silent sound tehnology

I wish to take seminar on silent sound technology.So i request you to provide report.
Everybody has the experience of talking aloud in the cell phone in the midst of the disturbance while travelling in trains or buses. There is no need of shouting anymore for this purpose. ‘Silent sound technology’ is the answer for this problem.
The Silent sound technology is an amazing solution for those who had lost their voice but wish to speak over phone. It is developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and you can expect to see it in the near future. When demonstrated, it seems to detect every lip movement and internally converts the electrical pulses into sounds signals and sends them neglecting all other surrounding noise. It is definitely going to be a good solution for those feeling annoyed when other speak loud over phone.
‘Silent Sound’ technology aims to notice every movements of the lips and transform them into sounds, which could help people who lose voices to speak, and allow people to make silent calls without bothering others. Rather than making any sounds, your handset would decipher the movements your mouth makes by measuring muscle activity, then convert this into speech that the person on the other end of the call can hear. So, basically, it reads your lips.
This New Technology Will Be Very Helpful Whenever A Person Looses His Voice While Speaking Or Allow People To Make Silent Calls Without Disturbing Others, Even We Can Tell Our PIN Number To A Trusted Friend Or Relative Without Eavesdropping . At The Other End, The Listener Can Hear A Clear Voice. The Awesome Feature Added To This Technology Is That "It Is An Instant Polyglot" I.E, Movements Can Be Immediately Transformed Into The Language Of The User's Choice. This Translation Works For Languages Like English, French & German. But, For The Languages Like Chinese, Different Tones Can Hold Many Different Meanings. This Poses Problem Said Wand. He Also Said That In Five Or May Be In Ten Years This Will Be Used In Everyday's Technology.
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i want complete documentation of silent sound technology
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plsss send me report and ppt arvindsinghait[at]
Silent Sound Technology - "S-quad"
It is also known as the SSSS( silent sound spread spectrum technology or the s-quad technology).
-It is a technology that enables you to transmit information without the use of your vocal chords.
-It aims to interpret the lip movements and then convert the movements into sound. information in the audio can be recieved by the other end.
This technology was demonstrated at the technology fair held at CeBIT. The developers are from KIT, germany.

Precess of speaking
The air passes through the larynx and the tongue and the words are formed with the help of the articulator muscles in the mouth and the jaw. The articulator muscles are activated irrespective of the fact that jo air passess through them or not. The weak signals are sent from the brain to the speech muscle. These signals are collectively known as the electromyograms.

can u send me d detiled seminar report of this silent sound technology
plz can you send silent sound technology documentation n ppt..its urgent..i need to give seminar on monday..
can u pls add up documentation regrdin his topic...pls
Plz send me the seminar report on 'Silent sound technology',
It's working details, interface.
Can you give me the actual working mechanism or related information of Silent Sound Technology.
please can you send more details of its working , requirements and other details or ppt about it
can u pls mail me the ppt and required papers on my mail id ruthuj[at]
pls its urgent. i hav seminar on monday
you can refer these pages to get the details on silent-sound-tehnology
Silence is the best answer for all the situations …even your mobile understands !
• The word Cell Phone has become greatest buzz word in Cellular Communication industry.
• There are lots and lots of technology that tries to reduce the Noise pollution and make the environment a better place to live in.
• I will tell about a new technology known as Silent Sound Technology that will put an end to Noise pollution.
You are in a movie theater or noisy restaurant or a bus etc where there is lot of noise around is big issue while talking on a mobile phone. But in the future this problem is eliminated with ”silent sounds”, a new technology unveiled at the CeBIT fair on Tuesday that transforms lip movements into a computer-generated voice for the listener at the other end of the phone.
It is a technology that helps you to transmit information without using your vocal cords . This technology aims to notice lip movements & transform them into a computer generated sound that can be transmitted over a phone . Hence person on other end of phone receives the information in audio.
In the 2010 CeBIT's "future park", a concept "Silent Sound" Technology demonstrated which aims to notice every movement of the lips and transform them into sounds, which could help people who lose voices to speak, and allow people to make silent calls without bothering others.
The device, developed by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), uses electromyography, monitoring tiny muscular movements that occur when we speak and converting them into electrical pulses that can then be turned into speech, without a sound uttered.
‘Silent Sound’ technology aims to notice every movements of the lips and transform them into sounds, which could help people who lose voices to speak, and allow people to make silent calls without bothering others. Rather than making any sounds, your handset would decipher the movements your mouth makes by measuring muscle activity, then convert this into speech that the person on the other end of the call can hear. So, basically, it reads your lips.
“We currently use electrodes which are glued to the skin. In the future, such electrodes might for example by incorporated into cellphones,” said Michael Wand, from the KIT.
The technology opens up a host of applications, from helping people who have lost their voice due to illness or accident to telling a trusted friend your PIN number over the phone without anyone eavesdropping — assuming no lip-readers are around.
The technology can also turn you into an instant polyglot. Because the electrical pulses are universal, they can be immediately transformed into the language of the user’s choice.
“Native speakers can silently utter a sentence in their language, and the receivers hear the translated sentence in their language. It appears as if the native speaker produced speech in a foreign language,” said Wand.
The translation technology works for languages like English, French and Gernan, but for languages like Chinese, where different tones can hold many different meanings, poses a problem, he added.
Noisy people in your office? Not any more. “We are also working on technology to be used in an office environment,” the KIT scientist told AFP.
The engineers have got the device working to 99 percent efficiency, so the mechanical voice at the other end of the phone gets one word in 100 wrong, explained Wand.
“But we’re working to overcome the remaining technical difficulties. In five, maybe ten years, this will be useable, everyday technology,” he said.
Silent Sound Technology will put an end to embarrassed situation such as-
• An person answering his silent, but vibrating cell phone in a meeting, lecture or performance, and whispering loudly, ‘ I can’t talk to you right now’ .
• In the case of an urgent call, apologetically rushing out of the room in order to answer or call the person back.
ORIGINATION Humans are capable of producing and understanding whispered speech in quiet environments at remarkably low signal levels. Most people can also understand a few unspoken words by lip-reading The idea of interpreting silent speech electronically or with a computer has been around for a long time, and was popularized in the 1968 Stanley Kubrick science-fiction film ‘‘2001 – A Space Odyssey ” A major focal point was the DARPA Advanced Speech Encoding Program (ASE ) of the early 2000’s, which funded research on low bit rate speech synthesis ‘‘with acceptable intelligibility, quality , and aural speaker recognizability in acoustically harsh environments”,
When you add lawnmowers, snow blowers, leaf blowers, jack hammers, jet engines, transport trucks, and horns and buzzers of all types and descriptions you have a wall of constant noise and irritation. Even when watching a television program at a reasonable volume level you are blown out of your chair when a commercial comes on at the decibel level of a jet.
The technology opens up a host of applications, from helping people who have lost their voice due to illness or accident to telling a trusted friend your PIN number over the phone without anyone eavesdropping — assuming no lip-readers are around.
Native speakers can silently utter a sentence in their language, and the receivers hear the translated sentence in their language. It appears as if the native speaker produced speech in a foreign language.
You could pass the time by making phone calls from the cinema without disturbing anyone. In noisy places like bars and clubs you could feasibly make yourself heard without having to shout. The technology would be particularly handy if you've been taken hostage but managed to work your bound hands free enough to retrieve your secret mobile, dial and get your face close enough for the technology to work.
Silent Sound Technology is processed through some ways or methods. They are
• Electromyograpy(EMG)
• Image Processing
Electromyography :
• The Silent Sound Technology uses electromyography, monitoring tiny muscular movements that occur when we speak.
• Monitored signals are converted into electrical pulses that can then be turned into speech, without a sound uttered.
• Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles.
• An electromyography detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells, when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated.
• Electromyographic sensors attached to the face records the electric signals produced by the facial muscles, compare them with pre recorded signal pattern of spoken words
• When there is a match that sound is transmitted on to the other end of the line and person at the other end listen to the spoken words
Image Processing:
• The simplest form of digital image processing converts the digital data tape into a film image with minimal corrections and calibrations.
• Then large mainframe computers are employed for sophisticated interactive manipulation of the data.
• In the present context, overhead prospective are employed to analyze the picture.
• In electrical engineering and computer science, image processing is any form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame; the output of image processing may be either an image or, a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image. Most image-processing techniques involve treating the image as a two-dimensional signal and applying standard signal-processing techniques to it.
Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. EMG is performed using an instrument called an electromyograph, to produce a record called an electromyogram. An electromyograph detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated. The signals can be analyzed to detect medical abnormalities, activation level, recruitment order or to analyze the biomechanics of human or animal movement.
• The Silent Sound Technology uses electromyography, monitoring tiny muscular movements that occur when we speak.
• Monitored signals are converted into electrical pulses that can then be turned into speech, without a sound uttered.
• Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles.
• An electromyography detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells, when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated.
Electrical characteristics:
The electrical source is the muscle membrane potential of about -90 mV. Measured EMG potentials range between less than 50 μV and up to 20 to 30 mV, depending on the muscle under observation.
Typical repetition rate of muscle motor unit firing is about 7–20 Hz, depending on the size of the muscle (eye muscles versus seat (gluteal) muscles), previous axonal damage and other factors. Damage to motor units can be expected at ranges between 450 and 780 mV.
The first documented experiments dealing with EMG started with Francesco Redi’s works in 1666. Redi discovered a highly specialized muscle of the electric ray fish (Electric Eel) generated electricity. By 1773, Walsh had been able to demonstrate that the Eel fish’s muscle tissue could generate a spark of electricity. In 1792, a publication entitled De Viribus Electricitatis in Motu Musculari Commentarius appeared, written by Luigi Galvani, in which the author demonstrated that electricity could initiate muscle contractions. Six decades later, in 1849, Dubois-Raymond discovered that it was also possible to record electrical activity during a voluntary muscle contraction. The first actual recording of this activity was made by Marey in 1890, who also introduced the term electromyography. In 1922, Gasser and Erlanger used an oscilloscope to show the electrical signals from muscles. Because of the stochastic nature of the myoelectric signal, only rough information could be obtained from its observation. The capability of detecting electromyographic signals improved steadily from the 1930s through the 1950s, and researchers began to use improved electrodes more widely for the study of muscles. Clinical use of surface EMG (sEMG) for the treatment of more specific disorders began in the 1960s. Hardyck and his researchers were the first (1966) practitioners to use sEMG. In the early 1980s, Cram and Steger introduced a clinical method for scanning a variety of muscles using an EMG sensing device.
It is not until the middle of the 1980s that integration techniques in electrodes had sufficiently advanced to allow batch production of the required small and lightweight instrumentation and amplifiers. At present, a number of suitable amplifiers are commercially available. In the early 1980s, cables that produced signals in the desired microvolt range became available. Recent research has resulted in a better understanding of the properties of surface EMG recording. Surface electromyography is increasingly used for recording from superficial muscles in clinical or kinesiological protocols, where intramuscular electrodes are used for investigating deep muscles or localized muscle activity.
There are many applications for the use of EMG. EMG is used clinically for the diagnosis of neurological and neuromuscular problems. It is used diagnostically by gait laboratories and by clinicians trained in the use of biofeedback or ergonomic assessment. EMG is also used in many types of research laboratories, including those involved in biomechanics, motor control, neuromuscular physiology, movement disorders, postural control, and physical therapy.
There are two kinds of EMG in widespread use: surface EMG and intramuscular (needle and fine-wire) EMG. To perform intramuscular EMG, a needle electrode or a needle containing two fine-wire electrodes is inserted through the skin into the muscle tissue. A trained professional (such as a neurologist, physiatrist, or physical therapist) observes the electrical activity while inserting the electrode. The insertional activity provides valuable information about the state of the muscle and its innervating nerve. Normal muscles at rest make certain, normal electrical signals when the needle is inserted into them. Then the electrical activity when the muscle is at rest is studied. Abnormal spontaneous activity might indicate some nerve and/or muscle damage. Then the patient is asked to contract the muscle smoothly. The shape, size, and frequency of the resulting motor unit potentials are judged. Then the electrode is retracted a few millimeters, and again the activity is analyzed until at least 10–20 units have been collected. Each electrode track gives only a very local picture of the activity of the whole muscle. Because skeletal muscles differ in the inner structure, the electrode has to be placed at various locations to obtain an accurate study.
1.1 Motivation

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has developed into a popular technology and is being deployed in a wide variety of everyday life applications, including personal dictation systems, call centers and mobile phones. Despite the various benefits a conventional speech-driven interface provides to humans, there are three major drawbacks: Firstly, the audible speech signal prohibits a confidential conversation with or through a device. Besides that, talking can be extremely disturbing to others, especially in libraries or during meetings. Secondly, speech recognition performance degrades drastically in adverse environmental conditions such as in restaurants, cars, or trains. Acoustic model adaptation can compensate for these effects to some degree, however the pervasive nature of mobile phones challenges this approach. Performance is also poor when sound production limitations occur, like under water. Last but not least, conventional speech-driven interfaces cannot be used by speech handicapped people, for ex those without vocal cords.
To overcome these limitations, alternative methods are being investigated, which do not rely on an acoustic signal for ASR. Chan et al. [Chan et al., 2002b] proved that the electric signal (MES) from articulator face muscles contains sufficient information to discriminate a given set of words accurately (>90% word accuracy on the ten English digits). This holds even when the words are spoken non-audibly, i.e. when no acoustic signal is produced [Jorgensen et al., 2003].
The potential of electromyography (EMG) based speech recognition lies primarily in the fact that it does not rely on the transmission of an acoustic signal: it allows private, on-disturbing communication in any situation and could possibly be deployed by speech handicapped people.Moreover; it is robust to environmental noise.
Chapter 2
2.1 Surface EMG measurement

Electromyography is the process of recording the electrical activity of a muscle. Muscle fibers generate small electrical currents as part of the signaling process for the muscle fibers to contract. There are two basic methods to measure the signal called Electromyogram: invasively using fine wire electrodes that are inserted directly into the muscle or non-invasively by applying the electrodes to the skin surface.
Fine wire electrodes allow the testing of deep or small muscles and have a more specific pick-up area than surface electrodes. However, the needles may cause discomfort and the measurements should only be carried out by a medical doctor. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to identify the same point of insertion in consecutive recording sessions. As a result, surface EMG (semi) is the more common method of measurement.
2.1.1 Equipment
The following equipment is necessary for surface EMG recordings:
Electrodes: Generally speaking, surface electrodes convert the ionic currents generated by muscle contraction into electronic currents that can be fed into electronic devices. While the detection electrodes serve to pick up the desired signal, the ground electrode provides a common reference to the differential input of the preamplifier. Refer to section 2.2.2 for more details on properties of surface electrodes.
Differential Amplifier: When detecting an EMG signal, amplification is necessary to optimize the resolution of the digitizing equipment [Scott, 2003]. Moreover, an amplifier can also be used to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio - that is, the ratio of the energy of the wanted EMG signal to the energy of unwanted noise contributions of the environment. For that reason semi recordings generally involve a differential detecting configuration as schematically shown in figure 2.1. The EMG signals are represented by “p” and “m” and the noise signals by “n”.
Figure 2.1: Equipment required for semi measurements.
A differential amplifier subtracts the signals from two detection sites and amplifies the difference voltage between its two input terminals. As a consequence, signals common to both electrodes - such as noise originating far away from the detection sites - should ideally produce a zero output, whereas local EMG signals are amplified. The Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) is a measure of the degree to which this ideal is realized in practical designs. It is defined as the difference signal gain divided by the common mode signal gain. An ideal differential amplifier would thus have a CMRR of infinity, yet, in practice, only amplifiers with a
Maximum CMRR of approximately 120dB are available. As a result, it is not possible to obtain a signal free from noise, however, a CMRR of 90dB (CMRR(x) [dB] = 20 _ log10CMRR(x)) normally results in sufficient noise suppression [Overberg, 1992].
Electrical Isolator: The failure of any electrical device that has galvanic contact with the subject can cause a potentially harmful current to pass through the skin. In order to ensure safety the subject must therefore be electrically isolated from any electrical connection to the power source. This can be achieved by placing an optical isolator between the amplifier and the devices that are connected to the power point (e.g. the computer) [Luca, 2002].
A/D-converter: EMG signals usually need to be digitized for further processing and data analysis. The analog-to-digital converter transforms an analog signal into a discrete number of data points representing the amplitude of the input signal at particular instances in time.
Recorder: The purpose of the recorder is to generate a time record of the input EMG signal that can be reviewed later for data analysis.
2.1.2 Electrodes
Electrodes serve as converters of the ionic currents produced in muscles into electronic currents that can be manipulated in electronic circuits. There are two main types of surface electrodes: dry electrodes that have direct contact with the skin, and gelled electrodes, where an electrolytic gel is placed between the metallic part of the electrode and the skin to decrease the skin-electrode impedance.
Dry vs. Gelled Electrodes
Dry electrodes are typically used when the constitution of the electrodes does not allow the use of gel (e.g. bar electrodes). Due to the high electrode-skin impedance it is common to have the preamplifier circuitry at the electrode site. This makes the dry electrodes considerably heavier than gelled electrodes (about 20g vs. 1g) such that electrode fixation becomes an issue.
Gelled electrodes are therefore the common choice. Oxidative and reductive chemical reactions in the contact region of the metal surface and the gel allow an exchange between the ionic current generated by muscle contraction and the electron current flow of the recording instrumentation. It is worth mentioning here, that the quality of an electrode depends almost exclusively on its ability to exchange ions for electrons and vice versa [Overberg, 1992]. A general explanation of the mode of operation of surface electrodes from the chemical point of view may be found in [Meyer-Waarden,1985] and [Overberg, 1992].
2.1.3 Signal Characteristics
The raw EMG signal detected by a differential amplifier using surface electrodes is a “bipolar signal whose random fluctuations, if summed over a significantly long time period, would produce a zero result” [Lamb and Hobart, 1992]. Its amplitude typically ranges from 0.01 to 5 mV [Lamb and Hobart,1992]. Figure 2.2 shows an example of an EMG signal and the corresponding frequency spectrum. The usable energy of the signal is contained in the 0 to 500Hz frequency range, that is, the signal energy is above the electrical noise level in that frequency band. In fact, the dominant energy lies in the 50-150Hz frequency range [Luca, 2002].
Chapter 3

In this chapter we give an overview of our EMG speech recognition system. Section 3.1 describe the hardware we deployed while section 3.2 introduces the software we have written and used for this project. The workflows for data collection, system training and recognition are presented in section 3.3.
3.1 Hardware
3.1.1 EMG Equipment

Section 2.1.1 introduced the equipment necessary for sEMG recordings. We used two different physiological data recording systems for data collection which we will refer to as VARIOPORT II and VARIO-PORT VIII depending on the number of EMG channels they provide (two and eight channels respectively) [Becker, 2003b].
The VARIOPORT II data recording system was used for initial experiments on EMG based speech recognition.
Name EMG Chanel Frequency
Range A/D Conversion Resolution Range
Varioport II 2
0.9Hz..500Hz 12 bit ±500μV
Per bit ±500μV
Varioport VIII 8
19Hz-295Hz 16 bit 0.033μV
per Bit ±1070μV
Table 3.1: Properties of data recording systems VARIOPORT II and VARIOPORT VIII
3.2 Computers
Data collection and online recognition were generally performed on a Pentium III laptop (1000MHz,512 MB RAM) with a Microsoft Windows operating system. For offline recognition and training wedeployed different Linux based machines provided by the ITI Waibel of the Universit¨at Karlsruhe. It is worth mentioning here that recognition rates varied slightly for different operating systems.
Figure 3.1: Physiological data recording system
3.3 Software
The software we designed and implemented for this work consisted of two parts: (1) a Visual C++ project for data collection and demonstration purposes and (2) a JRTk based Tck/Tk script collection for recognizer training and classification.
3.4 Data Collection
All signal data used for our experiments was collected in so-called recording sessions. A recording session is defined as a set of utterances collected in series by one particular speaker.All settings (channels, sampling rate, speech mode) remain constant during a session. Data collection consists of four steps:
 . Choosing settings: several settings have to be made prior to recording a session. Among other things a word list is selected containing all utterances a speaker has to record during that session. The list can optionally be randomized.
 Data recording: The speaker records one file set (appendix B) for each word in the word list using the push-to-talk button of the speaker interface.
 Generation of transcript file: When all utterances have been recorded a transcript is (automatically) created for the session.
 Generation of settings file: All settings are stored in a file
3.5 Recognition
• Online recognition: Online testing was implemented for isolated words and phrase recognition only. First, a training session and a set of possible hypothesis is selected (subset of the set of training utterances). Next, the recorder and a janus recognition script are started by the VC++ software. Janus and the software communicate via semaphore files. When an utterance has been recorded (i.e. the push-to-talk “recording” button is released) a “start” file is created that is detected by janus. Janus deletes the file and reads the .adc file corresponding to the recorded signal data. It determines the Viterbi path for each hypothesis allowed in the vocabulary and the word/phrase yielding the best Viterbi score is written to a hypothesis file. A “done” file is then created by Janus which is detected by the VC++ software. The VC++ software reads the hypothesis and displays it on the speaker interface. When Janus detects a “stop” file (created by the VC++ software) it leaves the recognition loop. Figure 4.5 illustrates the communication between the different modules.
Silent Sound Technology..

The word Cell Phone has become greatest buzz word in Cellular Communication industry.
There are lots and lots of technology that tries to reduce the Noise pollution and make the environment a better place to live in.
Our paper tells about a new technology known as Silent Sound Technology that will put an end to Noise pollution.
Need for silent sound…..
Silent Sound Technology will put an end to embarrassed situation such as-
An person answering his silent, but vibrating cell phone in a meeting, lecture or performance, and whispering loudly, ‘ I can’t talk to you right now’ .
In the case of an urgent call, apologetically rushing out of the room in order to answer or call the person back.
What it is……..?
It is a technology that helps you to transmit information without using your vocal cords.
This technology aims to notice lip movements & transform them into a computer generated sound that can be transmitted over a phone.
Hence person on other end of phone receives the information in audio.
whispered speech and lip-reading
Stanley Kubrick science-fiction film ‘‘2001 – A Space Odyssey”
DARPA Advanced Speech Encoding
When we generally speak aloud, air passes through larynx & the tongue. Words are produced using articulator muscle in the mouth & jaw region.
Now imagine a technology that could allow everyone to make phone calls, and talk, without making a sound….. Serene, peaceful & heavenly.
Recently, its proved that the articulator muscle become active irrespective of whether air passes through them or not.
Even by saying words without producing sound, weak electric currents are sent from your brain to the speech muscle.
These electrical signals are known as ELECTROMYOGRAMS and its study is called as Electromyography.
Image Processing
It is a technique which monitors tiny muscular movements and pulses generated by it . The transducers involved converts the pulses into electric signals .
Electromyographic sensors attached to the face records the electric signals produced by the facial muscles, compare them with pre recorded signal pattern of spoken words .
When there is a match that sound is transmitted on to the other end of the line and person at the other end listen to the spoken words
The Silent Sound Technology uses electromyography, monitoring tiny muscular movements that occur when we speak.
Monitored signals are converted into electrical pulses that can then be turned into speech, without a sound uttered.
Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. 
An electromyography detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells, when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated.
EMG in Activity
Working of Electromyography
A needle containing two fine-wired electrodes is inserted through the skin into the muscle tissue.
Normal muscles at rest make certain, normal electrical sounds when the needle is inserted into them. Then the electrical activity when the muscle is at rest is observed.
Each electrode track gives only a very local picture of the activity of the whole muscle. Because skeletal muscles differ in the inner structure, the electrode has to be placed at various locations to obtain an accurate signal.
Thus by this way the speech can be communicated without sound.
Surface electromyography (sEMG) based speech recognition
Surface ElectroMyoGraphy (sEMG) is the process of
recording electrical muscle activity captured by surface
(i.e., non-implanted) electrodes. When a muscle fiber is
activated by the central nervous system, small electrical
currents in the form of ion flows are generated. These electrical currents move through the body tissue, whose resistance creates potential differences which can be measured between different regions on the body surface
Vibration sensors
Pressure sensor
Electromagnetic sensor
Motion sensor
Image Processing
Image processing is any form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame; the output of image processing may be either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image.In the silent sound technology the output of this image processing is an audio record.
Image Processing techniques
Analog image processing
Digital image processing
Analog image Processing :
analog image processing is any image processing task conducted on two-dimensional analog signals by analog means (as opposed to digital image processing). Is applied to hard copy data such as photographs or printouts.It adopts certain elements of interpretation, such as primary element, spatial arrangement etc., 
Digital image processing:
Digital Image Processing undergoes three general steps:
Display and enhancement
Information extraction
i)Global level
ii)Intermediate level
iii)Low level
Flow chart
The Flow diagram that explains the steps that takes place during the Digital Image Processing is shown on the next slide ……
"With all of the millions of phones in circulation, there is great potential for increasing earnings by saving 'lost calls' - telephone calls that go unanswered or uninitiated because the user is in a situation in which he or she cannot speak - not just in business meetings, but everyday situations.  According to research, these 'lost calls' are worth $20 billion per year worldwide. For the cellular operator, these are potential earnings that are currently being left on the table. When these 'lost calls' become answerable, and can be conducted without making a sound, there is a tremendous potential for increased profits."  Now the research is going on technology that can be used in Office Environment too.
By astronauts.
We can make silent calls even if we are standing in a crowded place.
People without vocal cord or those who are suffering from Aphasia (speaking disorder ).
Telling a trusted friend your PIN number
Silent Sound Techniques is applied in Military
Since the electrical signals are universal they can be translated into any language. Native speakers can translate it before sending it to the other side. can be converted into any languageof( German, English & French)
Translation into majority of languages but for languages such as Chinese different tone holds different meaning, facial movements being the same. Hence this technology is difficult to apply in such situations.
From security point of view recognising who you are talking to gets complicated.
Even differentiating between people and emotions cannot be done. This means you will always feel you are talking to a robot.
This device presently needs nine leads to be attached to our face which is quite impractical to make it usable.
Silent sound technology gives way to a bright future to speech recognition technology
Without having electrodes hanging all around your face, these electrodes will be incorporated into cell phones .
It may have features like lip reading based on image recognition & processing rather than electromyography.
Also reducing the time taken to process the image in digital image processing
Engineers claim that the device is working with 99 percent efficiency.
It is difficult to compare SSI technologies directly in a meaningful way. Since many of the systems are still preliminary, it would not make sense,
With a few abstractions, however, it is possible to shed light on the range of applicability and the potential for future commercialization of the different methods.
Thus Silent Sound Technology, one of the recent trends in the field of Information technology implements ‘Talking Without Talking’.
It will be one of the innovative and useful technology and in mere future this technology will be of use in day to day life.
can u please send me some information about that silent sound technology
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to get information about the topic silent sound technology full report,ppt, related topic refer the page link bellow
can v take up silent sound technology for computer science and engineering final year project.
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