source code in ns2 for secure high throughput multicast routing in wireless mesh networks

i need code in ns2 for multicast routing in wireless mesh networks using Steiner trees

source code in ns2 for secure high throughput multicast routing in wireless mesh networks


Recent work in multicast routing for wireless mesh networks has focused on metrics that estimate page link quality to maximize throughput. Nodes must collaborate in order to compute the path metric and forward data. The assumption that all nodes are honest and behave correctly during metric computation, propagation, and aggregation, as well as during data forwarding, leads to unexpected consequences in adversarial networks where compromised nodes act maliciously. In this work, we identify novel attacks against high-throughput multicast protocols in wireless mesh networks. The attacks exploit the local estimation and global aggregation of the metric to allow attackers to attract a large amount of traffic. We show that these attacks are very effective against multicast protocols based on high-throughput metrics. We conclude that aggressive path selection is a double-edged sword: While it maximizes throughput, it also increases attack effectiveness in the absence of defense mechanisms. Our approach to defend against the identified attacks combines measurement-based detection and accusation-based reaction techniques. The solution accommodates transient network variations and is resilient against attempts to exploit the defense mechanism itself. A detailed security analysis of our defense scheme establishes bounds on the impact of attacks. We demonstrate both the attacks and our defense using ODMRP, a representative multicast protocol for wireless mesh networks, and SPP, an adaptation of the well-known ETX unicast metric to the multicast setting.Multicast Routing protocols always acquire some special correspondence since they deliver data from source to multiple destinations that were organized in a multicast group. Several work in multicast routing for wireless mesh networks has focused on metrics that estimate page link quality to maximize throughput. The novel attacks in this project exploit the local estimation and global aggregation. These attacks are very effective against multicast protocols based on high-throughput metrics. The project provides best defense mechanism to detect and react against attack.

Aim & Objective:

• To identify novel attacks against high-throughput multicast protocols in wireless mesh networks and to reduce vulnerabilities in multicast routing.
• To use measurement based detection and accusation based reaction techniques to defend against novel attacks.
• To efficiently deliver compensation data packets through MISTRAL flooding mechanism.

Problem Statement:

Many of the existing approaches posses’ difficulty in the identification of the metric attacks. They provide less page link quality and sudden throughput degradation due to malicious attack. They wrongly choose path which leads to new vulnerabilities.


An Efficient Flooding Mechanism: MISTRAL was contributed for delivering the compensation packets. It compensates for dropped data packets by periodically broadcasting compensation packets. Every compensation packet encodes a set of packets that have been dropped by the sender. A node’s neighbors, upon receipt of such a packet, can recover missing packets.

Wireless mesh networks, high-throughput metrics, secure multicast routing, metric manipulation attacks, Byzantine attacks.

Jing Dong, Reza Curtmola, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, "Secure High-Throughput Multicast Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.10, no. 5, pp. 653-668, May 2011, doi:10.1109/TMC.2010.194
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782 A High-Throughput Path Metric for Multi-Hop Wireless Routing - Couto, Aguayo, et al. (Show Context)
720 Ariadne: A secure on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks - Hu, Perrig, et al. - 2002 (Show Context)
519 Packet Leashes: A Defense Against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks - Hu, Perrig, et al. - 2003 (Show Context)
505 Secure routing for mobile ad hoc networks - Papadimitratos, Haas - 2002 (Show Context)
462 Routing in multi-radio, multi-hop wireless mesh networks - Draves, Padhye, et al. - 2004 (Show Context)
429 SEAD: secure efficient distance vector routing for mobile wireless ad hoc networks”, Ad Hoc Networks Volume 1, Issue 1 - Hu, B, et al. - 2003 (Show Context)
419 The ALOHA System: another alternative for computer communications - Abramson - 1970 (Show Context)
405 A secure routing protocol for ad hoc networks - Sanzgiri, Dahill, et al. - 2002 (Show Context)
398 A control-theoretic approach to flow control - Keshav - 1991 (Show Context)
326 Stimulating cooperation in self-organizing mobile ad hoc networks - Buttyán, Hubaux (Show Context)
232 Comparison of routing metrics for static multi-hop wireless networks - Draves, Padhye, et al. - 2004 (Show Context)
229 Efficient and secure source authentication for multicast - Perrig, Canetti, et al. - 2001 (Show Context)
212 The basic practice of statistics - Moore - 1995 (Show Context)
150 On-demand multicast routing protocol in multihop wireless mobile networks - Lee, Su, et al. - 2002 (Show Context)
135 Adaptive demand-driven multicast routing in multihop wireless ad hoc networks - Jetcheva, Johnson - 2001 (Show Context)
134 Using Directional Antennas to Prevent Wormhole Attacks - Hu, Evans - 2004 (Show Context)
117 A multi-radio unification protocol for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks - Adya, Bahl, et al. - 2004 (Show Context)
111 Anonymous gossip: Improving multicast reliability in mobile ad-hoc networks - Chandra, Ramasubramaniam, et al. - 2001 (Show Context)
102 Coping with communication gray zones in IEEE 802.11b based ad hoc networks - Lundgren, Nordstrom, et al. - 2002 (Show Context)
95 Mitigating Routing Misbehavior - Marti, Giuli, et al. - 2000 (Show Context)
83 On designing incentivecompatible routing and forwarding protocols in wireless ad-hoc networks – an integrated approach using game theoretical and cryptographic techniques - Zhong, Li, et al. - 2003 (Show Context)
83 Contention-aware admission control for ad hoc networks,” Univ. Illinois at - Yang, Kravets - 2003 (Show Context)
82 A Multi-Radio Unification Protocol for - Adya, Bahl, et al. - 2004 (Show Context)
78 Secure page link state routing for mobile ad hoc networks - Papadimitratos, Haas - 2003 (Show Context)
75 GeoTORA: A protocol for geocasting in mobile ad hoc networks - Ko, Vaidya - 2000
74 Theory of spread-spectrum communications—a tutorial - Pickholtz, Schilling, et al. - 1982 (Show Context)
69 On-Demand Multicast Routing - Lee, Su, et al. - 2002 (Show Context)
64 Flooding-based geocasting protocols for mobile ad hoc networks - Ko, Vaidya - 2002 (Show Context)
63 Multicast ad hoc ondemand distance vector (MAODV) routing - Royer, Perkins - 2000 (Show Context)
55 Garcia-Luna-Aceves, “Scalable multicasting: the core-assisted mesh protocol,” Mob - Madruga, J (Show Context)
54 Secure Data Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - Papadimitratos, Haas - 2003 (Show Context)
49 Rushing Attacks and Defense - Hu, Perrig, et al. - 2003 (Show Context)
40 The medium time metric: High throughput route selection in multirate ad hoc wireless networks - Awerbuch, Holmer, et al. - 2005 (Show Context)
33 Truelink: A practical countermeasure to the wormhole attack - Eriksson, Krishnamurthy, et al. - 2006 (Show Context)
30 Securing Adhoc Routing - Zapata, Asokan (Show Context)
24 ODSBR: An on-demand secure Byzantine resilient routing protocol for wireless ad hoc networks - Awerbuch, Curtmola, et al. - 2007 (Show Context)
23 High-throughput multicast routing metrics in wireless mesh networks,” Elsevier Ad Hoc Ntwks - Roy, Koutsonikolas, et al. - 2007 (Show Context)
22 Coping with Communication Gray Zones - Nordstrom - 2002 (Show Context)
20 The Sybil Attack - Newsome, Shi, et al. - 2004 (Show Context)
16 Detecting the Sybil attack in mobile ad hoc networks - Piro, Shields, et al. - 2006 (Show Context)
10 HIMAC: High throughput MAC layer multicasting in wireless networks - Chen, Lee, et al. - 2006 (Show Context)
10 BSMR: Byzantine-resilient secure multicast routing in multi-hop wireless networks - Curtmola, Nita-Rotaru - 2007 (Show Context)
8 Securing MAODV: Attacks and countermeasures - Roy, Addada, et al. - 2005 (Show Context)
6 On the Survivability of Routing - Awerbuch, Curtmola, et al. - 2005 (Show Context)
5 On the pitfalls of using high-throughput multicast metrics in adversarial wireless mesh networks - Dong, Curtmola, et al. - 2008 (Show Context)
5 GeoTORA: A Protocol for Geocasting - Ko, Vaidya - 2000 (Show Context)
4 Secure Neighbor Discovery - Poturalski, Papadimitratos, et al. - 2008 (Show Context)
4 A Dynamic Secure QoS Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks - Zhu, Yu - 2006 (Show Context)
2 Secure Route Discovery for QoS-Aware Routing - Papadimitratos, Haas - 2006 (Show Context)


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