RADIOGRAPHER GR II - INSURANCE MEDICAL SERVICES kerala psc previous question paper

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Total Number of Questions: 100Maximum Marks : 100Time : 75 Minutes

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1.When do we celebrate Roentgen Day ?
(A)December 8,h
(B) November 8,h
(C ) December 18'k 
(D) November 18th

2.SI Unit of Dose equivalent is
(B) Rad
(C ) Sievert
(D) Rem

3.Which is not a member of Electromagnetic spectrum ?
(C )Infrared

4.Thermoluminescent Material used in TLD Badge
(A)Calcium Tungstate
(B)Calcium Fluoride
(C )Sodium Iodide
(D)Calcium Sulphate

5.Minimum distance recommended for the Safe light from Dry bench in Dark room
(A) 1.5 m 
(C ) 1m
(D) 1.2 m

6.Phospher used in Image Intensifier is
(A)Calcium fluoride (C ) Cecium Iodide
(B)Calcium Tungstate (D) Sodium Iodide

7. CT Scan was invented by practice
(A)Benjamin Felson
(C )Gustave Bucky
(B)G.N. Hounsficld
(D)Ruthcr Ford

8. Frequency Ultra sound used in Medical 
(A) 1-15 MHz (C ) 20-50 MHz
(B) 0-20 KHz (D) 20-50 KHz

9.Slip-ring Technology is associated with 
(A) MRI (C ) DSA
(B) Spiral CT Scan (D) Ultra Sound

10.CT Number of water
(A) 0
(B) 20
(C ) 50-100
(D) Above 100

11.Piezoelectric effect is used in
(B) PET 
(C ) Ultrasound

12.Organ system imaged in Enteroclysis is 

(A) Small Intestine 
(B) Stomach
(C ) Colon
(D) Biliary system

13.What is OPG ?
(A) Abdominal Radiograph
(B) Type of Dental Radiograph
(C ) Skull Radiography
(D) Type of Barium Study

14.The term "Doppler effect" is associated with which modality of investigation ? 
(B)Nuclear medicine

15.Metal used in super conducting magnets
(C ) Niobium-Titanium
(D) Tungsten

16.Equipments in Nuclear Imaging are all except
(A)Gamma Camera

17.Common Radiographic view for Calcaneum
(A)AP view
(B) Axial view
(C ) Lateral view
(D) Oblique view

18.Number of Carpel bones in adult man
(C )9

19.Longest bone in human body
(B) Femur
(C ) Ulna
(D) Tibia

20.Most important single X-Ray view for Cervical spine in Trauma
(A)Open mouth view
(B)C-spine oblique
(C )C-spine AP view
(D)Cross-table lateral view

21.Foramen Magnum is part of
(A)Frontal bone
(B)Parietal bone
(C )Occipital bone

22.Common Bone getting fractured in elderly people following a fall 
(A) Skull
(B) Spine
(C ) Lower end of Radius
(D) Neck of Femur

23.HSG is the investigation for 
(A) Uterus & Fallopian tubes
(B)Biliary system 
(C ) Urinary system
(D)Small Intestine

24.Largest Sesamoid bone in the body
(A) Talus
(B) Navicular
(C )Calcaneum
(D) Patella

25. Largest muscle in human body
(A) Gluteus Minimus
(B) Biceps femoris
(C ) Gluteus Maximus
(D) Pectoralis Major

26. Best Radiological view for Sella Turcica 
(A) AP view skull (C ) Open Mouth view
(B) Conned lateral view skull (D) Base of Skull view

27. Sialogram is the investigation of
(A) Urinary Bladder
(B) Oesophagus
(C ) Thyroid Gland
(D) Salivary Gland

28. Common element used as Intravascular Contrast agent 
(A) Calcium
(B) Iodine
(C ) Gadolinium
(D) Carbon

29. Tuberculosis commonly affects
(A) Bone
(B) Brain
(C ) Lungs
(D) Intestines

30. Bile is secreted by 
(A) Duodenum (C ) Pancreas
(B) Stomach (D) Liver

31. Elastography is new technique in
(A) CT Scan
(B) MR1
(C ) Ultrasound

32. High Resolution CT (HRCT) is most useful in
(A) Lung disease
(B) Cardiac disease
(C ) Brain
(D) Angiography

33.Radiological view for Base of Skull 
(A) Submento-vertical (C ) Fronto occipital
(B) Occipito frontal (D) lateral view

34.Which is not an Endocrine Gland ? 
(A) Thyroid (C ) Pituitary Gland
(B) Adrenal Gland (D) Liver

35.Sky line view in radiography is for 
(A) Calcancum (C ) Opic Foramen
(B) Patella (D) Pituitary Fossa

36.Insulin is secreted by 
(A) a cells of pancreas (C ) Hepatocytes
(B) P cells of pancreas (D) Kupffer cells

37.Multiple Myeloma commonly affects 
(A) Liver 
(B) Brain
(C ) Skeletal system
(D) Lymphatic system

38.10-Day rule in radiographic procedures is observ ed for
(C )Old Patients
(D)Women of Child bearing age group

39.Radiograph taken immediately after IV Contrast in IVU is 
(A) Scout film
(B) Nephrogram
(C ) Cystogram,
(D) Pyclogram

40.Photoconductor used in Xeroradiography
(A) Barium Fluoride
(B) Calcium Fluoride
(C ) Amorphous Selenium
(D) Charcoal Powder

41.Most common Malignancy in women
(A) Breast
(B) Stomach
(C ) Thyroid
(D) Uterine cervix

42.Grids are used in Radiography for
(A) To increase penetration
(B) To reduce absorbed dose
(C ) To improve contrast
(D) To reduce scatter radiation

43.High KV Technique is used in
(A) Angiogram
(C ) Barium Studies
(D) Tomography

44.Open Mouth View is to demonstrate
(A) Styloid process
(B) CI-C2 &. odantoid
(C ) Adenoids
(D) Foramen Magnum

45.Phlebography is the Radiological procedureto visualize
(A) Lymphatic system
(B) Arterial system
(C ) Capillaries
(D) Venous system

46.Best imaging modality for IVDP
(A) CTScan
(B) Plain X-Ray
(C ) MR1
(D) Myelogram

47.OM line in Radiological Anatomy
(A)From' outer canthus of eye to centre of ext. auditary meatus 
(B)Joins the two infra orbital points
(C )Line passing from infra orbital point to upper border of ext. auditary meatus 
(D)Line joining the centre of two pupil

48.Which is not a part of modern Radiodiagnosis Department ? 
(A) Dark room fluoroscopy
(C ) MR1

49.Most common target material used in Mammography X-Ray tubes
(C )Rhodium

5.Photostimulable Phosphor in Imaging plate of CR is made from
(A)Silver halide
(B)Sodium Iodide
(C )Cccium Iodide
(D)Barium fluorohalide

51.Which is the temperature at which Piezoelectric effect is lost Ultrasonography ?
(A)Curie point
(B)Melting point
(C )Freezing point
(D)Niquist limit

52.X-Ray beam emitted from tungsten target is
(A) Mono energetic X-Ray always
(B) Heterogenous X-Rays always
(C ) Characteristic X-Rays always
(D) Continuous X-Ray always

53.If generator capacity 24 Kwatt, what will be the mA value at 100 Kvp in an ordinary X-Ray unit ?
(A) I00 m A 
(B)200 mA
(C ) 300 mA
(D)400 mA

54.Becqucrel is the unit of Radioactivity and equal to
(A) 1000 dps
(B) 100 dps
(C )10 dps
(D) 1 dps

55.Velocity of Ultrasound in water medium
(A)331 m/s
(B)1000 m/s
(C )1500 m/s
(D)4080 m/s

56.Edge enhancement is a phenomenon related to
(A) Radiographic film
(B) Gafchromic film
(C ) Gel dosimetry
(D) Xero radiography

57.Dose equivalent and absorbed dose is same for
(A) Electrons
(C ) Mesons

58. AERB pennitted radiation level tor student radiation worker
(A) 40 msv
(B)5 msv
(C ) 6 msv
(D)7 msv

59, Gamma of a radiographic film is decided by
(A) Base level region
(B)Toe region
(C ) Straight line region
(D)Shoulder region

60. Which radioactive material is applied in PET scan ?
(A) F9 
(C ) F21
(D) F26

61. Gyromagnetic ratio is the term related to 
(A) Ultrasound 
(B)CT Scan
(C ) Cath Lab

62. Room dimension prescribed AERB for C-Arm X-Ray unit
(A) 10 Sq. meter
(B)25 Sq. meter
(C ) 18 Sq. meter
(D)None of the above

63.RMM of 12 Kilo curie Co-60 source is
(A) 100
(C ) 300

64.Half life of Radon222
(A) 3.12 days
(B)3.33 days
(C ) 3.83 days
(D)None of the above

65.PMMA is a material which is
(A) Tissue equivalent
(B)Bone equivalent
(C ) Air equivalent
(D)Lead equivalent

66.Build up thickness of Cs-137 radioactivee source is
(A) 1.00 mm
(B)1.5 mm
(C ) 2.0 mm
(D)2.5 mm

67.K edge of Copper
(A) 1.6 KeV
(B)9 KeV
(C ) 29 KeV
(D)50 KeV

68.Californium252 is a
(A) a emitter
(B)B emitter
(C ) y emitter

69. Lead equivalence of Lead apron
(A) 0.05 mm lead
(B)0.15 mm lead
(C ) 0.25 mm lead
(D)0.35 mm lead

70.Micro Air bubbles arc used as contrast in
(C ) CT Scan

71.All are single side emulsion coated films except
(A) Mammography film
(B)CT film
(C ) X-Ray film
(D)CR film

72.Most important component of X-Ray fixer
(A)Ammonium'Sodium Thiosulphate
(B)Sodium Bicarbonate
(C )Acetic Acid
(D)Sodium Sulphate

73.All are rare earth phosphor used in Intensifying Screens except
(A)Lanthanum oxybromide
(B) Yttrium tentalate
(C )Gadolinium oxysulphidc
(D)Calcium tungstate

74.Cholangiogram is the contrast investigation of
(A)Biliary system
(B)Spinal cord
(C )Portal system

75.What is ALARA stands for
(B)Radiation protection & Measurement
(C ) Radiation hazard
(D) Radio waves

76.Most common contrast agent used in MRI
(A) Gadolinium chelates
(C ) lopamidol

77.MRI is based on the magnetic property of body
(A) Neutrons
(C ) Iron

78.Isotope not used in Thyroid study
(A) Tc-99 m pertechnetate
(C ) 1-123

79.Tele radiography technique commonly usedin
(A) Chest PA view
(B)KUB X-Ray
(C ) PNS X-Ray
(D)Barium studies

80.Directorate of Radiation safety was first started in which state ?
(A) Mizoram
(C ) Tamil Nadu

81.The percentage of earth surface covered by India is 
(C )3.2
(D) 2.7

82. Deficit financing means that the government borrows money from the 
(A) Local Bodies
(B) IMF 
(D) Business men

83. The Indian National Association’formed in the year is
(C )1885

84. Krishnapuram palace is a famous tourist center indistrict.
(C )Pathanamthitta

85. Therolling plan introduced in which year ?
(C )1978-79

86. The cold weather seasons starts in India is __
(A) June
(B) March
(C )August
(D) January

87.Dehradun is the capital of 
(A) Uttar Pradesh (C ) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Uttarakhand (D) Haryana

88. Most populated city in India 
(A) Chennai (C ) Mumbai
(B) Patna (D) Bangalore

89. Which of the following important rivers of India does not originate from the Western Ghats ?
(A) Cauvery (C ) Godavari
(B) Krishna (D) Mahanadi

90.‘By God’sDecree’ is a famous book written by
(C ) Kapil Dev
(D) C.K. Naidu

91.Chattambi Swamikal attained Samadhi in which year ?
(C )1919

92. Founder of ‘ Arayasamajam’ is 
(A) Thycad Ayya (C ) Kumaranasan
(B) Vagbhatanandan (D) Pandit Karuppan

93. Ayyankali was bom in 
(A) 1863 (C )1869
(B) 1860 (D) 1865

94. Birth place of Blessed Kuriakose Elias of Chavara.
(A) Koonammavu
(B) Mannanam
(C ) Kainakary
(D) Pallipuram

95.Who was the founder and publisher of the Newspaper “Swadeshabhimani"
(A) Vakkam Moulavi
(B) Mannathu Padmanabhan
(C ) K. Kelappan
(D) Dr. Palpu

96.Prime Minister Narendra Modi begins his first foreign visit to
(A) China
(B) Nepal
(C ) Bhutan
(D) Pakistan

97.World Day Against Child Labour was observes on
(A) June 6th
(B) June I2th
(C ) July 4th
(D) June 15th

98.Which country’ won the men'sHockey World Cup Title 2014 ?
(A) Australia
(B) Spain
(C ) India
(D) Pakistan

99.The line demarcating the boundaries of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
(A) Durand Line
(B) MacMohan Line
(C ) Medicine Line
(D) Radcliffe Line

100.Kuchipudi is a dance having origin from
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C ) Kerala
(D) Karnataka

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