

Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. V belt run in-------------------degree v-groove.
(C )29°

2. The -----------------is the operation of forming the edges of a component into roll by bending the sheet metal in order to strengthen the edges and to provide smoothness to its surface :
(C )Lancing

The back gear system of a lathe is used to :
(A)Reduce the spindle speed
(B)Increase the spindle speed
(C )Only used in thread cutting
(D)Regulate the spindle speed

4.-----------is fastening devices used to provide shoulders for positioning or limiting the movement of parts in an assembly :
(C )Cir-clip

5.Cross head is used to connect:
(A)Piston rod and small end of connecting rod
(B)Piston and crank
(C )Connecting rod and crank
(D)None of these

6.Screw jack is operated by :
(A)Using Tommy bar
(C )Lever

7.In which type of hammer both ends are sharpened and cross to the handlo :
(A)Stretching hammer
(B)Creasing hammer
(C )Bullet hammer
(D)Setting hammer

8.-------------is an operation of closing down the edges of the plates and heads of the rivets to form a metal to metal joint.
(A) Caulking
(B) Hammering
(C ) Fullering
(D) Riveting

9. A solid having four equal equilateral triangular faces :
(A) Cube 
(B) Square prism
(C ) Tetrahedron
(D) Square

10. If the surface is true shape of surface the plane of projection, the resulting projection will be the  true shape of surface
(A) Parallel 
(B) Perpendicular 
(C ) Inclined
(D) None
11.Eccentricity is always less than one for :
(C )Hyperbola

12.The curve generated by the point on the circumference of a circle, rolling along another circle inside it is called :
(A) Uypocycloid
(B) Epi-cycloid
(C )Cycloid

13. For getting higher hardness of pencil leads---------is added more.
(C )Carbon

14. The figure WW is the roughness symbol of surface finish, which indicates the roughness grade of:
(A) Nl, N2 and N3
(B)N4. N5 and N6
(C )N7, N8 and N9
(D) N10 and N11

15. Journal bearings can only support: 
(A) Axial load (C ) Inclined Loads
(B)Radial load (D) None

16. An Oldham coupling connect two shaft, when they are :
(A) Intersecting
(B) Parallel
(C )Co-axial
(D) Inclined

17. In a screw thread profile the single depth diameter is equal to the major diameter minus
(A) Core 
(C ) Pitch

18. For effective cutting of steel with hand hack saw, which coolant is suitable
(A) Water
(B)Soluble oil
(C ) Compressed air

19.Included Morse taper angle is :
(A) 7°
(B)1 1/2 0
(C ) 3°

20.The front face of the chuck jaws are stepped. The purpose of these steps is to :
(A) Add appearance
(B) Reduce weight
(C )Have increasing gripping power
(D) Hold larger diameter work

21.A ball peen hammer is specified by :
(A) The weight
(B) The length of the handle
(C )The shape of the face
(D) The material of t he head

22.Normal storage capacity of dissolved acetylene gas cylinder is :
(A)6 Cubic Meter
(B)8Cubic Meter
(C )10 Cubic Meter
(D)10.5 Cubic Meter

23.The unit of amount of current flow in a circuit is called :
(C )Ohm

24.The distance between the tip of the electrode and the parent metal where arc strike is called :
(A)Arc length
(B)Arc gap
(C )Arc distance
(D)Arc width

25.Spelter of different composition is required to braze different metals. Which one of the following composition is suitable for brazing steel?
(A)1 Part copper + 1 Partzinc
(B)2Part copper + 1 Partzinc
(C )3 Part copper + 2 Partzinc
(D)4Part copper + 3 Partzinc

26. What defect occurs if Cast Iron is welded without Pre-hcating?
(A) Porosity
(B) Undercut
(C ) Crack
(D) Blow hole

27. One end of the steam engine cylinder is closed with a cover plate while the other end is fitted with:
(A) Stuffing box (C ) Connecting rod
(B) Cross head (D) Crank shaft

28. Which flux is known as killed spirit? 
(A) Muriatic acid (C ) Resin
(B) Hydrochloric acid (D) Zinc chloride

29. Gun metal is an alloy of copper, zinc and 
(A) Aluminium 
(B) Tin 
(C ) Lend
(D) Antimony

80. The beam compass is also known as :
(A) Wing compass 
(B) Divider
(C ) Trammel
(D) Hermaphrodite caliper

31. The distance which the cutting edge of tool passes over the material in a minute while machining is known as :
(A) rpm
(B) Feed
(C ) Machine speed
(D) Cutting speed

32. Drawing out is a---------------operation.
(A) Finishing
(B) Suiting
(C ) Fitting
(D) Forging

33.The standard ratio of cutting to return stroke of a slotting machine is :
(C )2:3

31. A slotting tool cut the material during : 
(A) Forward stroke (C ) Forward and Return stroke
(B) Return stroke (D) None

35.are used for remove clinkers from the fire.
(C )Hammer
(D)None of these

36.Clapper box in shaper used for :
(A)To avoid length of tool
(B)To lift the tool during cutting stroke 
(C )To ensure cutting action
(D)To lift the tool during return stroke

37.While normalizing the components should be cooled :
(A)by dipping in water
(B)by forced air
(C )by quenching in oil
(D)In still air to room temperature

38.What is the purpose of steady rest using in lathe?
(A)Additional clamp support for the head stoke
(B)Additional support for the work
(C )Additional support for the tool
(D)To reduce job speed

39. The drilled hole is larger than the size of drills used.'The reason is :
(A)Too much speed
(B)Helix angle not accurate
(C )lip clearance not accurate
(D)Unequal length of the cutting edge

40.The purpose of using sign bar is to :
(A)Measure the length of the job
(B)Find the angle of taper job
(C )Check the flatness of job
(D)Check the level of the job

41.Honing is used to finish :
(A)Flat surface
(C )Hole
(D)Irregular surface

42.Gasolineis a :
(C )Cutting fluid
(D)None of these

43.Which isthe oldest machine?
(C )Miller

44.Engineering language is a- language.
(A) Written
(C ) Verbal
(D)None of these

45.The roughness grade number N12 has -microns.
(A) 25
(C ) 1.6

46.The total amount of permissible variation in the basic size of shaft is called
(A) Fit
(C ) Fundamental deviation

47.The accuracy of a metric micrometer is -mm.
(A) 0.1 mm
(B)0.01 mm
(C ) 0.001 mm
(D)0.02 mm

48.The code of practice on general engineering drawing is:
(A) IS: 962-1967
(B)IS: 919 1963
(C ) IS: 1481-1961
(D)IS: 696

49.Quick return motion is used in :
(A) Lathe''
(C ) Drilling machine
(D)Gas cutter

50.Tap is used to cut:
(A) Internal thread
(B)External thread
(C ) Holes

51.Which head is used to set any require angle in the combination set?
(A)Square set
(B)Centre head
(C )Protractor head

52.-------------- is a process of shaping metals and alloys into semi finished products by passing them between two rolls rotating in opposite direction.
(B)Drawing out
(C )Rolling

53.--------------is t he process of cutting a closed outside contour of a shape.
(A) Notching
(B) Slitting
(C ) Piercing
(D) Blanking

54.Pipe size is generally specified by its :
(A) Outer diameter
(B) Inner diameter
(C ) Outer diameter and wall thickness
(D) Inner diameter and wall thickness

55.—-----------* is used to close an internally threaded pipe,
(A) Cap
(B) Nipple
(C ) Flange
(D) Plug

56.Instrument used to measure the temperature of furnaces of higher temperature : 
(A) Thermometer
(B) Calorimeter
(C ) Pyrometer
(D) None of these

57.Which is the formula used for calculating the HP?
(A) 2 NT 4500
(B) NT4500
(C ) NT4500
(D) 4500 2 NT

58.One British thermal unit is calorics.
(A)453.0 calories
(B)252 calories
(C )4200 calories
(D)1.8 calories

59.The ratio of the volumetric stress to the volumetric strain :
(A)Young’s modulus
(B)Poisson’s ratio
(C )Factor of safety
(D)Bulk modulus

60.A 10 HP motor running for 8 hours for 20 days. What is the energy consumed by the motor in units of electricity?
(A)1176.8 unit
(B)2688 unit
(C )1193 unit
(D)1600 unit

61.Which is the following is an example for first order lever?
(A)Wheel barrow
(B)Common balance
(C )Tongs
(D)Nut cracker

62.When a solid immersed in liquid, the upward thrust experienced by it is called :
(A) Floatation
(B) Buoyancy
(C ) Relative density
(D) Density

The point at which there is a marked increase in elongation without increase in load :
(A) Ultimate stress
(B)Elastic limit
(C ) Yield point

64.Which steel is used to make magnet?
(A) High carbon steel
(B)High speed steel
(C ) Vanadium steel
(D)Cobalt steel

65. Which is not the law of limiting friction?
(A)Directly proportional to the normal reaction
(B)Dependent on the thickness of the surface in contact
(C )Dependent upon the type of surface in contact
(D)Independent of the area of the surface

66. The quantity of heat required to turn 1 gram of substance from solid to liquid with rise in temperature:
(A)Specific heat
(B)Latent heat
(C )Thermal efficiency

67. The unit of coefficient of linear expansion :
(C )N/*C per original length

68. Principle of lever :
(A)load X load arm = effort X effort arm
(B)load X load arm = effort effort arm
(C )load effort
(D)load X effort arm = effort X load

69. Volume of frustum of cone :
(A)4 (d + d) (D - d)Xh
(B)3 Xh(R2 + r3 + Rr)
(C )(C )(D3- d3)

70.Reamer is used for :
(A)Finish the hole
(B)Cutting thread
(C )Enlarge and finish the hole
(D)None of these

71.Bronze isan alloy of:
(A)Copper and zinc
(B)Tin and zinc
(C )Copper and tin
(D)Zinc and lead

72.Very small circles are drawn by means of:•
(A)Wing compass
(B)Small bow compass
(C )Drop bow compass

73.The length of an arrow head used for dimensioning is—times its wi
(C )1
(D)3 the part of circle between anytwo points on the circumference.
(C )Segment

75.Forfiles the width is constant.
(A)Flat file
(C )Square
(D)Hand file

76. Feeler gauges arc used for :
(A)Check the radius of a curved surface
(B)Check the thickness of plate
(C )Check the gap between the mating surface
(D)Checking taper

77. To cut thin sheet of gauge size No. 20 and above :
(A) Bench shear
(B)Block shear
(C ) Hand shear

78.A metal plate of thickness less than— is considered as sheet.
(A) 1 mm
(B)2 mm
(C ) 3 mm
(D)4 mm

79.To enlarge the hole size by internal turning:
(A) Grooving tool
(B)Undercutting tool
(C ) Forming tool
(D)Baring tool

80.One micron is equal to:
(A) 0.001 m
(B)0.0001 m
(C ) 0.0001 mm
(D)0.001 mm

81.'Which one is not suitable?
(A) Second cut file
(B)Double cut file
(C ) Single cut file
(D)Rasp cut file

82.The size of the vice is usually specified by :
(A) The length of the movable jaw
(B) The width of the jaw
(C ) The maximum distance that can be opened between the jaws
(D) Weight of the vice

83.Which property of metal can be staled under mechanical property?
(A) Specific gravity
(C ) Conductivity

84.Keys are classified according to the relative position of the shaft and :
(A) Length of shaft
(B)Diameter of hub hole
(C ) Cross section of the key
(D)Diameter of the shaft

85.What is the ratio between two sides of the drawing sheet?
(A) 1:2
(B) 3:√2
(C ) 1:√2
(D) 1:√3

86.ignition system are not required for--------------engine.
(B) Diesel
(C ) Pet rol
(D) None of these

87.Identify the characteristics of flexible hack saw blade :
(A) Full width hardened
(B) Except pin hole hardened
(C ) Only teeth are hardened
(D) No portion hardened

88.Copper is used for soldering iron because :
(A) Its melting point is high
(B) Its high resistant to wear
(C ) It can prevent corrosion
(D) It is good conductor of heat

89.A two stroke cycle engine produces one power stroke in :
(A) Each revolution of crankshaft
(B) Two revolution of crankshaft
(C ) Three revolution of crankshaft
(D) Four revolution of crankshaft

90.--------------is a safety device used for protecting eyes while working in the furnace.
(A) Goggles
(B) Mask
(C ) Apron
(D) Gloves

91.An opening through which the blast air enters blast furnace is : 
(A) Wind box
(B) Blower
(C ) Tuyers
(D) Slag hole

92.--------------is used to hold and grip the pipe.
(A) Pipe vice
(B) Die stock
(C ) Pipe wrench
(D) Pipe grip

93. Before drilling a hole its centre should be marked with a :
(A) Chisel
(B)Drill bit
(C ) Punch
(D)None of these

94.The angle of acme thread is :
(A) 60°
(C ) 29°

95.The function of connecting rod is to:
(A)Increase speed 
(B)Decrease speed
(C ) Convert reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion
(D) None of these

96.Power produced in the cylinder of IC engine is called :
(A) Total power
(B)Indicated power
(C ) Brake power
(D)None of these

97.The dutch plate is located between the gear box and :
(A) Engine
(C ) Propeller shaft
(D)Rear axle

98.The device used for hold, locate the work piece as well as guide the cutting tool:
(A) Jig
(C ) Machine table
(D)Machine vice

99.Pitch circle diameter in millimeter divided by the number of teeth in a gear is colled
(A) Circular pitch
(B)Diametrical pitch
(C ) Module

100.Herring bone gears are also known as :
(A) Double helical gears
(B)Rack and pinion
(C ) Single helical gears
(D)Bevel gears

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