SUPERVISOR - FOAM MATTINGS INDIALIMITED-kerala psc previous question paper

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1.Name the mountain which separates the north of India from south :
(A)Western Ghats 
(B)Pastern Ghats
(C )Aravalli

2.In India, Black and Red Pottery was used by the people of___ phase.
(C )Paleolithic

3.Who is the author of the work 'Causes of the Indian Mutiny' ?
(A) Bahadur Shah
(B)Lord Canning
(C ) Sayyid Ahmed Khan
(D) Lord Dalhousic

4.Which is the highest peak in Western Ghat ?
(C )Anamudi

5.Which state is the first to receive the south west monsoon in India ?
(B)Tamil Nadu
(C )Maharashtra

6.'Arayasamajam' was founded by_____________
(A) V.T. Bhattathirippad
(B) Pandit Karuppan
(C ) C. Krishnan
(D) K. Ayyappan

7.Who was the founder of 'Keralceya Nair Samajam' in 1907 ?
(A) Mannath Padmanabhan
(B) Vagbhadananda
(C ) Chattambi Swamikal
(D) V.T. Bhattathirippad

8.Who is known as ‘The Frontier Gandhi' ?
(A) Lai Dayal
(B) Mahathma Gandhi
(C ) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 
(D) Indira Gandhi

9.'Khudai Khidmatgars' is associated with ______.
(C )Jews

10.Who among the followingis associated with1857 revolt ?
(A)P.C. Ray
(B)Lord Curzon
(C ) Lord Chemsford
(D) General Bhakth Khan

11.On the wake of wide range protest, the Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was repealed in the year.
(C )1884

12.Which among the following is a major ancient Jewish Settlement in Kerala ?
(C )Kadalundi

13.In ancient Kerala, houses of Nambudiris were called_______.
(C )Illam

14.Who called Ayyankali Pulaya Raja ?
(A)Rabindranath Tagore
(C )Gangadhara Tilak
(D)Dr. Ambedkar

15.Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara was born in ________.
(C )1806

16.Who was the first Indian woman president of Indian National Congress ?
(A)Sarojini Naidu
(B)Captain Lakshmi
(C )Sister Nivedita
(D)Madam Cama

17.Who is the head of the 14th finance commission of India ?
(A) Y.V. Reddy
(B)G.S. Singhvi 
(C ) SJ. Mukhopadyaya
(D) K.G. Balakrishnan

18.The first textile mill in India was started in____
(A) Bombay
(B) Madras
(C ) Calcutta
(D) Delhi

19.Who is the author of the play 'Neel Darpan' ?
(A) D.H. Buchanan
(B)Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(C )Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(D)Dinabandhu Mitra

20.Which is the fresh backwater in Kerala ?
(C )Vembanadu

21.Who was the first pulaya representative in the legislative assembly of Travancore ?
(A)K.P. Karuppan
(B)K.T.K. Krishnan
(C )Ayyankali
(D)C. Krishnan

22.In which year was the Madhav Gadgil panel report submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India ?
(C )2009

23.Who among the following is not a member in the High level working group on Western Ghats chaired by Dr.K. Kasturirangan ?
(A)Prof. C.K. Babu
(B)Prof. Kanchan Chopra
(C )Prof. R. Sukumar
(D)Dr. P.S. Roy

24.Who is known as Grand Old Man of India ?
(A)Lala Lajpat Rai
(B)Gopaia Krishna Gokhale
(C )Dadabhai Naoroji
(D)Rabindranath Tagore

25.How many delegates attended the first session of Indian National Congress held at Bombay ?
(C )72

26.Who was the founder of 'Atma Vidya Sangham' ?
(C )K. Kelappan
(D)K. Ayyappan

27.Which is the magazine edited by K.Ayyappan ?
(B)Abhinava Keralam
(C )Yuktivadi

28.Which section of Indian Penal Code is associated with the recent verdict of Hon'ble Supreme Court on Gay Sex ?
(C )376-B

29.Name the country' that criminalized Gay marriage :
(B)South Korea 
(C )Germany

30.Who is known as Lokahitawadi' ?
(A)Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(B)Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(C )Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(D)Dadabhai Naoroji

31.Which among the following organization was described as a 'Factory of Sedition' by the British ?
(A)Poona SarvajanikSabha
(B)Bombay Presidency Association
(C )East India Association
(D)Indian National Congress

32.In which congress session was a resolution in connection with untouchability in Kerala was passed ?
(A)Delhi session of 1923
(B)Kakinada session of 1923
(C )Madras session of 1927
(D)Lahore session of 1929

33.Nair Service Society was formed in the year________.
(C )1914

34.Who is the author of the book 'Joseph Anton' ?
(A)Taslima Nasrin
(B)Salman Rushdie
(C )Amina Vadud
(D)Nirupama Rao

3.5. Who is the author of the book 'Matters of Discretion : An Autobiography'? 
(A)Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(B)H.D Devagowda
(C )V.P. Singh
(D)I.K. Gujral

36.Who was the founder of 'Abhinava Bharath' ?
(A)Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(B)Bhagat Singh
(C )V.D. Savarkar
(D)Khudiram Bose

37.When was the All India Muslim League founded ?
(C )1805

38.Who was the founder of 'Yogakshema Sabha' ?
(A) Chattambi Swamikal
(B) Vagbhadananda
(C ) V.T. Bhattathirippad
(D) Premji

39.Who among the following organized Mishrabhojanam against caste system ?
(A)K. Krishnan
(B)K. Ayyappan
(C )Dr. Palpu
(D)K. Kelappan

40.Which is the first state in India to disburse salary of its staff through Aadhar Linked bank Accounts ?
(A) Kerala
(B) Delhi
(C ) Maharashtra 
(D) Gujarat

41. How many states of India are covered in Western Ghats ? 
(A) 6
(C ) 7
(D) 8

42.Who among the following is associated with the leadership of Ahrar movement ?
(A)Mohammed Ali Jinnah
(B)Begum Hazrath Mahal
(C )Moulana Mohammed Ali
(D)Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan

43.In which congress session were the two wings of Indian National Congress united after Surat Split ?
(A)Lucknow session of 1916
(B)Bombay session of 1918
(C )Calcutta session of 1917
(D)Amritsar session of 1919

44.Who among the following is not a member in the selection committee for the selection of chairperson and members of Lokpal ?
(A)Prime minister
(B)Speaker of Loksabha
(C )Leader of opposition Loksabha 
(D)Leader of opposition Rajyasabha

45.Whois the publisher of thenews paper 'Swadeshabhimani' ?
(A)Ramakrishna Pillai
(B)K. Kelappan
(C )Vakkom Moulavi
(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

46.Whoamong the following gave the philosophical interpretation to Hindu religion ?
(C )Vagbhadananda
(D)Dr. Palpu

47.Where did Ayyankali start his first school for lower castes ?
(C )Venganur

48.Who was the founder of Hindustan SocialistRepublican Association ?
(A)Bhagat Singh
(B)Sardar Vallabhai Patel
(C )V.D. Savarkar
(D)Chandra Shekhar Azad

49.'Poorna Swaraj" as the objective of the Indian National Congress was declared in the____________.
(A)Calcutta session of 1928
(B)Madras session of 1927
(C )Karachi session of 1931
(D)Lahore session of 1929

50.'Aruvippuram installation' is associated with the movement of__________.
(B)Sri Narayana Guru
(C )Chattambi Swamikal

51.Coir is obtained from the husk of the fruit of the coconut tree whose botanical name is :
(A)Cocos nucifera
(B)Hevea brasiliensis
(C )Anacardium occidentale
(D)None of the three

52.Coir belongs to _______class of fibres. Fill in the blank.
(A)Man made
(C )Natural

53.Coir fibre for manufacture of coir products is extracted from :
(A)Arecanut husk
(B)Tender coconut husk
(C )Green and dry coconut husks
(D)None of the three

54."White fibre" is extracted from__________husks, Fill in the blank.
(A)Tender coconut
(B)Mature green coconut
(C )Dry
(D)None of the three

55.Which type of coir fibre was extracted by the "retting" process ?
(A)Brown fibre
(B)White fibre
(C )Red Fibre
(D)Blue fibre

56.The name of the spinning machine for spinning of coir fibre into yam is called :
(A)Spinning wheel
(C )Loom
(D)None of the three

57.of the fibre determines the strength of its yarn.
(A) Colour 
(B)Tensile Strength 
(C ) Softness
(D) None of the three

58.Coir is mainly produced in :
(A) France
(C )Germany
(D) India

59.'"Brown fibre" is extracted from_______husks. Fill in the blank.
(A) Dry coconut
(B)Mature green coconut
(C ) Tender coconut
(D)None of the three

60.Coir matting is manufactured using :
(A) White fibre
(B) Jute fibre
(C )Flax fibre
(D) Kenaf fibre

61.The best variety of coir yarn is produced in which one of the following regions ?
(C )Vycom

62.In which district of Kerala is Anjengo coir produced ?
(A) Alappuzha
(B) Ernakulam
(C ) Thiruvananthapuram
(D) Iddukki

63.Rubberised coir mattresses are made from which type of coir ?
(A)Brown fibre
(B)Red fibre
(C )White fibre
(D)Blue fibre

64.What are the important parameters that a good quality coir fibre should possess ?
(A)Stable colour
(B)Soft Texture 
(C )Good Length
(D)All (A), (B), (C )

65.Approximately how much fibre would the husk of one coconut yield ?
(A)10 gms
(B)200 gms
(C )25 gms
(D)80 gms

66.The nature of chemical dyestuffs used for colouring coir fibre/yam :
(C )Basic
(D)All (A), (B),(C )

67.The coir fibre used for brush making is extracted from husk by :
(B)Mechanical Decortication
(C )Neither (A) nor(B)
(D)Both (A) and (B)

68.___________yarn is used for the formation of brush on Carnatic Mat.
(A)Vycom CarnaticYarn
(B)Anjengo Yarn
(Cl)Vycom Yam
(D)Carnatic Yarn

69.Which of the following is produced with the help of a "Frame" ?
(A)Carnatic Mat
(B)Mesh Mat
(C )Fibre Mat
(D)Curled Coir

70.Which of the following is a coir mat with brush ?
(A)Rope Mat
(B)Creel Mat
(C )Corridor Mat 
(D)Sinnel Mat

71.The length and width of No, 2 size coir mat is :
(A)22" x 36"
(B)14" x 24"
(C )18"x30"

72.Corridor Mat is produced on :
(C ) Frame 
(D) None of the three

73.Creel Mat is produced on :
(C ) Frame 
(D) None of the three

74.Machinery used for brush making are :
(B)Drilling Machine
(C )Lathe
(D)All (A), (B), (C )

75.One "hank" of coir yarn spun on a traditional ratt consists of approximately_________metres in length.
(A)2-5 metres
(B)80-100 metres
(C )15 - 25 metres
(D)50 - 70 metres

76.The length of coir yarn spun from one kilogram of coir fibre is known as_________. Fill in the blank.
(C )Colourage
(D)None of the three

77.The present Coir Minister of Kerala is_________
(A)Adoor Prakash 
(B)Anoop Jacob
(C )Oomen Chandy
(D)Anil Kumar

78.Stiff coir fibre with a high degree of flexibility' are used for:
(C )Dyeing
(D)Brush Making

79.__________is used for punching holes during coir brush making.
(C )Drilling machine
(D)All (A), (B),(C )

80.Even cutting of the fibre in the final stage of brush making is known as:
(C )Cutting
(D)Ail (A), (B), (C )

81.__________process removes adhering pith from bristle fibres used for brush making. Fill in the blank.
(C )Weaving

82.The first coir factory' to be established in Alleppey, India was :
(A)Aspinwall and Co.
(B)Darragh Smaileand Co.
(C )William Goodacre and Sons
(D)None of thethree

83.Name the Mobile fibre extraction machine developed by Coir Board which can extract fibre instantaneously :
(C )Anupam

84.Coir fibre can be used to prepare toys in shapes of animals and birds like 
(C )Peacock
(D)Ail (A), (B), (C )

85.Coir fibre can be used to make which of the following jewellery ?
(C )Ring
(D)All (A), (B), (C )

86.Coir pith can be converted into organic manure using :
(C )Pithminus
(D)None of (A),(B), (C )

87.Coir composites can be used as wood substitute for manufacture of :
(B)Particle Boards 
(C )Trays
(D)All (A), (B), (C )

88.Looms are used for___________ of coir. Fill in the blank.
(C )Weaving

89.Coir floor sweeping and commode cleaning brushes fall in__________________category of brushes.
(C )None of the above
(D)Both the above

90.___________is the process of application of colour designs on the surface of coir mats.
(C )Designing
(D)None of the three

91.The length and width of No. 3 size coir mat is :
(A)22" x 36"
(B)14" x 24"
(C )18"x30"

92.Hollander Mat, Dutch Mat and Corridor Mat are different types of _________mats. Fill in the blank.
(A)Mesh Mat
(B)Rod Mats
(C )Fibre Mat
(D)None of the three

93.What is the thickness of the rope used for manufacture of No. 1 size Rope Mats ?
(C )0.5"
(D)None of (A), (B), (C )

94.Name the primary colours used for dyeing coir :
(A)Red, Yellow, Blue
(B)Green, White, Brown
(C )Purple, Orange, Violet
(D)None of (A), (B), (C )

95.Name the dye bath assistant used for dyeing coir using Direct dyes :
(A)Sodium chloride
(B)Ammonium chloride
(C )Ferrous sulphate
(D)None of (A), (B), (C )

96.What is the ratio of coir to water (material to liquid) for colouring coir ?
(A)1 : 10
(B)1 : 15
(C )1 : 20
(D)None of (A), (B), (C )

97.Name the dye bath assistant used for dyeing coir using Basic dyes ?
(A)Acetic Acid
(B)Hydrochloric Acid
(C )Sulfuric Acid
(D)None of (A), (B), (C )

98.Mechanical coir spinning comprises of mainly three processes viz :
(A)Fibre Cleaning
(B)Sliver making(C )Spinning
(D)All (A), (B), (C )

99.____________ is a non - brush doormat produced with the help of a specially designed wooden frame. Fill in the blank.
(A)Rod Mat
(C )Mesh Mat
(D)Sinnet Mat

100.How many workers are required to spin coir in a "traditional ratt ?"
(C )Two

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