global warming full report



Global warming is defined as the overall warming of the planet, based on average temperature over the entire surface.
Modern technology is based up on a number of manufacturing units exploiting the natural resources.
Due to rapid industrialization and fast population growth we are suffering from an unwanted danger of enviournment problem.
Science has given us atomic energy, comfortable communication systems etc.. for the betterment of the society but at the same time the life has become uncomfortable and tenseful due to the presence of same devices. The pollution is accompanied by the gradual rise in global atmospheric temperature, which is known as global warming.
This study deals with Global warming effects and methods to prevent it.


An overall warming of the planet, based on average temperature over the entire surface.
Carbon dioxide is the key factor in causing Global warming.
The indiscriminate burning of the fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gases, releases huge quantities of gases into atmosphere.
The industrialized nations have emitted gaseous pollutants more than the developing nations.
The fact that the current decade is the hottest period of the century is an indication that the globe is warming up.
This will lead to significant adverse effects on the worldâ„¢s natural system and human population over the next century.


A secular increase in the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, arising from progressive industrialization and the combustion of fossil fuels, could rise the mean temperature of the atmosphere, effecting profound climatic changes.
The important fact is that- Short Wave Radiation can pass easily to the atmosphere through the surface of the earth, while a portion of the resultant heat is retained in the atmosphere. Since outgoing long wave radiation cannot penetrate the atmosphere as easily, especially when there is cloud covers the gases, it leads to an enhanced heat-trapping of the earth. This heat-trapping capacity of the atmosphere is called ËœGreen House Effectâ„¢.
Accoding to the principle of infrared absorption characteristics of gases. Higher the concentration of green house gases, greater will be the absorption of thermal radiations.
There are certain negative effects like melting of (glaciers ,mountain snow caps ,land based ice sheets),increase in diseases ,extinction of higher level species and lowered agricultural productivity.

Effects of Global warming


Climatic changes

Climate change is now becoming one of the major global environmental challenges
About 80% of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are related to the production and use of energy- and particularly the burning of fossil fuels. The bulk of the remaining 20% is associated with agriculture and changes in land use.
There is an increase in the average temperature of the earthâ„¢s surface, leading to wide spread impacts ranging from change in rainfall patterns to extinction of certain species.

Ice ages

Records of past climates have been used to show what the climate was like during the last several hundred thousand years. These records have demonstrated that the global climate has changed from being fairly warm, as it is now, to being very cold. These cold periods are known as the Ice Ages, and the last one affected the Earth only 18,000 years ago.
The change in global climate between Ice Ages and warm periods is linked to the Earth's changing orbit around the Sun.

Climate models

Climate models are special computer programmes. have attempted to show man-made influences on climate change.
Firstly, climate models are used to gain a clearer picture of past climates.
If a good match is found between the model results and the real observations, the model is believed to be working well, and it can then be used to predict future changes in climate.
All climate models, however, are subject to a lot of uncertainty, and their predictions should not be considered to be fool proof, but as intelligent estimations based on existing knowledge.

Prevention of Global warming

Most energy is produced by the burning offossil fuels, like coal, oil and gas, which release carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.. To prevent this we have to organize self-awareness programmes, planning exhibitions in different parts of the countries to create awareness.



Global warming is the product of green house effect. This global warming is predicted to lead a variety of negative effects, to reduce this we need to develops steps for the prevention such as organizing self awareness programmes, planning exhibitions in different parts of the countries to create awareness on global warming. Apart from the plans to slow down the global warming, adaptation schemes must move forward fast. Constructing flood defences, banning buildings close to sea areas are some of the measures we can adapt
Hey your report has prove to be a great help for me buddy...thanks a ton!. i was wondering if you can help me a report in .doc format? Thanks in advance.
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please visit the below threads too


Introduction-What is it ?
History of it
Causes of it
Effects of it
Remedies of it
Facts of it
Images of it


It is the increase in the average temperature Of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation.

Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927)
Fossil fuel combustion
Twice(carbon dioxide)=a 5oC temperature rise


Natural Causes
---created by nature
---release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands
---the earth goes through a cycle of climate change.
---This climate change usually lasts about 40,000 years.

Man made causes
---most damage
-Burning fossil fuels –mining
2) Population
3)Green house effect

Effects of global warming
On birds and animals
On human health
Sea level rise

Predicted Effects and Impacts

More Floods
Increased spread of infectious diseases
Degraded water quality
Degraded water quality
predictions of global warming
global mean temperature - increase by
1.4 and 5.8 C
the Northern Hemisphere cover – decrease &the Antarctic ice sheet increase.
the sea level rise by between 9 and 88 cm
increase in some extreme weather events
Facts of global warming
Average temperatures have climbed 0.8 C around the world since 1880
The Arctic is feeling the effects the most.
The global warming we are experiencing is not natural. HUMANS are causing it.
NEW TREND-warmer winters.
Global warming and the ozone hole are two different problems.

Steps to prevent

Drive less.
Use hybrid or electric vehicle
Light bulbs -->energy-efficient fluorescents
Cut down on your garbage
Unplug electronics when they are not in use
Buy recycled paper products
Plant a tree.

a really thorough report , i was looking for it . . . !!!
thank you so very much for sharing .


CMAQ Presentation

Greenhouse effect
Historic carbon emissions / CO2 rise
Forcing models / temperature predictions
Effect of a warming earth (1 degree F)
Peak oil / Hubbert’s peak
Future and current energy challenges
Energy equity – the road ahead

Carbon Emissions and CO2
Carbon burned => CO2
Linear from 1850 to 2000
- ppm CO2 =2.55 e10-4 *M tons C + 297 ppm (r2*100=99%)
~ 50% of carbon goes into atmospheric CO2
33% into the oceans
Trend is constant over 150 years – is this how the biosphere will react over the next 150 years?

Consequences of Warming
Thinning of polar ice caps
Thawing permafrost / release of methane
Slowing of the thermohaline cycle
Rising sea level, perhaps quickly
Extreme weather events
Extended regions of drought
Extremes of temperature / duration
Extremes of storms and hurricanes

The Melting North Pole
The North Pole is thinning in area ~10% per decade,
and thinning in thickness ~1 meter per decade. At these
rates, it may be an open sea as early as 2030 – 2050.

Energy Equity
Burning oil is burning money!
Build an energy infrastructure with equity
Solar energy is primary, not alternative!
$25 billion economy for ‘million solar roofs’
Every MW of solar energy creates 24 jobs in manufacturing, and 8 for local installers
Built in America, by Americans, for America, what could be more economic?

Greenhouse effect – carbon cycle
Forcing models – temperature lag
Effect of warming just one degree
Peak oil – declining energy production
Energy Equity – and the road ahead
Our single biggest challenge
Our single biggest opportunity

Give me global warming report
Global Warming
Global warming is the warming near the earth's surface that results when the earth's atmosphere traps the sun's heat. The earth is getting warmer. The changes are small, so far, but they are expected to grow and speed up. Within the next fifty to one hundred years, the earth may be hotter than it has been in the past million years. As oceans warm and glaciers melt, land and cities along coasts may be flooded. Heat and drought may cause forests to die and food crops to fail. Global warming will affect weather everywhere, plants and animals everywhere, people everywhere; humans are warming the earth's atmosphere by burning fuels, cutting down forest, and by taking part in other activities that release certain heat trapping gases into the air.
One major cause of global warming is the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas that were formed from the remains of plant material deposited during the earth's carboniferous period. We have known for only a few thousand years that coal, oil, and natural gas can be burned to provide energy. It was not until the mid-1800s, however, that we began to burn very large quantities of these fossil fuels. The worldwide consumption of fossil fuel has increased dramaticall
Unfortunately, burning fossil fuels is not the only thing that we humans are doing to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In many parts of the world today, forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Enormous numbers of trees are being cut down, both to provide timber and to clear the land for farming or ranching. This destructive process is called deforestation. In order to clear forests for agriculture, people cut down and burn all the trees in area. When the flames die down, nothing is left but acres of blackened, lifeless countryside. The fire destroys all the plants and kills or drives off the animals. Because there has been little attempt to replant trees in deforested areas, the world's forests are disappearing very quickly.
If we can reduce the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere, we probably can slow the rate of global warming and climate. There are a number of things that we can do to prepare for the changes that are coming. If we act now, perhaps we can "soften the blow" of the greenhouse effect. In the future, the weather cold change much more dramatically from year to year than it does now. As global warming alters habitats, many kinds of animals will be on the move, but all sorts of barriers will stand between them and a new place to live. To help animals get around these barriers, it might be necessary to set up migration corridors that connect natural areas with one another. Without human intervention, many kinds of plants also may not survive as the earth's climate changes. Forests, in particular, may need our help. If climate changes come rapidly, few tree species will be able to spread into new areas fast enough to keep up with changing conditions.

Glaciers are large, thick masses of slow-moving ice that persist from year to year. They cover about a tenth of the earth's land surface. The vast ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland account for most of this area. Smaller ice caps are found in Scandinavia, Caffin Island, Iceland, and elsewhere. In addition, there are tons of thousands of valley glaciers that follow stream channels down mountain slopes. All together, glaciers contain about seventy-five percent of the available fresh water of the earth. Because global warming is expected to be greatest in polar and temperate regions, scientists expect the glaciers to melt more rapidly than they do today. An executive summary of a United Stations survey published in 1990 concluded that if worldwide "business as usual" continues, the resulting global temperature increased would produce mean sea-level rise of about twenty-five inches by the end of the next century. Other studies predict such increases will occur as soon as 2040. Much depends on how fast the polar ice melts. If global warming accelerates and the ice melts faster than expected, ocean levels may rise as much as ten feet by 2100.
Presented by:
Reed Sarosiek

Global Warming PowerPoint Presentation

• For this project we were assigned to create a PowerPoint presentation on the alarmist and the skeptics views on global warming then express our own views on global warming by using facts to back our beliefs.
What is Global Warming?
• Global Warming is the theory that we as humans are increasing greenhouse gases (the think layer of gases that catches the sun’s rays and heats the earth) through industrialization causing more gases and increasing the amount of sunlight that gets caught and heats the Earth.
Alarmist Viewpoint
• The alarmist viewpoint is that global warming and pollution from CO2 emissions are adding to greenhouse gases so significantly that the Earth is warming up and will continue to warm.
Why is this warming bad?!
• Alarmist believe that this increase in temperature will eventually cause the melting of the ice caps. This melting could increase the oceans height by up to 2 feet in only one century! This would mean many heavily populated costal cities would flood causing millions maybe billions of dollars and damage and the potential loss of life in these cities.
Other Effects from Global Warming
• The alarmist believe that there are also other effects to global warming such as natural disasters have been increasing, disease have been spreading more rapidly, and animals have been found migrating towards the poles due to the increase in heat.
Facts to Back the Alarmist View
• The number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes have almost doubled in the last 30 years.
• Malaria has spread to higher altitudes in places like the Columbian Andes, 7,000 feet above sea level.
• The flow of ice from glaciers in Greenland has more than doubled in the past decade.
• At least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming, moving closer to the poles.
Future Effects of Alarmist’s Global Warming
• Deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years, to 300,000 people a year.
• Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating costal areas worldwide.
• Heat waves will be more frequent and intense.
• Droughts and wildfires will occur more often.
• The Arctic Ocean could be ice free by 2050.
• More than a million species could be driven to extinction by 2050.
Alarmist’s Solution
• By doing things like using compact fluorescent bulbs, inflating your tires properly, use recycled products, drive a hybrid, support local business’, carpool, and even planting more trees can help.
• None of these are overnight solutions but if we all work to do some of these things we can drastically help our planet.
Skeptic’s Views
• Unlike the alarmist’s view the skeptic’s views vary but the two main ideas are that either this warming is part of Earth’s natural cycle (the Earth has been warming and cooling ever since its beginning). Or that this is all an effect from solar activity and the temperature of the Earth.
Sun Theory
• As supplier of almost all the energy in Earth's climate, the sun certainly has a strong influence on climate change. Consequently there have been many studies examining the page link between solar variations and global temperatures.
Earth’s Natural Cycle Theory
• This theory is essentially saying that yes there has been human interference but nothing to the extent of what the alarmist fear. This theory also states that the Earth ahs warmed and cooled before as well as had rises in the levels of CO2 and has always gotten through it.
Facts to Back the Skeptic’s Sun Theory
• Perhaps the best evidence of the sun theory would be this graph showing the temperature in comparison to solar activity
Fact’s to Back the Earth’s Natural Cycle Theory.
• Some major evidence of the Earth’s warming cycle would be the fact that Greenland was originally in fact exactly how it sounds… GREEN…
• Also the fact that the Earth witnessed a medieval warming period that saw very warm temperatures.
• As well as the little ice age that occurred in the early 1800’s.
Skeptic’s Reasons to be Skeptic
• Skeptics say that global warming is just another way for scientists to get significant funding for their experiments.
• By making global warming out to be a apocalyptic disaster of sorts the government has been throwing money at scientists to find a solution to this problem and learn more about it.
• So by saying your experiment has something to do with global warming you are more likely to get funds and more significant funds.
My View
• Too be honest I’m not really sure what to believe about global warming right now. Both sides have some very good points. Now I would say naturally I would lean towards the alarmist side just because I always try and be as green as possible whether it be through driving less or recycling as much as possible.
• But too be honest right now I haven’t seen enough evidence to make me believe that this global warming is so significant we need to stop the way we do everything and change right away. Although I do strongly agree that with that all the privileges we are given through industrialization we need to use our intelligence to make sure all the processes we use to make our lives easier are efficient and have very little harm on our environment.
My solution
• I think that we should slowly wean ourselves off of all types of inefficient energy sources and make an honest attempt to preserves as much of our planet’s rainforest’s and other natural parts of the Earth. As well as taking little steps to energy efficiency like hybrids, energy efficient appliances, and using solar and wind energy.
Saurabh F. Dalal

A Global Dietary Imperative to Global Warming
Main Idea

• Human activities have changed the composition of the atmosphere and therefore are influencing the Earth's climate, particularly in global warming
• The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, and deforestation have caused the concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases to increase significantly in our atmosphere
 Although rarely addressed, it is increasingly clear that eliminating the production and consumption of meat and other animal products on a global scale is vital in reducing global warming and other grave environmental threats, and so doing reduces the extraordinary waste of water, land, fuel and other precious resources
– Also benefits people's physical and spiritual health
– Prevents the massive mistreatment of non-human farmed animals as well as our effects on others
Global Warming Background
• Definition: an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in global climate patterns
• Refers even more to the decades of this century and the projected continuation of this increase
• Can occur from a variety of causes, both natural and anthropogenic (human-induced)
• Scientists are certain that human activities are changing the composition of the atmosphere and responsible for most of the warming in recent decades (*1)
• Global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose 0.74 ± 0.18 °Celsius (1.3 ± 0.32 °Fahrenheit) in the last century (*2)
Greenhouse Effect
• Greenhouse Gases & Temperatures
• Any gas that absorbs infrared radiation in the atmosphere
• Greenhouse gases (compounds) include: water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) etc, ozone (O3)
• Necessary for life as we know it… but increased concentrations result in increased temperatures on the Earth
• Warmest global average temperatures on record have all occurred within the past 15 years; warmest two years being 1998 and 2005
• If the concentration of greenhouse gases continues to increase, then by 2100, climate models referenced by the IPCC* predict that global temperatures are likely to increase by 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) above 1990 levels
Global Temperatures
• Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
• Body established in 1988 and comprised of two United Nations organizations
– The World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
– The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
• Evaluates the risk of climate change brought on by humans, based mainly on peer reviewed and published scientific/technical literature
• Reports are widely cited and the panel is regarded as authoritative
Other Resulting Changes
• An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes:
– rising sea level, flooding, submerged islands
– changes in the amount/pattern of precipitation
– increases in the frequency/intensity of extreme weather events; record heat, wildfires, droughts, shrinking lakes
– glacier retreat, permafrost melt, reduced summer streamflows
– acidification of the oceans
– destruction of wildlife habitats
– endangered species & extinctions
– changes in agricultural yields
– increases in the ranges of disease vectors
– environmental refugees
General Mitigation Categories
• Five categories of actions that can be taken to mitigate global warming:
– Reduction of energy use (per person)
– Shifting from carbon-based fossil fuels to alternative energy sources
– Carbon capture and storage
– Geo-engineering including carbon sequestration
– Population / birth control, to lessen demand for resources such as energy and land clearing
General Mitigation Strategies
• Mitigation Strategies for Global Warming
– energy conservation
– renewable energy such as bio-mass/bio-diesel, solar power, tidal and ocean energy, geothermal power, and wind power
– electric or hybrid automobiles; fuel cells
– development of new technologies
– carbon offsets; carbon credits; carbon taxes; enhancing natural carbon dioxide sinks; carbon capture and storage
– population control
 Governments, corporations, schools, religious institutions, and other organizations to get actively involved as well as individual-lifestyle and political action
US Climate Policy
• US government policy has three components
– Slowing the growth of emissions
– Strengthening science, technology and institutions
– Enhancing international cooperation
• Implementation uses voluntary and incentive-based programs to reduce emissions
• In 2002, the US announced a strategy to reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of the American economy by 18 percent over the 10-year period from 2002 to 2012
– Specific Mitigation Strategy:
Plant-based Diets
• The important set of connections between global warming and animal agriculture along with the increasingly globalized Standard American Diet (SAD) have generally been overlooked or marginalized
• In addition to technology developments and the like, it is necessary to change the consciousness of people and subsequently their personal behaviors on a large scale, a major component of which is a shift to plant-based diets
• Dispel the myth that technology alone will solve each and every problem
• Technology changes often have negative side effects whereas positive dietary shifts are accompanied by a number of other important benefits, e.g. improved personal and public health, animal concerns
Role of Animal Agriculture
• Overuse of the land by livestock, leads to overuse of fuel and water, also degrades the land and pollutes the water around it
• Contributes to additional environmental and health problems
• Animal-based diets use energy very inefficiently
• In total, livestock industry uses (and abuses) roughly 30% of the planet's surface
• In direct competition with other activities for scarce land, water, and other natural resources
– Conflicts arise over resources
Role of Animal Agriculture
• United Nations - Food and Agriculture Organization (2006 Report)
– States that animal-based agriculture causes approximately 18% of greenhouse gas emissions
– Amount greater than that caused by all forms of transportation on the planet combined; so cars are still problematic but cows are contributing more to global warming
– Therefore, what we eat is actually more important than what we drive
Emissions from Animal Agriculture
• 9 % of all CO2 emissions
• 37 % of methane (CH4) emissions
– CH4: 23 times global warming potential of CO2
• 65 % of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions
– N2O: 296 times global warming potential of CO2
– Researchers at the University of Chicago found that the average American diet, including all food processing steps, produces an extra 1.5 tons of CO2-equivalent (annually), compared to a meat-free diet
Rising Demand of Animal Agriculture
• Demand in the developing world is projected to double meat and dairy production globally by 2050 (UN FAO)
• Report considers only land mammals, and does not address egg, poultry, and seafood consumption
 Hence, the impact of animal agriculture is far greater than the FAO report indicates, and will worsen still more if present dietary trends continue
• ~ 55 billion animals are reared worldwide to be killed and eaten annually
• ~ 70 percent of the grain produced in the United States (and over a third produced worldwide) is inefficiently diverted to feed farmed animals (despite great hunger in many parts of the world)
• With fresh-water sources dwindling rapidly, we are using up to 14 times as much water than that required for completely plant-based diets
Despoiling the Environment
• Animal Agriculture is a vastly inefficient use of resources
– Food IN to ‘Food’ OUT
– Water
– Land
– Energy
• Animal Agriculture causes environmental devastation as a consequence
– Land, water, air
– Manure / urine
– Rainforest destruction
• Enormous Resource Inefficiency
• How many pounds of Grain are used to make 1 pound of beef ?
• Enormous Resource Inefficiency
• How many pounds of Grain are used to make 1 pound of beef ?
12-16 pounds
• 8 loaves of bread
• 24 plates of spaghetti
• Enormous Resource Inefficiency
• How many gallons of Water are used to make 1 pound of beef ?
• Enormous Resource Inefficiency
• How many gallons of Water are used to make 1 pound of beef ?
2500-5000 gallons
• Ave person’s shower for 6 months
• Gal/pound: tomatoes 25, wheat 25, apples 50
• Enormous Resource Inefficiency
• How many calories of fossil fuel are spent to produce 1 calorie of protein from beef ?

Background Info
• Global Warming is an increase in global average surface temperature due to natural or anthropogenic climate change.
• The global surface area increase 1.33 degrees Fahrenheit during the 20th century.
• The last 30 years has seen the highest surface temperatures recorded in history.
• Glaciers are melting rapidly
• Ocean temperatures have increased.
• Sea levels have risen almost one foot.
• The production and absorption of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in not in balance.
Global Warming
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Till now, global surface temperature has increased up to 2°C.
It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This results to the damage of wildlife, plants and mankind. During the last 100 years, sea levels have risen 4 to 8 inches.
Causes of Global Warming
• The release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands
• Burning of fossil fuels like petroleum gives off carbon dioxide which is 72% of emitted gases worldwide.
• Increase in population also helps increase global warming. As the population increases, there is need of more resources. Also, we all exhale carbon dioxide, which also increases global warming.
• Increase in Transport like cars and motorcycles also
increase emission of carbon dioxide.
• Deforestation is also one of the main causes. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen in photosynthesis. If we cut-off trees, there is no one to take in carbon dioxide.
Effects of Global Warming
5. Spread of disease
As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them.
4. Warmer waters and more hurricanes
As the temperature of oceans rise, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes.
3. Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves
2. Economic Consequences
Hurricanes and diseases cost money which affect a country’s economy
1. Polar ice caps melting
• Raise sea levels.
• Raise temperatures
• Affect Wildlife
Fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas from the plant material of the remains of the Earth during the carboniferous deposit was love. We provide energy for the coal, oil and natural gas burned only a few thousand years. Not until the mid-1800s, however, have begun to burn fossil fuels, it was very large amounts of this. To increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning, we the people, the world-wide fossil fuel consumption is not the only thing they do is dramatical, unfortunately. Today, the world's many regions, forests do not have a worrying rate.
Climate is the temperature, humidity, precipitation, winds, radiation, and other meteorological conditions characteristic of a locality or region over an extended period of time.
Climate change is any long-term significant change in the "average weather" that a given region experiences. Average weather may include average temperature, precipitation and wind patterns .
The term Global Warming refers to the observation that the atmosphere near the Earth's surface is warming. This warming is one of many kinds of climate change that the Earth has gone through in the past and will continue to go through in the future. It is reasonable to expect that the Earth should warm as the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases. It is known for certain that atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases are rising dramatically due to human activity. It is less well known exactly how the increases in these greenhouse gases factor in the observed changes of the Earth's climate and global temperatures
Human beings can contribute to global warming and climate change by polluting and cutting down rainforests, but humans can not control the climate or change it. The climate system is very complex and has many variables and components. Human beings do not control all the variables and components or the Planet Earth.
To actually "stop global warming" or "solve the climate crisis" human beings would have the ability to control the following to name a few:
The Sun
• Volcanic Activity
• The Weather
• The Atmosphere
• All Human Activities
• The Oceans
No matter how aggressively heat-trapping emissions are reduced, some amount of climate change and resulting impacts will continue. Consequently, there is a need for adaptation and mitigation.
"Adaptation" - improving our ability to cope with or avoid harmful impacts or taking advantage of newly favorable conditions
Mitigation is defined as -to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate- to make less severe. At best human beings can slightly modify climate change.
"Mitigation" - reducing the amount of climate change, for example, by reducing heat-trapping emissions or increasing their removal from the atmosphere
We should try to be the best protectors of the planet as much as we are capable and adapt to and prepare for the changes in the Earth's Climate that are inevitable.
global warming


Some Inconvenient Truths…

Mumbai’s Nariman Point will be submerged by Year 2020

40% of Himalayan glaciers would vanish by Year 2035

 50 million people in coastal belt will be displaced by year 2100

Earth’s temperature rise

In the year 1905- the average temperature of planet is 140 C has increased 2.5% an unusual rapid increase rate of 0.350C.
Over the last 25 years, from 1970 to 2005, it went up to 4% (or 0.55oC).

total increase in global average temperature represents a rise of 5.4% (or 0.74oC) since 1750.

The key point is that especially since 1990, is that of a consistent, increasingly and unusually rapid, increase in global average temperatures.

IPCC Report states ..

Global warming is now Clear that human activity “very likely” has been the primary cause of rising temperatures worldwide since 1950.

The report summary also says that global warming is likely to continue for centuries, and that it is already too late to stop some of the serious consequences it will bring—even if mankind could somehow hold the line on greenhouse gas emissions worldwide starting from today.


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