TRADESMAN - CARPENTRY - TECHNICAL EDUCATION kerala psc previous question paper

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1.trees produce each year are______________________.
(A)Annual rings(B)Cup rings(C )Cambium (D)layer

2.Mortise gauge has__ ____ __ scribing pins.
(A)One (B)Three (C )hour (D)Two

3.Which instrument is used to testing trueness of large surfaces ?
(A)Steel rule
(B)Try square
(C )Straightedge

4.Which one of the following is not a boring tool ?
(C )Auger

5.The blade of a saw is made of:
(A) Cast iron
(B) Spring steel
(C ) Mild steel
(D) High Carbon steel

6.Which glue is obtained Irom curds of skimmed milk ?
(A)Animal glue
(B)Vegetable glue
(C )Casein glue
(D)Resing glue

7.Centre most portion of a timber cross-section called :
(C )Sap wood
(D)Hart wood

8.For cutting along the grains_______ saws are used.
(A)Rip saw
(B)Cross - cut saw
(C )Dovetail saw
(D)Compass saw

9.Yellow colour represents in pattern making tor :
(B)Core prints
(C )Split pattern
(D)None of these

10.Cracks develop between the adjacent Annual rings is called :
(A)Cup shake
(B)Heart shake
(C )Twisting
(D)Star shake

11.Systematic arrangement of machines in a working area called :
(B)Shop layout
(C )Plan

12.In a timber___________carries food made in leaves.
(C )Pith
(D)None ofthese

13.Market form of timber which rough squared log :
(C )Planks

14.Which is the another name of natural seasoning ?
(A)Air seasoning
(B) Water seasoning
(C )Kiln seasoning
(D) Boiling

15.Which tree grows all over India ?
(A) Bamboo
(B) Mohogony
(C ) Mango tree 
(D) Teak

16.Which is the excellent base for paint ?
(A) Titanium oxide
(B)Copper sulphate
(C ) Potassium chloride
(D) Silica

17.The odd number of plies are taken in Plywood because :
(A) Shrinkage stresses uniform
(B) Shrinkage stresses decrease
(C ) Shrinkage stresses increase
(D) Tensile stresses will be uniform

18.Wire nails which exceed 130 mm in length are named as :
(A) Clasp nail 
(B) Oval wire nail 
(C ) Spikes
(D) Coach screw

19. Saw setting can be done with saw set or with :
(A) Mallet
(B) Hammer 
(C ) Oil stone
(D) File

20.Which is one of the long chisel ?
(A) Firmer chisel 
(B) Parring chisel 
(C ) Mortice chisel 
(D) Hollow chisel

21. Sharpening angle of chisel which varies from :
(A) 200 - 250
(B) 00 - 10°
(C ) 45° - 90°
(D) 30° - 35°

22. Nitro cellulose paints are applied by the method of:
(A) Brush painting 
(B) Stickering 
(C ) Staining
(D) Spray painting

23. Basically a plane contains a frame and : 
(A) Chisel
(B) Cap iron
(C ) Black iron
(D) Wedge

24.Spoke shave used for smoothing : 
(A) Plane surfaces (C ) Curved surfaces
(B) Interior surfaces (D) Rough surfaces

25.Forming a conical shape in the end of a hole is said to be :
(C )Counter sinking 

26.Band saw is mainly used for :
(A)Cross cutting
(C )Curve cutting 
(D)Fine cutting

27.Another name of jig saw is :
(A)Scroll saw
(B)Pad saw
(C )Fret saw
(D)Nest of saw

28.Mortise and tenon joint is simply called :
(A)Lap joint
(B)Butt joint
(C ) Splice joint
(D)Tenon joint

29.The central layer of plywood is called :
(A) Face ply
(B) Core ply
(C ) Cross ply
(D) Main ply

30.The technical term used in roofing construction the vertical distance between the top of the ridge and the wall plate is :
(C )pitch
(D) rise

31.The type of plywood is designated by ______________
(A)One letter
(B)Two letter
(C )Three letter
(D)Four letter

32.Which one of the sawing operation is not related to circular saw machine ?
(A)Rip cutting
(B)Cross cutting
(C )Mitre cutting
(D)Mould cutting

33.Pivoted window is similar to : 
(A) Sliding window (C ) Casement window
(B) Bay window (D) Corner window

34.In turning stairs the flight takes turn :
(A) Two directions 
(B) No direction 
(C ) Three directions 
(D) One direction

35.Which is not sharpen the points on grinding wheels ?
(A) Divider
(B) Knife
(C ) Single point cutting too
(D) Saw

36.By which name the replica or facsimile of model is called : 
(A) Casting
(B) Mould
(C ) Pattern
(D) Core

37.The lower edge of an inclined roof surface is called :
(A) Verge
(B) Hip
(C ) Eaves
(D) Valley

38.Top portion of the chisel is called :
(C )Point

39.The end opposite to tang of a file called :
(C )Heel

40.In band saw machine height of the table is________ above the floor.
(A)20' - 30''
(B)39* - 42"
(C )30" - 35”
(D)40" - 59”

41.Which is the angle of inclination of the thread to the imaginary perpendicular line ?
(A)Helix angle
(B)Cutting angle
(C )Sharpening angle
(D)Rake angle

42.Which tool is used to cutting external threads ?
(C )Drill

43.__________is a trunk of a tree with branches cut off and bark removed.
(C )Log

44.Spanners are made up of :
(A)Cast iron
(B)Drop forged steel
(C )Mild steel
(D)Low carbon steel

45.The timber which is used for railway sleepers :
(A) Mango tree 
(B) Bamboo
(C ) Sal
(D)Rose wood

46. Angle of the point in a centre punch is :
(A) 60" 
(B) 45°
(C ) 70°

47.SWG gauge number increases the thickness of sheet will be :
(A)No change
(C )Increase

48.These are used for making holes in a wood :
(A)Making gauge
(C )Cutting gauge

49.Scraf joint is under:
(A) Widening joint
(B) Framing joint
(C ) Lengthening joint
(D) Dowel joint

50.Drawing large circles on the wood, which tool is used ?
(B)Trammel point
(C )Wingcompass 

51.The main fuel used in the hand forge is :
(C )Hardcoke

52.The process of cutting the timber lengthwise along the grain :
(B)Cross - cutting
(C )Trenching
(D)Metre cutting

53.Which one of the following is oil preservative ?
(A)Zinc chloride 
(B)Sodium fluoride
(C )Tar

54.What is an unbroken series of steps between the landing ?
(C )Going

55.The angle of the saw kerf in the mitre box is :
(C )55°

56.The depth of the trench in housing joint is :
(A)1/5th thickness 
(B) l/3rd thickness 
(C )1 /2 nd thickness 
(D)273rd thickness

57.Protractor head is used for measuring angles within an accuracy of :
(C )1°

58.For quick removal of much wood,____________is used.
(C )Sander
(D)Rasp file

59.More skill is required for ________sawing.
(A) Tangential sawing
(B) Radial sawing
(C ) Live sawing
(D) None of these

60.General direction on alignment of wood cells in timber refers :
(C )Grain

61.The purpose of seasoning is not to reduce :
(C )Warpage

62.Drill chucks are fitted on the drilling machine spindle by means of a :
(A)Knurled ring
(C )Pinion andkey

63.How many inches are therein a metre ?
(A)36 inches
(B)32.6 inches
(C )39.37 inches
(D)25.4 inches

64.Size of the angle plates stated by its :
(A)Size number
(C )Length
(D)Length x Width

65.It is not a part of the pattern. But it is an added projections of the pattern :
(A)Core box
(B)Core sand
(C )Core print
(D)Core cavity

66.The standard height of the band saw table above the floor :
(A)43" - 46*'
(B)35” - 38"
(C )31” - 34”
(D)39" - 42"

67.What is the name of screw driver having a cruciform tips ?
(A)Phillips head screwdriver
(B)London pattern screw driver
(C )Offset screw driver
(D)Standard screw driver

68.'DECOLAM' is an another trade name of :
(C )Manufacturingboard

69.The process of bevelling the end of a hole is called :
(A)Counter boaring
(B)Counter sinking
(C )Spot facing

70.Which saw has an open handle ?
(A)Dovetail saw
(B)Pannel  saw
(C )Rip saw
(D)Cross-cut saw

71.Other end of a hammer head is called :
(C )Eye

72.'Dadoes' are related to_________.
(A)Briddle joints
(B)Housing joints
(C )Dowel joints
(D)Grooved joints

73.Which measuring rule is having sliding end piece or stop ?
(A)Angular measure
(B)Four folding rule
(C )Tape measure
(D)Zig-Zag rule

74.vice is used to sharpening the saws.
(A) Bench vice 
(B) Pin vice
(C ) Carpenter's vice
(D) Saw vice

75.Strongest form of an angle joint used in cabinet work :
(A)Halving joint
(B)Dovetail joint
(C )Mortise and Tenon joint
(D)Housing joint

76.Wire nails are made up of :
(A)Mild steel
(B)Tool steel
(C )Wroughtiron

77.It is one of the oldest method of ornamentation of timber :
(A)Relief carring
(B)Figured timber
(C )In laving
(D)Wood carving

78.Spring is a defect of timber occurred :
(A)The end of the piece of timber 
(B)Away from edge of timber
(C )The interior of piece of timber
(D)A curvature along the edge of board

79.The segmental pattern works like a :
(A)Match plate pattern
(B)Sweep pattern
(C )Loose piece pattern
(D)Single piece pattern

80.For removing the bark of timber__________ tool is used.
(C )Plane

81.Who founded the 'Bahrishkrutha Karini Sabha' in 1924 ?
(A)Mahatma Gandhi
(B)Jyothi Rao Phule
(C ) B.R. Ambedkar
(D) Sree Karavana Guru

82.Which is the largest 'Jute' producing state in India ?
(A) Bihar
(B) West Bengal 
(C ) Tamilnadu 

83.Who described the Revolt of 1857 as a 'National Rising' ?
(A)Benjawin Disraeli
(B) R.C. Majumdar
(C )John Lawrence
(D) S.N. Sen

WTiich of the following is correcdy matched ?
(A)Jallian Walla Bagh Massacre -1918
(B)Partition of Bengal1907
(C )Quit India Movement1942
(D)Non-Cooperation Movement -1925

85.Who was the leader of 1857 Revolt at Lucknow ?
(A)Begum Hazrat Mahal
(B)Nana Saheb
(C )Kunwar Singh
(D)Tantia Tope

86.The emphasis of 'going back to die Vedas' was laid by :
(A)Ram Mohan Roy
(B)Dayananda Saraswati
(C )Swami Vivekananda
(D)Annie Besant

87.The Longest River which flows entirely within the border of India :
(C )Sindhu

88.Which type of soil is known as 'Regar Soil' ?
(A)Alluvial soil
(B)Red soil
(C )Black soil
(D)Saline soil

89.Where is the oldest 'Cinnamon' estate situated ?
(C )Azhikode

90.Which Article of the Indian Constitution assures 'Education' as the Fundamental Rights of a Citizen ?
(A) Article 19
(B) Article 32
(C ) Article 14
(D) Article 21-A

91. Which is the river known as 'Pavasvini' in Ancient Kerala ?
(A)Bavani puzha
(C )Chithari puzha
(D)Valapattanain puzha

92.Who started the magazine named 'Abinava Keralam' in 1921 for political freedom and social justice ?
(A)Chattampi Swami
(B)Ayyan Kali
(C )Vagbhatananda
(D)V.T, Bhattathiripad

93.Who conducted the 'Villuvandi strike' in 1893 against Feudalism and freedom to walk on the public path for Backward Caste ?
(A)Ayyan Kali (B) Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Brahmananda Sivayogi (D) Chattampi Swami

94.__________is called 'Kerala Lincoln'.
(A)T.K. Mada van (B) Vakkom Moulavi
(C )K. Kelappan (D) Pandit Karuppan

95.'Samatva Samaj' was founded by :
(A)Vaikunda Swami (B) Kumara Guru
(C )Mannathu Padmanabhan (D) Kumaranasan
96.Who wrote a series of articles named "Thiruvitham Kottai Thiyyan" in the daily 'Madras Mail' on tire tortures faced by himself and his community ?
(A) Dr. Palpu
(B)K.P. Sankara Menon
(C ) G.P. Pillai
(D) C. Kesavan

97.'Simha Bhoomi' is written by :
(B)C. Radhakrishnan
(C )S.K.Pottakadu
(D)O.V. Vijayan

98.Who is the first Keralite film maker to win Dada Sahib Falke Award ?
(A) I.V. Sasi
(B) K.G. George
(C ) Padma Rajan
(D) Adoor Gopalakrishnan

99.Which country got 'Copa - America' 2016 ?
(A) Brazil 
(B) Chili
(C ) Spain
(D) Italy

100.Who is the Education Minister of Kerala ?
(A)E.P.Jaya Rajan
(B)A.K. Balan
(C )V.S.Sunil Kumar
(D)Prof. C. Ravindra Nath

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