

1.Auxiliary theodolite station near an inaccessiblemaintriangulation station :
(A) change point(B)bench markbench mark
(C ) satellite station(D)none of these

2.The maximum and minimum number of steps in a flight is equal to:
(A)12 and 1(B)18 and 2
(C ) 24 and 3(D)12 and 312 and 3

3.What is the angle of intersection of a contour and a ridge line?
(A) 0°(B)90°
(C ) 180°(D)270°

4.If stiffness of a metal increases its ductility:
(A) Decreases(B)Increases
(C ) Remains same(D)None of theseNone of these

5.Temporary hardness in water is caused by the presence of:
(A) Chlorides of Ca and Mg(B)Nitrates of Ca and Mg
(C ) Bicarbonates of Ca and Mg(D)Sulphates of Ca and Mg

6.A header bond is usually used for:
(A) Half brick wall •(B)One brick wall
(C ) One and a half brick wall f(D)Two brick wallTwo brick wall

7.Endurance limit of a metal is determined by :
(A) Hardness test(B)Torsion test
(C ) Impact test(D)Fatigue testFatigue test

8.An instrument is used to measure distance, horizontal angle and vertical angle :
(A) Theodolite(B)Distomat
(C ) Total station(D)Tacheometer

9.For steel grade fy = 415 N/mm2 the value of xu max/d is :
(C )0.43
(D) 0.53

10.A depression formed in a surface layer longitudinal to the road by the wheels of travelling vehicles is called:
(A)Depression (C ) Pot hole
(B) Blow hole (D) Rut

11.Two and a half brick thickness of wall is roughly equal to:
(A)10 cm(B)20 cm
(C )40 cm(D)50 cm

12.In this process the soil particles are forced to move closer together by pounding action :
(C )kneading(D)vibrations

13.White cement contains the following ingredient in least amount?
(C )Iron oxide(D)None of these

14.Brick should have a minimum compressive strength of:
(A)5.5 N/mm2(B)8 N/ram2
(C )10 N/mm2(D)12.5 N/mm2

15.According to limit .state of collapse values of partial safety factor for steel and concrete are:
(A)1 and 1(B)1 and 1.2*
(C )land 2(D)1.15 and 1.5

16.The first staff reading is taken after the level is setup is called :
(A)Back sight(B)Fore sight
(C )Intermediate sight(D)None of these

17.In coastal region minimum grade of concrete for RCC as per IS 456-2000 : •
(C )M25(D)M30

18.The number of plastic hinges necessary to convert a beam fixed at one end and propped at other end is:
(A) 1(B) 2
(C ) 3(D) 4

19.The bitumen grade 80/100 indicates :
(A) Viscosity(B) Specific gravity
(C ) Penetration(D) None of these

20.The maximum limit of super elevation for plainterrain as per IRC recommendations is :
(A) 1 in 10(B) 1 in 15
(C ) 1 in 20(D) 1 in 30

21.A simply supported beam carries a working live The design load for limit state of collapse is :load of 2.5 kN/m and dead load is 3.5 kN/m.
(A) 6 kN(B) 7 kN
(C ) 9 kN(D) 12 kN

22.Standard EDTA solution is used to determine :
(A) Hardness in water(B) Acidity in water
(C ) Chlorides in water(D) All of these

23.For a bar of diameter ‘d' the anchorage value of hook is :
(A) 8 d .(B) 10 d
(C ) 16 d(D) 20 d

24.The ability of material to absorb large amount of energy is :
(A) Elasticity(B) Ductility
(C ) Hardness(D) Toughness

25.The unit in which both sedimentation and digestion process of sludge take place simultaneously is:
(A) Digestion tank(B) Skimming tank
(C ) lmhoff tank(D) Detritus tank

26.In the theory of plastic bending of beams, the ratio of plastic moment to yield moment is :
(A)Shape factor(B) Plastic section modulus
(C ) Bulk modulus(D) ' Shear modulus

27.Camber on highway pavement is provided to take care of:
(A)Centrifugal force(B) Drainage
(C ) Sight distance(D) Off tracking

28.Fine aggregate confirming of which zone is not recommended for making reinforced concrete :•
(A) Zone I(B) Zone II
(C ) Zone III•(D) Zone IV

29.The quantity of Gypsum added in cement varies from 2 to 3% will depend upon the quantity of:
(A)C3A in cement (C ) C3S in cement
(B)C4AF in cement (D) C2S in cement

30.Strain Energy per unit volume is called :
(A) Resilience
(C )Bulk resilience
(B) Proof resilience 
(D) None of these

31.Bond between steel and concrete ensures :
(A) Stress compatibility (C ) Both (A) and (B)
(B) Strain compatibility (D) None of these

32.Rapid curing cutback bitumen is produced by lending bitumen with : 
(A) Benzene. (B) Kerosine
(C ) Diesel(D) Petrol

33.The relationship between the length (l) and radius ® of an ideal transition curve is given by :
(A) la r(B) /a —
(C ) la r2(D) la±

34.The minimum dissolved oxygen content (ppm) in a river necessary for the survival of aquatic life is:
(A) 0(B) 2
(C ) 3(D) 4

35.Spire test is used for adjustment of: 
(A) Line of sight (C ) Horizontal axis
(B)Adjustment of altitude bubble
(D)Vertical axis

36.The ratio of shear stress to shear strain is constant within elastic limit is called:
(A) Torsional rigidity(B) Modulus of rigidity
(C )Young's modulus •(D)' Volumetric strain

37.In trignometric levelling, combined correction is :
(A)0.0673 D2m(B)0.0112 D2m
(C )0.0785 CPm(D)None of these

38.The increase in metacentric height:
(A)Increase stability(B)Decrease stability
(C )Increase comfort for passengers(D)All of these

39.What is the angle between two plane mirrors of an optical square?
(C ) 45°(D)90°

40.Characteristic compressive strength of concrete is :
(A)The same as the average cylinder strength
(B)The same as the average cube strength
(C )Lower than the average cylinder strength
(D)Higher than the average cube strength

41.Distances are measured with instruments that rely on propagation, reflection and subsequent reception of either radio, visible light or infra red waves by :
(A). Geodimetcr ,(B) Telluro meter
(C ) Distomat(D) All of these

42.Coagulation - flocculation with alum is performed : 
(A) Before screening(B)
(C ) Before rapid sand Alteration(D)
After rapid sand Alteration Immediately before chlorination

43.Three point problem can be solved by : 
(A) Graphical method (C ) Trial and error method
(B) Tracing paper method (D) All of these

44.The mass production of railway sleepers can be done with :
(A) Hoyer system(B) Magnol system
(C ) Gifford udall system(D) None of these

45.A pre-stressed concrete beam is loaded with two point loads. The profile of cable is laid based on the load balancing concept, the shape of profile is :
(A)Parabolic(B) Triangular
(C ) Trapezoidalt(D) None of these

46.For a station to be free of local attraction :
(A)Fore and back bearings of the line should be exactly same
(B) Fore and back bearings of line should differ by exactly 180°
(C ) Fore and back bearings of line should be measured accurately
(D)None of these

47.Closed contours with higher value inside represent a :
(C )plain surface(D)none of these

48.Consistency index for a clayey soil is f Liquid limit = LL, Plastic limit = PL, Plasticity index = PI and natural water content = W):
w — PT
(C )(D)all of these

49.In a cantilever beam, if the length is doubled while keeping the cross section and the concentrated load acting at the free end is same, the deflection at the free end will increase by.:
(A) 2 times(B) 4 times
(C ) 6 times(D) 8 times

50.In levelling height of instrument is :
(A)Height of levelling staff
(B)Elevation of plane of collimation
(C )Height of Tripod
(D)Sum of reduced level of BM and foresight

51.Roof truss is provided when the span is : 
(A) less than 4 m (C ) between 4 m and 5 m
(B) more than 5 m (D) all of these

52.A 10 cm theodolite means that:
(A)Diameter of the graduated circle of its lower plate is 10 cm
(B)Length of its telescope is 10 cm
(C )Height of the telescope is 10 cm
(D)Diameter of the graduated circle of its vertical circle is 10 cm

53.A column of length L, one end fixed, at other end lateral displacement and partial rotation. The effective length of column is :
(A)0.5 L(B)0.7 L
(C )L(D)1.5 L

54.The expected life of cement concrete floor is taken as :
(A)10 years(B)25 years
(C )50 years(D)100 years

55.The boundaries between the pavement and shoulder or foot paths are called :
(A)Kerbs(B)Burrow pit
(C ) Berms• (D) None

56.Vertical windows built on sloping sides of a pitched roof:
(A) Corner window(B) Bay window
(C ) Dormer window(D) Glazed window

57.If 20 m are length is the basis for the degree of curve then radius of curve is :
(A)-g- metres
1600 4
(C )—— metres
/m 1H6*
(D)—g— metres

58.A pin jointed plane frame with4 n ’ number of member and4 j ’ number of joints will be stable : 
(A) n = 2j -3(B) n >2;-3
(C )n< 2j - 3(D) None of these

59.The permissible shear stress in concrete for beams without shear reinforcement depends upon:
(A) ' Grade of concrete(B) Percentage of tension reinforcement
(C ) Both (A) and (B) .(D) None

60.The minimum grade of concrete used for post -tensioning system is :
(A) M20(B) M30
(C )M40(D) M60

61.A thin cylindrical vessel of internal diameter 'd’ and thickness 't' subjected to fluid pressure ' p ' longitudinal stress is :
(A) f
(B) f
(C )pd 41
(D)pd 81

62.Reciprocal levelling eliminates the effect of: 
(A) Errors due to curvature of earth (C ) Errors due to line of collimation
(B) Errors due to atmospheric refraction (D) All of these

63.Pile caps are used on a group of piles to :
(A)Increase the load hearing of each pile
(B)Protect the piles from lateral displacement
(C )Protect in case of offshore structure
(D)Spread the vertical and horizontal loads to all the piles

64.According to IS 456-2000, maximum compressive stress in concrete for design purpose is taken as:
(A) 0.380 fck (C )0.446 fck
(B)0.416 fck
(D)0.670 fck

65. The relative density of a soil having maximum dry density rd(max) = 2 minimum dry density 1.2 and normal density is 1.6 :
(A) 75%(B) 62.5%
(C ) 66.67%(D) 50%

66.If the uniformity coefficient Cu = 9 and coefficient of curvature Cc = 1 for a soil then for
the soil is: 
(C ) 3
(B) 2 (D)4

67.The whole circle bearings of line AB and BC are 60° 15' and 150° 30'. What is the included angle ABC between the lines AB and BC :
(A) 90°= 15’(B) 210° 45'
(C ) 149° 15’(D) 89° 45' 

68. The distance from two point on a photographic point to the principal line are 68.24 mm to left and 58.48 mm to the right. The angle between the two points measured with a transit theodolite is 44° 30'. Focal length of the lens is equal to :
(A) 150 mm(B) 154.7 mm
(C ) 160 mm(D) 180 mm

69.It is proposed to put in a circular curve of 20 chains radius with transition curves 3 chains long at each end. The total deflection angle of the combined curve is 40° 30'. The total tangent length in chains is :
(C )15(D)18.50

70.Which-of the following figure are equal to one acre?
(A)43560sq.ft(B)40 Gunthas
(C )10 sq.Gunter’s chain(D)All of these

71.A cylindrical shell is 3 m long and 1000 mm internal diameter and 15 mm thickness is subjected to an internal pressure of 1.5N/mm2. The maximum shear stress developed in N/mm2 is:
(C )16(D) -18.3

72. Slenderness ratio of a 5 m long column fixed at both ends and having a circular cross section with dia 10 cm is :
(A) 100(B)125
(C ) 150(D)200200

73.The shape factor of rectangular section :
(A) 1(B)1.5
(C ) 2(D)2.5

74.Negative float can occur in case of:
(A)Normal activity(B)Critical activity
(C )Sub-critical activity(D)Super critical activity

75.Sea water has a total dissolved solids concentration of about:
(A)360 mg/ litre(B)3,600 mg/litre
(C )36,000 mg/litre(D)3,60,000 mg/litre

76.Maximum value of strain hardening modulus occurs :
(A)at the beginning of strain hardening curve
(B)during first half of strain - hardening curve
(C )during second half of strain hardening curve
(D)at the end of strain hardening curve

77.A 30 m metric chain is found to be 10 cm too short throughout a measurement. If the distance measured is recorded as 300 m. What is the actual distance?
(A) 300.1 m(B) 299 m
(C ) 301 m(D) 304 m

78.The unknown multiples or independent constants used for Ending most probable values of unknown are known as :
(A) correlates(B) matching value
(C ) adjustment factors(D) none of these

79.The photographic coordinates of pt A is * 8.48mm and - 16.38 mm . The focal length of the lens is 120.80 mm. Azimuth of the camera axis is 10° 53’. Azimuth of B is:
(A) 32° 40'(B) 11° 53’
(C ) 18° 48'(D) 14° 53'

80.The void ratio and specific gravity saturation in percent correspondingof a soil are 0.65 and 2.72,respectively. The degree of to water content of 20% is :
(A) 65.3(B) 83.7
(C ) 20.9(D) 54.4

81.From which country India borrowedthe concept of preamble of Indian Constitution:
(A) Germany(B) U.S.A
(C ) Canada(D) Spain

82.‘Right to Education Act’ included in which article :
(A)Article 22(B)Article 23
(C )Article 51 (A)(D)Article 21 (A)

83.In which year Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam received Bharat Ratna :
(C )1997*(D)1998

84.Who was the Indian shuttler to win stiver medal in 2015 World Badminton Championship?
(A)Saina Nehwal(B)P.V. Sindhu
(C )Jwala Gutta(D)Kidembi Srikanth

,85. The programme aims to provided housing for the rural poor in India :
(A)Samagra Awaas Yojana(B)Bharat Nirman
(C )Indira Awaas Yojana(D)Antyodaya Anna Yojana

86.In which year university of Travancore established?
(C )1930(D)1957

87.Who prepared the first authentic book in Malayalam Grammar?
(A)Rev, Mead(B)Hermann Gundert
(C )Dawson(D)Twinkle Tab

88.The scheme aims at opening a zero balance bank account for every Indian family :
(A)Samagra Awaas Yojana(B)Valmiki Ambedkar Awaas Yojana
(C )Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (D)Jan Dhan Yojana

89.Who founded the organization vaala samudaya purishkarani sabha?
(A)Pandit K.P. Karuppan(B)Ayya Vaikundar
(C )Kumara Guru(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

90.Which among the following was the organization of vaikunta swami?
(A)Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva(B)Samatva Samajan
(C )Yogakshema Sabha(D)SNDP Yogam

91.Kuttamkulnm Sathyagraha associated with which temple :
(A)Guruvayur temple(B)Chottanikara Temple
(C )Koodalmanikyam Temple(D)Vaikom Temple

92. The protest against the policy of appointing outsiders to Travancore service known as :
(A) Paliyam Satyagraha(B)Abstention Movement
(C ) Ezhava Memorial(D)Malayali Memorial

93.The news paper started by Vakkom Maulavi in1905:
(A) AI - Ameen(B)Prabhatham
(C ) Kesari(D)Swadeshabhimani

94.The father of the library movement in Kerala':
(A) K.M. Panikkar(B)P. Kesavadev
(C ) P.N. Pa nicker(D)P.C. Kuttikrishnan

95.The first woman in India to became a high court judge:
(A) Anna chandy(B)Fathima Beevi
(C ) Akkama Cheriyan(D)Sujatha Manohar

96.The author of the novel 'Agnisakshi':
(A) V.T. Bhattathiripad(B)Lalithambika Antharjanam
(C ) Arya Pallam(D)Lalitha Prabhu

97.Who established Ananda Mahasabha :
(A) Brahmananda Sivayogi(B)Vagbhadananda
(C ) Swami Agamananda(D)Swami Ananda Theerthan

98.K.P. Keshava Menon is the founder of which popular news paper in Kerala :
(A) Deshabhimani(B)Kerala Kaumudi
(C ) Madhyamam(D)Mathrubhumi

99.Which among the following award was not received by Vaikom Muhammed Basheer?
(A) Vallathol Award(B)Padmashri Award
(C ) Jnanpith Award(D)Muttathu Varkey Award

100.Which among the following is not the work of S.K. Pottekkad?
(A) Oru Deshathinte Katha(B)Kayar
(C ) Naadan Premam(D)Oru Theruvinte Katha

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