
Directions (Q 51-60): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks the sentence in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete.

51. There is complete _______ in secular India to follow the dictates of one’s conscience and _______ any way of life one chooses.
a) choice, forward b) range, avail c) freedom, pursue
d) possibility, follow e) variety, adjust

52. The solution to the tangle lies in an ______ agreement, as any legal pronouncement will have one side _____ the battle.
a) amicable, losing b) complete, joining c) authentic, initiating
d) universal, winning e) ideological, pursuing

53. The great leaders of India since time ______ had preached the ______ of tolerance.
a) past, idea b) lapsed, concept c) back, significance
d) allowed, basics e) immemorial, doctrine

54. Politicians should ______ their horizon and think in terms of the larger ______ of the nation
a) expand, support b) widen, interests c) grow, section
d) enlarge, goal e) uplift, benefit

55. only a country which has a strong defence force can _______ its economic _______
a) save, losses b) earn, revenue c) suffer, damages
d) protect, interests e) sustain, requirement

56. Academicians must be _______ to function without _______ from politicians and bureaucrats.
a) trained, guidelines b) equipped, recommendation c) taught, lessons
d) promoted, support e) allowed, hindrance

57. Introduction of reservation for the economically weak is a welcome step _______ it comes _______ late
a) although, almost b) despite, clearly c) though, rather
d) basically, normally e) for, quite

58. The _______ of the new tourism policy has resulted in the increase of foreign tourists’ _______ in India
a) announcement, attraction b) drawing, attention c) creation, visiting
d) implementation, flow e) approval, traffic

59. Till these criminals are brought to _______, there is little _______ for celebrating Independence Day.
a) justice, justification b) book, realistic c) jails, success
d) mainstream, hope e) penalty, cause

60. _______ strikes bring the administration to a _______ halt.
a) Unending, serious b) Frequent, grinding c) Usual, temporary
d) Monotonous, screeching e) Haunting, compromising

Directions (Q. 61-65): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5). Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

61. 1) Different religion are /2) different paths to/3) the goal of realizing /4) the absolute truth; 5) No error

62. 1) Love for children /2) is yet another /3) positive aspect of /4) his own personality /5) No error.

63. 1) Sino-Indian relations /2) have never been /3) such sombre as those /4) between India and Pakistan. /5) No error.

64. 1) There is little /2) doubt for that /3) this is the /4) correct attitude. 5/ No error.

65. 1) Educationists the world across/2) in fact are 3/ very excited about /4) this new medium /5) No error.

Directions (Q 66-70): In the following, the first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the parts, arrange them properly and find out which of the five combinations given below is appropriate, and mark it as your answer.

66. 1. An economy can be.
P. programmes and discharge
Q. its credit responsibility without
R. can maintain its essential
S. considered sustainable only if it.
6. sharply increasing in debt.

67. 1. People of Kerala have to declare
P. that they are fully for
Q. in words and commit
R. in words and commit
S. in deed, especially in elections,
6. globalisation as well as privatization.

68. 1. We can see how parties win elections.
P. that deprive people of their innate rights to eat or drink,
Q. and form governments by enacting laws
R. to wear what they want, to convert from
S. one religion to another and to
6. read books and see films of their choice.

69. 1. It will be in everyone’s interest if
P. and of short term and long-range
Q. economic and social
R. objectives on the one hand
S. there is a convergence of
6. goals on the other.

70. 1. One of the great strengths
P. has been its
Q. ambiguity and its
R. charming ambivalence on
S. of traditional Hindu society
6. almost all moral issues.

Directions (Q. 71-85): Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Globalisation is an inexorable technology-driven process, which is bringing about an economic compact. The ship, the steam engine, the railroad, civil aviation and the Internet have reduced geographical distances and inspired global economic integration as never before. The global economic community now needs a technology for national and global social cohesion that will make it easy for culturally diverse communities to live together. Otherwise, the world will fall apart, as it did after it reached unprecedented levels of global economic integration before the start of World War I. Europe seems to have found the mechanisms to end violent conflict. However, the divide between the industrialized and the Islamic world seems to be growing. A clash between civilizations will neither be good for social cohesion nor for global economic interdependence.

Technology has reduced distances. It took many attempts for the first European to physically reach India’s shoes. This quest even led to the discovery of North and South America. By contrast, better knowledge of geography and navigation made empires a viable proposition. The steam engine opened up national economies in ways undreamt of. The aircraft further revolutionized economic interdependence.

The story of globalisation has been revolutionized once again by information and communications technology. In terms of commerce, the significant development is that information – data, voice and video – can now travel very fast at much cheaper rates. Speed had been achieved more than a century ago with the advent of the telegraph. But, it is the reduced cost per unit volume of information transmission that has brought about dramatic changes. This new phenomenon is increasingly making the service industry global. Service providers can perform their tasks from distant locations with much less need to physically travel to the place where the service consumer lives. Business process outsourcing, the new name for this phenomenon, is becoming an important component of India’s exports and is helping increase the profits of Indian and multinational firms.

What does globalisation demand? It demands a global society that will be governed in ways that are akin to national economies. If global economic integration is progressing, then the global economy has to become akin to the national economy. It must find stable multilateral rules democratically arrived at. It needs dispute resolution that respects rules rather than the pursuit of self-interest driven by considerations of power. Global economic governance must have some legitimacy. Unfortunately, States are largely pursuing interests driven by considerations of power.

71. How has technology brought about an economic compact?
a) by ushering in a new economic era.
b) By controlling and supervising the global economy
c) It has slowed the pace of economy worldwide.
d) It has created different areas of economy
e) None of these

72. What is the basic requirement for the global economic community?
a) free flow of information and trade
b) transparency in trade
c) social unity among people from different cultural backgrounds worldwide
d) removal of trade barriers around the world
e) none of these

73. Why is it necessary for all the civilization to maintain a harmonious co-existence?
a) to maintain the process of globalization and unity among people
b) to create employment opportunities worldwide
c) to save mankind from disaster
d) to maintain the pace of information revolution
e) none of these

74. Why did it take many attempts for the first European to reach India’s shores?
a) because North and South America were not discovered till then
b) because his knowledge of direction was poor
c) because there was little social cohesion among people at global level at that time.
d) Because technology was not so sound then
e) None of these

75. How has information and communication technology revolutionized globalisation?
a) Fast pace of information at low cost has helped the service industry operate globally.
b) Fast pace of information at low cost has generated communication business
c) Information and communication technology has taken the shape of global business
d) It has re-defined the process of globalisation
e) None of these

76. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage?
a) The industrialized and the Islamic world are coming closer in terms of globalisation
b) Technology has made the nations come closer to each other
c) The concept of empires vanished with better knowledge of geography and navigation
d) Globalisation is against the interests of a rigid Islamic world
e) None of these

77. What should be the criteria for the progress of global economic integration?
a) promoting the interests of weaker nations
b) creation of a worldwide economic hub
c) Global and national economy should be in harmony with each other
d) Bigger economies should support smaller economies at their own cost
e) None of these

78. Which of the following is false in the context of the passage?
a) Technology has helped reducing geographical distances.
b) Globalisation has proved beneficial for the service in industry
c) Islamic world is against the globalisation process initiated by the industrialized nations
d) None of these

79. What is the main theme of the passage?
a) Globalisation in its true sense is beneficial for all and it is the need of the day.
b) Information and communication technology has made the world smaller
c) Powerful nations are blocking the progress of globalisation
d) Industrialized and Islamic world should come together.
e) None of these

Directions (Q 80-82): Choose the word which is same in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.

a) inspiring b) continuous c) tiresome
d) enormous e) significant

a) distant b) opposite c) aggressive
d) dull e) varied

a) process b) experiment c) solution
d) pursuit e) enormity

Directions (Q 83-85): Choose the word which is opposite in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the passage.

a) disunity b) hindrance c) upheaval
d) unrest e) anarchy

a) pragmatic b) diverse c) impossible
d) pending e) prolonged

85. AKIN
a) transparent b) dissimilar c) questionable
d) doubtful e) meaningless

Directions (Q 86-90): In each of the following questions four words are given, of which two are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and mark the number of the correct letter combination as your answer.

86. A. Gregarious B) Quixotic C) Sociable D) Discernible
a) A-B b) B-C c) c) A-C d) B-D

87. A) Testimony B) Aura C) Augment D) Decrease
a) A-B b) B-C c) C-D d) A-D e) B-D

88. A) Discomfort B) Baffle C) Epicure D) Enumerate
a) A-B b) A-C c) A-D d) B-C e) B-D

89. A) Unkempt B) Unremitting C) Slackening D) Distasteful
a) A-B b) B-C c) C-D d) A-D e) B-D

90. A) Apathetic B) Wrath C) Whirl D) Twirl
a) A-B b) A-C c) A-D d) B-C e) C-D

Directions (Q 91-100): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words.

It has been 91 that women are in no way 92 as we have seen them 93 eminent 94 in banks, industries, media and 95 all 96 by 97 of education and ability to do work honestly. There is no need for any reservation. What is 98 is free education or subsidized fees for them to get educated and become 99 of their 100.

91. a) verified b) known c) proved d) imagined
e) calculated

92. a) enterprising b) inferior c) fragile d) distinct
e) succumbing

93. a) usurping b) fighting c) competing d) occupying
e) succumbing

94. a) seniority b) authorities c) positions d) prestige
e) responsibility

95. a) likewise b) therefore c) dictating d) almost
e) making

96. a) departments b) fields c) system d) duty
e) assignments

97. a) virtue b) privilege c) luck d) merit
e) mixture

98. a) held b) noted c) priority d) prominent
e) required

99. a) aware b) responsible c) fair d) honest
e) dedicated

100. a) possibility b) system c) rights d) future
e) aim



51.c 52.a 53.e 54.b 55.d 56.e 57.c 58.d 59.a 60.b

61.a 62.d 63.c 64.b 65.a 66.a 67.b 68.d 69.c 70.e

71.e 72.c 73.a 74.d 75.a 76.b 77.c 78.c 79.a 80.b

81.e 82.d 83.a 84.c 85.b 86.d 87.c 88.a 89. b 90.e

91.c 92.b 93.d 94.c 94.d 96.a 97.a 98.e 99.a 100.c


61.a; It should be ‘religions’ in place of “religion”.

62.d; Delete ‘own’.

63.c; It should ‘as sombre as’, so replace ‘such’ with ‘as’.

64.b; Delete ‘for’.

65. a; It should be ‘the world over’, so replace ‘across’ with ‘over’.

71.e; The inventions of technology – the ship, the steam engine, the railroad, civil aviation and the Internet – have reduced geographical distances and inspired global economic integration as never before.

72.c; National and global social cohesion that will make it easy for culturally diverse communities to live together.

73.a; because a clash between civilizations will affect social cohesion and the idea of global economic interdependence.

74.d; It is now that technology has reduced distances, but such was not the case then.

75.a; Answer lies in the third para.

76.b; Technology has reduced distances enabling the nations to come closer.

86.d; same 87.c; opposite 88.a; same

89.b; opposite 90.e; same

. Write an essay on any one of the topics in about 500 words:
a) High population level is helping China and India to show progress in their economy.
b) Why I prefer a Bank job.
c) In spite of advancement of technology there is scope for improving customer service in Banking.
d) Savings habit helps families and the nation.
e) Infrastructure is the key for achieving a Nation's progress.
f) Advantages of cell phones as compared to disadvantages in the use of them.

2. Write a letter to your Bank Manager complaining about the rude treatment given to you by Mr. Asokan, Deputy Manager when you requested him for allotting a locker to you.
Write a letter to the Head Office of your Bank praising the quality of service rendered by you branch since your opening a current account for your business with them about six months ago.

Write a letter to your elder brother from the town in which you have just joined a new appointment describing the interesting features of the town, of the people with whom you are associated and of the work you are required to do.


Write a letter as Manager of a Bank to a leading limited company dealing in construction business requesting them to open their current account with your Bank. Explain the nature of service you will be able to render to attract their account.

3. Write a precis of the following passage in one third of its length. Give a suitable title. (Strike out the draft after making fair copy)

While it is fascinating to try and understand animals in the wild, interacting with domestic animals, especially pets, can be delightfully enlightening. I will never forget the message conveyed to me by a little wild creature. I had reared a baby squirrel with a mind of her own. Once, intent on studying the construction of her teeth, I cupped her tiny body in the palm of my hand, held her head gently between my fingers, and tried to force open her jaw with my other hand. A polite paw pushed my hand away. I tried again, this time restricting her paw. Her other paw broke free, and she pushed my hand away a second time, this time, more emphatically. Refusing to acknowledge her unwillingness, I moved my hand towards her mouth once more – and this time she freed both her paws and clapped them over her month; a move that made it impossible for me to open her month-and left me stumped, amazed and chuckling with delight at her ingenuity! My baby squirrel had conveyed exactly what she felt; Leave my mouth alone, won’t you? Can’t you understand when I tell you politely? A little more complicated than the message sent by the thundering elephant – but just as clear!

The complexity of man – animal communication is probably a factor of not just the intelligence of the animal, but also the level of intimacy between the animal and the human. Our five-year-old mastiff understands that when visitors are present, he is not to enter the living room. One night, however, he stood persistently at the door, disregarding my husband’s commands to go out, repeatedly trying to attract my attention.

While hosts and guests pretended he didn’t exist and we all tried hard to ignore him, the dog drew increasingly uncomfortable, till suddenly, he walked in straight to me, refusing to look at my husband, apology in every step for having dared to disobey him. With all eyes riveted on him, he sat down on his haunches in front of me, eyes imploring. When I still did not understand, he shoved his muzzle into my palm, shaking his head so as to move my hand. And then it clicked – we had forgotten to feed him.!

Every single person present in the room understood what he was saying. “I am sorry to disobey you, but I’m terribly hungry and can I have my dinner please?”. The interesting thing is that he was communicating two different messages to two different people at the same time.

Animals of higher intelligence are also capable of understanding messages at a symbolic level-an ability often thought to be the preserve of human beings. Consider this story that was narrated to me some years ago; of a mahout in Kerala who, wanting to take a dip in the river, pulled up a long blade of grass, and tied it like a chain round his elephant’s leg. The gentle giant understood what was required of him, and obliged the master by allowing himself to be restrained by the symbolic chain.

Animals, in fact, often understood far more than we wish to communicate, since their understanding is based on non-verbal signals which are often very revealing. Like children, animals too pick up negative and positive ‘vibes’ – of anger, fear, dislike or of affection and kindness. Dogs and horses, specially, also seem to know when their masters are unwell or depressed, and go out of their way to show that they care.

In the wild, however, the scenario is different. While wild animals certainly pick up non-verbal cues from us, in the main, they do not volunteer to communicate with humans except when it is absolutely necessary. This is largely due to two seemingly contradictory reasons. One, man has isolated himself to such an extent that he is no longer an integral part of an interdependent biosphere. Two, he is a predator who preys on both carnivores and herbivores, and is a threat to practically every other species. For these reasons, wild animals avoid us whenever possible, and interaction with human beings threaten them or their young when we are threatened by them or when we observe them for work or for pleasure.

It is a sad commentary on the reputation of Nature’s most intelligent animals, that as a race, the only message we have effectively communicated to most of the natural world are those of threat, dominance, destruction and death. As creatures of superior intelligence who are now beginning to understand that our survival is dependent on theirs, it is imperative that we change this attitude. The moot point is, even if we succeed, how long will it take to reverse generations of signals sent by the old enemy, Man? Will it be possible, one day, to communicate to animals that we mean no harm and would like to be friends

TV – An Addiction Television is one of the major miracles of Science and has revolutionalised small human outlook. But TV, which was once meant for education as well as entertainment, has become an addiction today. With cable TV beaming 24-hour programmes through different channels, it has become an addiction for most. The educational content is sorely missing from TV programmes today. The young and the old alike are glued to their TV sets day in and day out. Social intercourse, outdoor activities and children’s studies have all taken a back seat to TV programmes. Guests are not welcome when one’s favourite serial is on; telephones are often kept off the hook when one is engrossed in the trials and tribulations of one’s favourite characters in a soap opera. All this has truly turned TV viewers into couch potatoes. We have no time for ourselves as well as for others.

We plan our work schedules and outings keeping in view our favourite TV programmes. For children, students back home from the school, TV is a must – they would like to take lunch with only TV on. The reading habit has virtually disappeared from the lives of school-going children as well as adults. Flickering images have become our window to the world of information and entertainment today, thus proving the truth underlying the statement that viewing TV programmes has made us all couch potatoes. We are paying a very heavy price for this idiot box. The programmes include exaggerated and meaningless advertisements meant for promoting the sales of consumer goods, most of which could be termed as luxuries in a developing country like ours. In the name of comedy, vulgar serials are telecast.

Nearly 80 percent of the programmes are cinema-oriented and of no practical value to the viewers. Infidelity, adultery, cheating, womanizing, drinking, indulging in anti-social activities, corrupt police and government servants, terrorists, black marketers, hoarders, drug peddlers, etc., are the main characters of these serials. Contract killing, murders, rape scenes, offering and accepting of bribes for leaking out state secrets, etc., are shown in an explicit manner to the viewers, most of whom are children in their formative stage. In every episode, hardly 10 minutes are devoted for the story of the serial. The rest of the slotted time is lapped up by advertisers who are called the sponsors, and pay crores of rupees for the time that they get. The advertisements are forced on the viewers, and the same ads are repeated so many times during the day that one gets fed up. Even the contents of these advertisements are highly objectionable.

Apart from studies, sports have been a big casualty due to TV addiction of the children and the youth. In small sized rooms, constant TV viewing causes permanent damage to the eyes. Late night TV viewing adversely affects the health. This is a national loss. Social and community life is another casualty. People are driven to pigeon holes called homes with no outside link. People today accept anything and everything in the name of entertainment, because TV brings it home to them inexpensively. In our country there are few prime time programmes produced for students. Informative programmes like the UGC’s special newscasts and bulletins appear in the afternoon or at late nights and students find themselves either at schools, colleges or in bed during these programmes.

Channels like Discovery and National Geographic are few and far between. However, television is not a bad medium which creates only a negative impact on children, for this right programmes have to be telecast at the right time and in the right way. This has not been realized in our country and we can hold the electronic media responsible for this because of its deterioration in programme planning and objectives in recent years. Our lives are centred round the various TV programmes that have made as dull and listless. Undoubtedly TV has become an addiction in modern times and the sooner we get out of this habit, the better it will be for all of us. It is high time that the intelligentsia; social workers, parents and other responsible citizens, rose in protest against the manner in which the powerful medium is being misused. Unless this trend is arrested, the country would be ruined one day, as the children and youth would have knowledge only about films and nothing else. To conclude, TV viewing is not that bad.

This scientific infotainment invention is just like a knife, which can be used for cutting fruit and vegetables as also for stabbing a person. Much depends on the viewers. If they fall in love with it head long, TV is not to be blamed. Man has to reform himself. Excess of everything is bad. Keeping late hours at night no: only affects the punctuality of students but elders too don’t leave their bed till 8 in the morning with their heads heavy due to constant exposure to serials and eye lids still heavy. TV has become a handy instrument for westerners to impose their culture on us through invisible and slow doses. The Indian culture will be the biggest victim of western onslaught on our culture via the 24-hour TV viewing with the help of cable network. We have to be wary of this danger which will surely emigrate our cultural values making us western satellites culturally. And then where would India be?

2. Sex Education--Relevance and Challenges

The term ‘sex education’ has a positive connotation, projecting a mature society reflecting a modern, healthy mind open to discussion and awareness of sex as a boon and bane in an individual’s life.

The long-prevalent myopic attitude of society towards sex needs to be shunned in the changing times. Today sex education is gaining ground among all sections and age groups with the realisation that with the dynamic transformation of our surroundings and its effect on our mentality and attitude.

The underlying cause of this awareness is the import of new ideas, tastes and habits through the media and cultural interaction, leading to perceptible changes in our values and attitudes. The modern outlook has changed our perception to a large extent.

The one important ingredient for developing modernity is ‘freedom’. No doubt, freedom makes an individual mature, rational and bold, fulfilling one’s most cherished desire to be happy by doing things the way one wishes. But freedom and modernity require a balanced approach. Growing minds especially fail to channelise freedom in the right direction and their immature decisions run the risk of mentally and physically destroying them. Their immaturity and half-knowledge breeds social problems of unmarried mothers, sexually transmitted diseases, child abuse, rape etc. This increasing malaise in society has drawn everybody’s attention and must be remedied.

This is where sex education steps in to enlighten young minds and people at large, the root cause of their problems being ignorance or half-knowledge about sex. Sex has never been a comfortable subject of discussion in our society, but the completely of our present-day life demands maturity in thinking and action from every citizen, especially our budding flowers, children. Children are the nation’s greatest assets and their care is the greatest investment in the future of society.

Children by nature are very inquisitive and their intelligence and curiosity have shot up due to the increasing exposure to different mediums of communication. To substantiate a child and adolescent’s knowledge for sex, one needs to delve into a growing child’s psychology. A developing mind is confronted with environmental images which encompass a range of human life activities and problems faced in parental, family, societal and peer relations. An ignorant mind at the growing state is unable to grapple with the transformation taking place within himself and the attitudinal changes in society. Biological change is accompanied by a growing mental faculty which tries to reason out everything under the sun.

This psychology is now new; in fact, it has been ever-present. But it is now being studied as an important stage in personality development for the simple reason that the complex nature of societal relations demands awareness and maturity for our healthy survival and happiness.

The new sexual ethos has inherent problems. Indulgence in sexual activity in the absence of full knowledge results in ugly consequences, be it untimely pregnancy leading to mental distress or deadly sexually transmitted disease.

Sex education helps to build a sound and well developed personality both in adults and children. Currently there is a highly prejudiced opinion about AIDS and TB in India. While the curiosity of young minds regarding various things is satiated to an appreciable degree by our elders and parents, the issue of biological changes resulting in different behaviour, attitudes and desires is covered up unconvincingly or ignored with a hush-hush attitude. Raising such questions is considered a digression of decent limits. The silence and false replies of parent’s results in making the child feel guilty of such queries.

A questioning mouth can be quietened, but not the mind which can flee unchecked in any direction. Thus a growing child tries to satisfy his queries through friends, media, the Internet, etc. All this leads to inadequate knowledge which is far more dangerous, than ignorance. The inhibitions regarding sex need to be done away with for the benefit of society because it will empower minds to take steps judiciously.

Because sex education is new to our society, it is beset with challenges, the toughest being its very non-tangible nature. The underlying challenge to the new approach is the thinking of human beings. Many adults still find it unacceptable and are unable to come out of their rigid mental construct regarding sex. The hurdles are usually parents themselves. Their attitude towards their ward should be one of friendship, making the child feel at ease and not like a stranger during the growing stage, left to fend for himself.

The positive aspect is that these hurdles of sex education are not insurmountable. While its non-tangible nature cannot be fought with laws and weapons, the skilled persistent effort of public spirited citizens, organizations and academic institutions can go a long way in giving results.

Certainly there is hope and conviction that enlightenment regarding this subject can save children and the masses at large from deviation. Efforts in this direction are increasing with perceptible results. But the positive results are confined mostly to the metros. It is incessant effort by all sections that will help spread knowledge into every nook and corner of the country. The avenues of sex education will play a significant role in keeping our values and culture intact, without which we stand the risk of losing our identity as a morally strong nation

1. Write an essay on any one of the topics in about 500 words:
A) Opening up of banking sector for more leading private companies.
B) Gains made on account of Bank Naitonalisation
C) Monetary measures for reducing inflationary trend and its results
D) Banks in every day life of a common man.
E) Impact of media on our daily life.

2. You are Branch Manager of a Bank. Write a letter to Head office recommending installation of ATMs in your Office premises and also in the Extension counter in an Engineering college. Elaborate the progress your branch will be making on account of this move.

You are the Chairman of local Business Establishments Committee. Write a letter to the Manger of local Bank branch requesting that banks' working hours should be increased by one hour in the evening to facilitate depositing of cash by your members into their account. Give additional reasons justifying your request.
Your friend has been attending bank interviews for the last two years. He did not get selected in his fourth interview for which results were announced recently. He is feeling dejected. Write a letter to him in 150 words suggesting that if he prepares well for the future exams he will succeed.
Topics that we may expect in SBI exam - guess 1. financial inclusion 2. 2G scam 3. Is China a threat to India in economic development? 4. Measures u suggest for eradication of corruption in political and business circles 5. Use cloud computing in communication 6. Measures u suggest for fighting inflation 7. Terrorism - has been continuing in spite of efforts of government. What corrective measures do you suggest 8. Computer games spoil outdoor games -- give a brief analaysis 9. The role played by banks in our country's economic growth 10. Sarva Shiksha abhiyan -- Your critical analysis of its implementation

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