LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT -kerala psc previous question paper

1.The major protein in milk :
(A) Lactose(B)Casein
(C ) Whey protein(D)None of the aboveNone of the above produced by the controlled fermentation of green succulent material under
anaerobic conditions.
(A) Straw(B)HayHay
(C ) Silage(D)LegumeLegume

3.Breed of buffalo with sickle shaped horns :
(A) Surti(B)Murrah
(C ) Jaffrabadi(D)Red Sindhi

4.The fat percentage in toned milk is minimum :
(A) 4%(B)3%3%
(C ) 4.5%(D)5%5%

5.The process of heating milk to 135-150°C for nohold is known as :
(A) UHT(B)Pasteurization
(C ) Stassanisation(D)Flash PasteurisationFlash Pasteurisation

6.According to PFA rules, butter should contain a minimum of % fat.
(A) 50(B)4040
(C ) 99.9(D)8080

7.Name a daily by-product:
(A) Khoa(B)Gulab Jamun
(C ) Butter milk(D)Paneer

8. Average body temperature of cattle is 
(C )39
(B) 36 
(D) 40

9.__________is a breed of buffalo with tightly curled horns.
(A) Surti(B) Murrah
(C ) Nili Ravi(D) Sunandini

10.Semen collection in bulls can be started at the age of_______?
(A) 24(B) 36
(C ) 12(D) 18

11.The process of adding vitamins to milk is known as :months.
(C )Fortification(D)NoneNone an example of khoa based product.
(A)Shrikhand(B)Chhana murkhi
(C )Sandesh(D)Gulab Jamun

13.Father of white revolution :•
(A)Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam(B)Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
(C )Dr.V. Kurien(D)None

14.Mating of closely related animals withina same breed:
(A)Cross breeding(B)Close breeding
(C )Line breeding(D)Hybridization

15.Male sex hormone in cattle is :
(C )Adrenaline(D)Testosterone a method of identification in cattle.
(C )Dehorning(D)None

17. First milk obtained from mother cow soon after calving is :
(A) Whole milk(B)Colostrum
(C ) Skim milk(D)Uterine milk

18.Separation of new born calf from the mother cow is called :
(A) Rearing(B)Calving
(C ) Weaning(D)None

19.Gestation period in buffalo is__________day
(A) 275-285(B)280-290
(C ) 310-315(D)315-320

20.Important signs of heat in a cow :
(A) Mounting on other animals(B)Mucous discharge
(C ) Loss of appetite(D)All the above

21.Average duration of oestrus cycle in cattle is 
(C )27
(D) 28

22. Best insemination time in a cow if it shows heat symptoms early morning :
(A) Morning of the same day (C ) Morning of the next day
(B) Evening of the same day (D) Anytime within two days

23.Advantages of artificial insemination :
(A) Increase use of sires
(C ) Economical method of breeding
(B) Prevent spread of disease (D) All of the above

24.Frozen semen is stored in liquid nitrogen at___________°C.
(A) -196 (C ) -109

25. Dry period in cattle is about 
(C )50

26. Requirement of milk for one month old calf of body weight.
(A) l/80th(B)l/12th
(C ) 1 /60th(D)1/10th

27.Umblical cord of calf should be disinfected to :
(A) Avoid bleeding(B)To avoid infection
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D)None

28.Additive substance in silage making :
(A) Molasses(B)Mineral oils
(C ) Organic oils(D)All of the above

29.Average daily requirement of water for adult cow is —__________Litres.
(A) 20-25(B)25-30
(C ) 30-35(D)45-50

30.Hormone responsible for milk let down :
(A) Oxytocin(B)ProlactinProlactin
(C ) Cortisol(D)AdrenalineAdrenaline

31.Milk cans commonly used in Kerala is made upof:
(A) Galvanised iron(B)Tinned copper
(C ) Aluminium(D)Steel

32.Yellow colour in cow milk is due to :
(A) Lactoferrin(B)Carotene
(C ) Riboflavin(D)All the above

33.Boiling point of milk is _________________°C.
(A) 100.17(B)100
(C ) 95(D)120

34. Adulteration of milk with water can be tested by :
(A) Lactometer(B)Specific gravity bottleSpecific gravity bottle
(C ) Butyrometer(D)(A)and (B)(A) and (B)

35.Greenish colour of whey is due to :
(A) Xanthine oxidase(B)Riboflavin
(C ) Carotene(D)All the aboveAll the above

36.A hard variety of cheese :
(A) Cheddar(B)Cottage
(C ) Paneer(D)NoneNone

37.By-product obtained during butter making :
-(A) whey(B)buttermilk
(C ) cream(D)caseincasein

38.Heart of the HTST system :
(C ) FCBT(D)Final Heating SectionFinal Heating Section

39.An acid coagulated milk product:
(A) Khoa(B)Shrikhand
(C ) Paneer(D)CurdCurd

40.A fermented milk product:
(A) Chhana(B)Peda
(C ) Gulab Jamun(D)Shrikhand

41.Indian buffaloes belong to the group :
(A) Bosbubalis(B)Bosindicus
(C ) Bostaurus(D)NoneNone

42.Indian milk day:
(A) lst June(B)1st November
(C ) 26th November(D)lst December

43.Type of coagulation in cheese :
(A) Acid(B)Enzyme
(C ) Heat(D)Heat-acid

44.Operation flood was started in the year :
(A) 1970(B)1951
(C ) 1950(D)19471947

45.Functions of KLD board for dairy development include :
(A)Promoting fodder production (B)Production and supply of frozen 
(C )Training and consulting service (D)All of thesesemen

46.Indian breed of cattle popularly known as “White sindhi” :
(A) Ongole(B)Gir
(C ) Tharparker(D)Deoni

47.The crossbreed commonly found in Kerala :
(A) Sunandini(B)Jersindh
(C ) Red Sindhi(D)D.H.F

48.Father of Pasteurization :
(A) Galelio(B)Louis Pasteur
(C ) Archemedis(D)NoneNone

49.Hormone responsible for maintenance of pregnancy in cattle :
(A) Oxytocin(B)Progesterone
(C ) Adrenaline(D)None

50. For the preparation of the grass is collected in the blooming stage.
(A) Straw(B)Bran
(C ) Hay(D)SeedSeed

51.Urea enrichment method is used to enhance the nutritive value of:
(A) Hay(B)Silage
(C ) Straw(D)Haylage

52.Lassi is a______________product.
(A) Acid coagulated(B)Concentrated
(C ) Fermented(D)Fat richFat rich

53.Butteroil is the western counterpart of:
(A) Ghee(B)CurdCurd
(C ) Butter(D)Vegetable oilVegetable oil

54.Churning process is involved in the preparation of:
(A) Cream(B)Ghee
(C ) Butter(D)Dahi

55.An equipment used to separate cream :
(A) Centrifuge(B)Clarifier
(C ) Homogeniser(D)Cream separator

56.As per PFA, cream should contain a minimum of% fat.
(A) 10(B)5050
(C ) 25(D)3030

57.The adjustment of fat and SNF in milk is called :
(A) Sterilization(B)Standardization
(C ) Homogenisation(D)ClarificationClarification

58. The heating medium in a HTST pasteurizer is :
(A) Hot water(B)Steam
(C ) VapourCD)None

59.A viral disease in cattle :
(A) Mastitis(B)Abortion
(C ) Fever(D)FMD

60.__________is a breed of cattle with white and black patches.
(A) Jersey(B)H.F
(C ) Brown Swiss(D)HaryanaHaryana

61.A cattle breed with sleepy appearance :
(A) Haryana(B)Brown SwissBrown Swiss
(C ) Sunandini(D)Gir

62.Tharparker is abreed.
(A) Dual purpose(B)DraughtDraught
(C ) Milch(D)NoneNone

63.The apex organization in a three tyre co-operative sector is :
(A) Federation(B)Union Union
(C ) Society(D)NoneNone

64.The federation of MILMA (MILMA bhavan) is at
(A) Kottayam.(B)Wayanad
(C ) Idukki(D)Trivandrum

65.Pre-stratification technique is used in the preparationof:
(A) Ghee(B)Butter
(C ) Cream(D)Dahi

66.Piling and repiling are the process involved in the preparation of:
(C )Khoa(D)CheeseCheese

67.The stomach in cattle is :
(A) Singled chambered (C ) Five chambered
(B) Three chambered (D) Four chambered

68.Rasogolla is a -----------based product.
(A) Khoa
(C ) Khoa and chhana
(B) Chhana (D) Dahi

69.All the surfaces in a dairy plant that comes in direct contact with milk are made of:
(A)Stainless steel(B)Galvanised iron
(C )Plastic(D)CopperCopper

70.Commonly used packaging material for liquid milk :
(C )Low density poly ethylene(D)Paper

71.Chewing the cud in cattle is called :
(C )AssimilationAssimilation(D)SwallowingSwallowing

72.When the animal is frightened, the hormone releasedis :
(C )Adrenaline(D)NoneNone

73. The percentage of moisture is very low in :
(A) Hay(B) Straw
(C ) Silage(D) Haylage

74. The aroma of silage is :
(C )Sour(D)Fruity

75.The unique carbohydrate in milk is :
(C )Sucrose(D)GlucoseGlucose

76.The price of milk and milk products are fixed by :
(C )Dairy Plant(D)Farmers

77.The fat globule size is important in the following operations :
(A) Separation of milk(B) Cheese making
(C ) Churning of cream(D) In all these

78.Size of fat globules in homogenized milk is :
(A) 2.5 micron(B) 3 micron
(C ) 2 micron or less(D) none

79.The only preservative that can be used in cheese is :
(A) Citric acid(B) Butylated Hydroxy Anisole
(C ) Nicin(D) Butylated Hydroxy Toluene

80.India ranks_______________in world milk production.
(A) Second(B) Third
(C ) First(D) Fourth

81.Who founded the newspaper “National Herald”?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru(B) Kesari Balakrishna Pillai
(C )  Moulana Abdul kalam Azad(D) Annie Besant

82.Who is known as the heroine of Quit India Movement?
(A) Rani Lakshmi Bai(B) Captain Lakshmi
(C ) Sarojini Naidu(D) Aruna Asaf ali

83. The first visit of Gandhiji in Kerala was in the year :
(A) 1922(B)1920
(C ) 1925(D)1926

84.The first General Secretary of SNDP Yogam :
(A) Sreenarayana Guru(B)Dr. Palpu
(C ) Kumaran Asan(D)T.K .Madavan

85.Who described British Empire as White Devil?•
(A) Sreenarayana Guru(B)Ayyankali
(C ) Vaikunda Swamigal(D)Chattambi Swamikal

86.The ruler who abolished " Pulappedi” in Venad :
(A) Kerala varma(B)Marthanda varma
(C ) Swathi Thirunal(D)Rani Lakshmi Bai

87.Who led the “Pattini Jatha” in 1936 from Kanoore to Madras?
(A) E.M.S(B)P. Krishnapillai
(C ) A.K. Gopalan(D)K.Kelappan

88.Founder of the newspaper Kerala kaumudi :
(A) ' C.V. Kunhiraman(B)Dr. Palpu
(C ) T.K. Madhavan(D)Kumaran Asan

89.Who was the first Indian to be elected to British Parliament?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru(B)Gandhiji
(C ) Dababai Naoroji(D)Gopalakrishna Gokhale

90.Who was popularity known as Desabandu?
(A) E.F. Andrews(B)C.R. Das
(C ) Tagore(D)Sheik Mujeeb Rahman

91.Who was the viceroy when Indian National congress formed in December 1885?
(A) Lord Rippon(B)Lord Dufferin
(C ) Lord Dalhousie(D)Lord Curzon

92. What is the real name of Chattampi Swamigal?
(A) Krishnan Nampoothiri(B)V.K.Gurukal
(C ) Balakrishna Menon(D)Kunjan Pillai

93.Who was popularly known as Mayyazhi Gandhi?
(A) I.K. Kumaran(B)K.P. Kesavamenon
(C ) K. KelappanCD)P. Krishnapillai

94.The first Legislative Assembly in Travancore came into existence in the year :
(A) 1885(B)1888
(C ) 1905(D)1925

95.The book “Keralam Malayalikalude Mathrubhoomi” was written by :
(A) K. Kelappan(B)P. Krishnanpillai
(C ) EMSCD)K.P. Kesavamenon

96.The Travancore ruler who abolished Devadasi System?
(A) Rani Sethu Lakshmi Bhai(B)Swathitirunal
(C ) Sree ChithirathirunalCD)Marthanda Varma

97.Who was the President of KPCC when India got Independence?
(A) K. Kelappan(B)K.P. Kesavamenon
(C ) Pattom ThanupillaiCD)C.K. Govindan Nair

98.Who was popularly known as “Subhash ChandraBose of Kerala”?
(A) Swadeshabhimani RamakrishnapillaiCB)Muhammed Abdul Rahman
(C ) K.P. Kesavamenon(D)Mannath Padmanabhan

99.Founder of Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham :
(A) Chattampi SwamigalCB)Sahodaran Ayyappan
(C ) Sree Narayan Guru(D)Ayyankali

100.Who introduced Railway in India?
(A) Dalhousie(B)CanningCanning
(C ) WellesleyCD)Hudson

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