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1.Sensible heat factor is:
(A)Sensible heat/Latent heat
(C )Latent heat/Sensible heat
(B)Sensible heat Latent heat Latent heat Sensible heat
(D)Total heat Sensible heat Sensible heat Total heat

2.Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water through 1°C is called:
(A)C.H.U.(B) B.T.U.
(C ) Calorie(D) Specific heat

3.Oil separator is filled in between :
(A)Condenser and evaporator • (C ) Compressor and condenser
(B) On the suction line (D) At the receiver outlet

4.H.F.C. should not vent into atmosphere because :
(A)It is flammable in atmospheric temperature
(B)It has high global wanning potential
(C )It is highly toxic
(D)It is very costly gas

5.Process of changing solid into its vapour state without passing through liquid state is :
(A) super heating(B)sublimationsublimation
(C ) subcooling(D)triple pointtriple point

6.Latent heat of fusion of ice is :
(A) 335 kJ/kg(B)144 BTU/lb
(C ) 80 kilo calories/kg(D)all of the aboveall of the above

7. Sling psychrometer is used to measure :
(A) only dry bulb temperature(B)only wet bulb temperatureonly wet bulb temperature
(C ) dry and wet bulb temperature(D)relative humidity

8.In air refrigeration refrigerating effect is produced by
(A) compressing air(B)expanding airexpanding air
(C ) subcooling(D)super heatingsuper heating

9.Accumulator is provided for :
(A) storing of unvapourized liquid(B)’storing of liquid refrigerantstoring of liquid refrigerant
(C ) exchange of heat(D)condensing gas

10.In air conditioning of aeroplanes the refrigerantused is:
(A) Ammonia(B)Freon 12Freon 12
(C ) Air(D)WaterWater

11.Select the wrong characteristics of refrigerant:
(A) low latent heat(B)low boiling pointlow boiling point
(C ) high thermal conductivity(D)-none of thesenone of these

12.The function of duct in air conditioning unit is :
(A) air cooling(B)air cleaningair cleaning
(C ) air drying(D)air distributingair distributing

13.Commonly used refrigerant in commercial ice plant is:
(A) Ammonia(B)Freon 12
(C ) Air(D)C02

14.The C.O.P. of a domestic refrigerator in comparison to domestic air conditioner will
(A) more(B)samesame
(C ) less(D)unpredictableunpredictable

15.An Air washer can work as :
(A) Humidifier(B)Dehumidifier
(C ) Filter(D)All the above

16. The brine is always used as a secondary refrigerant in :
(A) cold storage(B)milk chilling plantmilk chilling plant
(C ) ice plant(D)none of these

17.In winter air conditioning the process used is :
(A) Dehumidification(B)Heating and humidificationHeating and humidification
(C ) Humidification(D)Cooling and dehumidificationCooling and dehumidification

18.At which point °C scale and °F scale will be same:
(A) —40°(B)0°
(C ) 273°(D)40°

19.Sub cooling is a process of cooling the refrigerant before :in vapour compression refrigeration system
(A) Evaporation(B)ThrottlingThrottling
(C ) Condensation(D)CompressionCompression

20.The milk is stored at a temperature of:
(A) -5°C •(B)10°C
(C ) 0°C(D)4°

21.Absolute zero temperature is taken as :
(A) -273°C(B)273°C
(C ) 237°C(D)0°C

22.A thermostatic expansion valve function with :-
(A) suction pressure(B)discharge presssuredischarge pressure
(C ) discharge temperature(D)suction temperaturesuction temperature

23.For ammonia refrigerating system the tubes of a shell and tube condenser are made of Confusedhell and tube condenser are made of:
(A) Copper(B)AluminiumAluminium
(C ) Steel(D)Brass

24. Convert from CFC 12 to HFC 134 A the compressor displacement will be :
(A) smaller(B)equalequal
(C ) slightly larger(D)double

25.The type of condenser used in water cooler :
(A) natural draft(B)forced draftforced draft
(C ) evaporative(D)water cooled '

26.Pump down the system for :
(A) more cooling effect(B)to check compressor efficiencyto check compressor efficiency
(C ) gas charging(D)to attend maintenance in law sideto attend maintenance in low side

27.Purging is done:
(A) after gas charging(B)before gas chargingbefore gas charging
(C ) before vacuumizing(D)before pressurisingbefore pressurising

28.The refrigerant enters in the condenser by the :*
(A) top side(B)last coillast coil
(C ) bottom side(D)middle tubemiddle tube

29.One ton refrigeration is equal to:
•(A) 210 kj/min(B)12600 kj/hour
(C ) 3.5 kj/sec(D)all of the aboveall of the above

30.Liquid charged in thermostatic expansion valves sensing bulb is :
(A) alcohol(B)same refrigerantsame refrigerant
(C ) mercuryCD)nitrogen

31.Solenoid valve operated by :
(A) electrically(B)handhand
(C ) gas pressure(D)oil pressureoil pressure

32.The colour of the flame of halide torch in case of leakage of Freon refrigerant will change to:
(A) yellow(B)redred
(C ) bright green(D)orangeorange

33.Which type of valve is used in a reciprocating refrigeration compressor?
(A)rotary valve(B) poppet valve
(C ) ring plate(D) glob valve

34.The presence of frost on the cooling coils of the evaporator of a refrigeration system :
(A)increases the compressor pressure
(B)act as the insulator and decreases the heat transfer rate
(C )makes the compressor run for comparatively short durations
(D)reduce the life of cooling coils

85.Dry ice is :
(A)solidified carbondioxide
(B)ice free from dissolved air and gases
(C )ice free from impurities
(D)ice made from transparent distilled water

36.Which of the following machines can be used to obtain refrigeration at places where there is no electric power?
(A)air refrigeration(B) steam jet refrigeration
(C ) vapour compression(D) vapour absorption

37.Rectifiers are used for converting :
(A)voltage into current (C ) DC to AC
(B) AC to DC
(D) voltage in to velocity

38.The operation theatre in a hospital is to be air conditioned suggest the percentage of outside air being circulated in the theatre :
(C ) 50
(B) 20 
(D) 100

39.The difference between D.B.T. and W.B.T. is called:
(A) wet bulb depression (C ) effective temperature
(B)dew point depression
(D)adiabatic saturation temperature

40.The absolute zero temperature corresponds on the condition when :
(A)all the substances exit only as solids
(B)volume of a gas reduces to zero
(C )kinetic energy of ga9 molecules become zero
(D)no pressure is exerted by the gas

41.The oil used with 134 A refrigerant is :
(A) Mineral oil(B)Capilla D
(C ) Polyol ester oil(D)Lubricating oilLubricating oil

42.Cripser temperature of refrigerator is equal to : 
(A) 0°C(B)8°C
(C ) -5°C(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

43.Auto defrost operated by:•
(A) Evaporator fan(B)ThermostatThermostat
(C ) Timer switch(D)Heating elementHeating element

44.Dehydrator is installed in the : 
(A) liquid line(B)discharge line discharge line
(C ) suction line(D)charging linecharging line

45.The device which used to find relative humidity : 
(A) Pyrometer(B)AnemometerAnemometer
(C ) Hydrometer(D)HygrometerHygrometer

46.Chemical name of Freon 22 is :
(A) Dichloro difiuoro methane(B)Monochloro difluoro methane
(C ) Trichloro monofluoro methane(D)Dichloro monofluoro methane

47.The capacity of visible cooler is expressed in :
(A) cubic feet(B)litreslitres
(C ) of refrigeration

48.Which of the following refrigerant has the lowest boiling point?
(A) Carbon dioxide(B)AmmoniaAmmonia
(C ) Sulphur dioxide(D)Freon 12Freon 12

49.HFC 134 A appliance has capillary length when compare to CFC unit:
(A)10% to 20% more(B)20% short
(C )50% longer(D)same length

50.The effectiveness of the cooling tower is dependent on :
(A)Dry bulb temperatureof theair(B)Direction of theflow of air
(C )Wet bulb temperatureof theair(D)None of the above

51.Milky white ice obtained if:
(A)impurities are present in' water
(B)due to the presence of C02
(C )by keeping in an insulated chamber
(D)air is present in it

52.In a shell and coil condenser:
(A)water flows in the shell and refrigerant in the coil
(B)only refrigerant flows through the shell as well as coil
(C )only water flows through the shell as well as coil
(D)water flows in the coil and the refrigerant in the shell

53.In a thermal electric expansion valve which senses the suction temperature is :
(C )Thermostat(D)Rheostat

54.In a flooded evaporator which of the following types of expansion, device is employed :
(A)float valve(B) •capillary tube
(C )automatic expansion valve(D)thermostatic expansion valve

55.In an ice plant the function of brine agitator is :
(A)to increase COP(B)to reduce compressor power
(C )to obtain uniform temperature(D).to super heat the refrigerant gas

56.In an air conditioning system the comfort conditions are defined by:
(A)15°C DBT 90% RH(B)25°C DBT 35% RH
(C )20°C DBT 80% RH(D)22°CDBT60% RH

57.The electrical component of automobile air conditioner allows to engage and disengage the compressor from the thermostat:
(A) Rheostat(B)ThermostatThermostat
(C ) Fuse(D)Magentic clutchMagnetic clutch

58.Sum of atmospheric pressure and gauge pressure is called :
(A) Total pressure(B)Absolute pressureAbsolute pressure
(C ) Normal pressure(D).Natural pressure

59.The diode used for voltage regulation is :
(A) Rectifier diode(B)Signal diodeSignal diode
(C ) Zener diode(D)Vari cap diode

60.The specific humidity is the mass of water vapour present in :
(A) 1 kg of dry air(B)1 m3 of dry air
(C ) 1 ms of wet airCD)1 kg of wet air

61.Which one of the following oxy fuel gas flames has the highest flame temperature?
(A) Oxy hydrogen(B)Oxy acetylene flame
(C ) Oxy coal gas flame(D)Oxy LPG flame

62.A micrometer has a positive error of 0.02 MM. What is the correct reading when micrometer measures 25.37 MM :
(A) 25.35 MM(B)25.43MM25.43 MM
(C ) 25.39 MM(D)26.41 MM

63.One micron of vacuum is equal to:
(A) O.lMM Hg(B)0.01 MM Hg
(C ) 0.001 MM Hg (CD)0.0001 MM Hg

64.Start the compressor without relay to short:•
(A) C and S terminal(B)S and R terminal
(C ) C and R terminal(D)Compressor body and S terminalCompressor body and S terminal

65.There is no relay and starting capacitor in :
(A) CSR circuit(B)CSIR circuit
(C ) RSIR circuit(D)PSC circuit

66.Stabilizer used for 1.0 TR AC is :
(B)3 KVA
(D)5 KVA
(A) 2 KVA (C ) 4 KVA

67.Select the period of interval for a defrost cycle in a frost free refrigerator :
(A)once in 12hours(B)once in 24 hours
(C )once in 36hours(D)once in 48 hours

68.Select the boiling point of refrigerant 134 A at 1 atmosphere :
(C )-26.1°C(D)-11.8°C

69.Most important property of insulating material is :
(A)odourless(B)easy to handle
(C )light in weight(D)low conductivity

70.The component which control the bimetal thermostat is:
(A)Defrost heater(B)Fan motor
(C )Overload protector(D)P.T.C. Relay

71.HC refrigerant using systems should be vacuumized upto :
(A) 2000 Microns Hg(B) 500 Microns Hg
(C ) 100 Microns Hg(D) 1000 Microns Hg water

72.When compare to CFC 12 the charge of 134 A will be :
(A)90% to 95%(B)25% extra
(C ) same weight _(D) twice quantity

73.The swash plate compressor is most frequently used in :
(A)Refrigerators(B)Window air conditioners
(C )Split air conditioners(D)Car air conditioners

74.Which of the following refrigerant has the lowest freezing point?
(C )Freon-22 •(D)Freon-12

75.A mechanical shaft seal is necessary in a:
(A) open type compressor(B) semi hermetic compressor
(C )hermetic rotary compressor(D)hermeticreciprocatingcompressor

76.While recovery the cylinder can be charged maximum upto:
(C )60%(D)45%

77.The component common for vapour compression and vapour absorption system is :
(A) Rectifier(B)Condenser
(C ) Generator(D)AbsorberAbsorber

78.Modification of R. 12 to R 134 A refrigerant is called :
(A) recharging(B)recoveryrecovery
(C ) retrofit(D)none of the abovenone of the above

79.The fire micron filter is named as: 
(A) catch air filter(B)rough filterrough filter
(C ) bag filter(D)fine filterfine filter

80.Water inlet flow of the water cooler iscontrolled by:
(A) expansion valve(B)solenoid value solenoid valve
(C ) pressure regulating valve(D)float valuefloat valve

81.The Environment Protection act of India came into force on :
(A)19 November 1986(B)19 November 1968
(C )29 November 1998(D)29 November 1989

82.Who is the author of the work “Brahmotharakandom”?
(A)Vaikundaswamy(B)Makkidi Labba
(C )Ayyavu Swamikal(D)Padmanabhan Vaidyan

88. Which was known as the “Magna Carta of the Travancore Ryots”?
(A)Temple Entry Proclamation(B)Paliyam sathyagraha
(C ) Malayalee Memmorial(D) Pandara Pattam Proclamation

84.“Swaraj Bhavan” is the office complex situated in Thiruvanathapuram. Which one is not situated in this complex?
(A) Information Kerala Mission(B) Suchitwa Mission
(C )Kudumbasrce Mission(D)None of these

85.In which year Benjamin Bailey published first English Malayalam Dictionary?
(C )1686 ‘(D)1864

86.During the Civil Disobedient Movement in Kerala British arrested the leaders except :
(A)K. Madhavan Nair(B)K. Kelappan
(C ) Sarojini Naidu• , (D) Muhammed Abdul Rahiman

87.The place where the Fifth Malabar District Political Conference held on 28th April 1926 in the presence of Annie Besent adopted a resolution rejecting Motague Chelmsford reforms :
(C )Ottappalam(D)Manjeswaram

88.The First Malayalam Newspaper Rajyasamacharam was published in 1847 from :
(C )Kottayam(D)Kollam

89.Purogamana kalasahithya Sangam was formed on 14th August 1981 under the leadership of:
(A)M KSanu(B)MN Vijayan
(C )S Radhakrishnan(D)Vylopilli Sreedharamenon

90.The Freedom Fighter popularly known as “Jhansi Rani of Travancore” :
(A)Accama Cheriyan(B)Rosamma Punnose
(C )Captain Lakshmi Seghal(D)None of These

91.The Social Reformer started an education Journal "Vidyalayam" in 1919 :
(A)C. Krishnan(B)G P Pillai
(C )Moorkkothu Kumaran(D)C V Kunjuraman

92.The place where Ayyathan Gopalan founded Chandavarkar Elementary School to encouraging education among Dalits :
(A)Malappuram(B)Kozhikkode .
(C )Palakkad(D)Idukki

93.The author of the fantacy novel “Blue jasmine" :
(A)M.V. Devan(B)P.K. Gopi
(C )R. Leeladevi(D)U.K. Kumaran

94.Which Constitution Amendments provides for the formation of National Judicial Appointment Commission in 2013?
(C )96(D)99

95.First women Chief Election Commissioner of India :
(A)Fathima Beebi(B)Durga Bannerjee
(C )Kiranbedi(D)VS Ramadevi

96.NDA government recently launched a new Pension Scheme in India is :
(A)Atal Bima Yojana
(B)Prathanmanthri Jeevan Jyothi Bima yojana
(C )Prathanmanthri Suraksha Bima Yojana
(D)Prathanmanthri Jan Dhan Yojana

97.Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2015 given to:
(A)Sania Mirza(B)M.R. Poovamma
(C )Naib Subedar Sandeep kumar(D)Ronjan Sodhi

98.Who is the Present Loksabha Deputy Speaker of India?
(A) Karia Munda(B) Charanjith Singh Atwal
(C ) M Thambidurai(D) P M Sayeed

99.Which one is not related with RAW ?
(A) Sanjeev Thripathi(B) Rajinder Khanna
(C ) Alok Joshy(D) None of These

100.In the Census 2011 Which state is the highest Density of Population of India? 
(A) Maharashtra(B) Delhi
(C ) Gujarath(D) Kerala

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