OTHER RESEARCH ASSISTANT - ZOOLOGY - FISHERIES kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Viral replication within cells is inhibited by :
(A) IL-4 (B)IL-1
(C ) IFN alpha (D)TNT alpha

2.A baby’s first breath is facilitated by a special coating which 

is produced by lungs
(A) Pyridoxine (B) FerritinFerritin
(C ) Carbon dioxide (D) SurfactantSurfactant

3.Arrhenotokous parthenogenesis is exhibited by :
(A) Artemia (B)Daphnia
(C ) Weevils (D)Bees 

4.Colourless plastids which are found in embryonicandgerm cells :
(A) Leucoplasts (B)Chromoplasts
(C ) Elaioplasts (D)Sterinoplast

5.Most poisonous vertebrate on earth:
(A) Jelly Fish (B) Golden Dart Frog
(C ) Brazilian wandering Spider (D)Puffer fish

6.caudal fin that is asymmetrical internally, symmetrical 

superficially but vertebral column shortened and slightly bent 

upward at the end is known as :
(A)heterocercal (C ) protocercal
(B)homocercal (D) diphycercal

7. In Philadelphia Syndrome :
(A)translocation between 8 and 14 chromosome occurs
(B)translocation between 9 and 22 chromosome occurs
(C )inversion between 5 and 9 chromosomes
(D)addition in between 9 and 22 chromosomes

8.DNA profiling technique to demonstrate the similarity between 

different animal species with reference to some specific protein 

coding DNA sequence is called :
(A) Phylogenetic Blot
(B) Zoo BlotZoo Blot
(C ) Animal Blot
(D)Animal profiling

9.If a gene product in Species A is 90% similar to termed as :gene 

product in Species B. Such genes are
(A) Orthrologous
(B) ParalogousParalogous
(C ) Allologous 

10.Phlebotomu8 is commonly known as :
(A) Rockfly
(B) SandflySandfly
(C ) Butterfly

11.Name a freshwater sponge :
(A) Scypha
(C ) Grantia
(D) Spomgilla

12.Which of the following is known as eye worm?
(A) Loa
(C ) Dracunculua

13.Caviar is prepared from :•
(A) Polypterus
(C ) Polydon

14.Who named Archaeopteryx?
(A) Von Euler
(B) Andrew Wagner
(C ) Charles Darwin
(D) Von MeyerVon Meyer

15. How many molecules of ATP are formed when 1 mole of glucose is 

converted to Lactic Acid :
(A) 2 ATP
(B) 4 ATP 
(C ) 6 ATP
(D)8 ATP

Omega oxidation takes place in :•
(A) Plants
(C ) Fungi
(D) Bacteria

17.' Which of the following is a ketogonic aminoaeid?
(A) Alanine
(C ) Tyrosine

18.Name the amino nitrogen excreted by spiders :
(A) Adenine
(B) GuanineGuanine
(C ) Cytosine

19.Phosphagens used in vertebrates are derived from :
(A) Creatine
(B) Ascorbic AcidAscorbic Acid
(C ) Acetylcholine
(D) ArginineArginine

20.Which of the muscle is syncytial?
(A) Flight Muscle
(B) Catch Muscle
(C ) Cardiac Muscle
(D) Fibrillar Muscle

21.Field and Spiro theory emphasizes the involvement of following 

in blood
(A) Throm bokinase
(B) Thrombin
(C ) Thromboplastin
(D) Calcium ions

22.Angiotensinogen is converted into Angiotensin by the enzyme :
(A) Prorenin
(B) ReninRenin
(C ) Rennin
(D) ProteaseProtease

23.Which of the following is the inhibitory mediatorin the brain?
(A) Acetyl choline
(B) Noradrenaline
(C ) Seratonine

24.Muscle tone is maintained in the muscle by : ■
(A) Stretching
(B) RelaxationRelaxation
(C ) Partial contraction
(D) FlexionFlexion

25.Name the hormone which induces lactation in mammals :
(A) Progesterone
(B) Relaxin
(C ) Oxytocin
(D) OestrogenOestrogen

26.Name biochemical compound present in FSH :
(C )Steroid

27.Osteolysis is caused by:
(B) Calcitonin
(C )Triodothyronine

28.Recognition and destruction of mutant, cells is called :
(B) Surveillance
(C )Phagocytosis

29.The main cell surface marker of NK cell is :
(C )CD56-

30. Free linking immunoglobulin molecule chains :
(A)S-H bond
(B) H-H bond
(C )S-S bond
(D) Peptide bond

31.Which of the following antibody is secreted by MALT?
(C )TgE

32.Protein of the alternate complement pathway factor D : 
(A)a globulin
(B)β globulin
(C )globulin
(D)delta globulin

33.MHC Class 1 antigens expressed on all cells except:
(C )B-Lymphocytes

34.HLA Antigen associated with Rheumatoid arthritis :
(C )DR2

35.Which T cell subset stimulate B-cell to produce antibody?
(A)T1{ cell   (B) TDTHcell
(C ) Tc cell (D) CTL cell

36.Name the target antibody of Myastenia gravis :
(A) Insulin receptor
(B) TSH receptor
(C ) Ach receptor
(D) Adrenergic receptor

37.Which of the following genetic markers are present in the 

highest numbers in the within the human genome?
(A) Minisatellite
(B) Microsat
(C ) SNP

38.The unusual property of Taq Polymerase that is critical to the 

PCR is its 
(A)ability to useddNTPs as substrate
(B)ability to use dNTPs as substrate
(C )ability to useRNAs as template

39.Which of the following is not characteristic of genomic 

(A)They contain random fragments of genomic DNA
(B)They contain introns as well as exons
(C )They include cDNA copies
(D)They contain all the above

40.Which of the following enzyme activities has an RNA component?
(A)RNAase P
(B)Peptidyl transferrase
(C )Telomaerase
(D)All of the above

41.Among the following chemicals, which one is used for preserving 

pituitary gland meant for induced breeding?
(B)Malachite Green
(C )Methylene Blue

42.Indian state with the highest marine capture fisheries 

production as per the latest Indian Fisheries Statistics (2014) 

(A)Andhra Pradesh
(B)West Bengal
(C )Gujarat

43.Groupers are :
(A)Protandrous hermaphrodites (C ) Gynogenetic
(B) Protogynous hermaphrodites (D) Androgenic

44.Which of the following, is not recommended for eradication of 

weed fish in ponds?
(A) Dichlorvos
(B) Ammonium sulphate and lime
(C ) Tea seed cake
(D) Mahua oil cake

45.Maximum recommended stocking density of Li-topenaeus vannamei 

post-larvae for farming as per CAA guidelines in India is :
(A)40 PL/m2 (B)50 PL/m2
(C )60 PLAn2 (D)80PL/m2

46.Which method of stripping is most preferred in fish?
(A)Hot (B)Cold
(C )Wet (D)Dry

47.Approved limit of total nitrogen (as N) in the waste water 

discharged from aquaculture facilities as recommended by CAA is :
(A)0mg/L (B)2 mg/L
(C )4 mg/L (D)6 mg/L

48.Normal season for prawn filtration in Pokkali fields of Kerala 

is :
(A)June - November (B)August - January'
(C )September - February (D)November - April

49.A strain of Vibrio parahaemolyUcMS causes the disease condition 

in shrimp called :
(B)White spot disease
(D)Luminescent disease

50.Zoea larvae of the marine shrimp Petiaeus monodon feeds on :
(B)Artemi a
(C )Algae
(D)All of the above

51.All male seed production in freshwater prawns is brought about 

by :
(A)Y-Y Super male technique
(B)Testosterone therapy
(C )Andrectomy

52.Ovuprim is:
(A)FSH and LH
(C )GnRH and dopaminc blocker 
(D)17 beta-estradiol

53.Among the following, which is not true about the FAO Code of 

Conduct for Responsible Fisheries:
(A)The Code is global in scope
(B) The Code is non-voluntary
(C )Applies to fisheries and aquaculture 
(D)None of the above

54.Which of the following fish has the highest water content?
(C )Mackerel
(D)Bombay duck

55.About 65-70% of the protein in fish is composed of
(A)Sarcoplasmic protein
(B)Myofibrillar protein
(C )Collagen
(D)Albumin and globulin

56.Effective inhibition of toxin producing Chloslridium botulinum 

in fish is by :
(A)Packing in oxygen
(B)Packing in ozone
(C )Packing in argon
(D)Packing in ammonia

57.Which of the following is a common causative of off-flavour in 

farmed fish meat:
(B)17 beta estradiol
(C )2-methyl-isoborneol
(D)2-acetyl phenothiazine

58.Which of the following, if present, is a major quality 

indicator of canned tuna?
(A)Lactic Acid
(C )Tryptamine
(D)Volatile fatty acids

59.Stiffening of muscle of fish after it is dead is called :
(C )Rigor mortis

60.Which of the following organisms if present in fish would 

reflect the degree of human contact?
(A) Salmonella
(C ) Escherichia coli

61.Ciguatera poisoning is caused by eating certain :
(A) Copepods
(C ) Reef fish
(D)Sea cucumbers

62.Which of the following chemicals is not a regular component of 

synthetic seawater?
(A) Sodium bicarbonate
(B)Lthium chloride
(C ) Potassium sulphate
(D) Potassium bromidePotassium bromide

63.Codex Alimentarius Commission was formed in 1963 by :
(C ) FAO and WHO
(D) FAO and WTO

64.Slipper lobster is:1
(A) Then us ori entails
(B)Panulirus ornatus
(C ) Panulirus polyphagus
(D)Panulirus homarus

65.Caligus longipedis is a :
(A) Parasitic nematode
(B)Parasitic copepod
(C ) Protozoan parasite
(D)None of the above

66.The protozoan parasite Bonamia infects :
(A) Crustaceans
(B) MolluscsMolluscs
(C ) Lung fish
(D) TeleostsTeleosts

67.Time taken by Penaeus monodon larvae from egg to reach PL*1 

stage at ~30°C is :
(A) 4-5 days
(B)8-9 days
(C ) 12-13 days
(D)16-17 days

66.An organization primarily to empower fisher women inin Kerala 


69.A major epidemic occurring in marine fish is :
(A)Aggregated Transformed Microvilli
(B)Ich disease
(C )Viral Nervous Necrosis

70.From Mumbai to Ratnagiri coast, one of the most common fishing 

crafts is of:
(A) Masula boat type
(B)Dinghi type
(C ) Satpati type

71.For pelagic, scattered fish shoals, one of the most suitable 

gear types is :
(A) Trawl net
(B) TrapTrap
(C ) Long lines
(D) Purse-scincPurse-scinc

72.Which one among the following is not a pelagic fish?
(A) Sardinella longiceps
(B)Rastrelliger bruchysomu
(C ) Paralichthys olivaceus

73.Glochidium is an important larval stage of:
(A) Shrimps
(B) MolluscsMolluscs
(C ) Crabs
(D) Sea cucumbersSen cucumbers

74.The major fishery of ParapenaeopsU stylifera inIndia occurs 

(A) Kolachel Coast
(B)Kollam Coast
(C ) Karwar Coast
(D) Malabar coastMalabar Coast

75.Which of the following is not among the Ramsarsites in India?
(A)Periyar Lake
(B)Ashtamudi Lake
(C )Sasthamkotta Lake
(D)Wular Lake

76.The latest FAO ranking of India among the world’s top marine 

capture fish producers
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C ) Five
(D) Seven

77.The highest capture fisheries contributing region of the world 

lies in :
(A)Northwest and Western Central Pacific
(B)Northeast Pacific
(C )Southeast Pacific
(D)Indian Ocean

78.Headquarters of NFDB is located in : 
(A) Chennai (C ) Kochi
(B) Hyderabad (D) New Delhi

79.Which of the following fish is not included under Schedule I of 

the Indian Wildlife Act (1972)?
(A)Epinephelus lanceolatus (Grouper)
(B)Hippocampus trimaculatus (Seahorse)
(C )Charcharhinus kemiodon (Shark)
(D)Puntius denisonii (Miss Kerala)

80.Which of the following kind of fish are most suited for 

stocking in open water cages?
(A)Interspecific hybrids
(B)All male population
(C )Triploid fish
(D)None of the above

81.Which part of the Indian constitution is contained the 

emergency provisions?
(A)Xn (B)XV

82.When was the Environment (Protection) Act come into force?
(A)1986 (B)1991
(C )2001 (D)2003

83.Who established the first printing press in Kerala in 1811?
(A)Sir Charles Lawson
(B)Rev. Benjamin Bailey
(C )Major Dow
(D)Fr. Muller

84.Who introduced 'proverty' (village school) scheme in Travancore 

in 1871?
(A)Dewan T Madhava Kao
(B)A. Seshayya Sastri
(C )T. Rama Rao
(D)K. Krishnaswamy Rao

85.Who was the first Government Inspector of Schools in Malabar 

and Canara?
(A)Colonel Munroe
(B)H.V. Connolly
(C )Dr. Herman Gundert
(D)A.F.W. Dixon

86.Who was the first president of the Travancore Devaswom Board?
(B)Mannnth Padmanabhan
(C )M.P, Manmadhan
(D)N. Parumeswaran Pillai

87.When was Poyikayil Yohannan nominated to the Sree Mulam Praja 

Sabha for the first time?
(A)1921 (B)1924
(C )1931 (D)1933]

88.Who among the following rulers had announced that the lower 

castes including the Nadar Climber women have no right to wear 

upper clothes?
(A)Karthika Tirunal Rnmavarma
(B)Avittom Thirunnl Balarnma Varma
(C )Visakam Tirunal Rnmavarma
(D)Moolarn Thirunal Rama Varma

89.Which among the following organisations was founded in the year 

(A)Samathwa samajam
(B)Sri Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam
(C )Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham
(D)Vaala Samudaya Parishkarnni Sabha

90.Which incident is associated with the Wagon Tragedy?
(A) Paliyam Satyagraha 
(B) Kuttamkulam Satyagraha
(C ) Malabar Rebellion
(D) Civil Disobedience Movement

91.Who started the first Malayalam Newspaper ‘Keralapatrika’ from 

Malabar in the year 1884?
(A)Chengulath Kunhirama Menon
(B)Appu Nedungadi
(C )Vengayil Kunhiraman Nayannr
(D)C.V. Raman Pillai

92.Who wrote the famous Malayalnm novel Ushnamekhala’?
(C )M. Mukundan
(D)S.K. Pottakkadu

93.Who among the following women freedom fighters is popularly 

called as the Jhansi Rani of Travancore”?
(A) Lakshmi Sehgal (C ) Accamma Cheriyan
(B) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma (D) Ammu Swaminadhnn

94.What is the original name of Brahmananda Sivayogi?
(B)Nanu Asan
(C )Subbarayan
(D)Karat Govindankutty Menon

95.Who founded Sree Narayana Vidyalaya at Payyannur for the 

education and all round progress of the Harijans of Kerala?
(A)Mahatma Gandhi
(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Swami Anand Theerthar

96.In which year the Government of India had conferred the title 

‘Rao Bahadur’ to Oyyarathu Chandu Menon?
(C )1896

97.Which city in Congo is identified as the perfect place for HIV 

to spread Africa and into wider world?
(A) Kisangani
(C ) Lubumbashi
(B) Kinshasa 
(D) Katanga

98.Which prize is popularly known as the Nobel Prize in 

(A)Abel Prize
(B)Vetlesen Prize
(C ) Jean Nicod Prize
(D) Tang Prize

99.Which tree is selected as the state tree of Karnataka?
(C )Sandal

100.Which among the following years has been decided as the SAARC 

year for Cultural Heritage? 
(A) 2015-16 (B)2016-17
(C ) 2017-18 (D)2018-19

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OTHER RESEARCH ASSISTANT - ZOOLOGY - FISHERIES kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 13-04-2017, 09:15 AM

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