B)Memory
(C ) I/O Units(D)All of the above

48.A person who attacks the public telephone system for diverting service so that calls can be made free of charge:
(A) shreakers(B)speakers
(C ) phereakers(D)hacker

49.The Information Technology Act came into forceon:
(A) 17th October 2000(B)7th August 2010
'(C ) 1st October 2000(D)24th December 2010

50.What is the acronym for CRL?
(A) Certificate Resource Locator(B)Common Resource Locator
(C ) Certificate Revocation List(D)Certificate Request List

51.The details of money, cheques and other valuables received as enclosures to communications will be entered by the Tappal clerk in:
(A) Personal Register(B)Distribution Register
(C ) Security Register(D)Stock Register

52.The process of noting in the inside of the disposal jacket the numbers of previous files bearing on the subject or closely connected subject which are likely to be required for reference in the future is known as:
(A) Linking(B)Chaining
(C ) Referencing(D)Indexing

53.Permanent files of important orders which are required for frequent references must be carefully kept up to date in the:
(A) Current file •(B)Note file
(C ) Fair Copy Register(D)Stock file

54.Which type of disposals are to be destroyed after ten years?
(A)D.Dis.(B) R.Dis.
(C ) K.Dis.(D) N.Dis.

55.Which form of correspondence is used when the Head of Office records his decision in exercise of a statutory power or where he records important executive decisions?
(A)Letter form(B) Proceedings form
(C )Endorsement form(D)Memorandum form

56.A communication received in the office which is stamped with the number of the office is until disposal known as:
(A)Case(B)New Case
(C )Tappal(D)Current

57.Papers received are to be registered in the Personal Register:
(A)On the basis of the importance of the communication
(B)Letters from Government, PSC, Accountant General etc. may be registered first
(C )In the order of the numbers stamped on them
(D)Letters from MLAs, MPs and other high dignitaries may be registered first

58.The process of attaching to the top of papers put up for reference in case, slips printed with letters of the alphabet or Arabic or Roman numerals is known as:
(C ) Indexing•(D) Linking

59.In which month of the year, the Head of the office is required to make a detailed inspection of Record section?s
(C )April(D)December

60.Official communications intended for the Public Service Commission should be addressed to:
(A)The Chairman(B) The Secretary to the Commission
(C ) The Controller(D) The Secretary to the Chairman

61.The maximum Earned Leave that can be granted to an officer at a time except in the case of leave preparatory to retirement is:
(A)90 days(B)300 days
(C )120 days •(D)180 days

62.Annual verification of Service Books in each office should be taken up by the Head of Office every year in the month of:
(A)April(B) January
(C ) July(D) March

63.Which among the following deductions should not be made from the Subsistence Allowance?
(A)Repayment of loans and advances taken from the Government
(B)Subscription to Group Insurance Scheme, if the Officer is a subscriber to the scheme
(C )Income Tax
(D)Amount due to court attachments

64.An officer deputed to undergo a course of training may draw T.A as on transfer if the course of training exceeds a minimum of:
(A)Six months(B)Four months
(C )Three months(D)Two months

65.What is the minimum qualifying service required for an employee to retire voluntarily?
(A)10 years(B)20 years
(C )15 years(D)9 years and one day

66.If an officer under suspension dies before the disciplinary or court proceedings instituted against him, how is the period between the date of suspension and the date of death will be regulated:
(A)As Duty(B)As eligible Earned Leave
(C )As eligible Half Pay Leave(D)As Leave Without Allowance

67.If an officer is deputed for training and acting arrangements have to be made, the duration of the training should exceed:
(A)Three months(B)Four months
(C )One month(D)Two months

68.The period of deputation to foreign service shall be initially for a period of: 
(A) One year(B) Two years
(C ) Three years(D) Five years

69.A pensioner dies on the Afternoon of 7-12-2014. From which date is his wife eligible to get Family Pension:
(A) 7-12-2014(B) 1-01-2015
(C ) 1-12-2014(D) 8-12-2014

70.An officer who while on tour was provided with free boarding and lodging. At what rate can he draw Daily Allowance:
(C )2/3(D)1/4

71.What percentage of additional allowance of Daily Allowance or Mileage Allowance can be granted to officers when travelling in Class I hilly tracts?
(C )25%(D)20%

72.Whose sanction is required for the Director of Agriculture, Thiruvananthapuram to visit a model Agricultural farm of the Government of Tamilnadu in the adjoining district of Kanyakumari?
(A)The Minister for Agriculture
(B)The Chief Secretary toGovernment
(C )The Principal Secretary to Government, Agriculture Department
(D)No sanction is. required from any authority

73.Travelling Allowance as on transfer from Head Quarters to a place where the officer proposes to settle down will be allowed only if the officer quits service on:
(A)Superannuation Pension
(B)Compulsory Retirement as punishment
(C )Dismissal

74.Pension ceases to be payable if it is undrawn fora period more than:
(A)Two years(B)Three years
(C )One year(D)Ten monthsTen months

75.The rate of family pension is:
(A)30% of last pay(B)30% of pension
(C )40% of pension(D)40% of last pay

76.On which date a Government Servant should send an acknowledgement to the Accountant General regarding the amount of Permanent Advance he is holding if there is no change of incumbent or amount of Permanent Advance?
(A) On 31st March every year (C ) On 15th April every year
(B)On 15th January every year
(D)On 1st July every year

77.Appropriation Control is applicable to which Departments:
(A)Rural Development Department and Education Department only
(B)Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Health Services Departments only
(C )Police, Fire Force and Excise Departments only
(D)All Departments

78.Which Legislative Committee is empowered to suggest alternative policies in order to bring about efficiency and economy in administration?
(A)Subject Committee(B)Estimates Committee
(C )Public Accounts Committee(D) Public Undertakings Committee

79.Relinquishment of claims after exhausting all possible means of recovery is:
(C ) Remission.(D) Write off

80.Who presents the Annual Financial Statement in the Legislative Assembly every year?
(A)Chief Minister(B)Finance Secretary
(C )’Finance Minister(D)Chief Secretary

81.What is the maximum time allowed for sending final reply to Draft Paragraph (for inclusion in the Audit Report) communicated by the Accountant General?
(A)Six weeks from the date of its receipt
(B)Four weeks from the date of its receipt
(C )Three weeks from the date of its receipt
(D)One month from the date of its receipt

82.Who are empowered to sanction Discretionary grants?
(A)Chief Minister
(B)Governor and Officers of the Revenue Department
(C )Chief Secretary to Government and Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department
(D)Principal Secretary to Government, General Administration Department

83.Expenditure of a Capital nature is usually met from:
(A)Contingency Fund(B)Accumulated balance
(C )Proceeds of Taxation(D)Borrowed funds

84.When is an appropriation lapse?
(A)At the close of the Financial year
(B)At the close of the Calendar year
(C )At the expiry of twelve months from the date of sanction
(D)It will not lapse

85.The first reply to the Inspection Report of the Accountant General should be sent within:
(A)Six weeks from the date of its receipt
(B)Four weeks from the date of its receipt
(C )Three weeks from the date of its receipt
(D) Twenty One days from the date of its receipt

86. The sole legal authority for withdrawal of money from Consolidated Fund is:
(A)Demand for Grants(B)Appropriation Accounts
(C )Appropriation Act(D)Appropriation Bill

87.Of the following which is a Commercial Department?
(A)Civil Supplies Department(B)State Water Transport Department
(C )Motor Vehicles Department(D)Commercial Taxes DepartmentCommercial Taxes Department

88.Taxes collected by Government are classified under:
(A)Public Account(B)Contingency Fund
(C )Consolidated Fund(D)Deposit Account

89.Travel expenses of a Government servant for travel of duty connected with an outside body debited to:
(A)Office Contingencies •(B)To the same head as his pay
(C )Other chargesOther charges(D)Fund of the outside body

90.Audit is an instrument of:
(A)Financial Control(B)Executive Control
(C )Departmental Control(D)Administrative Control

91.The role of audit and administration are:
(C )Complementary to each other(D)Opposite

92.All rules and standing orders of the financial character issued by the State Government or authorities subordinate to State Government are scrutinized finally by the:
(A)Comptroller and Audit General of India
(B)Accountant General of the State
(C )Finance Department
(D)Law Department

93.The treasuries of are of the two kinds, namely:
(A)Banking and Non-banking
(B)Urban and Rural
(C )District Treasury and Sub-Treasury
(D)Treasuries and Additional Sub-Treasuries

94..The executive power of the State vests in the:
(A) Chief Minister(B) Chief Secretary to Government
(C )Cabinet(D)Governor

95.Last Pay Certificate of a non-gazetted officer is issued by:
(A)Head of Department(B)Head of Office
(C )Treasury Officer(D)Government

96.When a bill is presented for payment at the treasury, the availability of budget provision to cover the payment shall be checked with reference to the entries in the?
(A)Allotment Register(B)Appropriation Register
(C )Appropriation Control Register(D)Accountant's DayBook

97.A Treasury officer shall not honour a claim which he considers to be disputable. He shall require the claimant to refer it to:
(A)The Finance Secretary
(B)The Director of Treasuries-
(C )The Controlling Officer of the Claimant
(D)The Accountant General

98.Treasury Savings Bank Accounts shall not be transferred during the month of:
(C )January(D)December

99.Which among the following is an item exempted from appropriation control?
(A)Rent Rates and Taxes(B)Salaries
(C )Travel Expenses(D)Materials and Supplies

100.Duplicate keys of cash chest of a Departmental Officer shall be:
(A)Deposited in a NationalisedBank
(B)Kept under the custody of the head of office
(C )Deposited in the Treasury
(D)Kept with the Controlling Officer

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