SOIL SURVEY OFFICER RESEARCH ASSISTNT- kerala psc previous question paper

1. Union Minister for agriculture :
(A)  A.K. Antony(B)Sarad Pawar
(C ) Sushil Kumar Shinde(D)K.P. Mohanan

2.Instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure
(A) Anemometer(B)Thermometer
(C ) Hygrometer(D)Barometer

3.Agricultural Malayalam magazine published by Kerala agricultural university
(A) Karshakan(B)Karshakasree
(C ) Kerala Karshakan(D)Kalpadhenu

4.Yellow revolution is related to :
(A) Milk(B)Oil seeds
(C ) Fish(D)PulsesPulses

5.Red variety of rice :
(A) Vyttila 7(B)Swarnaprabha
(C ) Vyttila 8(D)Neeraja

6.The first stage in water erosion :
(A) Rill(B)Sheet 
(C ) Splash(D)Gully

7.To ensure genetic purity in rice seed productionminimum isolation distance :
(A) 3 m(B)2 m
(C ) 1 m(D)4 m4 m

8.Photo insensitive rice variety :
(C )Thulam(D)Dhanu

9. The small instrument to find out velocity of water flowing through a stream
(A) Current meter(B)Water meter
(C ) Flow meter(D).Volt meter

10.Father of Genetics :
(A) Borloug(B)Weissmann
(C ) Mendal(D)Lamark

11.Bordeaux mixture was developed by :
(A) Anton Deberry(B)Millardet
(C ) Butler(D)Walker

12.The plant nutrient which enhances root growth :
(A) Phosphorus(B)Nitrogen
(C ) Potassium(D)Boron

13.World Nature Conservation day :
(A) March 21(B)July 28
(C ) June 5(D)April 22April 22

14.Predominant soil type of Kerala :
(A) Laterite(B)Red
(C ) Alluvial(D)Forest.

15.IRRI is situated in :
(A)  Japan'(B)Malaysia
(C ) Philippines(D)IndiaIndia

16.Eudrillus eugineae belongs to the group :
(A) Bacteria(B)Fungus
(C ) Earthworm(D)Insect

17.Carbon Nitrogen ratio in normal soil:
(A)10 : 1(B)5 : 1
(C )30 : 1(D)13 : 1

18.Indian Agricultural Research Institute is situated in :
(C ) Delhi.(D) Kerala

19.Fertilizer recommendation of high yielding medium duration rice variety : 
(A) 90:45:45(B) 60:30:30
(C ) 40:20:20(D) 70:35:35

20. In which District Rubber Research Institute is 
(A) Kottayam (C ) Alappuzha
(B)Kozhikode (D) Pathanamthitta

21. Which species of honey bee is not Indian?
(A) Apis flora(B) Apis dersata
(C )Apis cerana indica(D) Apis mellifera

22. Breeding method exclusively used in vegetatively propagated plants :
(A) Clonal selection (C ) Pureline breeding
(B) Heterosis breeding
(D)Polyploidy breeding

23. Scientific name of Kasthurimanjal: 
(A) Curcuma aromatica (C ) Curcuma angustifolia
(B) Curcuma amada (D) Curcuma longa

24. Egg parasitoid of rice stem borer : 
(A) Macrocentrus (C ) Trichogramma
(B) Xanthopimpla (D) Charops

25. Important variety of Thippali : 
(A) Viswam (C ) Mridhula
(B) Jeeva (D) Agni

26. Buffalo grass is known as :
(A) Congo signal(B)Gamba grass
(C ) Para grass(D)Guinea grass

27.Cardamom Research Station is situated in :
(A) Wayanad(B)Idukki
 (C ) Kottayam(D)Ernakulam

28.Pre emergent herbicide used in rice :
(A) Almix(B)Pretilachlor
(C ) 2,4-D(D)Clincher

29.Biofertilizer found in the root of pulses :
(A) Pseudomonas(B)Rhizobium
(C ) Azolla(D)Azotobacter

30.Semi-trailing variety of cowpea :
(A) Kairali(B)Bhagyalakshmi
(C ) Vyjayanthi(D)Anaswara

31.Father of Green Revolution :
(A) M.S.' Swaminathan.(B)N.E. Borlogue
(C ) Griger Mendal(D)T. B. Flectcher

32.Oleoresin is extracted from :
(A) Coconut(B)Cocoa
(C ) Pepper(D)Sesamum

33.IFOAM related to :\
(A) Precision farming(B)Organic farming
(C ) High-tech farming(D)Modern agriculture

34.Aquaculture is related to :'
(A) Fish(B)Bird
(C ) Silk worm(D)Honey beeHoney bee

35.Number of Krishivigyan Kendras in Kerala :
(C ) 10.(D)1414

36.Gall midge attack symptom in rice : 
(A) Dead heart(B)White ear head
(C ) Silver shoot(D)Stackburn

37.Medicinal plant used for preventing soil erosion :
(A) Chethikoduveli(B)Chittarathu
(C ) Tulasi(D)Vetiver

38.Silkworm rearing in caster :
(A) Eri(B)Tassar
(C ) Muga (D)Mulberry

39.Grasserie disease in silk worm is caused by :
(A) Nosema bombyscis(B)Borrelina virus
 (C ) Beauveria bassiana(D)Spicaria prasina

40.Micronutrient available in soil of alkaline pH :
(A) Copper(B)Zinc
(C ) Molybdenum(D)Manganese

41.Seed rate per hectare in transplanted rice :
(A) 60 - 85 Kg(B)80 - 100 Kg
(C ) 80 - 90 Kg(D)24 - 34 Kg

42. Plant having both insecticidal and :
(A) Calapagonium(B)Teak 
(C ) Neem(D)MangoMango

43.Sree Nandini is a high yielding variety of:'
(A) Dioscorea(B)Tapioca
(C ) Colocasia(D)Sweet potato

44.Acute rodenticide :
(A) Warfarin(B)Zinc phosphide
(C ) Cyclohexamide(D)Dinocap

45.YAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) are found to be important in the process
(A) Uptake of available P(B)Water uptake
(C ) Dormancy break(D)Retardation of flowering

46.Hybrid coconut variety:
(A) West coast tall(B)Keraganga
(C ) Komadan(D)Kalpadhenu

47.Spacing of coconut in triangular planting :
(A) 10 m(B)8.2 m
(C ) 6 m(D)7.6 m

48.Entomopathogenic fungus used in pest control:
(A) Metarrhizium(B)Baculo virus
(C ) Pseudomonas(D)Rhizoctonia

49.Crop with maximum fibre content:
(A) Biter gourd(B)Curry leaf
(C )  Cowpea(D)Amaranthus

50. Flavonoid in bittergourd which help to reduce blood sugar :
(A) Lycopene(B)Anthocyanine
(C ) Carotenoid(D)Peratin

51.The alkaline soil types in Kerala :
(A) Black cotton soil(B)Sandy Onattukkara
(C ) Pokkali soil(D)Laterite

52.Crop recovers applied N fertilizer to the tune of:
(A) 10 - 15 %(B)25 - 30 %
(C ) 40-50%(D)60 -70 %

53.Practice not followed in Conservation agriculture
(A) Permanent soil cover(B)Reduced tillage
(C ) Intensified tillage(D)Crop rotation

54.Crop known as "Biological Plough":
(A) Red gram(B)Black gram
(C ) Green gram(D)Horse gram

55.Oil yield (Kg ha-1) from Jasminum sambac is nearly :
(A) 10(B)16
(C ) 28(D)30

56.CAZRI is located at:
(A) Jhansi(B)Varanasi
(C ) Jodhpur(D)Dehradun

57.Soil erosion is prevalent in almostlakh hectares in Kerala.
(A) 3(B)16
(C ) 26(D)3030

58. In Biology a sudden heritable change is known as :
(A) Heterosis(B)Migration
(C ) Mutation(D)Polypoidy

59. One cubic meter is Contour map 
(C )100

60. The vertical distance between two consecutive contours is called :
(A) Contour interval (C ) Contour level
(B)Contour map
(D)Vertical level
 Vertical level

61. Advanced stage of sheet erosion : 
(A) Splash (C ) Gully
(B) Rill
(D) Stream bank

62. FAO is situated in : 
(A) Italy (C ) UK
(B) USA (D) Russia

63. ICRISAT is situated in : 
(A) Hyderabad (C ) Pune
(B) Delhi (D) Karnal

64. Casual organism of Panama wilt in banana : 
(A) Bacteria(B) Virus
(C ) Fungus(D) Insect

65. Kerala soil in general has high content of: 
(A) Copper (C ) Iron
(B) Molybdenum (D) Calcium

66. Low cost green house where the side are kept open : 
(A) Poly house(B)
(C ) Rain shelter(D)

67. Hydrothermal disinfection of soil: 
(A) Solarization (C ) Dehydration
(B) Pasteurization (D) Hybridization

68. Organism associated with coir pith composting :
(A) Azotobacter(B) Rhizobium
(C ) Pleurotes(D) Phytophthora

69. AZR 15 is a strain of:
(A) Azotobacter (C ) Pseudomonas
(B) Azosprillium (D) Rhizobium

70. Single superphosphate is : 
(A) Citrate soluble (C ) Citrate insoluble
(B) Water soluble (D) Water insoluble

71. Cashew hybrid released from Kerala Agricultural University :
(A) Poornima(B) Suguna
(C ) Saphala(D) Harithasree

72. In soil testing soil samples is taken from---------------depth top soil.
(A) 15 cm(B) 20 cm
(C ) 10 cm(D) 30 cm

73. Pulses are the group of plant belongs to the family :
(A) Compositae(B) ’ Crusiferae
(C ) Leguminoseae(D) Solabnaceae

74. Free living nitrogen fixing bacteria : 
(A) Rhizobium (C ) Azotobacter
(B) Staphylococcus (D) Streptococcus

75. The botanical name of garlic : 
(A) Allium cepa (C ) Allium bulbosa
(B) Allium sativum (D) Lillium sativum

76. Application of fertilizer through irrigation system :
(A) Chemigation(B)Fertigation
(C ) Chlorination(D)Acidification

77.Mechanism that promote self pollination :
(A) Dicliny(B)Heterostyly
(C ) Herkogamy(D)Cleistogamy

78.Water useful for plant growth :
(A) Hygroscropic(B)Capillary
(C ) Gravitational(D)Percolated

79.High yielding coleus variety :
(A) Sree Harsha(B)Sree Vijaya
(C ) Nidhi(D)Haritha

80.Element showing deficiencies symptom in younger leaves :
(A) Magnesium(B)Sulphur
(C ) Pottassium(D)Molybdenum

81.Concentrated organic manure :
(A) Cow dung(B)Poultry manure
(C ) Groundnut cake(D)Green leaf

82.Soil acidity is corrected by application of:
(A) Ca(OH)2(B)CuS04
(C ) ZnS04(D)h2so4

83.Nutrient content of N is Ammonium Nitrate :
(A) 26% (B)36.3 %
(C ) 33.5 %(D)46%

84.Plant breeding method which is used in cross pollinated crop :
(A) Mass selection(B)Recurrent selection
(C ) Pedigree selection(D)Back cross

85.CTCRI is situated in :
(A) Kasaragod  (B)Thiruvananthapuram
(C ) Kollam• (D)Kozhikode

86.Percent content of Nitrogen in Urea :
(A) 42(B)46
(C ) 43 (D)18

87.Organo phosphorous insecticide :
(A) Thiamethoxam(B)Dimethoate
(C ) Indoxacarb(D)Ipropenpos

88.Whip tail symptom in cauliflower is due to :
(A) Copper, deficiency(B)Molybdenum deficiency
(C ) Insect attack(D)Disease

89.Copper fungicide :
(A) Mancozeb(B)Wettable sulphur
(C ) Bordeaux mixture(D)DinocapDinocap

90.Non systemic fungicide :
(A) Hexaconazole(B)Propiconazole
(C ) Tridemorph(D)Thiram

91.Dendrobium Orchid:
(A) Saprophyte(B)Epiphyte
(C ) Lithophyte(D)Terrestrial

92.Calocybe indica is :
(A) Paddy straw mushroom(B)Button mushroom
(C ) Oyster mushroom(D)Milky mushroomMilky mushroom

93.Sheath blight in rice is caused by :
(A) Pyricularia grisea(B)Rhizoctonia solani
(C ) Helminthosporium oryzae(D)Xanthomonas

94. Root knot nematode :
(A) Meloidogyne(B)Pratylenchus
(C ) Rhizoctonia(D)Radopholus

95.Bio fertilizer which can be used as green manure and cattle feed :
(A) Azolla(B)Azospirillum
(C ) VAM(D)Azotobacter

96.Major organic nutrient source of phosphorous :
(A) Oil cakes(B)Bone meal
(C ) Compost(D)Cow dung

97.Soil having low cation exchange capacity :
(A) Sandy(B)Loamy
(C ) Silty(D)ClayeyClayey

98.Heart of drip irrigation system :
(A) Filter(B)Lateral
(C ) End cap(D)Emitter

99.Bio-control agent effective against foot root disease of pepper :
(A) Ganoderma(B)Trichogramma
(C ) Phytophthora(D)Trichoderma

100.An orchid spice :
(A) Dendrobium(B)Loranthus
(C ) Pepper(D)VanillaVanilla

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