Citizen card system


The Project ËœCitizen Card Systemâ„¢ gives us the information about the citizen in any country. A Citizen has unique Id to find out the personal information in each and every department or service wherever a citizen goes. This information can be found out by the unique Id of the citizen. If any citizen wants to utilize the services or utilities by the Government or Private organizations, he has to go to each and every department with different Id for that particular department. Instead, a citizen card helps in having all the utilities and services under one unique Id. This system not only helps us to know the information about the services or utilities but also it gives the information about the character of the citizen in credit rating.

This System consists of the modules like Personal Information, Credit Rating, Banking, Insurance, Tax, Provident Fund, Electricity, Telephone, Gas, Movies, Municipality, RTO, Voting, Passport, Travel Agency etc.

Project Description

ËœCitizen Card Systemâ„¢ provides the information about the citizen in any country. A Citizen has unique Id to find out the personal information in each and every department or service wherever a citizen goes. This information can be found out by the unique Id of the citizen. If any citizen wants to utilize the services or utilities by the Government or Private organizations, he has to go to each and every department with different Id for that particular department.

In citizen card system the citizen will perform the all transactions basing on id. If citizen want to take a policy like Insurance policy then citizen basing on id he/she logins and register themselves to take a policy .Not only the Insurance but also he/she perform the transactions like banking, Electricity, Banking, Insurance, Tax, Provident Fund, Telephone, Gas, Movies, Municipality, Credit rating etc. Credit rating tells the behavior of the person whether citizenâ„¢s character is good or bad.


Personal Information
This module contains the personal information like name, id, address etc., of citizen. If administrator wants to view the personal details of the citizen administrator can verify the personal information module.

Credit Rating
This module gives the information about the character of the citizen. It determines whether the citizenâ„¢s behavior basing on all the things is good or bad. It provides the information of the citizen.

This module provides the amount insured and regarding its installments. Basing on citizen id the insurance details can be displayed. If the citizen wants to make a policy in the insurance then citizen can make it by his citizen id.

This module provides the information regarding the tax paid and tax to be paid. If Administrator wants to know about the particular citizen details whether he/she paid the tax or not then the administrator can check it basing on id.

This module provides the information regarding the deliveries of the gas. The information provides the amount paid by the customer to the particular gas no and gas type.

This module provides information regarding licenses for vehicles. It gives the information like vehicle name, vehicle registration number, engine number, Service number, Owner address etc

This module provides the online voting facility. Citizen can choose particular area to the voting. Citizen can vote according to his/her choice.

This module allows all banking transactions. Citizen can make any bank transactions basing on citizen id. Banks like SBI, ICICI, Andhra bank etc., all the banking transactions can be done with citizen id.

This module provides information about the telephone bill payments. It provides the information about the STD calls/ISD calls and their charges of particular citizen id.

This module provides information about electricity bill payments and all. It provides the information like number of units and previous no of units and the charge for that bill basing on id of particular citizen.

This module provides information about particular citizen. Details like citizenâ„¢s personal information and date issued, valid up to etc.

To enable the Administrator to perform operations basing on citizen id like voting, passport, gas, banking, Personal Information, Credit Rating, etc.
Citizen Card System

‘Citizen Card System’ provides the information about the citizen in any country. A Citizen has unique Id to find out the personal information in each and every department or service wherever a citizen goes. If any citizen wants to utilize the services or utilities by the Government or Private organizations, he has to go to each and every department with different Id for that particular department.
In citizen card system the citizen will perform the all transactions basing on id. He/she perform the transactions like banking, Electricity, Banking, Insurance, Tax, Provident Fund, Telephone, Gas, Movies, Municipality, Credit rating etc. Credit rating tells the behavior of the person whether citizen’s character is good or bad.
Existing System
• It can manual
• Time Consuming Process
• Common user can’t interact.
• Mismanagement.
Proposed System
The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach.
• We can maintain all type of users details properly.
• Rich user interface.
• All Transactions are performed very well.
Number of Modules
1. Users Registration Modules.
2. Personal Information Module
3. Insurance Module.
4. Gas Module.
5. RTO Module.
6. Banking.
7. Telephone.
8. Electricity.
Modules Description
Personal Information

This module contains the personal information like name, id, address etc., of citizen. If administrator wants to view the personal details of the citizen administrator can verify the personal information module.
This module provides the amount insured and regarding its installments. Basing on citizen id the insurance details can be displayed. If the citizen wants to make a policy in the insurance then citizen can make it by his citizen id.
This module provides the information regarding the deliveries of the gas. The information provides the amount paid by the customer to the particular gas no and gas type.
This module provides information regarding licenses for vehicles. It gives the information like vehicle name, vehicle registration number, engine number, Service number, Owner address etc
This module allows all banking transactions. Citizen can make any bank transactions basing on citizen id. Banks like SBI, ICICI, Andhra bank etc., all the banking transactions can be done with citizen id.
This module provides information about the telephone bill payments. It provides the information about the STD calls/ISD calls and their charges of particular citizen id.
This module provides information about electricity bill payments and all. It provides the information like number of units and previous no of units and the charge for that bill basing on id of particular citizen.
Users of System
A. Administrator
B. Customer
C. Normal Users
i am in need of the source code and review of the project Citizen Card please help me and send me the page link from where i can download it.
The Project ‘Citizen Card System’ gives us the information about the citizen in any country. A Citizen has unique Id to find out the personal information in each and every department or service wherever a citizen goes. This information can be found out by the unique Id of the citizen. If any citizen wants to utilize the services or utilities by the Government or Private organizations, he has to go to each and every department with different Id for that particular department. Instead, a citizen card helps in having all the utilities and services under one unique Id. This system not only helps us to know the information about the services or utilities but also it gives the information about the character of the citizen in credit rating.
‘Citizen Card System’ provides the information about the citizen in any country. A Citizen has unique Id to find out the personal information in each and every department or service wherever a citizen goes. This information can be found out by the unique Id of the citizen. If any citizen wants to utilize the services or utilities by the Government or Private organizations, he has to go to each and every department with different Id for that particular department.
A Citizen Card (also called Identification or ID) is any proof which may be used to verify aspects of a person's personal Identification. If issued in the form of a small, mostly standard-sized card, it is usually called an identity card (IC). In some countries the possession of a government-produced identity card is compulsory while in others it may be voluntary. In countries which do not have formal identity documents, informal ones may in some circumstances be required.
Many organizations need to be sure of your age or identity. Using a Citizen Card is voluntary, but it can make life much easier. Even if you have a passport or driving license, Citizen Card means you can leave these more valuable documents safely at home. Using a Citizen Card means that you can access the products and services to which you are entitled.
Most shops, pubs, clubs, airlines (domestic flights) and other organizations recognize Citizen Card as valid photo-ID or proof-of-age. As a scheme audited by the Trading Standards Institute Citizen Card was the first scheme to carry PASS (Proof of Age Standards Scheme) accreditation, supported by the Home Office.
The Citizen Card System keeps details of citizens on our database so that if someone queries your card we can confirm that you are a legitimate cardholder. We also provide Experian, an information company, with access to Citizen Card data for the purpose of age validation, identity authentication and fraud prevention. If a website or other organization wishes to ascertain the identity or age of one of its users, Experian can corroborate the information supplied against details held on the Citizen Card database.
The Model Citizen Card May be like this
Information Present in this citizen card or in a supporting database might include the bearer’s full name, Photograph, age, Date of Birth, Address, and Citizen Card Number. The western countries like United Kingdom and the United States especially, government-issued compulsory identity cards or, more precisely, their centralized database are a source of debate as they are regarded as an infringement of privacy and civil liberties. Most criticism is directed towards the enhanced possibilities of extensive abuse of centralized and comprehensive databases storing sensitive data.
The Project ‘Citizen Card System’ gives us the information about the citizen in any country. A Citizen has unique Id to find out the personal information in each and every department or service wherever a citizen goes. This information can be found out by the unique Id of the citizen. If any citizen wants to utilize the services or utilities by the Government or Private organizations, he has to go to each and every department with different Id for that particular department. Instead, a citizen card helps in having all the utilities and services under one unique Id. This system not only helps us to know the information about the services or utilities but also it gives the information about the character of the citizen in credit rating.
The existing system is a manual or semi automated system, i.e. citizen information in the country can be stored in the form of Books or thin databases like Ms excel etc. The major problem of this information is data can be stored in various formats, sometimes it may be changed between states in the country.
Another tedious problems is searching the information of a citizen, it is not an easy thing to find out of citizen information like India. Sharing data from one department to another department is not possible; it may cause lot of delay because data is not centralized.
• It has been argued that identity cards impose a disproportionate burden upon both government and citizens while empowering the executive, which is contrary to the maxim: "the government that governs best governs least".
• In many cases, other forms of documentation such as a driver's license, passport, or Issuing Credit card serve a similar function for that identify a citizen through manually system is a tedious process.
• The cost of introducing and administering a Citizen Card System can be very high.
• Age, address, personal details verification of a citizen is not that much of easier.
• Observing that illegal immigration into the country was posing a serious threat to national security, a high-powered government committee has strongly recommended a unique identity card for citizens is compulsory.
• The recommendation assumes significance amidst reports of a large number of Bangladeshi immigrants and terrorists sneaking into the country from across the borders.
The Citizen Card is treated as Official ID and proof-of-age for anyone resident in Country. This Card is recommended by Trading Standards, the Police, and shops, pubs, local authorities, schools, MPs and many other organizations.
By Citizen Card System we can solve major problems
1) Stop Infiltration
2) Easy Identification of Person
3) Stop corruption
4) Stop Tax Evasion
5) Maintain the history of every person

• Identity verification in banks or at national borders with a standard Citizen card would be simpler than with a physically bulky passport, especially if banks don't accept residents having foreign passports.
• Eligibility or ownership verification would be facilitated (for example, when paying with a credit card or cheque, or attempting to buy age-restricted products).
• False identification may be reduced where identity cards are required to access a bank account. Of course, phishing and many other forms of identity theft will be unaffected.
• Citizen Cards can be a useful administrative tool that can increase efficiency in dealings with both the government and private companies.
• Cards may help reduce immigration service bureaucracy. In certain countries, the procedures for deporting illegal immigrants whose ages, identities or nationalities cannot be formally established are more complex than those for whom they can be readily asserted. This gives illegal immigrants more time to prepare their legal defence.
• In many countries ID Cards are given only to citizens, these can be a source of pride since they are often the most tangible proof of citizenship.
• Commercial organizations such as banks typically do not try to authenticate the identity of a person, but rather the validity of a transactions (e.g. by signature or PIN) due to the acknowledged difficulty in reliably identifying an individual in a fraud proof and convenient manner.
• And the Citizen Card System database that exhaustively covers the whole population is perhaps the only way of ensuring a direct two-way interaction between the state and the citizen; as the unique Citizen ID is necessary for the state and its agencies to correctly identify the unique individual on the other end.
• In other words, there will continue to be a passport database with the external affairs ministry, a PAN database with the finance ministry, a terrorist database with the home ministry, a BPL database with the state governments, the election commission's voters database, and so on. Each of these databases will eventually have one more piece of information -- the Citizen Id number.

After analyzing the requirements of the task to be performed, the next step is to analyze the problem and understand its context. The first activity in the phase is studying the existing system and other is to understand the requirements and domain of the new system. Both the activities are equally important, but the first activity serves as a basis of giving the functional specifications and then successful design of the proposed system. Understanding the properties and requirements of a new system is more difficult and requires creative thinking and understanding of existing running system is also difficult, improper understanding of present system can lead diversion from solution.
Mainly there are four phases in the "Spiral Model":
 Planning
 Evolutions
 Risk Analysis
 Engineering
Software Development India
Planning: In this phase, the aims, option and constraints of the project are determined and are documented. The aims and other specifications are fixed so as to determine the strategies/approaches to go after during the project life cycle.
Risk Analysis: It is the most significant phase of "Spiral Model". In this phase the entire possible option that are available and helpful in developing a cost efficient project are analyzed and strategies are determined to employ the available resources. This phase has been added particularly so as to recognize and resolve all the possible risks in the project Citizen Card System. If any indication shows some uncertainty in needs, prototyping may be utilized to continue with the obtainable data and discover out possible software development solution so as to deal with the potential modification in the needs.
Engineering: In this phase, the specific software development of the project is worked out. The output of developed of modules by modules is passed through all the phases iteratively so as to obtain development in the same.
Customer Evaluation: In this phase, before releasing the developed product, the product is passed on to the customer so as to obtain customer’s views and suggestions and if some is left or the desire result is not achieved then all the needs will be identified and resolve all the possible problems/errors in the Farmers Buddy. One can compare it from the TESTING phase.
The spiral model, illustrated in below figure, combines the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the waterfall model, therein providing the potential for rapid development of incremental versions of the software. In this model the software is developed in a series of incremental releases with the early stages being either paper models or prototypes. Later iterations become increasingly more complete versions of the product.
Depending on the model it may have 3-6 task regions our case will consider a ‘6-task region’ model.
These regions are:
1. The User communication task – to establish effective communication between developer and User.
2. The planning task – to define resources, time lines and other project related information..
3. The risk analysis task – to assess both technical and management risks.
4. The engineering task – to build one or more representations of the application.
5. The construction and release task – to construct, test, install and provide user support (e.g., documentation and training).
6. The User evaluation task – to obtain customer feedback based on the evaluation of the software representation created during the engineering stage and implemented during the install stage.
The evolutionary process begins at the centre position and moves in a clockwise direction. Each traversal of the spiral typically results in a deliverable. For example, the first and second spiral traversals may result in the production of a product specification and a prototype, respectively. Subsequent traversals may then produce more sophisticated versions of the software.
An important distinction between the spiral model and other software models is the explicit consideration of risk. There are no fixed phases such as specification or design phases in the model and it encompasses other process models. For example, prototyping may be used in one spiral to resolve requirement uncertainties and hence reduce risks. This may then be followed by a conventional waterfall development.
 Note that each passage through the planning stage results in an adjustment to the project plan.
 Each of the regions is populated by a set of work tasks called a task set that are adapted to characteristics of the project to be undertaken. For small projects the number of tasks and their formality is low. Conversely, for large projects the reverse is true.
Advantages of the Spiral Model
 The spiral model is a realistic approach to the development of large-scale software products because the software evolves as the process progresses. In addition, the developer and the client better understand and react to risks at each evolutionary level.
 The model uses prototyping as a risk reduction mechanism and allows for the development of prototypes at any stage of the evolutionary development.
 It maintains a systematic stepwise approach, like the classic life cycle model, but incorporates it into an iterative framework that more reflect the real world.
 If employed correctly, this model should reduce risks before they become problematic, as consideration of technical risks are considered at all stages.
Disadvantages of the Spiral Model
 Demands considerable risk-assessment expertise
 It has not been employed as much proven models (e.g. the WF model) and hence may prove difficult to ‘sell’ to the client that this model is controllable and efficient.
I need this project,my project submission date is 2/5/2011.please some help e mail id is : nurmail786[at]gmail.comHuhIdea
hey please give detail design of each and every module and submodules of that is personal,credit rating ,insurance, taxation, gas, rto, voting, banking, telephone, electricity,passport of citizen card system
you can refer these page details of "Citizen Card System"link bellow
i need it badly please send it to "pankaj.jawade[at]"
you can refer these page details of "Citizen Card System"link bellow
to get infornation about the topic"Citizen Card System Project Download"refer the page link bellow
to get information about the topic Citizen card system full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow
pls send me the whole project and source code
pls send me on my id aashna_sharma31[at]
send it as soon as possible

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