smart note taker
plz send it sooooon please make it its tooo urgent for meeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Smart Note Taker is such a helpful product that satisfies the needs of the people in today’s technologic and fast life. This product can be used in many ways. The Smart NoteTaker provides taking fast and easy notes to people who are busy one’s self with something. With the help of Smart Note Taker, people will be able to write notes on the air, while being busy with their work. The written note will be stored on the memory chip of the pen, and will be able to read in digital medium after the job has done. This will save time and facilitate life.
The Smart NoteTaker is good and helpful for blinds that think and write freely. Another place, where our product can play an important role, is where two people talks on the phone. The subscribers are apart from each other while their talk, and they may want to use figures or texts to understand themselves better. It’s also useful especially for instructors in presentations. The instructors may not want to present the lecture in front of the board. The drawn figure can be processed and directly sent to the server computer in the room. The server computer then can broadcast the drawn shape through network to all of the computers which are present in the room. By this way, the lectures are aimed to be more efficient and fun. This product will be simple but powerful. The product will be able to sense 3D shapes and motions that user tries to draw. The sensed information will be processed and transferred to the memory chip and then will be monitored on the display device. The drawn shape then can be broadcasted to the network or sent to a mobile device.
There will be an additional feature of the product which will monitor the notes, which were taken before, on the application program used in the computer. This application program can be a word document or an image file. Then, the sensed figures that were drawn onto the air will be recognized and by the help of the software program we will write, the desired character will be printed in the word document. If the application program is a paint related program, then the most similar shape will be chosen by the program and then will be printed on the screen.
Since, JAVA Applet is suitable for both the drawings and strings, all these applications can be put together by developing a single JAVA program. The JAVA code that we will develop will also be installed on the pen so that the processor inside the pen will type and draw the desired shape or text on the display panel.
The prior market is educational services and schools. In today’s fast and information based life; the faster and easier you get information, the more successful you are. The customers are going to be generally teachers and indirectly students. While lecturing the usage of the board for teachers and note-taking for students cause dilute of time and sometimes it is embarrassing. In order to utilitize the time and to take more attention of students smart notetaker is a great solution, which transfers the notes of the teacher on the board to software directly. It optimizes efficiency of time that is used during the lecturing and it is desirable for the educational.
Note-Taker: Enabling Students who are Legally Blind to Take Notes in Class
The act of note-taking is a key component of learning in secondary and post-secondary classrooms. Students who take notes retain information from classroom lectures better, even if they never refer to those notes afterward. However, students who are legally blind, and who wish to take notes in their classrooms are at a disadvantage. Simply equipping classrooms with lecture recording systems does not substitute for note taking, since it does not actively engage the student in note-taking during the lecture. In this paper we detail the problems encountered by one math and computer science student who is legally blind, and we present our proposed solution: the CUbiC Note-Taker, which is a highly portable device that requires no prior classroom setup, and does not require lecturers to adapt their presentations. We also present results from two case studies of the Note-Taker, totaling more than 200 hours of in-class use.
Overhead projectors, digital projectors, whiteboards and chalkboards are often used to convey information in educational environments, such as classrooms. However, these visual display methods are not inherently accessible to individuals who are legally blind, and may put them at a disadvantage, compared to their peers. Several methods have been proposed to make classroom presentations more accessible to students who are legally blind. For example, lectures might be recorded (for later review) or a human note-taker might be hired to take notes, which are then provided to the student. However, these approaches do not engage students who are legally blind in the process of understanding and participating in classroom presentations, and might even encourage them to skip class. To improve accessibility of classroom lectures for students who are legally blind, and to encourage them to take notes, we have developed the Note-Taker. This device requires no existing infrastructure or prior setup in a classroom, and does not require the lecturer to adjust the presentation. However, it makes classroom presentations accessible to many students who are legally blind.
In developing the Note-Taker, we investigated the usability and the shortcomings of current assistive technologies that might be used by students who are legally blind in the classroom (Sections 3 and 4). Based on these findings, we prototyped a solution that addressed these shortcomings (Section 5), and conducted two case studies (Section 6). In the first case study, the first author (who is himself legally blind) used the Note-Taker for an entire semester; in the second case study, another student (who is also legally blind) used a second Note-Taker prototype in classes for one month.
The Note-Taker project was born out of necessity when the first author, David, found that traditional methods of notetaking were proving unsuccessful. In his own words, “Before senior-level math, I aced college by keeping up with note-taking in lectures as best I could. For some classes, mostly math, it was necessary that I spent extra time in the textbook or reading third-party material, but I always managed to get the grade. Senior-level math was like a slap in the face. Quite suddenly I had no way of keeping up with note-taking, but needed to. We’d fill the boards up half a dozen times proving lemmas and theorems that relied on those lemmas. I routinely got lost in the theorem proofs because in one case, I’d opt not to take notes (and thus Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
ASSETS’08, October 13–15, 2008, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-976-0/08/10...$5.00. forget the lemma by the time of the theorem) or I’d opt to take notes, which entailed such a frantic pace that the lecture was essentially useless. In either case, I wasn’t
getting the intuition behind the proofs that the lecture was so importantly attempting to provide.
Having had all of high school and most of college to try out the various classroom assistive technologies, I knew that nothing off-the-shelf was going to fix my problem. That’s when I approached the lab and started bouncing ideas around.” Through a series of brainstorming exercises, discussions and informal experiments, we found that David’s problems stemmed from one primary issue: As he used a monocular to view the board at the front of the classroom, there was a delay each time David switched from viewing the board to his notes, or from his notes back to the board. These delays stemmed from sitting up to see the board and then hunching down to within a few inches from his notes on the desktop. David especially lost time when trying to use his monocular to find and return to the relevant spot on the chalkboard (or whiteboard) at the front of the classroom. Over time, these Board-Note-Board (BNB) delays accumulated to the point that David was unable to keep pace with the lecture. Here is how David described the situation: “Going from notes to the board was the big problem. I would say it was akin to finding Waldo while limiting your view to a square inch of the page. What I needed was something that allowed me to view the board and my notes near-simultaneously, like a fully-sighted student. Then I’d stand a chance at keeping up with the lecture.” A related problem was that David’s monocular of choice, the Ocutech [2], provided only a fixed 6X zoom. This sometimes proved insufficient in classes where the board was filled multiple times, since his professors were writing smaller than he was accustomed to. Particularly when David used his Ocutech to try to keep up with notes, he frequently got eyestrain headaches that limited his subsequent ability to read – sometimes for up to 12 hours after the class. Despite a thorough literature survey and product review, we found no solution to be satisfactory, so set out to create our own.
It has been shown that active note-taking in class helps students recall information – even if the notes are not studied subsequently outside of class [1]. It has also been shown that note-taking produces a pattern of interaction in which notetakers performed better on far-transfer tasks, such as problem solving in STEM classes [2]. Note-taking also promotes a deeper level of understanding (rather than just more learning overall) due to the assimilative encoding process that is engaged [3,4].
4.1 Alternatives to Note-Taking
One common alternative to active, personal note-taking is university-supplied human note-takers. (Availability of such note-taking services is mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act [5] in the United States.) These note-takers are typically another student in the class who is paid a stipend ($25 per credit hour at Arizona State University) to provide the student who is legally blind with copies of his/her notes.
While sometimes helpful, such note-taking services do not engage the legally blind student in classroom learning as effectively as active, personal note-taking. For instance, David found that notes provided by university-supplied human note-takers were often of limited value because he did not create them, and they did not reflect his way of thinking. In his own words, David found these notes “as foreign as a textbook – only less legible.”
4.2 Popular Assistive Devices for People with Low Vision
The most widely used approach for helping people with low vision (including legal blindness) is to provide magnification.
Magnifiers can be broadly classified into two categories:
those that are aimed at improving near sight (for tasks such as reading, writing, or manual tasks) and those that are aimed at improving far sight (for tasks such as identifying an approaching bus, watching a movie, or simply enjoying scenery).
Designing a magnification device for improving near sight is relatively simple. Many near sight tasks (such as reading and writing) are done while seated, so the size and the weight of the magnifier is less critical. It is even practical to use AC power to run a device such as a magnifier lamp, as shown in 2(a), or a CCTV magnifier for reading, as shown in 2(b). Even a computer can be used to facilitate reading if the document is available in electronic form, and if magnification
software such as ZoomText (shown in 2©) is used to enlarge the text on the display screen.

The Smart NoteTaker is such a helpful product that satisfies the needs of the people in today's technologic and fast life. This product can be used in many ways. The Smart NoteTaker provides taking fast and easy notes to people who are busy one's self with something. With the help of Smart NoteTaker, people will be able to write notes on the air,while being busy with their work. The written note will be stored on the memory chip of thepen, and will be able to read in digital medium after the job has done. This will save timeand facilitate life.
The Smart NoteTaker is good and helpful for blinds that think and write freely. Another place, where our product can play an important role, is where two people talks on the phone. The subscribers are apart from each other while their talk, and they may want to use figures or texts to understand themselves better. The product will be able to sense 3D shapes and motions that user tries to draw. The sensed information will beprocessed and transferred to the memory chip and then will be monitored on the displaydevice. The drawn shape then can be broadcasted to the network or sent to a mobile
There will be an additional feature of the product which will monitor the notes, which were taken before, on the application program used in the computer. This application program can be a word document or an image file. Then, the sensed figures that were drawn onto the air will be recognized and by the help of the software program we will write, the desired character will be printed in the word document. If the application program is a paint related program, then the most similar shape will be chosen by the program and then will be printed on the screen.
1.1 About Note Taker:

The Smart Note Taker is such a helpful product that satisfies needs of the people in today’s technologic and fast life. This product can be used in many ways. The Note Taker provides taking fast and easy notes to people who are busy one’s self with something. With the help of Smart Note Taker, people will be able to write notes on the air, while being busy with their work.
The written note will be stored on the memory chip of the pen , and will be able to read in digital medium after the job has done. This will save time and facilitate life. This product has many advantages over digital pen , since the smart note taker is a device that can store visual recordings and thus can be used widely.
There will be an additional feature of the product which will monitor the notes, which were taken before, on the application program used in the computer. This application program can be a word document or an image file. Then, the sensed figures that were drawn onto the air will be recognized and by the help of the software program we will write, the desired character will be printed in the word document. If the application program is a paint related program, then the most similar shape will be chosen by the program and then will be printed on the screen.
What are the functions of note taking?
Note-takers take notes to fulfill two major functions: to record infor¬mation and/or to aid reflection. Over and above the drawing up of a simple memory aid, such as a shopping list, or a record of actions, such as a diary, one of the major aims of note taking is to build up a stable external memory in a form that can be used at a later date. Confronted with a diverse range of in¬formation-transmission situations, note-takers are striving to avoid forgetting something. Note taking is an essential tool in many information-transmission situations.
How are notes taken?
The average writing speed of a student is around 0.3 to 0.4 words/second, whereas a lecturer speaks at a rate of around 2 to 3 words/second. Unless everything is said at dictation speed, or students develop exceptional shorthand skills, teachers will never speak slowly enough for students to write down everything that is said. As a result, students intuitively develop process¬es and methods that allow them to record the content of lessons. Without going into detail about the linguistic processes used, which are well known, such as the use of abbreviations, truncating long words, and apocopes, we would like to briefly look at the markers in a speaker’s text that signal, more or less explicitly, the importance of what is being said. Note-takers are very attentive to these markers, which have a considerable influence on the quantity of notes taken.
Comprehension through note taking:
Very little work has been done on learning conditions and measuring the evolution of the knowledge and skills used in note taking, whether for school or university students.
Producing notes :
Analyzing a corpus of notes taken by students presents the same prob¬lems as analyzing rough drafts of documents: the notes produced by students having attended the same lesson or having read the same book will be extreme¬ly varied (Hadwin, Kirby, & Woodhouse, 1999). When taking notes, students no longer follow the same conventions as for the production of standard text; spelling, syntax, and the layout of information on the page are subject to sig¬nificant changes.
1) With the help of smart note taker handwritten notes will be instantly converted into editable text.
2) It is good and helpful for blinds that think and write freely.
3) Another place, where our product can play an important role is where two people talk on the phone. The subscribers are apart from each other while their talk and they may want to use figures or texts to understand themselves better.
4) It is also useful especially for instructors in presentation. The Instructors may not want to present the lecture in front of the board. The drawn figure can be processed and directly sent to the server computer in the room. The server computer then can broadcast the drawn shape through network to all of the computers which are present in the room. By this way lectures are aimed to be more efficient and fun.
5) It recognize up to 22 Languages : English – Canada , English - GB, English-US ,German , Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese ,Korean Danish, Spanish, Spanish - Mexico, Finnish, French , French-Canada, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese , Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, Swedish.
Smart note taker will be simple but powerful. The product will be able to sense 3D shapes and motions that user tries to draw. The sensed information will be processed and transferred to the memory chip and then will be monitored on the display device. The drawn shape then can be broadcasted to the network or sent to a mobile device.
There will be an additional feature of the product that will monitor the notes, which were taken before, on the application program used in the computer. This application program can be a word document or an image file. Then, the sensed that were drawn into the air will be recognized and with the help of the software program software we will write the desired character will be printed in the word document. If the application program is a paint related program, then the most similar shape will be chosen by the program and then will be printed on screen
With the help of smart note taker handwritten notes will be instantly converted into editable text. It is good and helpful for blinds that think and write freely. Another place, where our product can play an important role is where two people talk on the phone. The subscribers are apart from each other while their talk, and they may want to use figures or texts to understand themselves better. It’s also useful especially for instructors in presentation . The Instructors may not want to present the lecture in front of the board. The drawn figure can be processed and directly sent to the server computer in the room. The server computer then can broadcast the drawn shape through network to allof the coputers which are present in the room. By this way lectures are aimed tobe more efficient and fun. It recognize up to 22 Languages : English – Canada , English - GB, English-US ,Germa , Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese ,Korean Danish, Spanish,Spanish - Mexico, Finnish, French , French-Canada, Greez, Italian, Japanese,Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese , Portuguese- Brazil,Russian,Swedish.
Smart note taker will be simple but powerful. The product will be able to sense 3Dshapes and motions that user tries to draw.The sensed information will be processed andtransferred to the memory chip and then will be monitored on the display device. Thedrawn shape then can be broadcasted to the network or sent to a mobile device.There will be an additional feature of the product that will monitor the notes, which weretaken before, on the application program used in the computer. This application programcan be a wordThen, the sensed that were drawn into the air will be recognized and with the helpof the software program software we will write the desired character will be printed in theword document. If the application program is a paint related program, then the mostsimilar shape will be chosen by the program and then will be printed on screen. printed

Since, JAVA applet is suitable for both the drawings and strings, all theseapplications can be put together by developing a single JAVA applet program. The javacode that we will develop will also be be installed on the pen so that the processor in the pen will and and type the able to draw desired text on the display panel.
Applet is a function of java which for example, is a kind of container (file)which contains a set of programs made in java. Java is a high level language. It iswidely used in making various application Based on java. It is one of the bestfeatures of java. The various strings, drawings etc will be made using a class file andthis file will not be a single file. It will be a set of files linked together in a single
The system installed in the pen will consist of a database which will help theprocessor to recognize various words made visually in the air. Each word written in theair will resemble to a word in thedatabase and the word present in the database will
In order to meet the technical requirements of the product we needOperating System Like Windows or Linux in order to implement software part of theproject, Displacement Sensors to recognize the displacement of the pen in threedimensions, parallel cable to communicate with computer, software to solve thedisplacement data and finds the individual coordinate displacements in three axes andtransform the data into text format, analog to digital converter to process analogdisplacement data and convert them into digital format, switch to control the pen andRechargeable battery
In order to meet the technical requirements of the product we needOperating System Like Windows or Linux in order to implement software part of theproject, Displacement Sensors to recognize the displacement of the pen in threedimensions, parallel cable to communicate with computer, software to solve thedisplacement data and finds the individual coordinate displacements in three axes andtransform the data into text format, analog to digital converter to process analogdisplacement data and convert them into digital format, switch to control the pen andRechargeable battery.
•Operating System
•Software program to convert data into text or string format
•Displacement Sensor
•Parallel cable
•Analog to digital converter
•Rechargeable battery
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to get information about the topic smart note taker seminar full report, ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow
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smart note taker

Livescribe, the maker of various “smart pens,” has just launched its line of products in Canada. We laid our hands on the top-of-the-line 8GB Echo ($219.99) and here are our initial thoughts on the ambitious product.

While the Livescribe Echo pen does deliver on its promise, the best feature of this pricey product is an add-on app that costs an extra $30.
We’ll get to that in a moment — but first, a word on what it is and what it gets right.
Slightly thicker than a regular ink-tip pen, the black Livescribe Echo records everything it writes or hears. With the former, whatever you write or draw on special lined paper (50-sheet Starter Notebook included) is “remembered” by the pen, which is then digitally transferred to your PC or Mac when connected via the bundled micro USB cable. In other words, once synchronized, what you see written on the paper will be identical to the digital pages on your computer.
A tiny camera at the base of the pen, near the ink tip, reads the “microdots” that line the paper — barely visible to the human eye – which is what tracks everything you write down. Plus, these notebooks have other functions at the front and back, such as a calculator, time and date, battery life and other info you can “touch” with the pen and then hear and/or read on its OLED screen.
Thanks to the pen’s built-in microphone and memory, it can also record when it hears, be it your own words, a boardroom meeting, a nearby teacher or professor, and so on. Simply tap the “record” icon at the bottom of each page to begin the recording. There are also icons to playback audio it has recorded, plus you can jump to different tracks and even adjust playback speed. So when you’re flipping back a few pages to read some notes, when you tap to hear audio it’ll be what was recorded when you were on this exact page.
The audio is surprisingly clear given how small this device is, which you can hear through the pen’s speaker or with headphones for private listening (not included).
You can also record audio without the special paper by pressing and holding the power button on the pen.
While the downloadable Livescribe Desktop software is supposed to let you print notepads with those necessary microdots, I received an “error” message when I tried to print it off a few sheets (and no, it wasn’t my printer). Too bad. Also from this desktop program you can share notes with others, be they written pages or audio recordings.
Even more annoying, however, is the fact your handwritten notes are not transcribed into text for a word processing document. This very handy feature is found in cheaper “smartpen” products that debuted in the past, such as Logitech’s io2 digital pen ($150) and Leapfrog’s Fly Fusion Pen for kids ($80). Instead, you must buy the MyScript app for $30 app from the Livescribe Application Store. I’m sorry, but this is nickel-and-diming it, as a $220 pen should have this feature built-in.
Other optional apps include language translators, dictionaries, games, and more.
Except for the fact dotted pages weren’t printable, the Livescribe Echo pen worked as promised. A gadget like this could help students and professionals stay organized while taking notes, be they handwritten or recorded. But there’s no question the MyScript app should be included given the relatively steep price for the product.
Available exclusively at Future Shop, there’s also a 4GB Echo smartpen for $189.99 and a 2GB Pulse smartpen for $149.99, along with accessories such as dotted paper, pen tips, and more.
Sync readers, have you tried out the Livescribe product or any other “smart pens”?
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