project on training and placement cell

hello send me complete project on training and placement cell whether in or window based...i want to use it as my minor project..please send it as soon as possible on my emailid --csheetal191[at]
Submitted by:
Sheetal Choudhary
Shruti Makode
Yashasvi Hegde

Training & Placement Portal aims at providing the Facility to automate and simplify the process of registration and list generation of eligible students for placement. This System provide facility to TPO to do all their Work Regarding Placement like Collecting Student Records, Registering the Suitable Students, to check the number and percentage of placed & unplaced students, and important announcements to other departments. The whole work is automated as well as on intranet.

Computer based information system are designed to improve existing system. Whatever the information, TPO has to pass to the student and he or she can inform online. Improve accuracy in result. It has user friendly interface having quick authenticated access to documents. It provides the facility of maintaining the details of the students. It will reduce the paper work and utilize the maximum capabilities of the Setup and organization as well as it will save time and money which are spending in making reports and collecting data. It can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an application for college to manage the student information with regards to placement.
Now a days, Student joins the college for the placement as well as for better training for their future. But there is manual training has going on there might be lot of problem student as well as placement manager has to face. All the transactions are done manually. Fake entries can be there. System is more error - prone & time consuming. Difficulty in managing data of students. Large piles of records are to be maintained. TPO’s have to collect the information of various companies who want to recruit students and notify students time to time about them. It is a time consuming activity of managing , updating and informing specific student for specific company requirements.
In order to avoid above existing problem we are design existing system as online Training and Placement system, so that whatever the information, TPO has to pass to the student and he or she can inform online. All the resume send by the student which can be maintain in the database . It reduce the paper work and storage area. Save time & work load for TPC Staff and students. Easy to access. Avoid fake Entry. Only Eligible students get chance. Improve accuracy in result. It has user friendly interface having quick authenticated access to documents.
Project has a big scope to do. We Students can maintain their information and can update it. Notifications are sent to students about the companies. Students can access previous information about placement. This system has scope of improvement / amendments. In future, sector can communicate with each other online. All currently active enquires can also be added in the website to view if online. This application can be modified from time to time as per the changing requirement of the user with lesser cost also the backend of the application can be changed as per the storage requirement of the application and to provide more security level features. The limitation with the application can also be looked into and enhancement can be made as per user requirement .
All though this project is made only for a particular institute and supports a particular operating system platform , the wide application area of the project surpasses this small drawback. Hence proving its worth.
I am making a project on training and placement....please any one help me with the documents.please mail me @ upadhyaya.shruti[at]
hi friend you can refer these pages to get the details on project on training and placement cell
Presented By
NIDHIYA LAL (RegNo:71098)


This project is aimed at developing an application for the Training and Placement Department of the College. The system is an application that can be accessed throughout the organization with proper login provided. This system can be used as an application for the Training and Placement Officers (TPO) of the college to manage the student information with regard to placement. Students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV. The key feature of this project is that it is a onetime registration. Our project provides the facility of maintaining the details of the students. It also provides a requested list of candidates to recruit the students based on given query. Administrator logging in may also search any information put up by the students. This project will aid colleges to practice full IT deployment. This will also help in fast access procedures in placement related activities.
This project is to facilitate students in college to register, search and apply for jobs. The users can access easily to this and the data can be retrieved easily in no time. In the main page there are options for a new register, a registered student to directly login using username and password, submit resume. In the student registration form, we can give personal details, educational qualifications, and professional skills and upload resume. The job details of the placed students will be provided by the administrator. The administrator plays an important role in our project. They provide approval of student registration and updating.
Computers and information technology has a major influence on the society and the society is becoming more and more dependent on technology. Going on is an era of simplifying almost all complicated works using computers. The last few years have witnessed a tremendous increase in the capabilities and use of computers. Manual processing makes the process slow and other problems such as inconsistency and ambiguity on operations. The proposed system intends user-friendly operations which may resolve ambiguity. By considering all this factors, the applications produced, which performs the social service simply and effectively.
Objectives of the Software
• Help in fast access procedures in placement related activities
• The facility of maintaining the details of the students
• This project will aid colleges to practice full IT deployment.
System analysis is a detailed study of various operation performed by a system and the relationship within and outside of the system. One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of a system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related system. Analysis begins when a user or manager begins a study of the programs using an existing system. System analysis is an application of system approach to the problem solving using computers. The ingredients are the system elements, process and technology.
During analysis data is collected on the various files, decision points and transactions handled by the present systems. This means that to do system works, one is to understand the system concepts and how the organizations operate as a system and the design appropriate computer based system and that will make the organization requirements. It is actually customized approach to the use of computer problem solving. Analysis can be defined as the separation of a substance into parts for study an interpretation, detailed examination. System development revolves around a life cycle that being with the recognisation of user names. The critical phase of managing system project is planning. To launch a system investigation, we need a master plan detailing steps taken, the people to be questioned and outcome expected. System analysis can be categorized into four parts:
• System planning and initial investigation
• Information gathering
• Analyzing tools for structured analysis
• Feasibility study
• Cost Benefit Analysis
System study or system analysis is the first among the four life cycle phases of a system. System analysis begins when a user or manager request a studying of a program in either an existing system or a project one. It involves studying the base of the organization currently operating, retrieving and processing data to produce information with goal of determining how to make it work better. System analysis itself breaks down into stages preliminary and detailed. During preliminary analysis, the analyst and the user list the objectives of the system. To arrive at a preliminary report, the analyst interviews key personnel in the organization and scheduling meetings with the users and management.
The objective of analysis phase of the system analysis and design exercise is the establishment of the requirement for the system to be acquired, developed and installed. In brief analysis of the system helps an analyst to make a clear view of an existing system and thereby give suggestions for the improvement of the new system information about the organizations, policies, goals, objectives and structure explains the kind of environment that promotes the introduction of the computer based system. It is necessary that the analyst must be familiar with the objectives, activities and functions of the organizations.
Once you define a problem you have to analyze whether this is feasible or not, because all possible solutions are not feasible and feasible one is not always possible. The detailed studies carried out to check the work ability of proposed system. A feasibility study is a test of system proposal regarding to its work ability, impact on the organization ability to meet user needs an effective use of resources. Thus when a new application is proposed it normally goes through a feasibility study before it is approved for deployment.
Thus during feasibility analysis for this project, following primary areas of interest are to be considered. Investigating the existing system in the area under investigation and generating ideas about a new system does this.
(a) Technical Feasibility
A study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not.
• It will avoid multiple file handling
• Report generation is very easy
• The new system provides full security of confidential data
(b) Economical Feasibility
Computer Services Department will develop the proposed system. The system will be developed and operated in the existing hardware and software infrastructure. So there is no need for procuring additional hardware and software for the system. The proposed will replace the hectic cost and man power involved in the existing system. The employs will be trained in using and operating the system, thus eliminating the need for recruiting employees. Thus the project is economically feasible for the development for the company
© Scheduled Feasibility
An evaluation of the time, which is to be taken in the development of the project. The time scheduled required for the development for this project is very important since more development time affects machine time, cost and cause delay in the development of other systems so the project is concerned should be completed within a fixed scheduled time as the company is concerned. Besides this, the project is assigned to the student as an academic exercise to complete within a fixed schedule of time.
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Peter Chen originally proposed Entity- Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the design of relational data base system. The E-R Database model is based on a perception of real world that consist of a set of basic objects called entities and relationships among these objects. Sets of primary components identified for the ERD ; Data objects, attributes, relationships and various type indicators. The ERD enables us to identify data entity and relationships using a graphical notation. This model consist of three interrelated pieces of information.
Entity (Data Object)
A Data Object is a representation of any composite information that must be understood by software
It defines the properties of an entity and takes on one of three different characteristics. They can be used to name an instance of the data object, describe the instance and make references to another instance in another table.
Entities are connected to one another in a variety of different ways
• Cardinality
• Modality
The existing system is doing all the processes manually. The personnel should refer all the records kept for years ago to simply know details. This so tedious and time consuming. This process is so difficult when the number of users increases.
Drawbacks of Existing System
There are a lot of limitations for the existing systems
• Time consuming
• Not accurate
• Error prone
• Large amounts of records are to be kept
• Complicated procedure
• May not complete in time
• Paper work is very tedious
• Report production is very slow
• All the registers are kept for a long period
• Searching for a file or record is very difficult
Due to all this reasons we are moving for the proposed system



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Winkhi friends i need your help, i want to do project on training and placement management in c++,so please give me some ideas about the project

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to get information about the topic Online Training and Placement full report ,ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow
I am doing a project on placement automatin system ....please help me document with source code as soon as possible to my mail sudhasms1000[at]
hello send me complete project on training and placement cell in i want to use it as my minor project..please send it as soon as possible on my emailid --kiransusan[at]
plz send me project report with uml diagrams on my mail nileshlande1[at]
respected sir,
cn u plz snd me this poject....
hi i like this project very much!! can you please forward the full project to my mail.. monicapedapudi777[at]
(07-05-2011, 10:25 AM)seminar class Wrote: Submitted by:
Sheetal  Choudhary
Shruti  Makode                                    
Yashasvi  Hegde  

Training  &  Placement  Portal  aims  at providing  the  Facility to  automate  and  simplify  the  process  of   registration  and  list  generation  of   eligible  students   for   placement.  This  System provide   facility  to   TPO   to  do  all   their   Work   Regarding  Placement   like   Collecting   Student  Records,  Registering   the  Suitable   Students,   to   check   the  number  and  percentage  of  placed  &  unplaced  students, and  important  announcements  to   other  departments.  The   whole   work   is   automated  as  well   as   on  intranet.

       Computer   based   information   system   are    designed   to   improve   existing system.  Whatever      the     information,   TPO     has    to    pass    to  the    student    and    he or she  can    inform   online.    Improve     accuracy    in     result.    It     has    user    friendly   interface     having    quick     authenticated     access     to    documents.   It   provides   the facility   of   maintaining    the   details   of   the   students.   It   will   reduce   the   paper work   and   utilize   the   maximum    capabilities  of   the   Setup   and   organization   as   well   as   it  will   save   time   and   money   which   are   spending   in   making reports   and   collecting   data.   It   can   be   accessed   throughout   the   organization and   outside   as   well   with   proper   login   provided.  This   system   can   be   used as   an   application   for   college   to   manage   the   student    information   with regards   to   placement.
Now  a  days,  Student  joins  the  college  for the  placement  as  well  as  for  better  training  for  their future. But  there  is   manual   training  has  going  on  there  might  be lot  of  problem  student  as well as  placement  manager  has  to  face. All the  transactions  are  done  manually. Fake entries can  be   there.  System   is   more  error - prone  & time  consuming. Difficulty   in   managing   data   of   students.   Large   piles  of records   are  to  be   maintained.  TPO’s   have   to  collect   the information    of    various   companies   who   want   to   recruit students  and  notify  students   time  to  time   about  them. It  is   a    time   consuming   activity   of    managing ,   updating   and informing specific student for  specific  company  requirements.
In  order  to  avoid  above  existing  problem    we    are   design   existing   system   as   online  Training   and Placement system,   so that   whatever    the   information, TPO   has  to  pass  to  the  student  and  he or she  can  inform online.  All  the  resume  send  by   the  student  which  can  be maintain   in   the   database . It   reduce  the  paper  work  and storage  area.  Save  time  &    work  load  for  TPC  Staff  and students.  Easy  to  access.  Avoid  fake  Entry.  Only  Eligible students   get   chance.  Improve   accuracy  in   result.  It   has  user  friendly  interface   having  quick   authenticated   access   to  documents.
Project   has  a  big  scope  to  do.  We   Students  can  maintain   their   information  and can   update   it.   Notifications   are   sent   to   students   about   the  companies. Students   can   access   previous   information   about   placement.   This   system   has scope   of   improvement /  amendments.   In   future,   sector   can   communicate   with each   other   online.   All   currently   active   enquires   can   also   be   added   in   the website   to   view   if   online.   This    application    can    be    modified    from   time   to time    as    per   the    changing    requirement    of    the    user    with    lesser    cost   also the    backend   of    the    application    can    be    changed    as    per    the    storage requirement    of    the    application    and    to    provide    more    security    level    features. The    limitation    with    the    application    can    also     be     looked     into     and enhancement    can     be     made    as    per    user    requirement .
All though this project is made only for a particular institute and supports a particular operating system platform , the wide application area of the project surpasses this small drawback.  Hence proving its worth.

plz send me full report on training and placement system as soon as possible on ayushibhise[at]

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