substation automation

The following is a selected list of recent papers related to the substation automation:

Papers In Journals

1. M. Kezunovic, Z. Ren, G. Latisko, D.R. Sevcik, J. Lucey, W. Cook, E. Koch, ?Automated Monitoring and Analysis of Circuit Breaker Operation,? IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp 1910-1918, July 2005
2. M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, ?Developing Future Substation Automation Strategies: Selecting Apprpriate IEDs and Developing New Applications,? International Energy Journal, Special Issue: Cogeneration, Distributed Generation, Distribution System and Power Quality, and DSM and Energy Efficiency, Vol. 6, No. 1, Pt. 3, pp 3-151-3-162, June 2005
3. S. Luo, M. Kezunovic, D.R. Sevcik, ?Locating Faults in the Transmission Network Using Sparse Field Measurements, Simulation Data and Genetic Algorithms,? Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 71, No. 2, October 2004.
4. M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, A. Edris, D. ?obajic, ?Data Integration/Exchange Part II: Future Technical and Business Opportunities,? IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, pp 24-29, May/June 2004
5. M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, A. Ednis, D. Sobajic, ?Data Integration/Exchange Part I: Existing Technical and Business Opportunities,? IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, pp 14 - 19, March/April 2004
6. M. Kezunovic, ?Distribution of Architecture and Allocation of Functions in an Integrated Microprocessor - Based Substation Control and Protection System,? IFAC Proceedings Series, No. 1: Real Time Digital Control Applications, Editor Alonso-Conchero, Pergamon Press, 1984
7. M. Kezunovic, ?A System Approach to the Design of an Integrated Microprocessor Based Substation Control and Protection System,? IFAC Proceedings Series, No. 6: Control Science and Technology for the Progress of Society, pp S2985-2991, Editor H. Akashi, Pergamon Press, 1982
8. M. Kezunovic, ?Hardware, Software and Communication Requirements of an Integrated Substation Control and Protection System,? Bulletin A.I.M., Vol. 94, No. 4, pp. 157-162, Belgium, 1981
9. M. Kezunovic, ?Digital Computer Based Systems for Protection and Control,? Elektroprivreda, No. 1-2, pp. 29-33, Beograd, Yugoslavia, 1981 (in Serbo-Croatian)

Papers In Proceeding of Refereed Conferences

1. M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, M. Knezev, T. Popovic, ?Automation of Fault Analysis: Implementation Approaches and Related Benefits,? International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 07, Hong Kong, July, 2007
2. A. Shapoury, M. Kezunovic, ?Noise Profile of Wireless Channels in High Voltage Substations,? IEEE PES General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 2007
3. M. Kezunovic, ?Use of Intelligent Techniques for Analysis of Faults and Protective Relay Operations,? IEEE PES General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 2007
4. M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, ?Substation Data Integration for Automated Data Analysis Systems,? IEEE PES General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 2007
5. M. Knezev, Z. Djekic, M. Kezunovic, ?Automated Circuit Breaker Monitoring,? IEEE PES General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 2007
6. S. Natti, M. Kezunovic, ?Transmission System Equipment Maintenance: On-line Use of Circuit Breaker Condition Data,? IEEE PES General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 2007
7. P. Zhang, C. Huo, M. Kezunovic, ?A Novel Measure of Component Importance Considering Cost for All-Digital Protection Systems,? IEEE PES General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 2007
8. M. Kezunovic, D. R. Sevcik, R. Lunsford, T. Popovic, ?Integration and Use of Substation Data,? Fault and Disturbance Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2007
9. M. Kezunovic, D. R. Sevcik, R. Lunsford, T. Popovic, ?Integration of Substation Data,? Texas A&M Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, Texas, March 2007
10. P. Zhang, L. Portillo, M. Kezunovic, ?Reliability and Component Importance Analysis of All-Digital Protection Systems,? IEEE 2006 PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, November 2006
11. M. Kezunovic, ?Future Uses of Substation Data,? 7th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management - APSCOM 2006, Hong Kong, October/November 2006
12. M. Kezunovic, S. Natti, ?Risk Based Maintenance Approach: A Case of Circuit Breaker Condition Based Monitoring,? 3rd International CIGRE Workshop on Liberalization and Modernization of Power Systems, Irkutsk, Russia, August 2006
13. M. Kezunovic, A. Edris, D. Sevcik, J. Ciufo, A. Sabouda, ?Automated Monitoring of Substation Equipment Performance and Maintenance Needs Using Synchronized Sampling,? EPRI Substation Equipment Diagnostics Conference, San Diego, CA, July 2006
14. S. Natti, M. Kezunovic, C. Singh, ?Sensitivity Analysis on the Probabilistic Maintenance Model of Circuit Breaker,? 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, June 11-15, 2006
15. N. Zhang, M. Kezunovic, ?Complete Fault Analysis for Long Transmission Line Using Synchronized Sampling,? 2006 IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control, Kananaskis, Canada, June 2006
16. N. Zhang, Kezunovic, ?Improving Real-time Fault Analysis and Validating Relay Operations to Prevent or Mitigate Cascading Blackouts,? IEEE 2005 PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, Dallas, Texas, May 2006
17. M. Kezunovic, S. Natti, ?Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Using Operational and Non-Operational Data,,? International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Changwon, Korea, April 2-5, 2006
18. M. Kezunovic, ?Monitoring of Power System Topology in Real-Time,? Hawaii Int?l. Conference on System Sciences, HICCS-39, Poipu, Kauai, January 2006
19. X. Luo, M. Kezunovic, ?An Expert System for Diagnosis of Digital Relay Operation,? 13th Conference on Intelligent Systems Application to Power Systems, Washington DC, USA, November 2005
20. M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, ?Requirements Specification for and Evaluation of an Automated Substation Monitoring System,? CIGRE 2005, Calgary, Canada, September 2005
21. M. Kezunovic, T. Djokic, T. Kostic, ?Robust Topology Determination Based on Additional Substation Data from IEDs,? PowerTech 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2005
22. Y. Wu and M. Kezunovic, ?Automatic Simulation of IED Measurements for Substation Data Integration Studies,? IEEE PES 2005 General Meeting, San Francisco, California, June 2005
23. M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, ?Automated Monitoring Functions for Improved Power System Operation and Control,? IEEE PES 2005 General Meeting, San Francisco, California, June 2005
24. T. Kostic, C. Frei, O. Preiss, M. Kezunovic, ?Possible Ways of Data Exchange Using Standards IEC 61850 and IEC 61970,? JUKO CIGRE, Zlatibor, Serbia and Montenegro, June 2005
25. M. Kezunovic, B. Lunsford, J. Lucey, D. Sevcik, M. Bruckner, T. Popovic, ?Automated Analysis Using IED-Recorded Data: Implementation and Integration,? Fault and Disturbance Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2005
26. M. Kezunovic, N. A. Ved, ?Circuit Breaker On-Line Monitoring Using Wireless Communications,? Wireless Technologies in the Power Industry, Toronto, Canada, May 2005
27. J. Ciufo, K. Rolston, M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, A. Edris, ?Requirements for Automated Analysis of Substation Data,? North American Transmission and Distribution Conference & Expo, Toronto, Canada, May 2005
28. M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, N. Ved, ?Real-Time Monitoring and Assessment of Circuit Breaker Operations for Diagnostics and Control Applications,? EPRI Substation Equipment Diagnostics Conference XIII, New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 2005
29. M. Kezunovic, T. Djokic, T. Kostic, ?Automated Monitoring and Control Using New Data Integration Paradigm,? Hawaii Int?l. Conference on System Sciences, HICCS-38, Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 2005
30. S. Natti, P. Jirutitijaroen, M. Kezunovic, C. Singh, ?Circuit Breaker and Transformer Inspection and Maintenance: Probabilistic Models,? 8 th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, September 2004
31. T. Kostic, C. Fei, O. Preiss, M. Kezunovic, ?Scenarios for Data Exchange Using Standards IEC 61970 and IEC 61850,? UCA Users Group Meeting, Paris, France, September 2004
32. M. Kezunovic, H. Taylor, ?New Solutions for Substation Sensing, Signal Processing and Decision Making,? Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS-37, Waikoloa Vilage, Hawaii, January 2004
33. M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, ?Developing Future Substation Automation Strategies: Selecting Appropriate IEDs and Developing New Applications,? Electric Supply Industry in Transition: Issues and Prospects for Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2004
34. A. Shapoury, M. Kezunovic, ?Field Survey of Wireless ISM-Based Channel Properties for Substation Applications,? IEEE PES General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July 2003
35. S. Jakovljevic, M. Kezunovic, ?Software for Enhanced Monitoring in Integrated Substations,? Power Tech 2003, Bologna, Italy, June 2003
36. M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, Z. Ren, D. Sevcik, J. Lucey, E. Koch, W. Cook, ?Automated Analysis of Circuit Breaker Operation,? 17th International Conference on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2003, Barcelona, Spain, May 2003
37. D. R. Sevcik, J. Lucey, W. Cook, E. Koch, M. Kezunovic, Z. Ren, G. Latisko, ?Automated Analysis of Circuit Breaker Operations,? EPRI Substation Equipment Diagnostic Conference, New Orleans, Lousiana, February 2003
38. M. Kezunovic, X. Xu, D. Wong, ?Improving Circuit Breaker Maintenance Management Tasks by Applying Mobile Agent Software Technology,? IEEE/PES T&D 2002 Asia Pacific Conference, Yokohama, Japan, October 2002
39. M. Kezunovic, C. Nail. Z. Ren, D.R. Sevcik, J. Lucey, W. Cook, E. Koch, ?Automated Circuit Breaker Monitoring,? IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 2002
40. M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, ?Integration of Data and Exchange of Information in Advanced LAN/Web Based DFR Systems,? Fault and Disturbance Analysis Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2002
41. M. Kezunovic, ? Future Requirements for Digital Substations Control and Protection Systems,? SEE Conference, Paris, France, March 1997
42. M. Kezunovic, A. Newbould, C.G.A. Koreman, S. Lemmer, ? Configuration and Integration of Substation Secondary Equipment,? 1996 CIGRE Session, Paris, France, August 1996
43. B. Perunicic, M. Kezunovic, E. Soljanin, S. Levi, ? Digital Metering of Active and Reactive Power in Nonsinusoidal Conditions Using Bilinear Forms of Voltage and Current Samples,? IEEE Symposium On Networks, Systems and Signal Processing, Zagreb, Croatia, June 28-July 1, 1989
44. M. Kezunovic, ? Integrated Solutions for Relaying, Local and Remote Control in H.V. Substations,? VII Symposium on Control and Informatics Applications in Electric Utilities in Yugoslavia,, Cavtat, Croatia, November 1988 (in Serbo-Croatian)
45. M. Kezunovic, S. Vidakovic, J. Rogan, B. Stantic, ? Communication Subsystem of an Integrated Control and Protection System,? XX Conference ETAN, Herceg Novi, Yugoslavia, June 1986 (in Serbo-Croatian)
46. M. Kezunovic, ? Impact of the Integrated Protection and Control System on the Design Requirements for the RTU-s,? IV Symposium VAES, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 1985 (in Serbo-Croatian)
47. M. Kezunovic, ?A Protocol for Peer to Peer Communications on a Serial Data Highway,? Eurocon 84 6th Conference on Electrotechnics, Brighton, United Kingdom, September 1984
48. M. Kezunovic, ? Integrated Microprocessor-Based Systems for Data Acquisition, Control and Protection of Electric Power Substations,? 8th PSCC, Helsinki, Finland, August 1984
49. M. Kezunovic, ? An Improved Data Highway Access Control System,? XXVIII Conference ETAN, Split, Croatia, June 1984 (in Serbo-Croatian)
50. M. Kezunovic, ? Functional Characteristics and Architectures of a Complex Microprocessor-Based System for Control and Data Acquisition in Electric Power Substations,? Symposium Informatica, Jahorina, Bosnia, April 1983 (in Serbo-Croatian)
51. S. Vidakovic, M. Kezunovic, ? Local Area Networks as a Communication Subsystem of Microprocessor-Based Process Control Systems,? Symposium ISEMEC, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 1982 (in Serbo-Croatian)
52. M. Kezunovic, ? Architectures of Distributed Microprocessor-Based Systems for Electric Power Substation Applications,? Symposium Informatica, Jahorina, Bosnia, March 1982 (in Serbo-Croatian)
53. M. Kezunovic, ? Design Criteria for Microprocessor-Based Distributed Process Control Systems,? Symposium ISEMEC, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 1981 (in Serbo-Croatian)
54. J.S. Deliyannides, M. Kezunovic, T.H. Schwalenstocker, ? An Integrated Microprocessor Based Substation Protection and Control System,? IEE Conference Publ. No. 187: Developments in Power System Monitoring and Control, IEE, London, England, April 1980

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