wireless charging through microwaves full report
I am Zoya from DR VRK WOMEN'S COLLEGE OF ENGG. & TECH.Please can you mail me the detailed notes upto 20 pages on the topic WIRELESS CHARGING OF MOBILE PHONES USING MICROWAVES.Please I have my seminar on 7th jan please do mail this notes on my id zoya_moin[at]yahoo.com.
Please provide a detailed notes on Wireless charging of mobile phones using microwaves.please i need it as my seminar is on 7th jan please forward it on my id zoya_moin[at]yahoo.com.please i'll be thankfull to you.please
Please provide me the detailed notes on the Wireless charging of mobile phones using microwaves,please my seminar is on 7th jan please provide me with this content i'll be thankfull to you please.
this thread itself contains full details on wireless charging through microwaves. so , please go through all pages in this thread.

please can u give a clear notes on working of wireless charching of mobile phones using microwaves.
sir i m a final year btech student..i m keen on this project "wireless charging of cellphone using microwave signals"plz give me relevent data,pdf,and other circuitry details
sir I am a final year b tech mechanical engineering student . I want some seminar report material on VEHICLE DYNAMIC INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT
Wireless Charging of Gadgets Using Microwaves
With mobile phones becoming a basic part of life, the recharging of mobile phone batteries has always been a problem. The mobile phones vary in their talk time and battery stand by according to their manufacturer and batteries. All these phones irrespective of their manufacturer and batteries have to be put to recharge after the battery has drained out. The main objective of this current proposal is to make the recharging of the mobile phones independent of their manufacturer and battery make. In this paper a new proposal has been made so as to make the recharging of the mobile phones is done automatically as you talk in your mobile phone! This is done by use of microwaves. The microwave signal is transmitted from the transmitter along with the message signal using special kind of antennas called slotted wave guide antenna at a frequency is 2.45 GHz. There are minimal additions, which have to be made in the mobile handsets, which are the addition of a sensor, a “rectenna”, and a filter. With the above setup, the need for separate chargers for mobile phones is eliminated and makes charging universal. Thus the more you talk, the more is your mobile phone charged! With this proposal the manufacturers would be able to remove the talk time and battery stand by from their phone specifications!
To start with, to know what a spectrum is: when white light is shone through a prism it is separated out into all the colours of the rainbow; this is the visible spectrum. So white light is a mixture of all colours . Black is NOT a colour; it is what you get when all the light is taken away.
Some physicists pretend that light consists of tiny particles which they call photons. They travel at the speed of light (what a surprise). The speed of light is about
300,000,000 meters per second. When they hit something they might bounce off, go right through or get absorbed. What happens depends a bit on how much energy they have. If they bounce off something and then go into your eye you will "see" the thing they have bounced off. Some things like glass and Perspex will let them go through; these materials are transparent. Black objects absorb the photons so you should not be able to see black things: you will have to think about this one. These poor old physicists get a little bit confused when they try to explain why some photons go through a leaf, some are reflected, and some are absorbed. They say that it is because they have different amounts of energy.
Other physicists pretend that light is made of waves. These physicists measure the length of the waves and this helps them to explain what happens when light hits leaves. The light with the longest wavelength (red) is absorbed by the green stuff (chlorophyll) in the leaves. So is the light with the shortest wavelength (blue). In between these two colours there is green light, this is allowed to pass right through or is reflected. (Indigo and violet have shorter wavelengths than blue light.)
Well it is easy to explain some of the properties of light by pretending that it is made of tiny particles called photons and it is easy to explain other properties of light by pretending that it is some kind of wave.
The visible spectrum is just one small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. These electromagnetic waves are made up of two parts. The first part is an electric field. The second part is a magnetic field. So that is why they are called electromagnetic waves. The two fields are at right angles to each other.
Microwave wavelengths range from approximately one millimeter (the thickness of a pencil lead) to thirty centimeters (about twelve inches). In a microwave oven, the radio waves generated are tuned to frequencies that can be absorbed by the food. The food absorbs the energy and gets warmer. The dish holding the food doesn't absorb a significant amount of energy and stays much cooler. Microwaves are emitted from the Earth, from objects such as cars and planes, and from the atmosphere. These microwaves can be detected to give information, such as the temperature of the object that emitted the microwaves.
Microwaves have wavelengths that can be measured in centimeters! The longer microwaves, those closer to a foot in length, are the waves which heat our food in a microwave oven. Microwaves are good for transmitting information from one place to another because microwave energy can penetrate haze, light rain and snow, clouds, and smoke.
Shorter microwaves are used in remote sensing. These microwaves are used for radar like the Doppler radar used in weather forecasts. Microwaves, used for radar, are just a few inches long. Because microwaves can penetrate haze, light rain and snow, clouds and smoke, these waves are good for viewing the Earth from space
Microwave waves are used in the communication industry and in the kitchen as a way to cook foods. Microwave radiation is still associated with energy levels that are usually considered harmless except for people with pace makers.
The Magnetron
The MAGNETRON (A), is a self-contained microwave oscillator that operates differently from the linear-beam tubes, such as the TWT and the klystron. View
(B) is a simplified drawing of the magnetron. CROSSED-ELECTRON and MAGNETIC fields are used in the magnetron to produce the high-power output required in radar and communications equipment.
The magnetron is classed as a diode because it has no grid. A magnetic field located in the space between the plate (anode) and the cathode serves as a grid. The plate of a magnetron does not have the same physical appearance as the plate of an ordinary electron tube. Since conventional inductive-capacitive (LC) networks become impractical at microwave frequencies, the plate is fabricated into a cylindrical copper block containing resonant cavities that serve as tuned circuits. The magnetron base differs considerably from the conventional tube base. The magnetron base is short in length and has large diameter leads that are carefully sealed into the tube and shielded.
The cathode and filament are at the center of the tube and are supported by the filament leads. The filament leads are large and rigid enough to keep the cathode and filament structure fixed in position. The output lead is usually a probe or loops extending into one of the tuned cavities and coupled into a waveguide or coaxial line. The plate structure, shown in figure 2-18, is a solid block of copper. The cylindrical holes around its circumference are resonant cavities. A narrow slot runs from each cavity into the central portion of the tube dividing the inner structure into as many segments as there are cavities. Alternate segments are strapped together to put the cavities in parallel with regard to the output. The cavities control the output frequency. The straps are circular, metal bands that are placed across the top of the block at the entrance slots to the cavities. Since the cathode must operate at high power, it must be fairly large and must also be able to withstand high operating temperatures. It must also have good emission characteristics, particularly under return bombardment by the electrons. This is because most of the output power is provided by the large number of electrons that are emitted when high-velocity electrons return to strike the cathode. The cathode is indirectly heated and is constructed of a high-emission material. The open space between the plate and the cathode is called the INTERAC TION SPACE. In this space the electric and magnetic fields interact to exert force upon the electrons.
sir i need full report of wireless charging of mobile phones using micro waves here it is only of 12 pages i need a minimum of 35 pages so plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me i will be very grateful to you plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mail me within today this is my sincere request
Hi.... im final year student... i need ppt for the wireless charging through microwaves... please send me as soon as possible....
pls send me atleast 30 pages regarding tis topic..............
With mobile phones becoming a basic part of life, the recharging of mobile phone batteries has always been a problem. The mobile phones vary in their talk time and battery stand by according to their manufacturer and batteries. All these phones irrespective of their manufacturer and batteries have to be put to recharge after the battery has drained out. The main objective of this current proposal is to make the recharging of the mobile phones independent of their manufacturer and battery make. In this paper a new proposal has been made so as to make the recharging of the mobile phones is done automatically as you talk in your mobile phone! This is done by use of microwaves. The microwave signal is transmitted from the transmitter along with the message signal using special kind of antennas called slotted wave guide antenna at a frequency is 2.45 GHz. There are minimal additions, which have to be made in the mobile handsets, which are the addition of a sensor, a Rectenna, and a filter. With the above setup, the need for separate chargers for mobile phones is eliminated and makes charging universal. Thus the more you talk, the more is your mobile phone charged! With this proposal the manufacturers would be able to remove the talk time and battery stand by from their phone specifications!

To start with, to know what a spectrum is: when white light is shone through a prism it is separated out into all the colors of the rainbow; this is the visible spectrum. So white light is a mixture of all colors. Black is NOT a color; it is what you get when all the light is taken away. Some physicists pretend that light consists of tiny particles which they call photons. They travel at the speed of light (what a surprise). The speed of light is about 300,000,000 meters per second. When they hit something they might bounce off, go right through or get absorbed. What happens depends a bit on how much energy they have. If they bounce off something and then go into your eye you will "see" the thing they have bounced off. Some things like glass and Perspex will let them go through; these materials are transparent. Black objects absorb the photons so you should not be able to see black things: you will have to think about this one. These poor old physicists get a little bit confused when they try to explain why some photons go through a leaf, some are reflected, and some are absorbed. They say that it is because they have different amounts of energy. Other physicists pretend that light is made of waves. These physicists measure the length of the waves and this helps them to explain what happens when light hits leaves. The light with the longest wavelength (red) is absorbed by the green stuff (chlorophyll) in the leaves. So is the light with the shortest wavelength (blue). In between these two colors there is green light, this is allowed to pass right through or is reflected. (Indigo and violet have shorter wavelengths than blue light.)
Well it is easy to explain some of the properties of light by pretending that it is made of tiny particles called photons and it is easy to explain other properties of light by pretending that it is some kind of wave. The visible spectrum is just one small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. These electromagnetic waves are made up of to two parts. The first part is an electric field. The second part is a magnetic field. So that is why they are called electromagnetic waves. The two fields are at right angles to each other.
Microwave wavelengths range from approximately one millimeter (the thickness of a pencil lead) to thirty centimeters (about twelve inches). In a microwave oven, the radio waves generated are tuned to
frequencies that can be absorbed by the food . The food absorbs the energy and gets warmer. The dish holding the food doesn't absorb a significant amount of energy and stays much cooler. Microwaves are emitted from the Earth, from objects such as cars and planes, and from the atmosphere. These microwaves can be detected to give information, such as the temperature of the object that emitted the microwaves.
Microwaves have wavelengths that can be measured in centimeters! The longer microwaves, those closer to a foot in length, are the waves which heat our food in a microwave oven. Microwaves are good for transmitting information from one place to another because microwave energy can penetrate haze, light rain and snow, clouds, and smoke. Shorter microwaves are used in remote sensing. These microwaves are used for clouds and smoke, these waves are good for viewing the Earth from space Microwave waves are used in the communication industry and in the kitchen as a way to cook foods. Microwave radiation is still associated with energy levels that are usually considered harmless except for people with pace makers.
hi sir,
could u please send me the full report and ppt for the seminar topic "wireless charging through microwaves" for the e-mail id shubha.sce[at]gmail.com
hi sir please forward me the full report and ppt of wireless charging through microwaves plz sir i have to give seminar on this topic please forward it to shubha.sce[at]gmail.com
Hello! i need a project to present for my diploma, i think this might be nice for it! or can you suggest me something else, i am finishing Bachelor on Information Technology. Otherwise please send me at baxhuli[at]ymail.com the full files, pdf and ppt files, of this topic if you can!
Thank you!
its very funny to hear the report (information) and ppt about wireless charging of mobile phones using microwaves spreaded in several pages like
please can you help me with the details of the wireless charging through microwaves full.

you can refer these pages to get the details on wireless-charger





With mobile phones becoming a basic part of life, the recharging of mobile phone batteries has always been a problem. The mobile phones vary in their talk time and battery stand by according to their manufacturer and batteries. All these phones irrespective of their manufacturer and batteries have to be put to recharge after the battery has drained out. The main objective of this current proposal is to make the recharging of the mobile phones independent of their manufacturer and battery make. In this paper a new proposal has been made so as to make the recharging of the mobile phones is done automatically as you talk in your mobile phone! This is done by use of microwaves.
The microwave signal is transmitted from the transmitter along with the message signal using special kind of antennas called slotted wave guide antenna at a frequency is 2.45 GHz. This can be achieved by adding a sensor, a Rectenna and a filter circuitry to exisisting mobile
handset design. With the above setup, the need for separate chargers for mobile phones is eliminated and makes charging universal. Thus the more you talk, the more is your mobile phone charged! With this proposal the manufacturers would be able to remove the talk time and battery standby from their phone specifications.
 Magnetron
 Slotted waveguide antenna
 Rectenna
 Sensor

Microwaves are good for transmitting information from one place to another because microwave energy can penetrate haze, light rain and snow, clouds, and smoke. Shorter microwaves are used in remote sensing. These microwaves are used for clouds and smoke, these waves are good for viewing the Earth from space Microwave waves are used in the communication industry and in the kitchen as a way to cook foods. Microwave radiation is still associated with energy levels that are usually considered harmless except for people with pace makers.
The frequency selection is another important aspect in transmission. Here we are going to use the S band of the Microwave Spectrum, which lies between 2-4GHz.We have selected the license free 2.45 GHz ISM band for our purpose. The Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio bands were originally reserved internationally for non-commercial use of RF electromagnetic fields for industrial, scientific and medical purposes. In recent years they have also been used for license-free error-tolerant communications applications such as wireless LANs and Bluetooth.
The magnetron is called a "crossed-field" device in the industry because both magnetic and electric fields are employed in its operation, and they are produced in perpendicular directions so that they cross. The applied magnetic field is constant and applied along the axis of the circular device illustrated. The power to the device is applied to the center cathode which is heated to supply energetic electrons which would, in the absence of the magnetic field, tend to move radially outward to the ring anode which surrounds it.
Electrons are released at the center hot cathode by the process of thermionic emission and have an accelerating field which moves them outward toward the anode. The axial magnetic field exerts a magnetic force on these charges which is perpendicular to their initially radial motion, and they tend to be swept around the circle. In this way, work is done on the charges and therefore energy from the power supply is given to them. As these electrons sweep toward a point where there is excess negative charge, that charge tends to be pushed back around the cavity, imparting energy to the oscillation at the natural frequency of the cavity. This driven oscillation of the charges around the cavities leads to radiation of electromagnetic waves, the output of the magnetron.
The basic addition to the mobile phone is going to be the rectenna. A rectenna is a rectifying antenna, a special type of antenna that is used to directly convert microwave energy into DC electricity. Its elements are usually arranged in a mesh pattern, giving it a distinct appearance from most antennae.
A simple rectenna can be constructed from a Schottky diode placed between antenna dipoles. The diode rectifies the current induced in the antenna by the microwaves. Rectennae are highly efficient at converting microwave energy to electricity. In laboratory environments, efficiencies above 90% have been observed with regularity.
Another important part of our receiver circuitry is a simple sensor. This is simply used to identify when the mobile phone user is talking. As our main objective is to charge
the mobile phone with the transmitted microwave after rectifying it by the rectenna, the sensor plays an important role.
The whole setup looks something like this.
A slotted waveguide is a waveguide that is used as an antenna in microwave radar applications. Prior to its use in surface search radar, such systems used a parabolic segment reflector. The circulator is connected to a tuning waveguide section to match the waveguide impedance to the antenna input impedance.
The slotted waveguide antenna consists of 8 waveguide sections with 8 slots on each section. These 64 slots radiate the power uniformly through free space to the rectenna. The slotted waveguide antenna is ideal for power transmission because of its high aperture efficiency (> 95%) and high power handling capability.
A rectifying antenna called a rectenna receives the transmitted power and converts the microwave power to direct current (DC) power. This demonstration rectenna consists of 6 rows of dipoles antennas where 8 dipoles belong to each row. Each row is connected to a rectifying circuit which consists of low pass filters and a rectifier. The rectifier is a GaAs Schottky barrier diode that is impedance matched to the dipoles by a low pass filter. The diode rectifies the current induced in the antenna by the microwaves.
With mobile phones becoming a basic part of life, the recharging of mobile phone batteries has always been a problem. The mobile phones vary in their talk time and battery standby according to their manufacturer and batteries. All these phones irrespective of their manufacturer and batteries have to be put to recharge after the battery has drained out. The main objective of this current proposal is to make the recharging of the mobile phones independent of their manufacturer and battery make.
A new proposal has been made so as to make the recharging of the mobile phones is done automatically as you talk in your mobile phone. This is done by use of microwaves. The microwave signal is transmitted from the transmitter along with the message signal using special kind of antennas called slotted wave guide antenna at a frequency 2.45 GHz.
There are minimal additions, which have to be made in the mobile handsets, which are the addition of a sensor, a ‘rectenna’, and a ‘filter’. With the above setup, the need for separate chargers for mobile phones is eliminated and makes charging universal. Thus the more you talk, the more your mobile phone will be charged. With this proposal the manufacturers would be able to remove the talk time and battery standby from their phone specifications.
Thus this seminar successfully demonstrates a novel method of using the power of the microwave to charge the mobile phones without the use of wired chargers. Thus this method provides great advantage to the mobile phone users to carry their phones anywhere even if the place is devoid of facilities for charging. A novel use of the rectenna and a sensor in a mobile phone could provide a new dimension in the revelation of mobile phone.
1.1 The Electromagnetic spectrum
Spectrum results, when a white light is pass through a prism it is separated out into all the colours of the rainbow. This is the visible spectrum. So white light is a mixture of all colours .
Some physicists pretend that light consists of tiny particles which they call photons. They travel at the speed of light. The speed of light is about 300,000,000 meters per second. When they hit something they might bounce off, go right through or get absorbed. What happens is depends on a bit and how much energy they have. If they bounce off something and then go into eye will cause to see the things they have bounced off. Some things like glass and Perspex will let them go through. These materials are transparent. Black objects absorb the photons so it results not be able to see black things. This is the problem has to be sorted out. These poor old physicists get a little bit confused when they try to explain why some photons go through a leaf, some are reflected, and some are absorbed. They say that it is because they have different amounts of energy.
Other physicists pretend that light is made of waves. These physicists measure the length of the waves and this helps them to explain what happens when light hits and leaves. The light with the longest wavelength (red) is absorbed by the green stuff (chlorophyll) in the leaves. There is green light, this is allowed to pass right through or is reflected. (Indigo and violet have shorter wavelengths than blue light.)
It is easy to explain some of the properties of light by pretending that it is made of tiny particles called photons and it is easy to explain other properties of light by pretending that it is some kind of wave.
The visible spectrum is just one small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. These electromagnetic waves are made up of two parts. The first part is an electric field. The second part is a magnetic field. So they are called as electromagnetic waves. The two fields are at right angles to each other. The Various other parts of the emf spectrum and their location can be seen diagrammatically as shown below.
1.2 Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves can be imagined as a self-propagating transverse oscillating wave of electric and magnetic fields. This diagram shows a plane linearly polarised wave propagating from left to right. An electromagnetic wave is a wave in space with electric and magnetic parts.
Electromagnetic radiation is classified into types according to the frequency of the wave. These types include, in order of increasing frequency, radio waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. In some technical contexts the entire range is referred to as just light.
Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one millimeter, or equivalently, with frequencies between 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz as shown in the Fig 1. This broad definition includes both UHF and EHF (millimeter waves), and various sources use different boundaries. In all cases, microwave includes the entire SHF band (3 to 30 GHz, or 10 to 1 cm) at minimum, with RF. Engineering often putting the lower boundary at 1 GHz (30 cm), and the upper around 100 GHz (3mm).
Apparatus and techniques may be described qualitatively as "microwave" when the wavelengths of signals are roughly the same as the dimensions of the equipment, so that lumped element circuit theory is inaccurate. As a consequence, practical microwave technique tends to move away from the discrete resistors, capacitors, and inductors used with lower frequency radio waves. Instead, distributed circuit elements and transmission-line theory are more useful methods for design and analysis.
Open-wire and coaxial transmission lines give way to waveguides and stripline, and lumped-element tuned circuits as shown in the Fig 2 are replaced by cavity resonators or resonant lines. Effects of reflection, polarization, scattering, diffraction and atmospheric absorption usually associated with visible light are of practical significance in the study of microwave propagation. The same equations of electromagnetic theory apply at all frequencies.
While the name may suggest a micrometer wavelength, it is better understood as indicating wavelengths very much smaller than those used in radio broadcasting. The boundaries between far infrared light, terahertz radiation, microwaves, and ultra-high frequency radio waves are fairly arbitrary and are used variously between different fields of study.
1.3 Need and processing of micro waves
EM wave posses some kind of energy with it. This repots explains about the usage of this valuable energy for recharging of mobile phones, becoming a basic part of life, to avoid the problem of charging the mobile phone batteries without electricity.
The mobile phones vary in their talk time and battery standby according to their manufacturer and batteries. All these phones irrespective of their manufacturer and batteries have to be put to recharge after the battery has drained out. In this aspect a new proposal has been made so as to make the recharging of the mobile phones is done automatically while using the mobile phone. This is done by use of microwaves.
The microwave signal is transmitted from the transmitter along with the message signal using special kind of antennas called slotted wave guide antenna at a frequency is 2.45GHz.
With minimal additions, which have to be made in the mobile handsets, which are the addition of a sensor, a rectenna and a filter. With the above setup, the need for separate chargers for mobile phones is eliminated and makes charging universal. Thus the more you talk, the more is your mobile phone charged . With this proposal the manufacturers would be able to remove the talk time and battery standby from their phone specifications.
EM wave posses some kind of energy with it. This repots explains about the usage of this valuable energy for recharging of mobile phones, becoming a basic part of life, to avoid the problem of charging the mobile phone batteries without electricity.
i need the full report of mobile charging via microwaves . please send it to my id j_ecstasy[at]rediffmail.com
hi friend you can refer these pages to get the details on wireless charging through microwaves

sir i want latest seminar topics in electronics and communication field.. please provide it... its urgent sir
i am anukuttan pls send '.doc' and '.ppt' for this topic.
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