PERSONNEL OFFICER - PART I - KCMMF LTD-kerala psc previous question paper

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1. Horizontal loading of additional responsibilities in the job is a feature :
(A) Job Enlightenment(B)Job Enrichment
(C ) Job Enlargement(D)Job Upliftment

2.Choose the quantitative method of Job Analysis :
(A) Ranking(B)Classification
(C ) Grading(D)Point rating

3.Job Enrichment is the concept developed by :
(A) F.W. Taylor(B) Peter Drucker
(C ) Federick Herzberg (D)Elton MayoElton Mayo

4.‘AIDA’ is related with :
(A) Training.(B)SelectionSelection
(C ) Recruitment(D)CounsellingCounselling

5.Expand TWI:
(A) Technical Wiring Institute(B)Training Within Industry
(C ) Temporary Work Initiative(D)Total Work Life

6.The most widely used classroom method for improving the problem solving skills is :
(A) Case study(B)Lectures
(C ) Vestibule training(D)Conference

7.Through this training the members learn about their own behaviours and also learn others behaviour.
(A) Simulation(B)Vestibule training
(C ) Role play(D)T-Group

8.Which one of these help the organization to develop anequitable compensation package
(A) Work study(B)Job Evaluation
(C ) Job Specification(D)ProductivityProductivity

9. Maximum fine in a wage period shall not exceed
(A) 8%(B)10%
(C ) 2%(D)3%

10.Human Development Report is published by
(A) World Bank(B)ADB

11.Name the Managerial function of HRM
(A) Development(B)Compensation
(C ) Controlling(D)IntegrationIntegration

12.The concept of HRD Score Card was introducedin India by
(A) T.V.Rao(B)Udai Pareek
(C ) Peter Drucker(D)Henry fayol

13.Delphi technique is used in
(A) Organising(B)Operating
(C ) Staffing(D)Forecasting

14.Which of the following factors are included in the calculation of Human Development Index
(A) Life expectancy(B)Adult literacy
(C ) Decent standard of living(D)All the aboveAll the above

15.Who is the champion of the ‘Welfare movement’ propagated in mid 19th century?
(A) Frederick Winslow Taylor(B)Peter Drucker
(C ) Henry. L. Gantt(D)Robert OwenRobert Owen

16.Money Wage is otherwise called as
(A)  Real wage(B)Living wage
(C ) Nominal wage(D)Fair wage

17.Which of the following is not a determinant of wages?
(A) Prevailing wages(B)Bargaining strength of Unions
(C ) Job Evaluation(D)Performance AppraisalPerformance Appraisal

18. The basic role of policy is
(A) To provide guidelines for action(B) To set procedures
(C ) To give direction for motivation(D) To prescribe methods

19. Grievance Handing Machinery is given in
(A) Industrial Disputes Act (C ) Both (A) and (B)
(B) Factories Act (D) None of the above

20.Under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 the maximum limit on deductions should not ordinarily cross
(A)50percent generallyand65percentin caseof payments due to the cooperatives
(B)60percent generallyand75percentin caseof payments due to the cooperatives
(C )50percent generallyand75percentin caseof payments due to the cooperatives
(D)40percent generallyand75percentin caseof payments due to the cooperatives

21.Narrow span of control results into

22. Time of Payment of wages in industrial establishments employing less than 1000 people
(A) Tall structure
(C ) Mechanistic structure
(B) Flat structure (D) All the above 

23. Which of the following is a single use plan?
(A) Budget (C ) Procedure
(B) Rule (D) Policy
(A) 10th day (C ) 7th day
(B) 5th day (D) 15th day

24. The change in specialization and integration in organization context is called
(A) Co-ordination
(C ) Organizational restructuring
(B) Co-operation (D) Feedback

25. Who has given the concept of OCTAPACE culture?
(A) Dharni P. Sinha (C ) D.M. Pestonjee
(B) T. V. Rao (D) Udai Pareek

26.Broad Banding is the concept related with
(C )Compensation(D)Induction

27.In the event of termination of employment wages to be paid before the expiry of the
(A)2nd working day(B) 7th working day
(C ) 5th working day(D) 3rd working day

28.Expand CTC
(A)Cost To Customer
(C )Cost To Company

29.The Government revises the DA rates every
(A)12 months(B)3 months
(C )6 months(D)8 months
(B) Customer To Customer (D) Cost To Consumer

30.Every claim for nonpayment of minimum wages shall be presented within
(A)3 months(B) 6 months
(C ) 12 months(D) 2 months

31.Joint Management Councils are voluntarily setup in organizations employing more than
(A)150 workers(B) 250 workers
(C ) 500 workers(D) 1000 workers

32.Name the Tripartite body for regulating Industrial Relations
(A) Joint Council(B) Shop Council
(C ) Indian Labour Council(D) Indian Labour Conference

33.The notice period required for effecting changes in the conditions of service of Workmen • under Section (9-A) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is
(A)30 days(B)21 days
(C )15 days(D) • 10 days

34.The code of discipline was ratified by the Indian Labour Conference to ensure discipline in industry. Identify the year of ratification out of the following
(C )1942(D)1962

35.Recognition of trade union is made by the provision of
(A) Trade unions act of 1926 (C ) Code of discipline
(B)Industrial Disputes Act 1947 (D) Factories Act, 1948

36. Who has propounded the system concept of industrial relations? Find out from the following
(A)L. N. Allen Flander(B)L. N. Flax
(C )John T. Dunlop(D)Neil N. Chamberlein

37.Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946 is applicable to Organisations employing
(A)100 or more(B)125 or more
(C )150 or more(D)50 or more

38.Which is the correct order of settlement of industrial disputes?
(a)Industrial Tribunal(b)National TribunalNational Tribunal
(C )Conciliation(d)Labour CourtLabour Court
(A)c, a, d, b(B)c, d, a, b
(C )a, d, c, b(D)c, b, d, a

39. Which is not a structure of Trade Union of Industrial Organisation?
(A)Craft union(B) General union
(C )Industrial union(D) Consumers’ union

40.The goal of ILO is
(A)Creation of jobs for men and women
(B)Not just creation of jobs but the creation of jobs of acceptable quality
(C )Not overcoming under employment
(D)Not to provide freedom of choice in employment

41.Court is commanding the appropriate authority to discharge the constitutional duties
(A)Writ of Certiorari(B)Writ of Mandamus
(C )Writ of Habeus Corpus(D)Writ of Prohibition

42.Relevant section pertaining to payment of Subsistence allowance
(A)Section (9 A)(B)Section 15
(C )Section (11 A).(D) Section (10 A)

43.The settlement mode for Labour court, Industrial Tribunal and National Tribunal is through
(A)Conciliation •(B)Consultation
(C )Adjudication(D)Advice

44.Matters which fall within the jurisdiction of Labour Courts are mentioned in
(A)Third Schedule(B)Second Schedule
(C )Fifth Schedule(D)First Schedule

45.The process in which conditions of employment are determined by agreement between representatives of the union and the employer
(C ) Collective Bargaining-(D) Coalition

46.Relevant section pertaining to appointment of welfare officer as per Factories Act, 1948
(A) Section 49•~(B) Section 41
(C ) Section 46'(D) Section 45

47.Find out the provision which is not applicable to employment of young persons
(A)Certificate of fitness(B)41/2 hoursof work
(C )Holidays(D)Overtime

48.The total number of leaves that may be carried forward to a succeeding year, in the case of an adult shall not exceed
(C )30(D)50

49.As per Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, Loss of a hand and a foot amounts to
(A)Permanent total disablement(B)Temporarypartial disablement
(C )Permanent partial disablement(D)Temporarytotal disablement

50.Memorandum of Settlement and Report are the procedures connected with 
(A) Arbitration(B) Conciliation
(C ) Voluntary settlement•(D) Adjudication

51.As per the Factories Act, 1948 Minimum space for a person is
(A)14 cubic meters(B)14.2cubic meters
(C )11.2 cubic meters(D)10.2cubic meters

52.In case of Earned Learn or Annual Leave a worker has to apply for it before
(A)18 days(B)15days
(C )21 days(D)One month

53.A canteen is compulsory as per The Factories Act 1948 for establishments employing
(A)300 workers(B)500workers
(C )250 workers(D)100workers

54.The cash benefit payable to insured persons in the productive age group for undergoing Sterilisation operation as per The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948
(A) Sickness Benefit
(C ) Extended Sickness Benefit
(B)Enhanced Sickness Benefit
(D)Disablement Benefit

55.If 1st October to 31st March is the contribution period under Employee State Insurance Act, 1948. Find out the benefit period
(A)1st January to30thJune(B)1st April to 30th September
(C )1st July to 31stDec(D)1st May to 30th September

56.Occupational diseases as per The Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923 are mentioned in
(A)Schedule II(B)Schedule I
(C )Schedule III(D)Schedule V

57.Rate of employee contribution in EDLI under The Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
(C )25%
(D) None

58.Who is an ‘exempted employee’ under the Employee’s state Insurance Act, 1948 -
(A)Employee who is minor
(B)Employee who is not liable under the Act to pay the employee’s contribution
(C )Minor employee who is not liable under the Act to pay the employee’s contribution
(D)None of the above

59.The employer shall arrange to pay the amount of gratuity within 
(A) 15 days(B) 30 days
(C ) 45 days(D) 10 days

60.The provision authorising certain employers to maintain their own provident fund account in relation to their establishment, has to employ more than
(A)250 employees
(C )500 employees
(B)100 employees
(D)1000 employees

61.Acceptable stands of behaviour within a group that are shared by the group members
(C )Status(D)None of the above

62.Adjusting one’s behaviour to align with the norms of the group
(A)Group cohesiveness(B)Group Conflict
(C ) Conformity(D) None of the above

63.A verbal reporting by person undergoing psychoanalysis of everything that passes through their mind no matter how trivial it may appear to be. The process is named
(A) Resistance (C ) Ventillation
(B)Free Association (D) Transference

64.The readily observed traits which sometimes may not be part of the core of personality
(A) Source Traits
(C )Surface traits

65.Expand MBTI
(A) Mary-Brigg Thematic Index (C ) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(B) Central Traits (D) Cardinal Traits
(B) Myers-Ben Test Indicator (D) Mary-Brigg Thematic Indicator

66.An active mental process by which a person ‘forgets’ by ‘pushing down’ into the unconscious any thoughts that arouse anxiety. The defense mechanism explained is
(C )Displacement(D)RepressionRepression

67.Thematic Appreception Test was developed by
(A)Herman Rorschah(B)Henry Murray
(C )Sigmund Freud(D)Albert Bandura

68.The group to which a person would like to belong is known as
(A)Primary Group(B)Membership Group
(C ) Reference Group(D) None of the above

69.Extensionof behavior modification into organization is called
(C )OB Mod(D)OB Ext

70.Which of the following theory is proposed by Clayton Alderfer
(A)Theory X and Theory Y(B)Hierarchy of Needs
(C )ERG Theory(D)Two factor theory

71.Least Preferred Co-worker (LPC) model of leadership was developed by
(A)Martin Evans(B)Robert House
(C )Fred Fielder(D)Whetton

72.When a group gives some of its leadership positions to the members of other group, it is
(A) Contracting(B) Co-opting
(C ) Coalition '(D) Competition

73.The OD intervention designed to clarify role expectations and obligations of team members to improve team effectiveness
(A) Role Negotiation Technique(B)Interdependancy Exercise
(C ) Role Analysis Technique(D)Responsibility Charting

74.General Adaptation Syndrome is related with
(A) Attitude(B)Stress
(C ) Perception(D)Training

75. OD interventions directed towards structure, management practices, policies and procedures
result in
(A)Second-order changeCrisis management
(C )First -order change(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

76.Situationwhere the employee and the company sharethe same goals and values
(A)Organisational Citizenship Behaviour
(B)Organisational IdentificationOrganisational Identification
(C )Organisational Climate
(D)Organisational Effectiveness

77.The term‘Knowledge Worker’ was coined by
(A)Peter Drucker(B)Kurt Lewin
(G)Burke and Litwin(D)Blake and Mouton

78.A group decision making technique that uses debate between highly different sets of recommendations and assumptions to encourage full discussion
(A)Delphi Technique(B)Brain StormingBrain Storming
(C )Devil’s Advocacy(D)Dialectical Inquiry

79.In the Hawthrone Experiments, the variables like Change in working hours and working conditions are connected with
(A)Illumination study .(B)Bank wiring observation room
(C )Relay Assembly Test RoomRelay Assembly Test Room(D)Mass interviewing Programme

80.The geographical proximity of group formation is well sated in
(A)Exchange theory(B)Propinquity theory
(C )Balance theory(D)Classical theory

81.Who said“Patriotism is religion and religionis love for India”?
(A)Raja Ram Mohan Roy(B)Benkim Chandra Chatterji
(C )Swami Vivekananda(D)Swami Dayananda Saraswathi

82.In which session of Indian National Congress ‘wearing of Khadi’ was made compulsory for its workers?
(A) Guwahati (C ) Haripura
(B) Lahore (D) Belgam

83.Who is the chairman of 14th finance commission?
(A)Yaga Venugopal Reddy(B)C.Rengarajan
(C )P. Chidambaram(D)Vijay Kelkar

84.Who was the founder of Sidhasraman at Alathur in Palakkad district?
(A) Chattampi Swamikal(B) Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Sankaracharya(D) Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi

85.Who won the Nobel prize for literature in 2013?
(A)Guan Mayo(B)Alice Munro
(C )Alwin E. Roth(D)John B. Gurdon

86.In February 1947 Prime Minister Clement Attlee declared that the British would quit India by :
(A) August 1947(B) January 1948
(C ) June 1948(D) July 1948

87.Who won the Gandhi peace prize of 2013?
(A) A.K.Antony(B) Ban Ki-moon
(C ) Chandi Prasad Bhatt(D) None of these

88.When did the partition of Bengal come into being?
(A) 16 November 1905(B) 16 December 1905
(C ) 16 September 1905(D) 16 October 1905

89.Which country won the twenty 20 world cup cricket tournament of 2014?
(A)India(B)Sri Lanka
(C )West Indies(D).South Africa

90.Who called Jinnah the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity?
(A)Sarojini Naidu(B)Annie Basant
(C )Jawaharlal Nehru(D)Mahatma Gandhi

91.Who is the first woman chairperson of state bank of India?
(A)Krishna Arora(B)Mini Mathew
(C )Deepak Sandhu(D)Arundhati Bhatacharya

92. The period of 12th five year plan is :
(A) 2010-2015(B)2011-2016
(C ) 2012-2017(D)2013-2018

93.Which organisation was associated with Kakori train robbery?
(A) Hindustan republican association(B)Abhinav Bharat
(C ) Anuseelan samiti(D)Ghadar party

94.Which among the following is not a Himalayan river?
(A) Indus(B)Ganges
(C ) Godavari(D)Brahmaputra

95.In which state salal hydro-electric power projectis located?
(A) Gujarat(B)Hariyana
(C ) Punjab(D)Jammu and Kashmir

96.Who made the famous Kozhancheri speech?
(A) T.K. Madhavan.(B)K.Kelappan
(C ) Dr. Palpu(D)C.Kesavan

97.In which year did Vaikunda Swami found Samatva Samajam :
(A) 1856(B)1836
(C ) 1859(D)19071907

98.Which among the following is a Kharif crop?
(A) Paddy(B)Wheat
(C ) Barley(D)Mustard

99.In which district Tattekkad Bird Sanctuary is situated?
(A) Idukki(B)Ernakulam
(C ) Wayanad(D)Kottayam

100.Who among the following is the author of Darsanamala?
(A) Sankaracharya(B)Ramanuja
(C ) Sree Narayana Guru(D)Pandit Karuppan

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