SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT-SR FOR ST ONLY-GENERAL kerala psc previous question paper


1.In an election, a candidate who gets 74% of the votes is elected by a majority of 384 votes. What is the total number of votes polled ?
(C )483

2.The ratio of the ages of a father to that of his son is 5 : 2. If the product of their ages is 810,then find the son's age after five years :
(C )30

3.The length of a black board is 5 cm more than its breadth. If the length is increased by 6 cm and breadth is decreased by 3 cm, the area remains the same. The length and breadth of the black board (in cm) will be :
(C )16,11

4.A boy goes to his school from his house at a speed of 4 km/hr and he returns at a speed of 3 km/hr. If he takes 7 hours in going and coming, the distance between his house and school is:
(A)12 km
(B)11 km
(C )11.5 km
(D)12.5 km

5.42 workers can reap a field in 10 days. If the work is to lie completed in 7 days, the extra workers required are :
(C )18

6.On 6th Feb. 2013 it was Wednesday, what was the day of the 6th Feb. 2012 ?
(C )Tuesday

7.The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time is 6 : 30 is :
(C )20°

8.Two trains 120 meters and 90 meters long are running in opposite direction at the speed of 80 km/hr and 46 km/hr. The moment they' meet, they will cross each other in :
(A)9 seconds
(B)8 seconds
(C )7 seconds
(D)6 seconds

9.If radius of a cylinder is increased by 20% while height remains unchanged, by what percent the volume of the cylinder increases ?
(C )40%

10.A sum becomes its double in five years. Find the annual rale of simple interest:
(C )5%


12.If SISTER is coded as SISRET and BANANA as NABANA, then FRICTION will be coded as :

13.Ecology is related to Environment in the same way as Histology is related to :
(C )Fossils

14.Findthe missing number :
1, 7, 25, 61,121,? .
(C )337

15.Sunil started from his house, went 8 km in the east, then he turned to his right and went 6 km. What minimum distance will be covered by him to come back to his house ?
(A)14 km
(B)8 km
(C )10 km
(D)6 km

16.Choose the correct alternative :
Malaria : Disease :: Spear :?
(C )Wound

17.Let 'A x B' means 'A is mother of B', 'A + B' means 'A is son of B', 'A + B' means 'A is husband of B', ‘A — B' means'A is sister of B' which of the following expressions indicate M is daughter of H ?
(C )M-R + H

18.Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
(A) Orange  
(B) Apple
(C ) Papaya
(D) Litchi

19.Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting around a circle facing the centre. X is third to the right of R and second to the left of T, Q is not an immediate neighbour of X or R. V is second to the right of S and is an immediate neighbour of R. W is the immediate right of V. Who is third to the right of W ?
(C )R

20.In a certain code SI IT is written as UJKR. How is FINE written in that code ?

21.Paralysis is caused by disorders connected with :
(C )Brain

22.Rainbow is caused due to :
(A)Refraction anddispersion
(B) Refraction 
(C )Interference oflight
(D) Reflection

23.The sky appears blue because :
(A)There is more blue colour in sunlight than any other colour
(B)Short waves arc scattered more than the long waves by the atmosphere
(C )The eye is more sensitive to blue colour
(D)The atmosphere absorbs long wave lengths more than short wave lengths

24.Mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy by :
(A)A motor
(B)A bulb
(C )An electric bell 
(D)A dynamo

25.Calcium carbonate is the chemical name of:
(A)Lime stone
(B)Washing soda
(C )Baking powder 

26.The reaction between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid is known as :
(C )Substitution reaction

27.The human cell contains :
(A)23 chromosomes
(B)44 chromosomes
(C )46 chromosomes
(D)46 chromosomes

28.Plants bend towards the source of light on account of the movement of curvature known as :
(C )Chemotropism

29.Which of the following laws does not relate to gases ?
(A)Boyles law
(B)Charles law
(C )Faradays law
(D)Avagadros law

30.The brown ring test is used for :
(A)Analysis of nitrates
(B)Detection of sulphates
(C )Analysis of chlorides
(D)Analysis of phosphates

31.Which among the following political parties has gained majority in the 10th parliament elections in Bangladesh in 2014 ?
(A)Bangladesh Worker'sParty
(B)Bangladesh NationalParty
(C )Awami League Party
(D)Bangladesh League

32.'Springing Tiger', 'A study of a Revolutionary' is a biographical work on:
(A)B.G. Tilak
(B)Subhash Chandra Bose
(C )Vivekananda
(D)Tipu Sultan

33.__________is the Champions of Indian Badminton League 2013.
(A)Hyderabad Hotshots
(B)Awadh Warriors
(C )Mumbai Masters
(D)Delhi Smashers

34.'Nurturing Bio-diversity' - An Indian Agenda is the book authored to :
(A)Medha Patkar
(B)Dr. Madhav Gadgill
(C )Kastoori Rangan
(D)M.S. Swaminathan

35.Name the leader associated to the slogan 'Total Revolution' :
(A)Ram Manohar Lohia
(B)M.N. Roy
(C ) Jayaprakash Narayan
(D) Dadabhai Naoroji

36.Whofounded 'Prathyaksha Raksha Sabha' ?
(A)Pandit Karuppan
(B)T.K. Madhavan
(C ) Vagbhatan
(D) Poykayil Kumara Devan

37.Which among the following is a drama associated to the Namboodiri reform in Kerala ?
(B)Pracheena Malayalam
(C )Thozhilkendrathilekku

38.Name the cricketer selected as 'Man of the Series' in Ashes Test Cricket 2013 - 14 :
(A) Michael Clarke 
(B) Ryan I laris 
(C ) Shane Watson 
(D) Michael Johnson

39.'Al - Islam' is the publication of: 
(A) E. Moidu Moulavi
(B) Muhammed Abdurahman 
(C ) K.A. Kodungalloor
(D) Vakkam Moulavi

40.Poligar Revolt is :
(A) Peasant Uprising 
(B) Tribal Revolt
(C ) Struggle of Labourers
(D) Revolt of Chieftains

41.The monthly 'Sanatana dharmam' was published by :
(A) S.N.D.P.
(B) N.S.S.
(C ) Brahmavidya Sangham
(D) Atmavidya Sangham

42.Which of the following diseases is known as Christmas disease ?
(A)Hepatitis B 
(B)Haemophilia B
(C )Hepatitis A
(D)Haemophilia A

43.Some events related to Indian freedom movement are given below :
(a) Champaran Satyagraha
(b) Chauri Chaurah Incident
(C )Partition of Bengal
(d) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
Which of the following is correct chronological order ?
(A)(C ), (a), (d),(b)
(B)(C ), (b), (d), (a)
(C )(C ), (d), (b), (a)
(D)None of these

44."No Caste, No religion,No God for man"These are the words of :
(A)Chattampi Swamikal
(B)Thycaud Ayya
(C )Sahodaran Ayyappan
(D)Brahmananda Sivayogi

45.Name the British Prime Minister who announced Communal Award in 1932 ?
(A)Ramsay McDonald
(B)Winston Churchill
(C )Clement Atlee

46.Jan Lokpal Bill is related to :
(A) Flection
(B) Corruption 
(C ) Civil Service 
(D) Impersonation

47.'Antyodaya Programme' is meant to help the :
(C )Poorest of the poor section of the society

48.Who among the following was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 2013 ?
(A)Martin Karplus
(B)Peter. W. Higgs
(C )James. E. Rothman
(D)Michael Levitt

49.Name the Indian Football player who scored maximum number of goals in International Football ?
(A)I.M. Vijayan
(B)Baiching Bhuttia
(C )Sunil Chethri
(D)Renedy Singh

50.'Keralam - Malayalikalude Mathrubhoomi' is the book written by :
(A)K.M. Panikkar
(B)Elamkulam Kunjan Pillai
(C )C. Achutha Menon
(D)E.M.S Namboodirippad

51.Who among the following classical dancers was awarded the First Nishagandhi Puraskaram of Kerala Tourism Department ?
(A)Mrinalini Sarabhai
(B)Bharathi Shivaji
(C )Kalamandalam Kshemavati

52.Which among the following is not a tributary of Bharatapuzha ?
(C )Kabani

53.'Unninamboodiri' is the publication of:
(A)Yogakshema Sabha
(B)Namboodiri Samajam
(C )Brahma Sabha
(D)Brahmin Society

54.Name the vessel used by Abhilash Tomy in his Sagar - Parikrama project ?
(A)INSV Sagara
(B)INSV Magdhei
(C )INS Sagara
(D)INS Virat

55.'Sreesakthi' is the Web Portal of:
(A)Vanitha Commission
(C )Kudumbashree
(D)Women League

56.Which article of the Constitution of India abolishes untouchability and forbids its practice in any form ?
(A)Article 19
(B)Article 17
(C )Article 18
(D)Article 20

57.'Kerala Simham' the historic novel of K.M. Panikkar is on :
(A)Velu Thampi Dalwa
(B)Marthanda Varma
(C )Pazhassi Raja
(D)Kunjali Marakkar

58.Which among the following is a Lifetime Achievement Award ?
(A) Paramveer Chakra
(B) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
(C )Keerthi Chakra
(D)Dronacharya Award

59.When is the World Tourism Day celebrated around the world ?
(A)September 25
(B)September 26
(C )September 27
(D)September 28

60.'Aruvippuram Pratishta' of Sree Narayana Guru was in :
(A)1886 A.D. 
(C )1887

61.While making the constitution of India, the idea of residual powers was borrowed from
(C )Trance

62.Which Fundamental Right is described as 'heart and soul of the constitution' ?
(A)Right to equality
(B)Right to Freedom
(C )Right to constitutional remedies
(D)Right against exploitation

63.National Human Rights Commission was established in the year_________________
(C )2005

64.Which article of Indian Constitution provides, "There shall be a council of ministers with Prime Minister at the head to aid and advise the President________________"
(A) Article 32
(B)Article 51
(C )Article 52
(D)Article 74

65.In which year Parliament passed India Post Office (amendment) bill ?
(C )1990

66.Who was the first Speaker of Lok Sabha ?
(A) M.A. Ayyangar
(B) N. Sanjiva Reddy
(C ) K.S. Hegde
(D) G.V. Mavlankar

67.Who is Shashikant Sharma ?
(A) Chief Election Commissioner
(B) U.P.S.C. Chairman
(C ) Finance Commission Chairman 
(D) C&AG

68.Which amendment deleted Right to Property from the list of Fundamental Rights ? 
(A) 42nd
(B) 44th
(C ) 52nd
(D) 39th

69.According to 91st amendment Act the size of the council of ministers shall not exceed per cent of the total number of members in the house of people.
(C )10%

70.In India, the voting age was reduced to 18 in the year______.
(C )1989

71.He caught me_____________the neck.
(C )by

72: The thief had escaped before we___________.
(B)had reached
(C )have reached
(D)would have reached

73._________umbrella is blue in colour.
(C )The
(D)None of the above

74. I am dutiful 
(A) Am I ?
(B)Amn't I ?
(C ) Are 1 ?
(D) Aren't 1 ?

75.Choose the correct sentence :
(A)If I had enough money, I would have bought a new car.
(B)If I had enough money, I will buy a new car.
(C )If 1 had had enough money, I would buy a new car.
(D)If I had had enough money, I would have bought a new car.

76.Choose the right sentence in direct speech :
He said that he was going to the market and asked if I wanted him to buy anything for me.
(A)Hesaid,"I am going to the market, do you want me to buy anything for you?"
(B)Hesaid,"I am going to the market, do you want to buy anything for you V
(C )Hesaid,"I will be going to the market, do you want to buy anything for me 
(D)Hesaid,"I will go to the market, do you want me to buy anything for you ?"

77.Give one word substitute.
One who knows many languages ?
(C )Bibliophile

78.Choose the right idiom : The angry mob beat the criminal__________.
(A)Black andblue 
(B)Black andred 
(C )Blue and black
(D)Red and black

79.Choose the right sentence in passive voice :
The rabbits had finished all the food when I came back.
(A)All the food was finished by the rabbits when I came back.
(B)All the food has been finished by the rabbits when I came back.
(C )All the food have been finished by the rabbits when I came back.
(D)All the food had been finished by'the rabbits when I came back.

80.Choose the right sentence in positive degree :
Marine Drive is one of the crow ded parts of the city.
(A)Few' parts of the city are more crowded than Marine Drive
(B)No other part of the city is as crowded as Marine Drive
(C )Few parts of the city are as crowded as Marine Drive
(D)No other part of the city is more crowded than Marine Drive

81.ICDS was launched on which birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi ?
(C )107

82.In March 2010, the Govt, of India approved a Pilot Centrally Sponsored Scheme :

83.Identity the scheme for the poor, assetless women ?
(D) Mahila Samridhi Yojana

84.The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed in the year :
(C )2009

85.Panchayat Day is observed on the birthday of:
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B)Mahatma Gandhi
(C ) Rabindranath Tagore
(D)Balwant Rai Mehta

86.The Antyodaya Scheme was started in :
(A) Kerala
(B) Rajasthan 
(C ) Gujarat
(D) Uttar Pradesh

87.Which scheme involves organisation of the poor into Self  Help Groups (SHGs) to build their capacities through a process of social mobilisation ?
(A)Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
(B)Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana
(C )Pradhan Manthri Grama Sadak Yojana
(D)Swarna Jayanthi Grama Swarozgar Yojana

88.Article 243 B of Indian Constitution provides :
(A)Constitution of Panchayat
(B)Flection to thePanchayat
(C )Grama Sabha
(D)Reservation ofseals in Panchayat

89.The Nilokheri Projects started in 1947 under the leadership of:
(A)Mahatma Gandhi
(B)Dr. D. SpencerHatch
(C )Rabindranath Tagore
(D)S.K. Dey

90.Which is the Monitoring and Evaluation Division of ICDS ?

91.'K7 is a:
(A) Operating System (C ) Computer language
(B) Processor (D) Anti-Virus

92.Which of the following is a volatile memory ?
(C ) RAM

93.Who is known as the Father of World Wide Web ?
(A) Vint Cerf
(B) Charles Babage 
(C ) Alan Shugart 
(D) Tim Bernerse Lee

94.1 Peta Byte = ______________.
(A)1024 GB
(B)1024 EB
(C )1024 TB
(D)1024 MB

95.India's first Cyber Crime Police Station is situated in :
(C )Kochi

96.The process of converting a program written in a high level language to a program that can be run by computer is called :
(C )Merging

97.A collection of inter related files in a computer is a_______.
(A)File manager
(C )Record

98.ISDN stands for :
(A)Integrated Standard Data Network
(B)International Standard Digital Network
(C )Integrated Standard Digital Network
(D)Integrated Services Digital Network

99.Eudora is a :
(A) E-mail Client
(B)Web editor
(C ) File compression utility
(D) Search Engine

100.Sending unsolicited emails indiscriminately to promote a product or a service is called :
(C )Phishing

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