TRADESMAN - COMPUTER HARDWARE MAINTENANCE -kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Which of the following is an impact printer? 
(A) Inkjet Printer (C ) Laser Printer
(B) Dot Matrix Printer (D) Thermal Printer

2. The data transfer rate of a 4Kx CDROM is : (A)7200 KR/sec
(C )720 KB/sec
(B)7200 MB/sec
(D)720 MB/sec

3. The smallest individually addressable unit of information stored on a hard disk is : 
(A) Track
(B) Platter
(C ) Sector
(D) Cylinder

4.Which of the following is not a motherboard component?
(A) Hard Disk
(C ) CMOS Battery
(D) Processor

5. SMPS is used to :
(A) Control speed of processor 
(B) Manage Data transfer 
(C ) Convert ac voltage to do 
(D) Control I/O devices

6. If the number of gates in an 1C is between 100 and 5000, then the integration level is : 
(C ) LSI

7. Linux is:
(A) An operating system 
(B) A free software 
(C ) A system software 
(D) All the above

8. Which of the following is a gaming device? 
(A) Mouse 
(B) Joystick 
(C ) Web cam 
(D) Track Ball

9. The device that connect computers by means of telephone line :
(C ) Cable

10.POST means:
(A) Power On System Test
(B)Power On Self Test
(C ) Power Out System Test
(D)Power Out Self Test

11.The Principles of Structured programming forbid theuse of:
(A) switch
(C ) for

12.A microcontroller contains :
(A) CPU and ROM
(B)CPU, RAM and I/O ports
(C ) CPU and RAM
(D)All the above

13.Which is the term not related with Database?
(C ) DML

14.Overclocking a CPU results in :
(A) Increased performance
(B)Increased heat
(C ) Increased bus speed
(D)All the above

15.The errors detected by compiler are :
(A) Syntax errors
(B)Semantic errors
(C ) Logical errors
(D)Internal errors

16.USB stands for :
(A) Universal Synchronous Bus
(B)Universal Serial Bus
(C ) Uniform Standard Bus
(D)Uniform Serial Bus

17.Cache memory is used to :
(A) Increase capacity of memory
(B)Store permanent data
(C ) Store permanent code
(D)Increase processing speed

18. The functioning of a microprocessor is controlled by :
(A) Central Processing Unit
(B)Arithmetic Logic Unit
(C ) Control Unit
(D)All the above

19.A nibble is a group of:
(A) 2 bits
(B)4 bits
(C ) 8 bits
(D)10 bit9

20.North Bridge chip is responsible for interfacing with :
(A) CPU and I/O
(B)Memory and I/O
(C ) CPU and memory
(D)All the above

21.The contents are determined by metal masks during chip fabrication in :

22.BIOS is typically placed in :
(B)ROM Chip
(C ) RAM
(D)Cache memory

23.Which of the following is a magnetic storage?
(A) Hard Disk
(B)Compact disc
(C ) Flash memory
(D)Blu-ray Disc

24.A 5 pin DIN connector is used to connect:
(A) Mouse
(C ) Monitor
(D)Power to hard disk

25.To remove or replace jumpers on circuit board,we use:
(A) Screw driver
(B)Wire snips
(C ) Needle-Nose plier

26.In Dynamic RAM, data is stored using : 
(A) Flip-flop 
(B) Magnetic field 
(C ) Capacitor 
(D) None of the above

27.The time required for the? read/write head of hard disk to position on the correct track is :
(A)Seek time
(C )Accesstime
(D)Tracking time

28.Communication network over global area is called :

29.Central Processing Unit consists of:
(A) Control Unit and Memory Unit
(B) ALU and Memory Unit  
(C ) ALU and Registers 
(D) ALU and Control Unit

30.If a microprocessor can access 64 K memory, then its address bus will be : (A) 8 bits
(B) 16 bits
(C ) 32 bits
(D) 61 bits

31.The decimal number 17 can be represented in hexadecimal as :
(C )23
(D)1 F

32.From a Stack structure, data can be accessed :
(A)In any order
(B)First in First outorder
(C ) Last in First out order
(D) Based on Priority only

33.Which of the following IC is used for Keyboard/Display interfacing?
(C )8257

34.Post script Language is used for :
(A) Website creation
(B) Printers
(C ) Modems
(D) Graphics

35. Movement of a mouse is detected using LED in :
(A) Optical Mouse
(B)Opto-mechanical Mouse
(C ) Mechanical Mouse
(D)USB Mouse

36.Resolution of computer monitors is measured in:
(A) Hz
(C ) Pitch

37.CD-RW permits data to :
(A) Write once
(B)Write many times
(C ) Write once and read many
(D)Read only

38.Zoned recording in hard disk increases available diskspaces by having more sectors in :
(A) All tracks
(B)inner tracks
(C ) Middle tracks
(D)Outer tracks

39.Formatting a hard disk means, reallocating :
(A) Tracks
(C ) File system
(D)All the above

40.Which of the following is not a microprocessor component?
(A) Decode unit
(B)Program Counter
(C ) Arithmetic logic Unit
(D)Heat sink

41.Hyper Threading technology enables a single CPU to :
(A) Act like multiple CPU
(B)Use cache memory
(C ) Process floating point operations
(D)Display high resolution graphics

42.The number of bits processed by a microprocessor at ai time is its :
(A) Data size
(B)Word size
(C ) Code size
(D)None of the above

48. The system bus (FSB) is placed between :
(A) CPU and I/O device
(B)CPU and Cache memory
(C ) CPU and memory
(D)Memory and I/O device

44.Pin Grid Array packaging is used for :
(A) Memory
(B)DMA Controller
(C ) Microprocessor

45.The form factor of a motherboard determines its :
(A) Physical shape and size
(B)Type of processor supported
(C ) Capacity of RAM supported
(D)All the above

46.Operating system lies between :
(A) Hardware and software
(B)Hardware and firmware
(C ) Hardware and user
(D)Software and user

47.Source programs are converted to object programs using :
(A) Compiler
(C ) Assembler
(D)All the above

48.The dimension of a ATX motherboard in inches is :
(A) 12x9.6
(B)9.6 x 9.6
(C ) 9 x 10
(D)12 x 12

49.Which of the following is not a networking device?
(A) Switch
(C ) Bridge

50.4 pin Molex is a :
(A) Data connector
(B)Power Connector
(C ) Peripheral Connector
(D)None of the above

51.The size of MAC address is :
(A) 24 bits
(B)48 bits
(C ) 24 bytes
(D)48 bytes

52. The OR gate has :
(A) One input and one output
(B)Two input and one output
(C ) Many input and one output
(D)One input and many output

53.A maximum of 127 devices can he connectedusing:
(A) Parallel port.
(B)Serial Port
(C ) USB port
(D)Game port

54.The technology that enables devices to automatically install themselves is :
(A) Autorun
(B)Plug and Play
(C ) PCI
(D)Auto load

55.Which of the following is a feature of USB?
(A) No device driver needed
(C ) No plug and play
(D)All the above

56.How many read/write heads is needed for a hard drivewith 4 platters?
(A) 16
(C ) 8

57.Internal CD-ROM drives are connected to the motherboard using :
(C ) Parallel port

58.Which of the following is a valid refresh rate of a CRTmonitor?
(A) 72 THz
(B)72 MHz
(C ) 72 KHz
(D)72 Hz

59.An optical mouse works well on :
(A) Any smooth surface
(B)Transparent surface
(C ) Non-transparent surface
(D)Conducting surface

60. Inkjet printers contains :
(A) 2 colours of ink
(B)4 colours of ink
(C ) 6 colours of ink
(D)8 colours of ink

61.Which is the protocol used by internet?

62.The process of writing data to a CD is called :
(A) leading
(C ) Backup

63.Software the works with operating system to enable hardware devices i
(A) Device driver
(C ) Device Manager

64.What is the reason to choose a laser printer over an inkjet printer?
(A) Speed
(C ) Coat

65.Extented partition of a hard drive is :
(A) Optional
(B)Not bootable
(C ) Divided into logical drives
(D)All the above

66.Which of the following is not a file system?
(A) FAT32

67.The port which is not normally associated witha mouse is:
(C ) Serial

68.Zero Insertion Force (Z1F) is related with :
(A) CD
(C ) Memory

69.How many pins does a video connector have?
(A) 15 pins in two rows
(B)9 pins in two rows
(C ) 15 pins in three rows
(D)9 pin in three rows

70.Applying thermal compound in CPU fan assembly is to :
(A) Improve heat transfer
(B)Control dust
(C ) Increase fan speed
(D)Cool down the processor

71.Each sector of hard disk can hold :
(A) 126 Bytea
(B)512 Bytes
(C ) 1024 Bytes
(D)It depends on capacity of the disk

72.Increasing the screen resolution also increases :
(A) Pixels
(B)Dot pitches
(C ) VIS

73.Which organic ink colour provides the best write for aCD-R?
(A) Blue
(C ) Cold
(D)The ink colour doesn’t matter

74.What happens to the CPU if any one of its pin is broken?
(A)The CPU is useless
(B)Used, but speed will be decreased 
(C ) Can be used by soldering a new pin
(D) Nothing. Most of the pins are redundant

75.Which of the following factors identify a CPU?
(A)Manufacturer, Speed, Manufacturing process. Form factor
(B)Manufacturer, Model, Speed, Manufacturing Process
(C )Manufacturer, Model, Speed, Package
(D)Form factor, Model, Speed, Package

76.Which port allows a CD-ROM to play music from a CD through a computer?
(C )Parallel

77.Which of the following memory is used for Cache?
(A)Flash memory
(B)ROM Chip

78.Which of the following is not a primary storage device?
(A)Magnetic Tape
(B)Floppy Disk
(C )Optical Disk
(D)None of the above

79.The software used to visit a website is :
(A)search engine
(C )File manager

80.Which of the following is not a sound file format?

81.The first Indian who became Governor General of India?
(A)Lord Mount Batten
(B)C. Rajagopalachari
(C )Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(D)Sardar Vallabhai Patel

82.Longest river in India : 
(A) Ganga 
(B) Brahmaputra 
(C ) Yamuna 
(D) Thaprhi

83.The slogan ‘jai jawan; jai kisan’ is associated with :
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Gulsarilal Nanda
(C ) Indira Gandhi
(D) Lai Bahadur Sastri

84.First democratically elected communist Government was constituted in : 
(A) Manipur
(B) West Bengal
(C ) Kerala
(D) Thripura

85. Who was known as ‘Fonder Gandhi’?
(A) Ayub khan
(B)Firoz Gandhi
(C ) Khan Abdul Caller Khan
(D)None of the above

86.The first Indian received Nobel Prize in Medicine :
(A) Har Govind Khurana
(B)Kavindranath Tagore
(C ) C.V. Raman
(D)Amartya Sen

87.Temple entry proclamation was signed in the year :
(A) 1936
(C ) 1933

88.Newly deposited alluvial soil that found in Northern Great Plain is know a as :
(A) Bhangar
(B)Black soil
(C ) Desert soil

89.‘Adukkalayil ninnum arangethekku’ is afamous drama written by :
(A) Thoppil Bhasi
(B)Chembaka Raman
(C ) V.T. Bhattathirippad
(D)None of the above

90.Saadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham was founded by::
(A) Sri. Narayana Guru
(C ) Chattampi Swamikal
(D)Dr. Palppu

91.NREGPA is a programme for :
(A) rural employment guarantee
(B)rural education guarantee
(C ) rural women empowerment
(D)rural literacy programme

92.‘One Caste, one religion, One God for mainkind is associated with :
(A) Kumara Guru
(B)Sri Narayana Guru
(C ) Vaikunta Swamikal
(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

93. The first spacecraft of India for lunar expedition :
(A) Rohini
(C ) Chandrayan-1
(D)None of the above

94.Founder of Grameen Bank who contributed the idea of micro credit and micro financing :
(A) Amartya Sen
(B)Muhammed Yunus
(C ) Manmohan Singh
(D)Ranga Rajan

95.Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 2013 :
(A) Peter Higgs
(C ) Gabriel Garcia Marquiz
(D)Alice Munro

96.2010 FIFA World Cup winner :
(A) Brazil
(C ) Italy

97.Original name of Kumara Guru who fought against discrimination towards Dalit Christians
(A) Mathai Yohannan
(B)Poikayil Yohannan
(C ) Pandit Karuppan

98.Present Chief Justice of India :
(A) R.M. Lodha
(B)Justice K.G. Balakrishnan
(C ) J.H. Khania
(D)R.S. Pathak

99.Jalianwala Bagh was held in :
(A) 1917
(C ) 1920

100.Edakkal Cave is situated in :
(A) Palakkad
(C ) Kasergod

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