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1.Agrostology is the study of
(A) Fruits(B)Trees
(C ) Grasses(D)SoilSoil

2.IISR is connected with :
(A) Soil conservation(B)Spices
(C ) Live stock(D)Tuber cropsTuber crops

3.Dendrobium is a species of:
(A) Anthurium(B)Rose
(C ) Jasmine(D)Orchid

4.Intensity of sunlight is measured by :
(A) Sunshine recorder(B)Luxmeter
(C ) HygrographCD)Wet bulb thermometer

5.The best soil structure for plant growth :
(A) Crumb(B)Platy
(C ) Blocky(D)Columnar

6.The reclamation of a soil with pH 8 to 9 isbest with:
(A) Lime(B)Gypsum
(C ) Silica(D)Iron

7.Chittur area is associated with :
(A) Forest loams. (B)Laterite soils
(C ) Kari soils(D)Black cotton soilsBlack cotton soils

8.Pick the odd-man out:
(A)Sheet erosion(B)Saltation
(C )Surface creep(D)Suspension

9.Sub-soiling is a method of soil conservation it is :
(A)Agronomic method(B) Mechanical method
(C )Cultural method(D)Protective method

10.Which of the following is a Macronutrient for plants?
(C ) Magnesium(D) Manganese

11.The nutrient that gives tolerance to plants against drought, pest and diseases :
(A)Nitrogen(B) Potassium
(C ) Magnesium(D) Sulphur

12.Oil cakesare :
(A)Bulky organic manure
(C )Straight fertilizer
(B)Concentrated organic manure 
(D) Complex fertilize

13.1 hectareis :
(A)10,000 sq.m
(C )250 sq.m
(B)4,000 sq.m
(D)40 sq.m

14.The classof seed given to farmer :
(A)Breeder seed
(C )Registered seed
(B)Foundation seed 
(D) Certified seed

15.Which of the following is a secondary tillage implement?
(A)MB Plough(B) Harrows
(C )Wooden Plough •(D) Chisel Plough

16.Ludwigia is a weed, which is : 
(A) Aquatic
(C )Semi aquatic
(B) Upland (D) Dicot

17.The surface irrigation method giving 35 to 50 percent irrigation efficiency is :
(A)Sprinkler irrigation(B)Drip irrigation
(C )Flood irrigation(D)Furrow irrigation

18.The disease of rice seen from nursery to harvest:
(A)Sheath blight(B)Blast
(C )Sheath rot(D)Bacterial leaf blight

19.Dicofol is generally used to control a Coconut pest. Which of the following is that pest? 
(A) Rhinocerus beetle(B) Red Palm weevil
(C ) Coconut caterpillar(D) Eryophid mite

20.A dual purpose variety of banana : 
(A) Chenkadali (C ) Nendran
(B) Monthan (D) Njalipoovan

21.Bunchy top of banana is transmitted by : 
(A) Aphid (C ) Fruit fly
(B) White fly (D) Virus

22.The vegetable which is best grown in summer months :
(A) Coleus(B) Brinjal
(C ) Bitter gourd(D) Bhindi

23.Which of the following is propagated by root cuttings? 
(A) Rose• (B)
(C ) Amaranthus(D)
Begonia Curry Leaves

24. Air-layering is widely practised in :
(A) Guava(B) Jack
(C ) Mango(D) Rubber

25. Alternanthera and Duranta come under :
(A) Climbers(B) Hedges
(C ) Shrubs(D) Edges

26.Which of the following is a non-insect pest?
(C )Bug(D)Fly

27.A biocontrol agent that controls soil borne pathogens is :
(C )Azotobactor(D)Azospirillum

28.Phytosanitary certificate is associated with :
(A)Cultural control of plant pests and diseases
(B)Biological control of plant pests and diseases
(C )Legal control of plant pests and diseases
(D)Physical control of plant pests and diseases

29. Which of the following insecticide formulation is used against pest control in go-downs?
(A) Dusts(B)Granules
(C ) EC(D)Fumigants

30.The LD-50 value of Extremely toxic insecticide varies from (Mg/Kg):
(A) 1- 50(B)51- 500
(C ) 501 - 5000(D)>5000

31.An organophosphorous fungicide :
(A) Zineb(B)Mancozeb
(C ) Carbendazim(D)Ediphenphos

32.A farmer is having 2 hact. of coconut trees in his house hold. For spraying plant protection chemicals, which of the following sprayers can he opt?
(A) Atomizer(B)Knapsack sprayer
(C ) Rocker sprayer(D)None of the above

33.Which of the following cropping system guarantees maximum production per unit area?
(A) Multitier cropping(B)Sequential cropping
(C ) Relay cropping(D)Mixed cropping

34.Moisture content of paddy grains for safe storage.
(C )10%(D)16%

35.The best post-harvest technology adopted for fruits with high pectin content is making.
(C )Jelly(D)Pickle

36.‘Malabari’ is a breed of:
(C )Goat(D)Pig

37.An extension method used for popularizing an improved variety of a crop is :
(A) Mass contact(B) Participatory rural appraisal
(C ) Method demonstration(D) Result demonstration

38.The honeybee species that cannot be kept in hives :
(A) Apis cerana indica (C ) Apis mellifera
(B)Apis dorsata
(D)Trieona iridipennis

39. ‘Grasserie’ of silkworm is caused by : 
(A) Protozoa (C ) Fungus
(B) Bacteria (D) ' Virus

40. The medicinal plant used against cancer : 
(A) Brahmi (C ) Asparagus
(B) Sarpagandhi (D) Kacholam

41. ‘Ananthan’ is a variety of: 
(A) Honey bee (C ) Mushroom
(B) Anthurium (D) Orchid

42. Cashew Research Station (CRS) is situated at:
(A). Kasaragod(B) Thrissur
(C ) Kozhikode(D) Kollam

43. Which of the following is a pulse crop? 
(A) Black mustard (C ) Ground nut
(B) Green gram (D) Lady’s finger

44. Tea and orange are examples of: 
(A) Temperate plants (C ) Sub-tropical plants
(B) Tropical plants (D) None of the above

45. The major share of rainfall in Kerala is from 
(A) South - West Monsoon (C ) Summer rains
(B) North - East Monsoon (D) North - West Monsoon

46. The layers of soil is termed as : 
(A) Soil horizon (C ) Soil regolith
(B) Soil profile (D) Soil solum

47. The type of water erosion which cannot be corrected.
(A) Splash erosion(B) Sheet erosion
(C ) Rill erosion(D) Gully erosion

48. ‘Flame cultivation’ is associated with :
(A) Weeds(B) Insects
(C ) Diseases(D) Non-insect pests

49. The biological control of African Payal is usually done with a Weevil. Name it: 
(A) Neochaetina(B) Cyrtobagus
(C ) Agromyza(D) Zygogramma

50. Which of the following is a hybrid variety of coconut?
(A) Laksha ganga(B) Chandra kalpa
(C ) Kerachandra(D) WCT

51. The era in geological time - scale during which dinosaurs existed.
(A) Arcaeozoic(B) Mesozoic
(C ) Cainozoic(D) Paleozoic

52.The theory of evolution by natural selection was put forward by Charles Darwin and :
(A)De Vries(B) August Weissman
(C )Alfred RusselWallace(D)Gregor Mendel

53.The appearance of ancestral characters as abnormal characters in the course of evolution is
(A)Differential reproduction(B)Introduction
(C )Analogy(D)Atavism

54.Which of the following is not a cause of evolution?
(C )Mutation(D)Hybridisation

55.An auxin used in plant tissue culture. ?
(A) Kinetin (C ) BAP
(B) Creatine (D) IAA

56.Among the following the plant grown for its beautiful foliage is : 
(A) Cosmos(B) Croton
(C ) Aster(D) Salvia

57.An equipment for sterilization : 
(A) Centrifuge (C ) Microtome
(B) Calorimeter (D) Autoclave

58.Tuberculate rhizoids are seen in : 
(A) Riccia (C ) Funaria
(B) Marchantia (D) None of these

59.“Clamp connections” are noticed in the genus :
(A) Xylaria(B) Agaricus
(C ) Peziza(D) Penicilium

60.Vegetative phase of Mushroom is known as :
(A) Basidiospore(B)Basidium
(C ) Basidiocarp(D)Mycelium

61.Both the stock and scion are rooted in :
(A) Bud grafting(B)Cleft grafting
(C ) Approach grafting(D)Whip grafting

62.Apical cell theory was proposed by :
(A) Bernstein(B)Hanstein
(C )‘ Nageli(D)Schmidt

63.A anomalous secondary thickening is found in the stem of:
(A) Vernonia(B)Boerhaavia
(C ) Tinospora(D)Thithonia

64.The characteristic inflorescence of the family Asteraceae is a : .
(A) Cyathium(B)Cyme
(C ) Veticillaster(D)Capitulum

65.Solanaceae comes under the order :
(A) Rosales(B)Parietals
(C ) Polemoniales(D)Passiflorales

66.Periderm tissue was derived from :
(A) Bark(B)Phellogen
(C ) Lenticels(D)Phelloderm

67.World Environment Day: 
(A) June 5(B) July 20
(C ) March 30‘.(D)May 10May 10

68.Corbett National Park is in :
(A) Karnataka°(B)Orissa
(C ) Gujarat(D)UP

69.Minmata Disease is associated with :
(A) Mercury(B)Lead
(C ) Cadmium(D)ArsenicArsenic

70.In which algae cap cells are found :
(A) Oedogonium(B)'Volvox
(C ) Ulothrix(D)Chara

71.Precursor of phytohormone auxin is :
(A) Lysine(B)Methionine
(C ) Tryptophan(D)Argenine

72.Yeast are included in :
(A) Basidiomycetes(B)Ascomycetes
(C ) Deutromycetes(D)None of the above

73.Penicillin was discovered by :
(A) Alexander Fleming(B)Robert Hook
(C ) A.F. Blakeslee(D)F.W. Went

74.Tikka disease is caused by :
(A) Puccinia(B)Phytophthora
(C ) E.Coli(D)Cercospora

75.The primary target of HIV is :
(A) RBC(B)Thrombocytes
(C ) T4 Lymphocytes(D)None of theseNone of these

76.Pteridophytes are also known as :
(A) Vascular Cryptogams(B)Phanerogams
(C ) GymnospermsCD)None of these

77.Six Kingdom classification was put forward by :
(A) Zimmermann(B)Whittaker
(C ) Carl Woese11(D)Engler 113/2015 

78. The term Heterosis was introduced by :
(A) George Shull (C ) Mc Dougall

79.Bacterial cell wall is composed of:
(A) Lignin
(C ) Peptidoglycan

80.Common name of Piper longum is :
(A) Turmeric (C ) Clove
(B) P.B. Sumner (D) Charles Darwin
(B) Suberin (D) Cellulose
(B) Thippali (D) Pepper

81.The fundamental rights of our constitution was borrowed from :
(A)Russian constitution(B)U.S. constitution
(C )British constitution(D)Irish constitution

82.In 2015, Ezhuthachan Puraskaram was awarded to :
(A)O.N.V. Kurupu
(C )T.Padmanaban
(D)Vishnu Narayanan Nampoothiri

83.Who named Sree Narayana Guru as Second Budha?
(A)G.Sankara Kurupu(B)Ayyankali
(C )Mannathu Padmanaban(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

84.Temple Entry Proclamation was on : (A)1934 Nov. 1
(C )1936 Nov. 12
(B)1926 Nov. 12
(D)1930 Nov. 1

85.2014 common wealth games was held at:
(A) India (C ) Japan

86.Which one of the new directive principle aimed to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and Wild Life?
(A) Art. 48 A(B) ' Art. 38
(C )Art. 43 A(D) Art. 43 B

87.Who translated ‘Sakunthalam’ to Malayalam?
(A)Kodungallur Kunhikuttan Thampuran
(C )Vallathol Narayana menon
(D)Keralavarma Valiya koyi Thampuran

88.Constitution Day in India is celebrated every year on :
(A) 26th Nov.(B) 26th Jan.
(C ) 15th Aug.(D) 1st Nov.

89.Who among the following awarded Keerthi
(A) Captain Sandeep Bhartiya (C ) Major Mandeep Singh
(B) Major Gaurov Thakur
(D) Shri Bhrigu Nandan Choudhary

90.‘Viswadarsanam’ was the work of:
(A) Ponkunnam Varkey (C ) G.Sankara Kurupu

(B) Changampuzha
(D) Vaikam Muhammed Basheer

91.Founder of Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha.
(A) Moorkoth Kumaran(B) M.C. Joseph
(C ) Pampadi John Joseph(D) Poikayil Sreekumara Devan

92.Shri Muhammed Abdul Rahiman was the Chief Editor of:
(A) Vivekodayam(B) Al - Ameen
(C ) Kesari(D) Prabhatham

93.Which of the following works was not related to Lalithambika Antharjanam?
(A) Agnisakshi
(C ) Gosayi Paranja Kadha

94.The smallest Mahakavya :
(A) Chithrayogam (C ) Kesaveeyam
(B)Umakeralam (D) Krishnagadha

95.Central Cabinet Minister for Women and Child Development
(A) Smt. Manekha Gandhi (C ) Shri. Ramvilas Paswan
(B)Smt. Smriti Irani (D) Smt. Sushama Swaraj

96.Who gave great support to channar revolts (upper cloth revolts)?
(A) Dr.Palpu(B) Ayya Vaikundar
(C )Ayyankali(D) Sree Narayana Guru

97.Freedom of Information Act, 2002 applies to all states and Union territories of India EXCEPT:
(C )Jammu andKashmir(D)Assam

98.Who was known as Kerala Subash Chandra Bose?
(A)K.Kelappan(B)Muhammed Abdul Rehman
(C )A.K. Gopalan(D)V.T. Bhattathirippad

99.In India First Printing Press was commenced at:
(C )Kochi(D)Kozhikodu

100.Who won 3 gold medals for Kerala in swimming events in National Games 2015? (A) Anjumol Joseph(B) Sajan Prakash
(C ) Ashish Kumar(D) C.P. Rathilal

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