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About the Software /Tool
.NET is the Microsoft Web services strategy to connect information, people, systems, and devices through software. Integrated across the Microsoft platform, .NET technology provides the ability to quickly build, deploy manage, and use connected, security-enhanced solutions with Web services. NET-connected solutions enable businesses to integrate their systems more rapidly and in a more agile manner and help they realize the promise of information anytime, anywhere, on any device.
The Microsoft platform includes everything a business needs to develop and deploy a Web service-connected IT architecture: servers to host Web services, development tools to create them, applications to use them, and a worldwide network of more than 35,000 Microsoft Certified Partner organizations to provide any help you need.
The .NET framework has been plugged by Microsoft as a new programming model for the Internet age. Over the last 10 years or so, Microsoft has gradually been improving the Windows platform, and the associated API and developer tools. So we've seen for example the emergence of COM, then DCOM, then COM+ to enable reuse of software. For Data Access, we had first ODBC, then OLE DB and ADO in various versions. For dynamic web sites we had different versions of ASP. And for programming there were a variety of languages, C++, VB, scripting languages etc
One problem with this is that as the tools and languages have got more sophisticated they have also got more complex, due to the need to support earlier tools or versions of the tools. So for example, these days, COM is an extremely powerful way to package up code for reuse, but if you want to use COM effectively the learning curve is frightening. It takes about 6 months as the minimum time for an experienced developer to learn COM. And if you want to master DCOM or COM+, you've got to learn COM first! Add to this the fact that many people have (rightly in my view) complained that many of these APIs and tools are in some ways badly designed, and you can see why Microsoft has had such a poor reputation amongst many developers up until now.
.NET appears to be a serious attempt to change all that. Rather than just updating the existing tools and languages (and so making them even more complex), Microsoft have started from the ground up again, and developed a completely new framework, within which most programming tasks can be easily accomplished. (And they haven't destroyed backwards compatibility. Your old code will work fine; it's just that new code can be written more easily). Not only that, but .NET has had a very favorable reaction on newsgroups-there seems to be a general consensus that .NET is well designed, and Microsoft are seriously listening to the needs of developers as far as .NET is concerned.
Advantages of .NET
¢ Most things that you might want to do on Windows, including data access, windowing, connecting to the Internet, and much of the functionality of the Win32 API is now accessible through a very simple object model.
¢ The VB language has been hugely upgraded, so it now includes classes and most of the features previously accessible in C++.
¢ A new language, C#, has been introduced, which combines the efficiency of C++ with some of the ease of development of VB.
¢ Memory management for .NET applications is much more sophisticated, meaning that a badly behaved .NET component is extremely unlikely to crash other components running in the same process.
¢ ASP .NET, the replacement for ASP, offers compiled web pages (making processing of web requests much more efficient) and includes a large number of pre-written components that can generate commonly used HTML from and user-interface items for you (the so-called server controls.
¢ The main programming languages have been moved far closer together, so code written in VB, C++ and C# can be intermixed: For example you can write a class in VB, derive a class in C# (or C++), and freely step between the languages in the debugger.
¢ Components are wrapped up in new unit called an assembly, which is highly self-describing, making installation and use of components very easy.
How .net works
The most significant aspect of the .NET architecture is that code in VB, and C# is compiled not to native executable code, but to an Intermediate Language (IL), with the final step of converting to native executable normally happening at runtime. Such code is termed managed code C++ code can optionally be marked as managed code, in which case it gets compiled to IL too. This makes your C++ code interoperable with VB and C# and allows you to take advantage of all the .NET features, but does restrict you to not using some features of C++ (such as multiple inheritance) that are not supported on .NET.
The principle of IL clearly owes something to the ideas of Java, which was also compiled in two stages. (And the resemblance between C# and Java is very strong).
However, with Java the emphasis is on cross-platform independence, while .NET is geared to Windows, and has an emphasis on cross-language (rather than cross-platform) independence. Having said that, Microsoft has left opened the possibility of .NET being developed on other platforms. Microsoft also appear to be convinced that the existence of IL won't substantially hurt performance of applications, and may even improve it (because at the final stage of compilation, the compiler knows what processor is going to run the code, and so can take advantage of hardware features specific to that processor this is not the case with direct compilation of source code into executable).
.NET framework
The .NET Framework is an integral Windows component for building and running the next generation of software applications and Web services. The .NET Framework: Supports over 20 different programming languages. Manages much of the plumbing involved in developing software, enabling developers to focus on the core business logic code. Makes it easier than ever before to build, deploy, and administer secure, robust, and high-performing applications. The .NET Framework is composed of the common language runtime and a unified set of class libraries.
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) serves as the execution environment for the .NET Framework. The CLR is responsible for managing the compiled code of .NET applications, which can be written in different languages including VB, C#, Java, and Perl. The cross-language integration is achieved through the two major components of CLR: Intermediate Language and Metadata.
Intermediate Language (IL) is an assembly language that runs on almost any type of CPU. IL achieves this versatility by using stacks to handle functions that normally occur in registers. As managed code, IL is just-in-time (JIT) compiled when .NET applications are executed. JIT compilers convert IL into machine language that is specific to the host CPU. [During runtime, JIT compilers have the luxury of choosing stacks, registers or other stores to implement IL stacks.] Various JIT compilers are provided by the CLR, making it possible for different computer architectures to execute IL. Unlike other assembly languages, IL integrates high-level concepts which make CLR code more robust. As a high level language, IL is strongly typed and uses the ideas behind structured-exception handling, deployment support, and component interaction. Thus a range of software can run on the .NET Framework as long as the compiler can produce IL.
Metadata, the second component of the CLR, is a description of the implemented code. The Metadata is responsible for ensuring that the CLR executes the code securely. To prevent modules of software from breaking type definitions, Metadata stores information regarding classes, methods, and types. Registers are no longer required to keep track of information because relevant data is stored with the compiled code or IL. By housing information on classes and registrations, Metadata allows the CLR to function more efficiently since programs are less likely to get hung up on version and inheritance dependencies.
Class Libraries
Base classes provide standard functionality such as input/output, string manipulation, security management, network communications; thread management, text management, and user interface design features.
The ADO.NET classes enable developers to interact with data accessed in the form of XML through the OLE DB, ODBC, Oracle, and SQL Server interfaces. XML classes enable XML manipulation, searching, and translations. The ASP.NET classes support the development of Web-based applications and Web services. The Windows Forms classes support the development of desktop-based smart client applications. Together, the class libraries provide a common, consistent development interface across all languages supported by the .NET Framework.
SQL Server 2000
SQL server is a Releational Database Management System (DBMS) developed and marketed by Microsoft. This System Is the Most important part of the Microsoft backoffice, an enterprise suite of client-server applications
The most important aspects of SQL Server are:
¢ SQL Server is ease to use.
¢ SQL Server scales from a mobile laptop to symmetric multiprocessor systems.
¢ SQL Server provides data warehousing features.
¢ SQLServer is easy to manage through graphical computing and database administration.
SQL Server was from the beginning ,designed as a client -server
The SQL Server 2000 database engine includes integrated XML support. It also has the scalability, availability, and security features required to operate as the data storage component of the largest Web sites. The SQL Server 2000 programming model is
integrated with the Windows DNA architecture for developing Web applications, and SQL Server 2000 supports features such as English Query and the Microsoft Search Service to incorporate user-friendly queries and powerful search capabilities in Web applications.
The same database engine can be used across platforms ranging from laptop computers running Microsoft Windows® 98 through large, multiprocessor servers running Microsoft Windows 2000 Data Center Edition. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition supports features such as federated servers, indexed views, and large memory support that allow it to scale to the performance levels required by the largest Web sites.
The SQL Server 2000 relational database engine supports the features required to support demanding data processing environments. The database engine protects data integrity while minimizing the overhead of managing thousands of users concurrently modifying the database. SQL Server 2000 distributed queries allow you to reference data from multiple sources as if it were a part of a SQL Server 2000 database, while at the same time, the distributed transaction support protects the integrity of any updates of the distributed data. Replication allows you to also maintain multiple copies of data, while ensuring that the separate copies remain synchronized. You can replicate a set of data to multiple, mobile, disconnected users, have them work autonomously, and then merge their modifications back to the publisher.
SQL Server 2000 includes a set of administrative and development tools that improve upon the process of installing, deploying, managing, and using SQL Server across several sites. SQL Server 2000 also supports a standards-based programming model integrated with the Windows DNA, making the use of SQL Server databases and data warehouses a seamless part of building powerful and scalable systems. These features allow you to rapidly deliver SQL Server applications that customers can implement with a minimum of installation and administrative overhead.
SQL Server 2000 includes tools for extracting and analyzing summary data for online analytical processing. SQL Server also includes tools for visually designing databases and analyzing data using English-based questions.
To develop an e-commerce website for SAIKOSOUNDS a shopping center at Hong Kong. The site requires online display of all its products along with new releases. The users can also order for any item if needed through the site. The user must be able to select various items according to his/her wish, he must also be able to change it. The price must be calculated for the selected items. Each user must be identified.
The client side functionalities include the part of site which is seen by the user. This section deals with client side interface of the site. it consists of the following:-Homepage Login
Place Order View wishlist View cart Catalog About us News Order Info
Contact Us (Talk to us) Homepage
The homepage platforms all the functionalities with which the user can browse for detailed information regarding the site and its services. The homepage sets the theme for the entire website. On this page we engage the visitor and invite them for more information on catalog, latest news, view cart etc.
The login allows registered users to sign in to the site using their username and password .if the user forgets his password and enters the incorrect one, the system will prompt the user to ask the administrator to e mail his password .then the system will automatically mail the details to the user's external email address.
There is also a create new account page link for new registration to the site by new users. This should contain
> Login name
> Password
> Confirm password
> Email address
A user once logged in can change his account settings
> Change email address
> View /change settings
> View /edit invoice details
> View /edit alternate delivery details
> View / edit payment details
Place Order
This section allows users to place an order on the products they have added to their wishlist.when the user clicks on the place order menu ,he/she will be directed to the wish list and by default all the items in the wishlist will be included in the order .user can change the quantity and/or remove items in his wishlist.The user can choose the invoice/billing address options and click on the process order page link to enter the order process .after entering the invoice address and required information, user can click on the process details page link to view the page that displays his order details. The order details page allows user o choose payment and delivery options. After choosing the payment and delivery options user can click on the process payment page link and a page will be displayed where he/she can enter the payment details. Once the payment details are entered and order is confirmed, users would be mailed a copy of invoice for his purchase through email.
View wishlist
This section allows user to view the products he/she has added into wishlist items of a user who has registered an account with the site. If the user does not login with the site, his wishlist will be lost when he comes back later another time. A user's wishlist will contain the title of the product item with the category, label etc.the product price and the remove from wishlist button. If the product item is not in stock.Currently, it will be displayed in out of stock status.
This section displays the various categories of products listed in the site for purchase by the users. Each category of products will be listed with the catalog page link etc.the different categories of products and their corresponding links listed in the site area.
¢ Music CDs,Vinyls
o Go to catalog
¢ Videos, DVDs
o Go to catalog
¢ Equipments
o Go to catalog
This section includes the complete catalog along with separate catalog for each item. When the user clicks on the go to catalog page link to view the entire products under the selected category. The category will include the product name, thumbnail image, price and add to wishlist button.
View cart
This section has the same purpose of wishlist.Users can add their choice of products into their wishlist and these products are added into the users cart also. When the user clicks on the view cart button, he/she can view all the items added by him/her in the wishlist.
About us
This section provides a description about the company and the services that they offer to their customers. The About us page includes some pictures of the retail shop that the company has recently opened at Hong Kong. There will be a page link to the ordering information page that provides user info on how to order, payment accepted, shipping information and taxes.
This section provides a list of new releases, hottest titles, restocks etc.The listings includes the catalog and add to wishlist button.
Order info
This section provides detailed information regarding the ordering process, shopping cart, wishlist system etc. the section includes the following subsections and each subsections contains the relevant data regarding the same.
o How to order
o Payments accepted
Talk to us
The section contains the contact details of that company headquarters. The section also includes a contact form with following details: o Subject of message(choose a subject from the list) o Name(name of the site visitor) o Email address o Mailing address o Telephone number o Message
After filling the details in the contact form, user can click on the send message page link to send his comments/feedback to the site administrator.
The importance of software design can be found with a single word, quality. Designing is the phase in which quality is fastened in a software development. Design is the only way that can accurately translate the Customer's requirements into a finished software product. A system, which is not properly designed, may fail when small changes are made. Thus, the primary objective of design phase is to determine how the system has to be developed. System design is a process that identifies inputs, outputs and explains functions of the system. This important phase is composed of several steps. It provides understanding of the procedural details, necessary for implementing. Emphasis has been given for translating the performance requirements. Understanding the data flow and the database that is to be designed forms an important aspect of the designing process. Generally System Design includes the following types:
Logical Design
Logical design describes the format of inputs, outputs, and procedures that meets the user requirements. The design covers the following: o Reviews the current physical system. o Prepares the output specification. o Prepares the Input specifications. o Prepares controls specifications.
Physical Design
This produces the working system by defining the design specifications that tell the programmers exactly what the system must do. The programmers write the necessary programs that accept inputs from the user, perform the necessary calculations, produce hardcopy of the report or display it on the screen Design the Physical system. o Specify the Input/Output media o Design physical information flow through the system o Plan system implementation o Prepare a Conversion schedule and a target date o Determine training procedure courses and timetable
This is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is tuned into a working system. If the implementation stage is not carefully controlled and planned, it can cause chaos. Thus it can be considered to be the most critical stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the users a confidence that the system will work and be effective.
The implementation stage in a project has its own right. It involves ¢ Careful planning
¢ Investigation of the current system and the constraints on implementation.
¢ Training of staff in the newly developed system
After the successful completion of the design phase, the next important step is the development of the system according to the specified design. The main procedure of this phase is coding of the deigned system, in order to satisfy the requirements. The detailed input/output, text manipulation, logic comparison and storage/retrieval operations during the system analysis stage provide input for the program preparation. Coding was carried out in a step-by-step manner. One or more programmers convert these operations into a program of instructions written in a language and form acceptable to the computer hardware. User inter-activeness was given stress and the system gives maximum flexibility. Proper validations were done for every user-defined function.
The principal activities performed during the development phase can be divided into two major related sequences. These are
1. External system development
2. Internal system development
The primary external system development activities include
¢ Implementation planning
¢ Preparation of manuals and personnel training
¢ Equipment acquisition and installation
The principal internal system development activities are Computer program development and performance
System Testing
No system design is ever perfect. Communication problems, programmer's negligence, or time constraints create errors that must be eliminated before the system is ready for user acceptance testing. A system is tested for online response, volume of transactions, stress, recovery from failure and usability. Then comes system testing, which verifies that the whole test of programs hangs together following system testing is acceptance testing, or running the system with live data by the actual
Static Testing Purpose
Code should be reviewed where necessary to ensure it follows project coding and design standards. Code reviews are not meant to check program logic. Adherence to acceptable programming standards is crucial for future maintenance. These will change over time as technology develops.
Dynamic Testing
The traditional 'waterfall' lifecycle breaks dynamic testing down into a number of phases such as unit, integration, system and acceptance testing. Whatever methodology is being followed, a software system is typically organized into a number of units comprising a single logical function or several related functions needing access to shared data. It is sensible and efficient to test these 'units' as they are developed. Black box and white box testing may be used for this purpose:
Functional (black-box) Testing means testing that the 'unit' does what it is supposed to do, and does not do what it is not supposed to do. In other words, it is tested against its functional requirements, both positive and negative, as stated in the specification. This is known as black box testing, since it requires no knowledge of the inner workings of the unit.
Structural (white-box) Testing is concerned with the degree to which test cases exercise or 'cover' the logic of the program. White-box testing may be covered using a variety of techniques such as walkthroughs, structured testing and test-harness software.
Integration testing typically takes place once units have been developed and checks for errors related to the interfaces at unit, sub-system and system level, or related to data transfers in the system, and to check the building procedures.
There are many strategies for integration testing, involving the choice of which units to integrate and when, incremental or non-incremental approach, top-down versus bottom up integration and so on. Wherever possible, testing must exercise each unit interface or all the unit functions and each type of data transfer in the system.
When designing the test plan it is important that test cases cover the entire logical structure of the system or whatever features actually need testing.
System test cases should systematically cover the logical structure of the system. Where a system flow diagram exists, test cases should be devised to cause execution of all paths in this diagram. Alternatively the code could be instrumented to ensure that all units are exercised by one or more test cases. Time and budget restraints may make it impractical to cover the entire logical structure. The project manager should, in that case, clearly identify which areas may be omitted and assess the risk. It is suggested that the assessment is added to the risk plan.
Test bought-in proprietary software, where possible, to prove that it is fit for its purpose. Some systems are constructed from a mixture of new code and bought-in or existing code. It is important that this latter category be of at least the same quality as the former, which implies that it should be tested wherever practicable.
Inevitably, testing will uncover errors, which will necessitate changes. The temptation to make a 'quick fix' and continue with testing must be resisted: Code, which has been changed, must be re-tested.
Acceptance Testing
The need for acceptance testing will vary from project to project. It is worthwhile noting the purpose of acceptance testing. It is not supposed to be an unsupervised ad hoc activity undertaken by the client. It should be strictly controlled. For that reason there are a number of requirements, which are applicable if acceptance testing proves necessary. The project manager should select these from the following that are applicable for a particular project.
Acceptance tests relate to the functionality of the system as stated in the requirements specification, and functional test cases must be selected to satisfy the agreed acceptance criteria. In the majority of cases, suitable test cases will exist among those used for system testing.
These tests cover areas such as performance, security, reliability, load/stress testing, volume testing, human computer interaction tests, configuration testing, compatibility testing, documentation, and human procedures. Sufficient tests must be devised to satisfy the agreed acceptance criteria.
Since acceptance tests in particular can make heavy demands on resources, and will have been performed as part of system testing, an alternative and equally acceptable procedure is to have the client witness a part of the system test. In that case client witnessed system testing must conform to the requirements for acceptance testing with respect to procedure, conduct, and documentation. It is recommended that this approach is adopted wherever possible as it ensures that testing is performed under carefully controlled conditions.
Test Procedures and Test Reports
The acceptance test procedures must be documented. The acceptance test procedure should specify the steps to be taken in carrying out the tests, and for formal acceptance tests needs to be rigorous, complete and unambiguous.
The acceptance test procedure specification must be subject to review prior to the
dry run.
The results of both the dry run and the acceptance tests must be documented. A test log and any test observation reports should be completed as the tests are conducted. A test summary review should be completed as soon after completion of the tests as possible. Conduct of Acceptance Tests
Acceptance testing can begin when the remaining problems detected by system testing are sufficiently few and minor enough to give confidence in the system and an internal dry run has been completed.
If possible, an independent witness should be arranged to act in place of the client during the dry-run.
If a client acceptance test is proposed before all the errors emanating from the dry-run are resolved and retested, a declaration of outstanding problems should be made to the client before the acceptance test commences.
If the results of acceptance tests prove unacceptable it may be necessary to suspend the tests and agree with the client a timetable and conditions for resumption.
In SIFL-Office Automation System, unit test was conducted first in which each modules was tested .All the modules were found to produce satisfactory results. The outputs produced were in the same format as required by the SIFL manager.
Next was integration system, where the entire system was tested together. All the modules were linked with each other in some way or other. The entire system was working without errors.
Next was user testing , where the system was checked by the end user, who found the system to be user friendly and satisfactory. The system was also responding to various errors.
After a system is successfully implemented, it should be maintained in a proper manner. System maintenance is an important aspect in the software development life cycle. The need for system maintenance is for it to make adaptable to the changes in the system
environment. There may be a social, technical and other environmental change, which affects a system, which is being implemented.
Software product enhancements may involve providing new functional capabilities, improving user displays and mode of interaction, upgrading the performance characteristics of the system. So only through proper system maintenance procedures, the system can be adapted to cope up with these changes. Software maintenance is of curse, far more than "finding mistakes". We may define maintenance by describing four activities that are undertaken to after a program is released for use.
The first maintenance activity occurs because it is unreasonable to assume that software testing will uncover all latent errors in a large program, errors will occur and be reported to the developer. The process that includes the diagnosis and correction of one or more an errors is called corrective maintenance.
The second activity that contributes to a definition of maintenance occurs because of the rapid change that is encountered in every aspect of computing. Therefore, adaptive maintenance-an activity that modifies software to properly interfere with a changing environment is both necessary and commonplace.
The third activity that may be applied to a definition of maintenance occurs when a software package is successful. As the software is used, recommendations for new capabilities, modifications to existing functions, and general enhancements are received from users. To satisfy requests in this category, perceptive maintenance is performed. This activity accounts for the majority of all effort expended on software maintenance.
The fourth maintenance activity occurs when software is changed to improve future maintainability or reliability, or to provide a better basis for future enhancements. Often called preventive maintenance, this activity is characterized by reverse engineering and re-engineering techniques.
This software provides a user friendly approach towards the system. This system has been well developed and when implemented, is bound to satisfy all of the requirements. Painstaking efforts have been taken to make the software impeccable and upgradeable. There is hope that this software will be utilized to its maximum and will do a good job in the long run.
The ubiquitous nature of change underlies all software work. Change is in evitable when computer based systems are built. Therefore, we must develop mechanism for evaluating controlling and making modifications, this project has been created using best design and coding techniques known. It has been migrated to new platforms,adjusted for changes in machine and operating system technology enhanced to meet new user needs,all with regard to overall architecture.
The system is much flexible and extensible and hence further enhandsments ,if needed .can be developed and integrated with the existing one very easily .it is expected to leave up the objective,for which it is the proposed system,it is sure that it must reduce the manpower and time duration.
Reubro international is a 100% Export oriented unit located in Cochin, kerala India.The unit is registered with the Department of Electronics, Govt. of India and Software Technology Park Trivandrum Kerala.The Company was founded in 1996 by software professionals with considerable industry experience in software design and development.
With head Quarters in Cochin and associates abroad, Reubro is a global force, uniquely positioned to handle customers IT solutions across their extended enterprises. Whether its web related development, business -to-business e-commerce solutions or front-line project management of custom applications-Reubro has the expertise to deliver on time, with in budget. The company provides a full range of IT services with one goal in mind -to exceed customer's expectations.
The project, "SAIKOSOUNDS" aims at creating an online shopping experience for the saikosounds a shopping center at Hong Kong to facilitate its online users. The administration will ensure that the system is able to deal adequately with the requests from the online users and it will provide most efficient quality of service. The system developed will be integrated with adequate user data security to ensure data consistency, integrity and privacy of users data according for those who use the system.
The site requires online display of all its products along with new releases. The users can also order for any item if needed through the site. The user must be able to select various items according to his/her wish, he must also be able to change it. The price must be calculated for the selected items. Each user must be identified.
The system should be flexible and extensible and hence further enhancements ,if needed ,can be developed and integrated with the existing one very easily .It is expected to leave up the objective, for which it is designed in the proposed system, it is sure that it must reduce the manpower and time duration.
Server Class PC with PIV or Xeon>2.00GHz
RAM: 1024 MB
Hard disk drive: 2*40 GB
100 MBPS Network Interface Card
PC with PIV 1.8GHz RAM: 128MB
Hard Disk Drive: 40 GB
Implementation Server
Minimum xeon 256 MB RAM
Hard disk drive 80 G B
Minimum P II Minimum 64 M B RAM
IIS web server IE 5.0
ASP. NET 1.1
SQL Server 2000 Windows XP Client
IE 5.0
IIS Web Server
Windows 2000/2003 SQL Server 2000
Windows based client IE 5.0
ASP.NET is a technology for creating dynamic Web applications. It is part of the .NET Framework; ASP.NET applications in most .NET compatible languages, including Visual Basic, C#, and J#. ASP.NET pages (Web Forms) are compiled, providing better performance than with scripting languages. Web Forms allow you to build powerful forms-based Web pages. When building these pages, you can use ASP.NET server controls to create common UI elements, and program them for common tasks. These controls allow you to rapidly build a Web Form out of reusable built-in or custom components, simplifying the code of a page.
ASP.NET provides a programming model, and infrastructure, to make creating scalable, secure and stable applications faster, and easier than with previous Web technologies.
ASP.NET combines unprecedented developer productivity with performance, reliability, and deployment. Features of ASP.NET
¢ Developer Productivity
ASP.NET helps you deliver real world Web applications in record time.
¢ Easy Programming Model.
ASP.NET makes building real world Web applications dramatically easier. ASP.NET server controls enable an HTML-like style of declarative programming that let you build great pages with far less code than with classic ASP. Displaying data, validating user input, and uploading files are all amazingly easy. Best of all, ASP.NET pages work in all browsers -- including Netscape, Opera, AOL, and Internet Explorer.
¢ Flexible Language Options .
ASP.NET lets you leverage your current programming language skills. Unlike classic ASP, which supports only interpreted VBScript and JScript, ASP.NET now supports more than 25 .NET languages (including built-in support for VB.NET, C#, and JScript.NET -- no tool required), giving you unprecedented flexibility in your choice of language.
¢ Great Tool Support.
You can harness the full power of ASP.NET using any text editor -¬even Notepad! But Visual Studio 2003 adds the productivity of Visual Basic-style development to the Web. Now you can visually design ASP.NET Web Forms using familiar drag-drop-doubleclick techniques, and enjoy full-fledged code support including statement completion and color-coding. The Professional version of Visual Studio 2003 deliver life-cycle features to help organizations plan, analyze, design, build, test, and coordinate teams that develop ASP.NET Web applications. These include UML class modeling, database modeling (conceptual, logical, and physical models), testing tools (functional, performance and scalability), and enterprise frameworks and templates, all available within the integrated Visual Studio .NET environment.
¢ Rich Class Framework.
Application features that used to be hard to implement, or required a 3rd-party component, can now be added in just a few lines of code using the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework offers over 4500 classes that encapsulate rich functionality like XML, data access, file upload, regular expressions, image generation, performance monitoring and logging, transactions, message queuing, SMTP mail, and much more.
¢ Improved Performance and Scalability
ASP.NET lets you use serve more users with the same hardware.
¢ Compiled execution.
ASP.NET is much faster than classic ASP, while preserving the "just hit save" update model of ASP. However, no explicit compile step is required! ASP.NET will automatically detect any changes, dynamically compile the files if needed, and store the compiled results to reuse for subsequent requests. Dynamic compilation ensures that your application is always up to date, and compiled execution makes it fast. Most applications migrated from classic ASP see a 3x to 5x increase in pages served.
¢ Rich output caching.
ASP.NET output caching can dramatically improve the performance and scalability of your application. When output caching is enabled on a page, ASP.NET executes the page just once, and saves the result in memory in addition to sending it to the user. When another user requests the same page, ASP.NET serves the cached result from memory without re-executing the page. Output caching is configurable, and can be used to cache individual regions or an entire page. Output caching can dramatically improve the performance of data-driven pages by eliminating the need to query the database on every request.
¢ Web-Form Session State.
ASP.NET session state lets you share session data user-specific state values across all machines in your Web farm. Now a user can hit different servers in the web farm over multiple requests and still have full access to her session. And since business components created with the .NET Framework are free-threaded, you no longer need to worry about thread affinity.
¢ Microsoft .NET Outperforms J2EE.
In a head-to-head comparison of performance and scalability between Sun's Java Pet Store J2EE blueprint application and the ASP.NET implementation, Microsoft .NET significantly outperformed J2EE. The bottom line: the ASP.NET implementation required only 1/4th as many lines of code, was 28x faster (that's 2700%), and supported 7.6x as many concurrent users as J2EE, with only 1/6th as much processor utilization.
¢ Enhanced Reliability
ASP.NET ensures that your application is always available to your
¢ Memory Leak, Deadlock and Crash Protection.
ASP.NET automatically detects and recovers from errors like deadlocks and memory leaks to ensure your application is always available to your users.
¢ Easy Deployment
ASP.NET takes the pain out of deploying server applications.
¢ Dynamic update of running application.
ASP.NET now lets you update compiled components without restarting the web server. In the past with classic COM components, the developer would have to restart the web server each time he deployed an update. With ASP.NET, you simply copy the component over the existing DLL -- ASP.NET will automatically detect the change and start using the new code.
¢ Easy Migration Path.
ASP.NET runs on IIS side-by-side with classic ASP on Windows 2000 and Windows XP platforms. Your existing ASP applications continue to be processed by ASP.DLL, while new ASP.NET pages are processed by the new ASP.NET engine. You can migrate application by application, or single pages. And ASP.NET even lets you continue to use your existing classic COM business components.
¢ New Application Models
ASP.NET extend your application's reach to new customers and
¢ XML Web Services.
XML Web services allow applications to communicate and share data over the Internet, regardless of operating system or programming language. ASP.NET makes exposing and calling XML Web Services simple. Any class can be converted into an XML Web Service with just a few lines of code, and can be called by any SOAP client. Likewise, ASP.NET makes it incredibly easy to call XML Web Services from your application. No knowledge of networking, XML, or SOAP is required.
¢ Mobile Web Device Support.
ASP.NET Mobile Controls let you easily target cell phones, PDAs -¬over 80 mobile Web devices -- using ASP.NET. You write your application just once, and the mobile controls automatically generate WAP/WML, HTML, or iMode as required by the requesting device.
How .net works
The most significant aspect of the .NET architecture is that code in VB, and C# is compiled not to native executable code, but to an Intermediate Language (IL), with the final step of converting to native executable normally happening at runtime. Such code is termed managed code C++ code can optionally be marked as managed code, in which case it gets compiled to IL too. This makes your C++ code interoperable with VB and C# and allows you to take advantage of all the .NET features, but does restrict you to not using some features of C++ (such as multiple inheritance) that are not supported on .NET.
The principle of IL clearly owes something to the ideas of Java, which was also compiled in two stages. (And the resemblance between C# and Java is very strong). However, with Java the emphasis is on cross-platform independence, while .NET is geared to Windows, and has an emphasis on cross-language (rather than cross-platform) independence. Having said that, Microsoft has left opened the possibility of .NET being developed on other platforms. Microsoft also appear to be convinced that the existence of IL won't substantially hurt performance of applications, and may even improve it (because at the final stage of compilation, the compiler knows what processor is going to run the code, and so can take advantage of hardware features specific to that processor this is not the case with direct compilation of source code into executable). .NET framework
The .NET Framework is an integral Windows component for building and running the next generation of software applications and Web services. The .NET Framework: Supports over 20 different programming languages. Manages much of the plumbing involved in developing software, enabling developers to focus on the core business logic code. Makes it easier than ever before to build, deploy, and administer secure, robust, and high-performing applications. The .NET Framework is composed of the common language runtime and a unified set of class libraries.
VB C++ C# JScript ¦ ¦ j
Common Language Specification
ASP.NET: Web Services Windows
and Web Forms Forms
c 5
ADO.NET: Data and XML
Base Classes
Z m
Common Language Runtime
Fig 2.1 .Net Framework ¢ Common Language Runtime (CLR)
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) serves as the execution environment for the .NET Framework. The CLR is responsible for managing the compiled code of .NET applications, which can be written in different languages including VB, C#, Java, and Perl. The cross-language integration is achieved through the two major components of CLR: Intermediate Language and Metadata.
Intermediate Language (IL) is an assembly language that runs on almost any type of CPU. IL achieves this versatility by using stacks to handle functions that normally occur in registers. As managed code, IL is just-in-time (JIT) compiled when .NET applications are executed. JIT compilers convert IL into machine language that is specific to the host CPU. [During runtime, JIT compilers have the luxury of choosing stacks, registers or other stores to implement IL stacks.] Various JIT compilers are provided by the CLR, making it possible for different computer architectures to execute IL. Unlike other assembly languages, IL integrates high-level concepts which make CLR code more robust. As a high level language, IL is strongly typed and uses the ideas behind structured-exception handling, deployment support, and component interaction. Thus a range of software can run on the .NET Framework as long as the compiler can produce IL.
Metadata, the second component of the CLR, is a description of the implemented code. The Metadata is responsible for ensuring that the CLR executes the code securely. To prevent modules of software from breaking type definitions, Metadata stores information regarding classes, methods, and types. Registers are no longer required
to keep track of information because relevant data is stored with the compiled code or IL. By housing information on classes and registrations, Metadata allows the CLR to function more efficiently since programs are less likely to get hung up on version and inheritance dependencies.
¢ Class Libraries
Base classes provide standard functionality such as input/output, string manipulation, security management, network communications; thread management, text management, and user interface design features.
The ADO.NET classes enable developers to interact with data accessed in the form of XML through the OLE DB, ODBC, Oracle, and SQL Server interfaces. XML classes enable XML manipulation, searching, and translations. The ASP.NET classes support the development of Web-based applications and Web services. The Windows Forms classes support the development of desktop-based smart client applications. Together, the class libraries provide a common, consistent development interface across all languages supported by the .NET Framework.
2.3.2 SQL Server 2000
SQL server is a Relational Database Management System (DBMS) developed and marketed by Microsoft. This System Is the Most important part of the Microsoft back office, an enterprise suite of client-server applications The most important aspects of SQL Server are:
¢ SQL Server is ease to use.
¢ SQL Server scales from a mobile laptop to symmetric multiprocessor systems.
¢ SQL Server provides data warehousing features.
¢ SQL Server is easy to manage through graphical computing and database administration.
SQL Server was from the beginning, designed as a client -server DBMS.The SQL Server 2000 database engine includes integrated XML support. It also has the scalability, availability, and security features required to operate as the data storage component of the largest Web sites. The SQL Server 2000 programming model is integrated with the Windows DNA architecture for developing Web applications, and SQL Server 2000 supports features such as English Query and the Microsoft Search Service to incorporate user-friendly queries and powerful search capabilities in Web applications.
The same database engine can be used across platforms ranging from laptop computers running Microsoft Windows® 98 through large, multiprocessor servers running Microsoft Windows 2000 Data Center Edition. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition supports features such as federated servers, indexed views, and large memory support that allow it to scale to the performance levels required by the largest Web sites.
The SQL Server 2000 relational database engine supports the features required to support demanding data processing environments. The database engine protects data integrity while minimizing the overhead of managing thousands of users concurrently modifying the database. SQL Server 2000 distributed queries allow you to reference data from multiple sources as if it were a part of a SQL Server 2000 database, while at the same time, the distributed transaction support protects the integrity of any updates of the distributed data. Replication allows you to also maintain multiple copies of data, while ensuring that the separate copies remain synchronized. You can replicate a set of data to multiple, mobile, disconnected users, have them work autonomously, and then merge their modifications back to the publisher.
SQL Server 2000 includes a set of administrative and development tools that improve upon the process of installing, deploying, managing, and using SQL Server across several sites. SQL Server 2000 also supports a standards-based programming model integrated with the Windows DNA, making the use of SQL Server databases and data warehouses a seamless part of building powerful and scalable systems. These features allow you to rapidly deliver SQL Server applications that customers can implement with a minimum of installation and administrative overhead.
SQL Server 2000 includes tools for extracting and analyzing summary data for online analytical processing. SQL Server also includes tools for visually designing databases and analyzing data using English-based questions.
3.1 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS 3.1.1Proposed System
To develop an e-commerce website for SAIKOSOUNDS a shopping center at Hong Kong. The site requires online display of all its products along with new releases. The users can also order for any item if needed through the site. The user must be able to select various items according to his/her wish, he must also be able to change it. The price must be calculated for the selected items. Each user must be identified.
The client side functionalities include the part of site which is seen by the user. This section deals with client side interface of the site. It consists of the following:-
¢ Homepage
¢ Login
¢ Place Order
¢ View wishlist
¢ View cart
¢ Catalog
¢ About us
¢ News
¢ Order Info
¢ Contact Us (Talk to us)
The homepage platforms all the functionalities with which the user can browse for detailed information regarding the site and its services. The homepage sets the theme for the entire website. On this page we engage the visitor and invite them for more information on catalog, latest news, view cart etc.
The login allows registered users to sign in to the site using their username and password .If the user forgets his password and enters the incorrect one, then system will prompt the user to ask the administrator to e mail his password .Then the system will automatically mail the details to the user's external email address.
There is also a create new account page link for new registration to the site by new users. This should contain
Login name Password Confirm password Email address
A user once logged in can change his account settings
Change email address
View /change settings
View /edit invoice details
View /edit alternate delivery details
View / edit payment details
Place Order
This section allows users to place an order on the products they have added to their wishlist.When the user clicks on the place order menu ,he/she will be directed to the wish list and by default all the items in the wishlist will be included in the order .User can change the quantity and/or remove items in his wishlist.The user can choose the invoice/billing address options and click on the process order page link to enter the order process .after entering the invoice address and required information, user can click on the process details page link to view the page that displays his order details. The order details page allows user to choose payment and delivery options. After choosing the payment and delivery options user can click on the process payment page link and a page will be displayed where he/she can enter the payment details. Once the payment details are entered and order is confirmed, users would be mailed a copy of invoice for his purchase through email.
CategoryID numeric
UnitPrice decimal
Table 3.3 orders_tb stores the client details who have ordered items
Field Datatype
OrderID numeric
OrderDate datetime
CustomerID varchar
ShipAddress Varchar
ShipCity Varchar
ShipState Varchar
ShipCountry Varchar
ShipPostalcode Varchar
ShipPhone Varchar
View wishlist
This section allows user to view the products he/she has added into wishlist items of a user who has registered an account with the site. If the user does not login with the site, his wishlist will be lost when he comes back later another time. A user's wishlist will contain the title of the product item with the category, label etc.the product price and the remove from wishlist button. If the product item is not in stock,currently, it will be displayed in out of stock status.
Table 3.4 Wishlist stores the items selected into the wishlist
Field Datatype
ItemCode numeric
ProductName varchar
ShortDescription varchar
Status varchar
UnitPrice decimal
Barcode varchar
This section displays the various categories of products listed in the site for purchase by the users. Each category of products will be listed with the catalog page link etc.the different categories of products and their corresponding links listed in the site area.
¢ Music CDs,Vinyls
o Go to catalog
¢ Videos, DVDs
o Go to catalog
¢ Equipments
o Go to catalog
This section includes the complete catalog along with separate catalog for each item. When the user clicks on the go to catalog page link to view the entire products under the selected category. The category will include the product name, thumbnail image, price and add to wishlist button.
Table 3.5 Categorytb stores the product categories present
Field name datatype
CategoryID numeric
CategoryName varchar
ParentCategory varchar
Status varchar
Table 3.6 Product the comment and remarks given by the users
Field Datatype
ProductName varchar
ShortDescription varchar
CatalogNumber varchar
Status varchar
UnitPrice decimal
View cart
This section has the same purpose of wishlist.Users can add their choice of products into their wishlist and these products are added into the users cart also. When the
user clicks on the view cart button, he/she can view all the items added by him/her in the wishlist.
Table 3.7 Wishlist stores the items selected into the wishlist
Field Datatype
ItemCode numeric
ProductName varchar
ShortDescription varchar
Status varchar
UnitPrice decimal
Barcode varchar
About us
This section provides a description about the company and the services that they offer to their customers. The About us page includes some pictures of the retail shop that the company has recently opened at Hong Kong. There will be a page link to the ordering information page that provides user info on how to order, payment accepted, shipping information and taxes.
Table 3.8 EditContent stores the details of product purchase.
Field DataType
Language varchar
ContentName varchar
Description varchar
This section provides a list of new releases, hottest titles, restocks etc.The listings includes the catalog and add to wishlist button.
Order info
This section provides detailed information regarding the ordering process, shopping cart, wishlist system etc. the section includes the following subsections and each subsections contains the relevant data regarding the same.
o How to order
o Payments accepted
Table 3.10 EditContent stores the details of product purchase.
Field DataType
Language varchar
ContentName varchar
Description varchar
Talk to us
The section contains the contact details of that company headquarters. The section also includes a contact form with following details: o Subject of message(choose a subject from the list) o Name(name of the site visitor) o Email address o Mailing address o Telephone number o Message
After filling the details in the contact form, user can click on the send message page link to send his comments/feedback to the site administrator. Table 3.11 EditContent stores the details of product purchase.
Field DataType
Language varchar
ContentName varchar
Description varchar
The importance of software design can be found with a single word, quality. Designing is the phase in which quality is fastened in a software development. Design is the only way that can accurately translate the Customer's requirements into a finished software product. A system, which is not properly designed, may fail when small changes are made. Thus, the primary objective of design phase is to determine how the system has to be developed. System design is a process that identifies inputs, outputs and explains functions of the system. Emphasis has been given for translating the performance requirements. Understanding the data flow and the database that is to be designed forms an important aspect of the designing process.
Generally System Design includes the following types:
4.1.1 Logical Design
Logical design describes the format of inputs, outputs, and procedures that meets the user requirements. The design covers the following: o Reviews the current physical system. o Prepares the output specification. o Prepares the Input specifications. o Prepares controls specifications.
4.1.2 Physical Design
This produces the working system by defining the design specifications that tell the programmers exactly what the system must do. The programmers write the necessary programs that accept inputs from the user, perform the necessary calculations, produce hardcopy of the report or display it on the screen Design the Physical system. o Specify the Input/Output media o Design physical information flow through the system o Plan system implementation o Prepare a Conversion schedule and a target date o Determine training procedure courses and timetable
This is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is tuned into a working system. If the implementation stage is not carefully controlled and planned, it can cause chaos. Thus it can be considered to be the most critical stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the users a confidence that the system will work and be effective. The implementation stage in a project has its own right. It involves
¢ Careful planning
¢ Investigation of the current system and the constraints on implementation.
¢ Training of staff in the newly developed system
After the successful completion of the design phase, the next important step is the development of the system according to the specified design. The main procedure of this phase is coding of the deigned system, in order to satisfy the requirements. The detailed input/output, text manipulation, logic comparison and storage/retrieval operations during the system analysis stage provide input for the program preparation. Coding was carried out in a step-by-step manner. One or more programmers convert these operations into a program of instructions written in a language and form acceptable to the computer hardware. User inter-activeness was given stress and the system gives maximum flexibility. Proper validations were done for every user-defined function.
The principal activities performed during the development phase can be divided into two major related sequences. These are
3. External system development
4. Internal system development
The primary external system development activities include
¢ Implementation planning
¢ Preparation of manuals and personnel training
¢ Equipment acquisition and installation
The principal internal system development activities are Computer program development and performance
The context level DFD specifies the mechanism of the actual working of
the system.
Buy the product
Fig 5.1 Context Level DFD
The above Fig 5.1 gives brief idea about how the user purchases a product
Displayed in client-side
Fig 5.2 DFD for client side display.
Fig.5.3 Three -Tier Application
No system design is ever perfect. Communication problems, programmer's negligence, or time constraints create errors that must be eliminated before the system is ready for user acceptance testing. A system is tested for online response, volume of transactions, stress, recovery from failure and usability. Then comes system testing, which verifies that the whole test of programs hangs together following system testing is acceptance testing, or running the system with live data by the actual user.
¢ Static Testing Purpose
Code should be reviewed where necessary to ensure it follows project coding and design standards. Code reviews are not meant to check program logic. Adherence to acceptable programming standards is crucial for future maintenance. These will change over time as technology develops.
¢ Dynamic Testing
The traditional 'waterfall' lifecycle breaks dynamic testing down into a number of phases such as unit, integration, system and acceptance testing. Whatever methodology is being followed, a software system is typically organized into a number of units comprising a single logical function or several related functions needing access to shared data. It is sensible and efficient to test these 'units' as they are developed. Black box and white box testing may be used for this purpose.
Functional (black-box) Testing means testing that the 'unit' does what it is supposed to do, and does not do what it is not supposed to do. In other words, it is tested against its functional requirements, both positive and negative, as stated in the specification. This is known as black box testing, since it requires no knowledge of the inner workings of the unit.
Structural (white-box) Testing is concerned with the degree to which test cases exercise or 'cover' the logic of the program. White-box testing may be covered using a variety of techniques such as walkthroughs, structured testing and test-harness software.
Integration testing typically takes place once units have been developed and checks for errors related to the interfaces at unit, sub-system and system level, or related to data transfers in the system, and to check the building procedures.
There are many strategies for integration testing, involving the choice of which units to integrate and when, incremental or non-incremental approach, top-down versus bottom up integration and so on. Wherever possible, testing must exercise each unit interface or all the unit functions and each type of data transfer in the system.
When designing the test plan it is important that test cases cover the entire logical structure of the system or whatever features actually need testing.
System test cases should systematically cover the logical structure of the system. Where a system flow diagram exists, test cases should be devised to cause execution of all paths in this diagram. Alternatively the code could be instrumented to ensure that all units are exercised by one or more test cases. Time and budget restraints may make it impractical to cover the entire logical structure. The project manager should, in that case, clearly identify which areas may be omitted and assess the risk. It is suggested that the assessment is added to the risk plan. Test bought-in proprietary software, where possible, to prove that it is fit for its purpose. Some systems are constructed from a mixture of new code and bought-in or existing code. It is important that this latter category be of at least the same quality as the former, which implies that it should be tested wherever practicable.
Inevitably, testing will uncover errors, which will necessitate changes. The temptation to make a 'quick fix' and continue with testing must be resisted: Code, which has been changed, must be re-tested.
¢ Acceptance Testing
The need for acceptance testing will vary from project to project. It is worthwhile noting the purpose of acceptance testing. Acceptance tests relate to the functionality of the system as stated in the requirements specification, and functional test cases must be selected to satisfy the agreed acceptance criteria. In the majority of cases, suitable test cases will exist among those used for system testing.
These tests cover areas such as performance, security, reliability, load/stress testing, volume testing, hum

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