
1._________________is provided on the road edge to serve as a emergency lane for vehicles compelled to taken out of the pavement.
(C )Carriage wayCarriage way(D)Gradient

2.The brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face of awall is known as :
(A)Stretcher bond(B)Zigzag bondZigzag bond
(C )Garden wall bond(D)Header bondHeader bond

3.Bearing pile is situated in :
(A)Hard stratum(B)Water
(C )Above ground levelAbove ground level(D)None of these

4.The camber provided for gravel road is :
(A)1 in 20(B)1 in 45
(C )1 in 24(D)1 in 30

5.Rabi crop are sown and harvested in the month of:
(A)April and September(B)October and March
(C )February and JuneFebruary and June(D)January and MayJanuary and May

6.The rate of rise or fall of formation level of a road along its alignment is called:The rateof rise or fall of formation level of aroad along its alignment is called
(C )Gradient(D)Road alignmentRoad alignment

7.Which isthe ratio of M200 grade concrete given below'?
(C )1:11/2:3(B)1:3:6

8.What is the clear cover required for beam?
(A)25 mm
(C )40 mm
(B)20 mm

9.The centre to centre distance between two adjacent supports of a bridge is called :
(A)Total spam(B)Clear span
(C )Span(D)Length of bridge

10.The over burned, irregular shape, dark colour brick is known as :
(A)IIIrd class brick(B)IVth class brick
(C )Ist class brick(D)IInd class brick

11.The depth of foundation is greater than its width is known as :
(A) Deep foundation(B) Shallow' foundation
(C ) Footing(D) Grillege foundation

12.Which is the process of taking out stones from natural bed of rock? 
(A) Cutting(B) Quaring
(C ) Blending(D) Swaing

13.The roads connecting village with towns or cities are classified as :
(A) Other district road(B) State highway
(C ) Village road(B) Minor district road

14.A canal is generally lined :
(A)When it is in cutting
(B)When it is on embankment
(C )When it is partly in cutting and partly in embankment
(D)When bed and banks of the canal consist of highly imprevious soil

15.The dam is made of earth is known as :
(A) Coffer dam(B) Earthen dam
(C ) Timber dam(D) None of these

16.A passometer :
(A) Are measuring (C ) length of line
(B) Number of paces covered (D) Countering

17. As per 1 RC maximum width of a vehicle should be :
(A) 3.8 metre(B) 4 metre
(C ) 2.44 metre(D) 8 metre

18. Cost of building by plinth area method is plinth area x 
(A) Cube rate (C ) Plinth area rate
(B) Rate
(D) None of these

19. Curing period of Damp proof course is : 
(A)3 days
(C )10 days
(B)15 days
(D)7 days

20. When the cost of the estimate exceeds 10% or more____________________estimate is prepared.
(A) revised(B) detailed
(C ) cube rate(D) plinth area

21. The limit of water level in a still lake represents : 
(A) Horizontal surface (C ) Level surface
(B) Counter line (D) Contour gradient

22.The portion of traffic way that is used by pedestrians is only called :
(A)Side walk(B)Foot way
(C )Foot path(D)Crown

23.The initial setting time of cement should not be less than :
(A)10 hours(B)5 minutes
(C )30 minutes(D)All of these

24. Seasoning of timber is the process of: 
(A) Removal of sap (C ) Removal of moisture
(B) Drying of timber (D) All of these

25. Under surface of an arch is called :
(A) Crown(B)Intrados
(C ) Soffit(D)Skew back

26.The size of title block for all size of drawing sheet is 185 MM x________________MM.
(A) 65(B)100
(C ) 50(D)All of these

27.Grillege foundation is classified as a________________________— foundation.
(A) Deep foundation(B)Stepped foundation
(C ) Footing(D)Shallow foundation

28.A track is considered as high speed track when the speed of running train :
(A) 120 km/hr or more(B)50 km/hr or more
(C ) 70 km/hr or more(D)90 km/hr or more

29.When the canal run above the drain :
(A) Canal siphon(B)Aqueduct
(C ) Super passage(D)None of these

30.The initial setting of cement is extended using :
(A) Sand(B)Earth
(C ) Gypsum(D)None of these

31.Arrangement of brick in layer which does not continuous vertical joint is known as :
(A) Stone masonry(B)Bond
(C ) Brick masonry(D)None of theseNone of these

32.Unit of bearing capacity of soil:
(A) Kg/cm2(B)mm
(C ) kg(D)sqm

33.Which test is conducted to check the proper grinding of cement?
(A) Chemical(B)Setting time
(C ) SoundnessCD)Fineness

34. Which substance is used as termite proofing material?
(A) DPV (C ) BHC
(D) None of these

35. Which substance is prepared from resins? 
(A) Varnish (C ) Destember
(B) Paint
(D) None of these

36. Isometric drawing are at 
(C )45°

37. The wall constructed on both sides of the abutments are called :
(B) approach (D) All of these
(A) Wing wall (C ) Wheel guards

38. Main reinforcement for cantilever beam is place at the---------position.
(A) Bottom(B) Top
(C ) Middle(D) None of these

39. The width of a step is called 
(A) rise (C ) thread
(B) hand rail (D) crown

40._________is provided over opening of walls.
(A) Stair(B) Lintel
(C ) Step(D) None of these

41.1M3 of brick masonry contains
(C )500

42. Dimension line should be placed at about
mm from the outlines.
(C )10
(D) 5

43.Drawing of building are drawn using :
(A) Enlarging(B)Reducing
(C ) Full scale(D)None of these

44.A temporary structure erected to a wall for work
(A) Scaffold(B)String
(C ) DPC03)Shoring

45.The centre stone of an arch is called :
(A) Intrados(B)CrownCrown
(C ) Extrados(D)Skew back

46.The handrail stair case is supported by :
(A) flight(B)spring
(C ) thread(D)balustersbalusters

47.The minimum height of parapet for small culvert is :
(A) 30 cm(B)40 mm
(C ) 50 cm(D)60 cm

48.Rectangular tunnels are generally used for :
(A) carry water(B)carrying water under pressure
(C ) pedestrians(D)carry road and railways

49.Among the following which one is not an example for suspension bridge?
(A) Flying bridge(B)Ramp bridge
(C ) Sling bridge(D)Trestel suspension bridge

50.Tool for threading pipes :
(A) chisel(B)diesdies
(C ) hammer(D)screw

51.Which is the passage for the flow of surplus water in aweir?
(A) rectangular(B)head work
(C ) weir(D)spillway

52.Shapes in tunnels :
(A) Circular(B)RectangularRectangular
(C ) Horse shoe(D)All of theseAll of these

53.Which is the rain water of locality?
(A) Refuse(B)Storm waterStorm water
(C ) Cold water(D)None of theseNone of these

54.The relation between duty D in hectare leummee depth of water A in meters and period B in days is given by :
(A) A= 8.64 B/D(B)A = 8.64 D/B
(C ) A = 8.64 BD(D)A = 8.64 /BD

55.Which test is conducted by bearing capacity of soil?
(A) vical apparatus(B)plate load test
(C ) soundness(D)none of these

56.The slide slope of embankment for railway track is taken as :
(A) 4:1(B)1:2
(C ) 2:1(D)1:4

57.From the septic tank affluents are discharged into :
(A) sump(B)effluent treatment plant
(C ) in the view(D)soak pitsoak pit

58.The total depth of water required to besupplied during the entire period of crop is know;
(A) Delta(B)Rabi
(C ) Alpha(D)Base periodBase period

59.R.C.C stands for:
(A) Reinforced Cast Cement(B)Reinforced Concrete CementReinforced Concrete Cement
(C ) Raw Cement Concrete(D)None of theseNone of these

60.The unit of earth work excavation :
(A) m(B)cmcm
(C ) m3(D)none of thesenone of these
61.The minimum diameter of a sewer pipe should be :
(A)1 cm(B) 5 cm
(C ) 10 cm(D) 15 cm

62.The grade of concrete M200 is means that the compressive strength of 15 cm cube offer 28 days should be :
(A)100 kg 1 square cm
(C )200 kg/square cm
(B)180 k/square cm
(D)180 kg/square cm

63. Which value is the value of dismantled materials? (A) Market value (C ) Scrap value
(B) Salvage value (D) Book value

64.Method of valuation :
(A)Rental 1 method
(B)Direction compaction with the capital value
(C )Valuation based on profit
(D)All of these

65.Conversion factor to convert wet mortar into dry mortar is :
(C )1.25(D)None of these

66.A Solid metal cylinder of radius 14 cm and height 21 cm is melted and recast into spheres each of radius 3.5 cm. Calculate the number of spheres :
(C )24(D)36

67.The area of a sector is 22 cm2, find the perimetre of angle of sector is 30 :
(A) 84.12 cm(B) 23.12 cm
(C ) 9.16 cm(D) 18.32 cm

68.The diagonals of a rhombos are 36 cm and 24 cm, find its area :
(A)812 cm2(B)864cm2
(C )672 cm2(D)432cm2

69.A bucket of base dia 24 cm, top dia 40 cm and height 30 cm is filled with water find the weight of water :
(A) 25.34 kg(B) 34.45 kg
(C ) 32.42 kg(D) 18.48 kg

70.Find the area of a sector of a circle whose radius is 14 cm and the length of the are a of sector is 28 cm :
(A) 44 cm2(B) 360 cm2
(C ) 196 cm2(D) 302 cm2

71.Find the volume of a hemisphere of diameter 17 cm :
(A)972 CC
(C )2572 CC

72.Length of an are of sector is given by :
(C )2 лrxQ 180
(B)xr2 xQ 360
(D)л r2 Q
1156 CC 1286 CC

73.The volume of a hemisphere is :
(C )4л r3

74.Surface area of a cube with side ‘a’ cm is : 
(A) a3 (C )3a2
(B) 2л r3 3
(B) a2 (D) 6a2

75.The volume of right cone having base radius r and height h is given as : 
(A) 1/3лr3(B)m2h
(C ) 4/3 лr3(D) 2/3 л r3

76.The volume of cylinder with radius r and height h is given by :
(A) л r2h(B)l/3лr2h
(C ) лr2hl3(D)2/3 л r2

77.The volume of a cube with side a is given by :
(A) a2(B)c3
(C ) 6a2(D)6a3

78.Volume of a cube with side 7 cm is :
(A) 49(B)294
(C ) 343(D)140

79.Find the side of a square plot whose area is 38.44m2:
(A) 5.6 m(B)3.8 m
(C ) 6.9 mCD)6.2 m

80.Find the area of right angled triangle having base 10 cm and height
(A) 50 cm2(B)25 cm2
(C ) 100 cm2(D)15 cm2

81.The largest producer of mango :
(A) China(B)IndiaIndia
(C ) Thailand(D)PakistanPakistan

82.Indian state having largest deposit of Bauxite :
(A) Orissa(B)Gujarat
(C ) Maharashtra(D)JharkhandJharkhand

83.Alamatti dam is on the river :
(A) Krishna(B)Cauveri
(C ) Amaravati(D)GodavariGodavari

84.Planning Commission of India was established in :
(A) 1947(13) 1948
(C ) 1949(D) 1950

85.The 121st amendment of Indian constitution is related with :
(A) Right to Education(B) Prohibition of child labour
(C ) Judicial appointment(D) Jan Lokpal

86.Dharasana salt satyagraha was led by :
(A) Mahatma Gandhi(B) Sardar patel
(C ) Sarojini Naidu(D) Vinobha Bhave

87.The British Viceroy during the formation of Indian National Congress : 
(A) Lord Rippon(B) Lord Dufferin
(C ) Lord Lytton(D) Lansdowne

88.The Bhrama Vidya Mandir of Paunar was established by :
(A) Vivekananda
(C ) Dayanand Saraswati
(B) Arabindo Ghosh (D) Vinobha Bhave

89.B.R. Ambedkar was associated with :
(A) Republican Party (C ) Justice Party
(B) Swatantra Party (D) Socialist Party

90.Founder of United Patriotic Association :
(A) Abdul Kalam Azad (C ) Syed Ahamed Khan
(B) Muhammed Ali (D) Salimullah khan

91.Vanar Sena — an organization of youth founded by:
(A) Kamala Nehru
(C ) Aruna Asaf Ali
(B) Vijayalakshmi Pandit (D) Indira Gandhi

92. The rain-shadow region of Kerala :
(A) Palakkad(B)Chinnar
(C ) Punalur(D)Lekkidi

93.Social reformer who was honored with the title "Bharata Kesari”?
(A) K.P. Kesava Menon(B)T.K. Madhavan
(C ) K. KelappanCD)Mannathu Padmanabhan

94.The First secretary of SNDP yogam :
(A) Sri Narayana Guru(B)Dr. Palpu
(C ) Kumaran Asan(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

95.“Jaathikkummi” is a poem by :
(A) K.P. Karuppan(B)T.K.C. Vatuthala
(C ) Kumaran Asan(D)Chattambi Swami

96."Kanneerum Kinavum” is the autobiography of:
(A) K.P. Kesava Menon(B)V.T. Bhattathirippad
(C ) Lalithambika Antharjanam(D)K. Saraswathi Amma

97.Magnus Carlson belongs to :
(A) Russia(B)USA
(C ) Belgium(D)NorwayNorway

98.Dilma Rouseff elected President of Brazil as a candidate of:
(A) Democratic movement(B)Workers party
(C ) Social democratic party(D)Republican party

99.Rohit Sharma scored his second Double Century in ODI for India against:
(A) Sri Lanka(B)West Indies
(C ) Bangladesh(D)EnglandEngland

100.Headquarters of “New Development Bank” :
(A) Cape Town(B)Moscow
(C ) Shanghai(D)Rio-de-Janeiro

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WORK SUPERINTENDENT- AGRICULTURE- SOIL CONSERVATION UNIT- psc previous question paper - by anusree - 21-04-2017, 01:54 PM

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