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1.Which is the most abundant tissue within human body?
(A)Epithelial tissue(B) Connective tissue
(C ) Neuron(D) Muscle

2.A condition in which bone matrix is lost, which makes the bone more susceptible to fracture is :
(A)Osteomalacia.(B) Rickets
(C ) Osteosarcoma(D) Osteoporosis

3.Which of the following drug is an example for Benzodiazepine?
(C )Clozapine(D)Clomipramine

4.Scar tissue formation is otherwise known as :
(C )Proliferation(D)Fibrosis

5.During CPR, Cardiac compression is applied to :
(A)Halfway between Sternum and left nipple
(B)lower half of Sternum
(C )Area under the left nipple
(D)Upper half of Sternum

6.The greatest danger of hyperkalemia is :
(A)Tetany (C ) Cardiac arrest
(B) Fluid overload (D) Polyuria

7.Which statement is false regarding Japanese encephalitis?
(A)it is bacterial encephalitis
(B)it is transmitted by Culicine mosquito
(C )it is a mosquito-borne encephalitis
(D)it is caused by flavi virus

8.While caring a patient after pneumonectomy, which is the most applicable one?
(A)accumulation of fluid in the empty thorax is a desired outcome -
(B)two chest drainage tubes should be attached to water seal drainage and low suction
(C )patient should be kept in his back only
(D)patient should be discouraged from coughing

9.Actions which halts the progress of a disease at its initial stage, management and prevention of complication is termed as :
(A)primary prevention(B)secondary prevention
(C ) teritiary prevention(D)rehabilitation

10.Constant presence of an infectious agent or disease'within a given geographic area is called :
(C ) Sporadic(D)Endemic

11.While caring a new born baby with high bilirubin, with signs of impending kernicterus, nurses primary observation should be for :
(A)Lethargy and loss of moro reflex
(B)Cyanosis and respiratory distress
(C )Rapid pulse and diaphoresis (D) Vomiting and diarrhoea

12.Which of the following symptoms are expected in complete heart block?
(A)Hypertension, llR-6O/mt, increased pulse pressure
(B)Hypotension, HR-100/mt, chest pain
(C )Syncope, hypotension and ventricular rate of 40/mt
(D)Hypertension, convulsion, HR-100/mt

13.Which of the following condition in pregnancy most likely can cause abruptio placenta?
(A)heart disease(B)chronic hypertensionchronic hypertension
(C )drug addictiondrug addiction(D)hyper thyroidism
Inactivated polio vaccine is otherwise known as :
(A)Cell culture vaccine(B)Sabin vaccineSabin vaccine
(C )17.D vaccine(D)Salk vaccine

15. Primary ECG change that indicates myocardial ischemia is :
(A)Absence of P-wave
(D)Prolonged PR-interval
(C )ST segment elevation and T-wave invertion
(D)Narrow QRS complex

16. Which of the following observation is suggestive of acute gall bladder disease?
(A) Dark coloured urine(B)Tarry stoolsTarry stools
(C ) Constipation(D)PolyuriaPolyuria

17.The most prominent features in Catatonic -Schizophrenia are:
(A) Delusion(B)Motor and volitional disturbanceMotor and volitional disturbance
(C ) Hallucination(D)Silly giggling

18.Highly malignant, rapidly growing tumour of cerebellum seen in children is :
(A) Astrocytoma(B)MeningiomaMeningioma
(C ) Medullo blastoma(D)EpendymomaEpendymoma

19.National Mental Health policy was formulated in theyear:
(A) 1982(B)19871987
(C ) 1985(D)19121912

20.Primary goal in the nursing management of cervical spine injury will he :
(A) Prevention of spinal shock(B)Reorientation to realityReorientation to reality
(C ) Pain relief(D)Maintenance of respirationMaintenance of respiration

21.Which one of the following can precipitate an acute gouty arthritis?
(A) Emotional stress(B)Lack of exerciseLack of exercise
(C ) Excess alcohol intake(D)Exess smokingExcess smoking

22.The route of administration of Schick test is:
(A) Intramuscular(B)OralOral
(C ) Intradermal(D)SubcutaneousSubcutaneous

23.Which of the following symptom after Abdominal-aortic aneurysm indicate retroperitoneal — haemorrhage?
(A)Complaint of severe back pain
(B)Absence of peristaltic sounds
(C )Air bubbles in the Nasogastric drainage
(D)Chest discomfort

24.Colostrum contains all the following except:
(A)Antibodies(B)Vitamin B:2
(C )All fat soluble vitamins(D)Proteins

25.Abnormal opening at the top of atrial septum having increased association with partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection is :
(A)Sinus venosus ASD(B)Ostium Primum ASD
(C )Tricuspid atresia(D)Ostium secundum ASD

26.Which are the vaccines that must be stored in freezer compartment?
(A)Polio and BCG vaccines(B)DPT and DT
(C )DPT and TT(D)Polio and measles vaccines

27.Physiological jaundice in new born usually appear during : •
(A)first 24 hra.(B)only after 72 hrs.
(C )30 - 72 hrs.(D)after 5 days

28.Symptomatic hyponatremia is managed by IV administration of:
(A)Dextrose saline(B)3% solution of NaCl
(C )Ringer lactate(D)Normal saline

29.Which vitamin deficiency is common in association with INH theraphy in tuberculosis?
(A) Riboflavin *(B) Thiamin
(C )Niacin(D)Pyridoxin

30.Which of the following is not a vaccine preventable disease?
(A)Meningo coccal meningitis(B)Rheumatic fever
(C )Rotavirus diarrhoea(D)Japanes encephalitis

31.Among the following congenital heart, which one is Cyanotic?
(A)Truncus arteriosus(B)Atrial septal defect
(C )Ventricularseptaldefect(D)Atrio ventricular canal

32.‘Flag sign' is a non specific, but usual feature in :
(C )Marasmus(D)Pellagra

33.Vagolytic agents are given before general anaesthesia in major surgery. Most commonly used vagolytic agent is :
(A) Atropin sulphate(B) Morphine sulphate
(C ) Calcium gluconate(D) Sodium bicarbonate

34.Normal OSF pressure is :
(A)20-40 mm of H20
(C ) 200 - 240 mm of H2Q
(B)20- 40 mm of Hg
(D)80-180 mm of H2O

35. Which of the following is not the classic Cushing's triad changes in increased ICP?
(A)pulse dcficite(B)decreased pulse ratedecreased pulse rate
(C )increased blood pressureincreased blood pressure(D)widening of pulse pressurewidening of pulse pressure

36.Another name for atonic cerebral palsy is :
(A)Extra pyramidal cerebral palsy(B)Cerebellar cerebral palsyCerebellar cerebral palsy
(C )Mixed type cerebral palsy(D)Pyramidal cerebral palsyPyramidal cerebral palsy

37.Narcotics are not administered in patients with high cervical injury as they add risk
(A)sedation(B)increased ICP ,
(C )respiratory depressionrespiratory depression(D)drug dependencedrug dependence

38.Mace win’s sign is associated with :
(C )Anencephaly(D)Encephalopathy•Encephalopathy

39.Central venous pressure is a measurement of pressurewithin the :
(A)Aorta(B)Superior vena cavaSuperior vena cava
(C )Pulmonary arteryPulmonary arteryCD)Pulmonary veins

40.Excess growth hormone in adults result in :
(A)Cushing's syndrome(B)Gigantism
(C )Dwarfism(D)Acromegaly

41.A patient is admitted with respiratory distress and diagnosed as having Pneumothorax. Here immediate priority should be :
(C )Throat suction(D)Insertion of chest tube

42.Which of the following observation indicates Cardiac tamponade?
(A)marked decrease in chest tube drainage
(B)sudden increase in arterial blood pressure
(C )widening of pulse pressure
(D)sudden decrease in CVP

43.Most common cause of aphasia is vascular disease of brain. Major blood vessel that is associated with aphasia is :
(A)Middle meningeal artery
(B)Middle cerebral artery
(C )Facial artery
(D)Temporal artery

44.Unpleasant and conflict producing emotions and desires are unconsciously forgotten by an ego defense called:
(A) suppression(B)regression
(C ) repression(D)denial

45.The most common initial symptoms of SLE are :
(A)Tremors and loss of weight
(B)Painful, inflammed joints with stiffness
(C )Petechiae in skin and pallor
(D)Increased BP/Haomaturia and Oedema

46.Muscle disease characterized by fluctuating weakness of voluntary muscles innervated by cranial nerves is:
(A) Polio myelitis(B)Multiple Sclerosis
(C ) Guillain-Barre syndrome(D)Myasthenia gravis

47.While giving aminophyllin IV infusion, the common side effect a nurse can observe is :
(A)Urinary frequency(B)Increased lethargy
(C )Respiratory acidosis(D)Increase in bronchial secretions

48.The innerforce which directs a person to a certain action or behaviour is :
(C )character(D)motive

49.How many hours an ovum remains viable after ovulation?
(A)10-12 hrs.(B)48-72 hrs.
(C )24-36 hrs.(D)18 hrs.

50.The volume of air that can be made to pass into and out of the lungs by the most forcible •inspiration and expiration is :
(A)Vital capacity(B)Tidal volume
(C )Inspiratory reserve volume(D)Expiration

51.In which position the client will be placed for rectal examination?
(C )Prone position(D)Sim’s position

52.The most accurate indication of true labour is :
(A)rupture of membrane(B)progressive cervical dilation
(C )vaginal bleeding(D)diaphoresis

53.An infant with bronchiolitis is receiving oxygen through oxygen tent. Which is the most accurate method of taking body temperature for him?
(A)Rectal thermometer(B)Axillary thermometer
(C )Skin heat, sensor(D)Oral thermometer

54.Nausea and vomiting during first trimester of pregnancy is an adaptation to the increased levels of:
(A)Leutinising hormone(B)Progesterone
(C )Oestrogen(D)Chorionic gonadotropin

55.The term cataplexy denotes :
(A)Immobile position that is constantly maintained
(B)Rigidity associated with catatonic states
(C )Temporary loss of muscle tone
(D)Catatonic symptom with rigid odd posture

56.In which position, the nurse will keep herself while palpating a patient’s neck with lymph-adenopathy?
(A)patient’s right side(B)patient's left side
(C )infront of the patient(D)at patient’s back

57.The outermost membrane that helps in formation of placenta is :
(C )Funis(D)Yolk sac

58.Nurse's primary observation in a diabetic child admitted with ketoacidosis would be :
(A)Hyperpnoea(B)Brady cardia
(C )Hypertension(D)Bradypnoea

59.Predisposing factors of aphthous ulcer include all the following except:
(A)stress(B)vitamin deficiency
(C )smoking(D)viral infection

60.Which of the following symptoms are characteristic of endometriosis?
(A)Pelvic inflammation(B)Osteoporosis
(C )Amenorrhoea(D)Painful menstruationand backache

61.The basic emotional task for preschooler is :
(C )Industry(D)Independence

62.Cloudy CSF obtained in lumbar puncture is an indication of:
(A)Increased WBC count(B)Increased glucose level
(C )Increased RBCs(D)Normal CSF

63.The opening between Vocal Cords in the larynx is :
(A)Epiglottis(B)Cricoid cartilage
(C )Glottis(D)Thyroid cartilage

64.While collecting nursing history, a patient complaints of ‘floaters’ in visual field. Which condition the nurse should suspect?
(C )Retinal detachment(D)Meibomian cyst

65.Among the foetal blood vessels, highest oxygen content is seen in : .
(A) Umbilical artery(B) Ductus arteriosus
(C )Pulmonary artery(D)Ductus venosus

66.The part of brain concerned with hungers thirst is :
(C )Broca’s area(D)Internal capsule

67.Most commonly observed affect in a schizophrenia patient is :
(C ) Anger and hostility(D) Apathy and flatness

68.The most common area for bleeding is a child with haemophilis will be :
(C )Peritoneum(D)Pericardium

69.Primary responsibility of nurse while caring a client with epidural analgesia is to observe for:
(A)Tachy Cardia(B)Renal function
(C )Level of Consciousness(D)Hypotension

70.The protein that is found only in myocardium and increase of which is highly specific to myocardial damage :
(A)Myoglobin(B)Troponin T
(C )Troponin I(D)CK - MB

71.Hypophysis cerebri is located in sella turcica, which is a depression in the body of:
(A)Sphenoid bone.(B)Ethmoid bone
(C )Temporal bone(D)Frontal bone

72.A congenital malformation in which the urethra opens in the upper surface of penis is :
(A)Extropia vesica(B)Hypospadias
(C )Epispadias(D)Phimosis

73.Which of the following blood component therapeutically provide all the coagulation factors? 
(A) Whole blood(B) Fresh frozen plasma
(C ) Cryo precipitate(D) Platelet rich plasma

74.Maximum score in glasgowcoma scale is :
(C ) 16.(D) 12

75.C-Reactive protein is a substance produced during inflammations in the body. It is produced in:•
(A) Kidney.(B) Bone marrow
(C )Liver(D)Stomach

76.A nurse in medical ward had a needle stick injury, after injecting a patient with long term fever. Which diagnostic test would be done for her?
(C )Antibody titers(D)Skin biopsy

77.Homan’s sign was elicited in a post natal mother on the second day. What does it indicate?
(A) Mastitis(B) Haemorrhage
(C ) Puerperal Sepsis•(D) Venous thrombosis

78.The joint between trapezium and the first metacarpal bone of the thumb is an example of:
(A)Saddle joint(B)Pivot joint
(C )Hinge joint(D)Condyloid joint

79.The largest cranial nerve is : 
(A) Vagus nerve (C ) Trigeminal
(B) Abduscent (D) Spinal accessory

80.Foetal circulation consists of:
(A)Arteries carrying oxygenated blood to foetus
(B)Two umbilical veins and one umbilical artery
(C )Two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein
(D)Veins carry deoxygenated blood to foetus

81. Which Constitutional Amendment of India reduce the voting age from 21 to 18?
(A)42nd Amendment(B)71st Amendment
(C )70th Amendment.(D)61st Amendment

82.The 11th President of India :
(A)K.R. Narayanan.(B)A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(C )Prathibha Patteel(D)Dr. Sankardayal Sharma

83. Who appointed Controller and Auditor General of India?
(A) Prime Minister(B)UPSC
(C ) President(D)Advocate GeneralAdvocate General

84.The unemployment eradication programme of Kudumba Sree known as :
(A) Kerala Sree(B)Jana Sree
(C ) Kerala Vilasam(D)Ashwasa Kiran

85.The first chair person of Kerala Vanitha Commission :
(A) K.C. Rosa Kutty(B)M. Kamalam
(C ) Justice K.K. Usha(D)Sugatha Kumari

86.The publisher of the newspaper ‘Al Ameen':
(A) Kandathil Vargees Mappila(B)Vakkam Abdul Khader Moulavi
(C ) Muhammed Abdul Kahman(D)Moulana Muhammed Ali

87.The Christian missionaries worked in Malabar area :•

88.The book written by Vaikunda Swamikal:•
(A) Jathi Kummi(B)Arul Nool
(C ) Bala Kalasham(D)Udyanavirunnu

89.Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam was formed by :
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan•(B)Vagbadanandha
(C ) Ayyankali(D)Kumara Guru Devan

90.One of the journal published under Kerala Sangeetha Nadaka Accadami :
(A) Chitravarta(B)Keli
(C ) Vijnana Mitram(D)Vijnana Kairali

91.The year of Vaikam Sathyagraha :
(A) 1926(B)19301930
(C ) 1923(D)19241924

92. Who wrote the first biography of Sree Narayana Guru?
(A) Moorkoth Ramunni(B)Dr. Palppu
(C ) Moorkoth Kumaran(D)Kumaranasan

93.The Right to Information Act passed in the year :
(A) 2004(B)20072007
(C ) 2006(D)20052005

94.To whom the Jnanpith Award of 2014 given?
(A) Balachandra Nomade(B)Amritha Preetham
(C ) Thara Sankar BandopadyayaCD)Sumithra Nandan Panth

95.Which city from Kerala has been listed in the 98 cities selected by the Union Governments under the Smart City projects?
(A) Thiruvananthapuram(B)KozhikodeKozhikode
(C ) Kochi(D)Ernakulam

96.Which state in India firstly issued soil health cards tofarmers?
(A) Hariyana(B)PunjabPunjab
(C ) Tamil Nadu(D)Andhra Pradesh

97.Who is known as Jhansi Rani of Travancore?
(A) A.V. Kuttimalu Amina(B)Arya Pallam
(C ) Captain Lakshmi(D)Akkamma Cheriyan

98.Who is regarded as Kerala Kalidasan?
(A) A.R. Raja Raja Varmma(B)Vallathole
(C ) Kerala Varmma Valiyakoyi ThamburanCD)N. Krishna Pillai

99.The real name of Poykayil Sree Kumara Guru Devan :
(A) Yohannan(B)JosephJoseph
(C ) Govindan(D)Kunchi Kannan

100.The GST Bill was passed by Lok Sabha on :•
(A) May-10-2015(B)June-6-2015June-6-2015
(C ) May-6-2015(D)June-10-2015June-10-2015

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