DRAFTSMAN GRADE I KERALA STATE HOUSING BOARD kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Metamorphic rocks are formed by :
(A)Coding molten lava
(B)Change of physical and chemical property of rocks
(C )Deposition of weathered rocks
(D)Solidification of rock minerals

2. Sand stone is an example of:
(A) Sedimentary rock
(B)Metamorphic rock
(C ) Igneous rock
(D)Foliated rock

3.Pug mill is associated with the production of:
(A) Cement
(B)Floor tiles
(C ) Brick

4.What metal ingredient in stainless steel makesit corrosion resistant?
(A) Copper
(C ) Tungsten

5.Melting point of mild steel is about:
(A) 1400°C
(C ) 400°C

6.Which metal is used lor galvanising iron pipes and sheets?
(C )Aluminium

7.Asbestos is banned in most of the countries due to:
(A) Thermal discomfort
(B)Use of mere cement
(C ) Carcinogenic fibre
(D)High cost

8.What is underpinning?
(A)Process of giving pin foundation
(B)Construction of new foundation below existing one
(C )Stabilisation of foundation
(D)Type of Pile foundation

9. What is head room?
(A)Room for storage
(B)Stair case room
(C )Lift room
(D) Vertical distance between tread and ceiling

10.Which test is not related to workability of concrete?
(A) Consistency test
(B)Compaction factor test
(C ) Slump test
(D)Vee-bee consistometcr test

11.Which is the type of reaction develops in setting and hardening of cement?
(A) Oxydation
(C ) Calcination

12.Who established a relationship between water-cement ratio and strength of concrete?
(A) Cassagrade
(C ) Dutt Abrahms
(D)Karl Terzaghi

13.Workability is mainly related to :
(A) Cement content
(B)Aggregate ratio
(C ) Super plasticizers
(D)Water content

14.As per Indian Standards the recommended valueof initial setting time of OPC is :
(A) Not less than 30 minutes
(B)More than 6 hrs
(C ) Not more than 30 minutes
(D)Less than 30 minutes

15.Reason for soaking bricks in water before testingfor compressive strength:
(A) To fill the air voids
(B)To reduce dust
(C ) To distribute load uniformly
(D)To get the minimum strength

16.7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days results are considered for concrete compressivestrength. What is the importance of 7 days interval between the tests in codes?
(A)To get gradual strength increment
(B) To compare result with codal values
(C ) To perform test on working days
(D) Repetition of existing standards

17.What is the density of cement in bulk form?
(A)2400 kg/m3 
(B)1440 kg/m3
(C )2500 kg/m3
(D)1700 kg/m3

18.Le-Chatliers equipment is used to find :
(A)Soundness (C ) Initial setting time
(B) Consistency (D) Final setting time

19.Which of the following Benchmarks, is assumed for a small project?
(A)GTS Benchmark
(B) Permanent Benchmark
(C ) Arbitrary Benchmark
(D) Temporary Benchmark

20.The instrument used for setting right angles in chain survey is :
(C )Alidade

21.What is declination in compass survey?
(A)Angle between truo and magnetic meridians
(B)Angle between fore bearing and back bearing
(C )Vertical angle between magnetic needle and horizontal
(D)Angle between WCB and Quadrant hearing

22.WCB of a line is 180°, its quadrant bearing is :
(C )N-0°-W

23.Transit rule for correction of traverse is adopted when?
(A)Linear measurements are accurate
(B)Angular measurements areaccurate
(C )Both angular and linear measurements are accurate
(D)Both angular and linear measurements have errors

24.What is a contour line?
(A)Line with equal declination (C ) Line with equal elevation
(B) Lino with equal dip (D) Line along the meridian

25.What is the salvage value of building?
(A)Value of building after its utility period
(B)Rent of building per year
(C )Value of scrap after dismantling building
(D)Fund reserved for reconstruction

26.Euler's equation is ideal for finding load carrying capacity of:
(A) Long column
(B) Short column
(C ) Medium column
(D) Eccentric column

27.Point of contra flexure is the point on beam where :
(A)Shear force is zero
(B)Bending moment is zero 
(C ) Shear force is maximum
(D)Shear force and bending moment are zero

28.What is a beam of uniform strength?
(A)Beam with uniform cross section
(B)Beam with homogeneous material
(C )Beam with uniform loading over the entire span
(D)Beam with uniform fibre stress in all cross sections

29.What is the relationship between maximum shear stress and average shear stress over a cross section of beam with rectangular section?
(A)Maximum shear stress = 2 x average shear stress
(B)Maximum shear stress = average shear stress
(C )Maximum shear stress = 1.5 x average shear stress
(D)Maximum shear stress = 3 x average shear stress

30.What is the core of section for column?
(A)Inner area of cross section
(B)Loaded area of cross section
(C )Centre of cross section where load acts
(D)Area where load can be applied without tension on column face

31.Modular ratio of two materials is the ratio of:
(A)Linear strain to lateral strain
(B)Linear stress to linear strain
(C )Their Young’s modulus values
(D)Their modulus of rigidity values

32.The ratio of lateral strain to linear strain :
(A)Young’s modulus
(B)Rigidity modulus
(C )Poisson’s ratio
(D)Slenderness ratio

33.A metallic rod is heated and allowed to expand, the nature of stress induced is :
(B) No stress
(C )Shear stress
(D) Tensile stress

34.Clapeyron s theorem of three moments, is used to analyse :
(A) Fixed beam 
(B) Continuous beam
(C ) Portal frame
(D) Over hanging beam

35. What is the general equation for deflection? 

36.A material is isotropic means :
(A)Uniformmaterialthroughout its body
(B)Stress is uniform over cross section
(C )Strain isuniformover the length
(D)Elastic constants are same in all directions

37.The minimum grade of concrete recommended as per Indian Standards for R.C.C. works :
(C )M25

38.Which I.S. code is referred to the ductile detailing of R.C.C. structures subjected to seismic loads?
(A)IS 13920
(B)IS 1893
(C )IS 456
(D)IS 875

39.The modulus of elasticity of concrete as per IS 456*2000, with characteristic compressive strength fck:
(A)Ee=5500 √
(C )Ec = 0.7 √fcit
(D)Ec = 5000√fek

40.The flexural strength of concrete in terms of fck is given by the relation (A) 0.3√fck
(B) 0.5-√fcM
(C )0.7 √fck
(D) l.l√fck

58.Hydraulic mean depth of a circular pipe of diameter D is :
(C )D/4

59.The usual form of continuity equation of liquid flow is :
(A) Q, Vi V2
(C ) P1 V1 = P2 V2
(D) P1 = P2

60.Theoretical velocity of water with available head 7T and acceleration due to gravity %g :
(C )2 gJh
(D)2 gh

61.What is the maximum theoretical possible suction head for centrifugal pump? 
(A) 8.8 m
(B) 6.6 m
(C ) 12.4 m
(D) 10.33 m

62.Governor is used in turbines to : 
(A) Control the speed (C ) Improve efficiency
(B) Increase the speed (D) Reduce the speed

63.On roads if V is the speed of vehicles in km/hr and R is the radius of curvature, then the super elevation required is :

64.Head-on collisions are avoided on multi lane roads using :
(A)Wide medians
(B)Yellow markings
(C )Reflectors

65.The bottom most portion of a flexible road pavement is :
(A)Base coarse
(B)Sub grade
(C )Base

66. Psychological widening is provided on :
(A) Vertical curves
(B)Hill roads
(C ) City roads
(D)Horizontal curves

67.Wind Rose diagram is related to :
(A) Sail route
(B)Harbour design
(C ) Run way alignment
(D)Air routes

68.Sounding is used to get:
(A) Noise of air craft
(B)Height of flight
(C ) Depth of sea bed
(D)Speed of boat

69.Head wind component is the wind :
(A) Across run-way
(B)Along run-way
(C ) Over air port
(D)Over sea port

70.Who is considered to be the father of modern soil mechanics?
(A) Rankine
(C ) Bousinesque
(D)Karl Terzaghi

71.Consolidation of soil is :
(A)Reduction of volume due to removal of air voids
(B)Reduction of volume due to mechanical rearrangement
(C )Reduction of volume due to chemical reaction
(D)Reduction of volume due to removal of water

72.The relationship between void ratio V and porosity 'n' of soil is :

73.Which of the following is an engineering property of soil?
(A) Porosity
(B) Void ratio
(C ) Permeability
(D) Field density

74. What is OMC (Optimum Moisture Content)?
(A) Water content at which maximum dry density is developed by compaction
(B) Water content at which maximumvolume is developed
(C ) Water content, at which minimumporosity is developed
(D) Water content at which maximumshear strength is developed

75.In management dummy activity is used :
(A) To form the network
(B)To determine the project time
(C ) To find critical path
(D)To reduce the project time

76.Which of the following is not an activity in conatruction management?
(A) Construction of super structure
(B)Levelling of ground
(C ) Completion of plastering
(D)Polishing of door panels

77.The time required to finish an activity is called :
(A) Float
(C ) Total float

78.A critical activity in a network has :
(A) Maximum float
(B)Minimum float
(C ) Critical float
(D)Zero float

79.In architecture rythm means :
(A) Repetition
(C ) Focus

80.Which of the following garden styles, is used iin Taj Mahal?
(A) Mughal garden
(B)English garden
(C ) French garden
(D)Japanese garden

81.The first Woman High Court Judge of India :
(A) Justice Fathima Beevi
(B)Justice Sreedevi
(C ) Justice Annachandi
(D)Justice Manjula Chellur

82.Who is knowm as the ‘Birdman of India’?
(A) Dr. Salim Ali
(B)R.K Narayanan
(C ) Manoj Das
(D)A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

83. Who discovered Hydrogen Bomb?
(A) George Eastman
(B)Henry W. Seely
(C ) Thomas Edison
(D)Edward Teller

84.Who is the author of The Jungle Book’?
(A) R.L. Stevenson
(B)Victor Hugo
(C ) Rudyard Kipling
(D)John Keats

85.Which among the following is the UN Day?
(A) April?
(B)October 24
(C ) October 30
(D)June 5

86.Who is the opposition party leader in Rajyasabha?
(A) Sushama Swaraj
(B)L.K. Advani
(C ) Jaipal Reddy
(D)Arun Jaitly

87.Which among the following is the venue for Hockey World Cup 2018?
(A) India
(C ) Australia

88.Who is known as the Father of‘White Revolution’?
(A) M.S. Swaminathan
(B)G. Madhavan Nair
(C ) Vargese Kurian
(D)Prayar Gopala Krishnan

89.Which animal is known as ‘Black Widow’?
(A) Crow
(C ) Scorpion

90.Who is known as ‘Saint of Gutters'?
(A) Mary Cury
(B)Jane Austen
(C ) Florence Nightingale
(D)Mother Theresa

91.Who among the following was the Governor— General of India when Railways
introduced in India?
(A) Rippon
(C ) Dalhousie
(D)Lord Mountbatten

92.Who was the first president of Indian National Congress?
(A) W.C. Banerjee
(B) Sarojini Naidu
(C ) Annie Besant
(D) Jawaharlal Nehru

93.Which sector was given priority in the First Five Year Plan?
(A) Industry
(B) Agriculture
(C ) Agriculture and Industry
(D) Information Technology

94.The last district formed in Kerala : 
(A) Wayanad (C ) Pathanamthitta
(B) Alapuzha (D) Kasaragod

95.The minimum age to become a member of Rajyasabha :
(A) 21 years
(B)25 years
(C ) 30 years
(D)18 years
96.The founder of ‘Arya Samaj’:
(A) Dayananda Saraswathi
(B) Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Swami Vivekanandan
(D) Rajaram Mohan Rai

97.Who among the following is appointed as 10th Pay Commission Chairman in Kerala?
(A) Justice T.R. Ramachandran Nair 
(B) Justice C.N. Ramachandran Nair 
(C ) R. Narayanan
(D) C.M. Radhaknshnan Nair

98.Which among the following is the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi?
(A)Memories of My Life
(B)Discovery of India
(C )The Story of My Experiments with Truth
(D)My Story

99.In which country' the Industrial Revolution took place?

100.The first Speaker of Kerala Legislative Assembly:
(A)R. Sankaranarayanan Thampi
(B)B. Ramakrishna Rao
(C )Dr. John Mathayi
(D)A.J. John

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