
1.Panspermia is related with :
(A)Life originates from outer space
(B)Mode of sperm movement
(C )Theory on the evolution of gymnospenns
(D)An epidemic

2.Of the following diseases, which is not caused by water pollution ?
(A)Malaria(B)Dysentery’(C )Typhoid(D)Jaundice

3.The permissible level of O/one in the atmosphere of rural areas as per National Ambient Air quality standards is :
(A)200 M-g/rn*(B)60 ^g/ml(C )100 gg/m3(D)20 gg/nv3

4.Suppose rice plant converts 100 g of CO, per day into glucose. How many litres of O2 at SI P are produced ?
(A)14.02 LO,(B)50.9 LO,(C )66.12 I. CX(D)26.44 I.O2

5.More prominent and destructive natural disaster in Kerala :
(A)Earthquake(B)landslide(C )Flood(D)Lightning

6.As per EPA 1986, the permissible limit of BOD (3 day 27CC) in die effluents discharged into the inland surface waters :
(A)100 mgC2/l(B)40mgO2/l(C )10 mgCy I(D)30 mg02/l

7.Who is known as the Patron .Saint of Ecology ?
(A)St. Francis of Assissi(B) St. Vincent dc Paul
(C ) St. Francis Sales(D) St. Marcellinus

8.Of the following, which one is not a category 15 project as per EIA Notification 2006 :
(A)Ports having < 5 million TPA of cargo handling capacity'
(B)Thermal power plant with < 500 MW
(C )Sugar industry with > 5000 ted cane crushing capacity
(D)Mining project ≥ 50 ha. of mining lease area

9.Which of the following is act as natural sources of methane ?
(i) Buftallo (ii) Biogas plants (iii) Wetlands (iv) Oceans (v) landfills Choose the correct axle :
(A)All are correct(B)(i),(ii), (iii) are correct
(C )(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct(D)(i),(iii) and (iv)are correct

10.What volume of 12 mI (Clis required to prepare 750 ml. of 3m HCI solution ?
(A)450 ml,(B)190 ml.(C )260 mL(D)440 mL

11.The members of B I F.X group are :
(A)Bromide, Thalium, Ethylbenzene and Xenon
(B)Benzene, Toluene, Hthylbenzene and Xylene
(C )Benzene, Thorium, Ethvlacetate and Xylene
(D)Benzene, Toluene, Ethylchloride, Xenon

12.Phycoremediation is the process of:
(A)Waste water treatment using emergent plants
(B)Waste water treatment using algae
(C )Waste water treatment using GM bacteria
(D)Waste water treatment using fungus

13.China clay zone in Kerala is :
(A) between Aluva and Chavakkad
(B) between Aluva and Vlunnar
(C )between Thiruvananthapuram and Kundara
(D)between Thrissur and Walayar

14.The maximum limit of noise in the commercial area during day time as per CPCB guidelines:
(A)45 dB (A) I eq (B)75 dB (A) Leq (C )65 dB (A) Leq (D) 80 dB (A) Leq

15.The total mass of water on planet earth is :
(A)1.5 x U)18 tonnes(B) 2.2 X lO13 tonnes
(C ) 1.2 x 107 tonnes(D) 24.2 x 1018 tonnes

16. Gaia hypothesis proposed by
(A)James Lovelock (C ) Stephen Hawking
(B)Charles Darwin
(D) Alexander Von Humboldt

17. Appiko movement led by : (A) Panduranga Hegde
(C )Chandi Prasad Bhatt
(B) Sunderlal Bahuguna (D) Medha Palkar

18. Expansion of OTEC:
(A)OiI anil Thermal Energy Conversion
(B)Oil and Thermal Energy Coefficient
(C )Oceanic Tidal Energy Coefficient
(D)Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

19. Bioplaslic is :
(A)Weedicide (B)Insecticide(C ) llerbicide

20.Bioluminescence is related with:
(C )Monitor lizard(D)Achatma tulica

21.DDT is a:
(A)Polyurethanes(B) polystyrenePolystyrene
(C )Polyvinyl chloride(D)Polylactic acid

22.Name the chemical that contributes to photos hemical smog :
(A)NO3 (B)NO2(C ) SQ2
(D) so3

23.As per CPCB standards, the quality of outdoor bathing water should be :
(A) Total Coliforms (MPN/100 ml) shall be 100 or less; pH I between 6.3 and 8; Dissolved Oxygen 4 mg/1 or more and BOD 10 mg/1 or less
(B) Total Coliforms (MPN/100 ml) shall be 200 or less; pH between 4 and 8; Dissolved Oxygen 5 mg/1 or more and BOD 20 mg/1 or less
(C )Total Coliforms (MPN/100 ml) shall lx* 500 or less; pH between 6.5 and 85; Dissolved Oxygen 5 mg/1 or more and BOD mg/1 or less
(D)Total Coliforms (MPN/100 ml) shall be 1000 or less, pH between 4 and 8; Dissolved Oxygen 3 mg/l or more and BOD 10 mg/1 or less

24.The minimum stack height of Biomedical Incinerators should be :
(A)1OO m above ground(B) 15 m above ground
(C ) 30 m above ground(D) 50 m above ground

25.In India, the Ecomarking scheme started in :
(A)2001(B)1986(C )2002(D)1991

26.Among the following, which standard provides the management of Green House gas emissions.
(A)ISO 14063(B)ISO 14062(C )ISO 14001(D)ISO 14064

27.As per Wild Life Protection Act, King Cobra belongs to the category :
(A)Schedule III(B)Schedule I(C )Schedule IV(D)Schedule II

28.Who was the first scientist who discovered the 'Green House Effect' ?
(A)JosephFourier (B)Neils Bohr(C )MarieCurie (D)JamesHansen

29.The Ayers Rock (Uluru) in Australia is an example of:
(A)Igneous rock(B)Sedimentary rock
(C )Metamorphicrock(P)Remnants of Meteorite

30.Peroxyacetyl Nitrates (PAN) are formed by the reaction of :
(A)N2 with CO(B)N2 with VOCs
(C )N02 with VOCs(P)N02 with CFCs

31.Geysers are:
(A)The hotwater springs
(B)The jet of boiling water and steam that erupt from earth
(C )Artificial hot water ponds of temperate regions
(D)The natural ponds where cold water and hot water mixes

32.The albedo of charcoal is :
(A)0.9(B)0.04(C )0.52(D)0.66

33.The legal provision is to provide for damages to victims of an accident which occurs as a result of handling any hazardous substance :
(A)E waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011
(B)Environment Protection Act, 1986
(C )Hazardous Waste (Management, handling, Trans boundary movements) Rules, 2008 (D) Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991

34.A solid material obtained from thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen limited environment is :
(A)Charcoal(B) Activated Carbon (C ) Biochar (D) Pyruvate

35.International day for Biodiversity is on :
(A)May 22(B) April 21

36.Plumbism is due to the toxicity of:
(A)Cadmium (Cd)(B)Lead (Pb)

37.Liana is :
(A)Woody vines(B)
(C )An epidemic of WestAfrica(D)

38.Enthalpy of an exothermic reaction is :
(A)Always negative(B)
(C )Always positive(D)

39.Pedogenesis is:
(A)the formation of potholes
(B)study on the formation and science of petroleum
(C )the science and study on the formation of soil
(D)scientific study on the genetic variation among newborn babies

40.The instrument used for the detection of fluoride in water is :
(C )Spectrophotometer(D)Maine photometer

41.The following is not a low cloud :
(A)Stratocumulus(B)Cirrocumulus(C )Cumulonimbus(D)Stratus

42.The instrument used for the detection of Peslicides is :

43.Among the following, one is not a phytoremediation process :
(C )Phytovolatilization(D)Phytoscreening

44.Energy intensity is measured by the :
(A)quantity of energy required per unit output or activity
(B)quantity of energy used by the activity
(C )quantity of energy produced by an action
(D)quantity of energy used by unit volume of mass

45.The role of nebuliser in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy is :
(A)Converts the liquid sample into small bubbles
(B)Heat and push the sample to the detector
(C )Converts the liquid sample into a fine spray or aerosol
(D)Homogenizing the solutes

46.An example of neuston is :
(A) fish(B) chironomous larvae (C ) water strider (D) copepod

47.The instrument which records the vibration of earth ;
(A)Seismogram(B)Clinometer(C )Seismometer(D)Richter scale

48.The pomt in the earth where the seismic waves originate :
(A)Seismic area(B)Hypocentre(C )Epicentre(D)Fault

49.The set of biotic and abiotic conditions in which a species is able to persist and maintain stable population sizes is known as :
(A) Ecological niche (B) Habitat (C ) Community (D) Ecotone

50.In oceans, down welling occurs in the areas of:
(A) High current and salinity(B) Surface convergence
(C ) High offshore winds(D) Surface divergence

51.The following is not an application of HPLC :
(A)Detection of vitamin D levels in urine
(B)Estimation of bioethanol production
(C )Detection of heavy metals
(D)Drug detection in water samples

52.Third generation biofuels are derived from :
(A) Pongamia (B) Jatropha(C ) Animal fat (D) Algae

53.In a green home, the tangible benefit of energy saving is :
(A)25 - 40%(15)40-60%(C )10-20%(D) 20-30%

54.As per Greenpeace report, the toxic hotspot of Kerala is :
(A) Brahmapuram Dumping Yard(H)I.aloor Waste Jumping site
(C ) Floor - Fdayar Industrial Region (D) Mavoor Rayons

55.Select the false statement on water property :
(A)Increased salinity; increased density
(B)Increased temperature; increased salinity
(C )High evaporation; high salinity
(D)Increased temperature; decreased density

56.The power flow of an organism per unit area or of a trophic level is :
(C )Gross energy(D)Trophic dynamics

57.Name the National Park in Kerala established mainly for the conservation of Nilgiri Marten :
(A)Anamudi Shola NP(B)Mathikettan Shola NP
(C )Pampadum Shola NP(D)Fravikulam NP

58.The three R's in environmental protection :
(A)Reduce, Recycle ami Remediate
(B)Reproduce, Reduce and Recycle
(C )Remediate, Reuse and Rejuvenate
(D)Reduce, Recycle and Reuse

59.Who inaugurated the Silent Valley National Park ?
(A) Rajiv Gandhi (B) Indira Gandhi (C ) Morarji Desai (D) K. Karunakaran

60.The main gaseous pollutant in the coastal and brackish water areas of Kerala is :
(A)Sulphur dioxide(B)Carbon monoxide
(C )Hydrogen sulphide(D)Carlon dioxide

61.The bioluminescence phenomenon at Alappuzha coast during July 2015 was due to :
(A)Chlorella vulgaris(B)Noctiluca scintillans
(C )Photobacterium phosphoreum (D)Mesocyclops

62.Ramsar Convention is related with :
(A)Wetlands(B)Mountain ecosystems
(C )Marine pollution(D)Radioactive waste

63.King Cobra belongs to the category :
(A) Vulnerable (B) Endangered (C ) Near threatened (D) Least concern

64.The specialised freshwater wetlands in the forest of Kerala are known as : 
(A) Potholes(B) Ecotone
(C ) Keed valley(D) Myristica swamps

65.Which of the following is an example of in situ conservation ? 
(A) Seed bank(B) Gene bank
(C ) Wild life sanctuary(D) Zoos

66.Permanent Hardness of drinking water is due to the presence of:
(A)Carbonates and bicarbonates
(B)Nitrate ions
(C )Calcium and magnesium ions
(D)Potassium and phosphate

67.In which layer of the atmosphere, the auroras Northern Lights occur ?
(A) Stratosphere (B) Thermosphere (C ) Troposphere (D) Exosphere

68.The dominant vegetation of Chinnar wild life sanctuary' is :
(A)Southern moist deciduous forest
(B)Southern wet evergreen forest
(C )Southern tropical dry deciduous forest
(D)Southern tropical thorn forest

69.Bhopal gas tragedy was due to :
(A) Sulphur dioxide(B) Carbon monoxide
(C ) Methyl cyanide(D) Methyl isocyanate

70.Which one of the following is the 'east flowing' river in Kerala ?
(A)Bhavanu(B)Periyar(C )Chalakkudy(D)Kallada

71.The wind system in the tropical regions arc known as :
(A)Cyclones(B)Trade winds(C )Westerlies(D)Hurricanes

72.The main cause of lung diseases is : 
(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Ozone
(C ) Nitrous oxide (D) RSPM

73.Select the false statement :
(A) Rainwater contains pollens (C ) Rainwater is acidic in nature
(B)Rainwater contains dust
(D) Rainwater contains essential minerals

74.Select the false statement :
(A)The organic matter in the soil increases the Cation Exchange Capacity (CFC)
(B) If a soil have higher CEC it is highly fertile
(C ) If a soil have higher CHC, it is less ferlile
(D)CFC is measured in milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil

75.The primitive and last remaining hunter and gatherer tribal community of Kerala is :
(A)Mala Araya(B)Kuruma(C )Kurichiar(D)Cholanaikkans

76 The first National Park in India :
(A)Jim Corbett NP(B)Silent Valley NP(C )KazirangaNP (D)Bandipur NP

77. Following is an example of Zoonotic epidemic :
(C )Japanse encephalitisJapanese encephalitis(D)JanudiceJaundice

78. In awaste water, the BOD5/CODcrratio is >0.6, which treatment is fairly cost effective :
(A)Addition of alum(B)Trickling filters
(C )PhytoremediationPhytoremediation(D)Oxidation pondsOxidation ponds

79. Modified Jacob and Hochheiser method is used for the measurement of:
(A) Sulphur dioxide in air(B)Nitrate in water
(C ) Phosphate in water(D)Nitrogen dioxide in air

80.The Chairman of WGEEP is :
(A) Madhav Gadgil(B)Kasturirangan
(C ) V. S. Vijayan(D)Ommen V, Ommen

81.An eminent Social Reformer of Kerala known as Vidyadhiraja :
(A) Sree Narayana Guru(B)Chat Iambi Swamikal
(C ) Vaghbadanandan(D)Vakkam Abdul Khadar Maulavi

82.The person who was known as "Bharat Kesari" :
(A) Bala Gangadhara Tilak(B)Veluthampi Dalwa
(C ) Mannathu Padmanabhan(D)Dr. Palpu

83.Who was the volunteer captain of Guruvayur Satyagtaha ?
(A) E.M.S. Namboothiripad(B)G.P. Pillai
(C ) ETC Nayanar(D)A.K GopalanA.K. Gopalan

84.Which one was considered the mouthpieceof Abstention Movement ?
(A) Al Ameen(B)Kerala Kesari
(C ) Swedeshabhimani .(D)Malayala Manorama

85.Unni Namboothiri is the publication of:
(A) Nayar Service Society(B)Sreenarayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam
(C ) Sadu Paripalana Sangam(D)Yogakshema Sabha

86.The Temple Entry Proclamation was on :
(A) 12th November 1936(B)12,h November 1932
(C ) 12th January 1950(D)1st November 1951

87."Muslim Janavum Vidhyabyasuvittm" a notable work of :
(A) Makthi Thangal(B)Dr. C.K. Kareem
(C ) Veliyamkode Umer Khasi(D)Vakkam Abdul Khadar Maulavi

88.The founder of famous Islamic Seminary Durd Uloom Vazhakkad :
(A)Sayyid Alavi Thangal(B)Chalilakath Kunahmed Haji
(C )Komukutty Maulavi(I))Ali Musliyar

89.Who made primary education compulsory in Travancore ?
(A)Colonel Manro(B)Swathi Tirunal
(C )Rani Guri Parvathi BaifD)Rani Lakshmi Bai

90."Vivekodayam" a Magazine was published by :
(A)Sahodaran Ayyappan(B)Ayyankali
(C )Kumarannsan(D)Swami Vivekananda

91.Who bagged King Faisal International Prize 2015 ?
(A)Dr. Zakir A. Naik(B)Omar Mwannes Yaghi
(C )Dr. Prafulla Kar(D)Prof. Jeffrey Ivan Gordon

92.What does the term A.A.Y. denote, which is the short form of a social scheme launched by the Government of India ?
(A)Antodaya Awas Yojana(B)Asian Awas Yojana
(C )Antodava Anna Yojana(D)Area Antodaya Yojana

93.National Youth Day was observed across India on 12th January 2015. The day was observed to commemorate the birth anniversary of which famous Indian Philosopher ?
(A)Rabindranath Tagore(B)Swami Vivekananda
(C )Dayananda Saraswathi(D)Sarvepalli Kadhakrishnan

94.Who won the Men's Singles Title of the Swiss Open of Badminton on March 2015 ?
(A)Sun Yu(B)l.u Kai
(C )Kidambi Srikauth(D)Victor Alexson

95.What was the theme of the World Consumers Rights Day which was observed on 15th March 2015 ?
(A)Helping consumers choose healthy diets
(B)Consumer justice
(C )Every consumer has rights to healthy diet
(D)Our money, our rights

96.Which Educational Institution topped the world reputation ranking 2015 that was released by Times Higher Education ?
(A)Harward University(B)Oxford University
(C ) Stanford University'(D) Massachusetts Institute of Technology

97.Which State Government launched Bhagyashree Scheme for Girl Child on 2015 ?
(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Maharashtra (C ) Sikkim(D) Tripura

98.Which Indian ecologist won the Tyler Prize for Environment Achievement 2015 ?
(A)Madhav Gadgil(B)Salim Ali
(C )Sukathakumari(D)Kasturirangan

99.Who bagged the best actress award of the National Film Awards announced on 2015 ?
(A)Priyanka Chopra(B)Kareena Kapoor
(C )Maduri Dixit(D)Kangana Kanaut

100.Which Party of Israel won the Israeli elections 2015 ?
(A) Likud Party(B) Joint Arab List Party
(C )Zionist Union Party(D)Yesh Atid Party

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