TRADESMAN - SHEET METAL ENGINEERING - kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. The thickness of the SWG No : 10 is :
(A) 2.6 mm
(B)3.2 mm
(C ) 2 mm
(D)1.6 mm

2.Maximum SWG number is :
(A) 50
(C ) 1/0

3.Mass/unit area for 1 mm thick steel is :
(A) 8.65 Kg/m2
(B)7.73 Kg/m2
(C ) 5.3 Kg/m2
(D)6.66 Kg/m2

4.Unit of force in S.I system :
(A) Kg
(C ) N

5.What is Young’s modulus of elasticity?
(A) force/area
(C ) stress/strain- 

6.Unit of stress in S.I system :
(A) N/m’ 
(C ) N/m2

7.Melting point of pure aluminum is :
(A) 419°C
(C ) 232°C

8.Density is:
(A) mass/aren
(C ) force/area

9.Melting point of Tin is
(C ) 232°C

10.Volume of sphere of radius 'r' is :
(B)4 /3d3
(C ) 2l33

11.Unit of length in metric system :
(C )cm

12.The perimeter of a circle diameter'd' is
(A) d 
(C )1/3d

13.Which is the lowest value?
(C ) 1/1

14.The value of 5/100 + 3/1000 is:
(C ) 0.053

15.Unit of electric current is :
(C ) Watts

16.Mallet is made of:
(B)wrought iron
(C ) hard wood
(D)cast iron

17.Angle of dot punch is :
(C ) 60°

18. if wire diameter D the wiring allowance for sheet metal work is:
(A)1.5 D
(C )2.5 D
(D)3 D

19.Which isthe leak proof jointin sheet metal work?
(C )lock grooved

20.The ability of material to resist fracture due to high impact load is :
(C )toughness

21.The property of material which enables it to retain the deformation permanently is
(C )malleability

22.Which of the following material has maximum ductility?
(A)mild steel
(C )aluminum

23.The property of a material due to which it breaks with little permanent distortion :
(C )malleability

24.Which of the following material has maximum malleability?
(A) copper
(B)soft steel
(C ) wrought iron

25.Iron ore is usually found in form of:
(A) oxides
(C ) limonite

26.Steel containing 0.8 to 1.5% carbon is known as ;
(A) mild steel
(B)dead mild steel
(C ) medium carbon steel
(D)high carbon steel

27.Cutting tools are made from : 
(A) nickel steel 
(B) chrome steel 
(C ) high speed steel 
(D) silicon steel

28.Which of the following is an amorphous material?
(A) glass. 
(B) mica
(C ) lead
(D) brass

29.The heat treatment process used for softening hardened steel:
(A) carburizing
(B) normalizing
(C ) annealing
(D) tempering

30.Which of the following is a case hardening process?
(A) carburizing
(B) cyaniding
(C ) nitriding
(D) all of the above

31.Brass is an alloy of:
(A) copper & zinc 
(B) copper & tin
(C ) copper, zinc & tin
(D) none of the above

32.Bronze is an alloy of:
(A) copper & zinc 
(B) copper & tin
(C ) copper, zinc & tin
(D) none of the above

33.Structural sections which as rail, angles. I Beams are made by :
(A) hot roiling
(B) hot drawing
(C ) hot extrusion
(D) -hot spinning

34.The parts of circular cross section which are symmetrical about the axis of rotation arc made by :
(A)hot forging
(B)hot spinning
(C )hot extrusion
(D)hot drawing

35.The process extensively under for making bolt and nut is :
(A)hot piereing
(C )cold peening
(D)cold heading

36.The process of increasing the cross section of a bar and decrease its length is called :
(C )spinning

37.The process of decreasing the cross-section of a bar and increasing its length is called :
(A)drawing down
(C )spinning

38.The operation of cutting a cylindrical hole in a sheet of metal by the punch and the die is called :
(A) shearing 
(B) piercing 
(C ) punching
(D) blanking

39.The operation of cutting a flat sheet to the desired shape is called :
(C )punching

40.The operation of cutting a sheet of metal in a straight line along the length is known as :
(B) notching
(C )slitting

41.The operation of bending a sheet of metal along a curved axis is know n as 
(C )slitting

42.The operation of producing cup shaped parts from flat sheet metal blanks by bending and plastic flow of metal is known as :
(C )coining

43.The operation of straightening a curve sheet metal is known as :
(C )coining

44. Blanking and piercing operation can bo performed simultaneously in a : (A) single die
(B) progressive die
(C ) compound die
(D) combination die

45. Cutting and forming operation can be performed in a single operation in a (A)single die
(B)progressive die
(C )compounddie
(D)combination die

46. In piercing operation, the clearance is provided on :
(C )half on thepunch & half on the die 
(D)either on punch or die

47.In blanking operation, the clearance is provided on :
(A) punch
(B) die
(C )half on the punch'& half on the die
(D)either on punch or die

48.Lap joints are employed on plates having thickness :
(A)less than 3ramA
(B)5 to 10 mm
(C )12.5 mm
(D)above 25 mm

49.Seam welding is best adopted for metal thickness ranging from :
(A) 0.025 to 3 mm
(B)3 to 5 mm
(C ) 5 to 8 mm
(D)8 to 10 mm

50.Acetylene gas is stored in cylinder in the form of;
(A) solid
(C ) gaseous
(D)any one of the form

51.The oxygen cylinder is usually painted with :
(A) black colour
(B)white colour
(C ) maroon colour
(D)yellow colour

52. Flux commonly used in brazing is :
(A) zinc chloride 
(B)ammonium chloride
(C ) rosin plus

53.A zinc diffusion process is called :
(A) galvanizing 
(C ) parkerising

54.In order to cut mild steel, the cutting angle of chisel should be :
(A) 30°
(C ) 50°

55.The cold chisel are made by:
(A) drawing
(C ) piercing

56.The cross section of a chisel is usually :
(A) circular
(C ) hexagonal

57.The cutting edge of a chisel should :
(A) hardened
(C ) annealed
(D)hardened and tempered

58.A hacksaw blade cuts on the :
(A)forward stroke 
(B)return stroke
(C )both return and forward
(D) cutting depends up on the direction of force

59.A hack saw blade is specified by its :
(A) length
(C ) width
(D)number of teeth

60.To prevent the body of the blade from jamming in the saw cut; the teeth of the blade are :
(A) strengthened 
(B) sharpened 
(C ) set
(D) all of the above

61.A file with 20 teeth in 25 mm is called :
(A) rough file 
(B) bastard file 
(C ) second cut file
(D) smooth file

62.A file removes the metal during :
(A) forward stroke
(B) return stroke 
(C ) both forward and return stroke
(D) none of the above

63.The type of file used for a wood work is :
(A) single cut file
(B) double cut file 
(C ) rasp cut file
(D) any one of the above

61. The instrument used to measure external and internal diameter of shafts, thickness of parts and depth of holes is :
(A) outside micrometer
(B) vernier caliper
(C ) inside micrometer
(D) depth gauge micrometer

65.The accuracy of micrometers, calipers, dial indicators can be checked by:
(A) feeler gauge 
(B)slip gauge 
(C ) ring gauge 
(D) plug gauge

66.A ring gauge is used to :
(A)check the diameter of shafts
(B)test the accuracy of holes
(C )check the clearance between two mating surface
(D)all of the above

67.The drill spindles are provided with standard taper known as :
(A) morse taper
(B) seller taper
(C )champman taper
(D) brown and sharp taper

68. The operation making a cone shaped enlargement of the end of a hole is known as :
(A) counter sinking
(B)counter boring
(C ) trepanning
(D)spot facing

69.Which of the following operation is first performed?
(A) spot facing
(C ) tapping

70.The drill mainly used in drilling brass, copper or softer material:
(A) flat drill
(B)straight fluted drill
(C ) parallel shank twist drill
(D)tapered shank twist drill

71.The usual value of the point angle of a drill is :
(A) 70°
(C ) 118°

72.For softer materials the point angle of a drill is :
(A) equal to 118°
(B)less than 118°
(C ) more than 118°
(D)any one of the above

73.Twist drill are made of:
(A) high speed steel
(B)carbon steel
(C ) stainless steel
(D)either(A) or (B)

74.A tool used to withdraw a drill from the sleeve is called SadC ) ring gauge
(A) drill remover
(C ) drill puller
(D)drill drawer

75.The unit of temperature in S.I. system :
(A) °C
(C ) °K

76."V" block is used to :
(A) check the trueness of flat surface
(B)locate centre of round roads
(C ) check the surface roughness
(D)none of the above

 77. Thin gears from sheet metal can be produced commercially by :
(A) gear hobbing
(B)gear shaping
(C ) extruding

78. A good lubricant for thread cutting operation :
(A) graphite
(B)white lead
(C ) mineral lard oil
(D)water soluble oil

79. Surface grinding is done to produce :
(A) tapered surface
(B)flat surface
(C ) internal cylindrical hole
(D)all of the above

80.The process of improving the cutting action of the grinding wheel is called :
(C )facing

81.“Freedom is my birth right” is a famous slogan of:
(A)Gopalakrishna Gohale
(B)Malagangathar Thilak
(C )Bipin chandrapal
(D)Lala Lajapat Rai

82.Partition of Bengal is decided during the administration of:
(A) Lord Curzon 
(B)Lord Wellesly
(C ) Lord Carning
(D)Lord Dalhousi

83.Jallianwalla Bhag Massacre occurred on ; (A)1919 April 3
(C )1919 April 13
(B)1919 April 8
(D)1919 April 18

84.Find the odd one out;
(A) Gopalakrishna Gohale 
(B) Balagangathar Thilak 
(C ) Bipin chandrapal 
(D) Lain Lajapat Rai

85.The slogan "Do or Die'' is raised during:
(A)Swndesi movement
(B)Civil Disobedience Movement 
(C )Non Co-Operntion Movement
(D)Quit India Movement

86.Chauri-chaura incident happened in the year:
(C )1922

87.The leader of Rani Jansi Brigade of INA:
(A)Sarojini naidu 
(B)Captain lakshmi 
(C )Vijayalakshmi Pandit
(D)Jhansi Rani'

88.-------------is known as frontier Gandhi.
(A)Mahatma Gandhi
(B)Indira Gandhi
(C )Firoz Gandhi
(D)Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan

89.The Renaissance leader of Modern Kerala :
(A)Srinarayana Guru
(B)Chattampi Swamikal 
(C )Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi

90.Kerala Gandhi:
(C )K.Kelappan

91.Founder of 'Swadeshabhimani' news paper :
(A)jSwadesh abhimani Ramakrishnapillai
(B)Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi 
(C ) KC.Mamman Mappilai
(D) P .Govindapillai

92. Who is known as 'Pulaya Raja*?
(A) Dr.Palppu
(B)Srinarayana Guru 
(C ) K.Kelappan

93.93. Guruvayur Sathyagraha started in:
(C )1936

94.94.The Magnakartta of Modern Travancore :
(A) Temple Entry Proclamation 
(B)Malayalee Memorial 
(C ) Ezhava Memorial
(D) Punnappara Vayalar Strike

95..Founder of Sadhu Jana Paripalana sangam :
(A) S.Ayyappan 
(B)Dr. Palppu
(C ) Ayyankali
(D) Sreenarayana Guru

96.The first war of independence started at:
(A) Lucknow
(C ) Calcutta
(D) Meerut

97.--------------session of congress demanded Poorna Swaraj.
(A) Lahore
(B) Bombay
(C )Meerut
(D) Calcutta

98.Congreaa participated in the Round Table Conference held in :
(C )1932

99.The Founder of Swaraj Party :
(A) Motilal Nehru
(B) Subhash Chandrabose 
(C )Gandhiji
(D) C.R.Das

100.The book 'Malabar Mannual' written by :
(A) Brannan
(B) C.F.Andrews 
(C )William Logan
(D) Herman Gundart

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