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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.-----------theory states that physical and mental effort at work is as natural as rest or
(A)Expectancy Theory (B)Theory X
(C )Theory, Y (D)Theory Z

2.The cumulative performance of an employee and his superior together is called :
(A)Dual Performance
(B)Dyadic Performance
(C )Key Performance
(D)Synergy Performance

3.The expanded form of BARS is :
(A)Behaviorally Adjusted Rating Scales
(B)Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales -
(C )Behaviorally Accumulated Rating Scales
(D)Behaviorally Appreciated Rating scales

4.-----------method of appraisal study how the employee behaved in crucial situations with respect to performance over a period of time.

(A)Check List Method
(B)Forced Distribution Method
(C )Critical Incident Method
(D)Grading Method

5.Which of the following is not an element of balanced score card?
(A)Learning and Growth Perspective 
(B)Business Process Perspective
(C )Financial Perspective
(D)Creditor's Perspective

6.------------is basically ensuring to have the right people in the right place at the right time.
(A)Career Planning
(B)Succession Planning
(C )Induction

7.The process of gathering information about the job and evaluating such information in terms of what is necessary and relevant is :
(A)Job Design
(B) Job Analysis
(C ) Job Evaluation
(D) Job Description

8.The mental condition of the individuals and groups which determine their willingness to co operate is:
(B) Motivation
(C ) Personality
(D) Emotion

9.-----------is not a method of workers participation in management.
(A)Suggestion Scheme
(B)Works Committee
(C )Quality Circles
(D)Joint Management Councils

10.-----------is used to determine the capacity of an individual to use his fingers and hands in
. industrial work.
(A)Interest Test
(B)Achievement Test
(C )Dexterity Test
(D)Trade Test

11.Which of the following is not an operative function of HRM?
(A) Controlling (B) Procurement
(C ) Development (D) Compensation
Human Relations Approach was originated by : 
(A) Henry Fayol (C ) Gantt
(B) Peter F Drucker (D) Elton Mayo

13.Strategic HRM focus on : 
(A) Results (C ) Planning
(B) Action (D) Goal

14,----------is the process of identifying the individual strength and weakness in order to
better match his/her competency with the job.
(A) Bench Marking
(B) SWOT Analysis
(C ) Competency Mapping
(D) Training Need Analysis

15.----------is the method of analyzing and understanding interpersonal behaviour.
(B)Transactional Analysis
(C )Social Test
(D)Sensitivity Analysis

16.----------is the practice of measuring the quality of something by comparing it with
something else of an accepted standard.
(B)Total Quality Management
(C )Bench Marking
(D)Business Process Reengineering

explains the proper relationship between wages paid for different jobs within a
(A) External Equity
(B) Internal EqualityInternal Equality
(C ) External Equality
(D) Internal EquityInternal Equity used to identify gap in employee training and related training needs.
(A) Human Resource Planning
(B)Strategic HRM
(C ) Training Need Analysis .
(D)Assessment Centre

19.Balanced score card was developed by :
(A) Elton Mayo
(B)Blake and Mouton
(C ) Dr. Kaplan and Norton
(D)Kurt Levin the overall scope of the activities that an individual has to perform.
(A) Key Performance Area
(B) Key Result  AreaKey Result Area
(C ) Performance Appraisal
(D)Performance Management

21.Kaizen means:
(A) Continuous Application
(B) Coutinuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement
(C ) Continuous Evaluation
(D)Continuoua Solution

22.The concept of Plan - Do - Check * Act was introduced by :
(A) Dr. W. Edward Deming 
(B) Victor VroomVictor Vroom
(C ) Henry Fayol
(D)F. W. Taylor

23.In Merrick’s multiple piece rate plans, Employees producing between 83% and 100% of the
output will be paidof the basic piece rate.
(A) 100%
(B) 120%
(C ) 110%
(D) 90%
24.In ancient Greek, Odysseus entrusted hisfriendwith the responsibility of his son Telemachu’s education and development in his absence. This story is related to the concept
(A) Training (B) Education
(C ) Development (D) Mentoring

25.The Payment of Wages Act was introduced in :
(A) 1948
(B) 1936
(C ) 1976

26.---------- training involves the duplication of organizational situations in a learning
(A)Sensitivity Training (B)Vestibule Training
(C ) Simulation Training (D) Apprenticeship Training

27.---------- is designed to provide new
comfortably in the organisation.
(B)Refresher Courses 
(C ) Interview
(D) Selection

28.In-----------minimum wage is guaranteed
(A)Bedcaux Plan (B)Merrick’s Multiple Piece Rate Plan
(C ) Gantt's Task and Bonus Plan (D) Emerson Plan

employees with the information to function

to all employees.
29.----------measure the economic value of people to the organisation.
(A)Human Resource Accounting
(B) Human Resource Audit
(C )Human Resource Management
(D) Capital Budgeting

30.----------is an incentive scheme where employees gain a part of company's profit.
(A)Profit Sharing
(B)Gain Sharing
(C )Employees Stock Option Plan
(D)Workers Participation in Management

31. Which of the following is not an element of job characteristics?
(A)Skill Variety
(B) Task SignificanceTask Significance
(C ) AutonomyAutonomy
(D) OrganisationOrganisation

32.- can be called as the management of persons in an organisation.
(B)Human Resource Management
(C )Recruitment
(D)Personnel Management

33.Which of the following is not a fringe benefit?
(A)Medical Aid
(B)Stock Options
(C )Holiday Homes

34.- are the written records which clearlyspecifies the personal attributes required
perform ajob.
(A)Job Evaluation (B) Job DesingJob Design
(C )Job Description (D) Job Specification

35.-------------is the process allowing the employees to change the nature of the job periodically.
(A)Job Enlargement (B) Job Enrichment
(C )Job Analysis. (D) Job Rotation

36.-----------is something more than minimum wage providing bare necessities of life.
(A) Wage expectation (B) Fair Wage
(C )Living Wage (D) Need based wage

37.Which of the following show the correct sequence of human resource planning?
(A)Forecasting, Inventorying, Anticipating, Planning
(B)Anticipating, Planning, Forecasting, Inventorying
(C )Planning, Anticipating, Inventorying, Forecasting
(D)Anticipating, Inventorying, Planning, Forecasting

38.-----------are the characteristics of an employee that lead to the demonstration of skills and •
abilities which result in effective performance within an occupational area.
(C )Attitude

39.Expectancy theory was formulated by:
(A)Adam Smith
(B)Victor Vroom
(C )Henry Fayol

40.The multi - input approach to performance feedback is called :
(A) Assessment Centre
(B) 360 Degree Assessment
(C ) Critical Incident Method
(D) Forced Distribution Method

41.Concept of laissez faire is :
 (A) Welfare state 
(C ) Hire and fire
(B) Right of the might 
(D) Right of the weak

42.Tripartism means:
(A)Government, Employers and Employees
(B)Union, Employer and Employees
(C )labour Commissioner, Union and Employer
(D)Registered trade union,

43. UDHR 1948 expresses the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of man and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care in:
(A)Article 22.
(B)Article 23
(C )Article 24
(D)Article 25

44. When a banking or an insurance company has its branches in more than one state, the appropriate government in case of an industrial dispute relating to such company is :
(A)Central government
(B)State government of the state in which the headquarters of the company is situated
(C )State in which dispute arose
(D)State in which registered trade union of the company is situated

45.Lay-off is refusal to employ a workman on account of:
(A)Accumulation of stock
(B)Natural calamityNatural calamity
(D)Any other connected reason
(D)All the above

46.Legal strike is:
(A)Stay in strike
(B).Go slow strike
(C )Sympathetic strike
(D)General strike

47.Trade dispute' does not mean any dispute :.
(A)Between employer and workmen
(B)Between workmen and government
(C )Between workmen and workman
(D)Between employees and employers

48.The trade union is registered by registrar of trade unions under the trade unions Act, section
(C )88

49.A registered union shall at all times continue to have not less than 10% or 100 of the workmen, whichever is less subject to a minimum of:
(C )6

50.Section 17 of the trade unions act 1926 confers immunity from liability of a trade union office bearer or member under:
(A)Section 121-A of IPC
(C )Section 120-A of IPC

51.Certifying officer under the industrial employment (standing orders) Act 1946 cannot be a;
(A)Regional labour commissioner
(B)Labour commissioner
(C )Labour court judge
(D)Any other officer appointed by appropriate government

52.The industrial employment (standing orders) Act 1946 applies to every Industrial establishment
(A)Employing 200 or more workmen
(B) Employing 50 or more workmen
(C ) Employing 100 or more workmen
(D) Employing 150 or more workmen

53.Subsistence allowance is paid to a suspended workman by the employer for the first 90 days of suspension at the rate of:
(A)75% of the wages preceeding the date of such suspension
(B)25% of the wages preceeding the date of Buch suspension .
(C )50% of the wages preceeding the date of such suspension
(D)At the discretion of the employer

54.Dependent under workmen compensation Act 1923 excludes :
(A)Widowed daughter
(B)Child in the mother’s womb at the time of the workman's death
(C )Widowed sister
(D)None of the above

55.The following are not wages under the Workmen Compensation Act:
(A)Travelling allowance
(B)Leave carried forward to next year
(C )Contribution paid by employer to any pension
(D)All the above

56.Section 3 of the minimum wages Act 1948 states:
(A)Minimum rate of wages
(B)Procedure for fixing minimum wages
(C )Fixation of minimum rates of wages
(D)All the above deal with fixation of minimum rate of wages

57.The employees state insurance Act 1948 enunciates the benefits under the Act in section :
(A)45 (B)46
(C )48 (D)None of the above

58.Section 61 of the Employees State Insurance Act 1948 bars :
(A)Benefits to be combined
(B)Persons to commutecash benefits
(C )Benefit under other enactments
(D)Benefits from beingattached

59.Section 8 of the payment of wages Act, 1936 provides .
(A)Deduction of wages by court.
(B)Deduction of wages by fine
(C )Deduction of wages for absence from duty
(D)Deduction of wages for damages or loss

60.Deduction which are permissible under the payment of wages Act 1936 from wages is enumerated in section :
(C )6
(D)All the above

61.Which of these is not a manufacturing process under the factories Act 1948?
(A)Bidi making.
(B)Transforming and transmission of electrical energy
(C )Extracting salt from sea water
(D)None of the above

62.Factory docs not include :
(A)10 or more workers are working and a manufacturing process is carried on with the aid of power
(B)20 or more workers are working and a manufacturing process is carried on without the aid of power
(C )Milk factory

68.Safety officers arc required to be appointed in every factory having :
(A)2000 or more workers
(B)500 or more workers
(C )1000 or more workers
(D)1500 or more workers

64.Creches shall be provided in factories where more than 30 women workers are employed under section:
(C )48

65.Section 67 of the factories Act 1948 provides that no child shall be allowed to work if the child has not completed:
(A)15 years of age
(B)14 years of age
(C )17 years of age
(D)16 years of age

66.Calculation of annual leave for an adult is based on one day for every :
(A) 24 days of work
(B) 20 days of work
(C ) 30 days of work
(D) 25 days of work

67.Right to payment of Maternity Benefit is provided under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 in Section:
(C )10

68.International Convention on the rights of child -1989 defines ‘child’ as below the age of:
(A)15 (B)16
(C )18 (D)14

69.The spread over of hours of work of a child under the child labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 should not exceed :
(A)5 hours (B)6 hours
(C )4 hours (D)7 hours

70.Weekly holiday should be given to a child under section :
(A)9 (B)7
(C )8 (D)6

71.The biggest advantage of a company over a partnership is :
(A) Separate personality
(B) Capacity to sue and be sued
(C )Transferable shares
(D)Limited liability

72.Character of a company was first determined in :
(A)Daimler Co. Ltd. Vr Continental tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd.
(B)Saloman V. Saloman
(C )Lee V. Lee's air farming Ltd.
(D)All the above 

73.Which section in the Companies Act 1956 gives birth to a company?
(A)34 (B)33
(C ) 12 (D) None of the above

74.The house of lords applied in Ashbury railways carriage and iron Co. Ltd.  Riche, the principle of:
(A)Doctrine ofultra vires
(B)Lifting of the corporate veil
(C )Compliancewith memorandum
(D)Alteration of objects

75.Section 36 of the companies Act:
(A)Binds the contractual force to the memorandum of association
(B)Binds the company with memorandum and articles
(C )Binds the articles of association on the company and each member
(D)None of the above

76.The rule which had its genesis in royal British Bank V. Turquand is :
(A) Rule of indoor management
(B) Rule of convenience
(C ) Rule of constructive notice
(D) Rule of delegation

77.Shelf prospectus means :
(A)It is confined to a financial institution or bank
(B)It shall not have to file a prospectus every time within a prescribed time
(C )Every time a prospectus will not be issued
(D)None of the above

78. Shareholders can intervene in the general meeting when there is :
(A) Malafide
(B) Board on competent
(C ) Deadlock
(D) All the above

79.United Nations conference on the human environment was held in :
(A) 1972
(B) 1982
(C ) 1985
(D) 1971

80.The national green tribunal was established in :
(A) 2010 (B)2009
(C ) 2008 (D)2011

81.Malabar District Congress committee was formed in the year :
(A) 1910 (B)1908
(C ) 1906 (D)1912

82.The Newspaper Al-Amin was started under the editorship of:
(A) Muhammed Abdul Rahiman
(B)Syed Muhammed
(C ) Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi
(D)Muhammed Firoz

83.The All Kerala Congress provincial conference1931 was held at:
(A) Kozhikode
(B) VadakaraVadakara
(C ) Thalassery
(D) Ottapalam

84.Who was the first president of All Malabar Karshaka Sangham?
(A)K.A. Keraliyan
(B)P. Narayanan Nair
(C )K. Damodaran
(D)P. Krishna Pillai

85.Who was associated with the formation of the kerala unit of the Kisan Mazdur Praja Party?
(A)Pattom Thanu Pillai
(B)C. Govindan Nair
(C )K. Kelappan
(D)K. B. Menon
86.Who among the following personalities was born at the earliest?
(C )Chattampi Swamikal
(D)Narayana Guru

87.The Malabar district Gazetteer was compiled by :
(A)William Logan
(B)William Mac Donald
(C )T. L. Strange
(D)Innes and Evans

88.Article 315 of Indian Constitution is associated with :
(A)Constitution of Human Rights Commission
(B)Constitution of Women Commission
(C )Constitution of Controller and Auditor General of India
(D)Constitution of Public Service Commission

89.The French President the chief guest of 2016 Indian Republic Day celebrations was first arrived at:.
(A) New Delhi
(B) Bombay
(C ) Lucknow
(D) Chandigarh

90.The British company formed a seperate police force called 'Kolkars’ to deal with :
(A) Velu Thampi
(B) Paliath Achan
(C ) Pazhassi Raja
(D) Mappila Uprisings

91.HV Conolly was murdered at:
(C )Thrissur

92.Rourkela Steel plant was setup with the assistance of:
(C )France

93. Guruvayur Satyagraha was started on :
(A) 01. Nov. 1931
(B)01. Oct. 1931
(C ) 01. Sep. 1931
(D)01. Dec. 1931

94.. Who among the following reformers believed in'the yoga system of philosophy?
(A) Vagbhatananda
(C ) Brahmananda Shivayogi
(D) Ananda Thirtha

95.Kerala congress socialist party was formed at:
(A) Kannur
(C ) Calicut' 

96.Morazha incident is associated with :
(A) P. Krishna Pillai
(B)K. B. Menon
(C ) E. K. Nayanar
(D)K. P. R Gopalan

97.Judicial review is the power of:
(A) The President of India
(B)The High Courts
(C ) Central Administrative Tribunal
(D) The Supreme Court of india

98. Family courts were set up in the country in the yearFamily courts were set up in the country in the year :
(A) 1981
(B) 1984
(C ) 1983
(D) 1982

99.The Idea of concurrent list is taken from the constitution of:
(A) Germany
(B) Australia
(C ) USA
(D) Canada

100.Eighty-Fourth Amendment of Indian Constitution was related with :
(A)Formation of three new states
(B)Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
(C )Land reforms
(D)Composition of local bodies

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