
I want full information about this topic.
Spyware programs are applications that send information via the Internet to the creator of the spyware. Their main function is information gathering. It misleads the users to install and use the spyware. some spyware
programs send a unique identifier along with the information.

About spyware
spyware programs are defined as applications that send information via the Internet to
the publishers for marketing purposes without obvious notification to users. Spyware also include Backdoor Trojan Horses that allow hackers to secretly gain information from the computer.The presence of spyware is hidden from the user and is secretly installed on the user's computer. personal information collected by spyware include data such as Internet surfing habits and sites that have been visited, but can also interfere with user control of the computer in other ways, such as installing additional software and redirecting Web browser activity. Unlike viruses and worms, spyware does not usually self-replicate

Infecting routes
spyware deceives users by methods such as piggybacking on a piece of desirable software like Download utilities, Games, Media players, Accounting software , tricking users into installing it (the Trojan horse method), masquerading as security software.The distributor of spyware usually presents the program as a useful utility. Spyware can also come bundled with other software. Some come through through security holes in the Web browser . The installation of spyware frequently involves Internet Explorer because of its association with windows.

Examples of spyware
Movieland, HuntBar, Internet Optimizer, CoolWebSearch, MyWebSearch, WeatherStudio, Zlob trojan, Zango etc.

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Spyware Tutorial Session
What is Spyware?

 A class of software agents that reside on user computers and provide access and information to outside parties via network connections
 Schwartz, Davidson & Steffan (2003)
 “Spyware is just one of many startling examples of how our privacy is being eroded”
 Sen. John Edwards (2001)
 Who knows? It could have been a formative campaign issue.
What is Spyware?
 The FTC defines it as software that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge, and that may send that information to another entity without user consent
 Urbach & Kibel (2004)
 Spyware guru Steve Gibson considers it to be anything that surreptitiously utilizes a computer’s Internet “back channel” to communicate with an external server
 Gibson (2003)
 Over 78,000 applications designed to remotely monitor and report on computer user activities
 Metz (2004)
 85% of computers probably have spyware running on them
 Farrow (2003)
 Computers even come from the OEM with spyware on them
 Levine (2004)
 Thompson (2003)
 Network administrators consider spyware a worse problem than Spam
 Berman (2004)
Types of Spyware
 Adware, Key Loggers and Trojan Horses
 Internet Journal (2002)
 Levine (2004)
 Schwartz, Davidson & Steffan (2003)
 Any of these, at best, can monopolize your computing resources and bandwidth…at worst, compromise your passwords and intrude upon the sanctity of your identity
 Townsend (2003)
 You also have Browser Hijackers, Dialers, Drive-By Downloads, and Scumware
 Mikusch (2003)
 Daniels (2004)
 Adware is Legal
More’s the pity…
 It’s certainly not proper under Gibson’s definition
 Typically installed as a bundle with P2P file sharing packages and legally enabled by vague and hard-to-find provisions of the bundle EULA (End User Licensing Agreement)
 A licensing finesse, frankly…but the FTC does have the power to regulate deceptive and unfair practice under Title 5
 The EULA defense is holding up
 Generally upheld by Federal courts as a technically legal justification for software installation
 cf., Berman ( 2004), Bruening and Steffen (2004), Klang (2003), Townsend (2003).
 However, Big Bureaucracy is watching this issue
 FTC workshops, Senate and House committee hearings
 Adware is Legal
Claria’s Gator
 You get it with your KaZaa EULA
 They will sue if you get caught calling Gator “spyware”
 Why? They have a license agreement with you. Your KaZaa media desktop is physical proof of that.
 Fully authorized in the eyes of the law, if not the eyes of the consumer
 Urbach & Kibel (2004)
 In conflict with “liberal contract theory,” however
 All parties should be aware of all terms, and all should be in agreement
 Klang (2003)
Adware is Economic
 It is a proven business model
 Holleyman (2004)
 Naider (2004)
 Klang (2004)
 Targeted pop-ups have clearly better click through rates than standard on-site banners
 Anything would be better than 1%!
 The Freeware Bundle
 How do you think Freeware producers get paid?
 No Free Lunch, online
 Klang (2004)
 Some folks actually want it on their computer
 Save!Ô SaveNow!Ô For the bargain conscious shopper online
 Naider (2004).
 Adware…not always legal
 The key question is who has the legal right to use the competition’s trademark and copyrighted names and characterizations for business purposes?
 Adware’s all based on monitoring users for specific search terms…
 Pops up competitive ads based on the competition’s name and functional activity names
 Have to have that copyrighted info in a database for the targeting system to work
 Is that legal? Hertz, Dow Jones, Washington Post and U-haul don’t think so
 But the jury is still out on the matter
 Hagerty & Berman (2003)
Where do you get it?
 Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor, Gator, Xupiter Toolbar, Bargains.exe, SaveNow!
 All proliferated via free music and video file sharing applications
 Coggrave (2003)
 Taylor (2002)
 If you do file sharing, you’ve likely given legal permission for any of those to be installed on your machine…whether you remember doing so, or not
 My Spybot Search & DestroyÔ agent caught eBay trying to repeatedly download DoubleClick code to my computer just the other day!
 Remote Administrative Trojans
 RATs, by any other name
 Covert installation of programs that can be contacted by outside computers and which provide control over the host computer
 Network administration tools such as Back Orifice or SubSeven exploit holes in the Microsoft operating system to give outside users the ability to capture screen displays and keyboard input or actually take control of a remote computer
 Internet Journal (2002)
 Recent RATs such as SubSeven, Bionet and hack’a’tack are built around easy-to-use graphic interfaces simple enough for most anyone with malicious intent to use
 Carfarchio (2002)
 RATs
 Exploit weaknesses in the Microsoft browser or operating system
 Installs itself, then triggers installation of utilities that monitor and control the target computer
 Purposes as mild as Web site re-directs and as threatening as zombie-like production and transmission of bulk email spam
 Fisher (2004)
 RATs come unannounced in viral form, as email attachments or as drive-by downloads
 Legitimate remote administration tools are installed in the open and with full user knowledge and consent.
 Mikusch (2003)
 Key Loggers
 Key Loggers can be legal
 Employers
 Family members who own the computer
 These can also be hardware or software
 Legal purpose is to monitor those you are responsible for
 Unethical uses include the cheating spouse syndrome and industrial espionage
 A common payload for an illegal Trojan Horse attack
 Purpose is to collect passwords and account information for identity theft purposes
 Legal Remote Monitoring
 Windows Update
 Product Registration
 Quicken
 Macromedia
 Kodak Digital Cameras
 Legal is not the same as considerate or well-designed, in my personal experience
 BackWeb Lite…what does Patrick Kolla think of this?
 59 “hooks” into my system after digital camera software installation
• Spyware is any technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge. It is secretly installed on the user's personal computer.
• While the term spyware suggests software that secretly monitors the user's computing
• Spyware is known to change computer settings, resulting in slow connection speeds, different home pages, and/or loss of Internet connection or functionality of other programs.
What is spyware?
• A class of software agents that reside on user computers and provide access and information to outside parties via network connections
– Schwartz, Davidson & Steffan (2003)
• “Spyware is just one of many startling examples of how our privacy is being eroded”
– Sen. John Edwards (2001)
• The FTC defines it as software that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge, and that may send that information to another entity without user consent
– Urbach & Kibel (2004)
History and Development
• The first recorded use of the term spyware occurred on 16 October 1995 in a Usenet post that poked fun at Microsoft's business model
• According to a 2005 study by AOL and the National Cyber-Security Alliance, 61 percent of surveyed users' computers were infected with form of spyware. 92 percent of surveyed users with spyware reported that they did not know of its presence, and 91 percent reported that they had not given permission for the installation of the spyware
• As of 2006, spyware has become one of the preeminent security threats to computer systems running Microsoft Windows operating systems
• Difference b/w Spyware and Virus
• Virus:- "A program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes."
• Spyware:-Spyware takes advantage of the fact that people click I Agree to most software licenses without actually reading them. So technically, spyware is loaded with your knowledge and permission if you read the license
Spyware Impacts
• Deceptive functionality.
• Home page hijacking.
• Loss of privacy.
• Reduced performance.
• Broken web sites.
• Stolen advertising
• More advertising.
• System instability.
• Security risks.
Spyware Everywhere
• Over 78,000 applications designed to remotely monitor and report on computer user activities
• 85% of computers probably have spyware running on them
• Computers even come from the OEM with spyware on them
• Network administrators consider spyware a worse problem than Spam
Types of Spyware
• Adware, Key Loggers and Trojan Horses
• Any of these, at best, can monopolize your computing resources and bandwidth…at worst, compromise your passwords and intrude upon the sanctity of your identity
• You also have Browser Hijackers, Dialers, Drive-By Downloads, and Scumware
Popular Spywares
• GAIN/Gator
• VX/2
• AdGoblin
• Cool Web Search
• Direct Dialer
• Alexa
• WebRebates
How do I get rid of spyware?
• You can either remove each program manually, or use a utility to automatically remove all spyware.
• Automatically:- For the automatic route we recommend PC Pit stop Exterminate.
• Manual:- To use a manual removal method, you first need to determine what types of spyware have infested your system. Our quick scan can find some of the most common spyware . Each piece of spyware requires different removal procedures
Remedies and prevention
• As the spyware threat has worsened, a number of techniques have emerged to counteract it. These include programs designed to remove or to block spyware, as well as various user practices which reduce the chance of getting spyware on a system
• When a large number of pieces of spyware have infected a Windows computer, the only remedy may involve backing up user data, and fully reinstalling the operating system
Prevention / Destroy
Spybot Search and destroy

• Type: Spyware Killer
• Rating:
– Detect/Destroy: 3
– Additional Features: 3
– User Friendly: 5
– Updates: 2
– Cost: 5 (Free)
– Recommendations: 3
• Advantages:
– Has a Recovery feature that allows you to restore any files you may be deleted infected with spyware
– Has an Immunity feature that protects you from already known spywares
• Disadvantages:
– Infrequent updates cause spywares to slip past scans and immunity
• Comments:
– Good program, but because of slow updates of spyware definitions, it renders the program not as useful
give me more imformation about spyware like its advantages and disadvantages
What YOU can do about it!
ISN Presentation
The Problem
The Cause
The Solution
The Problem
List of recognizable symptoms:
Slow computer
Frequent lockups
Popup windows appear randomly
Browser’s home page changed [“hijacked”]
Browser’s search tool has changed
The Hidden Problem
List of hidden symptoms:
Strange programs/services in task manager
Can’t uninstall the program
Programs communicate with outside servers, waiting for secret orders or transmitting data from you
Keylogger can steal and email your text, account numbers, & passwords
Kinko’s caper – burglary by modem
The Cause
MS Windows vulnerabilities
User tricked into installing spyware:
“Free SPYWARE removal program” http://spydetect.com
User voluntarily installs a program,
Because of its benefits (game, free files…)
NOT understanding the details of the EULA (ex Kazaa, Bonzi, Gator, Ilookup )
scan computer system
monitor activity
relay private information to other computers
Deliver advertising content
May gather information from the user, like web sites visited
The Solution
What YOU can do about it
Update Windows automatically!
Avoid W32.Spybot.worm
Educate your family!
Restrict account privileges (NO admin rights)
Don’t connect DIRECTLY to the internet
Use alternative browsers: Firefox, Mozilla, Opera… instead of Internet Explorer
Too Late?
Install & update security software
Run anti Spyware tool
Update Antivirus
Install/Configure Firewall
Enable Popup blocker (IE SP2, Firefox )
Install Spam blocker
Bootable Knoppix CD
Runs Linux only from CD, can’t get spyware!
Additional Resources
To help you fight spyware & adware:
List of fake removal tools:
The spyware removal specialists
Spyware Weekly Newsletter is distributed every week to 18,200 subscribers…
Free Software
Ad-aware http://lavasoftusa
Spybot http://spybot.info/en/index.html
AntiSpyware (beta)
ZoneAlarm http://zonelabs.com
Kerio Personal Firewall
Commercial Software
Webroot Spy Sweeper $30
Pest Patrol $30
Ad-Aware SE Plus $25
McAffee Anti Spyware $40
Additional Tricks (Ad Blocking Resources)
Restrict ALL access to Sites via Host file:
Restrict Internet Explorer Sites
Internet Content Rating Association
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