PHARMACIST GR II - IMSMEDICAL EDUCATIONHEALTH kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Chemical composition of asbestos :
(A) Cellulose (B)Aluminosilicate
© Silica (D)Carbon dioxide

2.Which among the following is classified as folate antagonist":
(A) Methotrexate (B)Quinine
© Primaquine (D)Chloroquine

3.Gynaecomastia may be the possible side effects of one of the following drug 

(A) Ketocon azole (B) Bromocriptine
© Clotrimazole (D)Sulphonamide

4.When at least 51% shares of business organisation called?are in the hands 

of government
(A) Public corporation (B)Government company
© Public company (D)Departmental organisation

5.Myristicin is a chemical constituent of:
(A) Cinnamon
© Nutmeg

6.A cationic surfactant is :
(A) Polysorbate 80
© Sodium dodecanoate
(D)Sorbitan monooleatc

7.4 Which type of mill is used for grinding sulphonamide drug?
(A) Ball mill(B)Cutter mill
© Hammer mill(D)Fluid energy mill

8. Mail order business is :
(A) Wholesale trade
(B).Retail trade by post
© Direct selling trade
(D) Retail trade

9.Which drug is used for the detection of boric acid?'
(A) Turmeric (B) BenzionBenzoin
© Myrrh (D)Tolu balsam

10.A strong dog poison is :
(A) Brucine (B)Strychnine
© Ephedrine (D)Hyoscy amine

11.The ability of the firm to meet its current liability is measured by:
(A) Solvency ratio (B) Liquidity ratioLiquidity ratio
© Activity ratio (D)Profitability ratio

12.Drugs which increases respiratory tract fluid is called:
(A) Expectorant (B) LinctusesLinctuses
© Laxatives (D)Syrups

13.Precursor glycoside of digitoxin :
(A) Purpurea glycoside A
(B)Purpurea glycoside B
© Lanatoside A 
(D)Lanatoside B

14.Storage condition for dried plasma :
(A) In a cool place
(B)In a well closed container
© At a temperature not exceeding 25° C
(D)Between 2° C and 10° C

15.Aloe contain barbaloin which is a :
(A) C-‘glycoside
(B)S- glycoside
© D- glycoside
(D)H- glycoside

16.An example of cholinomimetic alkaloid is :
(A) Pilocarpine ‘
© Neostigmine '

17. Beta blocker with membrane stabilizing activity :
(A) Propranolol
(B) Timolol
© Atenolol .  .
(D) Esmolol 

18.A journal is a book of:•
•(A) Original entry
(B) Secondary entrySecondary entry
© Cash transaction
(D)Petty cash transaction

19.A resin of animal origin : •
(A) Benzoin
©  Glycoresin

20.All the particles passes through a sieve No. called as : . 444 and not 

more than 40% through a sieve
(A) Coarse particles
(B)Moderately coarse particles
c© Moderately fine particles
(D)Fine particle

21.•Vein Islet number of Digitalis Purpurea :
(A) 8-12.
© 2-5.5

22.Plant constituent used in the preparation of mosquito coils :
(A) Rauwolfia
© Pyrethrum

23.Richest source of Lecithin :*.
(A) Meat
(B) Egg yolkEgg yolk
© Fish

24.Mevalonic acid formation is catalysed by the enzyme :
(A) Acetyl CoA '
(B) Mevalonatc kinase ,
© HMG CoA reductase

25.Enzyme referred as spreading factor:
(D)Iduronic acid

26.The ex - officio member of Pharmacy Council of India is :
(A)Teacher in Pharmacology 
(B)A member from MCI
©A representativeof UGC
(D)Director of CDL

27.Casein is an example of:
© Chromoproteina
(D) Lipoproteins

28.Immunoglobulin found on lymphocyte surface of new bora :

29.Antigenic preparations made from extra cellular toxins :
(A) Vaccines
(B) ToxoidsToxoids
© Endotoxins
(D) Sera

Enzyme which is used inthe treatment of leukaemia :•
(A) Urokinase
(B) StreptokinaseStreptokinase
© Asparginase
(D) PepsinPepsin

One tea spoon full is :
(A) 15 ml
(B) 4 ml4 ml
© 0.06 ml
(D) 3 ml3 ml

32. A drug consist, in full or in whole or in part, of any filthy, putrid or 

decomposed substance 
(A) Adultered drug
(B) Spurious drug
© Misbranded drug. 
(D) Patent drug

33. Standards of disinfectant fluid comes under :
(A) Schedule O’
(B) Schedule P
© Schedule M
(D) Schedule N

34. Which vitamin is known as antisterility factor?
(A) Vitamin K
(B) Vitamin D
© Vitamin E 
(D) Vitamin Vitamin A

35.Sodium chloride injection IP contains :
(A) 0.9% Sodium Chloride ,
(B) 0.1% sodium chloride0.
© 0.86% Sodium Chloride.
(D)0.45% Sodium Chloride

36.An opaque covering agent used in bleaches :
(A) Catechol
(B) QuinolineQuinoline
© Titanium dioxide
(D)Hydrogen peroxide

37.Which one of the following dryer is known as Lyophiliser?
(A) Drum dryer
(B) Fluidized bed dryerFluidized bed dryer
© Freeze dryer
(D) Spray dryerSpray dryer

38.Autoclaving of ampoules in a dye bath as :
(A) Clarity testing
(B) Pyrogen testing
© Leaker testing
(D) Sterility testing

39.High count of WBCs is an indication of:*

40.Example of an antioxidant:
(A) Caffeine
© Doxidan
(D)Gallic acid

41.Isotonic vehicle used to prepare ophthalmic solution :
(A) Benzal konium chloride
(B)Polysorbate 20
© Dioctyl sodium
(D)1.9% Boric add

42.Repeated administration of drug results in cell receptor blockage . This 

is known
(A) Tachyphylaxis
© Idiosyncrasy

Sterlization by autoclaving:
*(A) Dry heat sterilization
(B)UV radiation
© Moist heat sterilization
(D)Bactericidal sterilization

44.Keller — Killiani test is the identification test for:
(A) Digitalis
© Aloe vera

45.THC is a constituent/found in the plant:
(A) Senna
(B)Nux vomica
© Opium

46.Which is the highly perfused organ in the body?•

47.Diatomaccous earth is the other name of:
(A) Talc
© Bentonite 

48.Cotton consists of epidermal trichomes of species: '
(A) Gossypium herhaceum
(B)Cannabis sativa *
© Bombyx raorii
(D)Glycyrrhiza glabra

49.The working principle of hammer mill:
(A) Impact
(B)Impact and attrition
© Attrition

50.Partial or complete removal of top or bottom of atablet is known as :
(A) .Capping
(B) PickingPicking
© Sticking
(D) MottlingMottling

51.Mother clove is an adulterant of:.
(A) Cardamom
(B) CloveClove
© Pepper
(D) FennelFennel

52.Tablets are designed to exert local effect in throat:
(A) Buccal tablets
(B)Sublingual tablet
© Dental cones

53.A plant drug which lowers blood pressure :
(A) Vasaka
© Rauwolfia

54.The minimum required area to open a retail drug store is :
(A) 15 sqm
(B) 10sqm10 sqm
© 40 sqm
(D)60 sqm

55.Enteric coated tablets are designed to release medicament in :
(A) Stomach . '
© Small intestine
(D)Large intestine

56.Dryer used for the production of milk powder:.
(A) Drum dryer
(B)Tray dryer
© Spray dryer
(D)Tunnel dryer

57.Vapaside is an insecticide which is formulated from :
(A) Neem
© Py rethrum

58.desuit’s bark is the synonym of:
(A) Cinnamon
© Cinchona

59.Renin a proteolytic enzyme which is produced in :
(A) Brain
© Spleen

60.An example of potassium sparing diuretics :•
(A) Mannitol
© Triameterene

61. Alkylating agent used as antineoplastic drug:
(A) Doxorubicin
© Vinblastine
(D)Nitrogen mustard

62.Abrasive agent used in dentifrices :
(A) Sodium fluoride
(B)Selenium sulphide
© Zinc sulphate
(D)‘Calcium carbonate

63.First line agent used in Tuberculosis :.
•(A) Kanamycin
© Ethionamide
(D) CycloserineCycloserine

64.Reagent used for the identification of cellulose :
(A) Vanurk’s reagent
(B)Zeisel reagent
© Dragendroffs reagent
(D)Fehling's reagent

6.Drug used in under lineDrug used in uterine inertia :
(A) Tyrothricin.
© Oxytocin

66.Dimethicone is the other name of:
(A) Titanium dioxide
© Zinc stearate
(D)Silicon oil

67.Drug used in ulcerative colitis :
(A) Gefarnate .
© Sulfaslazine '

68.Drug that act by lowering the plasma LDL level:•
(A) Clofibrate
© Loperamide
(D) AspirinAspirin

69.Other name of regenerated cellulose :
(A) Wool
(B) HempHemp
© Silk

70. An example of rapidly acting anticoagulant:
(A) Warfarin
© Propranolol
(D) HeparinHeparin

71.Water soluble constituent of Ergot:* 
(A) Ergotamine
© Ergosine 

72.Yeast is the richest source of:
(A) Vitamin C
(B)Vitamin B
© Vitamin D
(D)Vitamin A

78.Drug used to test gastric acid aecreation :
(A) Dexamethasone. 
© Mannitol
(D) Histamine

74.Shick test is performed to test the degree of immunity against:
(A) Tuberculosis
© Rabies 

75.Example of ultra short acting barbiturates :*
(A) Enflurane
© Thiopental sodium

76.Rasping method is used to prepare :
(A) Arachis oil
(B)Clove oil
© Olive oil
(D)Lemon oil

77.. Chemical name of plaster of paris :
(A) Magnesium sulphate
(B)Calcium carbonate
© Magnesium carbonate
(D)Calcium sulphate

78.Which one of the following is a beta - lactamase inhibitor?
(A) Sulfonamide
© Primaquine

79.Oxytocin is the hormone released from :
(A) Anterior lobe of pituitary
(B) Pars intermedia
© Posterior lobe of pituitary
(D) Infundibulum

80. Scurvy is the deficiency symptom of vitamin :
(A) A.'
(B) K
© D. 
(D) C

81.Tuticorn an important fishing harbor of India is situated along the :

(A) Malabar coast
(B) Coromandel coast
© Konkan coast
(D) Gulf of Kutch

82.Which one of the following incidence, Gandhiji hailedas “A Miracle of 

Modern Times"?
(A)Temple Entry Proclamation
(B)Vaikom Sathyagraha
©Guruvayoor Sathyagraha
(D)Paliyam Sathyagraha

83.Which onewas called “The Nursery of Bengal Army"?

84‘The Indian Rebellion of 1867 was not one movement --- ■ It was many" — The
above statement has bean made by :
(B)Eric Stokes
©C.A. Bayly
(D)R.C. Majumdhar

86.Who among the following was not associated with the foundation of Non 

Alignment Movement (NAM)?
(B)Josip Broz Tito
©Nelson Mandela
(D)Kwame Nkrumah

86.  Who argued that the Khilafat Movement was the result of the emergence of 

middle class among the Indian Muslims? ,*
(A) Mushirul Hasan
(B) W.C. Smith
© Francis Robinson
(D) Peter Hardy

87.Name the author of the book Minnah, The Soul Spokes Man” :
(A) Urvashi Butalia*
(B) Choudary Rah math ali
© Ayesha Jalal
(D) Moulana Azad

88.Black Soil is also known as : 
(A) Kegur Soil © Forest Soil
(B) Arid Soil (D) Saline Soil

89.First Attempt to initiate economic planning in India was made by :
(A)Jayaprakash Narayanan
(B)M.N. Roy
©S.N. Agarwal
(D)Sir. M. Visveshvaraya

90.Which Five Year Planning was based on Harrod-Domar model?
(A)Ist Five Year Plan
(B)IInd Five Year Plan
©IIIrd Five Year Plan
(D)IVth Five Year Plan

91.Which Mountain range is separate the Southern Part of the India from the 

Northern Part?
(A)Nilgiri Mountains
(D)Western Ghats

92.Among the following who was known as “Purusha Simharn” ?
(A) C. Kesavan .
(B) Brahmananda Sivayogi
©Pandit Karuppan
(D)Pazhassi  Raja

93.“Raksha Blue” is the reasonably launched vaccine aimed at minimizing the 

economic loss of animal farming community from the strains of the :
(A)Bird Flu Virus
(B)Road Water Disease
©Swine Flu Virus
(D)Blue tongue Virus

94.Who translated the dialogue between Tagore and Narayana Guru into 

Malayalam during Tagore's visit to Sivagiri? .
(A) Dr. Palpu
(B)Vallabhasseri Govindan Vaidhyar
© Kumaranasan
(D)None of the above

95. Kochin State Prajamandal was formed under the President ship of:
(A) E. Ikkanda Warrier
(B)V. R. Krishnan Ezhuthachan
© Accamma Cherian
(D)Pattom M. Thanu Pillair

96.Who was the Director of the Movie ‘Taste of Cherry”?
(A) Jafar Panahi
(B)Abbas Kiarosteami
© Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(D)Majidi Majidi

97.The earlier name of Vagbhatananda?
(A) Kunjikannan
(B)Govinda Menoni
© Muthukutty
(D)None of the above

98.Which place was known as “Dakshina Nalanda ‘in Ancient Kerala? ,.
(A) Kodungallur THC
© Chirayinkil

99.Name the First Indian City which have a city animal:
(A) Dispur
© Guwahati

100. What is the name of the latest Android N Version?
(A) Android 7.0 Nougat.
(B) Android 7.0 Nutella
© Android 7.0 Neyyappam
(D) Android 7.0 Narshmellow'

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