PUBLIC RELATION OFFICER - CO-OPERATIVE SECTOR kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : l hour and 15 minutes

1.Which is a multi-panel publication that conveys information usually on a single subject?
(A)House Journal
(B) Brochure
(C ) Direct Mail
(D) Poster

2.Face book., a very popular social networking site is owned by :
(A)Palo Alto
(B) Rupert Murdock
(C ) Ted Turner
(D) Bill Gates

3.Actual disasters such as fires, earthquakes etc. come under which type of crisis?
(A)continuing crisis
(B) immediate crisis
(C ) building crisis
(D) exploding crisis

4.Audience use media in three stages, viz; the elite stage and mass stage. Name the third stage:
(A)The specialized stage
(B) The casual stage
(C ) The professional stage
(D) The concrete stage

5.Who were the forerunners of modern Public Relations Officers?
(B)agony aunts
(C )whistleblowers

6.PR is------------unlike advertising.
(A)hard sell
(B)soft sell
(C )hot sell
(D)cool sell

7.They are strategic publics who constrain an organization’s ability to accomplish its goals and mission. Who are they?
(A) critics
(B) deviants
(C ) crusaders
(D) activists

8.Who authored the hook ‘Gauging Public Opinion? 
(A) Hadley Gantril (C ) Allan H. Center
(B) Scott M. Cultip (D) Rex. F. Harlow

9.Who defines PR as ‘the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation and its various publics’?
(A)Public Relations Society of India
(B)Public Relations Society of America
(D)British Institute of Public Relations

10.Who is the proponent of Symmetrical Public Relations?
(A) J.M. Grunig
(B) Edward Bernays
(C ) Sam Black
(D) Greg Leichty

11.Which aspect is not part of Crisis Communication?
(A) Fact Finding (C ) Planning
(B)Documentation (D) Implementation

12.The first All India Public Relations Conference was held at New Delhi on:
(A) 21 April 1968
(B) 20 May 1969
(C )18 June 1958.
(D) 22 Aug 1967

13.The top brass of which company constituted ANSHI (Anti-Sexual Harassment Initiative) to spread awareness amongst its employees about sexual harassment?
(A) Reliance 
(C ) Infosys

14.Name the author of the book The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR’:
(A)A1 Ries and Laura Ries
(B)Cultip and Center
(C )Joy C. Gorden
(D)Crable and Vibbert

15.The PR theory proposed by Peter M. Blau and Richard M. Emerson :
(A)Exchange theory
(B)Conflict theory
(C )Structural and Functional theory
(D)Symbolic Interactionism

16.PRSI, the professional body of PH practitioners was established in : 
(A) 1968
(B) 1958
(C ) 1978
(D) 1988

17.The three elements of Public Relations arc informing people, persuading people and—---------people.
(A) socialising people
(B) motivating people
(C ) integrating people
(D) organising people

18.Adjusting space between two adjacent letters so that one is positioned within the space :
(C )Indention

19.Name the official publication of an organization highlighting its policies, programmes and achievements:
(A)Direct Mail
(B)Annual Report
(C )House Journal

20.Which day is observed as National PR Day in India?
(A)May 21
(B)April 21
(C )March 21
(D)June 21

21.The official English news letter published by IPRD, Government of Kerala :
(A) Kerala Mirror
(B) Kerala Calling
(C ) Green Kerala
(D) Kerala Chronicle

22.Who organises India International Trade Fair every year in Delhi?
(A)Trade Fair Authority of India
(B)Public Relations Society of India
(C )Indian Institute of Management
(D)Advertising Standards Council of India

23. Who categorized media as “Hot'' and “Cool”?
(A)Malcolm Mac Lean
(B)David Berio
(C )Noam Chomsky
(D)Marshall McLuhan

24. Which forma the troika of PR Communication? 
(A) Messago, Medium, Audience
(B)Source, Message, Audience
(C )Media, Audience, Impact
(D)Message, Audience, Feed back

25. Informal information flow in an organization is also known as :
(A) grapevine
(B)embedded content
(C ) rumour

26.What is flakkers?
(A) corporate journalists
(C ) cover-ups
(D)derisive word for PR people

27.What is ‘O’ Dwyer’s PR Services?
(A) Trade journal
(B)PR firm
(C ) Ad agency
(D)Online PR portal

28.Who believed that people must be either “caressed or annihilated”?
(A) Lenin
(C ) Sun Yat Sen

29.In England, who is considered as the “keeper of the king’s conscience”?
(A) Prime Minister
(B)Queen of England
(C ) Lord Chancellor

30.A facility visit for media representatives facilities are provided:in which transportation, accommodation and other
(A) Press relations
(B)Proactive PR
(C ) Freebies
(D)Press Junket

31.Which is the largest US-based Public Relations agency?
(A) Burson-Marsteker
(C ) Hill and Knowlton

32.What is the name given for developing anticipated event?a programme in advance of an unscheduled but
(A) Contingency planning
(B)Emergency planning
(C ) Institutional Planning
(D)Integrated Planning

33.Social application of Darwin’s ‘survival of fittest’ theory is better known as :
(A) Social Activism
(B)Social Darwinism
(C ) Social Poetics

34.The 1914 Colorado mine labour dispute killing women and children is recorded in history as:
(A)Columbia massacre
(B)Ludlow massacre
(C )Pennsylvania massacre
(D)Mississippi massacre

35.In 1917, concerned about the widespread antiwar sentiment, which American President asked George Creel to head a new government agency whose job was to make the war popular?
(A)Franklin Roosevelt
(C )Abraham Lincoln
(D)George Washington

36.During World War II, who used propaganda as an inatrumeni of politics?
(C )Stalin

37.What is issued when some important government decision or encouragement is made like cabinet appointment etc.?
(A)press release
(C )press communique
(D)press note

38.Which body is the official distributor of news about government?
(C )PT1

39.‘No taxation without representation' was the slogan doing the rounds in ----------------revolution.
(A) Russian Revolution
(B) French Revolution
(C )Chinese Revolution
(D)American Revolution

40.“Spin” in Public Relations refers to the interpretation of information to sway whose opinion?
(C )people working in an institution

41. What do you mean by lobbying in the field of PR?
(A)communicating financial results
(B)influencing public and government at all levels
(C )responding in crisis
(D)gaining publicity for a product or a science

42.Where did PR first originate os a profession? 
(A) India (C ) Australia
(B) England (D) American

43.IPRA was formed in :
(A) 1965
(B) 1945
(C ) 1975
(D) 1955

44.Name the term to denote the standard one paragraph description of an organization, typically placed at the end of news releases or promotional material:
(C )Boilerplate

45.Who is the person to control the flow of information to publics?
(A)Agony aunt
(C )Ombudsman

46.Notice on a news release that it should not be used before a designated time/date : 
(A) Stop Press
(B) Kicker
(C ) Embargo
(D) Streamer

47.Verbal attack on a web newsgroup participant that has the effect of “igniting'’ responses from other participants:
(C )gibberish

48.Letter written to a journalist or editor explaining why they should cover a particular topic?
(A)Advance letter
(B)Release letter
(C )Maiden letter
(D)Pitch letter

49.Brochure style with atleast two folds :
(A) Blind fold
(B) A-roll fold
(C ) Mail fold
(D) Accordion fold

50.Style of paragraph in which the first linc(s) extends to the margin while the remainder is inset:
(A) Boil down
(B) Kerning
(C ) Hammer
(D) Hanging Indent

51.Persuasive document written to obtain funding or a contract:
(A)Position Paper
(B)Propaganda paper
(C )Proposal
(D)White paper

52.Producing two versions of an advertisement brochure or direct mail piece to test which version gets the better response :
(A)consumer-jury test
(B)split run
(C )saddle - stitch
(D)reverse advertisement

53.Who is the proponent of Theory of Reasoned Action?
(C )Fishbein

54.Name the PR tool which denotes participating in a community related activity to sponsoring a national or international event:
(A)Special event
(C )Open Day
(D)Press tours

55. Which is not the kind of membership offered by Public Relations Society of India?
(A)Individual membership
(B)Associate membership
(C )Corporate membership
(D)Collective membership

56.Name the first PR Agency :
(A)Public Relations Society
(B)The Publicity Bureau
(C )Litigation Public Relations
(D)None of the above

57.Who was the founder of the first PR agency?
(A)Abraham Maslow
(B)Georgina Cavendish
(C )Ivy Lee
(D)Scott Cultip

58.Who opened the first PR consultancy in 1920?
(A)Basil Clarke
(B)Sydnoy Walton
(C )Edward Bemays
(D)Scott Cultip

59.“Freedom from ignorance is as essential as freedom from hunger”. Who said this?
(A)Mahatma Gandhi
(B)Ravindranath Tagore
(C )Jawaharlal Nehru
(D)B.R. Ambedkar

60.What is Negative Public Relations?
(A)Destroying the target audience
(B) Manipulating the public
(C ) Influencing the government
(D) Influencing the consumers

61.A benevolent king once said, “The king should be like a father,” which speaks volumes of Public Relations. Name the king:
(A) Akbar
(C ) Chandragupta Maurya

62.The acronym MPR stands for :
(A) Mixed-up Public Relations
(B)Multiple Public Relations
(C ) Merged Public Relations
(D)Marketing Public Relations

63.What is PR according to Edward L Bemays?
(A) communication to the public
(B)managing the reputation
(C ) engineering of consent
(D)monitoring the consumer industry

64.The building up of a dark PR Campaign is alsoknownas:
(A) Hack Campaign
(B)Flack Campaign
(C ) Negative Campaign
(D)Smear Campaign

65.A Public Relations Officer is also known as :
(A) Public Affairs Officer
(B)Communication Officer
(C ) Chief Communication Officer
(D)Chief Executive Officer

66.Who is the father of Public Administration?
(A) Woodrow Wilson
(B)Lorenx Von Stein
(C ) John Locke
(D)Thomas Jefferson

67.Which Public Relations discipline deals with service?gaining publicity for a particular product or
(A) Financial PR
(B)Government PR
(C ) Lifestyle PR
(D)Food-centric relations

68.Name the software invented by M S Swaminathan Research Institute in collaboration with a British NGO, One World South Asia which translates information in six languages :
(A)Open Free Education
(B)Open Access Knowledge
(C )Knowledge For All
(D)Education Know-how

69.The Right to Information Act (RTI) was promulgated in the year:
(C )2004

70.Any false statement about a person printed or broadcast which brings upon the person hatred, contempt or inflicts mental torture constitutes :
(C )libel

71.The PR code is inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of Man adopted by the United Nations Organisation (UNO) on :
(A)December 20, 1945
(B)September 10, 1948
(C )October 20,1946
(D)December 10,1948

72.Who are ‘social engineers?
(A) People who impose judgement on others *
(B) People who feel that they have a special role
(C )People who seek to help others
(D)People who are clear about their rights and interests

73.Which Chinese system values seniority over performance or qualification?
(A)Huan pai bei
(B)Chi pai bei
(C )Oranxi pai bei
(D)Lun zi pai bei

74.PR Industry has umbrella body representing many PR firms in December 2001.

75.Persons who create opinions in favour or against an organization or a public figure : 
(A) muckrakers
(B) mongerers
(C ) tycoons
(D) spin doctors

76.What could be an ‘instrument of power for social control’?
(C )propaganda

77.Name the tool started by Google for comparing governments across the world 
(C )Constitute

78.Who is the head of the National Dairy Development Board?
(A)Kiran Karnik
(B)Vinita Bali
(C )Kavita Hurry
(D)Amrita Patel

79.Identify the organization with the tagline ‘Never Settle':
(C )
(D)AT and T

80.The term organization implies that something tangible binds people, relationships and goals together. This definition is referred to as :
(A)Centrality approach
(B)Concrete approach
(C ) Conviction approach
(D) Container approach

81.Who is recognised as the mother of modern environmental movement?
(A)Rachel Carson
(B)Vandana Siva
(C )Gaura Devi
(D)Amrita Devi

82.Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A)Jharkand - Ranchi
(C )Arunachal Pradesh - Dispur
(D)Uttaranchal - Dehradun

83.In which state the Ancient University Nalanda Situated?
(C )Orissa

84.In which year Imperial Bank was nationalised into State Bank of India (SBI)?
(C )1980

85.The famous political leader Ariel Sharon who died recently belonged to which country? 
ward in 2013?
(A) Egypt 
(B) Palestine 
(C ) Israel
(D) Libiya

86.Who got the United Nations Human Rights
(A) Ms. Malala Yousafzai
(B) Ms. Maria G. Isler 
(C ) Khadija Ryadi
(D) Jimmy Carter 

87.In which state Kandla sea port situated?
(A) Orissa 
(B) Tamil Nadu 
(C ) Maharashtra
(D) Gujarat

88.Who inaugurate Kochi LNG terminal in Puthuvype on January 4, 2014?
(A) Sonia Gandhi
(B) Manmohan Singh
(C ) Hamid Ansari
(D) A.K. Antony

89.Which is the new Self Employment Scheme introduced by the Kerala Government for the Destitute Women of the state?
(A) Asraya
(B) Saranya
(C ) Nirbhaya
(D) Asha

90.In which field Nobel Prize 2013 was awarded for the study of Cargo System of cells?
(A) Medicine
(C ) Physics
(D) Economics

91.Who gave leadership to put an end the disabilities of the Channar Community in the Travancore region?
(A) Chattambi Swami 
(B)Brahmananda Swami
(C ) Vaikunta Swami
(D) Swami Vagbhatananda

92.Who founded Kalyana Dayini Sabha?
(A) Ayya Vaikundar 
(B)Thycaud Ayya
(C ) Subhananda Guru
(D) Pandit Karuppan
93.The social reformer who was nominated to Sree Moolam Praja Sabha in 1921 and 1931? 
(A) Vakkom Moulavi
(B) Swami Sivayogi
(C )Kumara Gurudeva
(D) Sahodaran Ayyappan

94.Which Renaissance leader of Kerala honoured with the title “Bharata Kesari” by the president of India?
(A)Mannath Padmanabhan
(B)Dr. Palpu
(C )T.K. Madhavan
(D)G.P. Pillai '

95.“My Tears My Dreams” is the English translation of the autobiography of which social reformer?
(A)C.V. Kunjuraman
(B)V.T. Bhattathiripad
(C )Chempakaraman Pillai
(D)Rama Krishna Pillai

96.Which movement is not associated with Gandhyi?
(A)Non co-operation Movement
(B)Civil Disobedience Movement
(C )Quit India Movement
(D)Bhoodhan Movement

97.Which peasant movement led to the Martyrdom of Doddi Koraarayya?
(C )Bardoli

98.Among the following who was not the member of Cabinet Mission Plan?
(A)Pethick Lawrence
(B)Mount Batten
(C )Stafford Cripps
(D)A.V. Alexander

99.Which of the following activities associated with the revolutionary leader Bhaghat Singh?
(A)Throwing bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly
(B)Lahore Conspiracy Case
(C )Formation of HRA
(D)All the above

100.Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A)Gandhiji - Dandi
(B)K. Kelappan - Payyannur
(C )Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan - Bengal 
(D)Rani Gaidilic - Nagaland

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