Mobile Virus full report


Submitted To : By
Sonali Madam Kotadia Aswani
Bhawik Bhavesh ECE ËœAâ„¢
All of us are familiar with cell phones. The use of cell phones to access internet and share executable files have increased. With the growing number of functionalities, the amount of personal data at risk is high. With the growth of the smart phone, mobile phones with Internet connectivity that work like a handheld computer, phone users have also seen the advent of the mobile phone virus. If not handled properly, it may prove to be fatal to our privacy. It is not just PCs that are vulnerable to virus attacks these days--now we also have to protect your phone from mobile phone virus and PDA, too. Advanced mobile phones run the same kind of applications as desktop and laptop computers, and they have multiple wireless connections so they too get infected by mobile phone virus and spread cell phone virus.
There are currently about 100 mobile viruses that can disable a phone or create bills of hundreds of dollars by sending pricey picture messages. The first mobile virus spreading "in the wild" emerged less than two years ago. While this is still a tiny number compared with personal computer viruses, the threat is expected to increase.
Virus, What is it
A virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. It may have a negative effect, such as causing a program to operate incorrectly or corrupting a computer's memory. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, adware, and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can only spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it
over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. A worm is one that exploit security vulnerabilities to spread it to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a host, and a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless but has a hidden agenda. Worms and Trojans, like viruses, may cause harm to either a computer system's hosted data, functional performance, or networking throughput, when they are executed. Some viruses and other malware have symptoms noticeable to the computer user, but many are surreptitious.
A mobile virus is an electronic virus that targets mobile phones or wireless-enabled PDAs. As wireless phone and PDA networks become more numerous and more complex, it has become more difficult to secure them against electronic attacks in the form of viruses or other malicious software (also known as malware). Malware is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. A mobile phone virus is a computer virus specifically adapted for the cellular environment and designed to spread from one vulnerable phone to another. Although mobile phone virus hoaxes have been around for years, the so-called Cabir virus is the first verified example.
Motive to create virus
Viruses are written for a variety of reasons
¢ Curiosity ¢ Challenge ¢ To gain wider attention ¢ Some new antivirus companies want to enter new market.
Differences with PC Virus
Although similar OSes are being used, differences exist: Large numbers of mobile users are less tech literate. Implies that it is difficult to rollout security patches to phones already sold. Mobiles are always connected and switched on. Environment keeps changing as the user keep changing its mode of using cell phones.
Cell phones also have OS Symbian OS Windows Mobile Palm OS J2ME Linux based Blackberry based
Virus Actions
¢ Send SMS & MMS to all numbers found within mobile phone. ¢ Damage by deleting & modifying mobile phone.
¢ Starting to make calls to pay-per-minute numbers. ¢ Prevents phone from booting. ¢ Drains phone™s battery.
Case Studies
First symbian virus: CARIBE
In 2004 a group of professional virus writers known as 29A created the first virus for smartphones called Caribe. Caribe is the first network worm capable of spreading via Bluetooth. It infects mobile phones which run Symbian OS. Creators stated it was purely proof of concept just to show malicious code could be created for Symbian OS. Source code was published on the Internet many modified version surfaced.
Most dangerous Symbian virus: COMWAR
The second worm found for mobile devices was the Comwar. The worm spread via Bluetooth and MMS. The executable worm file is packed into a Symbian archive (*.SIS). Once launched the worm will search for accessible Bluetooth devices and send the infected .SIS archive under a random name to these devices.
The Skuller Trojan
Skuller was the first real Trojan for the Symbian OS. The Trojan appeared as a program which would offer new wallpapers and icons for Symbian OS. Installing the program led to the standard application icons to be replaced with a skull and crossbones. At the same time it would overwrite the original application application ceased to work. Once the smartphone has been infected it caonly be used to make calls.
How skuller works
Classification (examples)
Futuristic Developments
Location Tracking Camera and Microphone Bug Leaking Sensitive Information DDOS attack on Mobile Service Provider
Common protection against mobile malware
1) Non-discoverable Bluetooth - Switch to Bluetooth hidden mode. If your phone has Bluetooth capability, ensure that the Bluetooth capability is switched to hidden or invisible mode unless you specifically need it to be visible. This will help prevent other Bluetooth-enabled devices from finding your phone (unless you grant them the necessary permission) and will therefore help protect your phone from worms that spread using the Bluetooth wireless technology. 2) Install antivirus 3) Firmware Updates. 4) Donâ„¢t use untrusted sites & softwares. 5) Infection Scanners at public locations.
What is Antivirus
Antivirus software are computer programs that attempt to identify, neutralize or eliminate malicious software. Antivirus mainly prevents and removes computer viruses, including worms and trojan horses.
We should not accept files from unknown people without confirmation. We should not download unknown files from internet. Since the advent of the Internet, computer virus hoaxes have competed with computer viruses. The same is true of the mobile phone virus. There are real hoaxes, just as there are real viruses. One recent one had folks believing that calls from Pakistan to Afghanistan would transmit an actual physical virus that could cause users to become sick. Mainly, we simply need to be worried about the

viruses that might make our mobile phone sick. Installing antivirus programs makes good sense, especially if we want to keep our smart phones healthy. There are so many antivirus applications for PocketPC, Symbian Series 60, Windows Mobile are already available in market.
¢ ¢

¢ ¢
¢ Operating system principles
read something about mobile virus.... i hope its help you...
A mobile phone virus or mobile malware - malicious mobile software - is a computer virus specifically adapted for the mobile phone environment and designed to spread from one vulnerable phone to another. A virus is a program code that replicates by being copied to another program. Viruses can be transmitted as attachments to an email or in a download file. Some viruses take effect as soon as their code is executed; other viruses can lie dormant. A virus that replicates by resending itself as an email attachment or as a part of a network message is known as a worm. Viruses can range from benign to quite harmful; they can erase data from the infected phone or send fake messages purporting to be from the phones owner. How prevalent are mobile phone viruses The current security risk from mobile phone viruses and worms is low. Until many more smart phones or PDAs are in use, and users of these phones are regularly exchanging executable files, the risk will remain low. The mobile industry takes the threat of viruses very seriously and is continually monitoring its networks and working to protect users from any future risk from mobile phone viruses. There are also some simple measures that individual users can implement to protect themselves.

The following tips can help prevent problems with viruses on your phone: 1. Switch to Bluetooth hidden mode. If your phone has Bluetooth capability, ensure that the Bluetooth capability is switched to hidden or invisible mode unless you specifically need it to be visible. This will help prevent other Bluetooth-enabled devices from finding your phone (unless you grant them the necessary permission) and will therefore help protect your phone from worms that spread using the Bluetooth wireless technology. 2. Exercise caution before opening attachments. When accepting applications sent via Bluetooth, or opening MMS attachments, exercise caution, just as you would when opening an email attachment on your PC, because they may include harmful software. Ensure the application or attachment comes from a known source, and is wary of opening files that have unfamiliar text attached to them, even if they come from someone you know. 3. Only download content from a trusted source. Trusted sources may include operator portals and other wellknown brands that offer adequate protection against viruses and other harmful software. Be aware though

that, as with emails, malicious or fraudulent users may be able to fake the appearance of a trusted source. 4. Consider anti-virus software. Some software is available to prevent phone viruses. You may wish to consider downloading this software. 5. Contact your phone manufacturer if concerned. If you think you have a virus, call the phone manufacturerâ„¢s care line. They can assist you confirm if it is a virus, and help fix the problem. _________________

Mobile Viruses and Worms

Presented By:
Amit Kumar Jain
Amogh Asgekar
Jeevan Chalke
Manoj Kumar
Ramdas Rao


Threats posed by mobile worms and viruses
Case Studies
Futuristic Threats
Protective Measures


What is a Mobile Virus
Mobile : pertaining to mobile devices
cell phones, smart phones, PDAs, ...
Mobile Virus vs. Computer Virus
Mobile Malware:
Malware: Malicious Software
All kinds of unwanted malicious software

Differences with PC

Although similar OSes are being used, differences exist:
Lesser users of mobiles are less tech literate
Implies that it is difficult to rollout security patches to phones already sold
Mobiles are always connected and switched on
Environment keeps changing
Imagine one infected phone in a stadium full of people
On the positive side:
Several variants of phones exist
A malware for one type of phone may not necessarily be able to infect others
E.g., A virus that uses an MMS exploit cannot infect a phone that does not have that facility at all
Mobile malware not yet causing critical harm
At most
they increase the user's billing, or
cause the mobile phone to stop working (can be restored by a factory reset)
Classification of
Mobile Worms and Viruses


Operating System
Vulnerable Application
Family name and Variant identifier
Classification (examples)
Mobile Virus Families

Current threats by mobile malware

For financial gain / loss
Unnecessary calls / SMS / MMS
Send and sell private information
Cause phones to work slowly or crash
Wipe out contact books and other information on the phone
Remote control of the phone
Install false applications
Case Studies

Case Study “ CABIR

First mobile worm
Only as Proof-Of-Concept
Spread vector “ Bluetooth
Infected file “ caribe.sis
15 new variants exist

Case Study - ComWar

Second landmark in mobile worms
Spread vector - Bluetooth and MMS
Large spread area due to MMS
Not as proof of concept “ Intention to harm by charging the mobile user
Multiple variants detected

Case Study - CardTrap

First cross-over mobile virus found
Can migrate from mobile to PC
Propogates as infected mobile application as well as Windows worm
2 variants found “ Both install with legitimate applications “ Black Symbian and Camcorder Pro

Futuristic Threats

Futuristic Developments
Location Tracking
Camera and Microphone Bug
Leaking Sensitive Information
DDOS attack on Mobile Service Provider

Protective Measures

Securing against attacks
System level security
Network Level Security
Proactive approach


MObile SEcurity processing System

Ravi (2005)

Two levels of defenses “ Hardware and Software
Hardware “ Application Fencing
Software “ Encryption


Secure boot and run-time memory protection
prevents software (virus) and physical (code modication) attacks
Provides crypto functions and meets performance and power targets
Provides protection to any sensitive data or cryptographic keys against common attacks

Proactive Approach

Paper by Bose, Shin
Reduce the impact of an attack
Generate Behavior Vectors
Form Behavioral Clusters
Virus Throttling Algorithm


Kaspersky Labs' Report on Mobile Viruses (September 2006)
Bluetooth vulnerabilities
Haataja, K., Two practical attacks against Bluetooth security using new enhanced implementations of security analysis tools, CNIS 2005, Arizona, USA, November 14-16, 2005.
Protective Measures:
Bose, Shin, Proactive Security for Mobile Messaging Networks, WiSe '06, September 29, 2006.
Thank You
This article is presented by:Dick Steflik
Viruses & Worms

A Couple of Definitions
A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user.
“a program that replicates by “infecting” other programs, so that they contain a copy of the virus”


Viral code is attached or “inserted” into the order of execution so that when the legitimate code is run the viral code is also run or run instead of the legitimate code.
May be “tacked” on to the end of an executable file or inserted into unused program space.
Legitimate code must be modified so that the viral code is branched/vectored to.
Most viruses
Do not damage the original program or damage the hardware
May damage data files
“trash” firmware
Mess up boot records
But, some do
For this reason most can be cleaned up with anti-virus software.

The Normal Virus works like this

User call for a legitimate program
The virus code, having inserted itself in the order of execution, executes instead or in addition to the legitimate program.
The virus code terminates and returns control to the legitimate program
For more information about this article,please follow the link:

Presented By:BhawikKotadia


All of us are familiar with cell phones. The use of cell phones to access internet and share executable files have increased. With the growing number of functionalities, the amount of personal data at risk is high. With the growth of the smart phone, mobile phones with Internet connectivity that work like a handheld computer, phone users have also seen the advent of the mobile phone virus. If not handled properly, it may prove to be fatal to our privacy. It is not just PCs that are vulnerable to virus attacks these days--now we also have to protect your phone from mobile phone virus and PDA, too. Advanced mobile phones run the same kind of applications as desktop and laptop computers, and they have multiple wireless connections so they too get infected by mobile phone virus and spread cell phone virus.

There are currently about 100 mobile viruses that can disable a phone or create bills of hundreds of dollars by sending pricey picture messages. The first mobile virus spreading "in the wild" emerged less than two years ago. While this is still a tiny number compared with personal computer viruses, the threat is expected to increase.

Virus, What is it ?
A virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. It may have a negative effect, such as causing a program to operate incorrectly or corrupting a computer's memory. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, adware, and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can only spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it
over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. A worm is one that exploit security vulnerabilities to spread it to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a host, and a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless but has a hidden agenda. Worms and Trojans, like viruses, may cause harm to either a computer system's hosted data, functional performance, or networking throughput, when they are executed. Some viruses and other malware have symptoms noticeable to the computer user, but many are surreptitious. MOBILE VIRUS
A mobile virus is an electronic virus that targets mobile phones or wireless-enabled PDAs. As wireless phone and PDA networks become more numerous and more complex, it has become more difficult to secure them against electronic attacks in the form of or other malicious software (also known as malware). Malware is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent.
A mobile phone virus is a computer virus specifically adapted for the cellular environment and designed to spread from one vulnerable phone to another. Although mobile phone virus hoaxes have been around for years, the so-called Cabir virus is the first verified example. Motive to create virus Viruses are written for a variety of reasons



To gain wider attention

Some new antivirus companies want to enter new
Differences with PC Virus

Although similar OSes are being used, differences
Large numbers of mobile users are less “tech literate”. Implies that it is difficult to “rollout security patches” to phones already sold. Mobiles are always “connected” and switched on. “Environment” keeps changing as the user keep changing its mode of using cell phones.

Presented by:
Amit Kumar Jain
Amogh Asgekar
Jeevan Chalke
Manoj Kumar
Ramdas Rao

Mobile Viruses and Worms

 What is a Mobile Virus?
– “Mobile” : pertaining to mobile devices
• cell phones, smart phones, PDAs, ...
 Mobile Virus vs. Computer Virus
 Mobile Malware:
– “Malware”: Malicious Software
– All kinds of unwanted malicious software
Differences with PC
 Although similar OSes are being used, differences exist:
 Lesser users of mobiles are less “tech literate”
 Implies that it is difficult to “rollout security patches” to phones already sold
 Mobiles are always “connected” and switched on
 “Environment” keeps changing
 Imagine one infected phone in a stadium full of people
 On the positive side:
 Several variants of phones exist
 A malware for one type of phone may not necessarily be able to infect others
 E.g., A virus that uses an MMS exploit cannot infect a phone that does not have that facility at all
 Mobile malware not yet causing critical harm
 At most
 they increase the user's billing, or
 cause the mobile phone to stop working (can be restored by a factory reset)
Classification ofMobile Worms and Viruses
 Behavior
 Virus
 Worm
 Trojan
 Environment
 Operating System
 Vulnerable Application
 Family name and Variant identifier
Classification (examples)
• Mobile Virus Families
• Current threats by mobile malware

 For financial gain / loss
 Unnecessary calls / SMS / MMS
 Send and sell private information
 Cause phones to work slowly or crash
 Wipe out contact books and other information on the phone
 Remote control of the phone
 Install “false” applications
Case Studies
• Case Study – CABIR

 First mobile worm
 Only as Proof-Of-Concept
 Spread vector – Bluetooth
 Infected file – caribe.sis
 15 new variants exist
Case Study - ComWar
 Second landmark in mobile worms
 Spread vector - Bluetooth and MMS
 Large spread area due to MMS
 Not as proof of concept – Intention to harm by charging the mobile user
 Multiple variants detected
Case Study - CardTrap
 First cross-over mobile virus found
 Can migrate from mobile to PC
 Propogates as infected mobile application as well as Windows worm
 2 variants found – Both install with legitimate applications – Black Symbian and Camcorder Pro
Futuristic Threats
• Futuristic Developments

 Location Tracking
 Camera and Microphone Bug
 Leaking Sensitive Information
 DDOS attack on Mobile Service Provider
Protective Measures
• Securing against attacks

 System level security
 Network Level Security
 Proactive approach
 MObile SEcurity processing System
– Ravi (2005)
 Two levels of defenses – Hardware and Software
 Hardware – Application Fencing
 Software – Encryption
• Secure boot and run-time memory protection

– prevents software (virus) and physical (code modification) attacks
• Provides crypto functions and meets performance and power targets
• Provides protection to any sensitive data or cryptographic keys against common attacks
• Proactive Approach
 Paper by Bose, Shin
 Reduce the impact of an attack
 Generate Behavior Vectors
 Form Behavioral Clusters
• Proactive Approach
 Virus Throttling Algorithm
 Quarantine
to get information about the topic CELL PHONE VIRUS AND SECURITY full report ,ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

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