DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT - KERALA WATER AUTHORITY - kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.The level of management most involved in the function of planning and 

organising is :
(A)Top (B)Middle
(C )First (D)All of these

2.The function of management in which various duties are allotted to various 

persons is called :
(C )Controlling
(D)All of the above

3. The wages which fulfil the basic requirements of workers arc called :
(A)Real wages
(B)Nominal wages
(C )Living wages
(D)Fair wages

4. In whichsystem of wage payment, a fixed payment ismade after a fixed 

period of time
(A)Piece rate
(B)Time rate
(C )Combination of the two
(D)None of the above

5. At breakeven point:
(A)total cost is more than the sales revenue
(B)total cost is less than the sales revenue
(C )fixed cost is equal to variable cost
(D)total cost is equal to sales revenue

6.PERT stands for:
(A)Programme Evaluation and Review Technique
(B)Process Estimation and Review Technique
(C )Programme Estimation and Reporting Technique
(D)Process Evaluation and Reporting Technique

7.ABC analysis:
(A)is a basic technique of materials management
(B)is meant for relative inventory control
(C )does not depend up on the unit cost of the item but on its annual 

(D)all of the above

8.Work study is done by means of:
(A) planning chart (C ) stop watch
(B) stop watch   (D) any one of the above

9.The simplex method is the basic method for analysis: 
(A)queuring theory
(B) network analysis
(C )value analysis
(D) linear programming

10.Statistical Quality Control is based on :
(A) probability 
(B) process chart 
(C ) sampling
(D) none of the above

11.The term associated with the activity time is known as :
(B) float
(C ) dummy
(D) none of the above

12.Production cost refers to prime cost plus :
(A)factory overhead
(B)factory and administrative overheads
(C )factory, administrative and sales overheads
(D)factory, administrative, sales overheads and profit

13.Military type organisation is known as :
(A)line organisation 
(B)functional organisation 
(C ) line and staff organisation
(D) line, staff and functional organisation

14.The name of wage incentive plan which guarantees minimum wage to a worker 

and bonus is paid for the fixed percentage of time saved :
(A)Halsey plan
(B) Gantt plan
(C )Rowan plan
(D) Emerson's efficiency plan

15.In a network diagram :
(A)an activity and an event are represented by a circle
(B)an activity and an event are represented by an arrow
(C )an activity is represented by an arrow and an event by a circle
(D)an activity is represented a circle and an event by an arrow

16.Acceptance sampling is used in :
(A)batch production (C ) job production
(B) mass production (D) none of the above

17.Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram :
(A)is constructed by plotting temperature along y- axis and carbon percentage 

along x- axis
(B)establishes the correlation between the microstructure and properties of 

steel and cast iron
(C )indicates the phase changes that occur during heating and cooling
(D)all of the above

18.The body centred cubic space lattice is found in :
(B) copper
(C )cadmium

19.The orthogonal cutting system is also known as :
(A)one dimensional cutting system
(B)two dimensional cutting system
(C )three dimensional cutting system
(D)none of the above

20.The commonly used value of point angle for a standard twist drill is :
(C )118°

21.Size of a lathe is specified by :
(A)maximum job length in mm that may be held between centres
(B)the height of centres measured over the lathe bed
(C )maximum diameter that can be rotated over the bed
(D)all the above

22.The cutting tool in a milling machine is held in position by :
(A) arbor
(B) spindle
(C ) column
(D) knee

28.Which one of the following is an example of plastic welding?
(A) Forge welding
(B) Arc welding
(C ) Gas welding
(D) Thermit welding

24.Which of the following operations can be performed by a drilling machine? 
 (A) drilling
(C ) boring
(D)all the above

25.Which of the following material is used for making drills?
(A)high speed steel
(B)carbide tipped
(C )carbon steel
(D)any one of the above

26.The property of moulding sand due to which the sand grains stick together 
(C )permeability

27.Hack saw blade is specified by its : 
(A) material 
(B) length
(C ) width
(D) number of teeth

28.In a planer :
(A) work is stationery and tool reciprocates 
(B) tool and work both reciprocate 
(C ) tool is stationery and work reciprocates 
(D) none of the above

29.In a plain milling machine ,the table can be moved :
(C ) crosswise
(D) all of the above

30.The Brinnel hardness number for mild steel lies in the range of:
(A)50 to 70
(B)70 to 100
(C )110 to 150
(D)150 to 300

31.Which of the following tests is a destructive test?
(B)tensile test
(C )ultrasonic inspection
(D)none of the above

32.The property of a material to resist penetration by another material is 

called :
(C )hardness

33.Steady flow occurs when :
(A)velocity does not change
(B)pressure does not change
(C )conditions change gradually with time
(D)conditions do not change with time at any point

34.The pressure in metres of oil(having specific gravity 0.85) equivalent to 

85 metres of water is:
(A)100 m
(B)85 m
(C )8.5 m
(D)none of the above

ure in Pascal at a depth of 0.5m below the free surface of water will be :
(A)0.5 Pa
(B)4905 Pa
(C )9810 Pa
(D)981 Pa

36.Rain drops are spherical because of:
(B)air resistance
(C )surface tension
(D)atmospheric pressure.

37.Newtons law of viscosity states :
(A)shear stress is directly proportionaltovelocity
(B)shear stress is directly proportionaltovelocity gradient
(C )shear stress is directly proportionaltoshear strain
(D)shear stress is directly proportionaltoviscosity

38.Manometer is used to measure :
(A)velocity at a point in a fluid
(B)discharge of a fluid
(C )pressure at a point in a fluid
(D)none of the above

39.The term v2/2g is known as :
(A)velocity head
(B)pressure head
(C )potential head
(D)none of the above

40.The coefficient of discharge (cd) in terms of coefficient of contraction

(Ce) and velocity (Cv):
(C )cd-ct/c.
(D)none of the above

41.Notch is adevice used for measuring :
(A)rate of flow through pipes
(B)rate of flow through small channels
(C )velocity through pipes
(D)velocity through small channels

42.Hydraulic gradient line represents the sum of:
(A)pressure head and kinetic head
(B)kinetic head and datum head
(C )pressure head, kinetic head and datum head
(D)pressure head and datum head

43.The specific speed (N.)of a turbine is given by :
(A)Ns = NP1/2/H5/4
(B)Ns - NQ1/2 /H5/4
(C )Ns = NQ1/2/H3/4 

44.The discharge through a single acting reciprocating pump having speed N 

rpm is :
(C )60 LAN
(D)120 LAN

45.The force exerted by a jet of water on a stationery, vertical plate in the 

direction of jet is given by:
(A)pAV2 sin2 0
(B)PAV2(1+ cos0)
(C )pAV2
(D)none of the above

46.3/2 DCV stands for:
(A)three port two position directional control valve
(B)two port three position directional control valve
(C )three port two position discharge control valve
(D)two port three position discharge control valve

47.Kaplan turbine is a propeller turbine having vanes on rotor are :
(A) non-adjustable
(B) adjustable
(C ) fixed
(D) none of the above

48.Hydraulic ram is a pump which works :
(A)on the principle of centrifugal action
(B)on the principle of reciprocating action
(C )on the principle of water hammer
(D)none of the above

49. Youngs modulus of a material which gives 2 kN/mm2 stress at 0.01 strain 

is :
(A) 20 kN/mm2
(B)0.02 kN/mm2
(C ) 200 kN/mm2
(D)2000 kN/mm2

50.Poisson’s ratio is equal to:
(A) linear strain / lateral strain
(B)lateral strain/linear strain
(C ) tensile stress/ tensile strain
(D)tensile strain/tensile stress

51.Factor of safety is :
(A)the ratio of maximum stress and safe stress 
(B)the ratio of safe stress and maximum stress
(C ) the ratio of maximum stress and maximum strain
(D) none of the above

52.Modulus of rigidity is the ratio of:
(A) shear strain and shear stress
(B)lateral strain and linear strain
(C ) linear strain and lateral strain
(D)shear stress and shear strain

53.Coefficient of friction is equal to :
(A) tan( of angle of friction)
(B)sin (of angle of friction)
(C ) cos (of angle of friction)
(D)tan-l (angle of friction)

54.If angle of friction is equal to 5°, angle of repose is :
(C ) 2.5°
(D)none of the above

55.The distance between the base and centre of gravity of a semi circular 

lamina having radius V is:
(A) 3r /4 n (B)3r2/4
(C ) 4r/3r (D)4r2/3
56.Moment of Inertia of a circular section having diameter D about its 

controidal horizontal
axis is:
(A) D4 /732
(B)*D2 / 64
(C )*D‘/lG(
D)*D4 / 764

57.The moment of inertia of a rectangular section having breath 2 cm and 

depth 1 cm. about its horizontal axis is:
(A)1/6 cm4
(B)1/12 cm4
(C )1/2 cm4
(D)1/3 cm4

58.Efficiency of a riveted joint is :
(A)strength of rivet / strength of un riveted plate
(B)strength of riveted joint/strength of rivet
(C )strength of riveted joint/strength of un riveted plate
(D)none of the above

59.The strength of single fillet weld, having length of weld l, weld size s 

and permissible stress σ
 is :
(A)0.707 s2lc7(B)0.707 sl2a
(C )1.414 slcr(D)0.707 slσ

60.Power transmitted by a shaft having speed N rpm and average torque T in Nm 

is given by :
(A)2 ;r NT/60 watts
(B)2n NT watts
(C )k NT/60 watts
(D)none of the above

61.The maximum bending moment in a beam occurs at:
(A)the middle of beam
(B)a point where shear force diagram changes its sign
(C )a point where shear force and bending moment are zero
(D)none of the above

62.The maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam having effective 

span L subjected to central point load W is given by :
(C )WL/4
(D)none of the above

63.The width of sunk key having shaft diameter d is given by :
(C )d/2

64.The diameters of driver and driven pulleys of a simple belt drive are 100 

mm and 50 mm respectively. If the speed of driver pulley 1000 rpm, the speed 

of driven pulley is :
(A) 1500 rpm
(B) 500 rpm
(C ) 3000 rpm
(D) 2000 rpm

65. The power produced inside the cylinder of an IC Engine is :
(A)Indicated horse power
(B)brake horse power
(C )frictional horse power
(D)none of the above

66.Morse test is used to determine :
(A)brake horse power
(B)indicated power
(C )mean effective pressure
(D)temperature of exhaust gases

67.The ratio of work available at the shaft to the energy supplied is known 

as :
(A)volumetric efficiency
(B)indicated thermal efficiency
(C )brake thermal efficiency
(D)relative efficiency

68.The compression ratio for petrol engine varies from :
(A)25 to 40
(B)6 to 10
(C )10 to 15
(D)15 to 25

69.For providing correct firing order inspark ignition engines
(A)carburettor is used
(B)ignition coil is used
(C )distributor is used
(D)none of the above

70.The torque given by an engine will be maximum when the engine
(A)runs at maximum speed
(B)develops maximum powder
(C )runs at minimum speed
(D)none of the above

71.The clearance volume is provided in reciprocating compressors
(A)to provide space for valves and also to ensure that the piston does not 

strike the cylinder at the end of stroke
(B)to reduce work done
(C )to increase the volumetric efficiency
(D)none of the above

72.Volumetric efficiency of an air compressor
(A)increases with the increase of compression ratio
(B)decreases with the increase of compression ratio
(C )constant during the change of compression ratio
(D)none of the above

73.The body which absorbs all the radiations falling on it is called
(A) white body
(B)transparent body
(C ) opaque body
(D)black body

74.The ratio of total emissive power of a body to calledthe total emissive 

power of a black body is
(A) absorptivity
(C ) emissivity

75.One tonne refrigeration in SI unit is equal to
(A)50 kJ/min
(B)3.5 kW
(C )3000 J/mm
(D)200 kJ/min

76.The temperature of air recorded by an ordinarythermometer is known as
(A) saturation temperature
(B)wet bulb temperature
(C ) dew point temperature
(D)dry bulb temperature

77.Humidity ratio is also called
(A) relative humidity
(B)specific humidity
(C ) absolute humidity
(D)none of the above

78.Which of the following is used as working fluid in vapour compression 

refrigeration system?.
(A)carbon dioxide.
(B)Freon 12
(C )ammonia
(D)all of the above

79.Heat transfer takes place by the process of
(A) conduction
(C ) radiation
(D)all of the above

80.LMTD stands for :
(A)Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference
(B)Logarithmic Main Temperature Deviation
(C )logarithmic Minimum Temperature Difference
(D)none of the above

81.Khasi ‘is one of the languages of the state of:
(A) Manipur
(B) Mizoram
(C ) Meghalaya
(D) Nagaland

82.‘Guru Shikhar’ is a highest peak in which of the following mountain ranges
(A)Aravali range(B)Vindhya range
(C )Satpura range(D)Himalayan range
83.The National Highway No . 1 A that links Srinagar to Jammu goes 

(A)Bara Lacha
(B)Zoji La
(C )Shipki La

84.Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A)Sandy Soil — South Punjab
(B)Latent* — Uttar Pradesh
(C )Red Soil — Tamil Nadu
(D)Black Soil — Madhya Pradesh

85.Which one of the following revolts was made famous by Benkim Chandra 

Chatterjee in his novel 'Anand Math’?
(A)Sanyasi rebellion
(B)Faquir uprising
(C )Bhil uprising
(D)Santhal rebellion

86.The first split in the Indian National Congress took place at Surat in :
(C )1929

87.In the individual Satyagraha 'Vinoba Bhave was chosen as the first 

Satyagrahi. Who was the second?
(A)Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(B)C. Rajagopalachari
(C )Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(D)Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

88.Brahmagiri hill is situated in which district of Kerala :
(C )Pathanamthitta

89.Which is the shortest river in Kerala?
(A)Kunthi river
(B)Kabini river
(C )Chandragiri river
(D)Manjeswaram river

90.The Thermal Power plant of Bokaro is located in :
(C )Chattisgarh

91.Who wrote the book ‘ Keralam Malayalikalude Mathrubhumi’?
(A)K. P. Kesava Menon
(B)Vallathol Narayana Menon
(C )M. S. Namboothiripad
(D)G. Sankarakurup

92. ‘Nirvritipanchakara’ was written by:
(A) Chattampi Swamikal
(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Brahmananda Sivayogi

93.Who became the editor of * Yuktivadi’ magazine in 1928?
(A) C. Krishnan
(B)C. Kesavan
(C ) Sahodaran Ayyappan
(D)A K. Pillai

94.Who led the Pattini Jatha (Hunger Strike) from Kannur to Madras?
(A) P. Krishna Pillai‘ 
(B)Moyyarath Sankaran
(C ) K. Kelappan
(D)A. K. Gopalan

95.The birth place of Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara is at:
(A) Venganoor
(C ) Kollur

96.Who was selected as the Best Actor in the 63rdNational Film Award?
(A) Amitabh Bach an
(C ) Jayasurya
(D)Shahid Kapoor

97.Civil Services Day was observed in India on :
(A) April 22
(B)April 24
(C ) April 21
(D)April 2

98. Who became the first Indian woman gymnast to qualify for Olympics?
(A) Dipa Karmakar
(B) Dr. Kalpana Debnath
(C ) Anju Dua
(D) Kanjini Hamanujam

99.Who Won the player of the series in the ICC World Twenty 20 hold in 2016?
(A) C.H. Gayle
(B) Virat Kohli
(C ) M.S. Dhoni
(D) D.A. Warner

100.Where was Defense Expo 2016, India’s biggest ever defense exhibition, 

(C )Pune

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