PHARMACIST GR II - HEALTH SERVICES-kerala psc previous question paper

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1. The cathartic property of castor oil is due to the presence of:
(A)Linoleic acid(B) Arachidonic acid
(C ) Ricinoleic add (D)Stearic add

2. d-Tubocurarine is a : 
(A)Neuromuscular blocking agent (B)Anticholine esterase 
(C )Anaesthetic (D)Neuro degenerative agent

3. The schedule which provide standard for ophthalmic preparation :
(A)Schedule P (B) Schedule R (C ) Schedule FF (D) Schedule Y

4. Citric add cycle takes place in : (A) Liver (B)Mitochondria
(C ) Endoplasmic reticulum (D)Nucleic acid

5. The pyrimidine component of RNA is : 
(A) Adenine (B) Guanine(C ) Thymine (D) Uracil

6. Major side effect of chloramphenicol is : 
(A) Bone marrow depression (B)Gil disturbances
(C ) Insomnia (D)Profound dyspnea

7. Example for a five membered hctrocyclic compound with one hetro atom is
(A) Pyrimidine (B) Furane(C ) Aziridine (D) Phenanthrene

8. One table spoon full is : 
(A) 4 mL (B) 6 mL(C ) 8 mL (D) 15 mL

9.Bence Jones Proteins found in urine occur in :
(A)Liver diseases(B)Diabetesmellitus
(C )Multiple myeloma(D)Thalassemia

10.Preparations of digitalis is used in the treatment of:
(C )Myocardial infarction(D)Congestive cardiac failure

11.Physostigmine act as a cholinergic drug by :
(A)Directly binding with nicotinic receptors
(B)Binding with muscarinic receptors
(C )Inhibiting cholinesterase enzyme
(D)Binding with β

12.Which among the following is not a natural insecticide ?
(A)Chrysanthemum cinerariefolium
(B)Nicotiana tobacum
(C )Ryania speriosa
(D)Piper nigrum

13.Most common adverse effect of non steroidal anti inflammatory agent:
(A)CNS toxicity(B)Gastro intestinal toxicity
(C )Cardiac toxicity(D)Skin rashesSkin rashes

14. Epinephrine is not used in :
(A)Bronchos pasm(B)Hypertension
(C )Hypersensitivity reaction(D)Increased intra ocular pressure

15. Barbiturate which is used for the inductionof anesthesia is :
(C )Mephobarbital(D)Thiopentone sodium

16.A highly selective cox-2 inhibitor is :
(A) Tenoxicam (B) Ketoprofen (C ) Celecoxib(D) Ketorolac

17.An antiviral drug used for the treatment of Parkinsonism is :
(A)Amantadine(B)Levodopa(C )Biperiden(D)Selegiline

18.A proton pump inhibitor commonly used in the treatment of peptic ulcer is :
(A)Sucralfate(B) Cimetidine
(C )Aluminium hydroxide gel(D) Omeprazole

19.Which among the following drugs is used as an emetic ?
(A)Apomorphine(B)Codeine(C )Papaverine(D)Noscopine

20.Antibiotic which is used as a cytotoxic agent is :
(A)Piperacillin(B)Ampicillin(C )Cloxacillin(D)Actinomycin D

21.Colchicum autumnale belongs to the family :
(A)Liliaceae(B)Rutaceae(C )Moringaceae(D)Rhamnaceae

22.The act which controls the advertisement of certain drugs :
(A)The drug and Magic remedies Act 1955
(B)Insecticides Act 1968
(C )The Pharmacy Act 1948
(D)Poisons Act 1919

23. Kwashiorkor is a disease associated with the deficiency of :
(A)Vitamin B12(B)Vitamin D(C )Carbohydrate(D)Protein

24.Type of emulsion may be determined by :
(A)Leakage test(B)Conductivity test
(C )Toxicity test(D)Bubble point test

25.Drugs colored coated powdered or polished to conceal damage or to appear to be of better therapeutic value than they really are is called :
(A)Spurious drug(B)Misbranded drug
(C )Adulterated drug(D)Reprocessed drug

26.Grease spot test is used to identify :
(A) Protein(B) Carbohydrate (C ) Lipid(D) Alkaloid

27.Vitamin A is also called :
(A) Anti scurvitie Vitamin(B) Antisterilitic Vitamin
(C ) Antihaemorrhagic Vitamin(D) Antixerophthalic Vitamin

28.The foreign bodies which are present in our body are collectively called as :
(A)Xenobiotics(B)Probiotics(C )Antibiotics(D)Heptane

29.Primrose leaves is an adulterant of :
(A)Datura(B)Digitalis(C )Senna(D)Belladona

30.Anthraquinone glycosides are present in :
(A) Ispaghula (B) Ephidrine (C ) Aswagandha (D) Rhubarb

31.Physically distinct forms of same enzyme are called :
(A) Isoenzyme (B) Co-enzyme (C ) Apoenzyme (D) Holoenzyme

32.Albinism is produced due to the defect in biosynthesis of:
(A) Tyrosine(B) Melanin(C ) Valine(D) Isoleucine

33.Diseases and ailments which drug may not purport to prevent or cure is included in : 
(A)Scheduled(B)Schedule G(C )Schedule J(D)Schedule M

34.Which one among the following is classified as a diuretic dug ?
(A)Punarnava(B)Ipecacunha(C )Cinchona(D)Liquorice

35.Total energy gained from one mol of glucose under aerobic condition is :
(A)8 ATP(B)38 ATP(C )12 ATP(D)36 ATP

36.Holding temperature for moist heat sterilization is 115-118°C for :
(A)30 minutes (B)15 minutes (C )0 minutes(D)5 minutes

37.Chemical test for opium is done to check the presence of :
(A)Ferulic add (B) Eugenol(C ) Meconic acid (D) Tartaric acid

38.The immunity in which the body receives readymade antibody is called :
(A)Active immunity(B)Passive immunity
(C ) Natural immunity(D) Innate immunity

39.Water which is free from volatile and non - volatile impurities, micro organisms and pyrogens is called :
(A)Purified water(B)Potable water
(C )Water for injection(D)Sterile water for injection

40.The process in which a solid gets directly converted into vapour is called :
(A)Desiccation(B)Sublimation(C )Evaporation(D)Condensation

41.Adult dose of a drug is 240 mg calculated dose for a child of age of 12 years is :
(A)60 mg(B)80 mg(C )100 mg(D)120 mg

42.When certain drugs administered repeatedly at short intervals decreased response is obtained is called :
(A)Idiosyncrasy(B)Tolerance(C )Tachyphylaxis(D)Antagonism

43.Liquid or semi solid preparations applied with friction is called :
(A)Lotion(B)Ointment(C )Jelly(D)Liniment

44.1 : 500 concentration of a drug means :
(A)1 mg in 500 ml.(B)1 kg in 500kg(C )1 g in 500 mL(D)1 g in 500 L

45.Person who wishes to manufacture of preparations containing alcohol or other narcotic substance is required to obtain license from :
(A)Drugs inspector(B)Excise Commissioner
(C )Drugs Controller(D)Director of Health Services

46.The proportion of oil : water : gum in arachis oil emulsion is : .
(A) 4:2:1(B)3:2:1(C )2:2: 1
(D) 2:1:1

47.q.o.d. means :
(A) Four times a day (C ) As needed
(B)Every other day
(D)After meals

48.Superior and inferior venacava enter :
(A) Right atrium (B) Left atrium (C ) Right ventricle (D) Left ventricle

49.Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by :
(A) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(C )Uric acid crystals
(B) Deficiency of calcium (D) Autoimmune disorder

50.Diabetis mellitus is caused when there is •
(A)a deficiency of insulin
(B)a deficiency of glucogan
(C )a decreased response of kidneys of vasopressin
(D)a deficiency of growth hormone

51.Any substance capable of triggering an immune response is called a :
(A)Heptane(B)Antibody(C )Interferon(D)Antigen

52.HIV virus destroys :
(A)Thelper cells(B)Eosinophils(C )Basophils(D)Monocytes

53.Microcytic hypo chromic anemia is caused by the deficiency of:

54.Vasopressin is secreted by : 
(A) Hypothalamus (C ) Posterior pituitary
(B) Anterior pituitary (D) Adrenal medulla
(A) Vitamin B12(B) Riboflavin (C ) Iron
(D) Folic acid

55.Otic route is used to deliver drug in to :
(A) Eye
(B) Ear canal(C ) Nose
(D) Skin

56.Normal value of creatinine clearance :
(A) 75 - 125 ml./minute (C )175 - 250 ml./minute
(B)125 - 175 mL/minute
(D)259 - 275 ml ./minute

57.Warfarin interacts with Phenytoin by interfering with :
(A) Absorption
(C ) Metabolism
(B)Protein binding
(D) Flimination

58.Antidote for Iron poisoning is :
(A) Deferoxamine (B) Acetyl cystine (C ) Dimercaprol (D) Penicillamine

59.Test for water holding capacity is prescribed for :

60.List of drugs to be purchased in a hospital is prepared by :
(A)Chief Pharmacist
(B)Hospital superintendent
(C )Pharmacy and therapeutic committee
(D)Drug technical advisory board

61.Safest and the most efficient method of drug distribution system is :
(A)Floor stock system(B)Complete floor stock system
(C )Charge floor stock system(D)Unit dose drug distribution system

62.Faithful adherence of the instructions given by Physician/pharmacist is called :
(A)Non compliance(B)Pharmaceutical care
(C )Patient counseling(D)Patient compliance

63.Articles published in journals are called :
(A)Primary literature(B)Secondary literature
(C )Tertiary source(D)Abstracting

(A) Cat gut (C ) Surgical gauze
(B)Absorbent cotton
(D)Sanitary Napkins

64.Rate of bioavailability is greatest for :
(A) Capsule(B) Tablet(C ) Suspensions (D) Solution

65.The vitamin which is given in severe cases of alcoholism is :
(A) Ascorbic acid (B) Riboflavin (C ) Thiamine (D) Pyridoxine

66.Hemp is pericyclic fibers obtained from the stem of:
(A) Linum usitatissimum
(C )Cannabis sativa

67.Basic ring present in pethidine is :
(A) Pyrrole(B) Pyridine
(B)Corchorous olitorius
(D)Gossypium herbaceum
(C )Thiophene (D) Quinoline

68.Example for a protein which is used in therapy is :
(A) Adrenaline (B) Hydrocortisone (C ) Insulin(D) Thyroxin

69.Ciprofloxacin belongs to the category of:
(A) Fluoroquinolones(B)Aminoglycosides
(C ) Macrolides(D) Cephalosporines

70.Hetro atoms present in chlorpromazine are :
(A) Nitrogen and Oxygen(B) Sulphur and Oxygen
(C ) Nitrogen Sulphur and Oxygen (D) Nitrogen and Sulphur

71.Major side effect of sodium bicarbonate when used as antacid is : 
(A) Systemic alkalosis(B) Systemic acidosis
(C ) Metabolic alkalosis(D) Metabolic acidosis

72.An example for antioxidant is : 
(A) Sodium bisulphite (C ) Sodium potassium tartrate
(B) Sodium lauryl sulphate (D) Sodium fluoride

73.Radiopharmaceuticals should be stored in :
(A) Aluminium containers(B)Iron containers
(C ) Borosilicate glass containers(D)L ead containers

74.Citric acid is added in the limit test for iron to :
(A)Provide an acidic medium
(B)To react with iron to produce a purple colour
(C )To form a complex with iron to prevent precipitation
(D)to react with add radicals to prevent precipitation

75.Inorganic compound which is used as a dentine desensitiser is :
(A) Calcium carbonate 
(C ) Calcium chloride
(B)Strontium chloride
(D)Calcium hypochlorite

76. Gelatin is chemically :
(A) A complex carbohydrate (C ) Hydrous wool fat
(B)Purified wax
(D)Hydrolyzed collagenous material

77.Concentration of alcohol most effective as bactericidal is :
(A)99%(B)50%(C )70%(D)10%

78.Main drug used for the treatment of syphilis is :
(A)Penicillin G(B)Ampicillin(C )Gentamicin(D)Amikacin

79.Which is the second line drug for Tuberculosis ?
(A)Isoniazid(B)Ciprofloxacin(C )Rifampici(D)Ethambutol

80.Saline cathartics act by :
(A)Stimulating the gastro intestinal mucosa.
(B)Increasing the gastro intestinal motility.
(C )Increasing the osmotic load of the intestinal tract.
(D)Decreasing the gastro intestinal motility.

81.Dr. Hermann Gundert who prepared the first Dictionary in Maiayalam is associated with which of the following Missions ?
(A)Basel Mission(B)Missionaries of Charity
(C )English Charitable Mission(D) Evangelical Mission

82.In which year did Sree Narayana Guru consecrate the Idol of Shiva in Aruvippuram Temple ?
(A)1912(B)1913(C )1888(D)1903

83.Which of the following is not a part of the preamble to the Indian Constitution ?
(A)Socialism(B)Secularism(C )Federalism(D)Republic

84.Who among the following wrote the work 'Athmanuthapam' ?
(A)Vagbhadananda(B)Saint Elias KuriakoseChaavara
(C )Sree Narayana Guru(D)Chattambi Swamikal

85.In which year was the Cochin State Prajamandal formed ?
(A)6 January 1936(B)16 January 1941
(C )12 August 1945(D)8 July 1946

86.The power of Supreme Court of India to decide the dispute between the Centre and States
tails under it's_________ Jurisdiction.
(A)Advisory(B)Appellate(C )Writ(D)Original

87.Who suggested the name 'Abstention Movement" for the same ?
(A)I.C. Chacko(B)C. Kesavan
(C )T.M. Varghese(D)N.V. Joseph

88.Who among the following translated Tagore's 'Gitanjali' for the first time into Malayalam ?
(A)Kumaranasan(B)G. Sankara Kurup
(C )Vallathol(D)S.K. Pottakkad

89.Pick out from the following, the prominent woman leader from Malabar who participated in the Freedom Struggle ?
(A)Akkamma Cherian(B)Anna Chandi
(C )A.V. KuttimaluAmma(D)Thottakkad Madhavi Amma

90.The novelist to have won the 'Jnanpith Award' for the first time from Kerala is __.
(A)G. Sanakara Kurup(B)Thakazhi
(C )S.K. Pottakkad(D)M.T. Vasudevan Nair

91.The members of the State Public Service Commission are appointed by :
(A)Chief Minister(B)Chief justice
(C )Chief Secretary(D)Governor

92.Who among the following was the Chairman of the Guruvayoor Satyagraha Committee ?
(A)K. Kelappan(B)A.K. Gopalan
(C )C. Krishnan(D)Mannathu Padmanabhan

93.Who was the first Vice-Chancellor of KeralaUniversity ?
(A)Sardar K.M. Panicker(B)Joseph Mundasseri
(C )John Mathai(D)M.V. Paili

94.Where is the BRICS Bank being established ?
(A) China(B) India(C ) Brazil(D) South Africa

95.On which date was the National Food Security Act signed into I aw ?
(A)13 September 2013(B)12 September 2013
(C )26 August 2013(D)3 August 2013

96.Who among the following is the present Chairman of The National Women's Commission ?
(A)Mano Sharma(B)Sujatha Singh
(C )Lalitha Kumaramangalam(D)Jayanthy Patnaik

97.Who was the founder of 'Samatwa Samajam' ?,
(A) Ayyankali‘(B) Chattambi Swamikal
(C )Swami Agamananda(D)Ayya Vaikundar

98.Who among the following Keralltes, was the Editor of the Newspaper, 'The Madras
Standard' ?
(A)G.P. Pillai(B)K.P. Kesava Menon
(C )Kumaranasan(D)C.V. Kunjuraman

99.Which Article of the Indian Constitution is related to Presidential Rule in States ?
(A) Article 352(B) Article 356(C ) Article 359(D) Article 360

100.Who is popularly known as the 'Lincoln of Kerala' ?
(A)K. Kelappan(B)Velukkutty Arayan
(C ) A.K. Gopalan(D) Pandit K.P. Karuppan

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