TRADESMAN - MACHINIST - TECHNICAL EDUCATION -kerala psc previous question paper

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1.The cutting angle for chipping cast iron is_____.
(C ) 90°
(D) 37.5°

2.Chain hole drilling is performed________.
(A)Before drilling larger dia. holes
(B)Where hack sawing is not possible
(C ) To reduce the weight of the job
(D) Instead drilling pilot hole

3.A drift is used for_______.
(A)Drawing a drill location
(B)Fixing chuck on the machine spindle
(C )Removing a broken drill from work
(D)Removing the drill from the machine spindle

4.'l aps are made of________.
(A)Mild steel
(B)Stainless steel
(C )High carbon steel
(D)Low carbon steel

5.The point angle for a standard drill is______
(C )108°

6.Which one of the following is not the part of a shaper ?
(C )Tool head
(D)Cross slide

7.The size of the shaper is specified by_______.
(A)length of stroke
(B)Size of the table
(C )Maximum size of the tool
(D)H.P. of motor

8.Which of the following is non-chip removal process ?
(A)Spinning on lathe
(B)Machining on shaper
(C )Thread cutting
(D)Gear hobbing

9.The reference surface during marking is provided by the___________.
(A)Surface gauge
(C ) Drawing of the work
(D) Marking table surface

10.Generally ratio of forward and return stroke in a shaper is_______.
(A) 2 :1
(B)1 : 2
(C ) 2 : 3
(D) 3 : 2

11.In shaping, compound angle may be obtained using_____________.
(A)Plain vice
(B)Swivel vice
(C )Universal vice
(D)Tool marker's vice

12.Which one is the operation that cannot be done on the slotting machine_________.
(A)Key way slotting
(B)Dove tail slotting
(C )Gear cutting
(D)Thread cutting

13.The inside comer of a job should be finished by using________.
(A) Round nose tool,
(B) Key way tool
(C )Square nose tool
(D)Cornering tool

14.To slot a convex surface, the cutting tool required is_ _____.
(A)Square nose tool
(B)Round nose tool
(C ) Key way tool,
(D) Cornering tool

15.The convex surface can be slotted by using___________.
(A)Longitudinal feed
(B)Rotary feed
(C )Cross feed
(D)Vertical feed

16.The purpose of quick return mechanism in a slotting machine is to________
(A)Reduce the cutting time
(B)Have faster return stroke
(C )Maintain standard cutting speed 
(D)Reduce idle time having faster idle stroke

17.The main feed shaft of a slotting machine is drive by________.
(A)Bevel gear mechanism
(B)Pawl and ratchet wheel mechanism
(C )Tumbler gear mechanism
(D)Worm and worm gear mechanism

18.During turning operation measure the job when it is_
(A)In motion
(C )About to stop
(D)Removed from thechuck

19.Changing of speed must be done when the :
(A)Machine is running
(B)Machine is stopped
(C )Job is removed
(D)Chuck is removed

20.Surface gauge is used on lath to______
(A)Draw parallel lines
(B)True the job
(C )Measure the job
(D)Draw perpendicular lines

21.Centre drill is mounted on________.
(A) Tool post
(B) Sleeves 
(C )Tail stock spindle 
(D) Four jaw chuck

22.For safe working, gap between tool rest and grinding wheel is :
(A)4 mm minimum
(B)5 mm maximum 
(C )2 mm maximum
(D)5 mm maximum 

23.Centre drill breaks as a result of________.
(A)Heavy speed and lowfeed
(B)Heavy feed andlow feed
(C )Larger drill and smallerwork 
(D)Larger drill andlarger work

24.Chucks, Facing Plate, driving plates are mounted on_________.
(A)Head stock spindle
(B)Tail stock spindle
(C )Tool post

25.Chamfering is not meant__________.
(A)Remove burrs and sharp
(B)Permit for easy assembly of mating components
(C )Reduce the weight of the component
(D)Provide better appearance

26.A centre gauge is used to____________.
(A)Check the pitch of the thread
(B)Set the tool at the correct centre height
(C )Check the fit of the thread
(D)Check the angle of threading tool

27.100 mm dia. work runs at 250 RPM on a lathe, the cutting speed is________.
(C )78.5 m/min. 

28.Knurling is done on__________.
(A)Flat Surface
(B) Cylindrical Surface
(C ) Concave Surface
(D) Convex Surface

29.The included angle of the morse taper is________.
(C )2° 30'

30.Chip breaker is provided to__________.
(A)Avoid tool setting blunt
(B)Reduce heat generation
(C )Minimise tool life
(D)Metal continous chip formation

31.The morse standard taper is available in________.
(C )10 Nos

32.A mandril is used____________.
(A)In a chuck for moving the jaws
(B)For taper turning only
(C )For holding the dead centre
(D)For turning a bored workpiece over the whole length

33.Top rake angle of a parting tool is_______.
(A)Between 5° - 6° 
(C )30° - 45°

34.Quick return mechanism in a planner is necessary to____________.
(A)Have Smooth Surface
(B)Avoid dulling of the tool point
(C )Reduce operation time
(D)Increase operation time

35.For feeding the tool for planning vertical and angular surface use_________.
(C )Crossrail

36.Least Count of Vernier bevel protractor is___________
(C )5'

37.In a planning machine the feed is provided intermittently at the_________.
(A) Forward stroke
(B) Return stroke
(C ) Speed changing time
(D) At the middle of forward stroke

38.For ordinary damping purpose the following type of bolts are used 
(A) T head bolts
(B) Square head bolts
(C ) Stud bolts
(D) Round head bolts

39.The above cutter is used for 
(A) Machining flat surface 
(B)Face milling
(C ) Milling receses
(D)Milling narrow grooves

40.The least count of a vernier height gauge in the British system is____________.
(C )0.001"

41.The quality of surface finish that can be achieved in good operation condition on a milling machine is______________.
(A)N4 toN8
(B)N3 to N6
(C )N2 to N4
(D)N1to N12

42.While mounting a parallel shank cutter, select a spring collect whose dia. is _ 
(A)More than the dia.ofshank
(B)Hqual to the dia. of cutter
(C )Equal to the dia. ofshank
(D)Smaller than the dia.ofshank

43.Built up edge is formed on the cutting edge of cutter if material to be milled is 
(A) Tough
(B) Ductle
(C ) Malleable
(D) Soft

44.The above cutter is used for__________.
(A)Key way cutting
(B)Cutting thin slots
(C )Angle milling
(D)Cutting off to length

45.Vertical milling operations are carried out by mounting the vertical milling attachment on ___________.
(A)Vertical milling machine
(B) Slotting machine
(C )Universal milling machine
(D) Horizontal milling machine

46.Precision grinders are used to maintain close tolerances upto_________.
(A)0.020 mm
(B)0.002 mm
(C )0.010 mm
(D)0.001 mm

47.The operation of sharpening a wheel is called___________.
(C )Dressing

48.Which one is not the cause for "glazing" of grinding wheel ?
(A)Hard wheel in place of soft wheel
(B)Higher wheel speed than recommended
(C )Dirty coolant
(D)Improper dressing

49.The recommended depth of cut for roughing is____________.
(A)0.015 to 0.050 mm
(B)0.015 to 0.030mm
(C )0.010 to 0,020 mm
(D)0.020 to 0.040mm '*'

50.The rotary table is mainly used for the vertical milling machine to mill______.
(A)Flat Surfaces
(B)Circular Surfaces
(C )Gear teeth

51.In the BIS system 25 holes deviations are specified by_______
(A)Small letters
(B)Small letters with number's
(C )Small letters withtolerance
(D)Capital letters

52.Galvanizing process the components are dipped in_____________.
(A)Copper sulphate
(B)Molten zinc
(C )Sulphuric acid
(D)Zinc chloride

53.A job is to be faced holding it between centres. For supporting the job. Which of the following centres, would you suggest ?
(A) Half Centre
(B)Ball Point Centre
(C ) Revolving Centre
(D) Pipe Centre

54.What do you understand by the term "HARDNESS" of a grinding wheel ?
(A)A grinding wheel to grind hard material.
(B)The strength of the bond to hold the abrasive grains together
(C )The ability of a grinding wheel to separate the abrassive particles easily
(D)The Brinell hardness of the grinding wheel

55.To improve productivity in manufacturing jigs and fixtures are used__________.
(A)Guides the tool while cutting
(B)Is used only for drilling and boring operations
(C )Only small components can be held by this
(D)It helps to hold the workpiece in the correct position

56.You have to mill an aluminium job which one of the following feature of the cutter is suitable for this ?
(A)Straight teeth cutter with larger wedge angle
(B)Helical teeth cutter with zero rake angle
(C )More number of cutting edges with more chip space
(D)Less number of cutting edges with more chip space

57.It is required to machine single start worm of 2 module (m) and 60 mm pitch diameter. The speed ratio is 40 :1.
(A) 29.3 mm
(B)33.3 mm
(C )21mm
(D)14.6 mm

58.A gear wheel has 20teeth(Z) and 3 mmmodule(m) its pitchdiameter(pd) is_____.
(A) 12 mm
(B)60 mm
(C )75mm
(D)108 mm

59. What is the advantages of helical fluted taps7
(A)Drilling to minor diameter
(B)l apping on slotted hole
(C )Lubrication is easy
(D)Self alingnment of tap is possible

60.What is the main purpose of using coolant while drilling ?
(A)To avoid colouring of the chips
(B)To avoid the corrosion of polished machine parts 
(C ) To cool the tool edge and lubricate the chips
(D)To use it as a cleaning medium and finish the chips

61.A point-to-point control system is suitable only for one of the following applications :
(A) Grinding
(B) Jig boring
(C )Turning
(D) Milling profile

62.The temperature to which a workpiece is heated depends on the materials and the type of forging process. The temperature range for forging high carbon steel is__________.
(A) 700°C - 800°C
(B)800oC - 1300oC 
(C ) 900°C - 1150oC 
(D) 950=C - 1100X

63.Which'one of the following is the characteristic of a shaping machine relating to cutting process ?
(A)Tool cuts on both forward and return stroke
(B)Tool cuts during forward stroke
(C )Tool kept stationary
(D)Tool cuts during return stroke

64.In which of the following cases do you use higher "rpm" while turning ?
(A)Large diameter of work with higher feed rate
(B)Fine finish on small diameter of work
(C )Hard and tough work material
(D)High rate of metal removed

65.The grade of a grinding wheelisspecified by the lettersfrom Ato Z.
(B) J
(C ) P

66.Findthe normal module of ahelical gear.Having an angleof 25° andrealmodule(m) 6.62.
(A)6.62 x sin 25°
(B)6.62x cos 25*
(C ) 6.62x tan25° 

67.Indexing head mechanism works with_____
(A) Worm and worm gear
(B) Two helical gear
(C )Rack and pinion
(D) Two bevel gear

68.A hexagon socket screw key (alien key's) is designated as KEY 8 IS 3082. Number 8 represents the diamension___________
(A)of the diagonal of hexagon of the socket
(B)width across flat hexagon
(C )of the diameter of the screw"
(D)depth of the socket

69.CXC machines have built-in measuring system. The tool to reach the programmed position is known as _ ________.
(A) Reference point 
(B) Machine zero 
(C ) Work zero 
(D) Programme zero

70.A mild steel part has to be forged. Which colour indicate the most suitable forging temperature ?
(B)Dull cherryred
(C )White

71.Which one of the following is an artificial abrasive ?
(A)Silicon Carbide 
(C )Diamond

72.While machining cast iron, coolant should be________.
(A)Soft water
(C )Dry air

73.Four steel pins of  50mm were turned in a lathe. Actual values of the 
components measured with a outside micrometer are given below. Which pin dimesion is within the specified limits ?
(A)50.00 mm
(B)50.022 mm
(C )50.050 mm
(D)50.075 mm

74.The standard taper of taper pin is________.
(A)1 : 40
(B)1 : 30
(C )1 : 50
(D)1 : 20

75.The tip circle diameter of an internal gear is________.
(A)Pitch circle diameter — 2 x module
(B)2x module + pitch circle diameter
(C )Pitch circle diameter +2x module
(D)Pitch circle diameter + 2 x module

76.Which one of the following is not essential for cam milling on milling machines ?
(A)Vertical attachment
(B)Universal indexhead
(C )Swivelling arrangement of table 
(D)End mill cutter

77.A worm and worm wheel drive used to connect________________.
(A)Parallel shafts
(B)Non-Parallel intersecting shafts
(C )Non-Parallel non-intersecting shafts
(D)Non-Parallel non-intersecting shafts at right angles

78.Which one of the following cutter is not to ground on tooth face ?
(A)Convex cutter
(B)Double rounding cutter
(C )Gear cutter

79.When a new carbided tipped tool require-re-sharpening, it is first ground to the rough form with_____________.
(A) Sand stone 
(B)Green grit silicon carbide
(C ) Silicon carbide
(D)Diamond wheel

80.Suitable machine tool for heigh speed parting off work on material like cemented carbide is
(A) Do all machine 
(B)Heavy duty power saw 
(C ) Cutting off machine
(D)Milling machine slitting saw

81.Manali the famous tourist centre in Himachal situated on the bank of River 
(A) Jhalem
(B) Chenab
(C ) Beas
(D) Ganges

82.Which is the young fold mountain ?
(A) Aravalli
(B) Satpura
(C ) Vindhyas 
(D) Himalayas

83."Project Tiger" was launched on :
(C )1989

84.Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act passed on :
(C )2003

85.The scheme which provide food to senior citizens who have no one to take care of:
(A)Awaz Yojana
(B)Rozgar Yojana
(C )Andhyodaya Yojana

86.In India chit fund's are governed by :
(A)State Government
(B)Local bodies
(C )Central Government

87.What is the total coastal length of Kerala ?
(C )440

88.The largest forest division in Kerala :
(C )Peechi

89.In Kanpur who lead the revolt of 1857 :
(B)Kunwar Singh
(C )BahadurSha
(D)Nana Sahib

90.The British Prime Minister who gave freedom to India :
(A) Winston Churchill
(B) Clement Atlee
(C ) George Clemendu
(D) Margaret Thachar

91.'Atma vidya Sangam' founded by which social reformer ?
(A) Ayyankali
(B) K. Kumaran
(C ) V.T. Battathiripad
(D) Vaghbatananda

92.SNDP was formed in :
(A) 1906
(C )1903
(D) 1907

93.Birth place of Chattampi Swamikal : 
(A) Panmana 
(B) Chemphazhanthi 
(C ) Kollur
(D) Kaladi

94.Father of Muslim renaissance in Kerala :
(A) Sir Said Ahemed Khan 
(B)Muhammed Abdur Rahiman 
(C ) Shoukat Ali
(D)Vakkom Moulavi

95.The winner of French Open Men's Single 2014 :
(B)Rafael Nadal
(C )Jonathan Marre 
(D)Roger Federer

96.Present Attorney General of India :
(A)Milon K.Banerji
(B)G.E. Vahanvati
(C )Mukul Rohatgi 
(D)Ashok Desai

97.World's largest reservoir of Polio :
(A) Somalia
(B) Uganda
(C ) Peshawar . 
(D) Karachi

98.Youngest women to climb mount everest:
(A)Malavath Puma
(B)Jingo Tabi
(C )Rajeshwari Agarwal

99.First oscar nominated film in India :
(A)Banu Athayya
(B)Raja Harichandra
(C )Mother India
(D)Salam Bombay

100."Give me blood in turn 1 will give you freedom" is coined by :
(B)Sardar Patel
(C ) Subash Chandra Bose
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

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