TRADESMAN - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - TECHNICAL kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Which indicator is used in weak acid against Strong alkali titrations?
(A) Methyl Orange
(B) Both (A) and (D)
(C ) Starch
(D) Phenolphthalein

2.What is the equivalent weight of Sodium Hydroxide?
(A) 40
(B) 63
(C ) 56
(D) 53

3.What is the full form of EDTA used for the hardness estimation?
(A)Ethylene di nitro tetra amine
(B)Ethyl dichloro tetra acetate
(C )Ethylene di amine tetra acetic acid
(D)Ethyl di amine tetra alcohol

4.Temporary Hardness is removed by : 
(A) Filtration
(B) Boiling 
(C ) Cooling
(D) Decantation

5.The lowest temperature at which enough vapour of the oil, when mixed with air will ignite but not continue to burn :
(A) Fire point
(B) Pour point 
(C ) Flash point
(D) Cloud point

6.Normality of a solution is defined as :
(A) Gram moles per millilitre 
(B) Gram moles per litre 
(C ) Gram equivalents per millilitre
(D) Gram equivalents per litre

7.Which of the following is a unit of alkalinity of water?
(A) Grams per millilitre
(B) Kilograms per litre
(C ) Parts per million
(D) Volume per million

8.Which of the following is defined as the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent?
(A)Normality .
(C )Molarity
(D)Mole ratio

9.Which chemical is known as caustic soda?
(A)Sodium carbonate
(B)Sodium acetate
(C )Sodium hydroxide

10.Which of the following is a by-product of soap industry?
(C )Glycerol

11.Which type of pencil is specified to draw the outlines of visible lines in Engineering Graphics?
(C )HB

12. What is the area of A2 drawing sheet in square millimetre?
(A) 841x1189
(B)594 x841
(C ) 297 x 420
(D)420 x 594

13.The longest diameter of ellipse is : 
(A) Minor axis
(B)Major axis
(C ) Conjugate diameter
(D)Focal diameter

14.In first angle projection. Top view is always :
(A) Below x-y line
(B)Above x-y line
(C ) On x-y line
(D)None of the above

15.Which of the following is an emulsifying agent?
(A) Glycerine
(C ) Wax

16.What is the pH of a neutral solution?
(A) 7
(C ) 5

17.Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
(B) Lignite
(C ) Crude oil
(D) Uranium

18.What, is the weight of the rider in a fractional weight box?
(A)30 mg
(B)20 mg
(C )10 mg.
(D)40 mg

19.Which of the following is a soft soap?
(A)Sodium salt of higher fatty acids
(B)Potassium salt of higher fatty acids
(C )Calcium salt of higher fatty acid
(D)Both (A) and (B)

20.Which of the following is known as laughing gas?
(A)Nitrous oxide
(B) Nitric oxide
(C ) Nitrogen
(D) Ammonia

21.What is the chemical name of common salt?
(A)Sodium carbonate         (C ) Sodium chloride
(B) Potassium carbonate (D) Potassium chloride

22.Expand term MSDS used in safety
(A)Material Safety Data-Sheet 
(B)Material Safety Direction Sheet 
(C ) Material Safety Data System
(D) Material Safety Direction System

23.Which of the following is not in the triangle of components for the cause of fire?
(C )Temperature

24.A Fire is: 
(A)Rapid oxidation
(B)Rapid reduction
(C )Slow oxidation
(D)Slow reduction

25.substance that can act as a proton donor in aqueoussolution is :
(C )Salt' 

26.What is the external indicator used in dichrometric titrations for the estimation of iron (II) compounds?
(A)Eriochrome black T
(B) Methyl orange
(C )Thymol blue
(D) Ferroin

27.What is the percentage composition of the Nitrogen in atmosphere?
(C )21

28.What is the white coloured precipitate formed during the gravimetric estimation of Sulphate?
(A)Barium sulphate
(B)Calcium sulphate
(C )Sodium sulphate
(D)Potassium sulphate

29.Which of the following is not a method of separation?
(A) Chromatography
(B) Distillation
(C ) Crystallisation
(D) Spectrometry

30.Turbidity of water is measured using
(A) Colourimeter
(C ) Calorimeter

31.The law states that the emissive power of a power of its absolute temperature.
(A) Stefan-Boltzman law
(C ) Kirchhoffs law

32.Which of the following is a green house gas?
(A) Nitrogen 
(C ) Argon

black body is directly proportional to fourth
(B)Wien’s law (D) Fourier’s law
(D) Carbon dioxide

33.Viscosity of a liquid decreases when the temperature
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C )Remains constant
(D) Both (A) and (B)

34.Which of the following type of pump requires priming? • 
(A) Reciprocating pump
(B)Centrifugal pump
(C )Gear pump
(D)Diaphragm pump
35. At constant temperature, volume of a gas decreases when its pressure :
(A) Increases
(C ) Remains constant
(D)None of the above

36.Pipelines of different liquids and gases are identified by :
(A) Diameter
(C ) Thickness
(D)Colour code

37.pH of N/1000 hydrochloric acid solution is
(C )4

38.Which of the following is a manometric liquid?
(A) Naphtha
(C ) Nitro benzene

39.LNG is
(A) Liquefied Natural Gas
(B)Liquefied Nitrogen Gas
(C ) Liquefied Neutral Gas
(D)None of the above

40.Which of the following is not a fire extinguisher?
(B)Carbon dioxide
(C )Air

41.Which of the following is not an inflammable substance?
(A) Nitrogen
(B)Carbon tetra chloride
(C ) Liquefied Petroleum gas

42.Cleaning action of the soap is due to :
(A)Sodium ions present in the soap
(B)Fatty acid present in the soap
(C )Increasing the surface tension of water
(D)Lowering of surface tension of water

43.98% of Sulphuric acid is manufactured in Contact process is by absorbing Sulphur trioxide
in :
(A) Water
(C )Con. Hydrochloric acid
(B)Con. Sulphuric acid
(D)None of the above

44.When the value of the Reynolds Number is over 4000, then the flow will be always :
(C )Turbulent
(D)None of these

45.Which of the following is a variable area meter?
(A)Orifice meter
(B)Venturi meter
(C )V notch

46.Chemical name of Alum :
(A)Aluminium oxide
(B)Ammonium AluminiumOxide
(C )Potassium aluminium sulphate dodecahydrate
(D)Ferric AluminiumOxide

47.In a heat exchanger, if the two fluids enter at the same end of the exchanger and flow in the same direction to the other end is called :
(A) Counter current flow (C ) Cross flow
(B) Parallel flow (D) Laminar flow

48.The Minimum dissolved oxygen required for the aquatic life is :
(A)4 ppm
(B)1 ppm
(C )7 ppm
(D)10 ppm

49.The amount of Oxygen required by bacteria for stabilizing decomposable organic matter in water under aerobic condition is known as :
(A) COD 
(C ) DO
(D)Both (A) and (B)

50.Iodine value of an oil measures :
(A)The amount of NaOll required for complete saponification
(B)The length of the carbon chain of the fatty acids
(C )Degree of Unsaturation
(D)Degree of Saturation

51.Bronze is an alloy of:
(A)Copper and iron
(B)Copper and zinc
(C )Copper, zinc and Tin
(D)Copper and Tin

52.Iodine Mono chloride dissolved in Acetic acid is :
(A) Freon
(B) Acetate Buffer
(C )Wijs’ solution
(D) Iodine solution

53.Catalyst used in the Contact process to oxidise sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide is :
(A) Ferric oxide
(B) Vanadium Pentoxide
(C )Zinc Oxide

54.What is the unit of force in SI system?
(C )Newton

55.Name the process of giving iron with a thin coating of zinc to prevent rusting
(A)Hot dipping
(C )Painting

56.Which catalyst is used in hydrogenation of oil?
(B)Ferric Oxide
(C )Phosphoric acid

57. Which of the following manufacturing process isan example of autocatalysis?
(A)Sulphuric acid manufacture
(B) Ammonia manufacture
(C )Phosphoric acid manufacture
(D) Sugar manufacture

58. Which of the following is not a chemical fertiliser?
(A) Diammonium phosphate
(B)Calcium phosphate
(C ) Ammonium sulphate
(D)None of the above

59.The type of material which becomes soft when heatedand hard when cooled :
(A) Thermo plastic
(B)Thermo setting plastics
(C ) Amino plastics
(D)Thermo static

60.Which of the following is not a semi drying oil?
(A) Corn Oil
(B)Cotton seed Oil
(C ) Coconut Oil
(D)Sesame Oil

61.The calorific value of Gaseous fuel is usually measured using :
(A) Bomb calorimeter
(B)Junker’s Calorimeter
(C ) U tube viscometer
(D)None of the above

62.Which of the following is a cause for acid rain?
(A) Water pollution
(B)Soil pollution
(C ) Air pollution
(D)Ozone layer depletion

63.The fibrous matter that remains after sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract their juice is :
(A) Sorghum
(C ) Lignin

64.The property of metals which allows them to be drawm into thin wires beyond their elastic limit without rupture is called :
(A) Ductibility
(C ) Elasticity

65.The breaking stress of a wire depends upon :
(A) Length of wire
(B)Radius of wire
(C ) Shape of cross section
(D)Material of wire

66. If the weight of the body is just equal to the upward thrust:
(A)The body will remain suspended completely in the liquid
(B)The body will sink
(C )The body will be completely outside the liquid
(D)The body will be partly outside and partly inside the liquid

67. If ice melts under gravity free conditions in vacuum, the final geometrical shape will be :
(A) Straight
(C ) Cubical

68.Which one of the following filters is entirely automaticin action?
(A) Leaf filter
(B)Plate and Frame filter press
(C ) Rotary drum filter
(D)Moore filter

69.Which of the following is a vector quantity?
(A) Electric current
(C ) Specific gravity

70.The distance travelled is given by :
(A) Area under speed - time graph
(B)Area under distance - time graph
(C ) Slope of velocity - time graph
(D)Slope of distance - time graph

71.Which machine is used for grinding materials such as coal pigments and feldspar for pottery?
(A) Revolving mill
(B)Ball mill
(C ) Hammer mill
(D)Gyratory crusher

72.The sedimentation operations may be carried called:out batch wise or continuously in equipment
(A) Filter press
(B)Chamber press
(C ) Rotary drum filter

73.Which of the following not a Newtonian fluid?
(A) Glycerine
(C ) Tooth paste

74.Which manometer is used for the measurement of small pressure difference?
(A) Differential manometer
(B)Inclined manometer
(C ) U tube manometer
(D)None of these

75.Which of the following device is used to measure local or point velocity by measuring the difference between the impact and the static pressure?
(A) Orifice meter
(C ) Pitot tube

76.Which type of valves are used for viscous liquids, slurries or corrosive liquids? 
(A) Plug valve
(B) Diaphragm valve
(C ) Butterfly valve
(D) Globe valve

77.A propeller is an :
(A) Axial flow, low speed impeller (C ) Radial flow, low speed impeller
(B) Radial flow, high speed impeller (D) Axial flow high speed impeller

78.Fourdrinier machine is used in the manufacture of:
(A) Sugar
(B)' Paper
(C ) Alcohol from molasses
(D) Phenol formaldehyde

79.Hardened steel is softened by : 
(A) Normalising (C ) Carburising
(B) Annealing (D) Tempering

80.Water purification technology that uses a semi permeable membrane to remove larger particles from drinking water is :
(A)Chrom atography
(C ) Reverse osmosis

81.The founder of Indian National Congress :
(A) Annie Besant 
(B) AO. Hume 
(C ) Lord Dufferin
(D) W.C. Bannerji

82.Dandi march of 1930 is connected with the :
(A) Non-Co-operation Movement (C ) Civil Disobedience Movement
(B) Quit India Movement (D) Champaran Sathyagraha

83.Who declared” Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it”?'
(C )Bhagat Sing
(D)S.N. Bannerji

84.Author of the book ‘An Enquiry into the nature and causes of Wealth of Nations”
(A)J.M. Keynes
(B)Alfred Marshall
(C )Lionel Robbins
(D)Adam Smith

85.Which year the first Five Year plan started in India?
(A) 1947
(B) 1951
(C ) 1950
(D) 1948

86. Who exhorted for Total Revolution’?
(A) R.K. Narayan
(B) K.R. Narayanan
(C ) Jayaprakash Narayan
(D) K Kamraj

87. Which commission was entrusted to enquire the atrocities, corruption and the misuse of power in connection with the Emergency declared in 1975? .
(A) Sha Commission
(B)Belvant Rai Commission
(C ) Mandal Commission
(D)Babu Paul Commission

88.GPS means:
(A) Government Position System
(B)Global Poison System
(C ) Global Positioning System
(D)Global Polar System

89.'Red River in India is :
(A) Sindhu
(C ) Krishna

90.Tributary of Kaveri is :
(A) Indravati
(C ) Sutlej

91.Who founded ‘Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham’?
(A) Ayyavu Swamikal
(B)V.T. Bhattathiripad
(C ) Kumaranasan

92.Who was called by his pet name ‘Kunjan' by all and later known as ‘Kunjan Pillai’?
(A)Chattampi Swamikal
(C )Brahmananda Sivayogi
(D)Vaikunda Swamikal

93.Who introduced the system “A School along with every Church”?
(B)Kuriakose Elias Chavara
(C )St. Alphonsa
(D)Mathew Kavukkattu

94. Who raised the slogan “No Caste, No Religion and No God for Human Beings”?
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Pandit Karuppan
(C ) Natarajaguru
(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

95.SNDP Yogam came into existence in :
(A) 1903
(C ) 1913

96.The present Finance Minister of India :
(A) Smrithi Irani
(C ) Venkayya Naidu
(D)Arun Jaitley

97.District headquarters of Wayanad :
(A) Mananthavady
(C ) Pulpaily
(D)Sul than Bathery

98.The Pen name of P.C. Kuttikrishnan :
(A) Sanjayan
(C ) Kesari

99.“Straight from the Heart” is the autobiography of:
(A) Sachin Tendulkar
(B)Sunil Gavaskar
(C ) Kapil Dev
(D)Rahul Dravid

100.The First Butterfly safari park in Asia :
(A) Then mala
(B)Silent Valley
(C ) Munnar

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