

Roopa Baby
Priya N. Savitha K.S. Sanky Bai Sathyan
The system Real Time Web Server provides web sites for clients through online. Clients can simply register in to our customer sites and select or create a unique site name for their own sites. And also they can upload their own web pages. With Sql or Access database support this system provides multiple languages like asp,, php, html etc. Clients will get unique IP's for their own sites. It contains different modules like site registration, authentication, website hosting, DNS host entry, File management and Mail service management.
This server can be used to host a web site on our personal computer as a part of an Intranet at work or to develop and test a website before hosting the site with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). This server listens for specific requests for web resources that arrive from the network, interprets them and provides the resources over the network or provides an error message, incase a particular request cannot be honored.
Serial No Description
1.1 Objective
2.1 The Existing System
2.1.1 Limitations of existing system
2.2 The Proposed System
2.2.1 Objectives of proposed system
2.2.2 Advantages of proposed system
2.2.3 Features of proposed system
2.3 Features of software used
2.3.1 About Windows 2000
2.3.2 Visual Studio .Net
2.3.3 Back End-sql server 7.0
3.1 Requirement Analysis
3.1.1 Hardware Requirements
3.1.2 Software Requirements
4.1 Real Time Web Server
4.2 Hosting
5.1 Data Flow Diagrams
5.2 Code design
5.3 Database Design
5.3.1 ADO.Net
5.3.2 Table Design
6.1 Normalization
6.2 System Testing
6.3 Implementation methods
The system Real Time Webserver provides web sites for clients through online. Clients can simply register in to our customer sites and select or create a unique site name for their own sites. And also they can upload their own web pages. With Sql or Access database support this system provides multiple languages like asp,, php, html etc. Clients will get unique IP's for their own sites. It contains different modules like site registration, authentication, website hosting, DNS host entry, File management and Mail service management.
Site registration and authentication:
In this module clients register for site and create their site name. If this site is agreed by the administration clients can access their folder and manage their files and virtual directories thorough login validation.
File management
This is the control panel for the client's area. In this module clients can upload their pages and file manage like rename, remove, transfer, download etc. they can create virtual directories for their own sites.
Web site hosting:
This is the main module of the system and it is fully maintained by the administrator. He can create unique IP's, and the host name, which is registered by the client.
DNS host entry:
In this module administrator host the website and create alias for each clients in his DNS server.
> Administrative Module
> Client Module
Administrative Module:
It contains all facilities to the client. Administrator allocates space for a client to create new site. With out registering the clients could not possible to allocate space for creating sites.
Clients Module:
After registering the site, file management used by the client and create new site. Mail transferring is possible from clients to clients
The concept of Real time web server is already available with vendors that support Internet based networking. Popular web servers include the Internet information server, Apache, The Netscape Enterprise server etc even though proprietary web servers are available, due to possibly certain limits available in such servers.
2.1.1 Limitations of the Existing System
> The concept of Real time web server is already available with vendors. It supports Internet based networking.
> The billing service has not yet developed.
> The Real time web server for hosting mechanism has not developed in .Net platform.
This Real time web server is designed mainly with the Internet information Server Design concepts in mind. Pains have been taken along the line suggested by web development experts to incorporate almost all the features of the Internet information. This server can be used to host a web site on our personal computer as a part of an Intranet at work or to develop
and test a website before hosting the site with an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
This server listens for specific requests for web resources that arrive from the network, interprets them and provides the resources over the network or provides an error message, incase a particular request cannot be honored (connection not available, invalid request format etc.)
2.2.1 Objectives of the Proposed System
The Real time web server should provide the following features:
> Any user over the network (Intranet) should be able to register (store) his website in the Real time web server, if he desires so.
> Any user over the network should have access to any of the sites stored in the Real time web server.
Web Server Services include port creation, accessing default file and default directory, request and response. In this project, we can create any number of ports. The port number can be any number between 0 and 65535. Thus we can provide services to any client through any port number.
In Real time web server creation, all the files and folders are stored in a directory. While running these, the file and directory should be loaded. There should be facilities for client requests to the server, which should be effectively received. The client makes the request to the server through Web browser. The reply of the server is passed to the client as response. The response can be the file requested by the client or it can be an error message incase the server is not able to satisfy the request.
2.2.2 Advantages of Proposed System:
> Any user over the network is able to register (store) his websites in the Real time web server, if he desire.
> Any user over the network should have access to any of the sites storing Real time web server.
2.2.3 Features of the Proposed System
The project titled Real time web server Designing is intended with the purpose of creating a server using ASP.NET. Real time web server acts as a server, which provides certain services to the clients. To do that, it must run server software that supports the protocol used by the client software. Server computers are also known as host computers. Any computer that serves Gopher or FTP is considered a web server. Infact, many computers server more than one protocol at a time.
A Web Servers job consists of three basic activities
> Listening for specific requests for Web resources that arrive from the Network.
> Interpreting valid requests as they arrive and attempting to locate the requested resources while logging client requests.
> Providing those resources over the network or providing an error message explaining why a request cannot be honored (connection not available, item found, invalid request format, etc.)
The various modules in the creation of Real time webserver include:
> Site registration and authentication:
> File management:
> Mail Service
> Web site hosting:
> DNS host entry:
> Hosting
> Administrative Module:
> Clients Module:
There should be facilities for servicing the client request to the server. The server should receive the send by the client effectively. The client makes the request to the server through the web browser. The reply of the server is passed to the client as response. The response can be the file requested by the client or it can be an error message incase the server is not able to satisfy the request.
Clients register for site and create their site name. If this site is agreed by the administration clients can access their folder and manage their files and virtual directories thorough login validation. Clients can upload their pages and file manages like rename, remove, transfer, download etc. they can create virtual directories for their own sites. Administrator can create unique IP's, and the host name, which is registered by the client. Administrator hosts the website and create alias for each clients in his DNS server.
2.3.1 About Windows 2000
Windows 2000 Server includes improved network, application and Web services. It provides increased reliability and scalability, lowers your cost of computing with powerful, flexible management services, and provides the best foundation for running business application.
Network Data Security
Network data can be protected on the wire or at the network interface. Securing data at the network requires a firewall to proxy services and mediate connections between the internal network (LAN) and external network (Internet). This is the purpose of Proxy Server.
Internet Protocol Security
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a framework of open standards for ensuring secure private communications over Internet Protocol networks, using cryptographic security services.
Router Service
The Windows 2000 Router Service provides routing services in the LAN and WAN environments and over the Internet using secure virtual private network (VPN) connections. Use the Routing and Remote accesses features to view and manage both routers and dial-up servers.
Stored Data Security
Access to files that you want to protect can be restricted through the use of user rights and permissions. However, if an intruder gains access to a user's disk drive, the intruder could remove the drive, install it on another system, and with administrative privileges, and access the best solution possible, data encryption. Data encryption is provided transparently within Windows 2000 by a feature known as Encrypting File System (EFS). In addition to allowing users to protect their data from instruction or theft, Windows 2000 also supports digital signing, which protects users from unwanted software components.
This means the ability to run on a single PC chip with a single user up to a multi-user, multi- processor network installation.
The Windows GUI
The familiar graphical user interface it presents to the world. Computing Model
Windows 2000 Server operations are based on a client-server computing model. This is a model in which the computing workload is shared between the server and the client. It is a co-operative relationship that divides the workload evenly between machines or processes on a single machine.
2.3.2 Visual Studio .NET
Visual Studio .Net is the rapid application development tool for BASIC.
Visual Studio .Net offers complete integration with ASP.NET and enables to drag and drop server controls and design Web Forms as they should appear when
user views them. Some of the other advantages of creating BASIC applications in Visual Studio .Net are
> Visual Studio .Net is a Rapid Application (RAD) tool. Instead of adding each control to the Web Form programmatically, it helps to add these controls by using toolbox, saving programming efforts.
> Visual Studio .Net supports custom and composite controls. Can create custom controls that encapsulate a common functionality that might need to use in a number of applications.
Visual Studio .Net does a wonderful job of simplifying the creation and consumption of Web Services. Mush of the programmer-friendly stuff (creating all the XML-based documents) happens automatically, without much effort on the programmer's side. Attribute-based programming is a powerful concept that enables Visual Studio .Net to automate a lot of programmer-unfriendly tasks.
.NET programming languages
The .NET Framework provides a set of tools that help to build code that works with the .NET Framework. Microsoft provides a set of languages that are already .NET compatible. BASIC is one of those languages.
ASP.NET environment
Active Server Pages were released by Microsoft to enable the creation of dynamic pages based on user input and interaction with a Web site. ASP.NET improves upon the original ASP by providing code-behind. With ASP.NET and code-behind, the code and HTML can be separated.
ASP.NET Web services are XML-based services that are exposed on the Internet that can be accessed by other Web services and Web service clients.
ASP.NET is more than the next version of Active Server Pages (ASP); it is a unified Web development platform that provides the services necessary for developers to build enterprise-class Web applications. While ASP.NET is largely syntax compatible with ASP, it also provides a new programming model and infrastructure for more secure, scalable, and stable applications.
ASP.NET is a compiled, .NET-based environment; you can author applications in any .NET compatible language, including VisualBasic.NET, BASIC, and JScript.NET. Additionally, the entire .NET Framework is available to any ASP.NET application. Developers can easily access the benefits of these technologies, which include the managed common language runtime environment, type safety, inheritance, and so on.
ASP.NET has been designed to work seamlessly with WYSIWYG HTML editors and other programming tools, including Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. Not only does this make Web development easier, but it also provides all the benefits that these tools have to offer, including a GUI that developers can use to drop server controls onto a Web page and fully integrated debugging support. Developers can choose from the following two features when creating an ASP.NET application, Web Forms and Web services, or combine these in any way they see fit.
> Web Forms allows you to build powerful forms-based Web pages. When building these pages, you can use ASP.NET server controls to
create common Ul elements, and program them for common tasks. These controls allow you to rapidly build a Web Form out of reusable built-in or custom components, simplifying the code of a page.
An XML Web service provides the means to access server functionality remotely.
Web clients
ASP.NET applications
1 115 V 4
.NET Framework k
Windows NT/2000 ¦ Operating System
As the illustration shows, all Web Administrators communicate with ASP.NET applications through IIS. IIS deciphers and optionally authenticates the request. If Anonymous is turned on, no authentication occurs. IIS also finds the requested resource (such as an ASP.NET application), and, if the client is authorized returns the appropriate resource.
In addition to the built-in ASP.NET security features, an ASP.NET application can use the low-level security features of the .NET Framework.
Intuitive C++ based Language
Use a language modeled on C++ syntax, immediately familiar to C++ and
Java developers, as well as intuitive new language constructs that greatly
simplify development tasks
Reliable Interoperability
Employ code to call native Windows APIs, use pre-built COM components, and leverage existing ActiveX controls to seamlessly integrate existing applications and components.
Modern, Component-Oriented Language
Take advantage of inherent support for properties, indexers, delegates, single and multidimensional arrays, advanced inheritance, attributes, versioning, and XML comments.
Powerful Debugging and Testing Tools
ASP .NET includes a powerful remote and multi-language debugger, enabling developers to test applications and build reliable multi-tier solutions that span process boundaries and are written in multiple programming languages.
NET Framework Class Library
Gain mature and powerful, built-in functionality, including a rich set of collection classes, networking support, multithreading support, string and regular expression classes, and broad support for XML, XML schemas, XML namespaces, XSLT, XPath, and SOAP.
Robust Web Development Environment
Create Web-based solutions in C# using the shared Web Forms Designer and XML Designer. Developers can also use IntelliSense features and tag completion or choose the WYSIWYG editor for drag-and-drop authoring to build interactive Web applications.
. NET Framework
Microsoft designed VB from the ground up to take advantage of its new .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is made up of four parts, the Common Language Runtime, a set of class libraries, a set of programming languages, and the ASP.NET environment. The .NET Framework was designed with three goals in mind. First, it was intended to make Windows applications much more reliable, while also providing an application with greater degree of security.
Second, it was intended to simplify the development of Web applications and services that not only work in the traditional sense, but on mobile devices as well. Lastly, the framework was designed to provide a single set of libraries that would work with multiple languages. The .NET Framework is the infrastructure for the new Microsoft .NET Platform. And it is a common environment for building, deploying, and running Web applications and Web Services. The .NET Framework contains a common language runtime and common class libraries -like ADO .NET, ASP .NET and Windows Forms - to provide advanced standard services that can be integrated into a variety of computer systems. The .NET Framework provides a feature-rich application environment, simplified development and easy integration between a number of different development languages. The .NET Framework is language neutral. Currently it supports C++, C#, Visual Basic, and Jscript. Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET is a common development environment for the new .NET Framework.
Integrating with IIS
IIS is the web server is used here. IIS 5.0 or above is essential for the ASP.NET for the environment.This release of ASP.NET uses IIS 5.0 as the priKim host environment.
IIS always assumes that a set of credentials maps to a Windows NT account and uses them to authenticate a user. There are three different kinds of authentication available in IIS 5.0: BASIC, DIGEST, and INTEGRATED WINDOWS Authentication (NTLM or Kerberos). You can select the type of authentication to use in the IIS administrative services..
If you request a URL containing an ASP.NET application, the request and authentication information are handed off to the application. ASP.NET provides the two additional types of authentication described in the following table.
Web Service
Web service is arguably the most exciting and innovate features of Microsoft's. NET initiative and they are likely to profoundly affect the way business interact using computer application. List of possible Web services is as varies as the list of possible business opportunities. Web service would typically perform a core business service such as user authentication, credit card validation, pricing a derivates security, placing a purchase order for a stock or pricing a same-day shipment.
A web service is a component that performs a function or service. A component is a piece of software that has a well-defined interface, hidden internals, and the capability of being discovered. By "discovered" means that you can determine what the component does without needing to see the code within it. A component is similar to a method since we can call it with arguments that fit a set of parameters, and it has the capability of returning results.
A web service may also return information to the caller. This service resides somewhere on the Web and can be accessed from other locations on the Web. For this service to be called, there are a number of elements that must be in place. First, the caller must know how to call the service. Second, the call must be made across the Web. Finally, the web service must know how to respond.
2.3.3 Back end SQL Server 7.0
Relational database systems are the most important database systems
used in the software industry today. One of the most outstanding systems is Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server is a database management system developed and marketed by Microsoft. It runs exclusively under Windows NT and Windows 95/98.
The most important aspects of SQL Server 7 are:
¢ SQL Server is easy to use.
¢ SQL Server scales from a mobile laptop to symmetric multiprocessor systems.
¢ SQL Server provides data warehousing features that until now have only been available in Oracle and other more expensive DBMSs.
A database system is an overall collection of different database software components and databases containing the parts viz. Database application programs, Front-End components, Database management systems, and Databases.
A database system must provide the following features:
¦ A variety of user interfaces
¦ Physical data independence
¦ Logical data independence
¦ Query optimization
¦ Data integrity
¦ Concurrency control
¦ Backup and recovery
¦ Security and authorization
SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System. The SQL Server relational language is called Transact-SQL.SQL is asset-oriented language. This means that SQL can query many rows from one or more tables using just one statement. This feature allows the use of this language at a logically higher level than procedural languages. Another important property of SQL is its non- procedurality . SQL contains two sub languages DDL and DML.
SQL Server works as a natural extension of Windows NT and windows 95/98.SQL Server is relatively easy to manage through the use of a graphical computing environment for almost every task of system and database administration. SQL Server uses services of Windows NT to offer new or extended database capabilities, such as sending and receiving messages and managing login security.
The SQL Server administrator's primary tool for interacting with the system is Enterprise Manager. The Enterprise Manager has two main purposes: Administration of the database server and Management of database objects.
SQL Server Query Analyzer provides a graphical presentation of the execution plan of a query and an automatic component that suggests which index should be used for a selected query. This interactive component of SQL Server performs the tasks like:
¦ Generating and executing Transact-SQL statements
¦ Storing the generated Transact-SQL statements in a file
¦ Analyzing execution plans for generated queries
¦ Graphically illustrating the execution plan for a selected query.
A stored procedure is a special kind of batch written in Transact-SQL using the SQL language and SQL extensions. It is saved on the database server to improve the performance and consistency of repetitive tasks. SQL Server supports stored procedures and system procedures. Stored procedures can be used for the following purposes: to control access authorization, to create an audit trial of activities in database tables, to separate data definition & data manipulation statements concerning a database & all corresponding applications. The database object view can be used for:
¦ Restricting the use of particular columns and rows of tables -that is to control access to a particular part of one or more tables,
¦ To hide the details of complicated queries, to restrict inserted & updated values to certain ranges.
The Query Optimizer is the part of SQL Server that decides how to best perform a query. It generates several query execution plans for the given query & selects the plan with the lowest cost.
SQL Server can operate in one of two security modes:
¦ Windows NT
¦ Mixed
Windows NT security mode exclusively uses Windows NT user accounts to log into the SQL Server system. Mixed mode allows users to connect to SQL Server using the Windows NT security system or the SQL Server system. Additionally it provides three security facilities for controlling access to database objects:
¦ Transact-SQL statements GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE.
¦ Views.
¦ Stored procedures
A Windows NT user account or a SQL server login name allows a user to log into the SQL server system. A user who subsequently wants to access a database of the system needs a database user account to work in the DB. Therefore users must have a DB user account for each DB they want to use. If there is no such account the user may be allowed to work in the DB under the guest account.
Stored procedures can also be used to restrict data access. The restriction of data access using stored procedures is based upon the property that the permission to execute a stored procedure is independent of any permission for DB objects that are referenced by the stored procedure.
SQL server provides a mechanism called a trigger for enforcing procedural integrity constraints. A DBMS handles 2 types of integrity constraints:
¦ Declarative Integrity constraints defined using CREATE & ALTER TABLE statements.
¦ Procedural integrity constraints handled by triggers.
A trigger is a mechanism that is invoked when a particular action occurs on a particular table. Each trigger has 3 general parts:
¦ A name
¦ The action
¦ The execution
SQL server keeps record of each change it makes to the db during a transaction. This is necessary in case an error occurs during the execution of the transaction. In this case all previously executed statements within the transaction have to be rolled back.
SQL server keeps all these records, in particular the before and after values, in one or more files called the transaction log. Each DB of the SQL server system has its own transaction log.
Concurrency in multi-user systems such as SQL Server has decided effect of performance. When access to the data is handled such that only one program at a time can use the data, processing slows dramatically. SQL Server like all other DBMSs, solves this problem using transactions. All statements inside a transaction build an atomic unit. This means that either all statements are executed or In the case of failure, all statements are cancelled. of SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server supports a full set of features that result in the following benefits.
Ease of use
SQL includes a set of administrative and development tools that improve our ability to install, deploy, manage and use SQL Server across several sites.
The same database engine can be used across platforms ranging from laptop computers running Microsoft Windows95 to very large; multiprocessor servers running Microsoft Windows NT, Enterprise Edition.
Ease in building data warehouses
SQL Server includes tools for extracting and analyzing summary data for online analytical processing (OLAP). SQL Server also includes tools for visually designing databases and analyzing data using English based questions.
SQL API (SQL Application Programming Interface)
Embedded SQL applications use the DB-library DLL to access SQL server. The SQL Server ODBC driver users do not access Microsoft SQL Server directly. They use an application written to access the data in SQL Server. SQL Server can also be accessed through COM, Microsoft ActiveX, or Windows DNA (Windows Distributed Internet Applications Architecture) components. Applications are written to access SQL Server through a database Application Programming Interface (API).
Processor Main Memory Cache Memory
CPU Speed
Hard Disk Capacity CD ROM Drive
Floppy Disk Drive
Pentium III or Above. 128 MB RAM. : 512KB.
800 MHz.
20 GB or Above. 52 X
SVGA Color. 1.44 MB.
Front End Back End Operating System
ASP.Net with VB
Windows NT/2000 Server
The project titled Real time web server Designing is intended with the purpose of creating a server using ASP. NET. Real time web server acts as a server, which provides certain services to the clients. To do that, it must run server software that supports the protocol used by the client software. Server computers are also known as host computers. Any computer that serves HTTP (hypertext), Gopher or FTP is considered a web server. Infact, many computers serve more than one protocol at a time.
How Real time web server Works
Web Server should be an efficient Service Provider. The Real time web server is basically designed for providing memory to clients. The system can host multiple sites. For each site there will be a port. When each client request for a web page the system will assigns a port for data transmission. There should be the facilities for a client to send request to the Server. The Server should receive the request send by the client effectively. The client makes the request to the Server through the Web Browser.
The reply of the Server is passed to the client as response. The response can be the file requested by the client or it can be an error message in case the Server is not able to satisfy the request. The function of an Real time web server can be explained by the figure given below.
web service is a component that performs a function or service. A component is a piece of software that has a well-defined interface, hidden internals, and the capability of being discovered. By "discovered" means that you can determine what the component does without needing to see the code within it. A component is similar to a method since we can call it with arguments that fit a set of parameters, and it has the capability of returning results. A web service may also return information to the caller. This service resides somewhere on the Web and can be accessed from other locations on the Web. For this service to be called, there are a number of elements that must be in place. First, the caller must know how to call the service. Second, the call must be made across the Web. Finally, the web service must know how to respond.
> Open the Internet Services Manager, there are already some services running on SRV-11. All of these services are created and started by default when IIS is installed.
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> To create a new website right click on SRV-11 and select New->Web Site from the shortcut menu. This will start a wizard that walks you through the basic steps for creating a web site. The first screen on the wizard is just a welcome screen, click on Next.
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> The next screen of the wizard will ask you to give the new web site a
description. This is how the web site will appear within the Internet Services Manager tool. Type Description and click Next.
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> The next screen is used to specify the IP address and port number from which this web site should listen to web requests. If you have only one IP address configured on your system, then your web server will listen on this one IP address. If you have multiple IP addresses on your computer (either physical IPs assigned to multiple NICS or logical IPs assigned to one NIC) then you can choose which IP address you want this site to listen for requests on. Using multiple IP addresses allows IIS to host a different website on each different IP address. By default, All Unassigned will be selected. All Unassigned allows the web page to be viewed using any available IP address on the system. Change this setting and select the only IP address that is assigned to this computer:
The next field is used to specify the TCP port number that this site will listen on. By default, the port number 80 will appear because this is the port number used for HTTP. HTTP is the protocol used on the Internet by Internet browsers trying to access web sites. Leave the default port number at 80 because changing it will make it much more difficult for anyone trying to connect to your web site. Browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) use port 80 by default when they attempt to connect to web sites. If you change your port number, Internet users will not be able to connect to your site unless they specify the correct port number after the web site address. For example if you enter a port number of 81 the user trying to reach your site will have to enter: into the web browser address box to reach the web site. The next field on this screen is used to specify a host header, which by default is blank. The host header will tell the server what the name of this web site is. We will cover this concept in more depth later in this course. For now, leave the host header blank and click Next.
> Next need to create a host and an alias record in the zone for the web server. Open the forward Lookup
zone. In the right pane right click on an empty space and select New Host from the shortcut menu.
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> In the New Host form, enter SRV-11 for the name and for the IP address. Then click on the Add Host button to create the host record. You will get a dialog box informing you that the host record for has been created successfully. Click OK and then click Done to close the new host screen.
The New Resource Record screen will appear, asking for information to create a new alias. Enter www as the Alias name and for the fully qualified name. You can also browse for the host record of srv-11 Click OK.
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A data flow diagram(DFD) or a bubble chart is a graphical tool for structured analysis.DFD models a system by using external entities from which data flows to a process, which transforms the data and creates output-data-flows which go to othetr processes or external entities or files.Data in files may also flow to processes as inputs .
DFDs can be hierarchically organised, which help in partitioning and analysing large systems.As a first step, one dataflow diagram can depict an entire system which gives the system is called context diagram of level 0 DFD.The context diagram can be further expanded .
The successive expansion of a DFD from the context diagram to those giving more details is known as leveling of DFD .Thus a top down approach is used, starting with an overview and then working out the details.The main merit of DFD is that it can provide an overview of what data a system would process, what transformation of data are done, what files are used, and where the results flow.
A data flow is a route, which enables packets of data to travel from one point to another. Data
may flow'from a source to a processor and from
data store or process. An arrow line depicts the flow, with arrowhead pointing in the direction of flow.
A process represents transformation where incoming data flows are changed into outgoing data flows.
A data store is a repository of data that is to be stored for use by a one or more process may be simple as buffer or queue or sophisticated as relational database.They should have clear names. If a process merely uses the content of store and does not alter it, the arrow head goes only from the store to the process . If a process alters the details in the store then a double headed arrow is used.
A source or sink is a person or part of an, organization that enters or receives information from the system, but is considered to be outside the context of data flow model.
5.1.1 Level 0
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5.1.2 Level 1:
A code is a collection of symbols designed to provide unique identification of an entity or attribute. Codesspecify an object's physical or performance charecterestics abd they are used to give operational instructions and other information. Codes also show the relationship among items.Codes are also used for identifying, accessing, sorting, and matching records.
The aim of the coding phase is to produce simple and clear programs. Style is an important attribute of source code and clear programs. Style is an important attribute of source code and can determine intelligibility of a program. The elements of style include internal documentation, methods of data declaration, procedures for statement construction etc.All the syntax and format errors of the program must be detectedm and resolved. Coding produces modules that must ne unit tested. Modules are written in programming language. The following are some of the general coding principles.
Keep the code simple.
Keep the modules short.
Code should be legible.
Add comments (internal documentation).
Add introductory header for each module.
The codes are also designed in a manner easily understood and applied by the
Output Design
The output design phase of the system design is concerned with the conveyance of information to the end users in a user friendly manneer. The output design should be efficient, intelligible so that the systems relationship with the end user is improved and thereby enhancing the process of decision making.
The output design is an ongoing activity almost from the beginning of the project, and follows the principles of form design. Efficient and well-defined output design improves the relation of the system and the user, thus facilitating decision making. The primary considerations in the design of the output are the requirement of the information and the objectives of the end users.
The system ouput may be of any of the following
> A webpage
> A document.
> A message.
In the project titled Real time webserver, the output consists of web pages requested by client if the request is valid, otherwise it will show the error page. The output design should be efficientjntelligible so that system relationship with the end user is improved and they're by enhancing the process of decision making.
Design is the first in the development phase for any engineered product or system. System design is a process of evaluating alternate solution, evaluating the choice following up the specification for the chosen alternative. System design work follows logically system analusis. The objective of the
system design is to improve the existing system or design a new system as the case may be and implement the system with improved facilities.
Computer software design, like engineering design, approaches in other disciplines, changes continually as new methods, better analysis and broader understanding evolve. Using one of the design methods, the design steps reduces a data design , and architectural design, and procedural design.
5.3.1 ADO.NET
ADO introduced a simple object model that made accessing data in MS Windows programs a straightforward task. In addition, ADO introduced the concept of disconnected record sets as a way to transport data between the tires of distributed applications. The low-level API behind ADO is called OLE DB.ADO.NET was designed with the disconnected data in mind, because this stateless approach works best for distributed Internet applications. ADO.NET contains two sets of similar classes. One set is a generic set of classes that can be used to access all databases that have OLE DB provider and a set of classes for Microsoft's SQL server.
ADO introduced a simple object model that made accessing data in MS Windows programs a straightforward task. In addition , ADO introduced the concept of disconnected record sets as a way to transport data between the tires of a distributed applications. The low-level API behind
ADO is called OLE DB.ADO.NET was designed with the disconnected data in mind , because this stateless approach works best for distributed Internet applications. ADO.NET contains two sets of similar classes . One set is a generic set of classes that can be used to access all databases that have OLE DB provider and a set of classes for Microsoft's SQL server.
ADO.NET Components
The ADO.NET components have been designed to factor data access from data manipulation. There are two central components of ADO.NET that accomplish this the Dataset, and the .NET data provider, which is a set of components including the Connection, Command, Data Reader, and Data Adapter objects. The ADO.NET Dataset is the core component of the disconnected architecture of ADO.NET. The Dataset is explicitly designed for data access independent of any data source. As a result it can be used with multiple and differing of any data sources, used with XML data , or used to manage data local to the application.
The other core element of the ADO.NET architecture is the .NET data provider whose components are explicitly designed for data manipulation and fast , forward-only , read -only access to data. The connection object provides connectivity to a data source. The Common objects enables access to database commands to return data, modify data, run stored procedures, and sends or retrieve parameter information. The Data Reader provides a high - performance stream of data from the data source. Finally, the Data Adapter provides the bridge between the Dataset object and the data source.
Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls
' varchar
Client registeration
: Column Name Data Type | Length | Allc w Nulls
> int 4
firstnarne varchar 50
_ lastname varchar 50 V
usernarne varchar 50
password varchar 50
i email varchar C|"| V
phonenum nvarchar 50 V
status varchar 50
” memory int 4
y Column Name Data Type Length Allow Nu
HUH int 4
clientjd int 4
sitename varchar 50
ip_addr varchar 50
sjdate datetime 8
expjdate datetime 8
warningdate datetime d
” filesize bigint 8
Forgot password
Column Name Data Type Length Allow Nulls
N *H^i[i| int 4
question varchar 50 V
answer varchar jU V
bdate numeric 9 V
bmonth numeric 9 V
byear numeric 9 V
Site type
Column Name [ Data Type | Length | A
*g ^IHBBB varchar 50
description varchar 50
Column Name Data Type | Length |
giro int 4
msize varchar 50
amount varchar 50
Column Name Data Type |Length Allow Nulls
iS int 4
compnarne varchar 50
comptype varchar 50
descr varchar 50
Company type
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Null:
i int 4
company _type varchar 100

Column Name Data Type | Length | All
"HM~ Table and Index Properties
name " varchar 50
email varchar 50
comments varchar 50
Discontinue feedback
Column blame Data Type |Length Allc
dientid request int int
varchar 4 4
Hint question
Column Name Data Type | Length Alloy
question int
varchar 4
Column Name Data Type | Length | Allov
JL 1ST int 4
mto varchar 50
rnfrorn varchar 50
sub, varchar 50
rnessaoe varchar 50
Normalization is the process of simplifying the relationship between data elements in a record. Through normalization, a collection of data in a record structure is replaced by successive record structures that are simple and more predictable. There are several normal forms. Normalization avoids the redundancy and inconsistency in the data. Normalization is carried out for four reasons.
¢ To structure the data so that any pertinent relationship between entities can be represented.
¢ To permit simple retrieval of data in response to query and report request.
¢ To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates, insertions and deletions.
Architectural design begins with data design and then proceeds to the derivation of one or more representations of the architectural structure of the system. An architecture model encompassing data architecture and program structure is created during architectural design. In addition, component properties and relationships are described.
System testing is the stage of implementation, which is aimed at
ensuring that the system works accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is vital to the success of the system. System testing makes logical assumption that if all parts of the system are correct, then the goal will be successfully achieved.
A series of testing are done for proposed system before the system is ready for the user acceptance testing. An elaborate testing of data is prepared
and the system is tested using this test data. While testing error noted and corrections are made. The users are trained to operate the developed system. Both hardware and software securities are made to run the developed system successfully in future.
Software testing is a critical element of software quality. Assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Testing is carried out in different phase. First, the different units are tested individually and the whole system is tested. Once the system is satisfactory completed the acceptance test is carried out, where the system is tested with the clients data.
Testing is vital to the success of the system. Without proper testing, hidden errors will surface after some time of use and perhaps irreversible damage has been done to valuable data. System testing follows the logical conclusion that is all the part of the system are tested and found to be working properly under all kinds of situations, then the system is achieving its goal of processing the data perfectly according to user rules and requirements.
Volume Testing
As many records would normally used by the system were created
and the response of the system to such a large volume of data was noted and found to be satisfactory.
Error Detection and Protection
Inaccurate data was fed to the system to see how the system will respond to such a situation. The system response to the user was found to be accurate and explanatory.
Extreme Test Data
Special test data was created with all types of formats and values to test the system under rare conditions. Unlike live data, which tends towards typical values, artificial data provide extreme values, which test the limits of the system.
The various testing steps are:
¢ Unit Testing
¢ Integration Testing
¢ Validation Testing
¢ Output Testing
¢ User Acceptance Testing
Unit Testing
Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design, the module. This is also known as "Module Testing". The modules are tested separately. This testing is carried out during programming stage itself. In these testing steps each Module is found to be working satisfactorily as regard to the expected output from the module.
Integration Testing
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing tests to uncover errors associated within the interface. In this project, all the modules combined, and then entire Program is tested as a whole. Thus in the integration
testing step, all the errors uncovered are corrected for the next testing steps. Validation Testing
Validation testing is where requirements established as a part of software requirement analysis is validated against the software that has been constructed. This test provides the final assurance that the software meets all functional, behavioral and performance requirements The errors, which are uncovered during integration testing, are corrected during this phase.
Output Testing
After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of the proposed system since no system could be useful if it does not produce the required output in the specific format. The Output generated or displayed by the system under consideration is tested asking the users about the format required by then. Here, the output is considered into two ways: one is on the screen and the other is printed format.
The output format on the screen is found to be correct as the format designed according to the user needs .For the hard copy also, the output comes out as specified by the user. Hence output testing doesn't result in any connection in the system.
User Acceptance Testing
User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with the prospective system users at time of
developing and making for Real time web server.
The testing of the software began along with coding. Since the design was fully object-oriented, first the interfaces were developed and tested. Then unit testing was done for every module in the software for various inputs, such that each line of code is at least once executed.
After all modules were coded the integration test were carried out. Some minor errors were found in the output at the earlier stage and each of them was corrected. In the implementation of user interface part no major errors were found. After the software was completely developed, the testing was done. The output of the software was correct and accurate during the time of demonstration after that no errors were reported.
Implementation is the state of the project where theoretical design is turned into a working system. The most critical stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the authorized confidence that the new system will work and be effective. The system can be implemented only after testing is done and if it is found working according to specifications.
The implementation is one phase of software development. It is concerned with translating design specifications with source code. The primary goal of implementation is to write source code to its specifications that can be easily verified, and so that debugging, testing and modifications can be eased. Making the source code as clear and straight forward as possible can achieve the goal.
The implementation is the process of converting a new or revised system into operational one. It is the key stage in achieving a successful new system, because usually it involves a lot of upheaval in the user department. This is also the phase where there is maximum interaction between system personnel and the user departments. The most crucial stage is at the time of delivering a successful system and in giving confidence to the users that it will work efficiently and effectively.
6.3.1 Implementation plan
Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system and is giving confidence on the new system for the users that it will work efficiently and effectively. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and it constraints on implementation, design of methods to achieve the change over, an evaluation, of change over methods. Apart from planning, major task of preparing the implementation are education and training of users. The more complex system being implemented, the more involved will be the system analysis and the design effort required just for implementation. An implementation coordinating committee based on policies of individual organization has been appointed. The implementation process begins with preparing a plan for the implementation of the system. According to this plan, the activities are to be carried out, discussions made regarding the equipment and resources and the additional equipment has to be acquired to implement the new system.
Implementation is the final and important phase. The most critical stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the users confidence that the new systems will work and be effectives. The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it is found to be working according to the specification.
This method also offers the greatest security since the old system can take over if the errors are found or inability to handle certain type of transactions while using the new system.
The implementation process begins with preparing the plan for implementation of the system. Once the planning has been completed, the major effort in the computer department is to ensure that the programs in the system are working properly. At the same time the HR department must concentrate on training user staff. A logical starting point for this type planning involves knowledge of the following areas.
The following steps have been followed the implementation plan of the system:
> Implementation planning
> Equipment acquisition & installation
> System conversation
> User training
> Personnel needs
Initially a primary implementation plan is prepared to schedule and manage different activities that must be completed for a successful implementation. The preliminary plan serves as a basis for the initial scheduling and assignment activities.
User's Manual
Since it is a graphical user interface (GUI) system, the user is abie to
work with this system without any difficult. Common GUI elements available on windows are also used in the system for making interaction between the user and the system. Only authorized persons are allowed to enter into the system. The entire available operation lists are given in the menu bar of the particular module. The user can select appropriate menu options from this list using mouse or keyboard. Keyboard shortcut keys are given for all the commonly used menu options.
The system will automatically do all type of validation to enter the correct data. Format for the special data are given in the form itself. The operation can't be continued unless you enter a valid and correct entry. System will display useful messages when any error occurs in the entry or when an entry is not in an accepted format. Commonly used operations can be invoked by clicking the appropriate toolbars buttons also.
Education & Training
People who are all involved in the system must be familiar and confident of their role in the new system to achieve the objectives and benefits expected from the computer-based system. This involves them in understanding the overall system and its effect on the organization, and is being able to carry out their task effectively. The training should involve every one associated with the implementation, use, operation or maintenance of the new system. User staff must be instructed in how to perform their new tasks.
Hands on training to the computer center people are essential to make themselves familiar with the system. Classroom lectures about the system have been given to the computer center people. Practical training should also be given to them to use this software. Training sessions must aim to give user staff the specific skills required in their new jobs. The implementation of the proposed system includes the training of system operators. Training the system operators includes not only instructions in how to use the equipment, but also in how to diagnose malfunctions and in what steps to take when they occur. So proper training should be provided to the system operators. No training is complete without familiarizing users with simple system maintenance activities. Since the proposed system is developed in a GUI, training will be comparatively easy than systems developed in a non-GUI. There are different types of training. We can select off-site to give depth knowledge to the system operators.
Success of the system depends on the way in which it is operated and used. Therefore the quality of training given to the operating person affects the successful implementation of the system. The training must ensure that the person can handle all the possible operations. Training must also include data entry personnel. They must also be given training for the installation of new hardware, terminals, how to power the system, how to power it down, how to detect the malfunctions, how to solve the problems etc. the operators must also be provided with the knowledge of trouble shooting which involves the determination of the cause of the problem.
The new system requires trained personnel for operating the system. Data entry jobs must be done utmost carefully to avoid errors. This will reduce the data entry errors considerably. It is preferable to provide the person with some kind of operating manuals that will explain all the details of the system.
Thus the users are trained to operate the developed system. Both the hardware and software securities are made to run the developed systems successfully in future. In order to put new application system into use, the following activities were taken care of. So useful tips and guidances is provided within the application itself. They have to be made aware that what can be achieved with the new system and how it increases the performance of the system.
The training schedule is coordinate with the schedule for completing the development phase, for all essential training must be completed prior to the user acceptance review at the end of this phase. For the system to begin operation, a sufficient number of users must be trained before the end of the development phase. Thereafter, additional personnel are trained, and training continues throughout the operational life of the system.
> Preparation of user and system documentation
> Conducting user training with demo and hands on
> Test run for some period to ensure smooth switching over the system
Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new. The old system consists of manual operations, which is operated in a very different manner from the proposed new system. A proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet the requirements of the organizations. An improper installation may affect the success of the computerized system.
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The software which we developed was implemented and tested with real data and were found to be error free. Also, it is found that the system will work successfully. We tried to make the system maximum user friendly. Hosting is the main consideration in this project. The system is protected from any unauthorized access by giving user name and password during log in process. All the necessary validations are carried out in this project, so that any kind of users can make use of this software and necessary messages makes them conscious of the error they have made.
Software Engineering
Roger. S. Pressman
Fifth Edition
Paul Nielson
SQL Server 2000 Black Bo

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