TRADESMAN - PLUMBER - TECHNICAL EDUCATION kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Why water seal is required in a trap?
(A)To allow the passage of waste water
(B)To prevent the flow of waste water
(C )To prevent the passage of foul gases from the drain
(D)To block the soil passage

2. Rotary pumps are :
(A) Centrifugal type
(B)Displacement type
(C ) Pneumatic type
(D)Hand operated type

3.The presence of Minerals caused in water :
(A) Hardness
(C ) Colour

4.The permissible turbidity of domestic water is :
(A) 5 to l2 p.p.m
(B)5 to 10 p.p.m
(C ) 5 to 8 p.p.m
(D)5 to 7 p.p.m

5.The Gravity system of water distribution is depends ori:
(A) Size of pipe
(B)Heights of distribution tank
(C ) Size of distribution tank
(D)Location of valves

6.Stand pipes are provided at the distribution system of :
(A) Starting point
(B)Highest point of distribution system
(C ) Lowest point of distribution system
(D)Dead end of distribution system

7.Pressure Relief valves are provided in a water line for :
(A) Increase the water pressure
(B)Relieve high pressure from the line
(C ) Regulate the pressure of flow
(D)Divert the pressure

8.Hydrant is provided for :
(A)Irrigation purpose (C ) Fire fighting purpose
(B)Drinking purpose   (D) Washing purpose

9.Self- closing water taps are capable for :
(A)Wash basin
(B)Kitchen sink 
(C ) Public drinking fountain
(D) Batch room

10.Reseating tool is used for:
(A)cleaning of valve 
(B)setting of valve
(C ) dismantling of valve
(D) levelling and cleaning of valve seat

11.The name employed for a fitting, having a larger size at one end than on the other :
(C )Tee joint

12.What should be the minimum distance between the hot and cold-water risers in a plumbing system?
(A)150 mm
(B)200 mm
(C )250 mm
(D)300 mm

13.The size of vent pipe is determined according to :
(A)According to the Size of drain and Number of drainpipe
(B)According to the Length of drain and Number of drain
(C )According to the Number of fittings and Size of fittings
(D)According to the Number of traps installed in the line

14.Why bottom of the leaching cesspool made watertight?
(A)for store the effluent
(B)effluent get dispersed in to the surrounding soil
(C )to spared effluent to ground
(D)for safe deposit

15.Where lime concrete is used?
(A) Heavy duty construction
(B) Light duty construction
(C )Under foundation
(D) Roof concreting

16.Why reinforcement is added in cement concrete?
(A)For easy setting
(B) For increasing load capacity
(C ) For heavy pressure
(D) For water proof

17.Mild steel pipe after galvanization is called :
(A)MS pipe (C ) Cl Pipe
(B) GI Pipe (D) Steel pipe

18.The name of valve which prevents the back flow of water is known as? 
(A) Gate valve
(B) Ball valve
(C ) Check valve
(D) Stop valve

19.The Height of water meter above the water supply line should be : 
(A) 100 cm
(B) 50 cm
(C ) 30 cm
(D) 20 cm .

20.For checking and clearing of house drain, the access is provided by:
(A) Inspection chamber
(B) Door tec
(C ) Manhole
(D) Lamp hole

21.The minimum size of a public sewer should be :
(A) 60 mm
(B) 60 cm
(C ) 60 Inch
(D) 60 Foot

22.The minimum distance between a water source and a septic tank should be :
(A) 15 m
(B) 20 m
(C ) 25 m
(D) 100 m

23.A structure constructed for drawing water from reservoir is called :
(A) Check dam
(B) Pool
(C ) In take
(D) Cesspool

24. Alum is used as :
(A) As disinfent
(B)Filter media
(C ) Coagulant
(D)Water softener

25. The trap which provided at drop man hole is called :
(A)Gully trap
(B)Intercepting trap
(C )Floor trap
(D)Bottle trap

26.An inverted siphon is a:.
(A) Sanitary fitting
(B)Masonry fitting
(C ) Sewer section
(D)House sewer section

27.Place preferred to fix scour valve is : 
(A)In the distribution system at dead ends 
(B)In the distribution system at middle 
(C )In the distribution system at highest portion
(D) In the distribution system at lowest portion 

28.The coal tar coating of Cl pipe is done to: 
(A) Protect against correction 
(B)Protect against brittleness
(C ) Protect against flexibility
(D)Protect against fusibility

29.Steel pipes are joined by : 
(A) Capillary joint
(B)Adhesive joint
(C ) Welded joint
(D) Bell and spigot joint

30.Withstanding pressure capacity of steel pipe is:
(A) Higher than Cl pipe 
(B)Lower than Cl pipe
(C ) Lower than AC pipe
(D)Lower than SWG pipe

31.Cupper pipe can easily bend but: 
(A) can't cut
(B)do not sag
(C ) can't reduce
(D)can’t joint

32.Soft solder capillary joints are used for : 
(A) Cl Pipe joint
(B)Copper pipes joint
(C ) AC pipes joint
(D)Led pipes joint

33.PVC pipe can resist:
(A) High external load
(B)Most inorganic chemicals
(C ) High temperature
(D)Extra heavy water pressure

34.The layers of Composite pipes are :
(A)Poly ethylene, Aluminum and Polyethylene respectively
(B)Polyethylene, Fibber and Polyethylene respectively
(C )Fibber, Aluminum and Polyethylene respectively
(D)Aluminum, Fibber and Polyethylene respectively

35.The mostly used Cl pumping main joint are :
(A)Adhesive joint (C ) Screwed joint
(B) Socket and spigot joint (D) Flanged joint

36.The depth of Hemp used in a Socket and spigot joint are :
(A)50 cm
(B)30 cm
(C )20 cm
(D)5 cm

37.Flanged joint are capable for :
(A)Where it maybe lay underground
(B)Where it maybe occasionally dismantle or reassembling
(C )Where it maybe bear vibration or deflection of pipe
(D)Where it maybe bear high velocity of flow

38.Sand cast Cl pipe used in water supply shall conform to :
(A)1 SI. 2526
(C )1S1.1536
(D)ISL 1729

39.On a gate valve water flow from around the stuffing box Why?
(A) Valve seat worn-out (C ) In a gate valve
(B) Defective packing in the stuffing box (D) Valve is old and unserviceable

40.In which valve have an internal partition in it?
(A) Gate valve 
(B) Sluice valve 
(C ) Check valve
(D) Glob valve

41.Where the flush hydrant are insulated?
(A) Ground level 
(B) Underground
(C ) Above the ground
(D) Upto 90 cm above the ground level

42. The water meter which used for measuring small flow' of water is:
(B)Positive displacement water meter
(C )Receprocntive
(D)Turbine type

43.Union joint must be :
(A)At every 50 m
(B)At every 75 m
(C )At every 100 m
(D)At every 200 m

44.Water ismechanically lifted by means of:a
(A)By pulley
(B)By tubs
(C )By bucket
(D)By pump

45.What is the function of foot valve?•
(A)To hold water in delivery
(B)To drain out water from delivery
(C )To hold water in suction
(D)To drain out water from suction

46.To prevent the water hammer :
(A)Valves and taps should be avoid*
(B)Valves and taps should be closed slowly
(C )Valves and taps should be always open
(D)Valves and taps should be always close

47.Water supply is designed for :
(A)An estimated population
(B)Quantity of water available
(C )The catchment area
(D)Quality of water

48.In India which type of supply system is followed?
(A)In dual system
(B)Direct pumping system
(C )In the intermittent supply system of water
(D)Continuous supply aystera water

49.The treatment of water is depend upon the :
(A)Quantity of water
(B)Quality of water
(C )Turbidity of water
(D)Hardness of water

50.Permeable hardness of soft water is :
(A)0 to 75 mg/lit
(B)0 to 80 mg/lit
(C )0 to 85 mg/lit
(D)0 to 90 mg/lit

51.Lime soda process is employed for :
(A)Sedimentation of water
(B)Removal of temporary hardness of water
(C )Removal of permanent hardness
(D)Removal of colloidal impurities of water

52.pH value acceptable in public water supply is :
(A)9.0 to 10
(B)7 to 8.5 
(C )6.5 to 9.2
(D)5.5 to 8.5

53.Filtration process is removal off?
(A)Floating matters
(B)Suspended matters
(C )Fine Suspended matters
(D)Microorganisms and colloidal matters

54.Intake shall be :
(A)Near the source of water
(B)Far from the source of water
(C )Higher than the source of water
(D)No any distraction

55.Slow sand filters are :
(A)Gravity type
(B)Pressure type
(C )Non pressure type
(D)Flow type

56.Clogged filter media in Rapid sand filter is removed by
(A)Changing media
(B)By scraping
(C )Back wash
(D)Never to clean

57.Most frequently used fitting in water supply is :
(A)Gate valve
(B)Float valve
(C )Pillar tap
(D)Bib cock

58.Priming is the process of:
(A) Removing the trapped water
(B)Removing the trapped air
(C ) Removing the trapped waste matters
(D)Removing the damaged parts

59.To increase the sufficient pressure of distributionsystem:
(A) Jet pump is required
(B)Turbine pump is required
(C ) Stage pump is required
(D)Buster pump is required

60.The valve which installed suction end is :
(A) Check valve
(B)Non-return valve
(C ) Foot valve
(D)Pin valve

61.Instant water heaters are:
(A) Automatic type
(B)Manual type
(C ) Pressure type
(D)Non pressure type

62.Water heater to be swatch on :
(A) After texting
(B)After loading water
(C ) After drain out
(D)Without water

63.One of the benefits of rain water harvesting is :
(A) Ground water table raise
(B)Surface source will over flow
(C ) Sea level will raise
(D)Run off will clean the ground

64.The top of the sump shall be 150 mm above the formation of ground level Why?
(A)For identification 
(B)For made a structure over it
(C ) For preventing the entry of surface water
(D) For made a office building over it

65.The best and most improved system of sanitary plumping is :
(A) One pipe system
(B)Two pipe system
(C ) Ingle stack system
(D)Combined system

66.The second set of pipe in two pipe system is recommended for:
(A) Carrying sullage waste
(B)Carrying soil waste
(C ) Carrying floor water only
(D)Carrying sullage and soil waste

67.Lateral fittings are called :
(A)Soil fittings(B)Waste fittings
(C )Common fittings(D)’Both soil and waste fittings
68.Which one of the following is the method of drawing water from river bed?
(A) Deep well*(B) Ground well
(C )'Intake well(D)Tub well
69.Water will not available for fire extinguishing from?
(A)In dual system
(B)Continuous supply system water (C ) Direct pumping system
(D)In the intermittent supply system of water

70. Which system of water supply system is suitable for irregularly growing towns?
(A)Ring system
(B)Tree system
(C )Radial system
(D)Grind iron system

71.Dual system is also known as : 
(A)Gravity system 
(B)Combined gravity and pumping system
(C )Direct pumping system Radial system
(D)Radial system

72.In base exchange process :
(A) High turbidity water can use
(C )No sludge is formed
(B) Filtration is not required 
(D) Sludge is formed

73.Aeration process is used for removal of:
(A) Dissolved gasses tastes and odours
(B) Suspended matters
(C ) Fine Suspended matters
(D) Microorganisms and colloidal matters

74.How to remove scale formation from the water heater?
(A)Applying sodium chloride
(B)Applying diluted hydrochloric acid
(C )Applying diluted sulphuric acid
(D)Applying concentrated nitric acid

75.The water storage tank at elevated position are called :
(A) Over head tank
(B) Surface tank
(C ) Common tank
(D) Sump

76.Pipes which carrying silage water from baths are called?
(A)Soil pipe
(B)Waste pipe .
(C )Rain water pipe
(D)Siphon pipe
77.The permissible dosage of chlorine in drinking water is :
(A)02.5 to 2.10 mg/liter
(B)1.05 to 1.10mg/ liter
(C )01.10 to 2.10 mg/liter
(D)0.05 to 0.10 mg/liter

78.Fitting which used for connecting service connection to water main is?
(A)Union ferrule
(B)Reduce and cupping
(C )Reduce and valve
(D)Reduce and union

79.On some wooden beam, some where a little part may be come out while cutting or hammering, what is the name of that part?
(C )Shake

80.Where the manholes ore provided in straight lengths of pipe lines?
(A)At 50 meter intervals
(B)40 meter intervals
(C )30 meter intervals
(D)20 meter intervals

81.In which year the First Amendment act of Indian constitution was passed?
(C )1952

82.The Travancore Diwan who permitted the Shannar women to cover their upper parts ;
(A)Raja Kesava Das
(B)Velu Thampi Dalawa
(C )Oommini Thampi
(D)Col. John Munro

83.Whose ideas of social reform are represented by "Kerala Kaumudi''?
(A)Sreenarayana Guru
(B)Chattambi swamikal
(C )Ayyankali
(D)K. P. Karuppan

84.Which is the Indian state given autonomous status by the Article 370?
(C )Bihar
(D)Jammu and Kashmir

85.“Rationalism is not a religion. It is an attitude to accept knowledge based upon reason, whose words are these?
(A) Poykayil Yohannan
(B) Sahodarnn K. Ayyappan
(C ) Swadesabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai 
(D) Vakkam Abdul Khadir Maulavi

86.Who is the present chairperson of National Commission for women in India?
(B)Lalitha Kumaramangalam
(C )Mamta Sharma
(D)Dr. Girija Vyas

87.The first atheist newspaper in Kerala, Yuktivadi was published in the year :
(C )1929

88.To which ruler the Malayali Memorial was submitted?
(A) Sree Moolam Tirunal (C ) Swati Tirunal
(B) Kumaran Asan (D) Kuttipurath Kesavan Nair

89.Who authored "Kannunirtulli"?
(A) Vallatbol Narayana Menon (C ) Nalappat Narayana Menon
(B) Sree Chithira Tirunal (D) Ayilyam Tirunal

90.Which place was the main venue of salt Satyagraha in Kerala?
(C )Tirur

91.Who is the present president of the Purogamana Kala Sahitya sangham?
(A)Kadamanitta Ramakrishnan
(B)U.A. Khader
(C )Vaishakhan
(D)M.K. Sanu

92.Who hailed Temple Entry Proclammation as "a miracle of modern times"?
(A) Sree Chithira Thirunal
(B) T.K.Madhavan
(C )E.V. RamaswamyNaicker
(D)Mahatma Gandhi

93.Name the woman activist who won the Kerala Sahilya Academy Award in 1977 :
(A)M. Lcelavathy
(B)Balamnni Amma
(C ) Parvathy Manazhi
(D) Lalithambika Antharjanam

94.Who was the first President of the Indian Constituent Assembly?
(A)Dr. Sachidanand Sinha
(B)B.R. Ambedkar
(C )Rajendra Prasad
(D)B.N. Rao

95.Which article of Indian Constitution provides for National Emergency?
(C )352

96.In which Indian state Rup Kanwar was immolated as Sati in 1987?
(C )Maharashtra
(D)Madhya Pradesh

97.Who was the architect of Vidhan Bhavan, Bhopal which brought Agakhan Award to India?
(A)Charles Correa
(B)B.V. Doshi
(C )Satiah Gujral
(D)Laurie Baker •

98."Aathmakathakkoru Aamukham” is the autobiography of:
(A)Akkamma Che0rian
(B)Anna Chandy
(C )Kuttimalu Amma
(D)Lalitha Prabhu

99.Which community of Kerala is represented by the Yogakshema sabha?
(A) Ezhavas 
(B) Kavalam Narayana Paniker
(C ) Naira

100.The winner of Vallathol Award in 2015 
(A) O.N.V. Kurup (C ) P. Narayana Kurup
(B) Muslims (D) Namboothiris

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